1972-06-05 Regular MeetingMINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING - MAY 23, 1972 i~1~ A Special Called Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held at 9~3~ x•M•, vaas held at ~:30 A.M., Tuesday, May 23, 1972- Those present were: Commissioners Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, J. M. Hall, Jr., and John R. Oxenfeld; Messrs. Laurence 0. Bowden, County Administrator, and John Sutton representing the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission. Vice-Chairman Williams presided. in the absence of Chairman Harriss. A motion was made by Mr. Oxenfeld that the usual three day notice of a meeting be waived. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. The purpose of the meeting was to approve the hearing date for the Planning Department's public hearing with the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners concerning the area known as the One Mile Extra Territorial Jurisdiction surrounding the City o£ Wilmington. Motion v~as made by Mr. Hall, seconded b~ Mr. Oxen£eld that the meeting date be established as Monday, June 19 at 10:00 A.M. After a brief cliscussion the question v~as called for and the motion was unanimously passed. It was noted here that Commissioner Harriss had been contacted by telephone and concurred with the action. Commissioner Marks could not be reached for his vote. Mr. Sutton was advised o£ the Board's action and instructed to proceed with the necessary ~ advertising for the public hearing. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Respect£ully submitted, Laurence 0. Bowden IAS/mw County Administrator MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 5, 1972 - 9~00 A. M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the a~ove date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams,;Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. FoX; County Audtior Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked The Rev. Ralph F. Lee, Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVI~ OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING. MAY 15. 1972 - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. ~xenfeld, minutes of regular meeting of May 15, 19']2 be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAT. OF MINiTTES - SPECIAL MEETING2 MAY 23. 19~2 - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, minutes of special meeting of May 23, 1972 be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION - DESIGNATION OF CAPE F`EAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS AS I,EAD REGIONAL ORGANIZATION. Mr. Harriss read letter from Mr. John W. Browning, Chairman, Cape Fear Council of Governments, requesting the Board of Commissioners to join with other mtusicipalities and counties in this multi-county planning region in adopting resolution supporting application for designation of the Cape Fear Council of Governments as the Lead Regional Organization. The Cape Fear Council of Governments has been designated by the U. S. Department of Housin~ and Urban Development as the areawide Planning Organization, and by the N. C. Depart- ment o£ Administration as the Regional Clearinghouse. These two designations mean, respec- tively, (1) that the Council is the regional planning organization and (2) that the Council ' must review most requests for federal funds as to the conformance of these requests to re~ional plans and pro~ra.ms. Under this concept, the State Government will place the respbnsibility for administering many new regional programs in the hands of local elected officials rather than persons in Raleigh. "Lead Regional Organizations" will become the primary contact for State and Federal programs which are designed for operation on a regional basis. The ZRO will also help the State develop new regional programs. The State proposes to provide each ZRO with staffing funds. There will be only one LRO in each of the State's 17 multi-county planning regions. Some of the Criteria for the I,RO designation are as follows: (1) be open to membership of all local-:~governuientwunits; (2) be the Regional Clearinghouse; (3) function as the regional plan- ning organization; (4) develop an overall pro~ra~ design, a regional development plan, and an annual work program. Mr. Browning's letter stated the Cape Fear Council of Governments meets all these criteria and has been functioning unofficially as the LRO for the past year. Mr. Browning's letter also stated the Council needs the o££icial designation as the Lead Regional Organization to be eligible for state sta£fing grants, Health Planning Grants, and to better assist the Board with federal programs. Such a designation will not necessitate a change in the Council's B~-Laws, nor give the Council any veto power over other duly constituted regional organizations. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board adopt the following resolu- tion supporting application for designation of the Cape Fear Couucil of Governments as Lead Regional Organization, and the Chairman be authorized to sign the resolution: ~~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 5, 1972 -(CONTINUED) - RESOI,UTION - DESIGNATION OF CAPE F'EAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNPYENTS AS I~EAD REGIONAL ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) - JOINT RESOLUTION SUPPORTING APPZICATION FOR DESIGNATION AS LEAD REGIONAL ORGANIZATION WHEREAS, the Governor declared on May 11, 1971, that one legally con- stituted organization will be designated as the LEAD regional organization in each of the 1'7 multi-county regions in North Carolina; AND WE~REAS, such LEAD regional'organization will be expected to provide leadership for effective regional planning and for program implementation; AND WHEREAS, such LEAD regional organization must be created by ~eneral pur- pose local governments and must have its membership open to all ~eneral purpose local governments within its region; AND . WHEREAS, the Cape Fear Council of Governments meets all of the above descriptions and stipulations; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the governing body of the (county) (city) (town) of New Hanover joins with such other municipalities and counties in this multi-county planning region as may pass this resolution in support of the designation of Cape Fear Council of Governments as the LEAD regional organization in multi-county planning region "0." Meares Harriss, Jr., Chairman Board of County Commissioners Mr. Marks raised guestion of whether this organization would preclude the SEDC or would be an exclusive organization. It o~as the consensus of the Board this organization could not veto power over duly constituted regional organizations. Vote was called on motion, It carried unanimously. RESOI,UTION - FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF NEW HANOVER MEMORIAI~ HOSPITAL - Several members of the Hospital Board were present: Mr. Butler; Mrs. Merrill; Mr. Sutton; Dr. Nicholson, Chief of Staff; Mr. Morrison, Director; and Mr. 0'Brien. Mr. Harriss read the ~llowing resolution with respect to the Fifth Anniversary of New Hanover Memorial Hospital: . RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF NE4! HANOVER COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF NE41 HANOVER MEMORIAI~ HOSPITAL WHEREAS, the existence of New Hanover Memorial Hospital is the out~rowth of the wishes of the voters of the County of New Hanover for a modern medical institution capable of ineeting:the needs of the community and region to the . extent o£ its available facilities, and WHEREAS, Neva Hanover Memorial Hospital is developing into an outstarlding medical center and has shown substantial progress since it opened on June 14, 1957, and 47HEREAS, it is continuin~ to endeavor to improve its service in both quality and quantity in an effort to meet the needs o£ the citizenry, and WHEREAS, hospital services are supplied to persons outside of this county when more complex and sophisticated services are required, thus enhancing the role of New Hanover Memorial Hospital as an area hospital, and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees and Medical Staff of New Hanover Memorial Hospital have made considerable progress in developing their goals into realities for providing emergency and stand-by services with a view toward endeavoring to meet the emergency needs of the area at any given time, and WHEREAS, New Hanover Memorial Hospital and the community are continuing their planning to meet the future requirements which are likely to be made on the institution, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEbJ HANOVER COUNTY, WII~MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA AT A MEETING ASSEMBLED ON THE 5TH DAY OF JUPIE 1972, AS FOLZOWS: That on the occasion of the Fifth Anniversary of the openin~ of New Hanover Memorial Hospital, congratulations be, and they are hereby, extended to the Board of Trustees, the Medical Staff, the volunteer staff, and the entire complement of employees of the hospital who have worked so diligently, and That we encourage continuing future planning to provide £or the health care demands upon New Hanover Plemorial Hospital as our county and community continue to grow, and ~ c).f.~, MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 5, 1972 CCONTINUED) RESOLUTION - FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF NEW HANOVER MEMORIAI~ HOSPITAI, -(CONTIN(T~D) - That copies of this resolution be sent to the appropriate of£icials of New Hanover Memorial Hospital and copies be provided the nev~ media. The foregoing resolution adopted at the meeting aforesaid. Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Meares Harriss. Jr. Chairman Berrv ~. Williams Vice-Chairman J. M. Hall Member John R. Oxenfeld Member H. A. Marks Member Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board adopt the resolution and the mem- bers of the Board be authorized to sign the resolution. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed for a brief period for picture taking. Meeting reconvened. PUBLIC HEARING - SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND I~MENDMENT TO THE ZOi~IING':ORDINANCE - Mr. Harriss declared public Hearing open for consideration of a Special Use Permit and Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Neil Mallory, Director o£ Planning, was present and presented the reuqest as follows: Application for Special Use Permit: 1. Application for Special Use Permit to use property located on the i~~est side of South College Road at the intersection of South College Road and Mohican Trail £or a private club (Arab Shrine Club). Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission at their May 3, 19'72 meeting recommended issuance of the Special Use Permit, subject to the follo~aing: 1. Plans submitted with the application 2. That the design of off-street parking area be approved by the Planning Department~~prior to the issuance of a ouilding perr•iit 3. That the off-street parking area be at least 25 feet from the street right-of-way, and any property line 4. That outside activities be prohibited from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. since this is adjacent to a residential area Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of the Special Use Permit as requested by the Arab Shrine Club and as recommended by the Planning Commission, and the Chairman be authorized to sign the permit. Motion carried unanimously. Amendment to Countv Zoning Ordinance: 1. Amend Article IV, Section 41-1 (1) to read as follows: (1) Minimum Single Zot Requirement - Where the owner of a lot existing at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance or his successor in title thereto does not own sufficient land to enable him to conform to the dimensional reguirements of this Ordinance, such lot may be used as a building site for a single family residence in a district in which residences are permi:tted,,provided, that the lot taidth, required front, side and rear setbacks, and/or lot area are not more than twenty (20) percent below the minimum specified in this Ordinance and further provided that the dimensional requirements are approved by the Health Department if on-site water and/or sewerage disposal systems are utilized. In areas where the lot width, required front3 side and rear setbacks and/or lot areas are more than tr,~enty l20) percent below the minimum specified in this Ordinance or other dimensional requirements cannot be met, the Board of l~djustments is authorized to approve as a variance such dimensions as shall conform as closely as possible to the required dimensions. Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission at their May 3, 19']2 meeting considered above amendment to the Neta Hanover County Zonin~ Ordinance which pertains to lots of record that existed at the time or prior to the zoning of the area. Under the~.~present ordinance the Building Inspector is authorized to grant a 10'~ variance for any dimensional reguirement for lots that existed prior to the zoning of the area. The County Zoning Board of Adjustments has seen this creates a number of hardships and recommend~ to the Planning commission that the ordinance be amended to allow the Building Inspector to grant as much as a 20% variance, without the cases having to come before the Zoning Board of Adjustment, provided that the Health Department approves the lot size. ~ ~ ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 5, 1972 ~C~NTINUED) - PUBLIC HEARING - SPECIAI, USE PERMIT AND AMEIQDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ~CONTINUED) - If on-site water and/or sewerage disposal systems are utilized, Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends that Article IV, Section 41-1 (1) be amended as outlined above. There were no persons present who wished to be heard. N[r. Narks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval o£ the amendment, and the Board be author-- ized to sign the ordinance authorizing the amendment. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss declared public hearing closed. STREET PETITIONS - W1~LNUT HILL, Section 1 MARQUIS HILLS Section 8 SPRING VIE41. Section 5 - Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Director of Planning, conmented on three street petitions which the Commissioners' office had fox~aarded to the Planning Department for recommendations: 1. ldalnut Hill, Section 1- Mr. Ramsey stated the Planning Department has letters from the State Highway Commission stating streets have been basically constructed to the standards of the State Highway Commission. Monuments and monument castings have not been installed in compliance with the New Hanover County Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Ramsey recommended approval of Walnut Hill, Section l, but suggested conditional approval, subject to these improvements bein~ completely installed, and the Planning Department be authorized to forward petition to the Highway Commission after improvements have been completed. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval o£ Ldalnut Hill, Section 1, petii;ion as recommended by the Planning Department tvith the provision that the castings and monumentations be completed prior to petition bein~ submitted to~the Highway Commission and certification by the County Engineer. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Sprin~ View, Section 5- Mr. Ra.msey stated this subdivision is within jurisdiction of the City of Wilmington. Inspection of this subdivision has not been made by the State Highway Com- mission. Monuments and monument castings reguired by the Wilmington Subd.ivision Regulations have not been installed. A portion of the right-of-way of Terry Zane has not been dedicai;ed.(between Dean Drive and Ripwood Drive). The Planning Department suggested the Board of Commissioners may wish to withhold approval= until monuments have been installed in that portion of Terry Zane between Dean Drive and Ripwood Drive and may not wish to approve that portion of Terry Zane west of Ripwood Drive until it is properly dedicated and monument castings have been installed. P''~r. Hall moved, seconded by P'Ir. Oxenfeld, approval of Spring View, ,Section 5, pending the monumentation and dedication of right-o£-way as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Marquis Hills. Section 8- Mr. Ramsey stated streets have been found to be basically constructed to the minimum standards of the State Hi~hway Commission, but a number of monuments and monument..castings have not been installed oahich are reguired under the New Hanover Count~ Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of Marquis Hills, Section 8, pending monumentation. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING AREA N0. 8- +~ Chairman Harriss declared Public Hearing open to consider proposed zoning for Area ~f$ re- commended to the New Hanover County Commissioners by the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission. Nir. Tinga, Chairman of the Planning Commission was present, and Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director, outlined the boundaries which in general are: (1) Northern boundary being the northeast branch of the Cape Fear River (Northeast Cape Fear River) from the Seaboard Coastline rail crossin~ to its intersection with Island Creek, thence up said Creek to its intersection oaith Old House Branch, thence on a straight line to- ward the fork in Foys Creek to a point approximately 1,000 feet north and west of the Seaboard Coastline tracks that parallel U. S. 1'7 North (said line being a'portion of the Pender-New Hanover County Line); (2) eastern boundary being a line running more or less parallel to U.S. 17 North 1,~00 feet north of the Seaboard Coastline tracks from a point in the New Hanover- Pender County Line to a point at right angles to Bayshore Drive, thence southeast to a point Z00 feet south o£ Bayshore Drive and 1,500 £eet east of U.S. 1'], thence southwest and parallel to U. S. 1~ to a point 1,500 feet southeast o£ the in~ersection of U.S. 1'7 and S.R. 1409 (Military Cut-Of£ Road), thence northwest to a point 1,000 feet north of the Seaboard Coastline tracks, thence southwest to a point in the City's One Mile Jurisdictional Limit 1,000 feet north of the Seaboard Coastline tracks (this boundary includes the Ogden Communii;y, said line is the western boundary for Zoning Areas 3, 5, and 6); (3) the southern boundary being the City's One Mile Jurisdictional Limit, the western right-of-way line of S.R. 11'75 and S.R. 132'7 and the southern right-of-way line of S.R. 1322; and, (4) the western boundary being the Seaboard Coastline tracks from S.R. 1322 to a point in thelNew Hanover-Pender County Line, said point being in the rail corssing on the Northeast Cape Fear River. Mr. Ramseystated in the northwest corner of the Zoning Area there are tsao residential zones: R-10 area on S. R. 1002 (there is a preliminary subdivision map approved of Shearin Hills). This area was approved with a water system which is reason for R-10 designation. The area surrounding this is designated as R-15. Mr. Ramsey pointed out the remainder of the northern portion of the zoning area has been zoned I-2. On the Sidbury Road, or SR 1336, there was a request for a small industrial zoning area, five acres for a taelding and fabricating business. Mr. Ramsey stated u~ithin the limits of Zoning Area 8 there is another subdivision with an R-10 designation which is Parkwood Estates. This also has its water system. At the inter- section of Gordon Road and SR 1327 and Highway 132 there is a small commercial area designated as B-2; 2'fz acres in size. On up on Hi~hivay 132 another area has been desi~nated as a B-2 area which is located app~oximately at the intersection of the Murrayville Road and SR 1322 and Highway 132. It runs 200 £eet on the southeast side of the Murrayville Road and 800 £eet to the northwest side. Within the same area there is the Ogden Community which is basically a commercial area. The Planning Commission decided to extend. the business zone back to a depth of 200 feet on either side of the road with exception of one small area which was to satisfy request o£ Shannon Woodwork Company who wanted this zoning extended to the boundary of their property rIIIVIJTES OF THE MEETING - JUP1E 5, 1972 CCONTIISUED) - PITBLIC HEARING - ZONING AREA N0. 8(CONTuvur~D) - bl~cli is the railroad right-of-way. Another B-2 area is proposed at the intersection of the Military Cut-Off Road and Highway 1']. This is continuation of B-2 area-in Zonin~ Area No. 6. Its depth is 300 feet on either side of the road. Within the zoning area just north of the Airport property there is another I-2 area. Here there is a small subdivision of three homes which has been there for a number of years. The remainder of the area is proposed R-15 zoning. Mr. Ramsey stated the Planning Commission has held two public hearings on this, and at the first hearing there were a number of complaints. Most of the complaints were satisfied after holding a second meeting. Mr. Joe Reaves, Realtor, requested tract on the southwest corner of the intersection of the Murrayville Road (SR 1322) and NC 132 be zoned as a commercial site, since it is not desirable for a residential area because of the major intersection and because of high power lines. Mr. Harriss stated, from general observation, zoning an area without sufficient B-1 areas has the ef£ect of increasing price of property up. This has happened in other areas and necessitates going back later and making adjustments. Where there is suf£icient reason at the start of zoning he is in favor of creating more business districts. ~~~~ I'ir. Ramsey stated Mr. Reaves came to the second public hearing and made this request. Mr. Ramsey stated area Mr. Reaves is discussing is large in size and might be used for some- thing other than residential development. Mr. Ramsey stated Mr. Reaves' reason for requesting it be zoned commercial because of the intersection is a very ~ood reason. The Plannin~ Commission wanted to revieor the plan for the commercial development to make sure the sur- rounding property owners were protected and su~gested to Mr. Reaves he apply for the shopping center district under the floating zone concept,that is within the Zoning Ordinance. This k~ould allow him to come to the Planning Commission with his plans for development o£ a shopping area and reguest this particular t3*pe of zoning under special use permit and approval of his plans. This would give the Planning Commission an opportunity to examine ingress and egress to the shopping center, setback, screening, etc. Mr. Marks stated he preferred it going through the Planning Department as suggested by Mr. Ramsey. Mr. Alton Lennon, Attorney for Highland Dunes Development Corporation, spoke next. Mr. Zennon stated the corporation is requesting SR 1002 £rom the intersection of the Blue Clay Road to Sturgeon's Creek be zoned B-2 for a depth of 600 feet for construction of a shopping center on the site. The developer has about 3'70 acres within the development. The company has been contemplating a mobile home park since October, 1g71. Mr. Zennon was of the opinion it would be expensive and extensive to have to ~o through the Planning Commission for a special use permit and requested this be 2oned B-2 now. • Mr. Lennon stated to zone this B-2 now might prevent problems later; peopl'e would know what will be permitted there. Mr. I,ennon stated to make this property marketable certain conveniences will have to be provided. Mr. Harriss pointed out this propert~ was purchased about 3 years ago before the County undertook zoning. _ Mr. Hall stated one of the strongest factors for the zoning requested is people would know what Vaas going to be allowed there before they decided to go in there. If it is desig- nated nooa what it can be used for, he felt like the County could avoid problems which tivere e~erienced at Pine Valley. Mr. Harriss inquired of Mr. Mallory i£ a piece o£ property, such as Mr. Reaves referred to could be zoned as B-1 ~Jith certain restrictions. Mr. Iiallory stated it could not be done because this would be "contract" or "conditional zoning" which is not permitted. Mr. Harriss stated he was of the opinion there was sufficient guestions in both these requests to ask the Planning Commission to restudy this w'ith P1r. Lennon and Mr. Reaves and give the Board £urther recommendation. Mr. Marks stated he was reluctant to defer action on the whole area when these persons have recourse to the changes being discussed, and he saw no reason to send the proposed zonin~ of Area No. 8 back to the Planning Commission when they have given unanimous re- commendations. Mr. Marks £elt the entire area could be zoned as recommended leaving the door open for these gentlemen to accomplish their ends through the Planning Commission. Mr. Marks moved the Board accept the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Motion died £or lack of .a second. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board defer action until the next meeting. - Mr. Oxenfeld stated he was well aware of what the Planning Commission and Planning Depart- ment have gone through to make their recommendations, but he, too, would like to give the matter further consideration. Vote was called on motion. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Marks voted "No". Mr. Harriss declared public hearing closed. CONSIDERATION ADOPTION OF ZONING MAP FOR ON~MILE AREA SURROUNDING WILMINGTON - Mr. Harriss announced the Commissioners will conduct a public hearing on June 19, 19'72 at 10:00 A.M. for consideration of adoption of Zoning Map for the One-Mile Area Surrounding Wilmington. ~~t9 MINUTES OF THE MEE`i'ING - JUNE 5, 1972 (CONTINUED) BID OPENING - DRAGLINE - Dr. Knox and Mr. Henry Cranford o£._the Health Department were present for the bid opening for a dragline. The following bids were received: E. F. Craven Co.: Cash Basis ~46,979•33, including Sales Tax Installment Basis 53,0'7~.96, includin~ Sales Tax of $1,545.96 596 Bid Bond Furnished Mitchell Distributin~ Co.: Cash Basis $42,324.'76, including Sales Tax Installment Basis 4'7,474.~6, including Sales Tax $1,382.'76 5% Bid Bond Furnished A. E. Finle:v and Associates, Inc.: Cash Basis $43,651.40, including Sales Tax~ Installment Basis 4'7,'700.00, including Sales Tax Bid Bond certified check in amount of $2,019 furnished H. B. Owsles & Son, Inc.: Cash Basis $43,680.00, including Sales 2'~ Installment Basis 45,~60.00, including Sales Tex Bid Bond Che.ok in amount of ~2,563 furnished Mr. Oxen£eld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, Administrator, County Attorney, County Auditor, Motion carried unanimously. bids be accepted and referred to the County and Mr. Cranford for study and recommendations. TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION' REQUEST FOR COPY OF BUDGET - Mr. Rogers, member of the Taxpayers Association, requested copy o£ the 1g72-'73 Bud~et £or study by the Taxpayers Association. Cost of the budgets was diacussed and it was concluded that anyone, other than those re- quired by law, that is furnished copy of the budget will be charged $30,00 which is the cost for reproducing:them.. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that a limited number of budgets be made avail- able, other than those required by law, to organizations such as the Taxp~yers Association, etc., at a cost o£ $30.00 per copy. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 10:40 A.M. ~Meeting reconvened at 10:50 A.M. HERCUI,ES, INC.. CONTRACT - ~'ir. I,ouis Poisson, Attorney for Hercules, Inc. stated he was appearing before the Board reguesting~the contract.between the County and Hercules, Inc. be extended for another eighteen months. Mr..Poisson stated he understood the resolution had been rewritten and is satisfactory to the Board. Mr. Fox stated the resolution is suitable to pass since the resolution pr.e- pared by Mr. Barnhill provides that the original agreement and its renewal are conditioned upon the legal authority of the Board of Commissioners to enter into such an a~reement. Mr. Harriss stated his main concern is not so much as the legality oY the agreement but the obligation the County will nndertake. Mr. Poisson stated it is anticipated before Hercules exercised a.r~y rights, the 18 months will have passed, and the Water Authority will be the party Hercnles will be dealing with. The Water Authority requested the eighteen months period because they £eel they will be financed and in business by that time. Mr. Poisson stated Hercules does not feel it will exercise this right within the eighteen months. The County will have to call £or an election for a bond issue if they do. It was pointed out by Mr. Poisson Hercules will pay the expense o£ a bond election. If the bond issue passes, the Board puts up the .County's cr.edit to build pipe line, so Hercules will not have to put out all of the money at one time. Mr. Hall moved, seconded bp Mr.. Marks, the Board adopt following resolution extending contract the County has with Hercules, Inc. for 18 months and the Chairman be directed to sign the resolution. Motion carried unanimously. "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . "WFIEREA,S, • the Board of Commissioners of. New Hanover County, North Carolina entered into an agreement with Hercules, Inc., on the 2nd day of March, 196'7, providing for the construction of a raw water line leading from the facilities of the water department of the City of Wilmington to the Hercules Plant on Highway 421; "AND WHEREAS, Hercules, Inc., has asked the Board of Commissioners to renew said agreement, and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners desire to grant said reguest; "NOW, l~nr.xEFORE, in consideration of the premises, and in the further con- sideration of ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR by each of the parties hereto in hand paid to the other, it is agreed that the aforesaid agreement dated the 2nd da,y of March, 196'], is hereby renewed and extended for an additional period of eighteen (18) months, upon the following terms and conditions: "1. This renewal, and each and every term of the original agreement, is con- ditioned upon the lawful right o£ the Board of Commissioners to enter into such an agreement. "2. Hercules shall have the right within eighteen (18) months after June 1, 19~2 to make written request upon the Board to furnish water services to Hercules upon the terms and conditions set out in the aforesaid agreement of March 2, 19'72. ,• ~ 3~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 5, 19']2 (CONTINUED) - HERCUI,ES. INC. CONTRACT (CONTINUED) - "3. At the time Hercules makes such request upon the Board, the Board will - perform pursuant to such reguest unless-the Regional Water Authority authorized . Yor New Hanover and other counties, and upon which New Hanover County has re- presentatives, is then in a position to supply Hercules' water needs as fully as this contract would permit the Board to furnish such services; i£ the afore- said Water Authority is in a position at that time-to furnish Hercules' water needs, then Aercules shall deal with the Water Authority and shall not exercise the option provided in this agreement. "4. A11 of the other terms and conditions of the said agreement o£ March 2, 196'], shall have been complied with. "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be signed, sealed and delivered by their duly authorized officers this 5th day of June, 19~2. ATTEST: Unable to read signature : ATTEST: Hazel Savage Clerk oP the Board" I~RCULES, INCORPbRATED BY: Unable to read signature BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, 80RTH CAROLINA By: Meares Harriss, Jr. Chairman REGIONAL DEVEIAPMENT PI,AN - CAPE FEAR COUNCIZ OF GOVERNMENTS - Mr. Beverl9 Paul, ~cecutive Director of the Cape Fear Council o£ Governments, presented re~ional development guide-which he stated had been developed by the Cape Fear Council of Governments under the supervision of Mr. Berry A. Williams, Chairman of the Land Use and Transportation Planning Committee with the Council o£ Governments. This is intended as a preliminary land use plan Por the £our counties which are represented. In the case of New Hanover County a copy of the County Development Plan has been in- cluded but is not specific enough to be used as a zoning ordinance. Columbus, Pender and Brunswick Counties do not have zoning ordinances and will use this as a guide when they start into land use planning. Mr. Paul outlined the plan on a rough map.. Mr. Paul stated one o£ the key points of the plan £or conservation is Masonboro Island, and it is recommended that Masonboro Island be retained in its natural state. It is noted that the State has shown some interest in acquiring this land for development of a State Park. Mr. Paul stated the Council of Governments as the Re~ional Review Agency is required to review any requests for federal funds, particularly in the area of requests for water and sewer grants from HUD and EDA. Mr. Paul stated the Council of Governments would not recommend commercial development of Masonboro Island: At this point he anticipates opposition from the owners and that someone would have to step in and offer to buy Masonboro Island at a fair market price. P'1r. Paul stated the industrial areas along the west bank of the river in Brunswick County should be held £or industries needing deep water harbor and this was recommended to the Brunswick County Industrial Development Group, Committee of 100 and this Board. Mr. Paul stated b9 year of 2000 New Hanover County will be fully developed industrially. Mr. Paul stated it is a requirement of the Regional Planning Unit to have a plan of this type. HUD and some of the other federal agencies say there has to be a regional planning agency to do a land use plan like this before a regional water and sewer plan can be done. This is the basis Yor future development and is a requirement. Mr. Paul stated a 30-page text will go on the back of the map and all will be furnished to the Boards oY Commissioners. • Mr. Oxen£eld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the Board approve concurrence of the land use study as presented by Mr. Paul £or the Council of Governments and authorize its use in planning. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss thanked Mr. Paul and Mr. Hardman for their work in preparing this plan. DISCUSSION OF HEAD USE FEE FOR AIRPORT REVENUE - Mr. John Westbrook, Airport Manager, was present for this discussion. Mr. Hall stated that at the last meeting of the Airport Commission it was the consensus of the Commission the County was a long way off from having a new terminal, and.one wr~y that the County might raise enough funds in the near future would.be to impose a head use fee on air travel from the New Hanover County Airport. Mr. Hall stated it is legal to charge such a use fee. Mr. Hall suggested beginning with a use fee of $1 per ticket. Mr. Westbrook stated based on number of persons enplaning last qear this would have amounted to $63,000. Mr. 4lestbrook stated this might go to $68,000 or $~0,000 this year. Mr. Hall stated the people using the airport would be paying for it which he felt was a reasonable concept. Five years collection of this fee would put the County-on the road to a new and adequate terminal building without a bond issue and without any further ta~ces on . people in general. Mr. Hall stated the Airport Commission had requested him to express their feelings and • to state they had exhausted every means they know in providing this terminal. Mr. Westbrook stated the airports are setting up a meeting in Raleigh to try and work out something that will be uniform. Raleigh-Durham plans to adopt resolution on Tuesday authorizing collection of such a fee. 138 .. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 5, 19'72 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF HEAD USE FEE FOR AIRPORT REVENUE lCONTINUED) - Discussion was held as to the possible impact of this~on the use of the New Hanover County Airport in competition with those airports around the County Airport, and it was the feeling it would have no impact. Mr. Westbrook stated there is a bill in the Senate and House which will do away iaith the authority Yor collection of such fee. The bills, if passed, would approve the FAA p~yin~ '75~ to the County's 25% Sor airport improvements. Mr. Westbrook urged the Commissioners and the Chamber of Commerce to write the Coxigressmen and Senators to fight both bills. Collection of fee was discussed, and it was suggested Piedmont be requested to collect the fee. Mr. Fox was of the opinion collection could be negotiated with Piedmont. Mr. Harriss pointed out there might be a problem collecting Yee from military personnel. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the Board look with favor on collection of $1 use fee at the Airport for enplaning passengers and recommended the Airport Commission work out the details. Motion carried unanimously. COST OF IMPROVEMINTS AT AIRPORT - Mr. Westbrook and Mr. Herbert McKim, Architect, discussed reasons for increase in original cost of the improvements which were $15,000 to $18,000; Piedmont suggested changes which would help fit in with the FAA's Airport Security. This increased the cost to $29,583• Mr. Shepard suggested the $29,583 come from general interest on investment, non-tax funds. This will require rebud~eting in July. Mr. Oxen£eld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, $29,583 be appropriated, funds coming £rom General Interest on Investment, Non-Tax, to the Airport Commission for construction, amount to be rebudgeted in 19'J2-'73 bud~et. Motion carried unanimousl9. CAPE FEAR HEALTH PLANIdING COUNCII, - Mr. Williams stated according to letter received June 2 the N. C. Department of Adminis- tration has offered the Council of.Governments a 100% grant to carry on comprehensive health planning in this region. In order to accomplish this the Council needs an endorsement today. Mr. Paul stated they had been offered this grant back in the Fall but were unable to find a Health Planner. The grant has to be negotiated by July lst. Mr. Paul stated what he is requesting is that the Board recognize the Cape Fear Health Planning Council which will be a semi-autonomous board appointed by the Council under the Council's umbrella as the areawide Health Planning Organization which is a requirement of the State, and write a letter to the Chairman of the Council of Governments to this ef£ect. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board endorse the Cape Fear Health Planning Council o£ Region 0 and letter be written to the Chairman of the Council of Govern- ments to this ef£ect. Motion carried unanimously. . Mr. Hall inquired if this becomes unsavor~, how could the County recall its endorsement. It was the consensus another letter could be written reflecting the Board's views. Mr.• Paul stated the Board can work through members on the Council. Mr. Paul stated the Council of Governments had included in their 5-~ear program of work, which this Board has adopted, a Health Planning Program. This is included in the Council's budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 19'73, and the Council intended to seek $15,000 from HEW to be.matched by $']500 local money which would be distributed between counties on a per capita basis. This is an opportunity to get program started one year earlier with no cost whatsoever to local governments. RESOI,UTION - IMPROVE HOUSING CONDITIONS TO ACHIEVE A HIGFIER STANDARD OF LIVING FOR AT,T, CITIZENS OF THE COUNTY - Mr. Harriss informed the Board it has been requested by the Cape Fear Council of Govern- ments to adopt resolution going on record as being in support of the housing activities of the Cbuncil of Governments and as being in support of ineasures which will lead to better housing conditions. Mr. Harriss read the following resolution: ~. "lvn~,xr;AS, New Hanover County recognizes the need to improve housing con- ditions to achieve a higher standard of living for all of its citizens, and "WI3EREAS, New Hanover County wishes to have a balanced community develop- ment program, New Hanover County hereby resolves to incorporate the following housing goals into its overall development program: "l. To substantiall~ reduce the number of people living in substandard and overcrowded housing. "2. To make'standard housing available for people of all income ranges. "3. To improve the quality of residential environment. "4. To establish a mechanism for measuring and meeting future housing needs. "5. To improve housing choice in terms of the types of housing available as well as location. "6. To reduce the cost o£ housing, consistent with sound planning and construction practices. Signed June 5, 1972 (s) Meares Harriss, Jr. Chairman Board of Commissioners New Hanover County" ~ 1~39 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 5, 19']2 (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION - IMPROVE HOUSING CONDITIONS TO ACHIEVE A HIGHER STANDARD OF LIVING FOR AI,L CTTIZENS OF THE COUNTY (CONTINUED)- Mr. Paul stated that Carolina Beach had recently applied to HUD for funds £or sewerage system and HUD advised they would like to see a resolution Carolina Beach had adopted to the Housing Bill of the Council o£ Governments. Mr. Paul stated this was the reason they are reguesting the Commissioners to adopt such resolution. Mr. Harriss stated since the County will be applying for assistance, it was his feeling the Board should adopt this resolution. Mr. Marks called attention to what seems to be a surplus of 235 Houses and wondered if some investigation should not be made before too many are here which will create slums:. Mr. Paul.stated HUD.has released a study made of the City and some scattered areas, and the study shows a surplus of such houses and no more will be permitted until the need arises. Mr. Paul stated the Conncil of Governments is required to have a Housing Program and the first thing required is a study which they plan next year for the entire Your counties. ~r. Paul stated study will not necessarily mean 235 or 236 Houses but good quality government housing programs. Mr. Paul stated the Council is required to review any sub- division larger than 50 lots and any apartment with more than 100 units. This applies to any subdivision or apartment unit which is asking to be underwritten by the Federal Housing Administration. The Council has to comment as to whether it is compatible with local and regional land use planning, Mr. Williams stated this means the local elected governing board members will be reviewing the requests and hopefullg in the future will not permit over building of federally•subsidized units. Mr. Glilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, adoption of the resolution and the chairman be authorized to sign it. Motion carried unanimously. CONFIRMATION APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOUERNMENTS - Mr. Bowden informed the Board he had received memo from Mr. John W. Browning, Chairman, Cape Fear Council of Governments, requesting names of persons who will be representing the Board next year on the Council. Poll of the Commissioners had been taken and the following selection made: Mr. John R. Oxenfeld, Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., and Mr. Berry A. Williams. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that formal approval be given at this time. Motion carried unanimously. CHANGE OF TITLE OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO COUNTY MANAGER - Mr. Hall stated since the County Administrator is working under what is called.Co'unty Manager Plan of Government and inasmuch as the County Managers, so-called, are doing what the County Administrator does, it might be well to change the title to County Mana~er. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the title of County Administrator be changed to County Manager. Motion carried unanimously. TAX REFUND - EZECTRIC BOTTI,ING COMPANY - Mr. Powell, Tax Administrator, presented request of Electric Bottling Compar~y for refund on ta~ces paid by them since 1963 on Love Grove Lots owned by the City. These lots were conveyed to the City by George Hutaff and wife in 1956, and his ~.~idow, through error, conveyed them to the Electric Bottling Company in 1953. Mr. Fox advised the Commissioners they may go back three years on a refund. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, refund of $36.49 covering the three-~ears be made. Motion carried unanimously. LATE I,ISTING PENAI,TY - AUTO F~CCHANGE, INC. - Mr. Powell presented request of G. R. Ftiinderburke, Auto Exchange, £or relief of late listing penalty for 1970 in amount o£ $39.'7$. Mr. Funderburke gave reason for late listing: "I mailed all u~y returns, and somehow this one was mislaid." Nir. Powell recommended denial. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the request be denied. Motion carried unanimously. SELECTION OF AUDITOR TO AUDIT COLLECTION DIVISION OF TAR DEPARTMENT - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, Mr. W. Earle Beale be selected to audit collection division of the Ta3c Office. Mr. Marks asked Mr. Shepard if it is to any advantage in having the same firm do this audit for the County since this is now within the County's operation, or is it more desirable to have two separate firms. Mr. Marks stated he remembered sometime back the County had to reaudit certain portions of this office. Mr. Shepard stated Mr. Beale would audit only current year and the auditor selected for remainder of county audit would have to do something additional like auditing all delinquent years. The dates of the audits are also dif£erent. Mr. Shepard stated, in his opinion, there would be no saving by using same auditor. Mr. Harriss stated since there would be no advantage in having one firm doing all count9 auditing, he was in favor of spreading work around insofar as possible. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MEMBERS BICENTENNIAI~ COMMITTEE - Mr. Bowden stated the Bicentennial Committee has requested representatives Prom vari:ous organizations to serve on the committee; namely, Lower Cape Fear Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, Mr. John H. Debnam; Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Malcolm Lowe; Junior Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Louis Sasser; and Wilmington Parks and Recreation Department, Mr. Derrick Davis. Mr. Bowden recommended these persons be named to the committee. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the recommendation be accepted and these persons be appointed to the Bicentennial Committee. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 5, 1972 (CONTINUED) REPORT ON PROGRESS OF HEALTH FACILITY - Mr. Bowden stated the Hospital Board has accepted the concept of the request the Commis- sioners made that the Health and Mental Health Departments be located where New Hanover Memorial Hospital is located. Mr. Bowden stated the architect has already begun his studies with the Health Department, and Dr. Rnox has furn•ished the architect with a projection of what is expected in the next 20 gears. The Mental Health Department will be doing same thing shortly. Mr. Marks stated the Mental Health Board went to Raleigh to talk to the Medicare people there and advised them o£ the plans for the new Mental Health facility, and were advised Medicare had money available for this year and next year. They outlined steps Yor the local Mental Health Administrator to follow in making request for grant. If the funds do not break down, the Federal and State will provide about 85% of the cost of the Mental Health facility. • RENTAL ~F SPACE AT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - """Mr:`-Grub'6s~stated the Employment Security Commission has taken over the responsibility for the Concentrated Employment Program in the Wilmington area. They are requesting use of the unoccupied wing (both floors) of the Nurses Quarters at the Community Hospital. Also, they would like to use small building adjacent to the Community Hospital. This building is currently being reserved by Miss Lela Moore Hall; however, she has stated she does not intend to use the building for at least another year, and she is agreeable to permit this organization to use it this year. Mr. Bowden stated this program is the same as the old; it is designed to get the hard core unemployed back to work. Mr. Bowden stated this will not cost the County any money and lease will so reflect. The Employment Security Commission will make all improvements. Mr. Marks felt it was gooii opportunity to get building rehabilitated. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board approve this usage for a period of one year or less, and Mr. Bowden draw up a con- tract similar to that of other agency occupying building for review by the County Attorney, and the Chairman be authorized to sign it. Motion carried unanimously. FEDERAL FIAOD INSURANCE ORDINANCE - Mr. Grubbs stated application was sent in, but it is now necessary a resolution or ordinance be passed. The County was furnished draft of resolution, but Mr. Fox recommended ordinance form be adopted. The ordinance more clearly states the N. C. Building Codes which are in effect. Mr. Fox stated he suggested it be in ordinance form because it requires person to apply for a building permit. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the Board adopt the £ollowin~ ordinance con- cerning construction in the areas of the County of New Hanover in which there is danger of £looding, e££ective June 15, 19'72. Motion carried unanimously. "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION IN THE AREAS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN WFIICH THERE IS DANGER OF FLOODING "wnr,x~AS, The County of New Hanover has heretoYore adopted by re£erence the 196'] Edition and all amendments thereto of the North Carolina State Building Code, Volume 'I, General Construction, and "4JHEREAS, Section 105 of the North Carolina State Building Code, Volume 'I, General Construction, as adopted by ttie County of New Hanover prohibits any person, firm or corporation from erecting, constructing, enlarging, altering, repairing, improving, moving or demolishing any building or structure without first obtaining a separate building permit for each building or structure from the Building Inspector, and "WHEREAS, the Building Inspector must examine all plans and specifications for the proposed construction when application is made to him for a building permit, and ~ "4THEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County are aware that the County of New Hanover does have special Ylood hazards, and "WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover has set forth and established Subdivision Regulations within the Count~ of New Hanover wherein the Planning Department and the Count9 Commissioners shall review all subdivision plans and plots when any area is proposed to be subdivided within the County of New Hanover. "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County as follo~,~s: "1. The Building Inspector for the County of P1ew Hanover, when reviewing applications for building permits, including the plans and specifications for proposed construction, will review all building permit applications to determine if the proposed construction is consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. "2. The Building Inspector shall review all building permit applications to detei~mine if the site of proposed construction is reasonably safe from flooding and to make recommendations Por construction in all locations which have flood hazards. "3. If the Building Inspector determines that an application for construction is in a flood hazard location within the County of New Hanover, the applicant shall provide, in his plans and specifications, the following: .:'a. Construction so as to prevent the flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure or portions of the structure due to flooding. "b. The use of construction materials and utility equipment that are ~ resistant to flood damage. "c. The utilization of construction methods and practices that will minimize flood damage. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 5, 1972 (CONTINUED) FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE ORDINANCE (CONTINUED) "d. Adequate drainage in order to reduce exposure to £lood hazards. "e. Public utilities and facilities located on the site in such a maxiner as to be elevated and constructed and facilities including sewer, gas, electrical and water systems. "4. The New Hanover County Planning Department, in its reviewing of all sub- division applications shall recommend approval of the same only i£: . "a. All such proposed developments are consistent with the need to . minimize flood damage. "b. Adeguate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards. "c. Adequate drainage is provided so as not to increase the exposure to flood hazards o£ adjacent lands. "d. All public utilities and facilities are located, elevated and con- structed so as to minimize or eliminate flood dama~e, these utilities and facilities to include sewer, gas, electrical and water systems. "5. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 15th day of June, 19~2. Adopted this 5th day of June, 19']2." TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - Mr. Shepard presented following requests for transfers and appropriations: Airbort -$ 25 from Travel to h'ater & Sewage $200 from Travel to Repairs, Maintenance and Equipment $150 and Office Supplies $50 Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the transfers be appro"ved as requested. Motion carried unanimously. Sheriff's Department -$8'73.48 from Unanticipated Revenue to Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit - Sheriff's Department 14-~: Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Shepard presented the additional requests: $100 from General Contingency F~nd to Jail Auto Allowance-Mileage. $175 from General Contingency Fund to Bookmobile $4'j5 from General Contingency to No-41ake Signs $ 29 from General Contingency to Garage Telephone $1,000 from General Contingency to Garage-Maintenance and Repair Parts (Inventory) ~530 from Mental Health-Retirement to Mental Health-Social Security Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the transfers and appropriations be approved. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF 1972-73 BUDGET ESTIMATE - Mr. Shepard presented Budget Estimate for fiscal year ig72-73. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by P'ir. Marks, that the budget estimate be accepted for study. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld stated the Board appreciated the fine presentation of the budget estimate by the County Auditor. Mr. Oxenfelcl further stated (at the June 19th Meeting) the Commis- sioners have had time tb go through the budget and feel it is a job very well done by the Auditor, Cbunty Manager, and all others involved in the preparation. ' RE9.UEST OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO SUBORDINATE LIEN - Mr. Marks stated reason for cost of $100 for refinancing loan was due to fact title to property has to be re-examined at a cost of $75 for attorney fees. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Social Services Department be permitted to subordinate lien. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON MEETING ON SOI,ID WASTE DISPOSAI,'- ' Mr. Harriss reported on his appearance, along with others, before the Legislative Research Committee in Raleigh in the interest of the pilot program of solid waste disposal. There was a good deal of interest in the project.. It seems other communities are having problems particularly with tires. Kelly Springfield in Fayetteville is generating 368 rejected tires a day (5-day week) which runs into some real problems. They are paying county landfill 15 cents per tire to get rid oP them. These tires come back to the top when buried causing mosguito problems, etc. Mr. Harriss stated he £elt the message r~as gotten across that solid waste was an expense already. Mr. Harriss stated the mairi thing is to find some acceptable means of disposing of these things other than land£ills. Establishing artificial reefs was recommended up and down the coast. Representatives from Dare County to Brunswick County were there and in favor of it. Mr. Harriss stated he told them New Hanover County was prepared to get into it on a financial basis. Dr. Linton requested a$50,000 appropriation in the next State Budget to establish a pilot program. 14~ MINUTES OF THE NiEETING - JUNE 5, 1972 CCONTINUED) REPORT ON MEETING ON SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL (CONTINUED) - Representatives were present and indicated the interest of the Federal Government in this program. It appears the County may e~ell have a program for disposing of tires and perhaps compressed automobile bodies which ticould be more than half funded by the State and Federal Governments;.certainly not less than 65% total federal and state assistance. The request and report were received with a good deal of interest. A movie was shown by Mr. Harriss on the fish on the local reef and tug which illustrated concentration of fish which occur around these reefs. • ~ It was pointed out something had to be done with this material; there are not any satisfactory solutions to it at present except for disposal as artificial reefs which . would help sports fishing, promote areas for scientific research and study and provide an acceptable means of doing so without polluting the environment. STATUS OF LANDFILL CONTRACT - Mr. Williams asked about the progress of getting contracts signed between Count~ and other local.governments. Mr. Fox stated he is working on them. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Poole is most anxious to come down and do his field work. City operation has already started at.no expense to the County. The important thing is to get contracts signed now so Mr. Poole can be in a bargaining position ti~hen he tries to get land. METHADONE TREATMENT OF DRUG ADDICTS Mr. Marks stated sometime back Mental Health received letter, as did many others, from the Executive Director o£ the Drug Abuse Committee. This committee is considering grant options available to them on how to proceed in a coordinated effort to obtain funds for treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependent individuals. The plan anticipated is the treatment.through the Methadone method of addicts of heroin. Mr. Marks stated this has come before the Mental Health Board twice, and they have declined to endorse the treatment o£ these addicts because at this time there is no known method of getting addicts off of Methadone except back on heroin. Mr. Marks stated where they do have this treatment, it is an attraction for heroin addicts in the whole area to migrate there for this maintenance. Mr. Marks felt it would be an invitation to get a tremendous number of heroin addicts to migrate to Wilmington, and he oras apprehensive about it and hoped V~hen it came be£ore this Board~it would be very analytical and realistic about allowing this to come to our community. Mr. Hall stated about a ten days supply of Methadone would cost approximately $1.50. It is not known how much a daily dose of heroin might cost'an addict. .Mr. Hall felt Methadone should not be ruled out because it could put addicts on maintenance thus eliminating robberies, etc. Mr. Harriss felt it was a question of whether permitting use of Methadone would be creating more problems than elimination. It was pointed out program is not in effect ar~ywhere in the State at the present time. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Ha11, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/mw & hs MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 14, 1972, 1:00 P.M. JOINT CITY COUNCII, - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ASSEMBLY - Special Joint Meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners and City Council of Wilmington was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: From the County: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R. Oxen£eld; County Auditor Perry Shepard and Mrs. Elizabeth Edens; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. From the City: Mayor John Symmes, Councilmen B. D. Schwartz, Benjamin Halterman, Luther Cromartie; and City Manager John Jones. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden to give the invocation. WAIVER OF RE~UIRED NOTICE OF HEARING - ' Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mayor Symmes, the required three days notice for meetings be waived. Motion carried unanimously. JOINT RESOLUTION - STUDY FOR GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX - ~ NLr. Har.riss stated purpose of the Joint Meeting of the City Council and County Commis- sioners.was to establish a position on the construction of a governmental complex. Mr. Harriss read resolution which had been proposed. Mr. Oxenfeld moved that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Schwartz reguested the resolution include provision that the Boards favor location of Complex be in the downtown area of Wil- mington._ By common consent this was agreed to and Mr. Schwartz_ seconded Mr. Oxenfeld's motion. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution adopted is as follows: ' "RESOLUTION STUDY FOR GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX "WHEREAS, for many gears the Boards of City Council and County Commissioners have evidenced the growing need of expanding the existin~ facilities considered the 'City Hall - County Courthouse Complex,' and "WHEREAS, The County Offices are slowly being forced from the County Court- house to leased or rented o£fice space, and