1972-08-03 Special Meeting1~:~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, JULY 1~, 1972 - JULY 1~, 1972 (CONTINUED) I,ICENSE FOR MASSAGE PARLOR (CONTINUED) - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by ~r. Oxenfeld, the application be approved. Motion carried unanimously. REAPPOINTMEIdTS TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS~ AND COMPIITTEES - Nir. Narks discussed polic~ recently adopted by the City o,hich limits appointments to boards, commissionsand committees to not more than two consecutive terms. P4r. Bowden recommended County do likewise. Mr. Marks was in favor of the policy based on feeling it will involve mor.e citizens u~ho would become involved in County operations. Itr.. Williams vaas of the opinion when a person is doing a good job, he should be reappointed just as lon~ as he is doing a good job. PYr. 4Tilliams stated experience is the best teacher and he could not see the wisdom of starting a person out with no experience to replace a man with experience. Mr. Hall ex- . pressed the same opinion. ' Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the County adopt same policy as the City has to limit appointments to boards, commissions and committees to not more than two consecutive terms. Notion failed to carry; vote was two to tw.o. TRAPJSFER OF P'UNDS - CIVII, DEFENSE - P1r. Bowden stated he wished to request appropriation from the General Contingency ~znd to Civil Defense (Account Tdo. 11.513) in amount of $148.05. This is necessary to replace window-type air-conditioner which has failed and is beyond r.epair. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, transfer as reouested. Motion carried unanimously. (On July 18,:.19~2 it was determined $296.10 was needed instead of $148.05. Commissioners were polled and majority agreed to the appropriation of $2~6.10) MEETING ON JULY 18 IN RALEIGH - REDEVELOPMENT OF DISASTER AREAS - Mr. Bowden reminded the Commissioners of a meeting on July 18th in Raleigh concerning the redevelopment of disaster areas that are caused by hurricanes, tornados, etc. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, rr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF SPECIAII MEETING, AUGUST 3, 197z - 3:0o P.M. ASSEMBLY - Special meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Neares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. 4lilliams, Commissioner John R. Oxenfeld; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. 4JAIUER OF REQUIRED NOTICE OF HEARING - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, the reouired three days notice for meetings be vaaived. Motion carried unanimously. PURI'OSE OF MEETING - Chairman Harriss stated,special meeting was called for the specific purpose of considering the approval o£ several submissions on subdivisions and only because the Commissioners are not meeting at the scheduled time on Monday, August '], 19'72. Meeting ti~as rescheduled due to a Regional Neeting being held by the Governor for Southeastern North Carolina in Kenansville, N. C. Since postponement of the Commissioners' meeting would have seriously inconvenienced several people who had work in progress, special meeting was called. SILVA-TERRA~ SECTION III. SECTIONS 1 AND 2 SUBDIVISION PLAT - Mr. John Sutton, Staff Planner, Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission, presented this plat to the Commissioners. Mr. Sutton stated this plat has been reviewed by the Sub- division Review Committee and bond required has been submitted in the amount deter.mined by the County Engineer. Bond has been approved by the County Attorney. The Plannin~ Department recommends approval of the plat. Section III is a 25-lot section as were the two previous sections. The improvements have not been installed in the to~o previous sections, but a bond has been furnished for this section to cover the improvements. Developer is entitled, according to the ordinance, to get approval on this even though the improvements are not completed in the other tN~o sections. There are still 25 lots left in the subdivision that have not been recorded, and before these can be recorded the developer ti•;ill have to have all improvements completed in previous sections. Mr. Williams moved that Silva Terra, Section III, Subdivision Plat be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign 'same. Motion carried unanimously. EGRET POINT SUBDIVISION PLkT - Mr. Sutton presented subdivision plat of this subdivision_which is located on the Mason- boro Loop Road near the junction with Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Sutton stated all require- ments have been met on this. A bond has been provided in the amount determined by the County Engineer and has been approved by the County Attorney. The preliminary included the entir.e section of land dooan to where the last cul-de-sac is on the road. The developer originally intended to develop entire tract, but the soil in the rear portion was too bad to do so, and this has been delayed until later when acceptable sewerage disposal is available. The final plat has been revised to include this first section and provides temporary cul-de-sac until such time as remainder of land is developed. All other requirements have been met. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. l~'illiams, Egret Point Subdivision Plat be approved, and the Chairman be authorized to sign same. Notion carried unanimously. 19a~ MINUTES OF SPECIkL MEETING, AUGUST 3, i972 - 3:0o P.M. (CONTINUED) DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGkTE TO ANIS[JAL CONUEVTION OF NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY CONIIIISSIONERS - Mr. Williams called the Board's attention to necessity for the Board to designate a voting delegate to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners' Annual Convention to be held August 10-13, 19`J2 in Pinehurst, Pd. C. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Mr. Williams be appointed as voting delegate to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners' Annual Convention to be held August 10-13, 19'72 in Pinehurst, N. C. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, ~972 - 9~0o a.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Manager Laur.ence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Auditor Perry Shepard v.~as absent from the meeting. INVOCATIOIJ - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. A. J. Blake, Pastor, A.M.E. Church to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING~ JULY l~, 19`72 - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by T9r. Marks, minutes of regular meeting of July 1`7, 19']2 be approved as written. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 19~2 - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. bJilliams, minutes of special meeting of August 3, 19~2 be approved as written. CONFIRPriA`i'ION kPFOINTMENT TO WILMINGTON-NEW HEINOVER PLANNITdG C01~1ISSION - Mr. 4~illiams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, confirmation of the appointment of Mr. Ron E. Nantz to fill.unexpired term of Mr. Jim Sabin on the Wilmington-Ne~a Hanover Planning Commission, term expiring August 1, 1973. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO BICENTENNIAL COMNiITTEE - Letter from Mr. Walser H. Allen, Jr., Chairr~an, Bicentennial Committee, requesting another member be added to this committee was presented by Mr. Bowden. Mr. YTilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, appointment of Mr. John J. Hunt, Jr. to serve on the Bicentennial Committee. Plotion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OFFER TO CONVEY PROPERTY TO CITY A1VD COUNTY - Of£er of Mr. Murdoch M. Dunn to convey property in Block No. 265 to the City and County in lieu of taxes was discussed. The assessed value for the lot for pronerty tax purposes is $1220 and the ta~ces presently due on the lot, plus interest and penalties, amount to $456.60. Mr. Dunn feels that the property is probably not iaorth the amount of taxes. He acquired property in for.eclosure of a mortgage. He lost money on the foreclosure and he is not interested in paying any more taxes. It appears that a foreclosure for tax purposes would be necessary. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the County accept offer of P1r. Dunn to convey property to City and County in lieu of taxes due on this property in amount of Y6456.60, subject to concurrence of the City. Motion carried unanimously. I1r. Harriss pointed out the County and City are getting a better deed this way and at less expense. , SALARIES - SCHOOL GUARDS - Nr. Grubbs stated $1.84 per hour was approved in the budget for school guards but the Sheriff had intended to request $~1.85, the same as the City is ~aying. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the salary be establ"i.shed at $1.85 per hour for school guards. Motion carried unanimously. SALARIES - GRAND JURY OFFICER - P'ir. Grubbs stated the Grand ~ury 0£ficer and Special Deputy working in the Superior Court, as prison box attendant, now are paid $11 per day. The Sheriff would like to pay them $12 per day. 8ufficient funds have been budgeted and these men work approximately two weeks per month. P4r. Grubbs recommended approval saying it is within the guide lines. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the increase requested be approved. Motion carried unanimously. HIRING OF RELATIVE - Mr. Grubbs requested Commissioners' approval to hire George Locke, brother of Benjamin Locke who is a janitor in the Courthouse. Mr. Grubbs stated Personnel Manual states no relative shall be hired in the same adminisi:rative department o~ithout approval of the County Commissioners and in no case shall a relative be hired i£ one relative will supervise the other. There is no supervisory capacity here. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr.. Narks, per- mission be given for hiring this person. Motion carried unanimously.