1973-01-02 Regular Meeting~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, DECEMBER '18, ~972 - g:oo A.M. (CONTINUED) RENOVATION OF SOCIAI, SERVICES BUILDING - FOURTH I'LOOR - Mr. Bowden stated bids will be out and received sometime the latter part o£ January for renovations to the fourth floos of the-Social Sesvices Building. CONSIDER.ATION OF APPOIN`i'MENT OF MRS. WRIGHT AS COMMISSION MEMBER TO NEW HANOVER MEMORIAI HOSPITAL BOARD - Nr. Vaughan stated he was particularly interested in getting Mrs. Wright appointed to the Hospital Board; she is a young and vigorous person who can do a lot o£ good. Mr. Vaughan stated he had been requested to see that another woman be put on the Board and possibly more. Mr. Vaughan nominated Mrs. Wright as the County Commission member on the Hospital Board. Mr. Davis suggested the Board wait until the Commissioners are furnished a complete committee list before taking action. Mr. Oxenfeld stated the Clerk to the Board has been working on the list, but has not been able to complete it, and he suggested waiting until list is completed and in the hands of the Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan stated he did not feel one person should stay on the Board all the time. Mr. Hall stated the Commission member serves on the Hospital Board at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners. DISCUSSION TRAFFIC HAZARD ON ROAD IN FRONT OF CAPE FEAR MEMORIAI, AOSPITAL - Mr. Vaughan requested the Chairman write the Highway Department and advise them it has been noted there is a hazard at this location, ask them to investigate it, and de- cide whether they feel some changes are in order. By common consent this was agreed to. TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSMAN AI,TON LEIdNON - Mr. Davis stated recently Congressman Lennon was honored by other Counties on the eve of his retirement, and he thought New Hanover County should recognize the service he has rendered by presenting him with a plaque or some momento. ' Mr. Oxenfeld stated a resolution from New Hanover County was presented to him. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt it was redundant now to do something. SA?~ARIES OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mrs. Wright stated the County Attorney had correspondence from the Institute of Government and Attorney General to the effect that salaries of the County Commissioners cannot be reduced until the next budget comes up. Mr. Fox concurred with Mrs. Wright's statement. OVERTIME PAY FOR SHERIFF DEPUTIES - Mrs. Wright stated she had been advised the overtime pa~ authorized for the deputies had been used up. Mr. Bowden will check into this with the Sheriff. ADJOURNMENT - 'I'here being no further business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned at 2:'IO P.M. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs Mailed '12-2']-72 MINiTTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 2~ ~973 - g:oo a.M. ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meetin~ of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Buildin~ with the following present: Chairman John R. Oxenfeld, Commissioners Peter R. Davis, J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, Vivian S. Wright; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Mana~er I,aurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Oxenfeld called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked Mrs. Wright to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGUI,AR ~TING DECEMBER '18, '1972 '- Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, minutes of regular meeting December '18, '19']2, be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFERS OF FUNDS - CHAIRS COMMISSIONERS' CHAMBERS - Mr. Patrick G. Ross, Covnty Auditor, requested transfer of $600 from the Commis- sioners' Capital Outlay for the purchase of 24 chairs which Mr. Bowden was authorized to order for the Commissioners' Chambers. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, re- quest be approved. Motion carried unanimously. OVER REMITTANCE OF TAX COLLECTIONS TO AUDITOR - Mr. Hoss informed the Board he was in receipt of letter from Mrs. Janie B. Straughn:,. Collector of Revenue, statin~ audit covering '19'7`I tax collections for the fiscal year ending June 30, '19~2 shows an over remittance in the amount of $2,525•56 to New Hanover County. P1rs. Straughn requested check to cover this amount. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the amount of $2,525•56 be refunded to the Collector of Revenue, £unds to come from the current year's collection of '19']'I taxes. This will be proprated over funds that normally share in taxes. Motion carried unanimousl3r, ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING~ JANUARY 2, ~9~3 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) EXCESS FUNDS - LOWER CAPE FEAR PLANNING UNIT - ~r. Ross informed the Board the County had a refund of $49'I.']2 from the Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit, which results from an under expenditure of an appropriation in last year's budget for the County's share of law enforcement assistance grant. It has been suggested it be returned to the Sheriff's budget and used for in-kind participation in other law enforcement operations. Mr. Ross requested directive as to whether to put this in the Sheriff's budget or in the General Fund. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, amount of $49'I.'72 be put in the General Fund. Mr. Hall made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Davis, the amount go into the General Contingency Fund. Mr. Vaughan asked whether a Contingency Fund, to take care of the needs of the County, was provided at the last budget sessions. Mr. Vaughan suggested trying to "live" on this and put this amount in an area where it mi~ht be saved. Mr. Ross stated the Contingency Fund at this point is certainly depleted. ~The appropriation was originally ~90,000. The year is half gone and there is an unexpended balance of $22,600. Mr. Vaughan stated this makes his point clear, and su~~ested tryin~ to curtail using it unwisely. Mr. Hall sug~ested Mr. Ross furnish list of what has been spent at the next meeting, and it can be determined what part has been wasted. Mr. Vaughan stated he was not stating it was wasted, but it is easier to spend if you have it. Vote was called on substitute motion. Motion failed. Mrs. Wright, ~r. Vaughan, and Mr. Oxenfeld voted "No". Vote was called on original motion. Motion carried three to two. Mr. Hall and Mr. Davis voted "No". DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS - BILL FOR SIGNS - ~r. Bowden stated. the County is in receipt of bill from the Department of Corrections in amount oP Y6'I'10.60 for aluminum sheets the County used for making the signs to be used at Ldilmington and Hanby Beaches that were authorized back in July. These were no-litter signs. By common consent, action was deferred in order to give the County Auditor an oppor- tunity to look at the budget and to determine the best source from which the funds may come. RESOURCE CONSERVATION & DEVELOPP~NT COMMITTEE MEETING - Mr. Grubbs reported on meeting he attended on Resource Conservation and Development. Mr. Grubbs stated purpose of ineeting was to determine if the counties and municipalities in Region "0" wanted to form a regional Resource Conservation and Development Project. It was determined at this meeting to establish a temporary steering committee to be com- posed of three members from each County in Region "0"; one member each to be ap ointed by the Soil Conservation District, the County (preferably a County Commissioner~, and the municipalities in that particular County (appointed by COG). The purpose of the steering committee is to determine wiiether or not a Resource Conservation and Develop- ment Project should be established in Region "0". It was pointed out this meeting was really set up by COG. Mr. Vaughan stated it looked like the establishment oP one more layer of bureaucracy between the State and County. Mr. Grubbs stated this was brought up at the meeting; that it is repeating what COG does in many respects. Mr. Oxenfeld suggested deferring this until next meeting during which time a check could be made as to how this would be related to COG and determine if there would be any overlapping. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, that action be deferred until next regular meeting. Mr. Davis inquired if anything concrete would be accomplished by such a project. P1r. Grubbs stated purpose of the steering committee would be to determine if it would be feasible to set this up and vlhether there would be ar~y repetition. Mr. Hall was oP the opinion this is,.a duplication of almost all agencies the County has set up. Mr. Hall stated other counties might like somethin$ like this and did not think our county should prevent them from doing so, but insofar as any active partici- pation is concerned by New Hanover County, he did not feel it should participate.' Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Davis, that decision be made now, since everything is obviously a duplication and is of very little concern to New Hanover County. If it does become our concern, it then be brought back before the Board. Mr. Oxenfeld stated this involves Pender, Columbus, and Brunswick Counties, and he would like to see how this ties together with these other counties. Mr. Hall stated he felt New Hanover County owed them that much; our County may need a little cooperation sometime. Mr. Vaughan withdrew his substitute motion and Mr. Davis his second thereto. Mr. Oxenfeld withdrew his motion and Mrs. Wright her second thereto. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Oxenfeld check out the proposed Regional Re- source Conservation and Development Project, and if it is necessary to bring it before the Commissioners again, he will do so. REPORT ON HIRING SECURITY GUARDS AT AIRPORT - Mr. Bowden stated he had met with the Sheriff and Airport Manager to discuss hiring of security guards at the Airport. The Sheriff feels the guards should not be associated with law enforcement under his supervision. The Sheriff prefers the guards be hired as guards under the supervision of the Airport. The Airport Manager concurred in this and took it up with the Airport Commission, who has requested.Plr. Westbrook to obtain addi- tional information on what other airports are doing about hiring guards. The Airport Manager will have some recommendations to submit at a later date. Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out this has to go into effect in February, and perhaps the recommendations will be made at the next meeting. ~~~~ MIPNTES OF NiEETING, JANUARY 2, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINfJED) REPORT ON HIRING SECURITY GUARDS AT AIRFORT (CONTIN[TED) - 1°lr. Vaughan stated he saw no objections in having a private £irm provide the guards, because it might cost less than using Sheriff deputies. Nir. Davis requested Mr. Bowden give comparison of costs of guards being furnished by a private firm, using Sheri£f deputies or being hired by the Airport. Mr. Bowden stated the Sheriff informed him there would be a problem if he hired men to do only guard work; there would be a morale problem in his department. Mr. Fox stated guards would have to be deputies or come under company police statute which would be a private security corporation providing security services. Mr. Fox stated the Airport cannot hire a guard unless he is a deputg sheriff~ so it will have to be someone from a firm supplying such services. By common consent, it was agreed the Board make it known to the Airport Commission that the Commissioners approve the hiring of guards from a private compan,y covered by . the law. Also, the Commissioners expect all contracts for such services to be on a competitive basis. Dr,rr,tcxED REZOPtING RE6~UESTS AND SPECIAZ USE PERMIT REW,UEST - Mr. Vaughan requested clarification of a Public Hearing and the one being held to- day. Mr. Fox explained a Public Hearing has to be advertised and the public attends. After this the Board may make decisions or defer their decisions or defer their deci- sions until a later date. People are permitted to be heard at any subsequent meetings. Mr. Mallory presented the following requests: Rezonin~ Request: Property on the north side af Wrightsville Avenue being Lots 'I, 2, 3 and 4, Block 5 and Zots '1 and 2, Block 8, Greenwood Estates Subdivision, between Huntington Road and Andover Road from R-'15 (Single Family • ~ District) to B-'I (Business District) in Zoning Area No. gB. Mr. Mallory stated the Plarining,Commission recommended request be denied; the primary reason being there are no planned or scheduled improvements for Wrightsville Avenue until you get to the point where Greenville Avenue intersects with Wrightsville Avenue. This portion of Wrightsville Avenue is not on the thoroughfare plan. The thoroughfare plan calls for a new facility to come in this general location and tying in with Wrightsville Avenue in the vicinity o£ Gre:enviile Avenue. Improvements are shown on Wrightsville Avenue from this point on to the beach, however, in this ~eneral area, in which this request is located, there is no program to improve Wrightsville Avenue. Wrightsville Avenue will not be able to support the traffic that Market Street or Oleander -rive has, on which there is already strip commercial or business zoning. The Planning Commission realized there is a B-2 Zone on the south side of Wrightsville Avenue in the vicinity, however, they objected to this area bein~ rezoned: Mr. Alton I,ennon, Attorney for Petitioner, stated property is the Town Square Shopping Center area. Mr. Lennon stated petitioner is Mr. Cecil Potter, a native of Wilmington who returned in July, '19~0 and purchased the property on which the shopping center is located. At this time there were no zoning regulations on the property. Mr. Potter paid a commercial price £or the land and began the shopping center. The building was not completed until March, '19'72. Mr. Mallory stated the County zoned this property prior to the UNC-W being annexed. Building was under con- struction when the area was zoned. Mr. Lennon stated some o£ Mr. Potter's tenants have moved because of non-conforming restrictions on signs advertising their businesses. Mr. Lennon pointed out a lot across the road has been zoned commercial, and Mr. Potter, who purchased his property for commercial uses and erected a shopping center there before zoning was in effect, is requesting his property be zoned commercial. Mr. Mallory stated the County Commissioners zoned this area (Area 9$) sometime in the Spring of '19'70. At that time the property in this area, including B-'i area, was zoned residential, alon~ with property requested this morning. Within a few months after this area was initially zoned by the County, the City annexed propert5~ of UNC-W which pushed their one-mile jurisdiction way out, and this area fell within the one-mile area. Within a matter of months, the owner o£ this property requested rezoning of his property to either C-'I or neighborhood retail by the City. The Plan- ning Commission recommended the request be denied because it was spot zoning and be- cause of additional tra£fic. The City Council overruled the Planning Commission and rezoned the property. When the County rezoned the land within the one-mile area of the City July 'I, '1972, the County wanted to apply a commercial zoning to all land zoned commercial by the City. This converted commercial zone of the City to business zone of the County. Question was raised by Mr. Vaughan if Board accedes to this request, should it not accede to similar requests on both sides of this block. Mr. Mallory stated it would be difficult to give reasons why it could not be done. Mr. Hal1 moved this property be zoned B-'I as presented due to the fact that sub- stantial progress, with permission, had been made at time the County zoned the property. Nr. Hall stated he will personally pledge }~self not to expand this area. Mr. Oxenfeld asked Mr. Hall to hold motion until others are heard from. Mr. Jim Fountain, Realtor~ spoke in perty be rezoned as requested due to the authorities of Wilmington. behalf of the petitioner, requesting pro- fact it was originally permitted by legal Mrs. Wright raised question of number of lots involved on which present building is located. Mr. Lennon stated about four., 29~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 2, ~g~3 - g:0o A.M. (CONTINITED) DEFERRED REZONING REQUESTS AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT FcEQUEST (CONTINUED) - Question of signs was raised by P'ir. Vaughan, Mr. Mallory outlined restrictions as to size in a residential zone, largest may be 24 to 32 sq. ft., whereas in a business zone they may be up to 300 sq. ft. for display area. Sign may not be illuminated in a residen- tial area. It was pointed out also no expansion can be made on present site unless it is rezoned. Mrs. Thomas Robinson, who lives across the street, spoke in opposition to the re- zoning request. Mr. Hall stated in view of the fact that this enterprise was entered into in good faith and by permission of a government, which at that time had jurisdiction over it, he felt this Board is bound to a certain extent to authorize the rezoning. Mr. Hall stated on this basis, and due to a tremendous amount of preparation and progress that has been made he did not see how request could be denied. Mr. Hall,moved„ seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, ~3e PP!)llF'~^+t fpr ra~nninm ha 3~'ov2d. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Mrs. Wright, for purpose of dis- cussion, that the request be denied. Mr. Vaughan stated this Board and the City Council have too much of a history of overriding the planners and Planning Commission. There is no justification for approving this request if you don't also go next door and raise the value of the next man's property. Mr. Vaughan felt the people who have homes there de- serve consideration, and an,ything that draws more traffic on that road does not make sense now. If the zoning is changed the Board is violating professional advice. Vote was called on substitute motion. Motion failed to carrv four to one, Mr. Vaughan being the only member voting for it. , Mr. Davis stated this business is there and it would put a hardship on anyone to tear the buildin~ down or say he cannot improve it. Mr. Davis would like to limit re- zoning to the existing structure, limiting it to the smallest area possible to where petitioner can use the structure and property he has in use now as commercial, not the 200 feet or '100 feet either way but the part he has now that is in use. Mr. Davis stated the business was there when the County zoned the area and he questioned whether it should not have been zoned B-'I by the Planning Department when they zoned that area. Mr. Davis made a substitute motion to rezone original area of this property, not including the additional areas as requested. Not seconded. Mr. Fox stated any rezonirig that is done cannot be conditional. Mr. Fox stated no larger area can be rezoned than was advertised, but a smaller portion can be. Mr. Fountain stated on the east side of the structure is a 5-unit trailer park and on the west side is a very fine brick bungalow that is rented to a fraternity at the UNC-W. M~azr~s-ma~e-ana~he~.~~~h~+i_tut.e_motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that since the buildin~ is alread~ there on Lots 'I, 2 and 3 rezoning be granted for these three lots. Mr. I,ennon stated petitioner's request for Lots 'I, 2, 3, and 4 of Block 5 and Lots 'I and 2, Block 8 was due to fact he was under impression there was an acreage requirement to meet. Mr. Mallory pointed out lots 'i and 2, Block 8 do not connect with other zone and it would be necessary to have an acreage for rezoning of these lots. Mr. Fox stated Lots 'I, 2 and 3 mayberezoried if the5 meet acreage requirements. Mrs. Wright asked Nrs. Robinson why she was opposed to the rezoning. Mrs. Robinson stated for a number of reasons: chiefly the signs and the traffic. She also spoke to the point of the fraternity house creating a lot of noise late at night. Vote was r.a1~Pc~_ on substit»t? motion.. Mnti~n carried three to two. Mr. Vaughan and Mrs. Wright voted "No". (Ordinance rezoning property is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 9B, Page 6.) Mr. Mallory requested following requests be considered at the same time. Second one was tabled to be considered with first one at the last meeting. ~ Rezonir~ Request: G i Property on the south side of Oleander Drive in the 5200 Block between ~~~,,,~~^~`~ 52nd Street and Forest Park Road from R-'15 (Single Family District) to G.Q"I' B-2 (Business District) in Zoning Area No. 9B. Rezonin~ Request: 430 Forest Park Drive between Oleander Drive and Autumn -rive on the west side of the street from R-'15 (Single Family District) to B-2 (Business District) in Zoning Area No. 9B. Mr. Mallory stated there was a petition submitted by property owners in Forest Park Subdivision objecting to the rezoning request and to the special use permit request for use o£ the property which will come up later in the meeting. The Planning Commission, after considering the petition and requests, recommended both requests be approved and property b'e..re2on~d: r° `~-' `":' ~-"~• Mr. Victor Sneeden, petitioner for rezoning on south side of Oleander Drive, re quested rezoning of this area be considered on its own merits and separate from any other rezoning request before the Board. Mr. Sneeden stated property is not suitable for anythin$ else; it has a large canal running through it and less than '15,000 square feet. Mr. Sneeden stated 52nd Street is a dead end street; runs into a country ceme- tery. Mr. Sneeden stated property does not have any access to Forest Park Subdivision. Mr. Hall moved that the request be granted in order that it might be a continuous zone there. Motion died for lack of a second. ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 2, ~973 - 9:0o n.M. (CONTINUED) -EF~,xxr,D REZONING REQUESTS AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST (CONTINUED) - Mr. Vaughan asked if it were possible for the Board to consider the Forest Park Drive request before making decision on this'one. If this property is rezoned now, it may influence zoning o£ other property. Mr. Mallory presented the Forest Park Drive request. Mr. Mallory stated the Plan- ning Commission recommended this request be approved. Mrs. Hilda Parker, representing the petitioner, spoke saying slie had appeared be- fore the Board at the last meeting at which time Mr. Vau~han had requested she contact so`m~ o£ the people who signed the pe:t~~io~ protesting the rezoning. Mrs. Parker stated there is B-2 zoning across Forest Park as far as they are applying for. The first 290 feet of property requested to be rezoned will be leased to Oakwood Mobile Homes and re- maining 200 feet will be sold to Lance, Inc. of Charlotte for a dry storage and dis- tribution center. Mrs. Parker stated one of the objections the protestors have is the narrow and paor condition of streets in Forest Park. She did not feel four or five more cars would create a further traffic problem. Another complaint~s that entry to Forest Park is blocked by Oakwood Mobile Homes; this is the reason Oakwood wants more space so they can make their entrance and exit off of Oleander Drive rather than Forest Park. Problem of trash and litter was mentioned in the petitibn. Mrs. Parker was of the opinion this`is coming from drive-in across the street and from the heating and air-conditioning business that is there. Commissioner Iia11 requested the minutes reflect that Mr. H. F. Hall, the petitioner, is not related to him. Mr. Ha11 moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, rezoning request that property on south side of Oleander Drive - Mr. Sneeden's request - be granted. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Vaughan voted "No". COrdinance rezoning this,property is contained in Zonin,q Ordinance Book I, ** Section 9B, Page 7. cind Page 8. ) 8pecial Use Permit Application: Application for Special Use Permit to use property on the west side of Forest Park Road between Oleander Drive and Autumn Drive in Zoning Area No. 9B for storage and distribution center Sor packaged food products. . The Planning Commission recommended issuance of special use permit, subject to the following conditions. 'I. Subject to the plans submitted with the application,for Special Use Permit 2. Storage of all goods to be-within an enclosed building 3. Drainage plans of the off-street parking area be approved by the County Engineer or State Highway Commission 4. Curbing be installed along right-of-way of Forest Park Road to control ingress, egress and drainage 5. Side yard of '10 feet tr~ be provided on the south side of the property as required by the Zoning Ordinance 6. Buffer be provided on south side of the property as required by the Zoning Ordinance Mr. Vaughan asked how many of these conditions can be enforced. Mr. Mallory stated this depends upon action of the Building Inspector. All conditions may be enforced until petitioner may take the County to court to prove that a condition is not a valid restric- tion to be placed on the property. Be£ore the Building Inspector issues a building per- mit, and during his inspections, he will check to see i£ conditions are being complied with. - ' Mr. Vaughan asked if shopping center across from Hoggard High School has to be a covered mall. Mr. Mallory stated either an agreement was made by the petitioner at the time the property was rezoned, or it was a condition the City placed on this pro- perty to rezone the property. Such conditions that are conditions on rezoning are not valid and cannot be enforced. If a use is allowed as a special use, then what you are saying is this use is not campatible with a particular type of zone in which it is ~oing in, but if you put certain conditions on it you can make it eompatible by applying special conditions. This is whg it is known as a special use permit, it is there as a special privilege but subject to whatever conditions may be necessary to make it fit into the zoning. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, that the request for special use permit be granted, subject to conditions outlined by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. r Meeting recessed at ~0:55 a.M. Meeting reconvened at 'I'I:'10 A.M. REPORT OF I~ETTERS FROM TAX OFFICE REGARDING DEVELOPERS' CONSIDERATION - This was deferred at last meeting when presented by Mr. Herbert Fisher, President, Ta~ayers Association, in order to check on the matter. Mr. Bowden reported at this time, saying-}ae'and-'Mf~: Powell::composed a letter to the Commissioners, over Mr. Powell's signature, explaining what had happened which was mailed along with copies of the pro- perty record cards and a complete file which had transpired in this particular instance. Mr. Bowden asked Mr. Vaughan if this information was sufficient. Mr. Vaughan stated basically what Mr, Bowden said was that the Board gives a Developers' Consideration, and anyone can buy a lot from the developer and hold it seven years until the next reassess- ment, and the Board cannot change the assessment. Mr. Fox stated this is correct~,if there has been no development or change of acreage to the lot. Mr. Fox stated most counties in North Carolina do have a Developers' Consideration on large acreage. Mr. ** Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, Rezoning Request that 430 Forest Park Drive - Mr. Hall's request - be granted. Motion carried three to two. Mr. Vaughan and Mrs. Wright voted °No". ~~~ MINiTTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 2, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINIIED) REPORT ON LETTERS FROM TAX OFFICE REGARDING DEVEI,OPERS' CONSIDERATION (CONTINUED) - Fox stated as far as he knew there is no basis in the law for existence of the Developers' Consideration. The law requires that the propert be valued at its true market value. Once the appraisal is made (in the appraisal year~ you cannot in a subsequent year re- appraise the property from its appraisal year valuation at a hi~her or lower price unless certain conditions have been met. They are ('I) erection of a building or (2) change of acreage into lots and the plat goes on record. Mr. Vaughan was under the impression No. 2 applies in this case. Mr. Fox stated his understanding is that there was no chan~e from acreage into lots. Mr. Bowden stated person purchased a lot that was under Developers' Consideration and he chose to keep it under Developers' Consideration because he did not Urant to develop it now. Mr. Fox read statute covering this matter, but there were still questions that could not be answered. Mr. Powell was requested to come over to the meeting for purpose of clarifying the matter. Mr. Fox stated sale of lot is not cause for change in valuation of property. Mrs.,Wri~ht raised question to Mr. Fox that property is not be- ing reappraised, the tax ratio is being changed. Mrs. Wright stated property was appraised at a certain amount and 5CP/o was applied for tax purposes as far as the developer was con- cerned. Mr. Fox stated if plat was placed on record, changing acreage in lots, then it would have been proper for the property to have been reappraised at that time, not just one lot but all the property covered by the plat. Mr. Fox stated the question is whether the property in question was platted during the appraisal year and whether it had been acreage at the last general revaluation and if there has been a change by converting into lots since that time. At the time of the conversion there could be a change in the valua- tion of the property. Mr. Powell arrived at the meeting and Mr. Fox briefed him on the questions that had come up in the discussion. Mr. Powell concurred with Mr. Fox that the reappraisal placed on the lot was not as a result of the division of the property into lots, but was result of a sale by the developer to a purchaser. Mr. Fox stated, in his opinion, sale of pro- perty per se is not one of those situations which will warrant a reappraisal of the pro- perty. Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Powell if this property was divided into lots when the last appraisal took place. Mr. Powell stated to the best of his knowledge it was. Mr. Vaughan pointed out the Developers' Consideration is not legal but consideration is not given particularly if property is divided into lots. Mr. Powell.stated guidelines that have been established on Developers' Considerations are very vague. Anyone holding several acres or ma~y lots, it does not have to be just acreage, is covered under Developers' Consideration. rr. Powell pointed out many pieces of property at Carolina Beach, where there are several lots involved, Developers' Consideration is permitted. Mr. Hall stated the Developers' Consideration, insofar as the Board of Commissioners was concerned that made the present rules that you go by, was based on the supposition that because a piece of property was divided into lots on the map did not indicate it was actually a development until a certain amount of it had been sold. Mr. Hall illustrated by citing fact if a 20 or 25 acre plat is divided into lots and one lot is sold, this does not remove the whole acreage, but when it gets down to where all of property has been sold o£f into lots except a certain number of acres, then it does become subject to valuation based on lots. Mr. Vaughan requested Mr. Powell find out i£ the map of the lot in question was re- corded prior to or after the 2ast appraisal. ~r. Fox read portion of statute which states in substance if plat has been divided into lots and more than five acres remain unsold by the owner thereof, the unsold portion can be appraised as land acreage, other than lots, at the discretion of the Tax Supervisor. Mr. Fox stated Tax Supervisor has authority to consider value of property as acrea~e rather than lots if property is in aggregate of more than five acres. Mr. Bowden stated this confirms tiahat Mr. Hall said. This happened, of course, when the last appraisal was done, and it also carried over from the first appraisal eight years prior to that. Mr. Powell and Mr. Blake returned to the meeting. Mr. Powell stated the plat was recorded March, '196'7. Reappraisal started January, '1967• Mr. Fox stated the entire subdivision could have been revalued in '196~. P1r. Hall informed the Board this Developers' Consideration was passed by the Board of Commissioners years ago because there was a choice of giving consideration of this kind or letting every lot sold be on basis of inetes and bounds. As a consideration to a land owner, who intended to develop a piece of property, it was agreed property would be considered acreage until sold down to specified number of acres. It h.as some basis and justice as a matter of practicality and not as a means of avoiding the taxes that would go along with an improved place. Mr. Hall stated purpose was not to give somebod,y a break on their taxes but to put an orderly growth in without penalizing the man who owned the land and intended to develop it, and at the same time make it a lot easier for the appraisers and people that were going to ;build to find these places based on their relative positions. Mr. Powell stated his office checks on balance of acreage left when deeds come through. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Fox discuss this matter with Mr. Henry Lewis of the Institute of Government and report back to the Board. DISCUSSION PROPOSED MEETING OF AIRPORT COMMISSION AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO DISCUSS FUTURE EXPANSION POLICY AT AIRPORT - Mr. Vaughan stated he thought the Commissioners should meet with trie Airport Commission and delineate just what the Board feels should be done in the way of utilizing the present terminal. Particularly he had in mind plans drawn by Mr. Oxenfeld four years ago when he, Mr. Vaughan, was on the Board regarding the airport terminal. Mr, Vaughan stated effectuation of those plans have been delayed during the past four year period because there is an idea the community should spend, what he felt, will be two million dollars on a new terminal. Nr. Vaughan stated he strongly felt the present terminal can be adapted to use Yor the next 20 to 30 years at which time the whole situation may change. Nr. Vaughan stated he sees no problem in using the present terminal, and this should be made plain to the Airport Commission and hear what their thoughts are on the subject. Mr. Vaughan feels~tfie Commissioners~should oertainly hav~'a`po3icy.; An' Airport Commissiori`e~ists.tiut`that Commissioii cannot spend two million dollars 2~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 2, '1973 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINiTED) DISCUSSION PROPOSED MEETING OF AIRPORT COMMISSION AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO DISCUSS FUTURE EEXPANSION POI,ICY AT AIRPORT (CONTINUED) - without approval of the County Commissioners, and they should know which way this Board wants them to go and that is why he would lik~ to have a meeting. Mr. Vaughan stated proposal is made with view of some other thin~s members of the Board lrnow from a memorandum to them on December '19th having to do with the government center. He brought out some seventeen million dollars in additional priority items, besides tYie Courthouse, are facing the Board at the present time. Mr. Vaughan is of the opinion the County was very lax in not having studied the Technical Institute, Hospital, Schools, Airport Terminal in a lump rather than going ahead with allowing the voters to vote on the Technical Institute alone. Mr. Vaughan discussed another item he had on the Agenda - Hospital and School Financing Fund Requirements - saying this is connected to the Airport item. Mr. Vaughan stated his understanding is the schools are going to need five million dollars and hospital eight million. Where is all this money coming from? Mr. Vaughan stated he felt the people behind all of these things, Airport, Hospital, Schools, and Tech- nical Institute should all have to present themselves to the Board as to what they are planning to do and let the Board get into the heart of the thing. Mr. Vau~han stated the Board is not going to find twenty-one million dollars very easily. Mr. Oxenfeld stated this is a good point and a meeting will be seheduled with the Airport Commission. Mr. Vaughan expressed feeling this should be a public meeting. Mr. Hall stated the Airport Commission had requested a meeting, without informa- tion that this would be on the Agenda, with the Board of County Commissioners to give them some information. Mr. Hall stated he did not feel this should necessairly be a public meeting inasmuch as it was intended to be a luncheon meeting for dissemination of some information so that the County Commissioners may start thinking about what they may want to do. Mr. Vaughan stated it was a little embarrassing not to have a public meeting since he had placed item on agenda, but it was all right with him to meet at anytime. Mr. Hall stated this will be a meeting at which there will be no intent to take any action on anything, so he did not see how it would come within the secrecy clause. It is just a matter o£ having a few minutes of lunch together to acquaint the Commis- sioners with the content of what is almost a public document. If anybody wants to look this over to avoid the matter o£ secrecy, they are welcome to do so. Mr. Vaughan stated he appreciated Mr. Hall bringing this out in the open; it had concerned him a little. Mr. Hall stated he did not have objections to public meetings at all; he felt the people of the community are certainly entitled to know where the Board stands 6n every issue that comes before the Board. Mr, Hall stated he did, how- ever, see the need for some consultation from time to time £or enlightment purposes and for enlightment purposes only. Then, at the regular meetings, the Board can air the matters out, including ~,~hy the Board has come to its conolusion; individually by each member. Mrs. Wright felt the Board is having too many meetings where the Board is informed privately, and by the time the Board comes to a public meeting, the members' minds are pretty well pushed one way or the other. Mrs. Wright stated when the Board comes to a public meeting where all points of view can be heard, the Board should come with an open mind. Mr. Hall agreed to the extent anytime there is a proposal to be discussed at a public meeting, if you have not got something in your mind that woulcl indicate to you what course of action the Board should take, unless a public meeting indicates other- wise and something else is brought out at the meeting, he did not see how a person can come to a meeting with no opinion whatsoever. Mrs. Wright stated a person can have their opinion from the things that are given them to study without having too much pushing given to them from one side or the other. Mr. Hall stated he did not see how a body of this kind can come to a public meeting without any opinion whatsoever on anything. Mrs.,Wright stated the thing that bothered her is that when the Board has a lot o£ extra meetings, it creates a lot of suspicion from people wondering what they are doing, and she did not feel the people should have to wonder about it. HOSPITAZ AND SCHOOL FINANCING FUND REQUIREMENTS - Mr. Vaughan stated he felt the Board should. communicate with the Hospital and the Schools and make publicly known ~ahat their funding requirements are in the reasonable future. There is no reason for secrecy whatsoever; the Board knoras the Hospital is overflowing. • Mr. Vaughan requested item of Discussion of Froposed Government Center be placed on the next agenda. Mr. Uaughan stated he had been informed by a gentleman very familiar that the City has no particular interest in the Government Center; it is a County pro- blem and they have decided to go along with the County in helping it with their needs. Mr. Vaughan stated all requests add up to eighty-five million dollars for what everybody is proposing. Mr. Vaughan condensed three items by asking for a public meetin~ with the Air- port Commission, letter to the Hospital and School groups asking them for their pro- jections of £inancing requirements. By common consent, the Board agreed to these requests of Mr. Vaughan. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF MRS. WRIGHT AS COMMISSION ME~1BER TO NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOARD - Mr. Vaughan moved the Board appoint P1rs. Wright to the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board. He felt the present appointee had had a good long session and was in favor of rotation. Mr. Vaughan stated there are boards on which people stay over long periods of time and he felt new thinking is very important. Mr. Vaughan stated people had ex- pressed desire to Ymn to have another woman on the Board. He was of the opinion Mrs. Wright could give a lot of good valuable thinking to the Board. Mr. Vaughan's motion died for]ack of a second. 2~9 MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 2, ~973 - 9~0o a.r. (CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF MRS. WRIGHT AS COMMISSION MII"iBER TO NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOARD (CONTINUED) - Mr. Hall is presently serving on this Board and stated trie Commissioner serves at the pleasure of the Board. Mr. Davis stated he k~ould like to sit on this Board; he would not be agains~ having each member sit for a period of one year if this is felt best. Mr. Davis stated he feels he is qualified to sit on the Board just as much as any of the other four.members present. Mr. Davis was of the opinion, if possible, appointments to Boards should be done with the person in mind; whether the person can benefit the Board he is being appointed to, and if he wants to be appointed to the Board. Mr. Davis does not feel like people should be appointed just to fill a seat. Mrs. Wright stated she would be very happy to be on the Hospital Board. She stated some of the members had told her that they do need more women on that Board. There are fifteen people on the Board, and of the fifteen there is only one woman. There are a- bout 50'~ women in the County and the women do not feel they are being represented. tilso, the woman on the Board now is not being given committee assignments. Mr. Hall stated he would like to continue on as a member of the Board. Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out committee list which was requested in December has not been quite completed and he personally would like to get this entire list before making any decisions on any board. Mr. Oxenfeld moved the Board wait uritil it receives all bf the lists of committees, commissions, boards, etc. and at that time make a decision. Mr. Oxenfeld's motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Davis suggested the Board try to set some policy, not pick each Board haphazardly, and he was in favor of Mr. Vaughan's idea of having this seat rotated, because he would personally like to have an opportunity to serve on this Board. Mr. Davis stated he had strong feelings about the hospital. He feels cost of inedical care in this County is absured; maybe it is cheaper than other counties, but he would like to find out. The Board should look into the possibility of trying to lower the cost. Mr. Hall assured Mr. Davis this has been done and felt if there had been any way to reduce the cost of the expenses and maintain a good and adequate service of a facility which is second to none in the State of North Camlina at this time that lowering of prices would have been accom- plished. Mr. Davis requested copy of the hospital budget. Copy will be furnished Mr. Davis. Mr. Vaughan asked whether the rules for appointment of inembers of the Board have changed in the last four years whereby terms of inembers are staggered; they serve so long and are off for awhile before coming back. Nr. Hall stated not fundamentally; the Hospital Board felt that a two or three year term, before a member would have to go off, was not long enough for a Board member to adequately grasp the situation that confronts the hospital, its management, medical staff, etc., and that a Board member would have difficulty. The Board felt the term should be lengthened. InStead of three years the appointments are now,.for five years, with the exception of the Medical Staff representative and the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan stated he noted some of the members have served for as long as fifteen years on the Hospital Board. The Clerk informed the Board all lists with the exception of one or ttivo have been furnished the Commissioners. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he would prefer waiting until these are received also. No action was taken on the appointment of a Commission member to the Hospital Board at this meeting. DISCUSSION COMMISSIONERS' TRAVEL AI~IAWANCE - Mrs. Wright stated since this item was put on the agenda she has received, a note £rom the County Attorney stating he feels the travel allowance comes under the salaries and can- not be changed. Mr. Hall asked if a d~otion would be in order to the effect that if anyone wishes to reimburse the County for expenditures which they do not feel they have earned, they might be allowed to do so. Mrs. Wright stated Mr. Hall had made this suggestion one time before and it was obvious- ly aimed at her since she brought up the matter. Mr. Hall stated there are four $entlemen and one lady on the Board. Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Hall if he felt the Commissioners should be paid for what they do. Mr. Hall stated he felt they should be paid enough iiot to be out of pocket for the time they invest in attendin~ to affairs of the Count9. Mr. Vaughan then asked Mr. Aa11 if he would like to make a motion that each be paid $8,000 per year. Mr. Hall stated he would second Mr. Vaughan's motion. Nrs. Wright stated she honestly felt the Board members should not consider reimburse- ment, because there is a certain amount of honor with the position, arid she personally, if the County did not pay a salary, would still want to serve on the Board. Mr. Vaughan raised ouestion of legality of paying travel allowance that is not ac- counted for. Mr. Fox stated it is legal; he did not think there is any requirement that the Commissioners' travel allooaance be subject to accounting. REVENUE SHARING - Mr. Hall discussed recent letter advising there would be some kind of a reduction in the amount of revenue sharing the County was to get in accordance with the "Memphis Plan". Mr. Hall wanted to know what the plan is. Mr. Bowden stated he was not familiar with the "Nemphis Plan", but the Counties had been cautioned be£ore by the Federal authorities o£ the Treasury Department at the various meetings on the revenue sharing funds that there was a possibility that the fund was im- properly computed. MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 2, ~973 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTIIlTtTED) STOP LIGHT OR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CASTLE HAYNE - ~ Mr. llavis requested letter be written to Mr. ~edlin concerning a stop light or traffic signal at Castle Hayne. Mr. Davis stated several accidents have occurred there resulting in persons becoming invalids for life. Site is the road that comes into the motel located there. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Medlin be requested to make a study to determine if there is a hazard at this site. Mr. Davis stated further it was toned down when it was brought up before by saying the problem could be solved by the law enforcement people rather than a signal. Mr. OxenPeld stated conditions have changed considerably in the last four years and he felt it is in order to write the Highway Commission such a letter. REZONING OF PROPERTY AI,READY IN USE FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES - Mr. Davis discussed matter of a service station operator on Oleander Drive wantin~ to build a small building or make some chan~e, and in order to do this he has to get his property rezoned. The property was zoned by the County R-'15. This certain individual has to pay $25 and go before the Plannin~ Commission in order to make a change. Mr. Davis was of the opinion the County should zone property commercial that is obviously already commercial, thus saving people e~cpense and trouble of havin~ to go through the procedure of getting their property rezoned when a change is necessary. Mr. Hall stated if it were not for the fact that there is some restriction on who may apply and under what conditions, you would have many zonin~ requests every day. Mr. Hall compared this to the situation where it is permissible for a Judge to reverse charges on persons brin~ing suits against persons without having just cause. This item will be coming before the Planning Commission this week and then before the Commissioners. COMPLAINTS OF IpCAZ SURVEYORS - Mr. Davis brought to the Board's attention copy of a letter from the surveyors of New Hanover County addressed to the Commissioners and City Council around the date the new Commissioners were elected. Mr. Davis asked if the Commissioners ever acted on it. Mrs. Wright stated the letter was mailed on November '13th. Mr. Vaughan pointed out Mr. Stocks had been appointed to the Planning Commission Board since that time. Mrs. Wright stated it appears from what Mr. Davis is talking about, it is an instance where someone was in such a hurry to zone everything it was not planned properly to start with. At Mr. Vaughan's suggestion, by common consent it was agreed to advise the City and the Planning Board that the Commissioners are concerned with the reduced staff now available for planning purposes. Mr. Vaughan stated he had just learned from Mr. Mallory the last man who left went to a county about the size of our county with a staff of about 20 in the Planning Department and they were able to out bid New Hanover County. If the County is going to let a good man go and pay the same thing for another man for about two or three months, besides spending two or three thousand dollars to hunt for him, it does not make sense. By common consent it was agreed the City and Planning Board be advised the Commissioners are concerned with strengthening the Planning Board Staff. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he definitely feels this way; it needs to be "beefed" up. P1r. Oxenfeld stated the budget provides for two additional planning technicians, and these positions have not been filled. Mr. Davis stated he felt the Board is talking about quality as much as quantity. Mr. Davis stated he felt the job in the future should be done better. Mr. Davis was of the opinion the surveyors have some pertinent material in their complaint and oras surprised that the City has not acted on it. By common consent it was agreed copy of the surveyors' complaints be furnished each commissioner and a letter be written expressing the Board's concern over the depletion of the Planning Department. Mrs. Wright suggested all surveyors signing the letter be invited to a meeting to discuss complaints. NACO MEETING - NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONSOLIDATION, JAC~SONVILLE, FI~A. - FEBRUARY 20-22 a '1973 - Mr. Bowden called attention to meeting in Jacksonville, Fla. on February 20-22, ~9'73, concerning consolidation. Mr. Bowden state he and Mr. Mallory had discussed they attend with some of the Commissioners. There is a need to know who can go; there is a registration fee involved. Mr. Bowden reminded the Commissioners vote on consoli- dation of New Hanover County with the City of Wilmington comes up in February and ex- pressed hope that some of the Board might be able to attend. Mr. Vaughan stated he did not see any point in spending funds at this time because the County is so far along with consolidation now it would not help one way or the other as far as the vote is concerned. Mr. Oxenfeld felt whether consolidation passes or not, the information obtained would be very beneficial to the community. Mr. Oxenfeld suggested sending copies of notice of meeting to all the Commissioners. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Bowden, Mr. Mal]ory and any Commissioner be authorized to attend this conference. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Vaughan voted "No". DISTRICT MEETING REGION "0" Nr. Bowden informed the Board of District Meeting of Region "0" on Friday, January ~9, ~973, at the Ramada Inn, Fayetteville, N. C. Mr. Morrisey has sent a request asking number of officials that will attend the meeting, and requested the Commissioners to advise him if they will be able to attend. CAPE FEAR RIVER BA,SIN WATER PI~AN MEETING, RUDOLPH JONES ST[TDENT CENTER, FAYETTEUILLE STATE UNIVERSITY, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY '12, '1973 - Mr. Botvden informed the Board of the meeting on the Cape P'ear River Basin Water Plan to be held in Fayetteville on January '12, ~973. Nr. Vaughan stated he was of the opinion the County is paying legal expenses for, the New Hope Dam litigation, and he would like it to be laiown that he is not entirely convinced the New Hope Dam is necessarily a boon to New Hanover County. ~Q~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANtTARY 2, ~g73 _ 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED} CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN WATER PLAN PIEETING, RUDOLF JONES STUDENT Cr.,iv~r~,R, FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY, FAYETTEVILI.E, N. C.~ JANUARY 92 '1973 (CONTINUED) - Mr. Hall stated the biggest stake the ~ounty has in it is the regulation of the £low of water down the river so that when New Hanover County gets to the point where it is able to get its pipeline above Kings Bluff the County will have an adequate and constant flow rather than a flood or drought. CERTIFICATES Tfl Fp~ COMMISSIONERS - Mr. Oxenfeld stated it had been customary in the past to present the former Commissioners with a certificate of appreciation for services rendered to the County and moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, that the Commissioners be authorized to si~n these certificates to be pre- sented at the next regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - 'Phere being '12:30 P.M. no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned at Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs Mailed 'i-'10-73 MINUTES OF MEETTNG, JANtTARY '15, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. ASSEN"Bi I,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John R. Oxenfe2d, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H, Vaughan, Peter R. Davis, Vivian S. Wright; County Attorney, James C. Fox; County Manager, Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATTON - Chairman Oxenfeld called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked County Manager Bowden to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGU7~AR MEETING JAN[TARY 2, 19~3 - Mrs. Wright requested correction on Yage 4, third paragraph from bottom of page; first sentence should read: "... stated property is the Town Square Shopping Center area. Mrs. Wright requested Page '16 under heading "Complaints of Local Surveyors" in- clude following sentence: "Mrs. Wright suggested all surveyors signing letter be invited to a meeting to discuss complaints." Mr. Vaughan commented on a Rezoning Request which was ~ranted at the last meeting: "Property on the north side of Wrightsville Avenue being Lots 'I, 2, 3 and 4, Block 5 and Zots 'i and 2, Block 8, Greenwood Estates Subdivision, between Huntington Drive and Andover Road from R-'15 (Sin~le Family District) to B-'I (Business District) in Zoning Area No. 6." Mr. Vaughan stated petitioner stated 'tenants in the shopping center were moving away because of restrictions on signs. Mr. Vaughan was of the opinion it was because the petitioner had rented space to a tenant who the Commissioners thought was unsuit- able; they brought action through the Sheriff against the tenant. Mr. Vaughan felt the Commissioners were thoughtless in making concessions to a man who would move into a neighborhood of this kind and bring in this kind of a tenant. Further, the County is going to spend thousands of dollars in legal expense because of the Massage Parlor. Mr. Davis pointed out when this request came up, the petitioner stated the tenant in question had been evicted. Mr. Vaughan stated he understood they were trying to get them out. Mr. Vaughan stated the petitioner lowered the quality of his whole development there, Mr. Davis agreed but felt the petitioner was striving to make it better by getting the undesirable tenant moved. Mr. Davis felt the Planning Commission should not have changed the zoning; they should have taken into consideration what the structure was and zoned it accordingly under the Grandfather Clause. Mrs. Wright move@, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes be approved as corrected and with the addition.. Mot'ion carried unanimously. AWARDING OF SERVICE CERTIFICATES TO FORMER Chairman Oxenfeld, in behalf of the p: certificates to Mr. Berry A. Williams, Mr. Harriss was not present) in recognition of communit,y as valuabZe members of the Board past four years. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - °esent Board of Commissioners, presented service H. A. Marks, and Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr. (Mr. outstand.ing faithfulness and service to their of New Hanover County Commissioners for the Both P'ir. Wil3iams and Mr. Marks expressed their thanks for the certificates and for having had the opportunity of serving their County. AWARDING OF CIVIZ DEFENSE MERIT AWARDS TO FORMER COMMISSIONERS - General Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Director of Civil Defense, in behalf of the Joint Civil Defense Council of New Hanover County, awarded Certificates of Merit to Mr. Berry A. Williams, Mr. H. A. Marks, and Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr. (Mr. Harriss was absent) for their able and attentive leadership in local government and their constant awareness for the need for Civil Defense readiness against disaster. The awards were accepted with thanks by Mr. Williams and Mr. Marks.