1972-10-16 Regular Meeting~~~~ - . . . . . . . MINUTES OF MEETING, OCTOBER 2, 1972 - 9:0o A.M. TA% MArruvG AND REVALUATION (CONTuvu~,D) - Vote was called on motion accepting bid of CIIP. It carried unanimously. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Hall, who was absent, had also expressed his opinion as "Aye" be£ore the meeting. RATIFICATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY - Mr. Bowden advised the Commissioners of ineetin$ held on September 13, 1972 between tYie Airport Commission, County Commissioners, Mr. Bowden, Mr. Westbrook and the Department of the Navy and U. S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point. At the outset of the meeting it was proposed the County grant the Department of the Navy a perpetual use agreement for the entire airport property in return £or the fee title to 148 acres of land owned by the Navy on which a portion o£ Runway 05-23 is located. NLr. Westbrook stated the Navy was paying the Airport $4,992 annually for use of the Airport at the present time. Dr. Hart£ord, Chairman o£ the Airport Commission, offered a counterproposal that would provide a 10 year agreement, renewable annually, and a reduction oS the Navy's use £ee to $2,500 to be adjusted annaully based on the frequency o£ Nava1 and Marine Aircra£t opera- tions in exchange for the fee title to the 148 acres of land owned by the Navy. The Airport Commission is requesting ratification by the Count~ Commissioners of the action they took at this September 13th meeting. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the counterproposal agreed to by the Airport Commission be ratified b9 the Board of Count9 Commissioners today. Mr. ~en£eld stated he attended the meetin~ and the matter was thornu~hly discussed £or a period of two hours. Although it is not l~own whether the Navy will accept the counter- proposal, it was the consensus oY those present, including the Marine Corps and Navy repre- sentatives, that this would be acceptable. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he concurred in the counter- proposal. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. CP&.I~ APPI,ICATION F~R SUPPI,Y OF ELECTRICITY TO JUVENILE SERVICES Cr.iv•rr,R - Mr. Bowden presented contract between Carolina Power & i,ight Company and New Hanover County wherein CP&I, agrees to furnish power to the Juvenile Services Center and the County agrees to take it. Mr. Bowden stated he had checked with the County Attorney who advises this is the usual procedure when application fOr electricity is £ormulated in form of a contract. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. O~cenfeld, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract. Motion carried unanimously. DISPOSITION OF DRAGLINE - Mr. Bowden requested authority to dispose oP the 67.d`County dragline. Mr. Williams moved, seconded b~ Mr. Marks, that the County Manager be authorized to proceed with ad- vertising of old dragline £or bids. Motion carried unanimously. DISTRIBUTION OF ABC PROFITS - ~ Mr. Marks called attention to letter £rom Mr. George Rountree, Attorney, relative to change in distribution of ABC taxes which is proposed by a neighbor Chairman of Commissioners. Mr. Marks stated it borders on what Mr. Harriss had sug$ested sometime ago about the in- equitable distribution o£ ABC pro£its. This matter, by common consent, was deferred until the next regular meeting. REI,EASE OF F.A.A, r~uivLS TO AIRPORT - Mr.,Bowden stated the Airport Commission had been advised by the F.A.A, that the ap- proaches are clear at the airpot, and their check will be forthcoming in the amount of $200,000 that the County has been waiting to get back on paving at the airport. ADJOURNMENT - There be3ng no fl~rther business to come before.the Commission, Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting be. adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfl~lly submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/mw , MINUTES OF MEETING, OCTOBER 16, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following ~resent: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Manager Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. was absent. INVOCATION Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. J. A. Humphrey, Pastor, Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAI~ OF Puivul•~;S - REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 2. 1972 - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, minutes of Regular Meeting of October 2, 19']2 be approved, subject to corrections outlined by the Clerk to the Board in memorandum of October 12, 19']2. Motion carried unanimously. Pulvu~r~S OF MEETING, OCTOBER 16, 19'72 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) 2~a. REPORT OF COI~LECTOR OF REVENUE - TA% COLLECTIONS DURING SEP`iTEMBER, 19~2 - Mrs. Janie Straughn presented report on Tax Collections for month o£ September,,19']2: Charged Per Scroll $5~355,582•25, 8dded Tax Supervisor $36,870.94, Less Abatements $~,591.84, leavin~ balance of $5,384,861.35 on books, less September collections $423,644.97 andPrepayments $370,055.'78, leaving uncollected taxes for year 19~2 in amount of $4,591,160.60. Back taxes collected during September amounted to $10,800.55 bringing total back taxes collected to date to $59,552•65, leaving balance of uncollected back taxes in amount of ~375,889•51• Delinquent Personal Property Taxes collected during September amounted to ~1,555•95, bringing total collected to date to $3,814.48. Mr. Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, stated the Department is "shooting"'for 96-9$% collection of 19']2 taxes which should be in the neighborhood o£ $5,500,000 after additions are made to the scrolls. Mr. Harriss pointed out collection of 19'71 taxes was something like 96% which is the highest percentage ever collected in the County. Mr. Harriss stated this indicates a commendable job by the entire Tax Department. Mr. Harriss stated Count9's bond interest charges are predicated on collections, and the high percentage of collection of taxes lower- ed the interest rate and puts the County in a Triple A category for the first time in a~.: number of years for which the Commissioners thank the Tax Department. SALE OF PROPERTY FOR BACg TA7~S DUE - Discussion of ~ le of property for back taxes was discussed. Mr. Powell stated first sale will be held today at 12:00 Noon at the Courthouse. Mr. Powell stated they had ad- vertised ten pieces of property, and hoped to do this every two weeks, increasing amount to 20 pieces. Mr. Powell stated the Tax Department is ready when ever; Mr. Schiller, Tax At- torney, is ready. Mr. Powell stated they would need more legal assistance in order to move faster than this. . REPORT ON JAIL REQUEST FOR COI''II~IERCIAL LAUNDRY SERVICE - Mr. Bowden reported on his investigation of possible use of commercial laundry ser- vice for the Jail which he was requested to do at the last meeting. Mr. Joe.Johnson, Jailer, advised Mr. Bowden, in his letter o£ October 5th that it will cost approximately ~28.15 per week to do the laundry at the Jail, whereas it is estimated to cost approximately #20.00 to $22.00 to have it done at a commercial laundry. Mr. Bowden recommended the $800, which Mr. Johnson estimates will be needed £or the balance o£ this fiscal year for commercial laundry service, be appropriated from the General Contingency F~nd. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, request for $800 £or use of commercial laundry for Jail for remainder of fiscal year be approved, funds to come from the General Contingency F~nd. Motion carried unanimously. SHERIFF'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAZ SCROOL CROSSING GUARD - Mr. Bowden presented request from the Sheri££ and Sup~ School Crossing Guard at t}ie intersection of John J. Blair October 4, 19'72 stated his department had investigated the need for a School Guard at this intersection. The Sheriff School Crossing Guard at this location will be ~999•00 for :rintendent of Schools for a School. The Sheriff's letter of situation and found there~is a stated amount need to hire a the remainder of the fiscal year. P?r. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, amount of ~999•00 be appropriated, as requested ~by the Sherif£, £rom Salaries, if available, and i£ not from the General Contin- gency ~lind for Bchool Crossing Guard at the John J. Slair School. Motion carried unanimously. SALARY FOR livr~RlM AUDITOR - ~ Mr. Bowden pointed out Mr. Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, had taken over the duties oY_the Of£ice of Tax Collector when it was brought under the supervision of the County and has since then assumed the position of Interim Auditor which is requiring quite a bit of overtime. He is doing the additional work without compensation. Mr. Bowden requested the Commissioners recognize the additional work which includes some Saturdays and Sundays, and during the period Mr. Powell is Interim Auditor pay him the diPference in the two salaries of $16,463 as Auditor versus what he is paid as Tax Administrator, $13,1'70, retroactive to the date he assumed the oath of o£fice. ~ Mr. Harriss stated Mr. Powell was asked to be Interim Auditor and he agreed reluctantly, and it was thought at that time it would be only for a Pew days. It has stretched into over a month and he £elt personally, Mr. Powell's additional service should be recognized. Mr. Harriss stated Mr. Powell is doing a real good job. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the request be approved, £unds to come from the Auditor's Salary Account. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent, it was agreed this will remain in force until the new :~uditor assumes the office. - MUSEUM BOARD - DISCUSSION ON ACBUIRING ADDITIONAL PROPERTY - Members of the Museum Board Messrs. Charles Boney, M. H. Barnhill, William Perdew, Mrs. Ida gellam, Mrs. Catherine Carpender, Mrs. Albert gillingsworth; and Mr. Gary Eyster, Museum Director, were present for the discussion. City Councilman B. D. Schwartz and City Manager John Jones were present from the City of Wilmington. Mr. Boney was spokesman for the Museum Board o£ Trustees and outlined need for purchase of additional property adjacent to the Museum on Market Street. The Museum now has quite a number of programs going which creates need for parking space. There are very few parking spaces on Market Street and the Museum building takes up all the land. The alley behind the Museum allows no room for parking. Map was flirnished showing four possible lots that may be purchased. Property on Ninth Street and lot adjacent to Museum can be used for additional display area and e~rhibits. Remaining property on Market Street can be used for parking with entrance on Market Street and possibly exit on the back. Prope~t`g on Ninth Street (Thomas H. Hall ropert~) is 90' x ']0' and can be purchased for $7,500, l.ot immediately adjacent to Museum ~(owned by Reba Lyell Todd) is 50' x 150' and price is $18,']50, parcel next to this is 30' x 150' (owned by Anne N. Kerr Williams) and price is $15,000 and property next to this (owned by Ellie E. White ~ is 40' x 150' and price is $15,000, or a total price of ~56,250 for all four parcels. Mr. Boney stated the immediate need is due to the project the Junior League is bringing to the Museum. They have taken over the basement area in the Museum and will have a school program beginning Jarruary or February which will involve a lot of school children and buses. ,This will be very educational and will bring a great deal o£ vitalit~ to the Museum. ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, OCTOBER 16, 1g~2 - 9:00 A,M. (CONT.uvu~ll) MUSEUM BOARD - DISCUSSION ON ACQUIRING ADDITIONAL PROPERTY l-CONTINUED) - Mr. Boney requested permission to purchase the three lots on Market Street and possibl~ the Ha11 property on Ninth Street. Mr. Perdew stated he £elt the purchase of the four lots would be a good investment for the City and County. Mrs. Billingsworth stated the Junior League will be bringing in 4th grade children this year and will £ocus on 3rd or 5th graders next year. They will be given in-depth program with slides and exhibits which will last for one and one-half hours. Program wi11 be on the Colonial Period. The Junior League is putting $5,000 into program this year and $14,000 all total. Mr. Boney was o£ the opinion the City and County would be able to get their investment out of the property if and when they should so desire. Discussion was held on possibility of lease purchase agreement. All £our lots may be purchased on lease purchase with exception of Annie N. gerr Williams property. Mr. Eyster stated one o£ the owners had suggested $100 per month, ~5% to go toward the purchase price in event purchase is made. Mr. Schwartz stated he was present to observe without authority to act for the City Council, but felt the City would cooperate. • Mr. Williams asked if the Board would want to agree to purchase on the lease-purchase agreement Items 1, 3 and 4 and outright purchase of Item No. 2, subject to concurrence by the City of Wilmington. Mr. Bowden stated he had talked with Mr. Eyster and Mr. Perdew on both methods of pur- chase, subject to approval of both governing boards. Mr. Bowden recommended lease-purchase be considered on property that can be leased with '75~ applied to purchase price and get funds needed for improving the parking lot.stand; that is to make marl base for parking, etc. Mr. Bowden recommended outright purchase of property that is not available on a lease pur- chase arrangement. Mr. Bowden stated prices are in line with other property on Market Street. There are no houses on Lots 1, 2 and 3, but there is a house on the Hall property. Mr. Fox stated there would have to be a lease with option to buy, because iY a contract is made to purchase by the County, an appropriation would have to be made now. When the option is exercised the appropriation will have to be made. Mr. Fox stated the Board cannot agree to make an appropriation £rom next year's budget. Mr. Williams moved, seconded bS Mr. Oxenfeld, the Board resolve.$iat'it~is their intention to execute lease with option to purchase Parcels 1, 3 and 4 and to purchase Parcel 2 out- right, flznds to come from the General Contingency F1~nd, subject to concurrence by the City Council. Motion carried unanimously. SUBDIVISION PLATS, SECTIONS 8~ 9, 10, 15. 16. AP1~ 17. FIGURE 8 ISLAND - FINAL APPROVAL - Mr. John Sutton, Staff Planner, presented Subdivision Plats that had been approved by the Subdivision Review Committee, some this past Fridaq, subject to bond being submitted in amount of $13~895, letter of credit or Cashier's check or some other suitable form o£ guarantee for improvements that had not been completed. All paving had been installed except a 2300 foot section, re-dragging of ditches, reseeding, and monumentatione. Mr. Sutton stated the Planning Commission recommends approval of Sections 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 1'], subject to a bond being provided. Mr. Williams asked if the streets meet state minimum requirements. Mr. Sutton stated not at this time, but amount of bond will cover the needed improvements. Only thing needed to meet State specifications is to get side line ditches in shape. Mr. Williams stated Commissioner Oxenfeld states he has been involved in this Sub- division, and therefore, would need permission to abstain from voting on question and moved he be allowed to abstain. Mr. Marks seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks raised question of whether or not lots can be sold without any plan or lay- out. Mr. Fox stated if anyone is selling lots of an unrecorded plat, it is in violation of the County's Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Marks stated they are not transferring deeds but taking options to buy. Mr. Bill Hill, Attorney, stated he understood they are letters of intent, not deeds. Mr. Marks requested letter explaining method of handling such transactions. APPROVAL PLANS FOR PROPOSED PINE VALZEY APARTMENTS - Mr. Noffsinger stated Mr. Havens who had been handling project had passed away and Mr. Spencer was handling matter now. P1r. Allan Trask was present. Mr. John Sutton, Staff Planner, presented background. Mr. Sutton stated case was sub- mitted to the Planning Commission back in June and it was tabled. The Planning Commission took action on it in July. It came before the County Commissioners four weeks ago. The project was approved insofar as concept of apartments being permitted on the site, subject to plans being submitted in accordance with the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance, plans in accordance with the recommendations oP the Subdivision Review Committee, and project being constructed in accordance with the approved plans. Mr. Sutton stated the Subdivision Review Committee took action on the project at their last meeting. Mr. Sutton pointed out the Plannin~ Department orginally had a list of about 12 or 13 recommendations as to additional information that needed to be submitted and design changes they felt should be incorporated into the Plan. Mr. Sutton stated the same recommendations were presented to the Subdivision Review Committee who altered them somewhat. The Sub- division $eview Committee approved the plans in.accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Department, with three exceptions. 1. Buffer Area - Applicant had changed his proposal - The.Planning Department had re- quested a conti.nuous buffer adjacent to single family areas in form of ever~reen hedge, 20 feet area in which all existing trees should be left undisturbed, and ten foot set-back from that. The applicant has proposed an intermittent earth mound buffer which will be landscaped at certain points. MINUTES OF MEETING, OCTOBER 16, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) APPROVAL PI~ANS FOR PROPOSED PINE `VAI,LEY APARTi~vxS ~CONTuvunL) 2. The Planning Commission had recommended that the recreational facilities, specifi- cally the pool, be reoriented away from the single family £acilities. The Subdivision Review Committee approved the pool site where it is with the idea in mind dirt mounds will block all noise, or any excess noise, that will generate in this area. 3. The density question came up that the developer was proposing 14.3. In accordance with the ordinance only 13.3 units per;acre would be permitted. 2he developer requested per- mission to include additional land on the south side of Bragg Drive be incorporated into the plan in order to meet the density requirements. The Plannin~ Department recommended that if this be permitted that it should be a maintained recreational area. The Subdivision Review Committee approved this concept with the idea it could just be vacant land, not used £or anything, but it would have to be incorporated as part of this plan. This would then permit the developer to have the 399 Proposed units on the site. As the Subdivision Review Committee approved it, it could be just reserved land for open space, not any maintained recreation facility. Other than these three changes the Subdivision Review Committee did approve the plan in accordance with the original recommendations that were submitted to the County Commissioners at their last meeting. Highest point of mounds will be four £eet with exception of area around pool which wi11 be 5 to 6 feet high, etc. Mr. Trask stated dirt mounds were discussed with Mr. Tinga and Mr. Tinga thought mounds grassed, with shrubbery planted on them, would be much better buffer than trees. Mr. Spencer pointed out several of the buildings will be 40 to 50 £eet from single family dwellings. Mr. Harriss stated even though it is not a public hearing anyone would be heard that wished to be heard. Col. J. L. Andrews spoke in protest of borrowing land across street for density purpose asking if it could be used later or would it be dedicated. Mr. Sutton stated it would not be dedicated; no land in the project will be dedicated. It will be a part of this special use permit and cannot be used for any thing other than open space until such time as the Board of County Commissioners approved it otherwise. Amendment of the Special Use Permit could change the use of it. • One person raised the question concerning parking spaces, pointing out the Planning Department is trying to lower number. Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Department is not tryin~ to do this; it was brought to their attention the requirement in the ordinance was based on duplex developments. When amendment to ordinance was made to allow apartments, no consideration was given to parking and no change was made. Since ;thisoguestiona'came~~up ~fi2^Planning:.Commission asked him to do research and report back to them which Mr. Mallory did. The Commission did consider at a Public Hearing an amendment to the ordinance that could change the requirements o£ the off-street parking requirements. In his research Mr. Mallory stated no other place requires this much off-street parking, however the Planning Commission in considering the amendment did not see fit to make this recommendation to the County Commissioners. They are still studying it and indications are if there is a change at all, they are going to recommend an increase. Another person spoke "green tree" area across £elt "green tree" area is this is not intended as a County. concerning the 2.~ acres, protesting it was absurd to have a the street for a bufPer zone for these single-family homes. He needed along property line where people 1ive. Mr. Sutton stated buffer but for density level purpose required throughout the One person pointed out she attended meeting of the Subdivision Review Committee and only two members were present out of the £ive to hear this case. Other protests were re- ceived concerning possibility o£ children running across yards, etc. Col. Andrews spoke again saying o£ the two members present at the Subdivision Review Committee, in his opinion, one is getting the business on the shrubbery. Col. Andrews stated he based this on what Mr. Trask stated in regard to Mr. Tinga saying grass and shrubbery would be better on the mounds than trees. Mr. Harriss asked.i£ the Colonel wanted to make a charge. Col. Andrews stated he was making the charge. Mr. Williams stated in £airness to a man who has done an outstanding job for New Hanover County as Chairman of the Planning Commission and has given unselfishly of his time, that it should be pointed out here, without waiting until some later date, that the Chairman of the Plann;ng Commission is a Farmer, and not in the landscaping business. It is another gentleman in the landscaping business. Col. Andrews withdrew his charge. Mr. Marks stated he could see no connection between additional acreage to accomodate some limitations. I£ the owners of this 2.'7 acres would consider a permanent dedication for Pine Va11ey recreational purposes for the community of Pine Valley, everyone would know there would be nothing there but recreation in the flzture; not that they would have to develop it but dedicate the 2.7 acres. Mr. Trask stated the area on the other side is optioned for condominimums later on and he understood from Mr. Sutton if that area had only from 8 to 10 condominimums on it then the 2.7 acres could be used with that. Mr. Sutton stated what had been discussed with the former Mr. Havens was transfer of development rights, and Mr. Sutton told him the Planning Department did not approve of this. It came up at the Subdivision Review Committee and the density permitted on this side is 13.9, the density permitted on the other side is 11.7. What was discussed was taking one unit per acre from one site and adding it to the other. This is ~ubject to approval, and no approval was given at the meeting. Mr. Marks stated the Board would be lowering reguirements according to this statement. 2~~ e' ~~~ P~vul~~S OF MEETING, OCTOBER 16, 19~2 - 9~0o n.M. (CONTINUED) APPROVAZ PLANS FOR PROPOSED ruv~, VALLEY APARTMENTS (COPITINUED) - Mr. Trask pointed out density in the City is as high as 26. Mr. Sutton informed Mr. Trask there is no density reguirement in the City because oP utilities and a different ordinance and these standards should not be used as comparisons. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he was not at the meeting when this project was previously discussed. He stated one concern he had had from the beginning is the location of the recreational com- munity facilities. ~ren with the mounds, which will block off some of the noise, with total development of 3gg units on this site, it is not inconceivable to envision some 400 to 500 people within this area at one time, and he felt it should be pulled within the center of the site to get it further away from the residences that abut. Mr. Mallory stated it was the recommendation of the Planning Department the recreational facilities be relocated. Mr. Oxenfeld felt a lot of noise will be generated in this small area by a lot of people. Mr. Spencer stated from their earperience people do not congregate at the pool. Mr. Spencer stated fie did not know what more they could do; they have cut 60 units out; they have bent and bent. Further discussion was held on dedication of the 2.7 acres. Mr. Fox stated, if dedicated, the County would assume responsibility o£ property. Mr. Harriss stated the Commissioners have to be bound by the ordinance and felt the Board had had all discussion that would be profitable. Mr. Harriss moved that the plans be approved. Motion failed for lack of a second. Mr. Oxenfeld asked Mr. Sutton to go through recommendations of the Planning Department again. Mr. Sutton stated again the Subdivision Review Committee altered three of their recommendations; buffer, recreation facility location, and density reguirement by permitting 2.'7 acres to be added. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the plan be approved with 2.'] acres becoming permanent part of this site with understanding it will not become a part of the subsequent one. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Oxenfeld voted "No" because of the location of the recreation area. Meeting recessed at 11:00 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 11:10 A.M. DISCUSSION OF W.I.N. PROGRAM - SOCIAL SERVICES Miss Lela Moore Hall, Social Services Director, and Mr. J. W. Walton, Jr., Chairman, Social Services Board, were present to discuss W.I.N. Program. Mr. Walton e~rplained W.I.N. Program is part of the new welfare program and its abbre- viation means "Work Incentive". The basic principle of it is to put people who are on wel- £are to work. Mr. Walton stated as with most of the federal programs, or amendments to them, it requires a lot more paper work, administrative help, office eguipment and things of this sort. This is the reason for the request for additional people and funds. Mr. Walton stated the following is needed: 2 Eligibility Specialists $11,952 1 Typist I 4,368 Equipment 1,500 Mileage 480 Medicals 10,000 ~28,300 Mr. Walton stated medical examinations of persons will be necessary in support of claims the Social Services might have concerning physical fitness of them in determining whether they can work. Mr. Williams asked if this was not known at budget time. Miss Hall stated this pro~ram was not heard of at budget time; she did not hear about it until August 24th and at that time was not given any of the forms. When asked by Mr. Williams how much the program will cost the County, Miss Hall stated the County supposedly is going to be reimbursed at 100q, but the Social Services has to time themselves, and submit time for reimbursement. She said she felt when a doctor calls to in- quire about completing a£orm, she did not feel the worker will keep a record of the time involved £or reimbursement, therefore she would estimate the County will be payin~ between 20'~ and 25%. Miss Hall stated the County will be reimbursed the full amount £or medicals 5310,000 and Typist $4,368, but she £elt there would be s~laries that would not be reimbursed. Miss Hall stated her department cannot absorb the additional work and keep abreast of the present case load. Mr. Williams stated what is being requested is three new positions and salaries be ad- vanced out o£ money that has been appropriated, but not spent, for other salaries. Mr. Walton stated this is true. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board authorize the three addition- all positions, two-thirds of the salaries requested for these positions be transferred with- in the Salary Budget of the Social Services Department, that two-thirds of the Medical Expense be transferred from County Hospitalization (Social Services Budget), tpn-thirds o£ the travel be transferred from Salary Account (Social Services Budget), and $1500 be trans- ferred from the Salary Account (Social Services Budget) £or purchase of the equipment. Motion carried unanimously. VISITORS FROM WRIGHTSVIZLE BEACH - Mr. Hugh Perry, Clerk-Treasurer, and Mr. Fred Beach, Jr., Director of Public Works, both £rom Wrightsville Beach were recognized by Chairman Harriss. Mr. Perry stated they were visiting only. MINITTES OF MEETING, OCTOBER 16, 19'72 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) PARgING LOT-SOCIAI, SERVICES - Mr. Marks inguired about the new Parking Zot for Social Services. Mr. Bowden stated this is being handled. DISCUSSION DISTRIBUTION OF A.B.C. PROFITS - Mr. Bowden.stated Mr. George Rountree,III, furnished him with copy of a summary of Columbus County~'.s proposal of the distribution of the profits. Mr. Bowden stated he had talked with Dr. Oldham, Chairman, ABC Board of New Hanover Count9 about what the State takes from the County versus what is returned to the County. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Rountree also furnished the municipalities copy of hi.s letter, and the City of Wilmington is going to bring it to their League of Municipalities Executive Committee meeting durin$ October. Basically, the County and Municipalities are sending one million dollars to Raleigh and less than one-half is returned. Mr. Bowden stated it is proposed that more be retua~ned to the counties and cities than what was arranged for in the last I.egislature. The Zegisla- ture would not approve the reallocation because they had to have money to operate the State. This was their source of revenue, and if it came back to the counties, they would have to have it made up £rom some other source. Mr. Bowden pointed out this money goes into the State's general fund which includes dry counties, so dry counties are participatin~ in the expenditure o£ money that is received £rom wet counties. Mr. Bowden recommended this be brought to the attention of the Executive Commi.ttee of the State Association of County Commi.ssioners and the Study Committee on Re- allocation of ~znds for the Cities and Counties. Mr. Harriss stated the State is over-collecting on certain type sales because it is being applied to other sales. Mr. Harriss stated he had written the Attorney General about this. The County is supposceito get the profit, after the ~ax, and the County is not receiv- ing it. Mr. Harriss stated he and Mr. Fox had a lengthy discussion about this. Mr. Harriss also discussed this with Mr. Yow, City Attorney, who agreed there might be some validity in the claim that the State is over collecting, but since the Attorney General denied the State is over collecting, but since the Attorney General denied the State was, there was not a whole lot of recourse. Mr. Harriss stated he felt the whole tax structure amounts to taxes on taxes, and in addition a bottle tax, and felt the County is justified in backing legis- lation that will correct this situation. Mr. Marks £elt if enough counties pursue this, the formula proposed might pass which will about double the net profit to be returned to the Counties. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that this question be referred to the Com- missioners Association," its Legislative Committee and the Board of Directors with request that they examine careflzlly the entire revenue guestion on ABC profits with recommendation from this Board that legislation be supported changing the ratio of tax returned to the counties £rom which the ABC revenue is collected, and that copies of the letter be mailed to all o£ the candidates for the General Assembly from New Hanover County, and to all the municipalities in the County. Motion carried unanimously. PUBI~IC ADDRESS SYSTEM Mr. Bowden advised the Board he had received price on the installation of a Public Address System from the Communication Specialists Company, Inc. in amount of ~4~6.96. Mr. Bowden had been requested by the Board at its last meeting to secure price for installing the system in the Commissioners' Room. Speakers in the lobby will be fixed and portable in the Commissioners' Room. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, Mr. Bowden be requested to proceed with the purchase at cost of $4'76.96, including installation, funds to come from the General Contingency Ftiind. Motion carried unanimously. FAA CFIECg FOR AIRPORT - Mr. Sowden stated Mr:. Westbrook had suggested to Dr. Hart£ord, Chairman, Airport Com- mission, the Commissioners be requested to approve any amount over $200,000 be put in a special Airport Account since $95,000 0£ bond money was for terminal building improvements. Two uses cited were (1) $32,000 for the line o£ sight easement and (2) $30,OCb for the covered concourse. Mr. Bowden stated additional money would go a long way in constructing the holding room that is being considered and which will be inevitable whenever the FAA Security regulations are met by the Airport. Mr. Williams moved that when the check is received £rom the FAA, any excess over $200,000 be placed in a Pund for Airport improvement to be expended only upon the express approval of the County Commissioners. Motion died for ~'ack of a second. Mr. Oxenfeld stated any excess beyond the $20o,000 would be unanticipated revenue and somehow he would like to keep it as such, particularly in view o£ the way the contingency fund continues to be depleted, with the understanding that at the end of this fiscal year if these funds have not been spent, then it will go into the improvement flznd. Mr. Harriss stated this will be additional money for the Airport, since the County spent non-tax money £or the Airport, and if this is what the Board wants to do, it should go ahead and do it. Mr. Williams stated there are definite needs which should be faced. Mr. Harriss pointed out the FA.A has continued to impose certain additional requirements on airports because of the security situation in addition to which the County has had e~rpense over and b~eyond its anticipated budget Yor acquisition of trees, ri~hts-of-way, eto. Mr. Oxen£eld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the matter be deferred until next regular meeting for further study, and w~Ea check arrives it be deposited in a New Hanover County non-tax revenue account, subject to the approval of the Local Government Commission. Motion carried unanimously. OUTSIDE WORK FOR RON ffi~tOPF - Mr. Bowden advised the Board Mr. Knopf, Director oY the Juvenile Services Center, had reguested permission to teach an evening course ~t the University of North Carolina at Wilmington during the Spring of 197?. This conforms with the policy established by this Board. Mr. Boo~den recommended approval. 2~~ ~~ ~ MINUTES OF MEETING, OCTOBER 16, 1972 - 9:0o n.M. (CONTINUED) OUTSIDE WORK FOR RON SNOPF (CONTINUED) - • Mr. Marks stated the County, through the Social Services, flznded a scholarship for ad- vanced training to get his degree, and for that he was to work a certain number of months with the County. Mr. Marks stated he understood he had not worked the required number of months. Mr. Marks stated this, of course, had no bearing on his teaching but it would ap- pear that there are some funds due the County by him not working the reguired number of months to offset it. Mr. Marks suggested the County Managa pursue the matter and proceed to collect any monies due the County. Mr. Harriss stated he agreed, if anyone owes the County any money, the County Manager should collect it, but failed to see this has anythin$ to do with the matter in question. Mr. gnopf is requesting permission to teach in the even- in~. Mr. Harriss stated by inference Mr. Marks is connecting the two. Mr. Marks stated he would withdraw his inference. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. gnopf be authorized to teach the class provided the preparation time is done on his own time. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENDATION OF GENERAL ANDREW H. HARRISS, JR.~ CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR - Mr. Oxenfeld called attention o£ copy of letter, dated Uctober 4, ~1972, from Marvin E. Miller, Meteorologist in Charge, National Weather Service, Wilmington, N. C. to Col. W. L. Bynum, State Director, North Carolina, Civil Defense Agency, Raleigh, N. C. commending Gen- eral Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil Defense Director, in his operation of the New Hanover County Civil Defense Agency. Mr. Oxenfeld thought it was a very complimentary letter and should be noted in the minutes. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Chairman Harriss, letter be noted in the minutes and copies of letter be made available to the news media. Motion carried unanimously. H. A M?.RKS' TERM ON SEDC - Mr. Marks informed the Board his term on the SEDC will be terminating shortly and the Board should be giving some consideration to a replacement. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that Mr. Marks continue to serve until his replacement is named. Motion carried unanimously. MEMO FROM DIRECTOR OF JUVENILE SERVICES CENTER - Mr. Williams called attention to memo from the Director of the Juvenile Services Center suggesting date of October 29th as a good day for the dedication of the center. Mr. Bowden stated quite a bit of work has been done on the plans and what he wanted was suggestions on people to invite and anything to make the program attractive. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, date of October 29, 1972 be o£ficially the dedication day of the Juvenile Services Center. Motion carried unanimously. NACO NEWS - REVENUE SHARING - Mr. Williams pointed out NACO News indicates there will be several meetings throughout the Country on implementing Revenue Sharing and the program will be explained bs individuals connected with NACO and people in the Budget Bureau or wherever they are needed. Mr. Williams feels the Commissioners need to be as well informed as possible and suggested, as NACO has already suggested, that representatives from New Hanover County be in attendance and hope- flilly get some answers to some questions that the County does not have at this point. NACO is concentrating on getting up-to-date information for these sessions and Mr. Williams felt not only the New Hanover County Commissioners but the County Manager should attend. By com- mon consent this was agreed to. COUNTY MANAGER'S DISCRETIONARY FUND - Mr. Harriss stated several times in the past year there have been small items that the County Manager has had to go to a lot o£ trouble to get funded, and he felt the County Man- ager should have a discretionary fund for which he accounts to the Commissioners for such things as checking into certain key employees. Mr. Harriss stated the Retail Credit Compsny will, for a fairly modest sum, agree to make £our of these investigations a year. Mr. Harries felt Mr. Bowden should have authority to contract Yor these services without having to wait two weeks for a Board meeting for an item that might have some time element attached to it. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks $500 be set aside from the General Contingency F~Znd to the Count~ Manager's Discretionary F~~nd. Motion carried unanimously. AUDIT REPORT - ' Mr, Bowden distributed Audit Report which had been submitted by Cherry, Bekaert and Holland, £or year ending June 30, 1972 and suggested it be accepted for the record and study by the'Commissioners for discussion later. Mr. Marks stated he and Mr. Bowden went over the report with the Auditor before it was printed and it was found to be in order. Mr. Marks stated interim audit has been made on the former auditor up to the time he was here and can be brought up to date for the new auditor. Nir. Marks stated he had said before he thought outside auditor should be hired a year in advance so he could do preliminary work and direct the County in such a manner that it would minimize the personal efforts. Mr. Marks stated since Cherry, Bekaert and Holland has done a portion of this year's audit already, he would like for the Board to consider reap- pointing Cherry, Bekaert and Holland Yor the subsequent ~*ear. • Mr. Harriss stated guestion came up before when the County had another outside auditor and this was lightly regarded when the County was billed. Mr. Harriss stated he would not consider it a necessity to choose an outside auditor that had audited the books be£ore, there should not be any strangeness in the books that would prevent an~ reasonably adept firm coming in and doing a good job. It is largely a matter of time and the County is charged for the time. Mr. Harriss stated he did not think it would save a whole lot of time by having the same auditor year after year or advisable to do so. Mr. Harriss suggested giving the matter more thought before decision is made. ADJOURNMENT - There being no flzrther business to come before the Commission, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxen£eld, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/mw