1972-04-17 Regular Meeting:,y; '±'r `•: `<„ : MINUTES OF THE MEETING - APRIL 1'7, 1972 - 9:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building tiaith the following present; Chair- man Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. ~n'illiams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry 6hepard, County Administor Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Attorney James C. Fox was absent. INVOCATION Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Guy T. Robinson, Pastor, ' Church o£ God of Prophecy, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING APRIL 4, 1972 - Mr. Oxen£eld requested correction on Page 2, third paragraph. Last sentence should read: "... it will be had with a fire rated door with fuseable links with locks." Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimousl~. REPORT ON TAX COI,LECTIONS FOR MARCH, 1972 - Mr. Larry Powell, Tax kdministrator, and Mrs. Janie Straughn, Collector of Revenue, were present £or this report. Mrs. Straughn presented report on tax collections Sor the month of March, 19~2 as folloors: Charged Per Scroll $5,405,684.48, Added-Tax Supervisor $11'7,365.48, Supplement $']3,640.62, Corp. Excess $168,865.65, total $5,765,556.23, Less Abatements $1'7,162.69, Balance On Books $5,748,3g3.54; Collections During March $100,601.22, Prepayments $33'7,618.49, Collections During August through February ~4,961,0'73.86, Total Collections $5,399,293•57; leaving Balance to be Collected on Levy ~349,099•97- Mrs. Straughn.pointed out that through March 93•9 percent of the levy has been collected which represents the highest percentage ever collected to date. Mr. Shepard stated the 19']1-~2 budget was prepared based on anticipated collection of 94 percent o£ the tax levy vahich was an increase of 1 percent over prior fiscal year. Mr. Williams stated the budgets have been prepared in the past based on conservative estimates which has kept the County in good financial condition over the past years and recommezided con- tinuation of this practice. Mr. Shepard stated the tax base was 689 million dollars this year and he is hoping the tax base will be around 715 million dollars next year. , PSrs. Straughn reported back taxes collected during March amounted to $13,860.29 bringing total collected to date to $93,']04.25; leavin~ balance uncollected of $350,3'79.4'7. Delinquent Personal Taxes collected during March amounted to $2,989•65 bringing total collected to date to $26,120.88. Mr. Harriss commended Mr. Powell and Mrs. Straughn on the record of collections; par- ticularly Nirs. Straughn who has done a tremendous job in working with the personnel she has had and a situation which needed a lot of research and forceful action. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that report on tax collections for March, 19'72, presented by Mrs. Straughn, be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. DATE FOR STAFFING .NVENILE SERVICES CENTER - Mr. Ray Grubbs, Administrative 0£ficer, advised the Board Mr. Ballard of Ballard, McKim and Sawyer, Architects, had informed him today the Juvenile Services Center would be completed on August 1, 19~2. Mr. Ballard stated this date is based on assumption the suppliers will fulfill their obligations on the dates they have given. Mr. Grubbs stated Mr. Ronald Knopf had accepted the position of Director o£ the Center, • and, as instructed by the Commissioners, employment date to start 60 days prior to the opening of the Center r~rhich now is assumed to be August lst. Mr. Knop£ will, therefore, begin his duties on June 1, 19']2. Mr. Shepard stated there is approximately $3500 left in the budget for the Center. Mr. Shepard also stated he felt matching LEAA funds should not only cover salaries for the pro- fessionals but should also cover fringe benefits, social security, retirement and hospitali- zation. Discussion was held as to whether or not LEAA orill pay salary of Mr. Knopf for the time he is employed during this £iscal year. Mr. Grubbs was of the opinion Mr. Knopf oaould be.a County employee, therefore only matching amount would be available. Mr. Grubbs stated some other positions will probably be filled on July 1, 1972. OVERTIl~fE PAY .SHERIFF' S DEPARTr`iENT Mr. Grubbs presented request received from the Sheriff for overtime pay in amount of $1,0'78.16 for members of the Sheriff's Department incurred while assisting the 4lilmington Police Department on February 2'7, February 28, and March 1, 19~2. Mr. Grubbs pointed out it was impossible to allow compensatory time and maintain proper operation. Question was raised by Mr. Harriss whether proper request was received from the Wilmington Police Department in order for the County to charge this overtime to the City. Mr. Bowden stated in the past the County had not charged the City (nor the City charged the County) since they are going outside their limits under the "Reciprocal Agreement", and the County is going into the schools in the City and elsewhere as requested. ~._ `.M•r_. Hall_moved~, seconded` by`~Mr. Oxenfeld, the Board approve payment of overtime in the amount of $1,0~8.16 to members of the Sheriff's Department according to..schedule outlined by Mr. Grubbs, funds to come from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bowden stated this will not be all of the overtime, because he had noticed some of the men in the Jail had not been included. This has been called to the Sheriff's attention and he will submit re9uest for overtime for these men. ~u~ MINUTES OF THE P~ETING - APRIL 1'], 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (COIQTINUED) ADDITIONAL II"fE'IAYEE FOR INSPECTION OFFICES - Mr. Grubbs presented request from Mr. Richard Epling, County En ineer, for an additional employee in the Inspection Offices (Clerk-Typist I, Salary Grade 51 ~Minus 1), Salary $4176 per year). Mr. Grubbs stated a person employed under EEA is presently working three days a week in the Inspection Of~ices, but there is a need for a£ull time employee. Mr. Grubbs stated this is a reouest for a permanent employee. Reasons for need for an additional employee is due to addition of Courthouse Maintenance and Custodial Staff, Parks and Cemeteries Division, County Garage and Engineering Department Head being added to the Inspection Services Department. Mr. Hall pointed out when the County takes over inspections vaithin the one-mile area there will be additional work. Mr. Grubbs pointed out this request is not based on this assumption but on the present need. Mr. 47illiams inquired if an additional employee will help the administration in the office; i.'f it will eliminate the necessity for persons having to go to so many different places and take up so much time getting their permits. Mr. Bowden pointed out additional work load had been thrown on the two employees in the office by the duties of the County Engineer who is in charge of Courthouse Maintenance, Parks and Cemeteries, County Garage as well as the inspection offices. People that have to apply for construction permits will still have to ~o or call the Planning Department to check on planning and zonin~; Health Department, to get a well or septic tank per.mit; and to the Inspection Offices to get the other permits. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board authorize the employment of the additional person to be classified as a Clerk-Typist I at Salary of $41~6 per year, £unds to come from Salaries Budget within the Inspection Department. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss commented he thought the County had come a long way in the past few months in providing convenience to the public by consolidating the number of places they have to go down to three instead o£ five or six and felt the County could even do better. Mr. Harriss inquired if, with one other additional employee, one application could be taken for all three departments at one location. Mr. Borrden did not think it was feasible since the Clerk ~,~ould have to call the Health Department on questions she could not answer. PYr. Bowden was of the opinion the operation is just about as streamlined as it can get. P'ir. Harriss inquired what steps are being taken toward consolidation of County Inspection Offices with City Inspection Of£ices. Mr. Bowden stated none pending outcome of vote in November on consolidation of City and County Governments. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. PROGRE6S REPORT ON REGISTRATION - Mr. William McEachern, Chairman, Board of Elections, and Mrs. Ann Cochran, Member of Board of Elections, appeared before the Board to give progress report on recent registration drive. Mr. McEachern stated he felt the Commissioners deserved most of the credit because they were really the initiators of the action and provided the funds. During the drive 2,612 persons were registered by going to Cape Fear Tech, New Hanover High School, Hoggard High School, UNCk~, General Electric Company, Star-nTews, and some e£forts by organizations, churches, etc. In addition 3,500 voters,were registered in the office. In about a four weeks period about 6,000 ne~i voters were added to the books. Mr. McEachern stated v~hen ever9thing is totaled he felt like there would be between 38,000 and 40,000 voters on the books compared to the 31,000 to 32,000 now on the books. Mr. McEachern stated he £elt like the County has approximately ']5% of the eighteen, nineteen and twenty year olds in the County registered. It was pointed out people can continue to register, but they o~ill not be eligible to vote in the next primaries. Mr. McEachern stated he felt New Hanover County did an outstanding job and was in step with other registration going on in the State. rrs. Cochran stated with the extra amount of work, no one anticipating the law would be changed to allow peisons'.'to...register after on19 30 days residency, and law would be changed on absentee ballots, and the terri£ic number of people coming in from outside because o£ the increased interest in registration, Mrs. Rehder feels she is going to need five people for £ive days for the next two weeks to get the cards processed. Mrs. Cochran stated there are no funds allocated for this. She pointed out operating expenses have been less since the County has had a full time office. Mrs. Cochran suggested funds be allocated for advertising a registration drive during the summer rather than piling everything up at the time of election when there are so many difficulties in getting just the mechanics of the election underway. Mrs. Cochran commended Mrs. Rehder and staff riorking with her for their efficiency in the registration drive. Mr. McEachern stated he did not come in requesting additional funds today; there might not be a run-off in the primary. Mr. Oxenfeld reminded Mr. McEachern the cards would have to be processed before the primar9. Mr. McEachern stated the job was being done, and the money had not run out yet; he will be back when it does. Mr. Harriss stated the Board owes Mr.,McEachern, Mrs. Cochran, Mrs. Rehder and the other staff a vote of thanks for their efPicient~and successful registration drive. By common consent of the Board, Mr. Harriss informed Mr. McEachern of the Board's support in any additional registration processing efforts he has to make in the next two weeks. REPORT ~N BIDS - RENOVATION OF COURTHOUSE - Mr. John Jefferies advised the Board bids £or electrical work had been readvertised and received, and he was able to give report on results of all bids today. Mr. Je£feries recommended bids of Miller Building Corporation, Cape Fear Electric and Jordan-Blanton P~yers be accepted divided according to the phases of ~,~ork as follows: General Maintenance: Miller Building Corporation $9602, Cape Fear Electric ~~329, Jordan-Blanton- I`~yers $13,8']6, plus 10% Architect's fee 9b3,081, total $33,888; Court of Justice: Miller Building Corporation $11,~36, Cape Fear Electric $9328, Jordan-Blanton-Myers $12,809, plus 10% Architect's Fee of $3,387, total $3'7,260, Gr.and Total $71,148. ~1U MINUTES OF THE MEETING - APRIL 1~, 1g~2 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) ttr,tvRT ON BIDS - RENOVATION OF COURTHOUSE (CONTINUED) - Mr. Shepard recommended $33,888 come from General Fund Balance and $3~,260 from the Court of Justice F~uid. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that Mr. Jefferies' recommendations be accepted with provision that funds come from the sources recommended by Mr. Shepard. Motion carried unanimously. " Mr. Jefferies stated work schedule for the renovations will have to be worked out to suit everyone. WRECKER SERVICE FEE FOR GEORGE T. POWELL Mr. Shepard stated he tiaas in receipt of a bill £rom Mr. George T. Powell in amount of $66.20, vahich included a wrecking service charge of $10.00, incurred at.Duke Hospital while he was transporting a client for the Social Services Department. His car N~as removed from an illegal parking space. After discussion it was pointed out mileage of ten cents per mile is allowed by the County £or travel and covers everything having to do with expense of a person's car. Nr. Shepard paid only $56.20, and Mr. Powell is requesting the $10.00 which was deducted. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the $10,00 wrecker fee be disallowed. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Marks voted "No". TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - Mr. Shepard presented the following requests for transfers and appropriations: Jail - Stationery General Contingency (Jail Report Sheets and Other Printing Matter) ~ CFTI Motor Vehicle Operations E~pense CFTI Unanticipated State Revenue, N.C. (Rec'd from N.C. State for Operations- No County Funds involved) Jail Capital Outlay General Contingency " (Purchased a chair for"Jailer Assistant) Bookmobile - Operation General Contingency (For monthly operations thru June, 19']2 estimated & County Garage Repairs) General Insurance General Contingency (Current additional billing on £ire insurance ) N. C. Sports Hall of Fame General Contingency (Expenditure authorized by Board.- Failed to make appropriation) City-County Owned Property Unanticipated Revenue Sale of Land to George I.osak (County rec'd $1400 full amount - disbursed $868 to City for their share) Auditor - Capital Outlay Auditor's Office - Salary Account (Required in order to furnish desk & Chair $280, Typewriter $416, Adder $200 for one additional employee for Auditor's Office) Professional Se'rvices'- Commissioners General Contingency (Required for Attorney fees, Surveys for 19']2. On Hand $12,'7g2, Required $18,425, Difference $5,633 remainder of year) • To $ 100.00 1,531.97 53.10 ~ 330.00 100.00 1,000.00 868.00 goo.oo 6,000.00 From ~6 100.00 1,631.97 53.10 330.00 100.00 1,000.00 868.00 900.00 6,000.00 Mr. Bowden stated about 9b1,000 will be needed to have survey made of old cemetery tract. This amount is included in Mr. Shepard's req_uest for appropriation for professional services outlined above. Mr. Williams moved, seconded b9 Mr. Oxenfeld, the trans£ers and appropriations requested by Mr. Shepard be approved. Motion carried unanimously. REPAIR6 IN SUPERIOR COURT ROOMS -' • Mr. Bowden stated he and Mr. Epling are working on contract prices for work in the Superior Court Room on the jury box and seats. ADDITIONAI, FUNDS FOR ADVERTISING Mr. Ed Menke of the Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Board requesting additional funds in amount of $,3,000 for County Advertisin~. Mr. Menke reminded the Board this amount was included in budget request last year but was reduced by the Commissioners with under- standing if it were needed the Committee would come be£ore the Board and request it. Ad- vertisements placed in TV Guide are swamping the Chamber thus requiring two or three additional employees at the Chamber to stuff Azalea Coast Kits. Also, additional brochures are needed. 1 ~-~. MINUTES OF THE MEETING -?~RII, 1'7, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (COIvTINUED) ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR ADVFRTISING ~CONTINUED) - Mr. Menke stated the $2'],000 budgeted is buying fewer ads, but the response is greater due to different approach. Mr. Harriss pointed out this is the County's Advertising Budget for which the Chamber takes the responsibility of conducting at a considerable savings to the County. It has been mistakenly thought in the past the County was giving the Chamber of Commerce money for their program but this is the County's program. Mr. Williams stated, as the Board of Commissioners' representative on the Advertising Committee, he recommends the appropriation of $3,000 as requested. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that up to y~3,000 be appropriated to the Advertisin~ Budget, funds coming from Unanticipated Funds, Interest on Investments. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL SUBDNISION PI,AT. PELICAN POINT ESTATES~ SECTION 2- Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, presented plat of the above subdivision. Approval is recommended by the Planning Commission after review by the Subdivision Review Committee. Subdivision is located of£ o£ Masonboro Loop Road between Sound View Road and Holiday Hills Drive. Pelican Point Road is already on the State System, so improvements required of developer are minor and have been taken care o£. This section has been approved by the Highaaay Commission, Soil Conservation Service and Plannin~ Commission. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board approve Plat of Section 2 of Pelican Point Estates and the Chairman be authorized to sign it. Motion carried unanimously. 235 HOUSING - Mr. Marks suggested to Mr. Mallory the Planning Department take a look at the quantity of 235 houses being built in this area and questioned ~,~hether the Planning Department should not delay approvin~ numbers in the interest of seeing whether there are more permanent residents than seems to be apparent at this time. Mr. Marks stated he vaas afraid of a substantial number of these type homes becoming vacant when owners find they need additional funds for repairs. Mr. Harriss suggested a good look at the Building Code to see if sub-standard housing is being allowed. Mr. Mallory stated the bdilmington Housing Authority has been concerned about what housing programs they need to orient themselves to. They have requested the Department o£ Housing and Urban Development to do a housing marketing analysis of this area. This report is in process, and it should be completed within 30 days, The Planning Department should get some information from them which should give indication o£ how they see the picture o£ supply and demand of 235 housing. It is necessary to go beyond the City to get true picture of the area. Mr. Mallory stated there are certainly some improvements in subdivisions the Planning Commission would like to see, but based on the restraints they face b9 the State Enabling Legislation for Subdivisions authorizing subdivision control in the counties, the Planning Department cannot really require developers to go beyond the point they are now. The Planning Commission has made some FHA officials aware of some of the problems that exist in New Iianover County, and the FHA is concerned. The Planning Commission feels it will see additional re- quirements that will be required by FHk. Things are moving in this direction. Mr. Mallory stated you cannot control rrhat type homes a developer will build in a sub- division when it is approved. Mr. Harriss and Mr. Marks expressed concern over whether the houses will last the life of the mortgage. APPOINTMENT MEMBER SOUTHEASTERN MENTAL HEALTH CEATTER - Mr. Harriss presented reauest from the Southeastern Mental Health Center for appointment of a member to its Advisory Board to replace Rev. Jerome Jones who has not attended meeting for more than a year. Name of Mr. 4Tallace Yates was submitted. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. Yates be appointed to serve the unexpired term of Rev. Jones which expires in 19']4. Motion carried unanimously. RECOMME~DATIONS FROM COM1°fITTEE kPPOINTED TO STUDY MEDICAL BILLS FOR TREATMENT OF PRISONERS HELD IN THE NEk' HAIQOVER COUNTY JAIL - Mr. Bowden stated meeting tiaas held with the following present: Mrs. Edens, representing County Auditor, Mr. William Morrison, Mr. Frank Pritchett, Captain Joe Johnson, Commissioner Williams and himself. A very lengthy discussion was held on better communication between the Emergency Room at New Hanover Memorial Hospital and the County concerning method o£ payment. It was agreed the hospital would be willing to change some of their procedures and the following was concluded: (1) Prisoners brought to New Hanover Memorial Hospital Emergency Room will receive emergency treatment, and the o££icer bringing them there is to receive a statement of charges at that time. He in turn raill present this to the Magistrate when persons are brought dotan for warrant. The Magistrate will be requested to include this statement in the warrant envelope and the Judge o~ill be asked to include this statement as part of the £ine. (2) For prisoners that have been hospitalized for some time, hospital cannot run bill through computer, but they agreed to give officer a hand typed statement of charges. The officer will be reouested to turn these statements over to the Jailer, who in turn will expeditiously turn them over to the Judge trying the case. Mr. Williams stated the hospital agreed they would make ef£ort to collect money on the spot if patients had funds, and in event they do not pay cash, try to get hospital insurance information. ~~N MINUTES OF THE MEETING - APRIZ 1'], 1972 - 9:0o n.M. (CONTINUED) RECONMENDATIONS FROM COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO STUDY MEDICAL BILLS FOR TREATMENT OF PRISONERS HELD IN THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY JAIL (CONTINUED) - Mr. 4~'illiams felt the Hospital ~,jill be better off as well as the County. It was pointed out anyone not paying their bill, the cost is passed on, necessarily so, to those patients who do pay their bills. Mr. ~arks brought up question of whether the County will pay bills for persons carried to the hospital by persons other than the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Marks stated the Police Department sometimes takes persons there. Mr. Williams stated the agreement is that the County will not be billed for persons other than those provided for under the General Statutes. Also, the hospital will have to work out payment with the persons involved. PARKING - NE4,~ HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - . Mr. Hall stated, as a member of the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital, he was presenting problem of parking at the hospital. People park in unauthorized places which is creating a real problem. Mr. Hall felt a county ordinance is what the hospital needs. This would have to be approved by the City to get cooperation o£ the City Police for tagging. The Junk Ordinance takes care of towing away but there is no tagging ordinance, and this is what is needed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board of County Commissioners in- struct the County Attorney to consult with the City Attorney, Neoa Hanover Memorial Hospital Attorney, Sheriff, and/or others, and prepare draft of an ordinance that will control parking by tagging and/or towing of vehicles from County ooaned properties, such as the Courthouse Parking I~ots, James LTalker Memorial Hospital site, nTew Hanover Nemorial Hospital and all other County I,ots. Said ordinance to be prepared in time for the Commissioners to act on it at their next regular meeting. Mr. Marks stated he understood bus service may be discontinued because of the traffic problem at the hospital. Also, difficultq with insurance companies is being experienced due to blocking of special areas at the hospital. Vote was called on motion. Motion carried unanimously. LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING EQUIPMENT - . Mr. Bowden stated the Sheriff's Department has been conducting very comprehensive training programs. The department wishes to purchase from the International Association of Chiefs of Police a sound film strip projector and film strips and various printed material covering all phases of law enforcement. Cost of materials is $8'72. Mr. BoH~den recommended approval. There are monies left over from the Juvenile Detention Center Feasibility Study including County matching funds which has been appropriated. Cost o£ this material could come from these funds if the Commissioners would furnish the Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit a letter requesting funds be reallocated for this equipment. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the purchase be authorized and letter be varitten to the Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit requesting transfer of funds. Motion carried unanimously. kPPRECIATION TO AZAI~EA COPIMITTEE - ~ Chairman Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board thank Mr. J. C. Hall, Jr. and all members of the Azalea Festival Committee for their extremely effective and success.ful efforts in putting on this 25th Azalea Festival. Notion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMEPdT - There being no Yurther business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs ~