1972-08-21 Regular MeetingMINUTEB OF MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) FEE FOR SERVICES OF A PSYCHIATRIST DURING INTERIM PERIOD AT THE MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC - Mr. Marks advised the Board of letter Mr. John Wilson.:wrote the County Manager.dated August 14, 19~2 concerning proposal of Dr. Ro1f Fisscher. Dr. Fisscher has agreed to work eight hours per week with goal of up to aixteen hours per week on contract basis at $25 per hour::Mr:_~Wilson~_requested•Commissioriers't~.approval. Such an arrangement will be initiated upon verbal agreement until recommendation for an annual contract can be worked out. The Mental Health Advisory Board has given cbnsent to this plan. ~~~ Mr. Marks stated no contract was required between full time psychiatrist and he saw no reason for one now but he supposed this would be an interim agreement. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this proposal be approved under an interim agreement. Motion carried unanimously. METHADONE TREATMENT PROGRAM - Request that the Commissioners endorse the Methadone treatment program was discussed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Board endorse application to state and £ederal agencies £or a license to operate a methadone detoxification treatment program . for heroin addicts to the New Hanover Drug Abuse Committee. Mr. Williams suggested deferring action on motion until.next meetin~. Mr. Hall withdrew his motion and Mr. Harriss his second. By common consent it was agreed to request the Mental Health Board have someone present at the next me'eting to fully explain the pro~ram t.o the Commissioners. DATE OF FIRST MEETING IN SEPTEMBER - By common:consent it was agreed due to the Yact that Monday, September 4th, is a holiday, the first regular meeting of the Commissioners in September will be held on Tuesdey, September 5, 1972. ' NOURISru~c,lv'1 FOR BEACH II20SION - Mr. Bowden presented letter from Col. George E. Pickett, Director, State of North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources, requestin~ he be advised if the County will be able to provide its share ($58,560) in 19'73 £or nourishment and restoration work at Carolina Beach. P'Ir. Hall moved, seconded by P1r. Oxenfeld, letter of intent be written to Col. Pickett that the County will provide its share for this project. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTP7ENT TO ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMEI~TMT - Mr. Marks objected to appointment of a developer or builder on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Appointments were deferred until later. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES aF MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1972 - 9:00 A.M. ASSEMBI,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the Pollowing present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld;.County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Sava~e, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. C. G. Smith, Pastor, West- minster Presbyteriau Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES - REGUI,AR MEETING~ AUGUST 14, 1972 - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. REIACATION OF 250 KW GENERATOR TO THE COURTHOUSE - Informal approval was given Gen. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil Defense Director, on August 16, 1972 to replace a one phase generator which had to be operated by hand at the Courthouse with a 250 K[d three-phase generator. Mr. Bowden stated the 250 KW will be capable of taking just about the full load at the Courthouse and related building for several days if the electricity goes off. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, formal approval be given for the relocation of the 250 K4l generator to the Courthouse site, cost not to exceed $500 and to come from Courthouse Repairs. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent it was agreed, at Mr. Oxen£eld's suggestion, to write a letter o£ thanks to General Harriss for his ef£orts in getting the generator. TRAINING PROGRAMS CONTIN`UED IN HUMAN RELATIONS - Chairman Harriss informed the Board he has talked with Mr. Lynn Martin with regard to continuing training programs for key personnel in human relations with assistance £rom the State. Mr. Aarriss stated with the consent of the Commissioners he will write P'Ir. Martin and request him to have the proper parties confer with the County Manager and look into the matter o£ what programs they would suggest and what personnel should be included in these programs. Mr. Williams stated he felt he was speaking for all the Commissioners in saying Mr. Harriss had permission not only to do so, but.he is encouraged to do so. The other Commissioners concurred. ~V~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1972 - 9:oo.A.M. (CONTINiTED) TRAINING PROGRAMS r~NTINUED IN AUMAN RELATIONS (CONTIIVUEL~ - Mr. Harriss pointed out if the County does enter into such programs with the State, it will be at no cost to the County. Also, these people are experienced over a number of years in setting up these programs, and they will be able to advise the County what it needs and how to go about getting it. •- . , APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD - Letters from Mr. Homer N. Davis, Chairman, Mental Health Advisory Board dated June 9 and August 16, 19'72 recommending following appointments to the Mental Health Advisory Board were presented: Rea~~ointment for Four Year Terms: Mrs. Ethel Booth Mrs. Drusilla Cathell A~~ointment One Four Year Term: Mrs. Alice von Oesen Appointments to Fill Unex~ired Terms: Dr. James J. Pence, Jr., M.D. (To fill unexpired term of Mrs. Joe James) Mr. F. Alex McCracken (To fill unexpired term of Mrs. John Codington) Expiration Date August 31, 19'76 Expiration Date August 31, 19~6 Expiration Date Augvst 31, 1976 Expiration Date August 31, 1975 EScpiration Date August 31, 1974 Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Flilliams, appointments to the Mental Health Advisory Board as recommended by Mr. Homer Davis be made. Motion carried unanimously. ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICY ON APPOINTMENT TO COMMITTEES - Mr. Marks brought up discussion on policy the City of Glilmington recently adopted with regards to appointments to various committees which is no person be appointed to serve more than two terms in succession. However., they can remain off one year and then be appointed again £or another term. Mr. Marks felt this would give more people, expecially new people coming to the community, an opportunity to get involved. Mr. Harriss felt it would prevent what sometimes happens; a small group of persons who serve get policy so set it is hard to make changes. Both Mr. Hall and Mr. Williams felt there have been volunteers who have served very vrell and effectively over long period of yeaTS, and if persons do not do a good job, it is the responsibility of the governing board not to reappoint them. Mr. Williams felt it was advantageous to have individuals on some boards that have had experience. Mi~. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Aarriss, the County Commissioners adopt policy, effective immediately, that persons be aFpointed to serve only two terms on any committee with proviso after they have been off for a year they maq be appointed again. Vote was called on motion. It carried three to two. Mr. Hall and Mr. Williams voted "No". DISCUSSION POLICY ON SUBDNISIONS DEVEIAPED BY METES AND BOUNDS - Brief discussion was held on whether to recommend to the State that roads in sub- divisions developed by metes and bounds be taken over for maintenance. Mr. Fox suggested no action be taken at this time and suggested he and Mr. Mallory work on something the Commissioners can pass on. Mr. Fox stated this not only involves policy but £easible way o£ enforcing it. Mr. Harriss suggested Mr. Fox give consideration to subdivisions already developed by metes and bounds. By common consent it was agreed this be referred to the County Attorney £or recommenda- tions. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING p_ND AMENDMENT TO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE - Mr. Harriss declared public hearing open for consideration of- a rezoning reguest and proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Mallory presented following Rezoning Request: 1. 5536 Oleander Drive between Willow 4,~oods Drive and Dogwood Zane on the south side o£ the street from R-15 (Single Family District) to B-2 Business District) Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends approval. There were no persons present who wished to be heard. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. (FOr Ordinance adopted rezoning property, see Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 9-B, Page 3.) Mr. Mallory presented the following proposed amendment: 1. Amend Article V, Section 55-2 (6) to read as follows: (6) Farm, garden and/or landscape supplies and/or service Mr. Mallory stated it was brought to the Plannin~ Commission's attention landscape supplies and/or service are not provided in the ordinance, and the•Planning Commission felt the most appropriate place would be in the B-2 Zone and they are recommending this amend- ment to the ordinance. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the adoption of the modification to the ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. ~~PI MINUTES OF THE MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1972 - 9-0o a.M. (CONTINUED) , , .. ;r ' .~ .'.:i:t?~~`l:s".n."~ls" .~, >'-~~~T~.:~~ -'u:'.i~ :_.: 7iPPEAL FROI`M=P7;ANNING~COMMISSION.:S" RECONN~IENDATION:-w,~<~..+•. _.v _. _ ._ P'1r: Mallory stated Mr. Winfield H. Smith, Jr. is appealing denial by the Planning Commission of his request for rezoning of~the following which was tabled at last Commis- sioners' meeting: 1. Property on the east side of N. C. Hw9. 132 (South Colle~e Road) between Parmele Road and S.R. 1318 in Zoning Area ~fBAfrom R-15 (Single Family District to B-1 (Business District) Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission denied this request based on the fact the Plannin~ Commission and County Commissioners have just completed an extensive study of this general area within the last three or four months. The Planning Commission feels this property should be residential in nature since there are residences on the northeast side of Parmele Road and on the west side of Hwy. 132 between Parmele Road and the I-2 property. Mr. Cicero Yow, Attorney, represented Mr. Smith. Mr. Harriss stated he had looked the area over and had noticed the residences were run down and there are a number of businesses located there. There were no persons present who wished to be heard on this request. • After further discussion, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the reguest for rezoning be granted. Motion ces~ried unanimously. (For Ordinance rezoning this property, see Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 8A, Page 1.) AMERICAN SHORE & BEACH PRFSERVATION ASSOCIATTON ANNiT.AL MEETING AUGUST 23-26. 19~2 - Mr. Hall pointed out Annual Meeting o£ the American Shore & Beach Preservation Associa- tion, of which New Hanover County is a member, will be held at Ft. I,auderdale, Fla. on August 23-26,.19'72. Mr. Hall felt it would be well worthwhile for the Commissioners to attend, if possible, and also Mr. Epling. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that anyone that can be authorized to attend the annual meeting. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAI, - Mr. Hall suggested his copy of the Minutes and Financial Statements of New Hanover Memorial Hospital be retained in the Commissioners' office, and stated he will send his copies here for that purpose. Mr. Harriss pointed out the Hospital Bond issue contained two provisions, one for the bonds and a five cents levy .for operation. The Bond issue passed but the five cents levy failed which left the hospital in a very difficult position. Mr. Hall pointed out the hospital had done a fine job by getting their operation in the black a~ter this setback. AIRPORT MEETING - Mr. Hall announced there will be a meeting of the Airport Commission on September 13, 19'72 at 2:30 P.M. in the Commissioners' Chambers. Mr. Hall felt some of the Commissioners, other than himsel£, should attend. Meeting will concern negotiation of a contract with the federal government Yor the land'ing fees of navy planes, maintenance of runway, and possiblg acceptance of a piece of ground on the far end of airport in lieu of fees. Mr. Bowden was requested by Mr. Harriss to remind the Commissioners a few d~s before the meeting takes place. CONGRESSIONAL ACTION LETTER REGARDING AIRPORT DEVEIAPMENT AID PROGRAM - Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Westbrook had furnished him with cop,y oY Congressional Action I,etter dated August 14, 19']2 from the Airport Operators Council International regarding Airport Development Aid Program. Letter requested all Airport operators to contact their Congressmen and ask they take action on certain bills that are up now be£ore the Senate and House. One is to increase Annual Minimum Authorization for ADAP Grants £rom $280 million to $420 million. This is surpluses from Federal aviation user taxes in the Airport and Airway Trust F~nd which will be available to finance this increase without raising any taxes. Another is to increase the Federal share of security and sa£ety certification costs to 8290. The Federal Government is already paying 100% of airline costs for anti-hijacking metal detectors. If the County has to fence the Airport, it will need quite a bit of financial help. Mr. Bowden stated these are the types of proposals that are in the making, and the AOCI is very much interested in seeing that the proper Senators and Congressmen are con- tacted by the interested boards. Mr. Bowden recommended the Commissioners write each o£ the gentlemen that are on the list to ask them to do everything they can to have the bills passed. Mr. Bowden pointed out prohibition of all head taxes will be passed, except for the Grandfather Clause which carries Sarasota, Fla. and New Hampshire. They will not be able to collect head taxes in 19'73. This will diminish another potential source of income for the airports' operations. With the passage of the proposed bills, the FAA will tie able to share much larger portions of funds than they are doing at the present time. Mr. Harriss stated he had talked with Mr. Henry Boyd, Airport Manager at Raleigh- Durham Airport, Congressmen Lennon and Henderson. Mr. Boyd stated if the Raleigh-Durham Airport were to get in the same position as the New Hanover County Airport, they would have to close down because they have only one runway suitable for jet aircraft. He was of the opinion if they were to build another runway, financing it by a head tax would be the fair w~. Congressman Henderson stated head t~es would be very confusing because there would be different head taxes in every state and collection was a real problem. Airlines are reluctant to take over this job. Con~ressman Henderson suggested reason for prohibitin~ head tax at this time was so that a uniform head tax might be applied later on. Congressman Lennon promised to look into the matter and use his best judgment. ~~~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1972 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) COLLECTOR OF REVENUE'S REPORT - . Mr: Larry Powell, Tax Administrator,'and Mrs. Janie Straughn, Collector of Revenue, were present £or the presentation. Nirs. Straughn's report showed $436,216.30 charged per back tax records. Collections in July amounted to $21,631.44 and abatements $64.86, leaving total unpaid back taxes o£ $408,520.00. Total Delinquent Personal Property Taxes collected in July amounted to $1,022.14. 1971 TAX SETTI,EMENT - Mrs. Straughn presented settlement of tax collections for 19'71 as follows: "August 21, 1972 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 19'71 Charged Per Scroll $5,291,2'74.24 Supplement ~3,640.62 Added - Tax Supervisor 216,906.36 Corp. Excess 168,86'7.65 Housing Authorit~ 15,232.85 ~5,765,921.~2 I,ess Abatements - 17.365.10 ~5,748,555.52 Interest Collected 13,5'75.04 Adv. Cost Collected 2,123.00 ~5,76~+,254.66 Real Estate Sold For Taxes $ 163,233.11 DeTinquent Personal Property 53,806.43 Prepe,yment s 33'] , 609 • 35 Discount Allowed 21,224.84 Deposited - Wachovia Bank 5.191.335.77 5,767.209.50 Over Remitted $ 2,954.84 Remitted to New Hanover County in error but Due Carolina Beach Rec. #50294 ~2,399•95 Due Kure Beach Rec. #9189 4•58 Due City of Wilmington - Sundry Receipts 95.77 $2,500.30 Remitted to others in error but Due from Carolina Beach Rec. #~8281 - '71.22 Due from City of Glilmington.Rec. #3~+331 - 5.59 . $2,423.49 Known Overpayment 61.21 Unlocated remittances due other municipalities 4'70.14" Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the report be accepted with thanks to Mrs. ~ Straughn and Mr. Powell £or their endeavor in getting the County in the Triple A Bond Class and turning over to Mrs. Straughn the Delinquexit Personal Property Tax list. Motion carried unanimously. DELIVERY OF 1972 TAX BILLS TO THE COLLECTOR - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, delivery of the 19'72 tax bi11s to the Collector o£ Revenue and the Chairman be authorized to sign. . Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF PROPERTY FOR NON-PAYMENT.OF TAXES - ~ Mr. Powell advised that sale o£ property for non-payment of taxes will begin in about three weeks. Mr. Harriss requested the news media give as much publicity as possible to the fact sale of .land for taxes will begin within three weeks, and the interim £oreclosure procedure is a more streamlined way of attaching property for sale. Mr. Harriss ur~ed all persons who are in arrears to take prompt action to pay taxes in order to prevent sale of their property. DEkTH OF MR. ~r.~ivrELD' S FATHER-IN-LA4.r - Mr. Harriss announced P1rr. Uxenfeld was excused from meeting due to death of his father- in-law, and was sure the.Board joined him in expressing sympathy. Meeting recessed at 10:15 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:25 A.M. BID OPENING - TA% MAPPING AND REVAI,UATION OF COUNTY - The followin~ bids were opened: Allied Appraisal Co., Inc.. P. 0. Box 485. 23 Arcade Bld~., Dickson, Tenn. 37055 Tax Mapping $ 339,780 . Revaluation 260.175 $ 599,955 Payable over a period o£ three years: 19~2-'73, 19'73-74, ana 1974-~5 Associated Survevs Co., 1901 Lendew St. Tax Mappin~ Revaluation Payable over a period of three years 1974-75, ~100,000 , Greensboro, N. C. 27408 $ 6~1,000 240,000 $ 911,000 19'72-~3, $420,000; 1973-74, ~391,000; and MINUTES OF THE MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) ~~~ BID OPENING - TAX MAPPING AND REVALUATION OF COUNTY (CONTINUED) - CLT Balanced Governmential ~ervices, ~ole-Za,yer-Trumble Compar~y, 3535 SaTem Ave., Davton, Ohio 45406 Tax Mapping Revaluation Pa„vable over a period of three years: ana 1974-75, ~145,69~ $ 3g4,6oo 291,000 $ 685,600 1972-73, ~231,390; 1973-74, ~308,520; James R. Laird Company, Appraisers and Mappers, Inc., Laird Building, Appleton, Wisc. 54911 Taac Mapping $ 232,100 Revaluation 516.450 ~ 748~55a These £igures are guoted in the event only one job is given to James R. I,aird and Compan9. Total cost to County would be $680,500 if both jobs are ~iven to James R. Laird Company pa,yable on basis of three years: 1972-73, ~1'70,125; 1973-74, $340,250; and 197~+-75, ~170,125 Sanborn Map Compan.v, Inc., P. 0. Box 61, Pelham. N. Y. Tax Mappin~ $ 504,569 Revaluation 891.293 ~1,395,a62 Payable on three year basis: 1972-73, ~3~+8,9F5•5~~ 1973-74, ~697,931; and 197~+-75, ~348,965•50 Mr. Harriss announced action on the bids would be taken by the Commissioners at their second meeting in September (September 18, 19'72). Mr. Harriss stated this would give bidders time to offer information concerning their operation but not to change amount of bid. Mr. Robert Davis represented Allied Appraisal Co., Inc., s2ying he would be glad to discuss bid at any time. Mr. Harriss stated Mr. Bowden will set up itinerary for anyone who would like to be heard in connection with their bid. Mr. W. F. Hester represented Associated Surveys Company. Mr. Hester stated mapping would have to be sublet and would be sublet to Piedmont Aerial Survey o£ Greensboro. Mr. Isson, representativ.e o£ Piedmont Aerial Survey, was present also and stated his company had done quite a bit of work for the Corps of Engineers and is familiar with the area. Mr. Melvin Trumble represented Cole-Layer-Trumble. Mr. Trumble stated his company has in the last year incorporated two firms into their compan,y which has increased their capability to the point where they are gualified to do virtually any type of mapping with- out sub-contracting. Mr. L. A. Arnold represented James R. I,aird Compan9. Mr. Arnold pointed out if they do both mapping and revaluation total price will be $680,500. I£ given only mapping to do, it will cost $232,100 and revaluation will cost $516,450. ' , Mr. Marks raised question of whether the County can accept bid for mapping from one firm and bid for revaluation from another. After checking specifications advertised, Mr. Fox ruled separate prices were requested for itemization purposes, and the County would have to accept bid from the same company for both mappin~ and revaluation. Representative from the Sanborn Map Compan,q stated their mapping would include'full £ield survey. Mr. Harriss pointed out the law requires revaluation of taxable property in the County every eight years. The current revaluation has to be in effect by January 1, 1975. Tax mapping of the County is not required by law but i8 highly desirable. Taac mapping would enable the County to pick up land that is not on the tax books now. Also, in some cases valuation of propert9 does not reflect true value, because character of property has changed. Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Planning, stated mapping would help his department tremendously in zoning and planning because maps they are using now are not as accurate as they could be. Also, mapping could be used for basis of topographic map of New Hanover County. Also, with mapping, revaluation in the future might be less expensive. Mr. Hall raised question of whether there is enough help now to maintain maps. Mr. Mallory said there is not enough help now to maintain maps, and he could not say how much would be required. It depends upon rate of development of the area. Mr. Fox pointed out maps are used extensively by attorneys and should be maintained to the hi~hest rate of accuracy. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the bids be referred to Mr. Bowden and the County Attorney for study. Motion carried unanimously. ' Representatives of the di££erent companies were thanked by Mr. Harriss and reminded the County expected to be contacted £or study o£ their bids. ~~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETInTG, AUGUST 21, 1972,-•9:00 A.M., (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF METHADONE PROGRAM FOR THE COUNTY - Mr. Harriss welcomed City Mana~er John Jones who was present for the discussion. Mr. John 4,'ilson, Director of Mental Health Center, Mrs. Dorott~y Primrose, Member, Mental Health Advisory Board, and Mr. Donald Dunson, E~ecutive Director of the Drug Abuse Committee were present for the discussion. Mr. Dunson made the presentation beginning with the purpose for request of the Commis- sioners to endorse the application which is to help individuals withdraw from heroin by the use of inethadone over a period of three weeks. Mr. Dunson stated the government requires if treatment goes be~ond three weeks, it has to be called maintenance bnt.he, Mr. Dunson, is totally opposed to a person being maintained on methadone for a life.time or for an in- determinable period of time. It was pointed out because methadone is le~al it will curb robbery and crimes committed in order to get money for heroin which is so costly. Persons on the treatment will be charged $5 per week and they will be screened thoroughly before being permitted to begin treatment. Mr. Dunson estimated there are approximately 100 hard core addicts in the County of which he anticipates from 15% to 203o will seek treatment. He estimates 400 to 500 "joy poppers" in the County now. Mr. Dunson did not think the County will be bothered too much with drifters, because the rules will require permits and proper identification. ' Application £or license will have to be screened by the Cape Fear Council of Govern- ments Regional Health Qouncil, the N. C. State Health Drug Council and others be£ore it is approved. Funds will come from local state and federal sources. PSr. Dunson stateii hospital will permit a trailer to be placed on its property and furnish water, sewerage and electricity. It has to be guarded 24 hours per dap. Nir. Dunson stated there is no cost involved other than ~etting a place to have program. Mr. Williams stated he understood treatment would be temporar~ insofar as indi'viduals are concerned. Mr. Dunson stated he did not estimate over 15 or 20 persons having to be treated over a long period of time. . Mr. Wilson stated Mental Health plans to help the Dru~ Abuse Committee to obtain grant, but inso£ar as participation in the program is concerned, ~roup;_therapy will be offered, but not methadone. The Drug Abuse Committee will be responsible for the Methadone Program. Counseling sessions will be required for individuals because of the psychological part , after they have tirithdrawn from the drugs.' Mr. 4lilliams raised question if the County does endorse the program and later vrishes to withdraw could it do so. It was the consensus of the persons present the County could notify the Federal Government'and the license would be withdrawn. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the Commissioners endorse the application to state and federal agencies £or a license to operate a methadone detoxification treatment program for heroin addicts to the New Hanover Drug Abuse Committee, Inc. Motion carried unanimously. By common'consent it was, agreed Mr. Dunson will report to the Commissioners every three months on the pro~ress oY the program. Mr. Harriss thanked Mr. Dunson and others present for their £ine work in trgin~ to help in the program. POLICY FOR DISPOSAI~ OF COUNTY PROPERTY - Mr. Marks read letter the Commissioners received from Mr. Bowden containing followin~ recommendations on disposal of County property: 1. Whenever an offer is recsived to purchase property owned totally by New Hanover County or in part with a municipality, the Tax Department be re- quested to make an appraisal. - 2. If other considerations are known, and if the County Manager feels it in the best interest of the Count9, an independent appraisal ma,y be made. 3. After the information has been compiled on the true market value of the property, the matter be brought to the Commissioners' next meeting with the price made known publicly. 4. The Commissioners vaill accept the information of the intent to purchase, and allow the of£er to remain open for two meetings (approximately 30 days). The offer would then receive publicity and an~one wishing to ' raise the offer could do so by a minimum upset of 10%. 5. If no other offers are received and if the majority of Commissioners agree, disposition of the property can be made at the second meeting at the appraised price. 6. If an upset~offer is made to purchase the property,'the new amount would be made known at the next meeting, and the matter held open for two meetings.' ~. If there is evidence of "intense interest" or speculation the Commis- sioners would not be reguired to sell by any previous action relatin~ to the above under any circumstances. Mr. Marks stated he felt proposed policy was in order. After discussion, Mr. Fox stated he felt offer to raise price should be increased to at least 20'~O. Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, recommendations be accepted with Item No. 4 being changed to minimum upset of'20% on sales below $2,000 and 10% on sales above $~2,000. Motion carried unanimousl~. IAWER CAPE FEAR WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY - Mr. Marks stated he was in receipt of letter from Mr. Michael Brown, Chairman of the Lower Cape Fear 47ater & Sewer Authority, which he thought explained clearly the functions of the Authority. Mr. Marks suggested by common consent the letter be made available to the news media. Mr. Harriss suggested as a common courtes~ to Mr. Brov~n he be consulted before doing this. Mr. Marks contacted Mr. Brown rrho advised the Authority will be holding a meeting shortly, and he will take care of informing the news media then. 2~y MINUTES OF THE MEETING., AUGUST 21, 1972 - 9~OO,A.M. (CONTINUED) REPORT ON THE ANNUAL CONVENTION aF THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF.COMMISSIONERS IN . PINEHURST ON AUGUST 10-13~,1~22 BY MR. BERRY A. WILLIAMS - Mr. Williams stated tne uouuty invested some money and he invested a little of his own in~a recent County Commissioners' Convention which he attended. Mr. 47illiams stated he would encourage everyone who can in the future, including the County Manager, to attend these sessions. In a three to four day session you ~et information you are not likely to get in any other wa,y. ~ Mr.'Williams'stated the Association adopted some far reaching proposals that were presented to them. 1. Representation on the Board o£ Directors of the Association wi~ll be from multi- county planning regions instead of from highway districts. The by-laws were changed to this ef£ect. 2. The As§ociation adopted proposed legislation to give permissive authority £or the Commissioners to change the structure of County Government probably settin~ forth two or three different types of government that would h~ork well in North Carolina but there might be one that would work better in a particular county than others and would give the county the authority to make the determination. , 3. Local control of multi-county regions. Elected officials only should serve on regional bbards. 4. Health services and agencies of this tSPe that are now operated by independent boards; those boards should be made advisory, and the County Commissioners should have the responsibility £or the administration. This includes Board of Health, Social Services and others. The Commissioners can coordinate the activities and see that thin~s are carried out that need to be by people that are elected and responsible to the electorate. 5. Authority of County Commissioners over secondary roads in the State. At the present time the County has virtually no authority.in the matter. !~ committee has been appointed to study entire secondary road question and make recommendation prior to the next session'of the General Assembl9. New Hanover County received $'7,000 in 19~2 for paving of secondary roads which will roughly only pave about one city block. There is a feeling among a number of people that the State Highway Commission should approve amount of from $30,000 to $40,000 as minimum amount counties would receive, and the balance of Highway £unds should be figured on formula similar to Yormula.now being used. 6. A recommendation was passed which recommends each Board of Count9 Commissioners elect or name a Congressional contact man to work with the Congressional Delegation from North Carolina. It is felt strongly that those.who have been involved at the National level to some extent in opposing bad legislation or supporting good legislation see a real need for a clbser working relationship with our congressmen, and this is a£ollow through from the National Association of Counties. The National Association of Counties will have a representation that is from local governments in each Congressional District of the U. S. to'work with the Congressional Delegation. Mr. Glilliams stated there are trends in National Legislation now that are £elt to be dangerous. ']. The Committee recommended, and it was adopted, that the Association confer with the Superintendent o£ Public Instruction and the Department of Community Colleges in order to determine a course o£ action to result in improvements in instruction in local government in North Carolina. One of the reasons being schools are now teaching from a text book written in 1907 describing Count~ Government. 8. Entire Chapter 153 of the General Statutes is being rewritten. They strongly encoura$ed every Board of Commissioners to review the changes and to express their views sometime within the ver.y near future.because it will be acted on in the next session of the General Assembly. Mr. Bowden was requested to check with the Institute of Government to see if it has or is going to get the dra£t out.- Mr. Williams felt one reason it is felt the County Boards of Commissioners should have a Congressional representative is the fact that one of the Houses of Congress has already passed land use le~islation takin~ a good bit of local authority away and giving it to some other level of government. One of the speakers at the convention, who is involved in municipal government, stated that if the trend continues in Washington that has been started that in just a£ew years County and Municipal Governments may be a thing of the past. Mr. Williams stated he felt there is a serious question if County and Municipal Governments will survive unless they are revitalized and unless trend toward centralization of power in Washington is reversed. Mr. Williams felt it might be well to do as the Association has suggested and name someone from this Board to a Congressional Delegation to work with our Congressmen. Mr. Ha11 suggested the Chairman of the Board be named as long as he has authority to speak for the Board on a particular occasion. ~ Mr. Harriss stated he had tried to clo this as Mr. Hall did when he was the Chairman. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Chairman automatically become the con- tact man between the Congressional Delegation and the Board of Commi~ssioners, and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners be informed. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ' Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board ~ /hs