1972-08-14 Regular Meeting19a~ MINUTES OF SPECIkL MEETING, AUGUST 3, i972 - 3:0o P.M. (CONTINUED) DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGkTE TO ANIS[JAL CONUEVTION OF NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY CONIIIISSIONERS - Mr. Williams called the Board's attention to necessity for the Board to designate a voting delegate to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners' Annual Convention to be held August 10-13, 19`J2 in Pinehurst, Pd. C. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Mr. Williams be appointed as voting delegate to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners' Annual Convention to be held August 10-13, 19'72 in Pinehurst, N. C. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, ~972 - 9~0o a.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Manager Laur.ence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Auditor Perry Shepard v.~as absent from the meeting. INVOCATIOIJ - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. A. J. Blake, Pastor, A.M.E. Church to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING~ JULY l~, 19`72 - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by T9r. Marks, minutes of regular meeting of July 1`7, 19']2 be approved as written. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 19~2 - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. bJilliams, minutes of special meeting of August 3, 19~2 be approved as written. CONFIRPriA`i'ION kPFOINTMENT TO WILMINGTON-NEW HEINOVER PLANNITdG C01~1ISSION - Mr. 4~illiams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, confirmation of the appointment of Mr. Ron E. Nantz to fill.unexpired term of Mr. Jim Sabin on the Wilmington-Ne~a Hanover Planning Commission, term expiring August 1, 1973. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO BICENTENNIAL COMNiITTEE - Letter from Mr. Walser H. Allen, Jr., Chairr~an, Bicentennial Committee, requesting another member be added to this committee was presented by Mr. Bowden. Mr. YTilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, appointment of Mr. John J. Hunt, Jr. to serve on the Bicentennial Committee. Plotion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OFFER TO CONVEY PROPERTY TO CITY A1VD COUNTY - Of£er of Mr. Murdoch M. Dunn to convey property in Block No. 265 to the City and County in lieu of taxes was discussed. The assessed value for the lot for pronerty tax purposes is $1220 and the ta~ces presently due on the lot, plus interest and penalties, amount to $456.60. Mr. Dunn feels that the property is probably not iaorth the amount of taxes. He acquired property in for.eclosure of a mortgage. He lost money on the foreclosure and he is not interested in paying any more taxes. It appears that a foreclosure for tax purposes would be necessary. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the County accept offer of P1r. Dunn to convey property to City and County in lieu of taxes due on this property in amount of Y6456.60, subject to concurrence of the City. Motion carried unanimously. I1r. Harriss pointed out the County and City are getting a better deed this way and at less expense. , SALARIES - SCHOOL GUARDS - Nr. Grubbs stated $1.84 per hour was approved in the budget for school guards but the Sheriff had intended to request $~1.85, the same as the City is ~aying. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the salary be establ"i.shed at $1.85 per hour for school guards. Motion carried unanimously. SALARIES - GRAND JURY OFFICER - P'ir. Grubbs stated the Grand ~ury 0£ficer and Special Deputy working in the Superior Court, as prison box attendant, now are paid $11 per day. The Sheriff would like to pay them $12 per day. 8ufficient funds have been budgeted and these men work approximately two weeks per month. P4r. Grubbs recommended approval saying it is within the guide lines. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the increase requested be approved. Motion carried unanimously. HIRING OF RELATIVE - Mr. Grubbs requested Commissioners' approval to hire George Locke, brother of Benjamin Locke who is a janitor in the Courthouse. Mr. Grubbs stated Personnel Manual states no relative shall be hired in the same adminisi:rative department o~ithout approval of the County Commissioners and in no case shall a relative be hired i£ one relative will supervise the other. There is no supervisory capacity here. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr.. Narks, per- mission be given for hiring this person. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1972 - 9:0o a.M. (CONTINUED) NAMING OF ARCHTTECT FOR RENOVAT7~N OF TOP FT~OR OF SOCIAI, SERVICES BUIZDING - Mr. Marks stated he would~~prefer having different architect Por this work instead o£ the last one due to lack of communication between Miss Hall and the last one. ~ir. Marks stated he did not have anyone in mind. Mr. Hall suggested Mr. Mcgim. Mr. Harriss stated in view o£ the policy of the County to rotate projects among the architects in the City and County, he would point out P1r. McKim has recently done some airport projects. P'!r. Hall stated these were minor. . Mr. Marks stated the County did anticipate at one time a substantial job for Mr. McKim on which he did all the ground work. The project was abandoned, and as a consideration of this the Board might allow Mr. McKim to do this project. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. McKim be appointed to do this work. Mr. Oxen£eld reguested he be permitted to abstain from votin~ on this motion. Mr. 4Jilliams moved, aeconded by Mr. Hall, Mr. Oxenfeld be permitted to abstain from voting on this issue. Motion carried unanimously. Vote was called on motion. It carried b~ four votes. Mr. Oxen£eld abstained £rom voting. RESOLUTIONS RECOGNIZING EFFORTS OF HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS JAMES SMITH AND IiUGH RAGSDA7IE TO BEGIN EARI~Y STUDY AND PROCEEDINGS FOR DUAI, HIGI3k'AY TO WI7~MINGTON - Mr. Harriss stated the Board is conscious of the help that Highway Commissioners James Smith and Hu~h Ragsdale have made in its behalf to have a study made and to institute action towards providing a dual highway to Wilmington and I-95 which would be a tremendously important interstate connection both from a standpoint of the Port and other businesses in the City. Mr. Harriss read the £ollowing resolution: "47HEREAS, Mr. James Smith has served in the position of District Highway Commissioner, and • "WHEREAS, Mr. James Smith has materially assisted the e££orts of Southeastern North Carolina by promoting the early study of a dual lane highway system'in Soutli- eastern North Carolina, "NOW, TAEREFORE, BE IT RES~LVED that New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the citizens of the County express their gratitude in the form of this Resolution, adopted August 14, 19~2 by the New Hanover Countq Board oY Commissioners. (s) Meares Harriss, Jr. Chairman (s) Berry A. Williams Vice-Chairman (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. (s) H. A. Marks (s) John R. Oxenfeld ATTEST: Hazel Sava~e Clerk to the Board" Mr. k~illiams moved,:seconded by Mr. Hall, adoption o£ the above resolution. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss read the following resolution: "WHEREAS, Mr. Hugh Ragsdale, District Highway Commissioner for the area in- ' cluding New Hanover County, has served all the people of his district faithfully, and "k~iEREAS, Mr. Hugh Ragsdale has succeeded in the achieving of a District Commissioner's goals, and "WFIEREAS, Mr. Hugh Ragsdale has been instrumental in promoting the advanced study of a dual highway system in the Southeastern part of North Carolina, "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commis- sioners and the citizens of New Hanover County ofSicially recognize the efforts of Mr. Hu~h Ragsdale and publicly express appreciation in the form of this Resolution, adopted the 14th d~y of August 1972 by the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners. (s) Meares Harriss, Jr. Chairman (s) Berry A, Williams Vice-Chairman (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. (s) H. A. Marks (s) John R. Oxenfeld ATTEST: Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board" Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams adoption of the resolution. Motion carried unanimously. NEW HANOVER COUNTY JAIZ CONTRACT - HOUSING FEDERAL PRISONERS - , Mr. Harriss stated the Sheriff and County Manager recommended rate of $4 per day per person for housing of federal prisoners in the County Jail,. however the U. S. Government will only pay $3 per day per person, the government to furnish medical care. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the contract for $3 per day per person be renewed. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1972 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTIlvu~y) NEW HANOVER COUNTY JAIL CONTRACT - HOUSING FEDERAL PRISONERS ~CONTINUED),- Later in the meeting Mr. Marks suggested the County reguest that Federal prisoners be housed elsewhere due to congestion in the County Jail. Mr. Bowden stated he would discuss this with the SheriYf. - TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - The Commissioners' of£ice had been notified prior to the meeting Mr. Shepard and Mrs. Edens were ill and did not think it advisable for either of them to be present at the meeting although they would be in their office iY the Commissioners had any.questions pertaining to the transfers. Mr. Harriss felt that a representative from the Auditor's office should be present for discussion o£ the transPers and requested the Auditor's oYfice be called and so advised. Mrs. Edens arrived and the following transfers were presented: Formal Approval of School Reouest From: Carolina Beach Zibrary $1,850.00 Special Education 1,000.00 To: Capital Outlay: D. C. Virgo=Two Classrooms $ 2,850.00 From: Capital Outlay: Television Studio $6,500.00 Furniture & Instructional Apparatus 6,800.00 To: New Hanover High School Library $13,300.00 ~ By poll vote the Commissioners had informally approved request prior to the meeting. Mr. Harriss pointed out the auditorium at New Hanover High School will be renovated for library space which is badly needed. Mr. Oxenfeid stated,they also ran into some problems that were not foreseen until they started to get into some o£ the demolition. ~9~~ Mr. Oxenfeld moved, aeconded by Mr. Harriss, the transfers outlined be formally approved. Motion carried unanimously. Mental Health - Due to oversight rent for Xerox was not included in the 1972-73 Mental Health Budget. Amount needed is $730. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Nir. Hall, $'730 be transferred £rom Mental Health Salaries to Rent for Xerox. Motion carried unanimously. Airport - Mr. Westbeook by letter reguested $3,990.18, which was received for sale of timber the Airport has sold on timber easement rights, be trans£erred from Miscellaneous Income Airport to Easements so they can use the money for new timber easement rights. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Custodians - Pav For Use of Court Rooms After Hours - Request to transfer $100 from General Contingency to Custodians - Pay For Use of Court Rooms After Hours was requested. This will be a washout item. Persons using the coizrtrooms are charged custodial fee of $10 which will be paid to New Hanover County and then check issued to the custodian. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, this request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. PURCHASE OF VOTING MACHINES - . Mr. Marks stated Mr. Shepard had called him sayin$ he would be out of town and was not sure Mrs. Edens could be here today and asked him to present question of purchase of voting machines. P1r. Shepard is recommending instead of purchasing the machines under a lease purchase a~reement over a£ouNyear period that the Count9 buy them outright at a savings of $i575 in interest v~hich is substantially above the going rate. Mr. Shepard advised Mr. Marks the quotation he received on the machines suggested consideration be given to local financing. Mr. Shepard suggested $8,000 be taken from the General Contingency Fund and added to the $2,000 from the Board of Elections Budget and purchase the machines outright with a savings to the County of ~1575 in interest charges. . Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the County purchase the voting machines out- right as recommended by the County Auditor. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING, APPEALS, APPLICATION FOR SPECIAI, USE PERMITS, AND AP~uLi~1ENTS TO THE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE - Mr. Harriss declared Public Hearing scheduled for 9~30 A.M. open. The following rezoning requests were heard: ' 1. Property on the north and south sides of S.R. 1186 between Carolina Beach Road (U.S. Hwy. 421) and Etiver Road in Zoning Area #4 from I-2 (Industrial District) to R-15 (Single Family District) Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends approval. Mr. Mallory stated request came £rom the Oleander Company. Mr. David I~oughlin, representative of the Oleander Comparyy, was present and briefly stated what the plans are for this tract of land the9 are requesting be rezoned. They plan to construct a high quality country club golf course, three lakes, 500'to 600 condominiums, 600 to 700 residential lots with riding trails and some commercial establishments. Mr. Lou~hli~ stated they were advised by the Planning Department the only move they shnuld try to make 'is to rezone the portion that is zoned industrial to R-15 and then apply for commercial and condominium zonin~ through special use permits. Mr. Williams moved the request for rezoning be approved and the Commission authorized to si~n ordinanCe. Motion CaTTied tuianimously. (The Ordinance is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 4, Pa,qe 5. ) MINUTES OF M~ETING, AUGUST 14, 1972 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING, APPEALS, APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMITS, AND AMENDMENTS TO THE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE (COATTINUED) - . 2. Property on the north side of S.R. 1186 between Carolina Beach Road (U.S. Hwy. 421) and River Road in Zoning Area ~9a(formerly City of Wilmington's One-Mile Area) from 2-2 (Industrial District) to R-15 (Single Family District) Mr. Mallory stated this is also a portion of the Echo Farm adjacent to the_portion that was in the first request. This was at one time within the one-mile area of the City and when the property was changed from City Zoning to County Zoning it was zoned I-2 since this portion was originally zoned M-2 in the City. The same petitioner requests this property be rezoned to R-15, and the Planning Commission recommends approval. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, this request be approved, and the Commis- sioners authorized to sign ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. (The ordinance is eontained in Zonit2g Ordinance Book I, Section 9-B, Page 1.J 3• 5320 Oleander Drive between Forest Park Road and Englewood Drive on the south- side of the street in Zoning Area #9B(formerly City o£ Wilmington's One-Mile Area) from R-15 (Single Family District) to B-2 (Business District) Mr. Mallory stated this is adjacent to an area already zoned ~2 for a similar depth. Use of property will be for a Mobile Home Sales Lot. The Flanning Commission recommends approval of this request. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks that this area be rezoned as requested and the Commissioners authorized to sign the ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. (The ordinance is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 9-B, Page 2.) Mr. J:._E.: L:-.Wade' thanked the Bo•ard for their approval. Mr. Harriss stated Nir. 4Jade o~as at one time Mayor of the City of Wilmington and for.many~years served as Commissioner oP Public Works. Mr. Wade stated he has served in capacity of representing people for sixtg- eight years. Mr. Wade stated he was serving President Nixon on the White House Advisor~ Board for the Aged. 4. 5924 Market Street betWeen U. S. Hwy. 74 and Elisha Drive on the south side of.the street in Zonin~ Area ~#6 from B--2 (Business District) and R-15 (Single Familq District) to I-1 (Industrial District) Mr. Mallory stated the Petitioner ori~inally reguested I-2, but the Plannin~ Commission recommended I-1. I,ocated on the property is a golf cart manufacturing firm that without industrial zoning would be non-conforming. There is enough land to qualify for an I-1 district. On the north side o£ U.S. 1'] that area is also zoned I-1. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr: Hall, the rezoning be approved and the Commissioners be authorized to sign ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. (The ordinance is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 6, Page 5.) ~ Appeals from the Planning Commission's recommendation were presented next: 2. Property on the southeast side of U.S. Hwy. 1'7 between B~yshore Drive and S.R. 1345 in Zoning Area #5 from R-15 (Single Family District) to B-2 (Business District). Mr. Harriss stated he had inspected the property and found some verq substandard dwellings in that area. It is three-quarters of a mile £rom the entrance to Bayshore. There are t~ro existing business establishments on this property; one a hi-tane filling station, the other a repair shop. These have been in business for some six or seven years. It would appear that to restrict this to residential zoning would involve a substantial damage to the owner, Mr. Godwin, because he cannot upgrade the existing faciiities under an R-15 District. Mr. I~ouis Burney represented Mr. Godwin. When petition was made it was intended to use property £or a truck stop but due to Mr. Godwin getting a settlement on other property across the river, he definitely does not plan a truck stop here. Mr. Burney stated his client will furnish in writing any such proo£, as the people who live in this area desire, that he will not put a truck stop here. Mr. Marks stated he also saw this property over the weekend, and thou~ht it would be o£ extensive damage to the owner if he were deprived from using property for the purpose for which he purchased it. • Mr. Hall suggested a buffer zone on the rear of the property. Mr. Godwin stated he was willing to put a buffer zone there. . Nirs. Linda Monahan, resident of Bayshore, protested use of the property for the purpose stated and inquired what the Grand£ather Clause meant. Mr..Fox explained meaning of the . term to her. • Mr. Harriss stated zonin~ is almost new in the County. The Board knows injustices had to be done in order to accomplish the bigger objective of controllin~ use of property in the County. Certain desi~nations will have to be reconsidered due to growth of county and this is one o£ them. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, rezoning of this property (549 by 10'70 feet) to ~2. Mr. Mallory stated recommendation of Planning Commission was denial due to fact that there is a predominant factor o£ residential development in this area. Mr. Mallory stated if B-2 zoning is granted in this area for this applicant it would certainly be evidence that there will be favoritism looked upon in the granting of additional B-2 land for other areas. This really is enlarging more land for business uses than presently exists. Mr. Harriss asked for an explanation of what he meant by favoritism. Mr. Mallory stated he meant it in the eyes of the Plannin~ Commission, not the County Commissioners. The Plaaning Commission £eels if they grant B-2 here, they will be obligated in essence to look •with favoritism to ex- tending the B-2 zones when it is requested to do so. Mr. Harriss stated question to be decided is whether this piece of propert~, which has been used for business, should be continued as a piece of business property. Mr. Harriss pointed out zoning has driven the price of business MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING, APPEAI,S, APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMITS, AND Al~~ivLi'IENTB TO TEiE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE ~CONTINUED) - property along major roads in the County up to astronomical proportions and to the point where some businesses are being stifled because they cannot afford price charged for road front property. Mr. Harriss stated perhaps the County has gone overboard in its desire to keep the County from becoming a hodgepod~e of various types of usa~es and the County will have to make some adjustments £rom time to time. Mr. Harriss stated he did not like the use of the word "favoritism" because to him it means that somebody has been given something that someone else with an equal case would not be given, and this is not the thing that is being talked aliout here. Mr. Harriss pointed out zoning came in after Mr. Godwin had purchased and operated the property as a business, and under the Grandfather Clause he is entitled to continue it. Mr. Fox stated he would be entitled to use it as he is currently using it; he would not be permitted to alter the use that is permitted under the B-2 zoning. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion there was a£ailure to recognize the same character of this property as was recognized at 47rightsville Sound. ~ 9'7 Mr. Marks stated he did not interpret Mr. Mallory's statement to mean the County is giving special favors and actually there are no_other similar situations in the immediate area. If there should be other requests from adjoinirig property owners for B-2 zoning they would not have to be granted on the basis they were not businesses before zoning took place. ~ Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously.(A copy of the ordinance rezoning this property is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 5, Page 2.) Public Hearing was recessed for a brief period. Public Hearing was reconvened. Another appeal from the Planning Commission's recommendation was heard:. 1. Property on.ttie east side o£ N. C. Hws. 132 (South Colle~e Road) between Parmele Road and S.R. 1318 in Zonin Area ~/8 from R-15 (Single Family District) to &-1 (Business District~ Mr. Mallory advised the Commissioners Mr. Cicero Yow, l~ttorney representing the Petitioner, Mr. Winfield Smith, Jr., is unable to tie here because o£ City Council Meeting tod~y. They have requested the Commissioners de£er hearing on this until the next meeting of the Commissioners. The Planning Department had no objectioris. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, this matter be deferred until next regular meeting of the County Commissioners on August 21, 19'72. Motion carried unanimously. Applications for Special Use Permits were taken up next: l. Application for Special Use Permit to use property on the west side of . Carolina Beach Road (U. S. Hwy. 421) north of the entrance to Monterey Hei~hts Stizbdivision in Zoning Area ~/4 for a convenience food store in an R-15 District. Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends issuance of special use permit, subject to the following: 1. Plans submitted with the application for Special Use Permit 2. Installation of curbing along right-of-way of N.C. 132 except for curb cuts and for 35 feet along the 30 £oot private road to the west. 3. Recommend that there be only one curb cut or that proposed cuts be one- way entrance and exit 4. Proposed si~ns be at least 10 feet from the street right-of-way and aryy property lines Mr. Richard Sellers was present representing his father who owns the property. Mr. Sellers stated the present store has outgrown itself and they wish to tear it down and build a larger and more modern building. It has been in operation £or six years. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the request for special use permit be approved. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Application £or Special Use Permit to use property on the northwest side of Greenville Loop Road (Rt. 3, Box 326AB) between Rice Road and S.R. 1513 in Zoning Area #2 for the erection of a greenhouse in an R-15 District. Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommemds approval of issuance of a special use permit subject to the following: 1. Subject to the plans submitted with the application for special use permit revised as required by the Plannin$ Commission to show access to property to the rear of the lot and proposed Tence along the side of the greenhouse. 2. That no retail activity be conducted. It is understood that £lowers and/or plants grown within the greenhouse ma,p be sold to florists, but no retail sales to the general public ma,y be conducted on this property. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. 47illiams, approval of this request. Motion carried unanimously. ' Public Hearing was again recessed. Public Hearing was reconvened. ' M~. Mallory presented proposed amendments to the Count~* Zoning ardinance: MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1972 - 9:0o a.M. (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - REZOIdING, APPEALS, APPLICATION FOR SPECIAI, USE PERMITS, AND AI~~tuLrIENTS TO THE COUNTY ZONING ORDINp1VCE (CONTINUED) - 1. Amend Article V, Section 53-2 (1) to read as follows: (1) Accessory building (limit to two (2) such buildings per lot) Mr. Mallory stated this is for accessory buildings in the R-10 district which had previously been limited to one where in R-15 and R-20 two such buildings are permitted. The Plannin~ Commission recommends approval. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the amendmerit be approued. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Amerid Article V, Section 54-2 by addin~ the following: (21) Appliance sales and repairs subject to no outside stora~e other than operable vehicles. Mr. Mallory stated this is an amendment to B-1 district which by de£inition of.ordinance is a commercial district or business district to provide conveniences for neighborhood and the Planning Commission is recommending no outside stbrage. Mr. Rogers who owns an applicance store spoke to this matter and also No. 3 below. 3. Amend Article V, Section 55-2 by adding the following: (24) Appliance sales and repair subject to outside storage being completely enclosed. This pertains to ~2 District which is highway oriented. Mr. Mallory stated enclosure can be a fence. Mr. Rogers pointed out completely enclosed would mean a top on it. Mr. Harriss.stated this could be clarified by adding "This is defined as not requiring a roof". Mr. Rogers stated stores are permitted to have merchandise outside o£ stores without fences or storage, also stores that sell boats. He asked wY~y appliance stores are being restricted. Mr. Mallory stated purpose is to prevent things from blowing around. After discussion, Mr.•Williams moved, seconded by Mr.~Oxenfeld, that proposed Amend- ments 2 and 3 be re£erred back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. Motion carried unanimously. . • - 4. Amend Article V, Section 56-2 by adding the following: (2'7) Boat and/or golf.cart and related Vehicle construction Mr. Mallory stated the ordinance does include boat so amendment will be for golf cart construction.in I-1 District. . Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the amendment.be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss declared Public Hearing closed. ROAD PETTTIQNS - 1. Brier Crest Drive, Section 3A, Brookfield - Mr. Mallory stated the monuments referred to in letter he addressed to the Clerk of the Board have now been installed per call he received from Mr. A. H. Harrell, developer of Brookfield. The Planning Commission does not now object to the Commissioners recommending maintenance by the State Highway Commission. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the road petition be forwarded to the State Highway Commission as recommended by Mr. Mallory with request Brier Crest Drive, Section 3A, BrookYield, be added to the State's Secondary Road System for maintenance. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Sumter Avenue. Carolina Beach, N. C. - Mr. Mallory stated County has to make recommendation on streets within one-mile area of municipality. ~ • Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that upon recommendation of Mr. Mallory, the road petition be forwarded to the State Highway Commission with request Sumter Avenue be added to the State's Secondary Road System for maintenance. Motion carried unanimousl3~. 3. Shaw Drive, Weaver Acres - • This subdivision was developed by metes and bounds and the Planning Department cannot determine whether or not it meets Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Hall was of the opinion it should be denied. Mr. Mallory stated at the time the development took place it was to the advantage of the developer. The developer is gone and the people will have to pay for the roads. Mr. Hall felt it would be well to discourage purchases in places like this where the developer has developed by metes and bounds instead of lots. After further discussion, Mr. k~illiams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that upon recommendation of Mr. Mallory, the Board of Commissioners recommend to the State it add Shaw Drive, 4Jeaver AcTes to its Secondary Road System for maintenance. Motion carried four to.one. Mr. Marks voted "No". Mr. Harriss was of the opinion it would be well to announce a policy not to recommend roads be added to the State's Secondar9 Road System in the future where subdivisions are developed by metes and bounds. This will be discussed at the next meeting. DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL MAP FOR ZONING AREA N0. 9- Mr. Mallory stated since zoning areas are referred to by number, he took the former one mile area and re£erred to it as Zoning Area No. 9• It had to be done with two maps due to the size of area so they are 9-A and 9-B. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the maps. Motion carried unanimously. ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, ~972 - 9~0o A.M. (CQNTINUED) CAPE FEAR TECH BOND ISSUE - Mr. Emmart and Mr. McLeod were present for discussion of the Bond Issue for Cape Fear Technical Institute. Mr. McLeod stated they are asking for a bond issue to provide more facilities at the Cape Fear Technical Institute because of the over-crowded condition. Mr. McLeod stated this facility is shown as having the second highest usage of an,y facility in the Community College System in the State. Mr. McLeod stated they feel amount asked for is amount it will take to bring the programs back on campus that should be on campus at the present time and should provide Yor growth for the next ten years. Mr. knmart stated it was unanimously voted upon by the Board of Trustees to request vote on this Bond Issue to be held in November, and the9 were fully aware of the complications and everything it would invol~e:._ Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. k~illiams, that bond issue election £or the Cape Fear Technical Institute in the sum of $3,65'7,500 be held in November, 19`72 for the purpose of enlarging the campus facilities. Mr. Marks stated he was wholeheartedly in agreement with the bond issue and election with the exception of the amount, and his conviction is that the Board should not attempt to get the "whole hog" at one time. Mr. Marks stated his reason £or this is the County does have other urgent needs that he feels are o£ greater need than this additional capacit~ in- volved. Mr. Harriss stated he had worked with the Institute over the years and had seen productive results from it, and he did not think Cape Fear Tech can be too highly rated in our community efforts. It is a tremendous part of the County's race of human relations. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. . JOINT CITY-COUNTY SESSION - AIRPORT ZONING - Mr. Harriss declared this a joint meeting of the City Council and the New Hanover County Commissioners for the pu-rpose of discussing Airport Zoning. Mapor John C. Symmes, Councilmen Ben Schwartz, Luther Cromartie, Herbert Brand, and Ben Halterman were present Yor this discussion. City Mana~er John Jones and Miss Claire H~ig~ie."sj,.Ei~y~Clerkt-were als.o present. Dr. G. y: Hartford, Chairman, Airport Commission, Mi~: John.A:` hiesttir0ok:,_.AirpoTt'Mana.ger, and Mr..';Rob.ert Williams of John Talbert & Associates were present. The entire Board of Commissioners were present. Dr. Hartford stated the Airport Commission has felt for sometime that studies should be carried out to determine usage of land in area of the airport which could be made which would not encroach on the future development of the airport and which would at the same time protect potential builders that might want to build in that area. With this in mind the Airport Commission requested the Planning Commission about two years ago to conduct such a study and furnish the Airport Commission their recommendations. The study has been made and report issued. P1r. Mallory and Mr. Ramsey were in attendance for this discussion. Mr. Mallory presented the report giving background information, outlining transportation trends up to the present time. Mr. Mallory stated in order to have speed and convenience in air transportation it is necessary the County Airport be maintained, developed and expanded in a way it does not adversely a£fect surrounding land uses and surrounding land uses will not have the same adverse effect on the airport. The airport is a major financial invest- ment for the County. Mr. Mallory stated development trends and land uses around the airport since 1955 were studied. Population statistics were also considered 4~hich showed a tremendous rate of growth in the airport area. Mr. Mallory~stated the big~est prob3em of Airport operation is the excessine noise. No study has been conducted to determine efYect noise at the County Airport has on the surrounding property. Mr. Mallory contacted the FAA for methods of ineasuring noise. The FAA referred him to Bolt, Beranek & Newman, Inc. Mr. Mallory outlined procedures recommended by this firm and which are contained in the report. Ways to protect Airport was discussed by Mr.. Mallory - for the Countg and also the City to control location of public facilities, such as schools, hospitals or any type of facility that would have a lot o£ people in a public meeting place. Another way would be by land acquisition by City and County, also by easements. Both of these methods are too expensive. The most practical way is through zonin~. There are two things the Airport Commission and Plannin~ Commission feel should be protected through zoning (1) the County wants to be able to control the land use and (2) able to insure protection £or aircraft approaching the ai:rport . ' Mr. Mallory pointed out there is a proposed Wilmington-New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance included with the report which would provide height limitations only. Mr. Mallory stated the County Attorney reviewed the ordinance and he su~gested it be altered slightly. It provides for the adoption of the Airport Zoning Ordinance by both the City Council and County Commissioners based on the General Statutes. The County is authorized to adopt ordinance that would regulate or control the height that would be the height limitation approach to the airport although this may go into another political subdivision area o£ jurisdiction. This covers height only. The Planning Department has revised the proposed New Hanover Countg Airport Zoning Ordinance that will be for the County to adopt. If the Courity does enact the Ordinance Mr. Mallory suggested the one eriacted in 1961 be repealed. Mr. Mallory next discussed Appendices A and B of the seport - proposed amendments to both the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Wilmington and County oP New Hanover to create an Airport District and to provide Yor certain uses permitted in the Pacility. MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) JOINT CITY-COUNTY SESSION - AIRPORT ZONING (CONTINUED) - Mr. Mallory stated the Airport Commission and Planning Commission are asking the Commissioners to accept the report and to evaluate it and to set a public hearin~ date, if they see fit, to favorably consider the Airport Zoning Ordinance and also the amend- ments to the Cit9 and County Zoning Ordinances. Comments from the public can be received at the public hearing and incorporated into the ordinance £orm. Mr. Ma11oTy stated the Airport Commission and Plsnning Commission feel that since the Airport District limitations are basically the same for the City and County ordinances, the .two governing bodies m~y wish to have a joint public hearin~ on the amendments as far as the proposed Airport District and the amendments to the two zoning ordinances. ~ Mr. Schwartz moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the two ~overning boards accept the report and public hearing be held by the City Council and New Hanover County Commis- sioners on October 2, 19'72 and the proper administrative steps be taken to secure the information necessarq for the implementation of the ordinance. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. Mr. Schwartz suggested the report be publicized as much as possible and let the public know where the copies are available. . Mr. Fox pointed out if the ordinance is passed, and the County does enact an Airport Zoning Ordinance it would be very important for the City, although the County's juris- diction is extendeii over the.areas in the City as far as height limitation is concerned, if the City's Building Inspectors' Office is aware of the ordinance so as to be alert to any applications that exceed the height limitations. The same will be true with regard to any area of Pender County. The second thing if ordinance is enacted, it will be of paramount importance that a land use survey as to height be made as soon as possible after ordinance is enacted so that inso£ar as future enforcement is concerned, it iaill be known what was pre-existing use and what was not. Unless survey is made enforcement o£ the ordinance will be very di£ficult. Mr. Fox stated survey should be done in very considerable detail. Mr. Harriss thanked Mr. Ma11oTy £or a very fine presentation. HUMASI RELATIONS REPORT = Mr. Harriss stated there.had been some question about a program for the training of City and County personnel in human relations. The proposal has been made by Iiuman Enter- prises Institute of Winston-6alem. Mr. Harriss read the following statement: ~ "There is apparently a vast area of misunderstanding and lack o£ information about the depth of New Hanover County's innolvement in Human Relations. Here are some of the programs now being conducted by the County: "Sixteen Sheriff's Deputies in the schools who counsel with students; eight school counsellors; services for the aged; public assistance; mental health and drug abuse programs; juvenile detentiori center and guidance program. "Free use of County buildings for Headstart, Neighborhood Youth Corps, hard core unemployed, d~y care centers, and other community programs. "Exchange of land with the City for a park in the Northern part o£ Wil- mington which will cost the County in excess of $40,000. "Ni~ht School £or troubled students; trainable children program; major programs under the Health Department. "The total cost to New Hanover County of these efforts is in excess of $1,500,000. All of these have impact on various aspects of our human relations' problems. . "But, we do not intend to stop there. The Commissioners are looking for- ward to pro~rams that wzll further enhance community life. We are not, however, at present, convinced that hiring Human Resources Enterprises Institute is in the best interests of the community. "The State of North Carolina presently provides the same or superior training services free of charge, and we feel this should be investigated be- fore any decision is made. "One inaccuracy in the report as to the lack bf training of Sheriff's deputies in this field needs correction. In order to provide more accurate information, Sheriff Millis has been invited to explain what has, is, and will be done." Sheriff Millis outlined what has been done in his department in human relations training. Two years ago when the County had to put deputy sherifYs in the schools, the department had to do-some fast hiring. Twelve men were hired. Sixty-seven applicants were interviewed. The department immediately went into a training program which covered human r.elations all the wa,p through. Dr. Bellamy and his staff assisted in the program and the School Attorney who advised them on the law in the schools. Parents also worked with the deputies in the schools. The Department has received mar~y letters and pYione ca11s complimenting them on this service. Also, plaques have been received from the Schools. The Department has a Training Officer, Sgt. Jackson, that has been to many training schools, just recently he has attended a 30-day school which was provided by the Federal Government free of charge. Sgt. Jackson is supervising deputies in the schools. Each uiorning the school deputies are briefed on things that have happened the da,y before. Cape Fear Tech and Governors Law and Order Committee have a group that t~aches human relations free of charge. Cape Fear Tech advised the Sheriff anytime he wants this course, the~ will provide it. Mr. Tom Fields who is with UNCW and is a coordinator for Law Enforcement Training is preparing a course now in Human Relations which is available to the Sheriff's Department. Each Jailer is re- quired by law to take a jail school course, most of which is concerned with human relations. The Institute of Government offers such courses. The Annual Sheriffs' School sets aside one day on human relations at the end of the classes and gualified people from Raleigh teach these. There has recently been a school which was completely about human relations. They are now on a 60-hour course which also includes human relations. Arrangements have been made with Dr. Bellarqy for his staff to put on a 3-day human relations school for the Sheriff's Depart- ment in its training room. These things have not cost the County any money. MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1.972 - 9~0o a.M. (CONTINUED) ~o~ HUMAN RELATIONS REPORT (CONTINUED) - Mr. Lynn Martin from the State Human Relations Commission in Raleigh was present. 'Mr. Martin stated Human Enterprises did not contact them concerning this survey. Mr. Martin stated they have worked with different a~encies here. Mr. Martin said~their purpose is to cooperate with all people and offer workshops and training courses in human relations. A police human relations workshop was held in Wilmington and some deputies participated as well as policemen from nearby towns. His_ office is now in position to do more. Mayor Symmes asked if anyone on the Commission was interviewed. Mr. Harriss stated he spent one afternoon with one of them but what he said bears very little reTation to what came out in the report. Mr. Harriss pointed out County's hi;ring policy since 1966 contained an anti-discrimination clause written therein. Mr. Harriss stated.blacks are invited to apply for jobs but the Countg cannot get them. When emergency hiring'of deputies was done the County actively sought black applicants. A black deputy was sent out with specific purpose of trying to get blacks to come in and apply. There were 6~ applications and out of that number twelve were hired; 11 white and 1 black. There was one black applicant in the 6'7 applications. Mr. Harriss urged black community to get qualified applicants to apply for jobs and to attempt to set to rest the suspicion they are not goin~ to be hired. This is absolutely not the case. Sheriff Millis outlined qualifications: good reputation - no criminal record, has to be investigated with people, minimum hei~ht is 5'8", and must have a hi~h school education or equivalent. Sherif£ Millis stated he had checked with prominent black people to try to get them to find deputies and they advised the majority o£ them had good jobs. Mayor Symmes stated everything that has been said was his impression; he remembered how the County had publicized these things. Mayor Symmes stated he regretted any allegations the report made. Mr. Harriss stated the report could be damaging to our situation now: Mr. Schwartz stated Mr. Ottaway was hired to make the study, not a critical survey of the City and County. It was believed by the Council.that Mr. Ottaway would work with the Human Relations Commission until such time as the City ~could hire a Human Relations Director. Mr. Marks stated he understood the same as Mr. Schwartz did, this was an evaluation of human relations responsibility in the community and how they could prove their effectiveness. They have come with what recommendations they plan to do and comparing this with the job description they have recommended for the Human Relations Director and i£ and when we get a qualified Human Relations Director that fits these specifications he will be in position to do all that is recommended and this will be the ansiaer to the problem. City Maria~er Jones commented the report offers outline of how needed work can be done and the groups in town that are involved. As result of report agencies involved, Dr. Bellamy, Mr. Bowden, Miss Hall, Sheriff Millis, Mr. Reid, Mrs. Burnett, Chairman of Women in Action A~ainst Violence and Rev. Starks of Human Relations, and he have met twice in the past week. In,those meetings a number of resources have been identified through the School System that might serve as resource training perhaps not only £or school personnel but other governmental employees. Mr. Jones stated he would like to look at these resources that are available and perhaps make recommendations as to how they might be used to implement some of the findings of the report. Mr. Harriss pointed out his statement contained sentence that said "We feel this should be investigated before any decision is made" referring to the State of North Carolina's training programs. Mr. Cromartie stated the business was hired to make a report - they were not told what kind o£ report to make. Where they got this information is not of too great importance. The report can be evaluated as they see fit. The report has been made; there can be some good to it and possibly some bad. The most pertinent fact has come out of the report is the need of a qualified Human Relations Director. Mr. Harriss stated how the report was arrived at is important in order to evaluate it. If they missed some sources of information or obtained information that was inaccurate then there is a shadow on the validity of the report. Mr. Marks stated he would not be on the Commission at the next budget, but had a firm conviction the County should participate in the Human Relations Commission on an equitable basis and be actively involved in it because it is a county-wide problem. Mr. Martin said he felt all agencies in Wilmington have been most cooperative and have indicated this. Meeting recessed at 12:10 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 12:20 P.M. AN~ULANCE REPORT - Rev. Milholland stated he would like to add a few things to the report of the Ambulance report which had been furnished the Commissioners by the Ambulance Advisory Commission. 1. Under Item 3 it might be in order to involve the private companies in existence now if the Board wants to do something similar to what is being done in the Greensboro area. The Board might want to let one compax~p take care of all o£ the emergency services and someone else be responsible £or non-emergency medical transfers. This is referred to on Page 19 of report under Guilford County. Mr. Milholland considers accidents emergencies and from home to hospital if for a heart condition, etc. ' 2. On Page '] in event substations are needed a possibility would be that one would be based at the hospital. Mr. Harriss thanked Rev. Milholland and his committee for a really thorough and pains- taking piece oY work. ~~~ MINfTTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, 19~2 - g:oo A.M. (CONT.INUED) AMBULANCE REPORT (CONTINUED) - - Mr. Harriss stated he felt the County is going to have to take very strong action to simplif~ the matter. Mr. Harriss stated he is concerned that all.ambulance operators say they are losing. money and have been for several years and is m,ystified.theg want to continue. . Mr. Harriss noted Mr. Grubbs helped with the report and Rev. Milholland said his help was appreciated. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the ambulance report be accepted with thanks for the study. Motion carried unanimously. , By common consent it was agreed to furnish copies of report to the present operators and to the news media. Action o£ the Commission will be based on this report with possibly some further discussion with the parties involned. REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AGREEMEPIT - Mr. Bowden stated contract had been prepared between the Redevelopment Commission for the City of Wilmin~ton and New Hanover County concerning the Eric Hill contract that they have negotiated for the County and any future contracts or. sub-contracts dealing with the study of the governmental complex. The Redevelopment Commission has mutual.agreements with everyone else and they will receive a fee of 20'~ of the contract (contract is in amount of $4500) to do a11 the leg work. The Attorney has worded the contract and Mr. Borrden recommended it be approved. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the adoption of this a~reement between the County and the Redevelopment Commission and the Chairman be authorized to sign it. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the agreement: . "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER "THIS AGREEMENT, made this '..: day of , 1972 between The Redevelopment Commission for the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, a North Carolina corporation with its principal oYfice in New Hanover County, herein- after called COMMISSION, and New Hanover County, a body politic and municipal corporation of the State of North Carolina, hereina£ter called COUNTY. R E C I T A L S "1. Commission has executed a contract (hereinafter called Contract) with Eric Hill and Associates (hereinafter called Hi11) whereby the latter has undertaken to provide a planning study to be used in connection with the establishment and construction of a governmental complex within the County. "NOW, ~L~n.r;xEFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: "1. Commission wi11 supply all services required of COUNTY under Contract, and will supervise all services to be performed by others pursuant thereto. "2. In consideration for the performance of such services by COMMISSION, COUNTY will pay COMMISSION a sum egual to 120% of fees due Hill under Contract, and a sum equal to 120% of such fees as may be due other persons, firms, or corporations under contracts executed by COMMISSION within one year of the date hereo£, in connection ~aith such planning study. All £ees, contracts, and a~reements are subject to prior written approval by COUNTY. "3. COMI°iISSION shall not assign or transfer this Contract or any part thereof without written consent of CQUNTY. COMMISSION shall not assign any of the payments due to or to become due to it under the terms of this agree- ment without mritten consent of COUNTY, aRy assignment made without the written consent of COUNTY shall be null and void. "4. COMMISSION agrees to hold COUNTY harmless of and from any and all claims, demands, actions and liability based upon or arising out of the per- formance oP services by COMMISSION pursuant to this agreement. "5. This agreement m~y be terminated by either party upon ten days' written notice to the other. "IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be duly executed in their respective names, the day and year first above written. THE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WII.MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA BY: ATTEST: Assistant Secretary BOAP.D OF COMMI HANOVER COUNTY BY: ATTEST: Chairman OF NEW Chairman . Clerk" MINUTEB OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) FEE FOR SERVICES OF A PSYCHIATRIST DURING INTERIM PERIOD AT THE MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC - Mr. Marks advised the Board of letter Mr. John Wilson.:wrote the County Manager.dated August 14, 19~2 concerning proposal of Dr. Ro1f Fisscher. Dr. Fisscher has agreed to work eight hours per week with goal of up to aixteen hours per week on contract basis at $25 per hour::Mr:_~Wilson~_requested•Commissioriers't~.approval. Such an arrangement will be initiated upon verbal agreement until recommendation for an annual contract can be worked out. The Mental Health Advisory Board has given cbnsent to this plan. ~~~ Mr. Marks stated no contract was required between full time psychiatrist and he saw no reason for one now but he supposed this would be an interim agreement. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this proposal be approved under an interim agreement. Motion carried unanimously. METHADONE TREATMENT PROGRAM - Request that the Commissioners endorse the Methadone treatment program was discussed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Board endorse application to state and £ederal agencies £or a license to operate a methadone detoxification treatment program . for heroin addicts to the New Hanover Drug Abuse Committee. Mr. Williams suggested deferring action on motion until.next meetin~. Mr. Hall withdrew his motion and Mr. Harriss his second. By common consent it was agreed to request the Mental Health Board have someone present at the next me'eting to fully explain the pro~ram t.o the Commissioners. DATE OF FIRST MEETING IN SEPTEMBER - By common:consent it was agreed due to the Yact that Monday, September 4th, is a holiday, the first regular meeting of the Commissioners in September will be held on Tuesdey, September 5, 1972. ' NOURISru~c,lv'1 FOR BEACH II20SION - Mr. Bowden presented letter from Col. George E. Pickett, Director, State of North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources, requestin~ he be advised if the County will be able to provide its share ($58,560) in 19'73 £or nourishment and restoration work at Carolina Beach. P'Ir. Hall moved, seconded by P1r. Oxenfeld, letter of intent be written to Col. Pickett that the County will provide its share for this project. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTP7ENT TO ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMEI~TMT - Mr. Marks objected to appointment of a developer or builder on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Appointments were deferred until later. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES aF MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1972 - 9:00 A.M. ASSEMBI,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the Pollowing present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld;.County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Sava~e, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. C. G. Smith, Pastor, West- minster Presbyteriau Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES - REGUI,AR MEETING~ AUGUST 14, 1972 - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. REIACATION OF 250 KW GENERATOR TO THE COURTHOUSE - Informal approval was given Gen. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil Defense Director, on August 16, 1972 to replace a one phase generator which had to be operated by hand at the Courthouse with a 250 K[d three-phase generator. Mr. Bowden stated the 250 KW will be capable of taking just about the full load at the Courthouse and related building for several days if the electricity goes off. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, formal approval be given for the relocation of the 250 K4l generator to the Courthouse site, cost not to exceed $500 and to come from Courthouse Repairs. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent it was agreed, at Mr. Oxen£eld's suggestion, to write a letter o£ thanks to General Harriss for his ef£orts in getting the generator. TRAINING PROGRAMS CONTIN`UED IN HUMAN RELATIONS - Chairman Harriss informed the Board he has talked with Mr. Lynn Martin with regard to continuing training programs for key personnel in human relations with assistance £rom the State. Mr. Aarriss stated with the consent of the Commissioners he will write P'Ir. Martin and request him to have the proper parties confer with the County Manager and look into the matter o£ what programs they would suggest and what personnel should be included in these programs. Mr. Williams stated he felt he was speaking for all the Commissioners in saying Mr. Harriss had permission not only to do so, but.he is encouraged to do so. The other Commissioners concurred.