1972-12-04 Regular Meeting~~~ MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING, NaVEMBER 22, ~g~2 - 5~00 P.M. (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION - ALTON A. LENNON SCONTINUED) - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. MENTAI, HEAZT$ - CONTRACT FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES IN REHABILITATION OF PERSONS SUFFERING '!'HE ILL EFFECTS OF DRUG ABUSE - ' PTr. Marks stated the Mental T~ealth Advisory Board recommends approval of contract be- tween the Zocal Mental Health Authority and the New Hanover Drug Abuse Committee, Inc. for community services in the rehabilitation of persons suffering the ill effects of drug abuse or addiction through a counslin~, education, rehabilitation and referral program called the New Hanover County Drug Abuse Committee. Total budget is $'I'1,962, one-half to be reimbursed by the State Department of Mental Health the other hal£ to be paid by the New Hanover Drug Abuse Committee. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the Chairman be authorized to sign the con- tract as the Chairman for the I,ocal Mental Health Authorit3~ of New Hanover County. Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF COUNTY-CITY OWNED Mr. Bowden requested Renewal Development Commi; willing to pay $'I,000 for already approved the sale and Taylor Streets. IATS TO URBAN xr:~v~WAL Lr~vr~i,OPMENT COMMISSION - approval of the Board for the sale of four.lots to the Urban ~sion that are valued at $940 and for which the Commission is them. They are jointly owned with the City, and the City has of them. They are located at Eighth and Nixon Streets and Sixth Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the County approve the sale of the afore- mentioned lots to the Redevelopment Commission at the oPfered price of $'I,000. Motion carried unanimously. PURCHASE aF DICTATING AND RECORDING MACHINE FOR COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE - Mr. Bowden requested permission to transfer approximately $300 from Capital Funds in the Commissioners' Budget to purchase a dictating, recording and transcribing machine for the Commissioners' Office. The old machine is losin~ its quality of pick-up and recordings cannot be taken off readily. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, approval of the request. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - '1'here being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the meetin~ adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs Mailed 'I'I-28-72 MINUTES OF MEETING, DEC~ER 4, ~9~2 - 9:30 A.M. ASSF~`1BI,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage,~Clerk to the Board.. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Henry B. Anderson, Interim Pastor, Sunset Park Baptist Church, to give the invocation. At this point Chairman Harriss invited the two newly elected Commissioners who were present, Mr. Peter R. Davis and Mrs. Vivian S. Wright, to join the other Commissioners at the table: APPROVAI, OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING N09Ef'IDER 20, '1972 - Mr. Williams raised question of intent bf the motion on bottom of Page 20 concerning appropriation to the Council of Arts in amount of $9,000 plus $'I,000 which was appropriated on November 6th. Mr. Williams felt at the time the motion was offered it was to be a cash contribution. Mr. Harriss stated he thought it was to be an in-kind or cash contribution. Mr. Williams stated he would have voted against motion had he understood it that way. Mr. Hall stated that some of the others expected the appropriation be in dollars and the organization be billed for the services the City renders. Mr. Hall felt bookkeeping would be easier if the City bills the organization instead of on a no-bill basis. Mr. Williams moved the minutes be changed to read: "Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the County appropriate $9,000 from non-tax revenues, subject to like contribution by t`tie City, of $'IO,ObO in cash which would match County's contribution of $9,000 today and'the $'I,000 on November 6th." Mr. Williams stated he thought this was the intention of the motion or he would not have voted for it and wanted the record to so show. Mr. Williams' motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Hall stated if this would throw the whole project out of the window, he would go along with in-kind contribution even though he felt contribution should be in cash. ~~~ P~INUTES OF MEETING, DECEMBER 4, ~972 - 9~3o A.M..(CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGUI~AR MEETING NOVEMBER 20. 19?2 (CONT~NUED) - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the action show that the appro- priation was intended conditionally upon the City appropriating a like sum or providing services which would be billed to the Council of the Arts on the basis of an itemized cost basis. Motion carried four ~ one. Mr. Williams voted "No". Mr. Bowden requested fourth paragraph on Page '14 to read: "Mr: Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the County Manager be instructed to negotiate and execute the contract for this service, ..." Following these changes, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the rtiinutes be approved. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING - NOVEMBER 22, '19~2 - 1°lr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. OUTGOING STATEMENT BY CHAIRMAN MEARES HARRISS., JR. - Mr. Harriss stated there are several things that we need to be thinking about in the days to come and without any intent to try to persuade or influence the incoming Commission, other than just as a citizen, he would like to enumerate them and to touch briefly on them: 'I. Governmental Buildin~ Complex - Mr. Harriss stated the County is presently paying $'14,000 per year rent for one set or offices, and another $3,000 for the Solicitor's Offices. Mr. Harriss stated the City is in the same position. Mr. Harriss stated a preliminary study has been completed on the location of a governmental complex and is available to the new Commission for study. Mr. Aarriss pointed out this not only represented a place to put County and City offices, but represents the Jail, Court Rooms, offices of the Court Officers, Sheriff, Library, School Administration Building, etc. which are scattered all over. 2. Civic Center - This has been studied by a committee and is now bei.ng studied by a firm retained for this purpose. 3. Water and Sewer Services for the Countv - Water and Sewer Services for the County itsel£, plus the supply line, is now almost a reality as far as the funding is concerned under the Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority, but once it is gotten here something has to be done with it. The County is fortunate in having adequate sewerage disposal facilities which will be adequate for the next fifteen or twenty years, but lines have to be put in. For years the Countq has been taking water from the same ground into which we empty waste which is beginning to cause trouble. 4. Marine Science - Mr, Harriss stated the County is becoming a center for Marine Science.facilities and e~loration: The County has recently been named as a site for some under water studies which will be based from a habitat put down just off Wrightsville Beach and will involve Federai:.Eund3ng,.up:~in'the:mi3lions of dollars eventually. This will in- volve scientists all over the world. This is a cooperative venture of the UNCW, Cape Fear Tech, N. C. State University of Raleigh, Duke University, University of Chapel Hill. There will be other people who will express interest and participate. _ 5. Com~rehensive Countv Draina~e S.ystem - Mr. Harriss stated there is a great need for this because of the nature of the County's terrain. This will have to be faced. 6. Solid Waste Disposal - The County needs to continue to work on this and eventually provide for solid waste collection on a uniform basis throughout the County. There has been tremendous abuse of the County try people dumping trash. Mr. Harriss pointed out great number o£ tires and automobiles abandoned in this County each year. These items will not go in a solid waste disposal. Mr. Harriss stated he had previously suggested to the North Carolina Marine Science Council that problem be partially solved by working with the Federal Government and the State in establishing artificial reefs witYi this material. ']. Stren~thenin~ of Relations with Corporate Citizens - Mr. Harriss stated this needed to be done not just by seeking new industry but emphasis should turn to supporting those industries which are already here and which have proved to be very valuable corporate citizens. 8. Mental Health and Health Deoartment Buildinas - Mr. Harriss stated these are under construction, or in the planning stages, and will be located at the New Hanover Memorial Hospital site. 9. Hospital Expansion - The County is faced with necessity for hospital expansion. They have been running y5% and sometimes more than that. '10. Up~radin~, School Facilities - Mr. Harriss stated expanding population means County has to provide additional school facilities; County is growing at the rate of one school per year. 'I'I. Civil Defense - In regard to increase in population, there are other things affected such as Civil Defense. Mr. Harriss pointed out how able and effective General Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil Defense Director, has been. There are disasters that require organi- zation and he has provided this frame work, and the Count9 cannot thank him enough for what he has done. He has obtained surplus equipment that would otherwise have cost the County thousands of dollars. '12. Ambulance Service - rr. Harriss stated County is in a dilemma as to ambulance service. Study has been made by a committee and recommendations received but not as positive as they might have been. The committee did recommend some clear cut alternatives. It will be up to t2ie incoming Board to do something about ambulance service. '13. Problems in Zonin~ and Subdivision Ordinances - These will constantly recur and will have to be ironed out. ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, DECII"lBER 4, ~972 - 9~30 A.M. (CONTINiTED) OUTGOING STATIl`1ENT OF MR. H. A. MARKS - Mr. Marks stated everything he had participated in and taken,a.position on he firmly believed in. Mr. Marks stated he was thankful to have served New Hanover County; it has been good to him. He stated he did not feel anyone can repay debt to this County, but he had tried. OUTGOING STATEP'LENT OF MR. BERRY A. WILI,IAMS - Mr. Williams stated the last four years is history and is in the record which he feels is a good record. Mr. Williams stated it had been a privilege t6 work with this Board and with the staf£ of the County. Mr. Williams stated the decisions the Board has had to make, in his opinion, for the most part, have been made free of personality conflicts. Decisions were made on merit of each question as they saw it and, in his opinion, on a non-partisan basis. Mr. Williams stated each of them had history to profit from, history to lean on and history to make. Mr. Williams stated he was retiring today, but his interest in New Hanover County is not retiring. Mr. Williams thanked the other members for their coopera- tion and the citizens for allowing him the opportunity he had had for the past four years. MEETING RECESSED - Meeting recessed to the Courthouse for the swearing in of the new Commissioners at '10:00 A.M. MEETING RECOPIbr~v~L - ~ Pleeting was reconvened at '10:20 A.M. by Mr. Hall, Senior Member of the Commission, who yielded the chair to Mr. Oxenfeld, Senior Member presently seated of the majority party. Present were Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. oxenfeld, Peter R. Davis, Mike H. Vaughan, Vivian S. Wright; County Attorney, James C. Fox; County Maxiager, I,aurence 0. Bowden; and ~ Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. REORGANIZATION OF BOARD - ~ Mr. Oxenfeld stated firs~t order of business would be the selection of a Chairman and called Tfor~ nominations. Mr. Hall nominated Mr. John R. Oxenfeld. Mrs. Wright nominated Mr. Mike H. Vaughan. There being no other nominations, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, the nominations be closed. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld called for vote on Mr. Vaughan. There were two votes for Mr. Vaughan; Mrs. Wright and Mr. Vaughan voting. Mr. Oxenfeld called for vote on Mr. Oxenfeld. There were three votes for Mr. oxenfeld; Messrs. Aall, Davis and Oxenfeld voting. Mr. Oxenfeld stated next order of business was to elect a Vice-Chairman. Mr. Vaughan stated he had intended to nominate Mrs. Wright, but she had indicated she would not like to serve, so he would not nominate her. Mr. Oxenfeld placed the name o£ Mr. Mike H.. Vaughan in nomination. Mr. Vaughan stated he did not wish to serve as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Davis moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, selection of a Vice-Chairman be tabled until Special Meeting on Thursday, December 7, '19'72. Motion carried three to two. Mr. Vaughan and Mrs. Wright voted "No". It was pointed out by Mr. Hall office of the Vice-Chairman is optional. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Hazel Savage be reappointed to position of Clerk to the Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld expressed thanks to the Clerk for the job she had done and will continue to do. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, Mr. James C. Fox be reappointed to position of County Attorney. Mr. Oxenfeld stated Mr. Fox had done an outstanding job and appreciated what he had done for the Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Wri~ht moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Bowden be appointed to serve until the end of February so they can study the personnel situation. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt like they could appoint Mr. Bowden for ninety days at the end of which citizens will have voted on whether or not we will have City-County Consolidation and chart our course pretty straight. Mr. Hall made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Davis, the motion be tabled. Motion carried three to two. Mr. Vaughan and Mrs. Wright~voted "No". PRESENTATION OF GAVEL TO MR. MEARFB HARRISS~ JR. - Mr. Oxenfeld presented engraved gavel to P7r. Harriss, the former Chairman, in recognition oY his past services and time he had devoted to the County. ~ RESIGNATION OF MR. MEARES HARRISS, JR. AS HEAD OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY~.CIVII, DEFINSE - General Harriss stated in order to make this a continuing government constitutionally, it will be necessary before Mr. Harriss, Chairman of New Hanover County Civil Defense, relinquishes his responsibility that he go to the City Hall with the new Chairman, Mr. John R. Oxenfeld, and sign the four resolutions that are in writing over_there. REPORT ON BONDS OF COUNTY OFFICIALS - Mr. Fox stated he had examined all the bonds for the County officials and they have been properly executed. Two have not been recorded in the Register o£ Deeds Office but will be today. , ~ ~~~ MINIITF~S OF MEETING, DECEMBER 4, ~9~2 - 9:3o A.M. (CONTINUED) ENTRANCE TO HSGH MacRAE PARK - Mr..John Bauerlein, City Traffic Engineer, stated he was present as a representative of the State Highway Commission. The City is not involved but they did adopt a traffic operations program in '19'72; a million and one-half dollars program funded 50-50 with Federal Government and State Highway. Most of the projects are inside the City. One of the projects is outside of the City on State Highway which is Oleander Drive between ~32 and Masonboro I,oop Road. The9 plan to widen this. This was considered an early implementation project at a cost of $90,000 to widen to a six lane section plus new signal system at both '132 at Oleander and Masonboro Loop Road. Mr. Bauerlein stated there is a small triangle about 20 feet by 20 feet that is on the Hugh MacRae Park property. If this project goes to the Federal Highway Administration showing it is a park the project can be delayed as much as '12 to `18 months and sometimes as much as 2 years. The State Highwa~ Commission wants to know if the County will be willix~ to make arrangements to convey this portion of land to the.Highway Commission so when the plans are sent for federal approval, the plans will indicateit is State Highway Commission property, thus preventing unnecessary delay of the project. Mr. Fox stated it would be more appropriate to convey easement, not the property. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the County make the triangle available, if it is legally possible and does not violate the agreement the County has with the MacRae family. Motion carried unanimously. CAPE FEAR TECHPIICAL INSTITUTE FINANCIIdG - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mrs. Wri~ht, the Board instruct the Chairman to write the Commissioners of Pender and Brunswick Counties and ask them if they are willing to participate in the cost of maintaining Cape Fear Technical Institute to the extent these two counties use it, both capital expansion and maintenance. Mr. Vaughan pointed out Brunswick County reduced their taxes approximately 25% this year. Mr. McLeod was present and stated Brunswick has approximately 6% of the students, Pender ~'~, and New Hanover County has ']0'~.attending the Institute. Mr. McLeod stated the County pays 3y'P/o of total support of Cape Fear Tech; the other 9'J7/z comes £rom Federal and Btate. Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. McLeod iF he was taking into consideration the fact the County voted Bond Issue in amount of $600,000 in ~963 or '1964 and have recently voted Bond Issue for almost £our million dollars and have a continued purchase of capital items such as land and a continuous budget. Mr. McLeod stated he was looking at operational budget. Mr. Vaughan pointed out the County will have put in around.five million dollars in a period of eight years which amounts to about '10 cents per year on the tax rate of the County. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt it would be good for other counties to know what is being furnished bq New Hanover County and very appropriate they participate regardless of the percent of students they have at Cape Fear Tech. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimousl~. DISCUSSION OF ORDTNANCE COVERING DRIVE-IN MOVIES - 1`Zr. Davis reminded the Board two teenagers ~recently died from carbon monoxide poisoning at one of the local theaters. Mr. Davis moved that all drive-in movies in the County be required to warn the patrons over the speakers every thirty minutes that they should have proper ventilation if the motor is running in the.ir cars, and between each feature a 30-second slide be placed on the screen asking patrons to please make sure their cars are properly ventilated. Mr. Fox pointed out if an ordinance is adopted a section of ordinance would have to include penalty if ordinance is violated. After fur~her discussion, by common consent, it was agreed drive-in theaters be con- tacted by letter and requested to comply with sug~estions of Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis with- drew his motion. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMTTTEES - Mr. ~xenfeld stated with the outgoing commissioners who will be resigning from various committees, and appointments due and sche@uled for other committees, he felt the incoming Board might not have had enough time to delve into this and proposed this item be tabled until a later meeting giuing the new Commissioners time to study the various committees, their ramifications and possible appointments. Mr. Vaughan stated he had had calls requesting another woman be placed on the hospital board and he will request at the next meeting Mrs. Wright serve on the Board. By common consent item was deferred. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM - Mr. Oxenfeld stated the County Manager had, as directed by the last Board, had installed a public address system and asked Mr. Bowden to explain how it works. Mr. Bowden stated this was only a temporary installation, the permanent one will be installed very soon and speakers will be in the ceiling. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT ZODTING ORDINANCE REGULATING HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES IN AIRPORT AREA - P1r. Oxenfeld earlier in the meeting ior the benefit of those present interested in Airport Zoning reminded them the public hearing scheduled today concerned only height restrictions. Mr. Oxenfeld declared Publie Hearing scheduled for 'I'I:00 A.M. officially open for discussion of Proposed New Hanover County Airport Zoning Ordinance Regulating Height of Structures in Airport Area. ~~ ~ MINUTES OF MEETING, DECEMBER 4, ~972 - 9:3o A.M. (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED NEW HANOVER COUPTTY AIRPORT ZON7NG ORDINANCE REGULATING HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES IN AIRPORT AREA (CONTINUED) - 1"ir. Neil 17allory~ Director of Planning, was requested to make the presentation. Mr. Mallory stated the purpose of the proposed ordinance is to regulate only the height of structures; there would be no regulation of the use of the land. This is a revision of an existing ordinance, dated May '15, ~96'I, which the County Commissioners enacted. The old ordinance is very similar in words as is proposed this morning. The major diffe- rence in the ordinance today and the one in '196'I is the difference in the Airport Zoning Map. The standards of the FAA have changed since '196'I. Mr. Mallory displayed the maps for the '196'I Ordinance as well as the proposed Ordinance. The '196'I map does not cover all of the area that would ~e affected b~ the proposed ordinance but the new map does. Since '196'I one of the runways has been abandoned and this needs to be deleted from the Airport Zonin~ Map. The conical zone and approach zone are different due to FAA standards changing: Mr. Mallory again stressed the point this ordinance is to regulate height only and not land use as discussed in last public hearing that was held by the County Commissioners on the Airport Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Bob Williams of John Talbert & Associates, Consulting Engineer for the Airport Commission; spoke saying he could add little to what Mr. Mallory had said regarding up- dating the ordinance with the mapping as shown. The map is strictly in accordance with current FAA criteria with no variations from that insofar as the dimensions of the height restrictions given are concerned with one exception and that is on the northeast southwest runway, Runway 5 and 23. Runway was pointed out on the map. Mr. Williams stated on this particular runway the Zoning Ordinance would cover the necessary and adequate zoning for height restrictions for the installation of a second instrument plannin~ system if and when that becomes necessary at the Airport. This is the only exception to the current immediate needs of the Airport. Mr. Oxenfeld asked Mr. 47illiams to discuss different heights because people in the audience did not know what they are. Mr. Williams explained the height requirements in the Precision Instrument 9pproach Zone, Non-Precision Instrument Approach Zone, Conical Zone, Horizontal Zone, Primary Zone and Transitional Zone shown on Pages 6 and '] of the proposed ordinance. Mr. Hall asked if it would impose a hardship on ar~yone owning property and would it require them at this time to do anything, barring present easements that have to be obtained. Mr. Williams said it would not. Mr. Williams stated insofar as the Instrument Runway is con- cerned he was certain that the approaches are clear of all obstructions in accordance with the current criteria and proposed map. The other runway has not been field checked to de- termine if there are currently any obstructions to this £uture instrument approach. Mr. Hall asked how the property owners would be affected by obstructions now existing on their pro- perty; would this be a County responsibility, inasmuch as it is presently there before the adoption of the ordinance? Mr. Fox stated it would be a non-conforming use and the proposed zonin$ ordinance, if passed, would not affect the property owner at this time. Mr. Fox: stated it would be necessary to have this area checked to determine what uses are non-con- forming at this time when the ordinance is adopted. This is a problem which has come up in connection with the '196'I ordinance; it has been virtuaily impossible to establish what constituted a non-conforming use at the time of the adoption of the '196'I ordinance. Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out there is a paragraph in the proposed ordinance that should a structure or tree exist in this area now that lighting or other devices would be installed at no cost to the property owner. Mr. Williams stated there is such a paragraph that will give the County the right to install instructional lights at no cost to the property owner. Mrs. Wright raised question concerning ti•ees_~ in the transitional zone. She stated after they are topped now, if they grow back a foot, the Airport Manager is responsible for telling the property owner the trees are over the height restriction, and if they do not have them topped, they will be charged with a fine or misdemeanor, and each da9 they let them grown another foot they can be charged with a separate offense. When those warnings are given and the trees have to be chopped again do these people have to pay out of their pocket every time or will the County do it for themY This could be a burden to some people if they have to top trees every so often. Mr. Mallory stated this would depend upon County policy. Mr. Fox stated the way the ordinance is drafted it would require property owners to keep property free of obstructions but the County could top the trees if they wanted to assume burden and another alternative might be to amend the ordinance to provide that growth:~ of trees not be permitted to grow within '150 feet. Mrs. Wright stated height restriction here is not '150 feet but about 20 feet or height of houses. Mr. Fox stated this would be a non-conforming use. Mrs. Audrey Feenstra was present and asked for clarification of keeping existing trees topped to proper height set out in regulations of the ordinance. Mr. Fox informed her this was a requirement and had to be met at the expense of the property owner. Mr. Vaughan suggested the Board not vote for anything that requires the homeowner to top his trees at his expense, but the County will,do it, if it has to be done. Mr. Hall stated this would be his opinion. Mr. Oxenfeld stated most of the Commissioners feel the same way. Mr. Bill Nelson spoke next. His problem is that he is obstructing the line of sight from theiz~wer to the end o£ the runway. Mr. Vaughan raised question of ordinance applying to taxi operations. Mr. Vau~han stated Mr. Nelson's question was if taxi operations are involved in safety why is it not covered in the ordinance. Mr. Williams discussed requirement fo This problem exists because of the airport on the Airport. The personnel who operate see.part of the taxiway to this runway nor trees which are located there that are too include this? r line of sight from the tower to the runway. control tower operated by the FAA is located the tower are charged with the safety and cannot can they see the end of the runway because of the high. Mr. Vaughan asked if the ordinance should Mr. Fox pointed out the County is requiring perpetual easements by condemnation proceed- ings, therefore, it is not necessary to have it zoned. Mr. I3enry Feenstra, property owner at the airport, requested clarification by Mr. Fox of State Statute that this ordinance is based on, Section 63-36. ~ ` sZ' MINUTES OF MEETING, DECEMBER 4, ~972 - 9~3o A.M. (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT ZOPTiNG ORDINANCE REGULATING HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES IN AIRPORT AREA_(CONTuvu~D)_-_ Mr. r'eenstra asked why, ordinance is neeaea ix no ~ree5 u~ structures are interfering with the airport at tYiis time. Mr. Oxenfeld stated this would prevent something from being constructed in the future that would interfere. Mr. Oxenfeld stated it is better to enact an ordinance at this time before a lot of non-conforming uses are there. Mr. Feenstra stated the property around the Airport that would interfere with operations is already under easements, why zone it if they are already under easements? Mr. Hall stated the County has been involved with easements for.;several years, and would have to ~o throu~h this same pro- cess again in a new area if ordinance is not adopted. Mr. Mallory stated he doubted :the County had easements on all property involved. Mr. Westbrook pointed out various property that the County has no easement m. Mr. Fox stated statute referred to pertains to acquisition oY rights in property for airport purposes which cannot constitutionally be applied to a Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Fox stated this states once your Zoning Ordinance becomes too restrictive so that it constitutes a taking of a person's property then he is constitutionally entitled to a reimbursement to the extend this property has been damaged. Mr. Fox stated trees could not be topped with- out paying conpensation. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he felt the ordinance requires additional study, particularly with regard to trees. Mr. Feenstra stated it should be amended and compensation should be taken into consideration. Further discussion was held on wording of the ordinance by Mr. Vaughan and others. Mr. Vaughan stated ordinance indicates regulations will be enforced by the Airport Manager and Building Inspector. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt the Airport Manager's job is to manage the Airport; he ~hould;.go:`,to the Building Inspector and advise him regulations has been violated and then it should be up to the Building Inspector. Mr. Davis stated he felt who interprets restrictions shown on Page 8 of the ordinance is too vague, on Page 9 who will verify height of structures and who will pay for it, on Page '10 who will interpret what a hazard is. Mr. Davis felt these things should be clari- fied. Mrs. Donnie Rehder raised question of what part of tree the property owners will be compensated for, the top or whole tree. Also, what are restrictions on planting new trees? Mrs. Wright pointed out it would be necessary to obtain permit to plant a new tree if it is going to be over the height permitted. Mrs, Croom, resident of the Airport area, spoke saying the runway had been opened since they have been living there and to top her pine trees would leave her yard full of "tele- phone poles". Mr. Oxenfeld stated the discussion had been ver~ enlightening but it does require some further study. Mr. Oxenfeld declared public hearing closed and asked the Commissioners to make recom-. mendation on how to proceed at this point. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Planning Department amend the ordinance, includin~ the various things that were mentioned and bring it back for the consideration of the County Commissioners at a future Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld thanked the persons present for attending the hearing stating ordinance will be given a great deal of additional study and asked they watch the newspapers and TV for announcement of a future public hearing. Meeting recessed briefly. Meeting was reconvened. HEAD TAX - NE4J HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT - N[rs. Wright stated at its meeting on November 20, '1972, the previous Board of Commis- sioners voted to approve the action o£ the Airport Commission in regard to the placing of a$2 use fee on passengers enplaning at New Hanover County Airport and provided for $3,000 to be spent in settin~ up the collection system needed for this Use Fee. Very few airports in the country now collect such a fee, and she questioned whether the County needs money so badly that it must be included in this small number.. Also, it is possible that this type fee will be forbidden by Congress next year. Then, toq the payment of.such a fee would be a very unpleasant experience for many people which would reflect unfavorably on our community and would hinder the efforts of those who are working to develop the tourist industry here. She believes the majority of our citizens do not want an~ new taxes imposed. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this Board rescind the action of the Airport Commission in regard to the placing of a$2 Use Fee on enplaning passengers at New Hanover County Airport and that the $3,000 granted to'set up collection of this Use Fee be withdrawn. Mr. Hall spoke in favor of the IIse-Fee and read from a prepared statement which pointed out the eitizens of New Hanover County have carried the r.esponsibility and cost of the airport without help from their neighbors for many years, but would vote against taxes to provide ~millions of dollars to continue to provide facilities for air transpor- tation to the public. The New Hanover County Airport is vital to the economy of the region it serves. The Airport does not have sufficient income to amortize its capital improvements and growing operating costs. If it does not keep pace with modern air traffic demands, it will lose the air service which is vital to the bommunity. Increasing and very costly demands are bein~ placed on the airport by the Federal Government to meet new standards for security and certification of the airport. After May, ~973, additional required capital and operational expenditures to meet these standards are expected to be approximately $200,000. ~~~`~ MINUTES OF MEETING, DECEMBER 4, ~972 - g:3o a.M.(CONTINUED) HEAD TAX - NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT (CONTINUED) - `i'he statement pointed out possibility of Air Force Base being closed since it was reduced to a skelton crew last year. If so, the Count~ will have to purchase Crash, Fire and Rescue Equipment costing approximately $'100,000. It is necessary to begin financial planning now, since the Airport would not be able to continue air carrier ser- vice under the present federal law. Also, salaries of additional personnel required under these federally mandated programs is eacpected to be in the five figure range. The volume of airline operations does not produce sufficient income to cover these costs. The Federal Government contributes'S~/o of the cost of most of the landing area im- provements and the County of New Hanover the other half. The surroundin~ counties and the State of North Carolina do not contribute any funds to the improvement of the facility. The statement stated President Nixon's veto of Senate Bill 3~55, which would have in- creased federal aid~to 75/25 matching funds and prohibit the charge of a use fee, was based on a recommendation made by Secretary Volpe and because the bill's greater funding levels were considered inconsistent with the President's fiscal policy. Secretary Volpe's letter recommending a veto ~ave following argument: (1) the fact that the Administration had not supported any provisions contained in the bill, (2) no house hearings were held on the ADAP Changes, (3) a higher percentage of federal funding may notbe necessary at this time, and (4) the use fee prohibition is inconsistent with administration policy of encouraging com- munities to seek local sources of revenue. . Mr. Hall stated the Airport Commission feels it is now necessary to defray these tre- mendous costs by instituting an Airport Use Fee. Mr. Hall discussed Exhibit "A", Estimated Cost of Airport Certi£ications and Security, which will be, if not already, a federal law to do certain things. The Airport has to be fenced, wind cone provided and crash equipment if the Air Force decides to move their facility at the Airport. This amounts to $20'7,000, less 50"/o Federal Aid leaving balance of $'103,500 cost to the County. In addition $82,500 will be needed for firemen and policy making total cost to County in amount of $'186,000. E~chibit "B" showed estimated terminal costs to be $'1,4'12,500. Mr. Hall stated the Airpert is in the black in amount o£ $'12,000 to $'15,000 per year, but it would be impossible to do things needed without other means of revenue. Estimated paving cost amounts to ~834,000. Estimated lighting cost in amount of ~59,aoo. All of the above items amount to $2,305,500. Mr. Hall pointed out when report was taken they were given to understand there were only three o"r four other airports in the country at this time who had adopted the fee, but since there have been approximately '18 who have adopted the Use Fee. Mr. Hall pointed out various County Departments who are supported by persons served; Register of Deeds, Building Inspector, etc. Mrs. Wright stated she ,, was not against airport improvements in general, but the method of collection which is being proposed which she finds very offensive. Mrs. Wright stated she felt the public should be permitted to vote on a Bond Issue:; if they want it, let'.-them vote for it and pay for it. She was not in favor of a new tax when people are tired of taxes to start with. ' Mr. Vaughan stated proposal was made on a trial basis in '1968. Mr. Vaughan stated he attended a recent Airport Commission Meeting which was splendidly handled and felt the County is fortunate to have these people give their services to it. Mr. Vaughan stated use for the Use_Fee was stated to be for a new terminal building. He stated he felt it was going to be hard to get the people of New Hanover County to build a new terminal for two million dollars when the present one can be used for the next 20 to 30 years with expenditures for repairs about every third year. Mr. Vaughan stated Washington, D. C. is using same terminal theg used in World War II. New Hanover County Airport.lands.about 5,000 passengers per month and Washington probably lands 50,000 per day. Mr. Vaughan stated he could not see adopting Use Fee for a terminal. He stated if a terminal is built anytime soon, it will have tc be done by Bond Issue. The capital re- turn on bonds would be $'100,000 per year and interest per year about $'l02,000 per year or ~202,000, and the figures furnished by Mr. Hall from Use Fee would take in onl~ about half of this amount to the most. Mr. Vaughan felt it would be reprehensible to him to have a sheriff to force a tax down a~yone's throat and he was not agreeable to get into this at this time. Mr. Vaughan stated he might take a different view six months from now when the Federal regulations are clarified. • Mr. Davis stated he was in favor of raising £unds from the users but felt it would take between ~30,000 and $50,000 to maintain the guard and felt this was a pretty big ex- pense to collect the tax. Dr. C. E. Hartford spoke backing Mr. Hall's statement particularly the need in ~973 for $'150,000 or $200,000 for improvements which are required by the Federal Government. Dr. Hartford urged the Commissioners if they do not see fit to adopt the Head Tax at this time, to defer it for further study and not to abandon it. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he would like to echo Nir. Vaughan's sentiments that all the Com- missioners and the citizens of New Hanover County owe a great deal of gratitude to those members of the Airport Commission and Mr.. Westbrook for trying to work out of this dilemma. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he personally £elt adoption of the Use Fee is a bit premature and dis- tasteful, but, like another opinion that has been stated, he was not saying perhaps in six months he would not change his mind. Mr. Herbert Hale, Master Sergeant, Marine Corps, Retired, spoke in opposition to the tax. 2~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, DECEMBER 4, ~972 - 9~30 A.M. (CONTINUED) HEAD TAX - NE~d HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT (CONTINUED~, - Mr. Harry I,ovie spoke in favor of the Use:.E'ee. Mr. L. L. Doss, Jr., Member of the Airport Commission, stated he was out of town when the~Airport Commission voted on the Use Fee and he wanted to go on record as having con- sidered this matter in the light of the circumstances in existence today, and he would have voted for it at the Airport Commission meeting. He requested the matter be tabled rather than throwing it out altogether and reconsider it again ver9 soon after discussion with the Airport Commission and the Engineers. He spoke to the point of the need for a new terminal saying the present one is in the wrong location. Mr. Davis stated he was not against the tax on the user, he felt the user should bear the burden, but against the method of collection. If there were some way to get Piedmont to go along with this, it would be very beneficial. It is not fair for the homeowners to have to pay for the airport but he could not go along with the method of collection. Dr. Hartford stated Piedmont is collecting this head tax at Roanoke. So far they have indicated they will not collect it here, but the fact they are doing it in Roanoke gives the Airport Commission some hope they might be persuaded to do so here. The Air- port Commission prefers the Airline collect this tax. Dr. Hartford stated he did not Peel tax should be thrown out because of inethod of collection, since this was the last resort for additional revenue for the Airport. Vote was called on motion.' It carried four to one. Mr. Hall voted "No". Mr. Vaughan complimented Mr. Hall on getting~together the facts and asked if they have to go in the minutes; he thought if the minutes could be reduced in size it would be hslpful to them. Mr. Hall stated he £elt it would be well to put these things in the minutes, the vital facts anyway. It should be known the matter has been discussed thoroughly by the proponents of the Use Fee. It should be called Use Fee rather than Head Tax, as Mr. Fox has stated this is not a tax but a fee based on use of the Airport. Mr. OxenYeld thanked everyone interested in the subject for appearing and expressing '„ their views and said as far as he is personally concerned it is not a dead issue. Every- one realizes the need for the funds and how to provide them will have to be worked out. I~ATE LISTING PENALTY - B. A. FLOWERS Mr. Powell, Tax Administrator, presented request of B. A. Flowers for removal of tax penalty in amount of $1'7.39 which he had acquired when he purchased property from Rev. R. T. Burnett due to Rev. Burnett's failure to list property on time. Mr. Powell had copy of letter from Rev. Burnett~statirig he had listed his taxes between January 'Ist and 3'Ist. Mr. Powell stated he received the tax abstract dated January '], '19'72, but it was not re- ceived in his office until February '7, '1972, and he recommended the penalty not be removed. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, for purposes of discussion, the late listing;penalty not be removed. After discussion, Mr. Hall made a sizbstitute motion, seconded by Mrs. Wright, that in view of the circumstances Mr. Flowers' request for the relief of the late listing penalty be allowed. Motion carried unanimously. OFFICE HOURS OF TAX OFFICE - Clr. Yowell's request for change in office hours from 8:00 A.M. to 9~00 A.M. had been discussed at the November 6th meeting and deferred pending publicizing the proposed change and getting reaction of interested persons. Reason for the request is to permit all cashiers to balance at one time. Mr. Powell stated he had received no objections. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, Mr. Powell's request for opening Tax Office at 9~00 A.M. instead of 8:00 A.M. be granted. Motion carried unanimously. REFUND OF OVERPAYMENT TO STATE. _=_ :MENTAL HEALTH - Mr. Ross, County Auditor, stated this request arises from a change in procedure by the North Carolina State Department of Mental Health. Formerly they have been advancing money to the New Hanover County Mental Health Organization in quarterly payments on basis of their budget, and then if the budget was under expended, the County would deduct their matching share from the next fiscal year. Without any warning to the County at the last fiscal year, they changed their policy and are now asking for a cash refund. The request is for $'10,63'7.3']. The budget for the Mental Health Organization was under expended due to the fact they lost some of their help which they could not replace and came out under the appropriation on their salaries and wages. There is an Unappropriated Surplus in the Mental Health Organization of $8,'7'78, and the Salaries and Wages ~ccount in that agency at the moment stands 25.97'~ expended as compared with 4'I-2/3% of the year already gone, and Mr. Ross was of the opinion the balance of the refund due could be taken out o£ the Salaries and Wages Account. Mr. Ross recommended $8,000 of the amount come from ~ the Unappropriated Fund Balance and the balance from the Salaries and Wages Account under the Mental Aealth Agency. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the refund be paid as recommended by the County Auditor. Motion carried unanimously. PAYMENT TO rr.~vL~R COUNTY FOR TRIAI, OF BEN CHAVIS WHICH WAS TAANSFERRED TO PENDER COUNTY - Mrs. Wright raised question of payment to Pender County f'or the ]3en Chavis Trial ' in amount of $2348. Mrs. Wright stated on November '13th New Hanover County was requested to pay this amount and :on November 28th they received a letter thanking the County for the check. She stated there is no record o£ this in the minutes, and she would like to lrnow who authorized payment and where the money came from in the budget. Mr. Ross stated the request for payment was oked by three County Commissioners and the County Manager. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the action of the three Commissioners as result of the telephone poll be approved nunc pro tunc. , MINUTES OF MEETING, DECEMBER 4, ~972 - 9:3o a.M..(CONTINUED) PAYMENT TO r~ivllr~c COUNTY FOR TRIAL OF BEN CHAVIS WHICH WAS TRANSFERRED TO rr,-vL~,R COUNTY ~ (CONTINUED) - Mr. Vaughan asked if it was the legal responsibility of New Hanover County to pay for trial in Pender County. Mr. Hall explained trial was held in Pender and he felt ex- pense was put on Pender County as result of the trial. Mr. Vaughan requested item be placed on agenda £or next meeting and investigation be made as to what is customary in matters of this kind. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Cobb, State Solicitor, informed him trial had been transferred to Burgaw. Mr. Bowden called Mr. Burt Montague, Chief Administrative Officer for the Courts, and was informed that up to the last legislature it was the responsibility of the originating county to pick up the entire tab. , Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. REVISED BOOI~EEPING SYSTEM FOR AUDITOR'S OFFICE - Mrs. Wright stated she understood Mr. Ross is in the process of putting in a new bookkeeping system which the Local Government Commission has suggested and there are several things that concerned her about this s~stem. She suggested the Chairman call a Special Meeting of the Commissioners to discuss it with the Auditor. Mr. Ross stated it is brought about by the requirement that counties $o to a special type of encumbrance accounting. He is presently getting considerable help from the State in implementing the system which will have to be done by July 'I, ~g73. This is a state- wide system. Mr. Ross stated he felt it was of advantage to the County to avail itself of this assistance while it is available. Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Ross.if he was taking ar~y action which eliminates the preroga- tives of the Commissioners without consultin~ with the Commissioners. Mr. Ross stated what he intended to do was to prepare the format for the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 'I, '1973 and present that for review before any work is started on the budget. The method of implementing the new system is to construct first a new chart of accounts which is a skelton upon which the entire system is built. A budget will then be constructed for fiscal year '1973-~4 predicated upon this new chart of accounts. There is no change to be made within the current £iscal year and no change will be made in succeeding years without giving everyone an ample opportunity to review it. Mrs. Wright asked Mr. Ross whether he would turn over the School System Books to the School Board before coming back to the Commissioners with the budget. Mr. Ross said cer- tainly not without consulting with the Board of Commissioners. Mrs. Wright stated she was afraid this might be done before they had a chance to get in on it, and she did not want the Commissioners to lose control of any £unds. Mr. Ross stated he did not intend to take any arbitrary action. Mrs. Wright withdrew her request £or a special meeting. Mr. Ross stated i£ he did propose turning over the School System books to the School Board, there would be no loss of control because he is Titular Treasurer of the School Ssytem and will remain so, and any handling of funds within the School System will be by people deputized by him and bonded to him. Mrs. Wright stated she wanted to be sure the Commissioners were not being left out of the picture. DISCUSSION COI"Il"lISSIONERS' SALARIES AND TRAVEL ALLOWANCE - Mrs. Wright stated she was concerned with the fact the previous Board of Commissioners had voted to give themselves each a raise of $50 per month in July and instituted a local travel allowance of $50 per Commissioner and $'75 for the Chairman. On the travel allowance there is no mileage requirement, so it is really a salary supplement. Mrs. Wri~ht stated she felt a 40 to 50 per cent increase in compensation for the Commissioners and the Chair- man is excessive and violated the President's anti-inflation guidelines, and it is unfair because there are 63 or 64 people working for the County who make less than $5,000 per year, and the Chairman is now getting $5,'100 per year for a_'part-time job. Mrs. Wright stated there are many important needs coming up within the'next•few years, and if the Board is goin g to have public support for these things, the Board needs to show the people that it is doing everything it can to hold down expenses wherever it is possible. Mrs. Wright moved that the local travel allowances for the Commissioners and Chairman be eliminated and that the salaries of all the Commissioners be reduced to the level they stood in the previous fiscal year. Mrs. Wright stated Mr. Fox had informed her he might have to get an opinion from the Attorney General as to whether the salaries of the Commissioners can be changed in the middle o£ the fiscal year. Mr. Vaughan asked that her motion be modified to include "plus the 5% increase the other County employees were given in July": Mrs. Wright had no objection to this. Mr. Vaughan seconded Mrs. Wright's motion. Mr. Hall stated he felt it might be appropriate for any public official who does not wish to accept this pay as o££ered by the County to re£use to accept it and let the others be. Mr. Davis stated he was disappointed politics has been injected so quickly in what he hopes will be a very sound and mature board. Mr. Davis stated on the surface reducing the salaries looks like a noble ~esture. In reality, it is the surest method of restrictir~ membership on the board to those wealthy enough to miss work, the self-employed, retired, or those unemployed. A great number of our citizens have no opportunity to serve because it works a£inancial hard- ship. MINUTES OF MEETING, DECEMBER 4, ~972 - 9~3o A.M. (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION COMMISSIONERS' SALARIES AND TRAVEL AI,TAWANCE (CONTINUED) - Mr. Davis further stated very few of our elected and appointed boards and committees reflect the true cross section of our population. A working man earning a salary or rrorking shift work has no opportunity to take part in guiding the future of our county. It should not be that way. Mr. Davis stated one of his goals is to try to broaden the representation of all boards, not to £uture restrict it to those that can afford to serve. Mr. Davis further stated politically he should vote to reduce the salaries, but in the spirit of democracy, where all voices should have a chance to be heard, he must vote to continue the salaries at their present level. Mr. Davis pointed out he would also like to note that the savings would amount to only 5 cents per citizen and would be too small to even effect the tax rate. Mr. Oxenfeld made a substitute motion that Mr. Fox get ruling from the Attorney General and report back at a subsequent meeting. Mr. Hall stated he saw no objection to counting travel as salary because at times his local travel amounts to that much and at~times it does not. Mr. Hall made a substitute motion the salaries be increased to $300 per month and travel allowance be eliminated. Mrs. Wright stated her motion was made in good faith not for political reasons, but she was willing to abide by the decision of the others. Mr. Hall made another substitute motion that the matter be tabled. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he was supporting motion but wanted to say he felt increase was warranted, what amount he could not say, and he is reserving the right to check into the matter further and perhaps to recommend at a later date the increase be reinstated. Mrs. Wright was requested to include in her motion "if the Attorney General rules it to be legal". The motion now reads: Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the local travel allowances for the Commissioners and Chairman be eliminated and that the salaries of all the Commissioners be reduced to the level they stood in the previous fiscal year, plus the 5% increase the other County employees were given in July, if the Attorney General rules this to be legal. Vote was called on motion. It carried three to two. Mr. Hall and Mr. Davis voted "no". OVERTIME PAY FOR DEPUTY SHERIFFS - P1r. Bowden ,presented the Sheriff's request for payment for 2200 overtime hours for his deputies. Reason for overtime is due to increase in amount of armed robberies re- cently. Mrs.. Wright moved, seconded by Mr,. Hall, the Board approve the overtime man hours the Sheriff has requested, cost not to exceed $'10,000, ~unds to come from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. I,AW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION - Mr. Bowden presented request from the Sheri£f for $'10,469 for training requirements in his department. This is based on '75/25 percent matching funds through the Law En- forcement Administration. 0£ this amount $'7,85'1.75 will be refunded by the Law Enforce- ment Assistance Administration. The County's share will amount to $2,6'I'].~5. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Sheriff's request be approved, funds to come from the General Contingency Fund, with understanding 75% will be refunded to the County by 13~e Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL CLERICAI, II`1PLOYEE BY BOARD OF EDUCATION - Mr. Bowden presented request from the Board of Education for an additional person to assist present Secretary-Bookkeeper at the Uocational Center because of addition of new programs such as Night High School and Elementary Career Education. Funds are available within the School Budget. Mr. Vaughan requested Mr. Bowden investigate to determine if night high school is conducted at Cape Fear Tech and whether this is a duplication of programs. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, transfer be approved, funds to come from Vocational Salaries, Item 626, within the School Budget. Motion carried unanimously. BOARD OF ELECTIONS - REQ.UEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Mr. Bowden presented request of the Board of Elections to transfer $300 from Account No. 'I'I-60'I (Supplies) and $300 from Account Number 'I'I-602 (Printing and Ballots) to Tele- phone Account No. 'I'I-603. Reason for request is due to unanticipated telephone e3cpenses for the Board of Elections' Office and the installation of additional"telephones for the November General Election. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, that the transfer be approved. Mrs. Wri$ht stated she had served on the Board of Elections and knew something about the work. She stated $300 had been budgeted for telephone expenses for the entire year and this request for an additional $600 seemed excessive. Mrs. Wright requested the Board of Elections be requested to furnish an itemized list of the phones because of the possibilit9 those left in the precinct and the courtroom could have been used by anyone coming in before they were taken out to run up a long distance bill. Mr. Vaughan modified his motion to request a detailed accounting of what these telephone expenses incurred. Mr. Davis accepted modification, report to be made at the next meeting. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF MEETING, DECEMBER 4, ~972 - 9:3o A.M. (CONTINUED) LANDFILL - i°ir. Bowden stated he was in receipt of a letter from Mr: Cranford regarding closing of present landfills. Mr. Cran£ord stated their budget was approved for six months opera- tion, and they had planned to have both operations closed by that time. Mr. Cranford re- quested information on possible date for closing the Military Cutoff Landfill Site. Mr. Bowden stated there is sufficient money to continue the landfill site until the new one is open. Mr. Bowden recommended keeping it open to prevent littering of hi~hways. By common consent it was agreed to keep Militar~ Cutoff Site open until new site is open.- ROAD PETITIONS Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Planning, recommended the road petitions covering the follooring be sent to the State Highway Commission with request the roads be added to the State Secondary Road System for maintenance when they meet State requirements for addi- tion: Fitzgerald Drive and James Place ) Kings Grant Subdivision, Sections 8, 9, and ~0 ) Pirates Cove Subdivision Long View Drive Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, road p~itions be referred to the State Highway Commission with request the roads be added to the State Secondary Road Syst'em for maintenance when they meet State requirements for addition. Motion carried unani- mously. , Mr. Vaughan questioned why road between the double house subdivision and Pirates Cove was not paved. Mr. Vaughan was under impression roads should be paved before houses are built. Mr. Hall explained roads are usually paved after construction of houses be- cause o£ heavy equipment tearing up the roads. ADDITIONAL CLERICAI, HELP FOR COUNTY ENGuv~~;x - Mr. Bowden requested additional clerical person for the County Engineer because it is impossible to keep the work up with the present help. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, matter be deferred until next meeting in order for the Commissioners to be furnished information concerning the need. Motion carried unanimouslye INVITATION TO COMMISSIONING OF ~T~S FORT FISfIER - Mr. Bowden ini~ormed the Board they are in receipt of an invitation for a Commissioner to attend the Commissionin~ of USS Fort Fisher at the Boston Naval Shipyard, Boston, Mass. ~ on Saturday, December 9, '19']2. , Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the Board make it possible for Mrs. Wright to attend, or some other Commissioner, if she is unable to do so, if upon in- vestigation by the Chairman and Mrs. Wright it is found the County should be represented. Motion carried unanimously. MEP'IBERSHIP ON OTf~R BOARDS - Mrs. Wright stated she was concerned in recent years that there have been a number of civic organizations that have sprung up to combat various problems and fill a variety of needs in the community and to assure broad support, the9 try to get quite a cross section of people to serve on their boards. Mrs. Wright felt when any of these groups come to the Commissioners for appropriations, and it is l~own that any Commissioners are members of their board, it creates a question in the minds of the public as to whether•the Commissioners are being impartial when their requ~sts are considered. Mrs. Wri$ht moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the County Manager be requested to furnish the Commissioners with a list of organizations which are legally required to have a Commissioner on their Board and this list be brought back to the Commissioners for discussion and for possible adoption of some policy regarding the Commissioners' acceptance of appointments. Mr. Vau~han requested the motion include that Nr. Bowden furnish the Commissioners as much information as is available where the Commissioners are not legally required but where they are represented. Mrs. Wright stated this would be satisfactory. Motion carried unanimously. HEAI,TH PLANNING COUNCIL - Mr. Vaughan asked for clarification on a newspaper article which stated the possible expansion of New Hanover Memorial Hospital has to be oked by a group of 3'] people; does this mean the County cannot e~and its hospital without approval of these 3'] people . selected between Fair Bluff and Wilmington? If so, do they plan to participate in the cost of expansion? Mr. Hall stated if the County expects to get,any assistance from the State or Federal Governments the County has to go along somewhat with their guide- lines. Mr. Vaughan wanted to laiow how the County got itself in this mess. Mr. Davis stated County is losing more power every day, non-elected people are setting policy. Mr. Davis thought this should be reversed, power should go back to persons who have to answer to the people. Mr. Hall stated the answer to this is to have members of elected boards on these boards and this is the way the County has operated in the past. Mr. Hall stated the Board had better think twice before making any ruling that would preclude a Commissioner serving on these various boards. Mr. Oxenfeld stated any report the Health Planning Commission would make would have to come back through the E`xecutive Commit- tee of the Council o£ Governments, all of whom are elected officials, and to get federal funds this must be £ollowed. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs Mailed '12-1'I-']2