1972-05-15 Regular Meeting~ C~JS~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - MAY l, 19~2 -(CONTINUED) BOARD OF EDUCATION - The Board of Education has reguested to meet with the Board informally to discuss site for their Administration Building. By common consent Mr. Bowden was asked to set up the meeting. ADJOURNMENT - There being no £urther business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, hs/mw MINUTES OF THE P1~ETING - MAY 15, 1972 - 9~3o a. M. Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the followin~ present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County kdministrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Attorney James C. Fox was absent. INVOCATIOIQ - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked The Rev. Donnie Davis, Pastor, Devon Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. CHAIRPYAN EXCUSED FROM MEETING - Chairman Harriss requested he be excused from the meeting for a brief period. Vice- Chairman Williams assumed the chair in his absence. aPPROVAI, OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING, MAY 1~ 19~2 - Mr. Marks requested correction on Page 12, ninth para~raph. First sentence should read: "Mr. Marks stated the Airport Commission had shown that this particular month there are substantial Federal funds still available..." Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES - BOARD OF EQ.UALIZATION AND REVIEW, APRIL 26 AND 2~, 1972 - Minutes of Board of Equalization and Review were prepared by member of Mr. Powell's staff. Mr. Williams reguested following corrections on Page 1: Fourth paragraph, first sentence should read: Chairman." "Mr. Hall nominated Mr. Williams as Vice- Fifth paragraph, first sentence should read proceed..." Seventh paragraph, third sentence should read: Chairman, and..." "Mr. Williams suggested that the Board "At this point, Mr. Harriss was elected Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxen£eld, the minutes be approved as corrected. T4otion carried unanimously. CHAIRMAN RETURNS TO MEETING - Chairman Harriss returned to the meeting at this time and assumed the chair. ONE-I"~ILE JURISDICTION - CITY OF WILPr"ilNGTON - Members of the City Council, City Attorney, and the City Mana~er were present £or this discussion. Mr. John Jones, City Manager, advised the City has been considering for sometime giving up part of its jurisdiction in the one-mile area. Mr. Jones pointed out the Commissioners and Councilmen are aware this jurisdiction is granted by the State to both the City and County in various degrees. Mr. Jones stated this responsibility was taken over by the cities because of the counties not being involved or not having the problem county-wide of water and sewer problems, of sanitary sewer disposal, of solid waste, building inspection, zoning and planning. Mr. Jones stated Ne~i Hanover County has considered these things and taken some very proper steps in dealing with these problems. Mr. Jones stated the Council has reguested him to propose to the County that the City of Wilmington relinguish controls of planning, zoning, and building inspections; the City retaining only control of,subdivisions, roads and regulations; not only within a one-mile area but on a varying radius::ou~side the City. Mr. Jones stated that up until this year the General Assembly has defined the extra-territorial area as an arc (Mr. Jones pointed out line on map which is a three-mile limit of the City and line showing one-mile limit). Mr. Jones stated there was no ~aay for the arc to be defined on the ground unless it happened to go through a particular intersection. Under the new legislation cities have the authority to exercise control outside of the one-mile area up to a three-mile area with the consent of the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Jones stated the City o£ Wilmington is asking for this consent on a varying distance outside the present City Zimits as defined by identifiable physical things on the ground such as streets, railroad, power line right-of-t~aays, river, Intra-Coastal Waterway or State Highways. Mr. Jones pointed out the three-mile area on the map for which the City is requesting consent of the Board of Commissioners to control subdivi- sion grot~th and stipulate certain controls on subdivisions which would be in effect v,ihen the other ordinances or controls of the City are relinquished on July l, 19']2. Mr. Jones stated the map indicates the boundary to which the City feels growth is anticipated in the early ~future; i.t is defined by recognizable landmarks. Mr. Jones stated he felt it would be a good thing to do this in the light of the counties being allo~aed possible legislation in this coming General Assembly to strengthen subdivision controls over what the State has previously allowed the County to do insofar as requiring certain standards for drainage, road widths or ~~~ NUTES OF THE P~ETING - T'[AY 15, 1972 -~CONTINUED) - ONE-T~TILE JURISDICTION - CITY OF WILMINGTON -(CONTII~TUED) - right-of-way dedications. The Council is proposin~ that the City relinguish planning, zoning and building inspection outside the present City Zimits retaining the subdivision control and regulations within the three-mile area as sho~ti~n on the map. Mr. Williams requested Mr. Jones define the subdivision controls proposed. Mr. Jones stated City's subdivision controls are very lax at this time. Mr. Jones stated he is proposing to submit to Council for consideration at Public Hearing around July lst use of controls that ~aould require draina~e easements be dedicated. Standards have not been established. Mr. Jones pointed out City has streets which are tearing up because of lack of proper standards to which streets are built. This is a burden on taxpayers. Mr. Hall questioned reason for City boradenin~ area in which people will have no repre- sentation. Mr. Jones stated State Lar~s, relative to county authority, do not give counties the authority to regulate things of this nature. . N[r. Harriss was of the opinion this is'not the case~ the County Engineer now does have to approve the dr2inage plan in subdivisions. Mr. Jones stated he was of the opinion the County is not allowed to reguire standards in street paving, curbing, gutter pipe drainage, etc. Mr. Williams stated the County can require streets to meet State requirements but not pavin~, curbing, storm drainage or thin~s of this kind. The City does have this authority. Mr. Mallory, Director of Planning, stated he was basin~ his the Institute bf Government. The County Enablin~ Legislation is County can require the level of improvements that the City can. to be paved, only it meet reguirements of State Highway Commissi mission does not require that a street be paved for acceptance. are bein~ paved is because of F'HA or VA requirements. statements on information from not geared to the point the The County cannot reguire street ~n, and the State Highway Com- The reason most of the streets Mr. Halterman, City Councilman, stated the City was trying to give back the citizens their representation except in one instance where the County does not have the proper control, and v:hen the County gets legislation passed to have this control, the City will be delighted to turn this back to the County; it is only to have orderly growth or until the County gets the same authority as the City has. City Councilman Cromartie stated the City feels it can render service to the people o£ the County that the County cannot at this time. Mr. Cromartie stated in the past there has been poor planning, and the citizens are the victims.. Mr. Hall pointed out for a long time the County could not get le~islature to allow the County p~anning authority; the County had been fighting £or it for eighteen or twenty years. Mr. Williams read from mamorandum the City Manager had i~~ritten the City Council stating it was his reconmendation that since the City is authorized to exercise any or all regulatory powers, the City relinguish all controls for planning, zoning and building related. inspections retaining subdivision control at this time in order to insure street and drainage improvements based on City designed standards and to consider improving these standards with a revised sum- ~, division ordinance. If the County is later permitted by the General Assembly to enact an urban oriented subdivision ordinance, the City should consider relinquishing all controls in the one-mile area. P'ir. Harriss stated he was of the opinion no action should be taken without opinion from the County Attorney and would entertain a motion it be deferred until a£uture meeting in order to ~ive the Board and Attorney an opportunity to study the matter. Mr. Jones suggested plannin~, zoning, and building inspection controls be handled by the Board o£ Commissioners and Council at this time. P2r. Harriss stated he did not feel the Board could act on this at the present time. Mr. Williams was of the opinion this was iahat the Board had been asking for. Mr. Harriss pointed out the City is now requesting control over sbudivisions within a three mile area. Mr. Willi.ams moved seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County Comtnissioners pass a resolution assuming responsibility for controls for plannin~, zoning and building inspections in the unincorporated area of New Hanover County surrounding the City of Wilmin~ton, effective July l, 19'J2. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the resolution: "WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Council o£ the City of Wilmington met in joint session Monday, May 15, 1972 and, Wf~REAS, the City Council of the City of Wilmington confirmed their desire to relinquish certain controls exercised in the "one mile extra territorial jurisdiction" of the City of Wilmington and, WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners have expressed desire to have these certain controls returned to the County of New Hanover, now, THF~FORE, be it resolved that New Hanover County will assume responsi- bility of controls for planning, zoning, and building inspections in said area of New Hanover County, surrounding the City of Wilmington, effective July 1, 19'72. Meares HaT"~~SS. Jr. Chairman Berrv A. Williams Vice-Chairman H. A. PTarks Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioner John R. Oxenfeld Commissioner " ~~~ MINtTTES OF TI~ P~ETING - MAY 15, 19'72 -(CONTIPNED) - ONE-MILE JURISDICTION - CITY OF WILP'iINGTON (CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the subdivision control regulatidn. guestion be considered at a regular or special meeting in the very near £uture. Motion carried unanimously. PUBI,IC HEARING - SPECIkI, USE PERMIT - Nr. Harriss declared Public Hearing which had been scheduled for 9•3~ A.M. open at this time. Mr. Ronald Rowe, Attorney for ']-11 Store, and Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Planning, were present for the hearing on the following reguest for Special Use Permit: Application for Sbecial Use Permit 1. Application for Special Use Permit to use property on the west side of South College Road (Highway 132) between Lansdowne Road and Pinecliff Drive for a gasoline pumping station in Zoning District B-1 (Business District) in Masonboro Zoning Area. Mr. Mallory advised the Board this request was heard by the Planning Commission on April 5, 19~2. There is a 7-11 store on the property. The company wishes to install self- service gasoline pumps. The Planning Commission recommended the reguest be denied on the assumption, in the opinion of the Planning Commission members, that sufficient number of gasoline stations exist on Highway 132 in this area. Mr. Ro~ae stated this would be a self-service attended station. Mr. Rowe presented petition with a large number of signatures. These persons stated they have no objection to the station. Also, P1r. Rowe presented statements from Mr. G. A. Ryals and Mr. A. V. Saffo stating they have no objections to the station. Mr. I~yals lives across the road ~from the ']-11 Store and Mr. Saffo is one of the developers of Lansdot•ane. Mr. Mallory stated there is a service station on 132 at Bragg Drive and a special use permit for construction of another service station on the oppo~site side of Lansdowne Road E~rtension has been issued. Mr. Rowe stated the '7-11 Store is set back from the road and was existing in the area prior to any zoning. Mr. Rotiae stated he did not think the 7-11 Store should be penalized be- cause the Phillips 66 Station, who had been issued a special use permit quite sometime ago, had not put one there. This was the feeling o£ one member of the Planning Commission. Mr. Rowe pointed out in the area north of this, which is Zone B-l, there is such a store with self-service attended gas pumps. In further discussion, Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Department recommended approval to the Planning Commission, subject to (1) plans submitted with application for special use permit and (2) access be provided on the south side of the property to Lansdotane Road. There ~aere no persons present opposing the requests. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by P'Ir. Oxenfeld, in view of the fact there are no objections here, there is a petition of six or more pages of people in the community who have no objec- tions, the person across the road has no objections and under the provisions they meet all of the provisions o£ the Planning Department, the request be granted with six months limitation and the Chairman be authorized to sign the special use permit. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss closed Public Hearing. TIANDFILL PROPOSAL - I~r. Bowden brought the Commissioners up to date on this matter by reminding them a com- mittee was appointed to study the proposals and the Committee had recommended to the Board at its last meeting prbposal of Waste Industries, Inc. be accepted. The municipalities had expressed desire to be heard before a final decision was reached. Representatives £rom Wrightsville, Carolina, and Kure Beaches were present. Also, the City Council members, Cit~ Manager and City Attorney. Mr. Jones, City Manager of Wilmington, spoke for all the municipalities. First, he re- viewed the three bids made by Waste Industries, Inc.: Base Bid 35¢ per Cu. Yd., $2.25 Per ton Alt. 1 36¢ per Cu. Yd. $2.31 per ton Same Hours Alt. 1 and Casual Users 40¢ per Cu. Yd. 562.45 per ton Mr. Jones compared cost of Base Bid and Same Hours, Alt. 1 and casual user for each municipality which reflected the following: Wilmine~ton 40¢ per cu. yd. $153,000 35¢ per cu. yd. 134,000 $ 19,000 Carolina Beach 40¢ per cu. yd. $ 1'7,000 35¢ per cu. yd. 15,000 $ 2,000 Wri~htsville Beach 402 per cu. yd. ~ 10,500 35¢ per cu. yd. g,100 $6 1, 400 Kure Beach 40¢ per cu. yd. ~ 1,800 35¢ per cu. yd. 1,575 $ 225 Mr. Jones pointed out cost to the municipalities for the casual user would be 9b22,625 on an annual basis. ~• ~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - MAY 15, 1972 -(CONTINUED) - LANDFILL PROPOSAL (CONTINUED) - Mr. Jones recommended bid be accepted on base bid of 352 per cu. yd. for municipal and volume users and following char~es for casual users: autos 502 and trucks $1.00. Mr. Jones recommended following hours be observed: Monday through Friday 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.; Saturdays 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and Sundays 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Nir. Jones stated City Landfill is being operated now at about $'70,000. Mr. Poole of Waste Industries, Inc. stated hours can be negotiated. Mr. Bill Hufham of Rural Enterprises stated he handled 50% of waste in the County and. asked for opening landfill earlier in the morning. He was:.advi~edrhouT"siwill be negotiated. The City Attorney raised guestion as to the propriety of the County entering into an agreement for municipalities. Mr. Harriss stated any action will have to be taken subject to approval o£ the County Attorney. Mr. Yow stated the County could ~nter into contract for unincorporated areas of the County, but not for the municipalities. Mr. Yow stated it will be necessary for the County to enter into contracts between the municipalities and the County. Dr. gnox reminded the Board of the'deadline of July 1, 19'72 that the City had to meet to vacate its present landfill. All of the municipalities e~;pressed. unanimous agreement to entering into contract with the County for this service. I°(r. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Ha11, that the agreement be entered into l~aith Waste Industries, Inc. based on the base bid with the hours recommended Monday through Friday 8:30 A.M. to 5:3o P.M.; Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and Sunday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M., subject to contracts between the affected municipalities and the County being signed by the municipal- ities, and the Chairman of the Board being authorized to sign these contracts for the County and subject to the approval of the County ~ttorney. Also, a clause be included in the contract between Waste Industries, Inc. and the County permitting the County to negotiate hours and services. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Schwartz stated he thought this was one of the most eventful things that ever;- happened in the County. Neeting recessed at 10:30 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:55 A.M. REQUEST OF CITY OF WILMINCli'ON TO USE COUNTY LANDFILL AT Ct~ROLINA BEACH - ' Mr. John Jones, City Manager, reguested use of the County Landfill at Carolina Beach from Ju1y l, 19'J2 until activation of the new landfill system. I°ir. Jones stated the City is facing somee~hat of a crisis with the problem of findin~ a place to dispose of ~aaste. Mr. Jones stated landfill at Smith Creek had received notice from the State Board of Health and Corps of Engineers to cease as quickly as possible. The City is proposing to construct, at their expense, a road into the site, wide enough for trucks to pass and with a good base on it. Road i~iill serve both the landfill and the Carolina Beach Sewage Disposal Plant down to where the road forks. The City will maintain and stablize roads within the area of the landfill, since the City's trucks o~ill be the most heavy and most freguent going into the landfill. City's disposal eguipment and water tanker will be X moveddown there, so there will not be a financial burden on the County. Operation riill be in- dependent of the County although in cooperation with the existing opcration. This iaould not add to the price or any inconvenience i;o the present users of the landfill. The City would like to construct a temporary e~quipment shed to protect the eguipment and also some extra fencin~. A telephone will also be installed. Cost of preparation to the City for the operation will amount to ~20,000 to 5625,000 in addition to regular cost of disposal methods vahich would really be no additional cost but a continuing cost. Mr. Jones stated City will assu.me full responsibility for City's waste, but anytime their equipment is idle the County may use it. Mr. Jones estimated City will require about three acres for the seven months period. Mr. Cranford stated the State Board of Health sees no problem with the County ororking with the City at this landfill. Mr. Epling, County Engineer, stated plans for the operation will take about ~tao weeks. He also suggested the Military Landfill operation not be used this way, and it be phased out by the first o£ the year. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks that the Board of Commissioners grant the use of the Carolina Beach Sanitary Landfill to the City of Wilmington as soon as practicable aloig the lines presented by Mr. Jones after the details have been worked out by the County Administrator, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign necessary papers, subject to approval of the County ~ Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT OF COI,I,ECTOR OF REVENUE - Mrs. Janie Straughn, Collector of Revenue, gave the following report on collection o£ taxes in April, 19'72: Charged per Scroll Added Tax Supervisor Supplement Corp. Excess Less Abatements Collections - April Prepayments August - March $5,405,684.48 117,484.00 ~3,640.62 168.865.65 $5,765,674•75 17,435-99 ~5,7~,238-76 34,139.84 337,618.49 5,061,675.08 ~ 5.433.4~3.41 ~ 3i~i-,8o5•35 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - T'IAY 15, 1972 -(CONTINUED) REPORT OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE -(CONTINUED) As o£ April 30, ly'72, y4.5%o of the 1°,'Jl levy has been collected. Back taxes collected during 4pri1 amounted to $1'],44~.4'7 bringing total back taxes to date to $111,151.']2, leaving amount uncollected $332,6'7'7.46. Delingguent personal property taxes collected during month of April amounted to $3,262.65 bringing total collected to date to Sb29,383•53• The Board complimented Mrs. Straughn and Mr. Powell on the very fine collection record. TRANSF'ERS AIQD APPROPRIATIONS - 1~Cr. Shepard presented the following requests for transfers and appropriations: Coroner - Transfer $56.18 from travel to Radio Cape Fear Tech - Transfer $950 from Repairs to Buildings to Telephone Mental Health - Transfer ~y']00 from Bud~et Item Le~al Audit, Bond and Insurance to Telephone and Postage Blueberrs Festival - Appropriation $150 from Unanticipated Revenue Interest Mr. 4lilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the transfers and appropriation be approved. Motion carried unanimously. SCHOOL BOARD REQ.UEST - Request from the School Board that 964,'702.50 for additional audit for schools, due to fire, be transferred from General Contingency F1znd within the School Budget was presented by Mr. Bowden. 1~9 Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of the request. Motion carried unanimously. LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS' REQUEST - Mr. Nick Evers was present for the Commissioners' further consideration of his request tahich was deferred at the last meeting. The request was for ~1,000 to aid the Lower Cape Fear Council £or the Arts in getting started. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, this request be granted, funds to come from non-tax funds. Motion carried unanimously. ONE-MILE JURISDICTION - WRIGHTSVITILE BEACH - Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director, was present for discussion on this subject. Mr. Bowden read the following letter, dated May 4, 1972, which he had received from Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Plannin6, which contains recommendations to the Board of Commissioners concerning the One-Mile Jurisdiction - Wrightsville Beach: "The Planning Commission at their regular meeting on May 3, 19'72 recommended that the County reguest the Wrightsville Beach Board of Alderman to allow the County to control the use of land beyond the Wrights- ville Beach municipal limits instead of Wrightsville Beach extending its zoning control into this area. . "The Planning Commission also recommended that if Wrightsville Beach desires to control the territory beyond its limits, that the County should strongly request the Board of Aldermen to allow the County to have control over all of Masonboro Island. It is the feeling of the Planning Commission that Masonboro Island should be preserved in its natural state. In order to ensure the preservation of the Island, the County should be able to enforce its regulations over the entire Island." Mr. Ldilliams was of the opinion the County did not have anpthing to act on until 4lrightsville Beach makes the request. Mr. Botiaden £elt the Board should let Wrightsville Beach kno~i r1047 it feels on the matter now, because if the request is made, the County Commissioners ~-aill have to grant it. Mr. Bowden stated if reguest is granted, it will split Masonboro Island controls in half. Mr. Williams was of the opinion all municipalities should be noti£ied it is the feeling of this Board their zoning jurisdiction should stop at their City Limits, and the County should exercise control up to their City Limits. Mr. Harriss felt after hearing request from the City of Wilmington this morning to relinquish certain functions to the County and to assume certain further functions for themselves, that to introduce a third set o£ sub- division regulations into an area would be confusing to everyone. Mr. Harriss stated the Board would be within the bounds of propriety to e~cpress con- currence with the Wilmington-Ne~a Hanover Planning Commission. Mr. Harriss asked I`1r. Ramsey for reasons for the Planning Commission's recommendations. Mr. Ramsey state~Masonboro Island was designated as a conservation and recreation area in the Land Development Plan which tiaas implemented by the Commissioners. Upon hearing that Wrightsville Beach vaas planning to request the one-mile jurisdiction the Planning Department checked the,maps and found this would take in one mile of Masonboro Island, and they recommended to the Planning Commission that steps be taken to contact the Board of Aldermen at Wrightsville Beach and this Board about their feelings. Mr. Ra.msey stated Wrightsville Beach 1•~ants to establish extra territorial control to the north and south; they do not wish to come across the Inland Waterway, so it would seem someone has an idea about developing this portion. Mr. Harriss pointed out the State has previously expressed a~reat deal of interest in the preservation of Masonboro Island along with Bald Head Island, and the option on Bald Head is about to run:out. Therefore, it seems to be of tremendous importance that control of Masonboro Island be retained, so there will be one unit of conservation area of natural unspoiled territory left. Control of this area should be dedicated to preserving it. X ~~~ INUTES OF THE MEETING - MAY 15, 1972 -(CONTINUED) ONE-MILE JURISDICTION - WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH (CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams suggested the Board notify the Board of Aldermen of 4lrightsville Beach the County ~aould prefer to exercise planning, zoning and building controls over all of the unin- corporated areas surrounding Wrightsville Beach but particularly all of Masonboro Island. By common consent, it was agreed letter be written, wording to be left to the Chairman and County Administrator. PARKING AT NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Mr. Harriss advised the Board the City of Wilmington passed an ordinance on April 24, 19'72 authorizin~ tagging vehicles in violation of parking rules at New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Mr. Harriss pointed out ordinance adopted by the City does not provide for towing aoray vehicles. REQUEST OF SOCIAI, SERVICES TO SUBORDINATE I,IEN - Mr. PZarks stated this is being further investigated and requested matter be deferred. By common consent raatter vaas deferred. CONTRACTS WITH INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTORS FOR RENOVATION OF COURTHOUSE - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the Chairman be authorized to sign contracts if they are found to be in order by the Administrator. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss stated in vieia of the misunderstanding as to the purpose of the work going on in the Courthouse he wished to make it clear this is not to provide additional space. The Commissioners have no choice in the matter; work was recommended by the Grand Jury. Work has to do with maintenance of the Court Rooms and institution of certain comforts which are more or less demanded by the Judges and rightfully so. Work includes air conditioning, lighting, seats, jury benches and repairs to bathroom facilities, etc. CIVIL ACTION N0. 1581 - CHARLES CHERRY kND CHESTER REDDRICR VS. COUNTY, CITY AND BOARD OF EDUCATION - • Receipt of complaint was acknowledged but t,aith no comment at this time. RECOGNITION OF PERSONS RETIRING FROM THE COUNTY - Mr. Bowden requested the Commissioners recognize, by some manner or means, years of ser- vice of persons retiring from the County. Mr. Bowden suggested presenting those retiring with a medallion with appropriate engraving. By common consent the Board agreed this oaould.be appropriate. HERCULES CONTRACT - Mr. Bowden advised the Board Col. Shaffer had met again with Mr. Barnhill, Attorney for Hercules, on the water contract. Col. Shaffer states the Water and Sewer Authority does not endorse the contract, but states it is no detriment to the i•~ell being of the organization, and Mr. Barnhill advises contract needs to be signed by June lst. By common consent it was agreed to ati~aait the return of the County Attorney and his advice on the contract. BUILDING INSPECTION FEES - Mr. Marks discussed memo from Mr. Richard E~ling, County Engineer, to Mr. Bowden suggest- ing the County charge the same fees £or buildin~ inspections as the City. This would enable the Inspection Office to be self-supporting. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board approve the schedule o£ fees identical to the City's building, electrical and plumbing, ef£ective July l, 19'72. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT TO SOCIAII SERVICES BOARD - Mr. Hall stated term of Mr. Reese E. Smith will e}cpire on the Social Services Board on June 30, 19']2. Mr. Marks stated his term (Mr. Marks') will also expire.on June 30th. The Board of Com- missioners appointed Mr. Smith and the State appointed Mr. Marks. Mr. Smith is eligible for another term, but Mr. Marks is not; he has served t~ao terms or a total of six years. Mr. Marks also pointed out, heretofore a member from the Board of County Commissioners has served on this Board and he felt it would be beneficial if this practice is continued. ' It was the consensus of the Board that Mr. Smith be reappointed for another term. Mr. Ha11 moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Reese E. Smith be reappointed to the Social Services Board for another three year term, term expiring June 30, 1975. Motion carried. unanimously. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that letter be written to the State Board o£ Social Services advising them it is the desire of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners that a member from the Board of Commissioners be appointed to serve on the local Social Services Board, and request them to appoint'P~ir. John R. Oxenfeld £or a.term of three years. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. l~espectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/mw