1972-12-07 Special Meeting279 MZNUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DEC~ER ~, ~972 -'9:0o A.M. ASSEMBI,Y - Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John R. Oxenfeld, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Mrs. Vivian S. Wright, Mike H. Vaughan, Peter R. Davis; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. The County Manager was absent; attending school at the Institute of Government. The County Attorney was absent. INVOCATION- Chairman Oxenfeld called the meeting to order and asked Mrs. Wright to give the in- vocation. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING - Chairman Oxenfeld declared public hearing o£ficially open. Mr. oxen£eld welcomed everyone present and inSormed them hearing was for the purpose of considering the following request: Rezonin~ (Count.y): Property on the north side of Wrightsville Avenue at 530'I 4lrightsville Avenue between Spruce Drive and Huntington Road including Lots 'I, 3, 'I'I, '12, 2'I, 22, 23 and 24 of Section No. 5, Piney Acres Subdivision from R-15 (Single Family Residential) to 0&.I (Office & Institutional District) Mr. Oxenfeld asked Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Planning, to make the presentation. Mr. Mallory furnished each of the Commissioners a map showing property involved in the re- quest and large map for the benefit of those present was placed on the bulletin_board.. All of the property requested to be rezoned belongs to the Cape Fear Memorial Hospital., Mr. Mallory stated request was eonsidered by the Planning Commission on December 6th, and their recommendation to the County Commissioners is that the area be rezoned as re- quested which is shown in yellow on the large map. This includes hospital property and the various lots which the hospital owns around the hospital. Mr. Mallory stated petition was presented by property owners in the general vicinity consisting of approximately 50 signatures objecting to the request. Also, a petition was presented by the petitioner indicating certain people, approximately 20, living in this area do not object to the use of Lot 'I, at the corner of Spruce and Wrightsville Avenue, as a doctor's office. This petition was not considered by the County Commissioners when it was made known it was taken in '1966 and did not reflect current validity. Mr. Robert J. McI,eod, Administrator of the liospital, gave reason for request saying that the Office and Institutional Use is needed to furnish office for a new doctor who is coming in and who wishes to locate near the hospital. The hospital wanted permission to move house from Lot 3, shown on the map, to the main hospital property. Mr. William L. Hill, :"IT~ Attorney for the hospital, pointed out the hospital now is a non-conforming use in a residential zone. Discussion was held on I,ot 34 which was not included in the rezoning request but is now being used for a doctor's office. Mr. J. H. Corbett spoke saying he felt there exists poor public relations between the hospital and its neighbors. He spoke to the point hospital built a driveway leading into a nearby residential street without informing the neighboring residents, and as a result created a bad traffic situation on a formerly quiet street. rr. Corbett requested the Board to defer action until the neighbors can organize and talk with the Hospital Board and try to work out a satisfactory agreement. Mr. Corbett felt action is being taken too quickly on tliis reguest, first by the Planning Commission and now by the Board of Commissioners. Residents from the Piney Acres Subdivision opposed the rezoning of the lots which were requested to be rezoned but did not object to the property on which the hospital is located being rezoned. Also, they did not object to I,ot No. 34 being rezoned since a doctor's office is already there. Mr. Davis stated he would like to see the hospital and the people work out something between themselves which will be satisfactory to both concerned. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he appreciated everyone coming and for their views and declared public hearing closed. Mr. Vau han moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, the hospital property (solid yellow block shown on map~ and Lot 34 be zoned Office and Institutional which will permit relocation of the house on Lot 3 to the hospital property to be used for a doctor's office. rotion carried unanimously. (The Ordinance rezoning this property is eontained in Zoning Ordinanee Book I, Section 9B, Page 4.) DATE OF FIRST COMMISSIONERS' MEETING IN JANUARY - Chairman Oxenfeld announced first meeting in January will be held on Tuesday, January 2nd, since the first Monday falls on New Year's Day, which is a legal holiday. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. RespectfuTly;submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs Mailed '12-'I'I-72