1972-06-14 Special Meeting14~ MINUTES OF THE NiEETING - JUNE 5, 1972 CCONTINUED) REPORT ON MEETING ON SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL (CONTINUED) - Representatives were present and indicated the interest of the Federal Government in this program. It appears the County may e~ell have a program for disposing of tires and perhaps compressed automobile bodies which ticould be more than half funded by the State and Federal Governments;.certainly not less than 65% total federal and state assistance. The request and report were received with a good deal of interest. A movie was shown by Mr. Harriss on the fish on the local reef and tug which illustrated concentration of fish which occur around these reefs. • ~ It was pointed out something had to be done with this material; there are not any satisfactory solutions to it at present except for disposal as artificial reefs which . would help sports fishing, promote areas for scientific research and study and provide an acceptable means of doing so without polluting the environment. STATUS OF LANDFILL CONTRACT - Mr. Williams asked about the progress of getting contracts signed between Count~ and other local.governments. Mr. Fox stated he is working on them. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Poole is most anxious to come down and do his field work. City operation has already started at.no expense to the County. The important thing is to get contracts signed now so Mr. Poole can be in a bargaining position ti~hen he tries to get land. METHADONE TREATMENT OF DRUG ADDICTS Mr. Marks stated sometime back Mental Health received letter, as did many others, from the Executive Director o£ the Drug Abuse Committee. This committee is considering grant options available to them on how to proceed in a coordinated effort to obtain funds for treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependent individuals. The plan anticipated is the treatment.through the Methadone method of addicts of heroin. Mr. Marks stated this has come before the Mental Health Board twice, and they have declined to endorse the treatment o£ these addicts because at this time there is no known method of getting addicts off of Methadone except back on heroin. Mr. Marks stated where they do have this treatment, it is an attraction for heroin addicts in the whole area to migrate there for this maintenance. Mr. Marks felt it would be an invitation to get a tremendous number of heroin addicts to migrate to Wilmington, and he oras apprehensive about it and hoped V~hen it came be£ore this Board~it would be very analytical and realistic about allowing this to come to our community. Mr. Hall stated about a ten days supply of Methadone would cost approximately $1.50. It is not known how much a daily dose of heroin might cost'an addict. .Mr. Hall felt Methadone should not be ruled out because it could put addicts on maintenance thus eliminating robberies, etc. Mr. Harriss felt it was a question of whether permitting use of Methadone would be creating more problems than elimination. It was pointed out program is not in effect ar~ywhere in the State at the present time. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Ha11, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/mw & hs MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 14, 1972, 1:00 P.M. JOINT CITY COUNCII, - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ASSEMBLY - Special Joint Meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners and City Council of Wilmington was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: From the County: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R. Oxen£eld; County Auditor Perry Shepard and Mrs. Elizabeth Edens; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. From the City: Mayor John Symmes, Councilmen B. D. Schwartz, Benjamin Halterman, Luther Cromartie; and City Manager John Jones. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden to give the invocation. WAIVER OF RE~UIRED NOTICE OF HEARING - ' Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mayor Symmes, the required three days notice for meetings be waived. Motion carried unanimously. JOINT RESOLUTION - STUDY FOR GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX - ~ NLr. Har.riss stated purpose of the Joint Meeting of the City Council and County Commis- sioners.was to establish a position on the construction of a governmental complex. Mr. Harriss read resolution which had been proposed. Mr. Oxenfeld moved that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Schwartz reguested the resolution include provision that the Boards favor location of Complex be in the downtown area of Wil- mington._ By common consent this was agreed to and Mr. Schwartz_ seconded Mr. Oxenfeld's motion. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution adopted is as follows: ' "RESOLUTION STUDY FOR GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX "WHEREAS, for many gears the Boards of City Council and County Commissioners have evidenced the growing need of expanding the existin~ facilities considered the 'City Hall - County Courthouse Complex,' and "WHEREAS, The County Offices are slowly being forced from the County Court- house to leased or rented o£fice space, and 14~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - JOINT CITY COUNCIIrCOUNTY COMMISSIOPTERS - JUNE 14, 1972 (CONTINUED) "k~REAS, The demaiids ~ for 'services on °botti City and County Governments are con- stantly increasing, and ' "WHEREAS, the present Boards of City Council and County Commissioners recognize the costly, piecemeal approach that can only inadequately and temporarily offer relief to the problem, and "WHEREAS, there is a mutual feeling economies and ef£iciencies could be achieved by the consolidation of offices oY the City and County, and some State and Federal Agencies in one governmental complex, said savings being passed on to the residents of both City and County, . "NOW, Ths,tcr.r~RE, BE IT RESOLVED that New Hanover County Board of Commis- sioners and the Council of the City of Wilmington propose a study to commence as soon as practical on the feasibility of proceeding with such a Complex, said study to furnish information as to size, type of structure, and location, and to provide for future growth needs for the City and County. Be it further resolved that both Boards favor location of this complex in the downtown area. "This resblution adopted this 14th day of June 1972 by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Council of the City of Wilmin~ton while in joint session. (s) Meares Harriss, Jr., Chairman (s) John C. Symmes, Mayor Board of County Commissioners City of Wilmington" Mayor Symmes stated he £elt this is a very forward move and pointed out adoption of resolution at this time has nothing to do with budgets. Mayor Symmes stated this because some people might be alarmed thinking it might. Ma,yor Symmes stated it is something man~ people have expressed an interest in. PAYMENT FOR COST OF STUDY FOR GOVERNMENTAI, COMPLEX -. ' Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that New Aanover County assume the re- sponsibility and cost of the study not to exceed $10,000, and this amount be appropriated in the forthcoming budget of nTew Hanover Countg. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss stated since this might possiblq involve the Urban Renewal function, he would like to have comments from Mr. Messick. Mr. Messick stated Urban Renewal had asked City Council to appropriate money during the next budget year for a study of a large area of the City which this mi~ht be a part o£. This will be under a Community Development Program. Mr. Messick stated Mr. Oxenfeld had requested they negotiate with a Consultant Planner to give the County a proposal on the feasibility study which has just been approved. This has been done and Urban Renewal is in receipt of a proposal. Mr. Messick stated the study will possibly requi"re a lot of leg work done locall~ which the Redevelopment Commission might be able to do for the County and City, such as various types of surve~s, real estate acguisitions, etc. The Commission will have to negotiate the scope of services and compensation at a later date. Mr. Messick introduced Mr. McClure of the Redevelopment Commission. Mr. Harriss stated he felt he was speaking £or both Boards; they have long realized space is inadequate and provision for additional facilities is needed. Mr. Harriss pointed out the County is presently renting space and had to go from the downtown area to renovate a building to house County offices. Mr. Harriss expressed the feeling the City will be faced with the same thing in the future. Mr. Harriss stated it is the duty of both Boards to provide adequate facilities for $overnmental functions of the City and County, and, stepping aside, he congratulated both Boards on the action taken today. ADJQURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Joint Boards, Special Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 19, 1972, 9~00 A.M. ASSII"IBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with.the followin~ present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., A. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel .Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked Mr. Marks to give the invocation. APPROVAI~ OF MINUTES - REGUI~AR MEETING JUNE 5. 1972 - Mr. Oxenfeld requested statement he made at the last meeting and one made by him today in connection with presentation of the 19'72-73 budget estimate be included in the minutes. The following should be included on Page 16 under heading "Presentation of 19~2-73 Budget