1973-01-15 Regular Meeting~Q~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANtTARY 2, ~g73 _ 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED} CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN WATER PLAN PIEETING, RUDOLF JONES STUDENT Cr.,iv~r~,R, FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY, FAYETTEVILI.E, N. C.~ JANUARY 92 '1973 (CONTINUED) - Mr. Hall stated the biggest stake the ~ounty has in it is the regulation of the £low of water down the river so that when New Hanover County gets to the point where it is able to get its pipeline above Kings Bluff the County will have an adequate and constant flow rather than a flood or drought. CERTIFICATES Tfl Fp~ COMMISSIONERS - Mr. Oxenfeld stated it had been customary in the past to present the former Commissioners with a certificate of appreciation for services rendered to the County and moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, that the Commissioners be authorized to si~n these certificates to be pre- sented at the next regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - 'Phere being '12:30 P.M. no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned at Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs Mailed 'i-'10-73 MINUTES OF MEETTNG, JANtTARY '15, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. ASSEN"Bi I,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John R. Oxenfe2d, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H, Vaughan, Peter R. Davis, Vivian S. Wright; County Attorney, James C. Fox; County Manager, Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATTON - Chairman Oxenfeld called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked County Manager Bowden to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGU7~AR MEETING JAN[TARY 2, 19~3 - Mrs. Wright requested correction on Yage 4, third paragraph from bottom of page; first sentence should read: "... stated property is the Town Square Shopping Center area. Mrs. Wright requested Page '16 under heading "Complaints of Local Surveyors" in- clude following sentence: "Mrs. Wright suggested all surveyors signing letter be invited to a meeting to discuss complaints." Mr. Vaughan commented on a Rezoning Request which was ~ranted at the last meeting: "Property on the north side of Wrightsville Avenue being Lots 'I, 2, 3 and 4, Block 5 and Zots 'i and 2, Block 8, Greenwood Estates Subdivision, between Huntington Drive and Andover Road from R-'15 (Sin~le Family District) to B-'I (Business District) in Zoning Area No. 6." Mr. Vaughan stated petitioner stated 'tenants in the shopping center were moving away because of restrictions on signs. Mr. Vaughan was of the opinion it was because the petitioner had rented space to a tenant who the Commissioners thought was unsuit- able; they brought action through the Sheriff against the tenant. Mr. Vaughan felt the Commissioners were thoughtless in making concessions to a man who would move into a neighborhood of this kind and bring in this kind of a tenant. Further, the County is going to spend thousands of dollars in legal expense because of the Massage Parlor. Mr. Davis pointed out when this request came up, the petitioner stated the tenant in question had been evicted. Mr. Vaughan stated he understood they were trying to get them out. Mr. Vaughan stated the petitioner lowered the quality of his whole development there, Mr. Davis agreed but felt the petitioner was striving to make it better by getting the undesirable tenant moved. Mr. Davis felt the Planning Commission should not have changed the zoning; they should have taken into consideration what the structure was and zoned it accordingly under the Grandfather Clause. Mrs. Wright move@, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes be approved as corrected and with the addition.. Mot'ion carried unanimously. AWARDING OF SERVICE CERTIFICATES TO FORMER Chairman Oxenfeld, in behalf of the p: certificates to Mr. Berry A. Williams, Mr. Harriss was not present) in recognition of communit,y as valuabZe members of the Board past four years. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - °esent Board of Commissioners, presented service H. A. Marks, and Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr. (Mr. outstand.ing faithfulness and service to their of New Hanover County Commissioners for the Both P'ir. Wil3iams and Mr. Marks expressed their thanks for the certificates and for having had the opportunity of serving their County. AWARDING OF CIVIZ DEFENSE MERIT AWARDS TO FORMER COMMISSIONERS - General Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Director of Civil Defense, in behalf of the Joint Civil Defense Council of New Hanover County, awarded Certificates of Merit to Mr. Berry A. Williams, Mr. H. A. Marks, and Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr. (Mr. Harriss was absent) for their able and attentive leadership in local government and their constant awareness for the need for Civil Defense readiness against disaster. The awards were accepted with thanks by Mr. Williams and Mr. Marks. ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANiTARY 't5, ~g~3 - 9~0o A.M. (CON`i'INiTED) REPaRT aF COLI,ECTOR OF REVE,NUE - Mrs. Janie ~traughn, Collector of Revenue, presented the following report of collection of taxes during the month of December, 1972: Charged Per Scroll, Added-Tax Supervisor, Less Abatements $6,390,232.2']; Collections during December $2,694,6'12.0'i, plus prepayments and collections September-November bringir~ total collected to $5,'183,'100.86, leaving balance uncollected of $'1,20~,'13'1.4'I; amount of back taxes collected during December amounted to $'18,23'].4'7 bringing total collected to date to ~'i'16,'142.34 leaving back taxes uncollected in amount of $3'16,99~•95; Delinquent Personal Property taxes collected in December a- mounted to $44`].34, bringing total collected to date to ~6,Q38.2'I. Collections through December 3'I, '19~'I, amounted to ~3,955,279-85~ through December 3~, ~972, ~5,~83,~00.86. Th~s represents an increase of ~'1,22~,82'I.0'I over '19']'I collec- tions. As of December 3'l, '197'I, '75% of the total levy had been collected and as of December 3'I, '19'72, 80'/ of the total levy had been collebted. Over-all deposits for December, '1972, for all municipalities and County amounted to ~4,439,595.02• Mr. Oxenfeld commended the Tax Listing and Collection Departments on the fine job they are doing. EXTENSION OF TAX I,ISTING PERIOD THROUGH FEBRUAI$ 2~ '1973 - Mr. Yowell requested the Board extend tax listing period through February 2, '1973, because of the bad weather last week making it necessary to close the Tax Office. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, date for listing taxes be extended through February 2, '1~73. Motion carried unanimously. AWARDING CONTRACT FOR COMPUTER SERVICE - 1`7r. Yowell reported he had received five bids for furnishing computer service to the Tax Office as follows: 'I. Cole-Layer-Trumble Co., Dayton, Ohio Bid submitted on December 22, '1972 and withdrawn on December 27, '1972 2. Burlington Management Service Company, Greensboro, N. C. Bid of $'18,600 estimate and maximum bid of $26,5'10 3. Independent Data Processing Corp., Raleigh, N. C. Bid of $'14,850 4. Computerecords~,Inc.~ Columbia~ S. C. sia of $7,g5o ' S. National Data Processing, Inc., Wilmington, N. C. , Bid of $6,034 Mr. Powell stated contract was awarded to National Data Processing, Inc. last year, and the service has been satisfactory. Mr. Powell pointed out this is only one phase. Tax mapping and revaluation will be another program. National Data has small computer, but they advise they can handle the requirements for the new program by using many overlays. Mr. Powell informed the Board other computer experts advise if you have many overlays, there will be problems. Mr. Powell recommended a committee be appointed to look into the various services, visit the various companies to actually see the work in progress and what the require- ments will be for New Hanover County. ~r. Oxenfeld agreed with the recommendation of Mr. Powell. Question of whether sealed bids are required was raised by Mr. Vaughan. Mr. Bowden stated sealed bids are not required for services. Mr. Vaughan stated he was aware that one firm reduced their bid last year after it had been submitted, and he did not want that to happen again this year. Representatives of companies bidding were heard from at this time. Mr. Jim Miller, Burlington Management Service Company, spoke saying his company is about four years old. Company is currentl~ working with local governments in the State of NortYi Carolina; Alamance, Davidson and Wake Counties. Also, they are doing some work in Wilmington with the Employment Security Commission. Mr. Miller stated their bid of $'18,600 estimate was cost fnr his compar~y to respond directly to the re- quirements outlined in the specifications. His bid included, in addition to what was requested, what they would recommend and offer as.an alternate. The estimate bid is for standard processing charges for computer time used and maximum figure quoted was guarantee contract would not exceed the maximum figure quotecl of $26,5'I0. Mr. Rich Jones of Independent Data Processing Corporation spoke next. Mr. Jones stated they are presently working for Dare and Currituck Counties in North Carolina. Mr. Jones pointed out $7500 of bid quoted is for desig2l and installation of system and would be a one-time charge. This charge would be credited in full toward any char~es set up for revaluation system which is due to come up in ~975. In reply to Mr. Davis request for estimate df cost of setting up revaluation, Mr. Jones hesitated to say but finally stated in the neighborhood of from $5,000 to $'15,000. Representatives from Computerecords, Inc. were present; Mr. Jerry Boyd, Branch Manager in Wilmington; Mr. Tom Stokes, Assistant and Programming Manager, Wilmington; and Mr. oscar Grant from the Columbia Office. Mr. Grant made the presentation. Mr. Grant stated he was advised by Nr. Powell there are three factors involved in the selection of a company by the County. ~o~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY ~5, '~973 ~ 9:0o n.M. (CONTINUEb) AWARDING CONTRACT FOR COMPiTTER SERVICE (CONTINUED) - 'i. Need for a compa~y large enough to provide present service now and future systems in years to come. 2. Need for a company that is experienced in processing County Government systems and one specifically e~cperienced in tax b'illing systems under a tax mapping concept. 3. Need for local service, if at all possible. Mr. Grant stated his company has been in business for eight years; has five locations and four computers in operation, including one in Wilmington; and has over three-quartex million dollars in assets. The Company has had three years o~ County data processing experience, not only with tax billing, but with full line of taxation which New Hanover County may want to install next year. Mr. Grant stated his company offers the County custom design programs, programs to run the system exactly as specified. At the end of the one-year contract, their company offers the.County-ownership of the programs without any additional charge what- soever. The programs will be turned over to the County and the County is free to take them elsewhere to have processing done if the County so desires. Also, Computerecords offers the County ownership of the data and would put this in the contract. Mr. Grant pointed out his company has two other computers that are fully compatible with the one in Wilmington, and in the event a catastrophe did occur, a major fire, etc., the systems they have here proposed to the County could be taken to either Charleston or Columbia, S. C., and re-run wi'thout any modification whatsoever, back-up service is available. Mr. Grant stated his company would continue to offer a continual ~low of ideas coming from their experience in doing the same thing in other counties. Mr, Davis inquired of Mr. Grant what the cost of set up at the time the tax mapping system comes in. Mr, Powell stated this would be just a tie in. Mr. Grant stated if this is true, there should not be too much change to this system and not too much charge. Mr, E. Sherwood of National Data Processing, Inc, spoke expressing appreciation £or having been permitted to serve the County for the past year and stated his company dedi- cated a good deal of their time to meeting the specifications Mr. Powell has detailed. Mr. Sherwood stated when they started, they did not have a tax system and they worked seven months to develop the system. Mr. Sherwood expressed hope that performance will count a lot in the selection of a firm. Mr. Sherwood stated their bid is low and will give the County the most computer service for the money provided. Mr.,Sherwoo@ pledged same quality of service in the coming year they have given in the previous year, if they are awarded the contract and offered to help the Coun~y with its problem. Mr. Oxen£eld asked Mr. Sherwood what would be the problems as far as his firm is concerned with the up-coming tax mappin~ anfl revaluat~.on. Mr. ,Sherwood stated they felt their computer is a little too small to do the job the County will want. Mr. Sherwood stated his firm had been in Wilmington for five years and had grown during that time and hoped to continue to grow and have larger equipment. Mr. Sherwood stated the tax mapping and appraisal work could help them to justify larger equipment. Mr. Sherwood stated he did not agree completely that overlays would cause a problem; they have many overlays in many programs and they are not problems; it is a matter of how it is handled. Mr. Sherwood stated they were computer people; they know data processing, know how to do it right, control it, and balance it. They are not tax people nor ap- praisal people and if they were to do the work in the future, and they could do it £rom a data processing standpoint, they would be looking to Mr. Powell and his contracting firms to tell them what is required and they would meet the requirements. Mr. Vaughan raised question of County requiring only a one year bid on this service and reguiring a firm who has done the work for one year withou~ making money to compete year after year with other firms. Mr. Vaughan was of the opinion firm should be per- mitted to bid for five, four or three years of work. All tYie representatives from the firms agreed longer term contract would be more desirable and attractive. This concluded presentations by the representatives of the firms present. Mr. Oxenfeld stated, as Mr. Powell has suggested, a committee will be appointed and this will be one item that will certainly be considered by the committee. Chairman Oxenfeld thanked the persons appearing and submitting bids and assured them the committee will take into consideration their proposals and comments. Mr. ~ Oxenfeld appointed following to the commit~ee: M. H. Vau~han, Chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr., Patrick G. Ross, Larry Powell and Laurence 0. Bowden. Meeting recessed at 9:55 A.M. Meeting reconvened at '10:05 A.M. BRIEFING ON PROGRESS OF TAX MAPPING BY MR. MEL TRUMBLE OF CaLE-I;AYER=TRUN~LE COMPAIVY - Mr. P1el Trumble of Cole-Zayer-Trumble Company appeared before the Board to advise the Commissioners on where the program stands today and to elaborate on what the Count,y bought. Mr. Trumble strated he felt it is important to the City, County, and ta~rpayer to understand completely what type of service the County is providing and what it is going to mean to the County in Iess than two sears. Mr. Trumble stated his compa~y is based in Dayton, Ohio but consider themselves pretty much o£ a North Carolina firm; the first job they ever did as Co1e-I,ayer-Trumble Company was in North Carolina. Since then they have done Forsyth County four times, and several other counties in the State as many as three times. This is actually the second time in New Hanover County. An o£fice and staff has been maintained in this State since '1938- , ~~~ MINiTTES OF MEETING, JANUARY ~5, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) BRIEFING ON PROGREBS OF TAX MAPPING BY MR. MEL TRUNLBLE OF COLE-I~AYER-TRUMBLE COMPANY (CONTINUED) - 1°lr. Trumble stated at the end of the contract the County will have a more complete program o£ tax assessing administration set up than anybody in the State, with the excep- tion of possibly Charlotte, N. C., which is probably the ultimate. A tax mapping program will be installed which will assign a parcel number to every parcel of land in New Hanover County. It will be tied in with a system of topographic mapping, which will give~overlays for the tax maps and will provide County and City with information needed for sewerage, land use, and planning, etc. All of the work will be done by Cole-Layer-Trumble Company or one of its affiliates which is an important point because difficulities can be encountered with.sub-contractors. Mr. Trumble stated it is nothing new in North Carolina to have a reappraisal program because the State requires one every eight years. The information this year can strict- ly be classified as an investment by the County for the future benefits of the taxpayers because of the fact the County is investing in mapping and data processing which will be made available to county officials, not only the assessor's office but the Planning Com- mission and Zoning Commission, and the taxpayers themselves. A card will be on file of every parcel of land showing parcel number generated by the tax mapping program, descrip- tion of the parcel, on computer tape, land use code for parcel,. and zoning for every parcel. Thisinformation can be retrieved on an instant's notice. It will take a sizable computer to hold this information. Mr. Trumble cited how these cards will help the Planning Commission when they have requests for rezoning. Mr. Trumble pointed out the information can be kept current very simply by change form which they will design for the County: In future years reappraisals will be easier and the cost should be sub- stantially reduced due to the amount of current information already on record. The status of tYie job at the point is CLT has designed an appraisal card, with approval of Mr. Powell; card has been printed and is on site in the County. CLT is ready to go to the County current files and produce current description information onto the cards. They hope to do this within a matter of the next few weeks. By mid February, or late February at the latest, they will be able to do some field work; first phase will be measuring, listing of the property, and interior inspection of the property. CLT will strictly be doing leg work for the next year and have a lot of work to do before the3= come before the Board to ask for approval of appraisal schedules. Problem with the mapping right now is the weather; company cannot fly the County until the weather is better. By the end of '1973 CLT anticipates having some minor topographic overlays available for the use of the County. The job is not scheduled to'be completed until late '1974. Mr. Davis raised question of two sets of tapes. Mr. Trumble stated his company will not furnish two sets, but they will be very easy to duplicate. Mr. Powell stated computer service does keep a complete set in the vault for the County at Wachovia Bank. Mr. Powell stated he felt sure the County will continue to do this. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he felt the press will give adequate coverage, but he felt , the citizens should be well advised that CLT will be knocking on their doors, coming around taking measurements, etc. Mr. Trumble stated people taorking on this project will be carrying a clip board and will have identification with their picture signed by some County official. Mr. Trumble warned people not to talk to men or let them in the house unless they have this type of identification. These men will not be setting values but only gathering information. Mr. Hall pointed out in the past pro- blem has been some people refuse access to property and then assumptions have to be made. Mr. Trumble stated record will be kept of people contacted on the property and whether or not they were permitted on the property. Mr. Oxenfeld thanked Mr. Trumble for appearing and giving information which is most helpful and informative. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - MENTAL HEAI,TH - The County Auditor presented request from the Southeastern Mental $ealth Center for transfer of $250.00 from budget item Salaries to a new budget item EYnergency Drugs with- in the Mental Health Budget. These are injectable.tranquilizers. Mr. Wilson is hope- ful this will be sufficient for the remainder of the year. Mr. Ross stated if the Salaries Account is adjusted by ~250, it will stand at the end of December 40% expended compared to 50"/0 of the year that has gone by. Mr. Vaughan moved transfer be permitted (Mr. Vaughan requested record show he knows nothing about the medication). Mr. Hall seconded the motion (on the basis he does know something about the medication). Motion carried unanimously. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS' BILL AND BILL FOR POST6 (NO LITTER SIGNS AT HANBY AND WII~MINGTON BEACHES) - Mr. Ross presented request f'or transfer of funds for payment for aluminum sheets and posts used £or no litter signs which were placed at Hanby and Wilmin~ton Beaches. Mr. Ross recommended $'160 be transferred from the No-Wake Signs Account. There is at present $460 available which will leave ~300 £or No-Wake Signs. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, the transfer be made as recommended by the County Auditor. Motion carried unanimously. DIIES SOUTf~IEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Mr. Ross stated dues due the Southeastern Economic Development Commission have been increased by $3'13.82 per year. Out of the current year's appropriation County has already spent the difference of $3~3.82, and with an appropriation of $2,320, there is another additional $3'13.82 to come out, making a total of $62'7.64. This amount can be trans£erred from the Miscellaneous Refunds Account, which is a non-tax revenue and suitable for the purpose. It was pointed out the Southeastern Economic Development Commission is on a calendar year which accounts for their request for payment of dues at this time, and the reason for the additional amounts in one year. ~o~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY '15, ~973 - 9:0o n.M. (CONTINLTED) PRESENTATION NEW ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (CONTINUED) - Mr. Vaughan asked if the new budget will be less effective insofar as the Commissioners knowing what is going,on in the County under this system as compared to the old system. Mr. Ross stated he felt it would be much more meanir~ful and easier to understand. Nr. Oxenfeld stated this is a Uniform Accounting System throughout the State; this applies from Raleigh on down to all local County and City governments. Mr. Vaughan stated it is not mandatory. Mrs. Wright stated this is what was told to them at the Institute of Government; they were trying to get the Counties to take it but it was not mandatory. Mr. Ross stated it would be easier to obtain help by getting people who have worked in other localities where this system is in ef£ect; the person would be already trained for the job. Mrs. Wright stated her main concern is whether the Board will be losing any control over any of these things. Mr. Ross stated he will present sample of the proposed budget for fiscal year ~973- ']4 at the next meeting. Mr. Oxenfeld thanked Mr. Ross and Mr. Alexander for their presentation. COMMUNITY-UNIVERSITY HtJMANITIES COMMITTEE REPORT (REV. WALSER ALLEN) - Rev. Walser Al1en stated tnis is a jolu~ project between the ~niversity, Cit,y and County Governments and is being funded 50'~ by the North Carolina Committee for Continuing Education in Humanities. 'This is a group which is undertaking to fund project throughout the State this year. Rev. Walser Allen displayed a brochure by them which sets out their aims and purposes, procedures, etc. The Joint University Aumanities Committee project was approved by the Commissioners last October. Application was made for grant on specific proposal which they prepared~arid submitted. Grant of $5,000 was received pending pro- visions of matching goods and services by the University and the City and County. The County approved up to $'I,000 but no more tlian $'100 in cash. The City did likewise and the University is participating to the extent of $3,000 in matching goods and services. The Committee has undertaken to organize a Humanities Convocation which will be meeting at Kenan Auditorium on UNC-W Campus February 5th, at 8:00 P.M. Rev. Allen in- vited all the Commissioners to attend. The Chairman has received a letter requesting him to participate, bring greetings and make any remarks he sees fit at that time. Prior to this there will be an orientation session for those who will have responsi- bilities of leadership. This will be on January 3'Ist, at 8:00 P.M. in the Auditorium of the Randall Library on UNC-W Campus. The Board of Commissioners has been represented on the Joint Community-University Humanities Committee first of all by Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., former Board member, and subsequently by County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden. A group was appointed to develop plans for the project and to carry them out, and Mr. Bowden is representing the County on this committee also, at least in the interim. There is another joint meeting Thursday, January '18th at 4:00 P.M. The latter part of the project is intended to bring together individuals from the University and the community in a series of seminars. This is still in the process of being or~anized. It is hoped the seminars will be made entirely comprehensive and citi- zens, as ~aell as individuals of the University, will be invited to participate. The project is open to the citizens of the entire County. The seminars are scheduled to begin on Nonday, February '12th and four successive Mondays through March '12th at 8:00 P.M. on the UNC-W Campus. Dr. Bryghte D. Godbold, who is the Staff Director for the Goals for Dallas or- ganization of Dallas, Texas, will be the principal speaker at the February 5th Convocation. Dr. Godbold is being invited to come a day early to arrive on February 4th, and the Committee, with Mr. Bowden's approval, would like to extend an invitation to him, if it is fitting, to attend briefly the Board of Commissioners' Meeting on February 5th. He has experience in directing the Goals for Dallas Program, which has won nationwide atten- tion, for the past six or,seven years. It is being promoted in North Carolina through the North Carolina American Revolution Bicentennial Committee. ~ Mr. Vaughan expressed his feeling this is a very fine thing and asked Rev. Allen to mention to the folks he is associated with that the Committee of 500, if appropriate, be represented in the various activities. Rev. Allen stated he would mention it to those concerned and stated he felt it would be appropriate to have them included. Rev. Allen stated it would have little significance, unless it is truly representative of a cross section of the community and University. Rev. Allen stated for this reason he is re- questing as many citizens as possible to participate by attendance and study in the seminars which are being proposed. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he had a conflicting engagement for the night of February 5th, but the office will arrange to have someone there. By common consent it was agreed the Board request the Committee to invite Dr. Godbold to its meeting on February 5, ~973• Rev. Allen pointed out Dr. Wagoner and Dr. Cahill, Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, are supporting this concept and wanted the Commissioners to be aware of this. The Board of Trustees of the University at Wilmington have also unanimously endorsed the project. Mr. Oxenfeld expressed appreciation to Rev. Allen for his presentation and the work he has put into this project. Rev. Allen stated Mr. Bowden had been a great deal of help and had supported this all the way, and he appreciated this and the cooperation of Nr. Bowden's office, as well as the Commissioners present and the former Commissioners who voted to participate in the project. MINUTES OF MEETING~ JANITARY '15, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) STATUS REPORT ON LANDFII,L - Mr. Jim Perry, Waste Industries, Inc. brou~ht the Board up to date on what was transpired since their last meeting with the Commissioners. Thirteen sites have been inspected. The State Board of Health has been down to view one of those sites, and they gave a negative report on the site due to the fact it was low and for lack of cover material. Property belongs to Mr. Armstrong on U.S. 42'I, Carolina Beach Road, containing approximately '100 acres. There are two other possibilities at the present time they are getting the Soil & Conservation people to help with the soil analysis. Inclement weather has delayed testing. . Mr. Perry stated he was hopeful by this time Mr. the State Board o£ Health for the continued operation Waste Industries has resumed trenching and are moving of the site o~hich was identi£ied to the County. It i with the State and that Waste Industries can continue is found. Epling has submitted plans to of the Carolina Beach Zandfill. forward to using that portion ~ hopeful there will be no problem to use the site until something Mr. Davis wanted to know how long Carolina Beach site may be used. Mr. Perry stated they would make every effort to make it last as long as possible in case they are unable to come up with a new site by March 'Ist. Plans were submitted with a June 'Ist dead line (six months) rather than be caught in the same position again on a 90-day basis: Mr. Davis questioned Mr. Perry as to if it were not possible for the State people to have looked at other sites when they were down, thus savin~ time. Mr. PerrS= stated they had not at that time looked at all '13 sites and the ones they had looked at would have received a negative report also. There are two now they are avaaiting soil reports on, and the State Board will be down again on Wednesday. It is hoped they will look at these two sites then. Mr. Perry stated he looks at the site, walks it, and if he does not feel it would meet specifications, he does not ask the 8tate to come down to support his evaluation. . Mr. Davis stated it has been found to be very difficult to find a suitable landfill site in this County; there is very little area which would be suitable for•a site, and as time goes on it is going to be even harder. Mr. Davis stated he felt the land values will continue to go up making it harder to get a site. Mr. Davis stated problem should' not be looked at over four years, five years, or ten years but to the time, more or less, when it becomes necessary to ~et another site, the price of the site and the availability of property. Mr. Davis pointed out the County does not have any parl~ land other than Hugh MacRae Park. The previous boards have not set aside very much land which can be used as parks. Mr. Davis feels in five or ten years the County will need more green space. , Mr. Davis asked Waste Industries if they would object to the County purchasing the site and they providing the services. Mr. Poole stated they would have no objections. This is an option of the County; Waste Industries had wanted to purchase the site be- cause they £elt it was a good investment. However, at this time if the County has property now or knows of property which it can acquire for this purpose, Waste Industries will be glad to work the site toward the County's objective, and if that be an open area or park, they will work it that way and to that end. Mr. Davis raised question if County did own land, would it cut down on per yard cost. Mr. Poole stated it would. Mr. Davis felt the County would be making an investment for a future park; however, the County would be putting out money to purchase property, but it would be an investment in the future. Also, Mr. Davis pointed out after the site is full it could be traded for another suit- able landfill site which in this case could keep the County from having to make another outlay for property. Mr. Davis stated maybe the County would have the capability to find property or buy property easier than Waste Industries. Mr. Davis stated the County could probably have Waste Industries act as the County's agent Mr. Davis stated he would like to get the Board's consent to buy the land. , Mr. Poole stated he would be happy to turn over all the facts of their search just so the County does not "plow" the same ground again. Mr. Poole stated it would be well for the Board to look at them. Waste Industries ruled them out not because they were unsuit- able for their end use but because they were not suitable for landfill sites. They would not be suitable for parks either. Mr. Poole stated they would continue to look for a site and present it to the Board should it desire to buy the site. Mr. Davis stated he did not l~ow what the technicalities are, but the thing he is interested in would be in five or ten years when it comes time to find another suitable site, that the County either has a site of value~that it can trade for another si.te of less value or property that could be converted into a park, golf course, or something for public use. Mr. Davis was of the opinion people might liave fought the previous pro- posed landfill site because at the end of ten years it would still be there, thinking Waste Industries could put a chicken rendering plant there or something of this type. If the people knew at the end of ten years that this property would be turned into a park, it would be advantageous to have a landfill next to them. Property is worth more next to a park.for residential use. Mr. Davis stated he felt the technicalities should be worked out between the County Manager and Waste Industries. Mr. Davis stated it would save Waste Industries from having to put out tfie initial cash outlay. Mr. Vaughan suggested the Commissioners by common consent agree to endorse this idea which gives Waste Industries, Inc. a little leeway without having to go into alot of con- tract provisions at this time. . Mr. Poole stated he thought they would work on the same basis as they have worked on other occasions, that is, the County would be a landlord, and•47as~Ce:Industries in turn would lease from the County. If the County's interest is in keeping the cost of disposal down, it would be a nominal $'I per year for the Tease~ but it is a legal lease under which they can operate. Mr. Davis commended Waste Industries for trying as hard as they have in trying to lo- cate site. ~ ~ By common consent it was agreed the Board approve the concept that the County pur- chase landfill site, but not the cost at this time. ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING~ JANiTARY ~5, ~973 - 9=0o A.M. (CONTTNUED) DUES SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (CONTINUED) - Mrs. Wright asked what benefits the County gets from this Commission. Mr. David Alexander, former Director of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission, was present and stated the Commission was organized some several years ago to enhance the economic d,evelopment of this area. The Economic Development Commission was very instrumental in getting the Southside Sewerage Treatment Plant and the big water line coming from Kings Bluff. The Commission has done the planning on this type of thing. It is to enhance the economic status in this area, not only just in Wilmington but all the counties surrounding, which includes ten counties. It has been instrumental in getting the new industry Pfizer down at Southport which helps this area. Mr. Alexander stated around 95% of the money received from the Federal Government through this agency is grant rather than loan. Mrs. Wright asked of this Commission overlaps the Council of Governments. Mr. Alexander stated the Council of Governments is not eligible to make recommendations in the economic development area and this is the reason for having the two. Other than this, there would be no reason to have the two. Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Alexander what relationship is there between Economic Develop- ment and our need for a sewer system. Mr. Alexander stated you can go no further in your economic development than you can provide water and provide sewage service. Mr. Vaughan stated County needed sewer system because of pollution. Mr. Alexander stated this had no bearing insofar as the economic development administration. They did it on the basis of what it would do southside wise because there is industrial propert~ there. This is matter of economic development, not from humanitarian standpoint or social standpoint. It is strictly £rom economic standpoint. Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Alexander if he was stating the County could not have gotten government funds if we had not had the Economic -evelop- ment Commission. Mr. Alexander stated he could not say that the County would not have gotten funds, but•the County would "not have gotten funds, but the County would not have been eligible under economic development administration. The only reason why the County is eligible is that it is a growth center. That growth center extends around the City of Wilmington and that is the only reason the Economic Development Administration would come into this area at all. This is not a depressed area. The reason for a growth center is to assist a depressed area and the County does have them all around it; Brunswick County, Bladen County, etc. Nr. Oxenfeld pointed out Southeastern Economic Development Commission is a grant funding agency and the County has benefited tremendously by grants they have made in the past. Mr. Vaughan was of the opinion the County could have done it themselves if they had not taken the money up to Washington in the first place. Mr. Aall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, transfer be made in accordance with the Auditor's statement. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Vaughan voted "No". REQUEST FaR TRANSFERS OF FUNDS - INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT - Mr. Ross presented request from Mr. Richard Epling, County Engineer, for transfer of $435.00 from Salaries Budget, Item 'I'1.458, to Telephone Account. Mr. Epling also requested transfer of ~'1200 from SalariesBudget to his Office Supplies and E~cpense. Mr. Ross stated Mr. Epling stated these are justified by increased level in opera- tions. If both transfers are made from Salaries and Wages Account as of December 3'Ist, it will be expended 42''{~/o compared to 50'~ of the year expired. Mrs. Wright commented on the telephone account that Mr. Epling is requesting $435 for. I,ast year he only had $'1,050 in the budget, this year he only requested $'1200, but the Commissioners gave him $'1800. With the $435 requested it would more than double what he had budgeted last year. Mrs. Wright wanted to know how many phones he had installed and what justification he has for this big increase. Mr. Bowden was unable to answer how many phones Mr. Epling has. Mr. Bowden stated he would have to investigate this. Mr. Vaughan asked if the departments add telephones without approval of the Commissioners. Mr. Bowden stated certain amounts are budgeted for telephones, and they do if they come within the budget. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt it was in order for the County Manager to advise the Board what is going on over there. Mr. Hall stated,he felt the public is entitled to have fairly easy.access to the County phones; but on the other hand it cannot put in enough phones to never get a busy signal. Mr. Oxenfeld moved that until the Board gets some additional information pertaining to this item, an amount up to ~200 be transferred to pay any current telephone bills, if necessary. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the County Manager be authorized to approve the 'transfer in amount of ~435 if justified, advising the Commissioners why there is the need for additional funds. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Davis stated there are other companies who put in telephone systems, and it is possible to get away from Southern Bell, and in many cases save money. Mr. Davis sug- gested the County through the County Manager, call in one o£ these other companies and see if it could give the County a savings. These can be connected up to the Southern Bell lines; would have the same quality and possibly at a savings. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Bowden check into this. Nrs. Wright raised question as to why Mr. Epling did not at budget time list any office supplies and expense for the garage, since Mr. Epling states this request for additional funds is due to need at the Garage. Mrs. Wright asked why the Garage comes under the Inspection Office instead of Garage where it properly belongs. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Epling considers all his offices under the Inspection Department, which in- cludes the Garage, Courthouse, Building and Hugh MacRae Park. Mr. Bowden stated next year they will not break down as much as was done in the budget insofar as going to each one, but charge the Inspection Services with a telephone bill. Mrs. Wright stated she was not sure she would like this. ~~.~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANtTARY '15, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINIJED) REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS OF FUNDS - INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the transfer of $'1200 requested for Office Supplies and Expenses be transferred from Salaries and Wages Account. Motion carried unanimously. ANSWERING OF TELEPHONES IN COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE - Mr. Vaughan discussed Commissioners' Of'fice practice of requesting person calling the office to identify themselves. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt personnel in the Commis- sioners' Office should be readily accessible. Mr. Bowden stated one of the reasons is that sometimes it saves time; giving him an opportunity to get a file, since he cannot keep all the answers to all the questions all the time. Mr. Vaughan suggested Mr. Bowden be readily accessible. Mr. Bowden stated he was; he had never refused a call. Mr. Hall stated he felt this is an internal matter. PRESENTATION NEW ACCOUNTING SYSTETI - Mr. Ross stated he was asked a short time ago at the Coun~y Commissioners' Meeting about the new Accounting System. At that time he stated when it was completed it would be presented to the Commissioners for their approval. It is now completed largely with the help of the Local Government Commission which is a branch of the State Treasurer's Office. They worked long and willingly with Mr. Ross in the creation of this system and even preparing the fixed assets. Mr. Ross asked Mr. David Alexander (former County Manger of Harnett County and City Manager of Red Springs) to make the presentation with slides. Mr. Alexander stated Mr. Ross was one o£ the founders of the system. Mr. Alexander stated it w.ill take the 550 di££erent accounting systems throughout the State of North Carolina (municipalities and counties) and bring them into a certain state of synchron- ization. It establishes common procedures and a high degree of standardization. These are the objectives of this particular system. Mr. Alexander stated the Appalaehin Regional Commission was very instrumental in getting this kicked off, because it took some outside money to bring this into being, and the Appalachin Re~ional Commission agreed to fund this provided the Pilot cities and counties be selected in the Appalachin Region area, and this was done. The Local Government Commission was selected to formalize the system and as such to render any assistance it could to the local units and that is one of the reasons they are here. Mr. Boyles wanted to get to a larger county; he wanted to see the similarities and the things that were similar in the larger counties. New Hanover County was selected, with concurrence of the County Nanager and County Auditor. The system will be done in segments rather than a crash program. Progress in New Hanover County is a tribute to both Mr. Bowden and Mr. Ross in getting this off the ground. The LGC hired some professional assistants and turned some of their own people loose on a full-time basis to develop this system, and it has been tested ver~ thoroughly in the Western part of the State in three municipalities and one county. A review board con- sisting of local experts consisting of two municipal finance officers, who were county auditors, two CPAs, and two attorneys have reviewed the system. No problems were found that could not be overcome. Regional conferences have been held. New Hanover County, at the present time, is only one of a number of counties and cities that is implementing this system. Slides of chart of accounts were shown; budge~ preparation is a part of this. Mr. Alexander explained the chart and various numbers that will be used. The Local Government Commission did the fixed assets and it was found that New Aanover County has more than '1.6 million dollars of fixed assets which does not in- clude buildings. This will af£ect the bond rating of the County on the positive side. The Chart of accounts affects the general ledger very clistinctly and, of course, one other thing encumbrance accounting, Vrhich must be in all the local governments. It is something that is set up by the 19'7'I General Assembly under the Local Government Finance Act. Mr. Alexander stated the Board would have better control over what will be taking place. Mr. Alexander stated there are certain definite advantages to this system ('I) creates a common accounting language which will be in wide usage throughout the State of North Carolina; (2) it will speed up the auditing procedures and (3) system will have wide utilization and therefore will have universal understanding. When completely standarized, outside auditors might be able to audit for less on the County accounting. Independent audits will have more meaning and. usefulness to government agencies, particularly to State Agencies, Bond Houses and to local officials. This system will provide the element of control which is customary in business practices. Mrs. Wright pointed out the expenditure accounts for the schools and Cape Fear Tech are shown only for the Capital Outlay and asked if the Commissioners were losing control of the other expenses when the budget comes up. Will their expenses be itemized and will the Board be able to control transfers from one account to the other? Mr. Ross stated this was purposel5 left out although it can be included if the governing body so directs. Mr. Ross submitted proposed procedure for handling county school £unds and technical institute funds. Mr. Ross stated it had been checked out and ap- parently has enough safe guards in it so that the Board does not lose any control. This was presented for the Board's consideration. Since it was detailed, Mr. Oxenfeld suggested the Board read through it between now and the next meeting. By common con- sent it was agreed further study will be given to the matter and discussed further at the next meeting. Nr. Vaughan asked if system would be any more expensive in maintaining Auditor's Office. Mr. Ross stated he does not see where it would be any more expensive. Mr., Vaughan asked Mr. Ross if he intended to ask for additional people at budget time. Mr. Ross stated he believed it would result in more efficient use of the people that he has. One of the difficulities they are experiencin~ now is that the numbers are assigned more or less at random. There is a prefixed number which indicates the code but within each department the numbers just run consecutively, so telephone and tele- graph in one department might have completely different numbers than in another de- partment. This takes a long time to look up numbers on charts. Under this system only '16 code numbers will be used, departmental numbers, and then a minimum number of items of e~penditures. These can be co~bined. e)~~ MIN[JTES OF MEETING, JANUARY '15, ~973 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) STATUS REPORT ON I~ANDFILL (CONTINUED) - (~uestion of trash settling on the site was discussed. Mr. Poole stated it is 90'~ settled in five years. The part filled during first Sear by the time contract is con- cluded would be settled 9a~. Mr. Poole stated anything for open areas, light structures, roads, airport runways, parking lots, it makes very suitable site. Mr. Oxenfeld thanked Mr. Perry and Mr. Poole for appearing and stated he personally thanked them for their diligence. Mr. Poole stated they do have two good possibilities and another one in another county which is also a good possibility. One of the sites in New Hanover County has been cleared with the Airport or is in the process, and the other one does not a~fect the Airport. Mr. Davis requested Mr. Perry keep in touch with him on the pro~ress they are making. Mr. Perry stated he would and would like for Mr. Davis to work with them. RECOMMENDATIONS OF ARCHITECT-RENOVATION FOURTH FLOOR SOCIAL SERVICES BUILDING - Miss Lela Moore HaZl, Social Services Director, and Mr. J. W, Walton, Chairman of the Social Services Board., were present for discussion of bids received on January 4th for renovation of the fourth floor of the Social Services Building. They had an estimate last February of $50,000 £or this work and $50,000 was budgeted for the renovation. Mr. Walton stated when bids were opened in January the apparent low bidder was ~67,069.00. This does not include carpetin~ and tile which is estimated to be $4200, making a total o£ $7'1,269.00. Mr. Walton state@ the matter had been discussed with the Architect and he has the feeling if the County goes back through the procedure, with the increase in cost of building every day, the County is most apt to run into even higher figures by the time bids are received. Mr. McKim recomtnended if funds are available that the contracts be awarded on the basis of the apparent low bids which amounts to $2'1,26) (including estimate on carpet and tile) more than was originally estimated and budgeted. Mr. Oxenfeld suggested for the benefit of the neoaer Commissioners Miss Hall or Mr. Walton explain why these renovations are necessary. Miss Hall stated the Federal Government has specified that in order to get '75% matching federal funds £or salaries that you have to separate services for eligibility by July, ~973. This means the sta£f has grown because of this mandate, arid if you don't separate, Federal funds will drop between 45% and 50'~0. It has been noted that since the Social Service has gotten additional staff, which was given in the last administrative budget, the assistance to children has decreased from 'Ig00 plus per month in July of ~972 to '1806 per month in Plovember ~'1972. It was pointed out need for additional space is because of additional staff and because of federal government requirements. Mr. Vaughan asked if this is space they oaould not need to accomodate the existing staff just because they vaant to be separated, or is all of thzs space necessary because addi- tional staff is needed. Miss Hall stated she now has seven persons sitting in the base- ment and ~wo staff inembers are sitting in very small offices which are about 8' x 9', People are in the hall now. This is to house the present staff and additional staff, Miss Hall stated protective services has skyrocketed. She hopes the State of North Carolina will take over probation work. If they don't, they will have to have addi- tional staff inembers here. This is for abuse, neglect and abondonment. Most of the people the Social Services have dealt with recently have lived in the County for less than six months, most of them less than three. When drug raids are made, Social ,Ser- vices is notified because childred are involved. Mr. Vaughan asked why people are in the County. Miss Hall stated they are mostly construction workers. Miss Hall stated it is not only a Federal mandate that some thin~s have to be done but also necessary because of growth. The County is becoming more urban. Mr. Vaughan asked Miss Ha11 if the growth rate of construction is causin~ more problems in her department. Miss Hall stated, as she had stated before, as the County becomes more urban there are more problems with children. Mrs. Wright asked whether bids were being gotten on carpet and tile since she noted this had been estimated. Miss Hall stated only one bid was received which was not opened, Mr. Fox stated for construction there have to be three bids. If they are not received the first time, project can be readvertised, and after that the Commis- sioners may accept any bid which they wish. At the request of the Commissioners, Mr. Ross returned to the meeting and P'~r. Oxenfeld outlined what had just taken place. Mr. Ross was asked if there are funds available that the $2'1,269 needed in addition to the $50,000 could be taken from for this project. Mr. Ross stated at the moment he did not have any available funds at his finger tips for this project and requested it be de£erred until next meeting to give him chance to look into and see where some money can be gotten. Miss Hall stated the bids will be outdated by that time. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, since there are not adequate funds at present for this project that this matter be tabled until a called special meeting 9:3o A.M., Thursday, January '18, ~9~3, after the Auditor 2ias investigated the possibility of the additional funds. Mr. Ross suggested the $22,000 remaining in the Contingency Fund be appropriated for this purpose with the understanding that when he does discover additional funds the Contingency Fund will be reimbursed. Nr. Oxenfeld suggested this be deferred until Thursday morning special meeting, which he had made~:motion to call. Mr, Vau~han made a substitute motion, seconded by Mrs. Wright, that the Commissioners meet at 9:55 A.M., Thursday, January 'I8, '+973, to consider this matter. Vote was called on substitute motion. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Oxenfeld voted "No". Mr. -avis raised question of contract on carpet; he had been advised that someone was working up a bid but was advised not to:.continue because Miss Hall was ~oing to an- other source. Miss Hall stated this was not true. Miss Hall stated she did not make an,y con'~racts; the Commissioners make the contr.acts. Mr, Davis asked who had been awarded the carpet contract. Miss Hall stated it had not been awarded; only one bid was received which was not opened. Bids will have to be readvertised. The $~4200 was simply an estimate so the Social Services will not have to come back for additional funds. MINtTTES OF MEETING, JANUARY '15, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) RECOMMENDATIONS OF ARCHITECT-RENOVATION FOURTH F7AOR SOCIAI, SERVICES BUILDING (CaNTINUED) - Mr. Oxenfeld moved that the bids that were received on the fourth :'-- ~~ 01' Januaxg, ~9~3, pertainin~ to renovation o£ the fourth floor of the Social Services Building be included as part of the minutes as well as Mr. McKim's recommendation. Mr. Hall seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously. Following is tabulation of bids: GENERAL HARNETT HINNANT PORT CITY F. R. KING B. R. -ORSETT CONTRACTORS CONST. C0. INC. BUIZDERS CONST. C0. CONST. C0. License Nos. 493'+ 5999 No Bid Bond 'I']82 No Bid Compl..sDays 90 ~5~ Bid Bond 5% ° 5% Base Bid $43,994• ~32/700. $5~,000 Alternate G-'I + 850. + 800. No Bid Alternate G-2 + 'I,385. + 930. + 538. PLUMBING WHITEVIZ LE GOODYEAR CONTRACTORS PLiTMBING C0. PLUMBING C0. 6NEEDEN, INC. License Nos. '102~ 597 ~~ Compl. Days 9~ Bid Bond 5% 5% 5% Base Bid $~'7,500 i65,872• $5,684. ELECTRICAL HODGES ACME CAPE FEAR GRAVES PAUL T. TURNER CONTRACTORS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC C0. EI,ECTRIC ELECTRIC C0. License Nos. 3276-U 3'129-U 44'70-U 3006-U No Bid Compl. Days Bid Bond 5% 5/0 5% 5% Base Bid $2'1,986. $23,400. $'18,460. $'18,965• Alternate E-~ + 3,896. + 3,997• + 3,985• + 4,300. HEATING AND HANOVER TEMPERATURE JORDAN BLAN- Cluvivviv ADVANCE SNEEDEN AIR CONDITION IRON WKS. CONTROL C0. TON MYERS C0. HAC A/C C0. INC. License Nos. 2373 ~855 ~372 3062 4'18'I 480 Compl. Days 9~ Bid Bond 5% ° 5% 5% 5/ 5% Base Bid $'I'1,~26. $'11/'150. $'I'1,640. $'10,225. Sb'10,']82. $'10,662. Mr. McKim's recommendations were: "We recommend, if the funds are available, the award of contracts on the following basis: 'I. General Contract - Ainnant, Inc. Plus Alt. G-'I Plus Alt. G-2 2. Plumbing Contract - Sneeden, Inc. Base Bid Contract Amount Base Bid $~ 32 , 700. 00 + 800.00 +'_ 930~00 5,684.00 $34,430.00 5,684.00 3. Electrical Contract - Cape Fear Electric Base Bid r '18,460.00 '18,460.00 4. Heating & A/C Contract - Cannon Heatin~ & A/C Base Bid ~0,225.00 Total all Contracts Carpet & Tile '10.225.00 $6'7, 069. 00 4,200.00 ~7~,269.00„ Miss Hall called later in the meeting saying she had gone through her budget and since Medicaid has been taking a more active part in their budget this year than was originally budgeted, she has found the $2'I,'169 for the additional funds required for the renovation of the fourth floor of the Social Services Building. She advised funds may come from the following accounts: Account No. '19.409 Salary Account $'I'1,49`7 '13.4'18 County Hospitalization 8,000 '13.420 Sanitorium 'I,000 ~9-4~5 Buildings & Maintenance 672 $2'I ,'159 Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, that the contracts be awarded to the low bidders, and amount over the budgeted amount in the sum of $2'I,'169 be obtained from the sources recommended by Miss Hall, subject to concurrence of the Auditor. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ross concurred later in the day. c9 ~ .p. MINUTES OF MEETING, JANTTARY '15, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) STATE PERSONNEZ - SOCIAL SERVICES - Miss Hall stated last Spring State Personnel from the State Office came down and spent a week doing job classifications within the Social 6ervices Office. There was one job at the time that they wanted to upgrade, but Miss Hall requested that they delay it because the person was sick and was not fulfilling the duties of the job. It was agreed it be postponed, but it would have to be submitted when the position was filled. The person has since died. The position has been filled, it has been submitted without any title and without any grade. Mr. Grubbs approved it, and it has been received from the State Office (Claude Caldwell's Office ) making it a Grade 68 wh~ich means a one step increase. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, the increase be approved, funds to come from Social Services Salaries Account. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 'I2:00 P.M. Meeting reconvened at '12:'10 P.M. POLICY ON CZOSING COUNTY OFFICES DURSNG INCI,ENLIIVT WEATHER - Mr. Oxenfeld stated this item will be eliminated £rom ~he Agenda and will be handled administratively. Mrs. Wright stated all County Employees were not off during that time and asked what kind of treatment is going to be given to those who did work during the two days. Will they be given a day and one-half o£f to make up for the time the others were given off? P1r. Oxenfeld stated this would have to be worked out. Mrs. Wright requested this be re- ported on at the next meeting. Mr. Oxenfeld agreed. ET'IPLOYEE SAI~ARY POLICY - Mrs. Wright stated the budget is really accepted on a basis which maybe does not reflect what a person is really being paid. For instance, his salary may be shown at $'10,000 and after six months he is still being paid at a rate of ~9,500 because of the anniversary date which is considered in the personnel plan, so there is money there which has been allocated to the people but they are not being paid. Mrs. Wright felt the County should go on a system whereby all the raises are given at one time at budget time. Mrs. Wright stated she understood this is the way the State and Federal does, and it would be easier to keep up with; the budget would be more accurate as far as looking at it and seeing what is behind it. The Board would not have to wonder if a person is really getting what is shown. Mrs. Wright moved that the employees be given the extra which is allocated to them on their anniversary date this year so they wil.l be receiving what is in the budget, and that the Personnel Officer be requested to mak,e any necessary revi- sions to the plan so that the objective could be accomplished getting it all at one time. Motion died for lack of a second. After discussion, some of the Commissioners stated they would like to study the matter further. Mrs. Wright stated it should be considered; it is really a morale factor with a lot of people employed by the County. Mr. Hall stated it had to be stabilized somewhere. Anniversary of the date of employment is something which is a common denomi- nator with every siru;le individual in the County that is employed. The fact is the~ are hired on a certain date and after a certain date of their employment they then get out of the category of being on probation. Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out it could penalize a person for eleven months until the next budget session comes up. Mr. Oxenfeld stated if a person's salary is set at $'10,000 and person is scheduled for an increase based upon anniversary a month after the budget is adopted; then he would have to wait until the budget of the coming year. Mrs. Wright stated her motion was that the revision be prepared so that every raise would come at the same time. This is commonly done in private industry vaith union contracts. When an emplo,yee has been there ~or six months he get~: a raise.; ,he has been thete~•maybe six~ mor-e •mon~hs: an3 he gets ~another_ ~'a'ise.' . THe _ employee does not have to remain at the same level at which he is being paid, but goes into the new contract schedule at the '12-month level which is the same length he had otherwise. Mrs. Wright felt this was fairer and would keep the budget from giving false picture of what people are actually getting. Mr. Grubbs stated he had talked with Mr. Ross and budget will include another column this year which will list only the amount o£ money on a pro-rated basis. For example, if anniversary falls in December only that amount will be budgeted, December to July, rather than from July to July. Nrs. Wright stated this would take care of the deception but not the morale. Mr. Hall was of the opinion question had been well thought out and it was felt this was the best way to handle this matter. Mr. Hall pointed out that the County is gradually ~etting to the place most persons are reaching the mid-point where the County can have a bona-fide policy based on merit. The length of service is the thing on which their merit increment is based. Mr. Davis asked for explanation of increments. Mr. Grubbs stated there are six increments, person comes in on first step. Each year person`s work is reviewed. If satis£actory, person will be given a step increase for three years. After three years 60'/ of the group is given increases solely on merit. Mr. Grubbs contended this is the fair way to handle raises in order to be fair to employees with more seniority. Mrs. 4Jright contended when a person is promoted and still draws pay for the job he held previously for nearly a year, it is not much of a promotion. Mr. Grubbs stated when a person receives a promotion, he receives a raise. Mrs. Wri~ht stated she had been advised by one party this was not the case. Mr. Hall pointed out if a person feels he is not being treated fairly, he should first go to the Depart- ment Head, then Mr. Grubbs and Mr. Bowden. If he is still not satisfied he has privilege to come to the Board. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF MRS. WRIGHT AB COMMISSION MEMBER TO NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOA1?D - Mr. Vaughan withdrew this item, saying it can be acted on at the next meeting. ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY '15, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) SUBDIVISION PI~AT1 SECTION 4~ BAYSHORE ESTATES - Mr. Johnny Sutton, Statf Planner, stated this is final plat of Section 4 of Bayshore Estates. Mr. Sutton stated Nr. Hardee is the agent for the developer in Bayshore Estates. Mr. Hardee feels this has been a hardship case. Mr. Sutton stated the plat had been approved by the Subdivision Review Committee conditionally. Also, the preliminary plat was approved conditionally back in August that the improvements be installed and additional information be submitted for the preliminary. Irntially all of the information required on the preliminary was submitted. After an inspec- tion by the Highway Commission, the County Engineer, and the Planning Department, it was determined that some additional information other than that required in the ordi- nance would have to be submitted before preliminary could be approved. This has not been submitted, but the developer has submitted a bond to cover the improvements that were incomplete and to cover the engineering cost of the remaining information that is to be submitted for the preliminary. Mr. Sutton stated Mr. Fox has reviewed letter of irrevocable credit and finds it in acceptable form. The County Engineer has agreed this would probably be a suitable solution to cover the improvements and the additional en- gineering work, but the ordinance requires the State Highway Commission to approve the final plat by signing the plat or submitting a letter approving the plans. In this case the Highway Commission has refused to review the plans until the additional in- formation is submitted. Original submission was made to the State Highway in August. The information has been submitted to them again and they still have not made any comment. They are still withholding approval until the additional in£ormation is submitted. There is no way to get them to agree to this conditional approval subject to the amount of the bond covering the en~ineering services. Mr. Hardee presented irrevocable letter of credit and stated he had talked with the Highway District Engineer, Mr. Robinson, this morning. Mr. Robinson sent the re- quest into Raleigh on January 5th. Mr. Zoughlin, Surveyor, spoke about the drainage. Mr. I,oughlin stated Section '7 will be started shortly and this section will take care o£ the problems they are talking about now. He outlined on map how the sections will drain properly when this is done. Mr. Fox stated the County cannot give final approval unless the ordinance is amended which would require advertisement and public hearing. Mr. Oxenfeld suggested the High- way -epartment be contacted to determine if they do approve the plat and item be placed on Agenda for next meeting, Mr. Oxenfeld stated if the Highway signs the plat by this Thursday the County Commisssioners could take action at Special Meeting at 9~55 A.M. (See minutes of that Special Neeting, Thursday, January '18, ~973). ROAD PETITIONS - Heathcliff Road - I,ocated on Carolina Beach Road across from Airport. It is presently a dirt road with no improvements as required under the Subdivision Regulations or required by the State HighHray Commission. The area was developed and lots sold and was exempt from Subdivision Regulations. Tlie Planning -epartment and County Engineer, a£ter inspecting it, recommended the County Commissioners request the State to add.it to the Secondary Road System, subject to meeting their requirements for acceptance. Mr. Sutton stated the property owners would probably have to put the improvements in to bring it up to State specifications before the State will take it over. In some counties the State is taking over roads such as these with just the right-of-way dedication, but this is not the practice around here. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, standard resolution be adopted and the State Highway Commission be requested to add the road to their Secondary Road System for maintenance after it meets the requirements £or acceptance. Motion carried unanimously. Foxcroft Subdivision - Walnut Hills, Section 'I - P1r. ,Sutton stated these streets are paved. The Planning Department recommends the County Commissioners request the State Highway Commission to take the streets over for maintenance. . Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, standard. resolution be adopted and the State Highway Commission be requested to add the roads in Foxcroft Subdivision and Walnut Hills, Section 'I to their Secondary Road System £or maintenance after they meet the requirements for acceptance. Notion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld thanked Mr. Sutton for what he had done for the Planning Department, expressed regrets that he is leaving the Department and. wished him the best in his future endeavor. Mr. Sutton expressed his thanks and said he had enjoyed working tiaith the Commis- sioners and the employees of the County very much. DISCUSSION OF EXTRA PIEETINGS AND COMPLIANCE WITH OPEN MEETINGS' LAW - Mrs. Wright expressed feeling the Board is having too many extra meetings and is not abiding by the spirit of the Open Meetings' Law to the fullest extent, and she thought the Board should comply to the letter and spirit of the Zaw. Mrs. Wri~ht moved the Board adopt a policy not to hold any extra meetings, generally speaking, but anyone wanting to appear before the Board be invited to be put on the Agenda for regular meetings and the Board can go into Executive Session if it needs to. Mr. Vau~han seconded the motion. Mr. Davis expressed feeling that some of the extra meetings were pertinent and should not be classified as secret meetings. He felt perhaps fully half of the people requesting extra meetings could have come down to the regular meetings without in any~way affecting their business and he felt more would have been accomplished. Mr. Davis stated he would like to see special meetings slowed down. Further d.iscussion was held, and Mr. Oxenfeld called attention to length of regular meetings and the many other meetings saying no one wished to attend any more meetings than necessary, but he felt there are times when it is necessary. Vote was called on motion. Motion carried unanimously. c~~~~ NINUTES OF MEETING, JANiTARY '15, ~973 - 9:0o A.N. (CONTINUED) GOVERNMENT C01°iPLEX BUII,DING - Mr. Vaughan discussed his memo to the Board members stating the complex building could be established on the Courthouse block. Mr. Vaughan stated he appeared on a radio program vaith P1r. Hall, Nr. Schwartz and Mr. Halterman. Mr. Vaughan stated Mr. Schwartz stated, either on the radio or aYterwards, that the City really did not need a government complex building; the only reason they are interested in it they wanted to help the County out. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt before there is any more action on the complex building the County should either wait until after consolidation or no consolidation and write the City and ask them if they are willing to pay one-half of the twelve million dollars cost. If they are not willing to pay one-half " of the cost, then the Board should stop talking about it and have a new Courthouse building. Mr. Vaughan moved the County write the City Council now and ask them if they would propose to pay the proper proportion of the cost if consolidation does go through. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. Mrs. Wright stated Ma,yor Symmes indicated to some people he was speaking to recently he had priorities which took precedence over this too, and she was inclined to think Mr. Schwartz's comments might have been in line with their thinking. Mr. Oxenfeld stated need has been indicated to this Board previously a set of priorities be established and Mr. Vaughan has recently recommended this be done. Mr. Oxen£eld expressed feeling this is very necessary. Mr. Vaughan stated of all extra meetings being held, a priority meeting is the most urgent of any that should be held. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. Mr. Hall called attention to the fact that over the past years funds have been estab- lished for certain projects and when priorities are established, he suggested serious con- sideration be given to priority for these items for which funds have already been estab- lished. The projects for which money has been set aside should be taken into consideration, specifically Jail, Health and Mental Health Departments. DISCUSSION OF MASONBORO BEACH AS POSSIBLE STATE PARK - Mr. Hall stated for quite a few years Mr. Vaughan has been the instigator of a very good project; the establishment of a State Park on Masonboro Beach. Mr. Hall feels some- thing might be done at this time to make it a reality if this Board will pick up the ball. Mr. Vaughan stated bills are goin~ to the Legislature on both sides, one from Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Schwartz and the other from Mr. Rountree, and he has been told it is in the program of the State Parks Administration. Mr. Vaughan felt there should be a citizens operation that goes to the various counites that we can get legislative support from. This seems to be the big factor needed now. This Commission is on record endorsing it, the City Council and various other organizations. Conservation and Development is recorded as fully endorsing it, but funds they intend to appropriate are tied up with the deal below Fort Fisher. Mr. Vaughan felt if a big block could be formed in the Legislature, it would be very helpful. By common consent it was agreed letter be written to the County Commissioners of the Counties requesting them to ask their legislators to give their support to this project. Mr. Oxenfeld requested Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Hall write letter for presentation to the Board. REQUEST OPINION OF COUNTY ATTORNEY REGARDING EI,IGIBILITY OF VARIOUS VOTERS IN CONSOLIDATION EI,ECTION - . Mr. Vaughan stated he and the County Attorney discussed this at the recess period. Mr. Vaughan stated he was concerned with eligibility of the three municipalities that have turned down being consolidated to vote. Mr. Vaughan stated i£ the Board agrees, he would like for the Chairman to write the C}ia'rter Commission and ask why these three towns excluded themselves from the consolida- tion, thus preventing it from being a true consolidation. Mr. Vaughan stated the Attorney has advised him they are eligible to vote. Mr. Vaughan moved that the Chairman direct a letter to the Charter Commission asking for a copy of the minutes where it was decided that the three other cities within the County would not participate in the proposed consolidation. Mr. Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST MEETING WITH LOWER CAPE FEAR WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY - Mr. Uaughan moved the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority be requested to meet with the Commissioners on the first meeting in February to inform the Commissioners what they are doing. The new members are not conversant with their activities. Mr. Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Wright stated she £elt it is appropriate; there has been right much publicity lately about septic tank problems. Mrs. Wright stated she has been receiving calls from people who are upset thinking the County is in terrible shape; they are not aware of the countywide water and sewage plans that have been approved. Mrs. 41ri~ht stated Nr. Bowden did not know what progress had been made about getting approvals and she felt the Board should talk with the authority to determine what has been done. Mr. Oxenfeld stated pre- liminary plans for vrater and seoaage were submitted. Mr. Vau~han stated the County has an obligation with the Hercules Corporation,,and he would like for this to be brought out in the open on what is going on. Mr. Davis stated there has been a lot of misleading information put out on water and sewer, dr.ainage, and septic tanks, etc. Mr. Davis stated he hated to see people cloaking the truth or not making use,bf the truth in some of the things they are saying about water and sewerage. Mr. Davis stated there is a southside sewer treatment plant which was built vaith federal funds as a regional plant. The property of the City of Wilmington is physically located in the County, and some people are leading the public to believe the County has no se~~er and water plants and the County does. MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY ~5, ~9~3 - g:oo A.M. (CONTINITED) REQUEST N'iEETING WITH IAWER CAPE FEAR WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY (CONTINUED) - Mr. Hall stated one of the statements has been you cannot have countywide sewage unless you vote for consolidation which is erroneous. ~ REQUEST MEETING GIITH HARBOR MASTER - Mr. Vaughan moved the Harbor Master of the Port of 4lilmington be invited to appear before the Board on February 5th and explain tirhat his job is, how much fees he took in during the past year, what he did to earn fees, and whether or not those fees were re- ported to any State Authority whatsoever. Mrs. Wright seconded the motion. Motion c.arried unanimously. ORDINANCE ON FORTUNE TELLING - Mrs. Wri~ht inquired of Mr. Fox if the County has any ordinance making po~•~ers in this respect. Mr. Fox will investigate and report back to the Board. DINNER ME~TING - Mrs. Wri~ht referred to letter received from Mr. Botiaden regardin~ dinner meeting being organized. by a gentlemen on February '15th. Mrs. Wright feels it is a political affair. He has planned it as an individual, invited the speaYers and now is asking for approval to use the Counts Seal. P1rs. 4Tright does not feel this is appropri.ate, the County would be setting a precedent whereby any individual could plan some type of public affair and request approval. Mrs. Wright moved. use of the seal be denied to this person. Mr.•Vaughan seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. It ivas the consensus of the Board the Dinner Neeting was planned to promote con- solidation. ' JUDGE WELLS' LETTER ON CLEANLINESS OF COURTHOUSE - Mr. Vaughan stated he Selt anything coming from an elected or appointed official of this level should be answered by the Chairman rather than by the County Manager, and the matter of cleanliness should be gone into further. ADDRESSING COMMISSIONERS' MAIL BY THE COMPIISSIONERS' OFFICE - Mr. Vaughan stated he preferred "The Hon." be omitted from mail he receives from the Commissioners' Office; he felt it is unnecessary. CIVIL Dr.r'~,~vSE CORRESPONDENCE - Mr. Vau~han suggested a general suggestion be made to cut down on the correspondence the Commissioners receive from this department, because of the time involved in reading it. Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out most of the correspondence consists of reports. 48TH FIGHTER INTERCEPTOR SQ,UADRON AT AIP.PORT - Mr. Vaughan read coPS of letter dated January 2, '19']2, from Col. Jerry 0: Robinette, Chief Plans Group, Office of Legislative Liaison Department of The Air Force, addressed to Senator Helns, in which he stated The Air Force has no plans to inactivate Detach- ment 'I, 48th Fighter Interceptor Squardon in the foreseeable future. There has been concern that the Fire Engine which benefits the Airport might be removed from there. Mr. Vaughan stated Dr. Hooper, who is a close friend of Senator Helms, nanaged to get this letter. By common consent Mr. Vaughan will express thanks for the letter. LETTER FRON HOUSING AUTHORITY OF WILMINGTON Mr. Oxenfeld advised the Board of letter from the Housing Authority of Wilmington indicating that on March 'I6th the Harr3 M. Solomon Towers vaill be dedicated and part of the ceremonies will include placement of a cornerstone vault containing documents pertinent to the Towers, the Authorits and the Community. They are requesting a resolu- tion that can be placed in the vault. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, this resolution be written and pre- sented to the Board at the next meeting for signature. Motion carried unanimously. , ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned at 'I:30 P.M. • Respectfully submitted., Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/i~rg MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANtTARY '18, ~973 - ~~:oo A.M. ASSEMBZY - Special Meeting o£ the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John R. Oxenfeld, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, Vivian S. Wright, Peter R. Davis; County Manager, Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. WAIVER OF NOTICE OF HEARING - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, three day notice required for meeting be waived. Motion carried unanimously..