1972-04-04 Regular MeetingiQ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - APRIL 4, 1972 - 9~0o n.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox, County Auditor Perry Shepard, County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel.Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order. and asked,Rev. R. Z. Gregory, Pastor, First Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING~ MARCH 20, 1972 - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, minutes of regular meeting of March 20, 19'72, be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING~, MARCH 27. 1972 - Nir. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, minutes of special meeting of March 2'], 1972, be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1970 - Mrs. Janie Straughn, Collector o£ Revenue, presented the followin$ report showing Settle- ment of Tax Collections For 19'70: "March 20, 19~2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 19'70 Charged Per Scroll Supplement Added - Tax Supervisor Corp. E~cess Housing Authority Leww Abatements Interest Collected Advertising Cost Collected ~5,021,884.89 30~993•36 28,010.1'7 i4~,igo.13 14,332.55 $5,242,411.10 - 28,009.58 $5,214,401.52 8,208.80 483.50 ~5,223,093.82 $ Real Estate Sold For Taxes $ Delinquent Personal Property Prepayments Discount Allowed Deposited - Wachovia Bank 1']l , 845 . 54 66,419.02 391,922.47 12,097•33 4.580,942.54 ~ 133•~8 28.'71 2.30 91.64 Over Known Overp~yments Over Remitted Received From New Hanover County Auditor 3/']/'72 10.43 - 10.43 $ .00 (s) Janie B. Straughn. Collector of Revenue" , I"irs. Straughn also reported that as of June 30, 19']1, $149,8'74.']0 had been collected in delinquent ta3ces; leaving a balance due of $2']3,319.~3 as of June 30, 19'71. Mrs. Straughn furnished the Commissioners a list showin~ names of persons who are delinquent in 19'70 Personal Property Taxes. She stated the Collection Office is now in the process of garnishments and of the $66,419.02, approximately 3'7% has been collected. Approximately 450 garnishee slips have been issued for payrolls. Mr. Harriss commended Mrs. Straughn on the fine job she is doing on collection of delinquent ta~ces. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr.~Oxenfeld, that the report be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. SPACE FOR TAX OFFICE - Mr. Powell stated he had looked at several places for space for the Tax Office and the only one that seems suitable is the one owned by Mr. Wm. G. Broadfoot at Fifth and Chestnut Streets. Mr. Harriss stated the Commissioners had all seen the proposed plan submitted to them by Mr. Bowden with his letter of March 28th. (With this letter Mr. Bowden also furnished the Commissioners copy of letter dated March 9th from Mr. Wm. G. Broadfoot, owner of the property, and copy of inemo dated March 22nd from Mr. Powell which contained explanation of the required transfers o£ funds in the Tax Collector's Budget). Mr. Will~iams asked whether it was recommended the County or the owner do the renovation. Mr. Bowden stated the County vrill come out better if it does not have to go through advex~ tising and informal bidding, but add cost of renovation to the lease. Mr. Bowden was of the opinion the County can save a lot of time in moving by letting the owner renovate the building. Mr. Williams questioned advisability of signing contract for five years. Mr. Williams stated he hoped the County would have a Count9 Government Center in less than five years rather than p~y rent. It was the opinion of the other Board members this is not likely. 10~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - APRIZ 4, 1972 - 9~00 A.M: (CONTINUED) SPACE FOR TAX OFFICE (CONTINUED) - Question was asked is there a vault in the building under discussion. Mr. Bowden stated there is not and it has been discussed with the Fire Marshall and with the County Engineer. The County can provide the criteria required for the preservation of the records by the use of two thickness of sheetrock; this is part of renovation which will have to take place. Insofar as security, it will be had with a fire rated door with fuseable links with locks. Mr. Williams inquired servation o£ the records. Oxenfeld asked if it would Mr. Hall inquired abo scroll is on magnetic tape proof storage. ~ahether this will Mr. Bowden stated afford a one-hour zt extra copies of which data proces meet requirements of the State laoi as to pre- when the room is constructed it will. Mr. fire rating. Mr. 8owden stated it would. records being kept. Mr. Powell stated initial sing center has, and paid receipts are in..fire- It was pointed out offices will be on two floors. Mr. Hall inquired concerning cost. Mr. Bowden stated cost will:be ~3.25 Per foot which includes everythin~; heat, air conditioning. lights, and janitorial services. Mr. Williams stated, based on the information the Board has received from Mr. Bowden, it appears, in his mind, that this is the best proposition Mr. Bowden has been able to come up with. Mr. Harriss asked Mr. Fox for an official statement as to authority o£ this Board to conclude a negotiated lease of this type. Mr. Fox stated the Board has the authority. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the Board authorize the Attorney to draw up a lease and the County enter into this lease with the owner of the building effective Ma,y 1, 1972. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bowden commented that this is the first time in many expenditures that the Board has actually been able to add square footage, so to speak, to what used to be the "County" Courthouse. Mr. Harriss stated this is a very good indication of what is happening to local govern- ments everyv,~here; the implementation of programs on the Federal and State level has pushed the County and Cit9 Governments into a lot of things five years ago they did not know existed. Mr. Harriss 'stated he felt removal of the tax oYfices from the Courthouse and City Iiall will work to the advantage of the public. OATH OF OFFICE - MRS. JANIE STRAUGHN, COLLECTOR OF REVENUE - Mrs. Janie S. Straughn, Collector of Revenue, was sworn into office before the Board of Commissioners, by Mr. James G. McKeithan, Clerk of Superior Court. Mrs. Straughn's term of office will expire June 30, 1.973. RECOMMENATIONS - JWENILE SERVICES CENTER - Mr. Ray Grubbs, Administrative Officer, and Judge Gilbert H. Burnett, member of the Study Committee £or the Center, were present. Mr. Grubbs made presentation of recommended personnel for the Juvenile Services Center as £ollows: Director, two Program Counselors, to,o Resident Attendants, one Juvenile Attendant, and one Part-Time Clerk-Typist. Mr. Grubbs stated each position had been studied carefully in assigning grades and ranges. Mr. Harriss pointed out Mr. Bowden and Mr. Grubbs have studied other counties who operate Juvenile Homes. The type of facility is duplicated in Mecklenburg and somewhat in GuilYord. Total cost to New Hanover County Yor salaries amounts to $26,0'72; LEAA Grants $21,180, total $4~,242. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the salary ranges and positions, as recommended by Mr. Grubbs on the sheet presented, be approved with the understanding, of course, that positions will be filled only as the need arises for each position. Mr. Hall stated this matter had been studied thoroughly and suggested the Director be emplo9ed two months prior to completion of building in order for him to add the staff as he sees fit. Mr. Bowden stated applications will be taken for the staf£ing. He also stated the Board has offered the directorship to Mr. Knopf on a first refusal basis because of his in- volvement and the work that has been performed by him and his background. In the event Mr. Knopf refuses, the Board, of course, will be also looking for a director. All other positions will be staffed, and it is hoped some good applications will be received from the County to fill these positions. Chairman Harriss stated it is preferred that persons in the County be hired rather than from other counties or states, however it is to the advantage of the County to get the best person for the job. Mr. Marks expressed his opposition to the recommendations of Mr. Grubbs for the basis of the salaries set up. Nir. Marks stated that Mr. Bowden did examine several counties and the one that is closest to New Hanover County, population-wise, is Wake County. Wake County, with counties involved around it, has population of $169,000, and they occasionally serve people in surrounding counties. New Hanover County, and surrounding counties, has population of 159,000. rir. Marks stated there are actually only about six or seven counties in the State providing these services and none of them are giving complete services that are proposed in New Hanover County. The law does not require New Hanover or any County to provide evaluation and treatment services. The County is not required by law to do aRy more than is now being done for the juveniles in the jail. This is not the most desirable place to have them, but the only criticism is their association with criminals, and the Board agrees. Mr. Marks pointed out, in the jail no evaluative service is rendered there, none is reguired there; and the County has no program counselors there. In the original planning for this center, it was stated the counseling and other servic.es would be rendered by local agencies who are qualified to do it in Neor Hanover County. Mr. Narks pointed out the avera~e stay in New Hanover County of these people, based on last year, is three days. Mr. Marks stated he was not convinced that the juveniles could be helped by evaluation and treating them for a period of only three days. The State furnishes this service to the counties without charge. They have professional people experienced in this area of evaluation and treatment, and they are much better able to ~o~ MINUTES OF THE P4EETING - APRIL 4, 1972 - 9~0o a.M. (CONTINUED) RECOMh1ENDATIONS - JUVENILE SERVICES CENTER (CONTINUED) - do it than the counties are on a limited basis. If the County starts in one direction here in treatment, there is no certainty this will be followed ti,rhen they get to the State in- stitutions. Mr. Marks was of the opinion the Board is responding to sentiment rather than sound judgment. Mr. Marks pointed out Wake Count9 does not require the qualifications of their director as New Hanover County, and the salary of their director is substantially less than what New Hanover County is proposing. Wake County's average census is "5" compared to New Hanover County's average census of "3". Mr. Marks stated the Director in Raleigh is also the Chief Court Counselor and Superintendent of Center at salary of $9600. New Hanover County pro- poses salary of $11,340 with less juvenile occupancy than they had in Ralei~h during the past 12 months. Mr. Marks stated the County is launching on a program of duplicating State services. Mr. Marks asked if the State services are going to be duplicated in this instance, why not in others. Mr. Marks stated he saw no justification for either one of them. Mr. Marks stated there is no criticism on the way services'are handled which does not include pro- posed evaluation and treatment services, and there are no recommendations from the State Board of Social Services that the County provide these services. Mr. Harriss stated he was o£ the opinion Mr. are reasons for doing so. Mr. Harriss stated one a greater census than it does is that the juvenil in jail, not because the County does not kfave the of a~y State services being provided at this time County Juvenile Services. Mr. Harriss was of the certainly provide a way to make better use of any Marks' reasons for not providing services reason New Hanover County does not have ~ authorities are reluctant to put children need. Mr. Harriss stated he did not know that iaill be duplicated by the New Hanover opinion a facility of this type would State services that are furnished. Mr. Marks stated he was in favor of a Detention Center; he was opposed to putting juveniles in jail. Mr. Marks reiterated the State does not require services proposed by the Center in New Hanover County of evaluation and treatment. These services are provided elsewhere by professional people and these are the services the County is duplicating. Mr. Williams stated he was convinced facility should not be just a holding center. It is true the law does not require the program counselors, but he was also convinced the cost to New Hanover County would be the same, or possibly more, if the County did not have the program counselors. The pro~ram counselors, according to those who have studied the situation thoroughly, if not appointed, would not necessarily reduce the total number of people employed. There are some unclassified individuals who have a starting salary of $3500 compared with $5'700 for program counselors. Mr. Williams stated if this is not to be a regional facility, the LEAA funds will not be available. It is being built as a regional facility to serve four counties. If the LEAA assistance grants were deducted, and the same number of personnel maintained, the cost to New Hanover County would be much greater than it will under the program. Mr. 4dilliams was of the opinion three days mi$ht not seem like a lot of time, but he felt it could do a lot of damage to an individual confined to a juvenile detention center. Judge Burnett stated outside services will be coordinated in the center whereas this could not be done in jail. Mr. Bowden stated speaking o£ averages, this is not true for everyone, some will be detained much longer. Fors9th County had one to remain for nearly six months. , Mr. Marks stated he was in favor of what Judge Burnett said about bringing in community resources. Mr. Marks stated by doing this, he felt the Program Counselors could be eliminated. rir. Harriss stated the Countg is not relinquishing control of hiring people; if the Center is oversta£fed, this will be corrected. Mr. Hall was of the opinion it was not a question of complying with the law, but what the Board feels is ~ood for the community and felt the Board should go ahead with it. Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out this is a 24-hour facilit9 and there will have to be attendants present at all times. Mr. Grubbs stated it-is a 24-hour, seven days a week facility and the matter was care- fully studied. Mr. Grubbs has drawn up a tentative•schedule £or seven days for the three shifts, and he sees~no way to reduce personnel. If one or two program counselors were cut out, same number o£ part time attendants would have to be hired which would increase cost to the County. Mr. Grubbs stated this is a minimum personnel staff that can operate the Center. It was pointed out part time attendants are not paid by LEEA grants. Vote was called on motion. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Marks voted "No". RENOVATION OF COURTHOUSE - RECOMMENDATIONS ON BIDS - Mr. John Jefferies, Architect, advised the Board he could not give full report due to the fact that only two electrical bids were receieed on March 30th. Bids have been readvertised and will be opened on April llth. Mr. Jefferies stated he will have recommendations~upon receipt of electrical bids. Actson was deferred until electrical bids are received. LEASE RENEWAL - CAPE FEAR TUBERCUTASIS AND RESPIRATORY DISEASE ASSOCIATION - Mr. Bowden stated the Cape Fear Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association had advised they will need only one-half its present office space after May 1, 19']2. They are now paying $150 per month. Mr. Bowden stated he had suggested rent be reduced to $125 per month. Mrs. glemm, E~cecutive Director, has agreed to this. Mr. Bowden stated he had advised Mrs. Klemm he would recommend to the Board it not require the Association to relocate their equipment to one-half the space now used, until a need developes for these offices. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board accept recommendations of the County Administrator and that rent be reduced to $125 per month. Motion carried unanimously. ~Ue~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - APRIL 4, ~972 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINU~D) APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS - MEDICAI, EX~INERS - Mr. Shepard advised the Board the $6,000 budgeted for Medical Examiners has been exhausted and $5,000 will be needed for the remainder of the fiscal year. Mr. Shepard suggested appro- priation of this amovnt to come from the General Contingency ~znd. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Aall, fb5,000 be appropriated to the Medical Examiners, funds comin~ from the General Contingency ~znd. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - 60CIAL SERVICES DEPARTPIENT - Request £rom Miss Lela Moore Hall, Social Services Director, to transfer $3'760 from Medical Indigent-In Patient (13.418) to Medical Indigent-Transportation (13.422) was pre- sented to the Board. Justification was asked for this transfer. Mr. PTarks stated he would get the information when meeting recessed. - Mr. Williams suggested to Mr. Shepard when requests for appropriations or transfers are received by him without reasons for requests, they be returned requesting reasons in writing. Mr. Harriss requested Mr. Sowden write all department heads setting this out. Nir. Marks contacted Miss Hall who stated request raas based on unanticipated cost for ambulance charges, transporting older people to rnur"sing homes (some out of the County) and transporting bhildren to correctional institutions after sentencing by the Judge. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, approval of the transfer. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS - COURTHOUSE LIGHTS AND P041ER - Mr. Shepard advised $2200 is needed for remainder of fiscal year for lights and power in the Courthouse and suggested appropriation be made £rom the General Contingency Fund. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of the appropriation of $2200 for lights and power at the Courthouse, funds to come from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION - COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTE (DUMPSTER COIIRTHOUSE) - Mr. Shepard advised $250 will be needed for collection of solid waste (dwnpster Courthouse) £or remainder of fiscal year and suggested appropriation be made from the General Contingency Fund. Mr. ~xenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of appropriation o£ $250 for collection of solid waste (dumpster Courthouse), £unds coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. DISCOUNT ON TAXES - Mr. Shepard stated minutes of January 17, 19'72 stated the Board approved he allow 1% discount on prepaid taxes for month of August through August 30, 19'72. Mr. Shepard requested this be throu~h August 31, 1972• Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, 1% discount be allowed for prepayment of taxes durin~ month of August through August 31, 19'72. Motion carried unanimously. BID OPENInTG PICK-UP TRUCK - HEAI,TH DEPARTMENT - Bids were received and opened as follows: Port City Chr:vsler-Plvmouth. Inc.: Bid Bond $155•95 ~o~t of Bid $3,059 plus Sales Tax $60.18 Total Bid $3,119.18 - del. 45 to 60 days Cabe Fear Ford: Bid Bond $150.00 Amount of Bid $2,889.35 plus Sales Tax $5~.79 Total Bid 9b2,94'].14 Bid from Cape Fear Ford did not meet speci£ications - truck not equipped with heavy duty rear springs. Mr. Fox stated bid could not be accepted because it does not meet specifications. Tom Reich Chevrolet, Inc.: Bid Bond $149.63 Amount of Bid $2,994.26 plus Sales T~ $59•8$ Total Bid $3,053.14 - del. 6 to 8 ~,~eeks Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, these bids be referred to the County Administrator and County Attorney for their evaluation and awarding to lowest bidder meeting specifications. Mr. Fox pointed out check received from the Port City Chr9sler-Plymouth, Inc. was not certified and by law bid does not meet specifications. Mr. Marks made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that contract be awarded to Tom Reich Chevrolet Company for $3,053.14. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld was excused from the meeting at this time. Meeting recessed at 10:10 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:25 A.M. SANITARY LANDFII,L OPERATION - Dr. Knox joined the meeting for discussion oS Sanitary Landfill operation. Mr. Hugh Perr~, Town Clerk of Wrightsville Beach, and Mr. H. P. Woodard.; Jr., member of Board of Aldermen at Wrightsville Beach, were also present. Mr. Bowden stated Dr. Knox had brought to attention last week it is necessary more pro- ,~ gress be made in either one or two fields, franchising field, or the County taking over the operation. Mr. Bowden stated he sent the Commissioners a letter dated February 14th and one since ~hex~ to ask that the Board make a decision that he did not feel would be contrary to the com- prehensive planning that had been asked for. ~~~1 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRIL 4, 1972 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) SANITARY T.IiNDFILL OPERATION (CONTINUED) - Mr. Bowden stated he had unofficial communication with some people from the State Board of Health who have been dealing with other regions, and they informed Dr. Knox, Mr. Cranford and him that comprehensive.planning grant money is presently unavailable. A reguest has been made Por the grant to go ahead and study the County as the Board directed. It is going to be several~ months before anything materializes from the.results of the study assuming the County gets the money. In the meantime, Dr. gnox has a July 1, 1972 deadline that the County will have to do certain things in order to comply with the County's existing land£ills. Mr. Bowden read letter from Mr. Sidney H. Usry u~~ho visited Dr. Knox recently. Mr. Usry referred Dr. Knox to a large number oY rules in a booklet which have to be complied with. To meet these requirements will require a large budget. Mr. Bowden requested the Board consider proceeding with advertising the proposal that was drawn up bg the committee it appointed ~,~ith the municipalities, Nir. Cranford, Planning Department, Countg Engineer and him. Mr. Bowden asked the Board to proceed to advertise for a private contractor to take over this and to do it today because of the time element. At least six months will have to be allowed for the operator to come in, find land and set up after he makes his own surveys. Mr. Bowden pointed out the City of lailmington has just about run out of time, and the County is doing likewise. Mr.~Bowden stated there were three areas the committee (appointed by the Board of Commis- sioners) could not concur with regarding method of defraying cost of operation. Mr. Bowden stated the committee made suggestion on charging rates, and that the user pa9; perhaps down to the individual users. The committee could not concur on collection o£ dis- posal fee - Mr. Bowden stated he did not think the County should be involved with a private contractor's disposal fees. Mr. Bowden felt'compa~y should receive all disposal fees for their remuneration, and it be done on a cubic yardage or a tonnage basis. 1`'ir. BoV~den stated these recommendations were made to the Board. Proposal was prepared early in February. It is necessary that something be done as Dr. Knox is going to have to present his Board with budget considerations, if the Board is not going to proceed with allowing a private contractor to do it. Question was asked by Mr. Williams if the Board advertised for bids would it include municipalities. Mr. Bowden stated the municipalities caanted the County to operate the land- fills and he felt the State Board of Health ~aould probably allow the type of operation the committee proposed. Mr. Bowden stated the less landfills in a county of this size, the better off the County is going to be from standpoint o£ water tables, and the restricted areas, etc. Dr. gnox stated the July lst deadline is going to put the City's landfill out of business, and somebody must provide a place for this material to go. Mr. Bowden stated he has received names of qualified bidders as a courtesy sent from the State whom they recognize as being competent. Mr. Bowden stated what is needed is determination by the Board on the three areas the committee could not agree on. Mr. Harriss read the three proposasl: (1) The County levy a Cou.nty-wide tax to cover the operation allowing everyone to use the landYill on a no-charge basis. (2) On a user pa,y basis either by weight.or volume requiring every user of the landYill to pay. . (3) On a user pay basis either by weight or volume requirin$ every user to pay except private~•.citizens haulin~ to the landfill using their private automo- biles or station wagons. Mr. Williams objected to exception referred to at the end of Proposal No. 3. This would encourage an individual to go out and dump at no charge and not use commercial service while all other people are paying. Mr. Harriss asked the County Attorney if the Board has authority to make an Anti-Dumpin~ Ordinance to provide a stiff fine for persons dumping on highways. Mr. Fox stated the State has such an ordinance. Mr. Fox was inclined to believe the County could not adopt such an ordinance pertaining to State Highways. Mr. Harriss i~~as of the opinion it would eliminate dumping on highways if people knew they could go in some place and put out trash, refrigerators, etc. without having to pay for it. One of the biggest problems is to educate the public to use the landfills. Mr. Fox stated it is a misdemeanor to put trash on any public street whether State Highway or anywhere. Mr. Williams stated it appeared the Board is in general agreement with how the advertise- ment should run and the user should pay. The guestion seems to be as to whether or not an individual should be able to dump his trash free, if he hauls it himself, at the expense of other people. Nr. Harriss stated everyone has the privilege of hauling their own trash under the proposal. Nir. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Board adopt Item 3, user pay policy either by weight or volume reguiring every user to pay except private citizens hauling to the landfill using their private automobiles or station wagons, and the County Administrator be authorized to proceed with the advertisement £or bids on this basis. Mr. 4loodard, member of the Board oP Aldermen oP Wrightsville Beach v~as in agreement with Mr. Williams about private citizens hauling their own trash. He did not feel anyone should be allowed to use landfills free. Nir. Woodard was of the opinion a~yone using the landfill should pay for it. Mr. ldoodard stated this would have to be decided on before budget time. Question of whether proposed contractors would be willing to buy present equipment be- longing to municipalities was discussed. Mr. Woodard did not think this would be a~ood idea, since contract with outside people might not be for any longer period than two years. Mr. ~ Woodard was of the opinion the County should be in full control of landfills, since it would not be operating for a pro£it. ~ Yu`x MINUTES OF THE MEETING - APRIL 4, 1972 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) SANITARY LANDFILI, OPERATION (CONTINUED) - Mr. Harriss stated one of the problems is that the County would have to bu~ additional equipment and this would cost about $40,000 or 9b50,000 additional to operate satisfactorily. Also, the County would have to furnish personnel which has not been satisfactory in the past. Mr. Harriss stated the Board wished to get the job done just as cheap as it can, and with the experience the County has had so far, the Board feels like maybe getting a good experienced private contractor to handle it might be cheaper than i£ the County tries to run it. Mr. Woodard stated the Count9 is throwing the problem on the City of Wilmington and the municipalities by contracting the job. Mr. Harriss stated it had not been decided yet. Mr. Harriss further stated if bids are received that are substantially greater than the Board thinks the County can do it, then the County will certainl9 not contract for the operation. If it is about the same or less than the County thinks it can do it, the County will contract it. The County will have to supervise, inspect, and control the person who operates the landfills. If the operator proves to be unsatisfactory, his contract will have to be rescinded. The County will still bear some responsibility. Mr. Harriss stated it was his feeling the County should go ahead and get bids. It does not have to be decided now whether to allow private citizens to use the landfills free or to charge everyone. This can be provided as an alternate in the bidding. With this in mind Mr. Harriss withdrew his second to Mr. Marks' motion. Mr. Marks then withdrew his motion. Mr. Woodard requested a meeting of all municipalities with the Board of Commissioners before anything is settled. He stated he felt strongly this should be a County tax raise. Mr. Harriss suggested when information is obtained the different Boards meet and discuss the matter based on figures in hand. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board of Commissioners authorize advertising for bids for the County landfill operation to those people recommended by the State with two bases for the bids; one that everyone be charged and the other that those private individuals haulin~ their own trash in their o~an vehicles be permitted to use the landfill without charge. Motion carried unanimously. TESTING OF PRIVATE WELLS - Mr. Williams reguested Dr. Knox to give consideration to possibility of requirin~ periodic testing of private wells for health safety purposes. Dr. K.nox stated.his department would make a study, but pointed out if this were approved it would require additional funds and personnel, because the water would have to be collected by the Health Department in order to obtain proper specimens for testing. COLLECTION OF OUTSTANDING BILLS FOR USE OF LANDFIZZS - Mr. Shepard brought to the attention of the Board difficulty his office is having in collecting for use of the land£ills by small users. rir. Fox stated bills are small and would not support litigation. Mr. Bowden stated he would hope the Board will be franchising the collector shortly a£ter the Board decides on what is going~to be done with the landfill operation, because franch]:sing collector is the only way to protect collector as well as the citizen to see that pick-up is guaranteed in less dense areas. APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES - This matter was deferred until the next meeting so as to become better informed as to museum program. APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO IA4TER CAPE FEAR WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY - Mr. jJilliams moved, seconded by 1'ir. 1`Zarks, that Mr. Bruce B. Cameron be reappointed to serve on the Lower Cape Fear Water and Se~aer Authority for a period of six years. Motion carried unanimously. . FORMAL APPROVAL OF DATES FOR MEETINGS OF BOARD OF EQ.UALIZATION AND REVIELv - Nir. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall,.the Board of Equalization and Review meet on April 26, 27 and 28, 19']2 as requested tiy Mr. Powell. Notion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded.by Mr. Marks, the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs