1973-01-18 Special MeetingMINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY ~5, ~9~3 - g:oo A.M. (CONTINITED) REQUEST N'iEETING WITH IAWER CAPE FEAR WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY (CONTINUED) - Mr. Hall stated one of the statements has been you cannot have countywide sewage unless you vote for consolidation which is erroneous. ~ REQUEST MEETING GIITH HARBOR MASTER - Mr. Vaughan moved the Harbor Master of the Port of 4lilmington be invited to appear before the Board on February 5th and explain tirhat his job is, how much fees he took in during the past year, what he did to earn fees, and whether or not those fees were re- ported to any State Authority whatsoever. Mrs. Wright seconded the motion. Motion c.arried unanimously. ORDINANCE ON FORTUNE TELLING - Mrs. Wri~ht inquired of Mr. Fox if the County has any ordinance making po~•~ers in this respect. Mr. Fox will investigate and report back to the Board. DINNER ME~TING - Mrs. Wri~ht referred to letter received from Mr. Botiaden regardin~ dinner meeting being organized. by a gentlemen on February '15th. Mrs. Wright feels it is a political affair. He has planned it as an individual, invited the speaYers and now is asking for approval to use the Counts Seal. P1rs. 4Tright does not feel this is appropri.ate, the County would be setting a precedent whereby any individual could plan some type of public affair and request approval. Mrs. Wright moved. use of the seal be denied to this person. Mr.•Vaughan seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. It ivas the consensus of the Board the Dinner Neeting was planned to promote con- solidation. ' JUDGE WELLS' LETTER ON CLEANLINESS OF COURTHOUSE - Mr. Vaughan stated he Selt anything coming from an elected or appointed official of this level should be answered by the Chairman rather than by the County Manager, and the matter of cleanliness should be gone into further. ADDRESSING COMMISSIONERS' MAIL BY THE COMPIISSIONERS' OFFICE - Mr. Vaughan stated he preferred "The Hon." be omitted from mail he receives from the Commissioners' Office; he felt it is unnecessary. CIVIL Dr.r'~,~vSE CORRESPONDENCE - Mr. Vau~han suggested a general suggestion be made to cut down on the correspondence the Commissioners receive from this department, because of the time involved in reading it. Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out most of the correspondence consists of reports. 48TH FIGHTER INTERCEPTOR SQ,UADRON AT AIP.PORT - Mr. Vaughan read coPS of letter dated January 2, '19']2, from Col. Jerry 0: Robinette, Chief Plans Group, Office of Legislative Liaison Department of The Air Force, addressed to Senator Helns, in which he stated The Air Force has no plans to inactivate Detach- ment 'I, 48th Fighter Interceptor Squardon in the foreseeable future. There has been concern that the Fire Engine which benefits the Airport might be removed from there. Mr. Vaughan stated Dr. Hooper, who is a close friend of Senator Helms, nanaged to get this letter. By common consent Mr. Vaughan will express thanks for the letter. LETTER FRON HOUSING AUTHORITY OF WILMINGTON Mr. Oxenfeld advised the Board of letter from the Housing Authority of Wilmington indicating that on March 'I6th the Harr3 M. Solomon Towers vaill be dedicated and part of the ceremonies will include placement of a cornerstone vault containing documents pertinent to the Towers, the Authorits and the Community. They are requesting a resolu- tion that can be placed in the vault. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, this resolution be written and pre- sented to the Board at the next meeting for signature. Motion carried unanimously. , ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned at 'I:30 P.M. • Respectfully submitted., Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/i~rg MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANtTARY '18, ~973 - ~~:oo A.M. ASSEMBZY - Special Meeting o£ the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John R. Oxenfeld, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, Vivian S. Wright, Peter R. Davis; County Manager, Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. WAIVER OF NOTICE OF HEARING - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, three day notice required for meeting be waived. Motion carried unanimously.. 1 ~ ~'C'f MINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING, JANUARY '18, ~973 - ~~:oo a.M. (CONTINUED) SUBDIVISION PI,AT. SECTION 41 BAYSHORE ESTATES - This item was discussed at the Commissioners' Regular Meeting on Monday, January '15, ~973• The Commissioners could not take action at that time because one oY the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance is that the plat must be approved by the State Highway Commis- sion and this had not been done. Mr. Johnny Sutton, Staff Planner, furnished the Board today copy of letter from the District Engineer of the State Highway Commissiori advising him the street and street drain- age plans for Section 4, Bayshore Estates, meet the minimum construction standards of the North Carolina State Highway Commission. Mr. Sutton requested the Chairman of the Commissioners be authorized to sign the plan upon receiving signature of the Chairman of the Planning Commission. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the plat be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign after the Chairman of the Planning Commission has signed the plat. Motion carried unanimously. Letter of Irrevocable Credit in amount of $'10,000 was furnished by the developer to cover necessary improvements. Mr. Sutton stated there were complaints concerning drainage at one time but this has been corrected. Mr. Hall stated he felt developer should be responsible for drainage in a development. By common consent it was agreed the Planning Commission be requested to advise the owners of this property that the County Commissioners would be pleased i£ they would come up with a comprehensive drainage plan compatible with the neighbors prior to requestin~ any further plat approvals. Mr. J. B. Hardee, representative of the developer, stated they are in the process of doing this now. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/wg MIN[TTES OF SPECIAL PfEETING, JANUARY 30, ~g~3 - ~2:45 P.M. ASSEMBLY - Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John R. Oxenfeld, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, Vivian S. Wright, Peter R. Davis; County Manager, Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. WAIVER OF NOTICE OF HEARING - Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, three day notice required for meeting be waived. Motion carried unanimously. RESIGNATION OF CHAIRMAN OXENFELD - Mr. John R. Oxenfeld read the following letter announcing his resignation from the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners: "29 January, 1973 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Commissioners: My firm has recently received a number of projects. Unfortunately, the amount of u~y future time that will be required will not allow me to continue to serve as a member of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. It is, there- £ore, with regret that I must submit my resignation, effective 'I2:'15 P.M., Tuesday, 30 January, ~9~3. It has been my pleasure to have served on the Board o£ Commissioners, since I have gained a great deal o£ insight as to the many very time consuming complexities and problems pertaining to the governmental process. I have enjoyed the opportunity of working with you and ma~y others who have been most helpful to me in making the required decisions. ,' I wish you the utmost success in your actions to provide the best possible government that will benefit the majority of the citizens of New Hanover County. Sincerely, John R. Oxenfeld Chairman Board of Commissioners New Hanover County"