1973-02-05 Regular Meeting~~~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 30, ~973 --~2:45 P.M. (CONTINiJED) RESIGNATION OF CHAIRMAN Oxr.~vrEZD (CONTINUED) - Mr. Aall.asked that he reconsider, but Mr. Oxenfeld declined and.vacated the chair. ELECTION OF M. H. VAUGHAN AS Iiv•rr.xIM CHAIRMAN - Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Davis;~Mr. Vaughan be elected as Interim Chair- man until vacancy on board is filled and full board convenes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Vaughan took the chair. SUBMISSION OF NAME FOR FILI,ING VACANCY - Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Chairman, New Hanover County Republican EScecutive Commit- _ tee, appeared before the Board and stated in accordance with the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina prescribing the mechanism of filling this vacancy; the New Hanover County Republican Executive Committee, by unanimous vote on January 29, '1973, nominates Mr. W. Douglas Powell to fill vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Oxenfeld. Mr. Vaughan asked if the Commission wanted to take action. Both Mr. Hall and Mr. Davis stated they preferred waiting until they could give the matter further study and requested action be deferred. Mrs. Wright requested the record show she is satisfied Mr. Powell will make a fine Commission and intends to cast her vote for him. Mr. Davis stated he wished the record show that he had nothing against Mr. Powell and does not question his character but would like time to give the appointment more thought. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt Mr. Powell would make a fine Commissioner but since there are two against and two for, the appointment will have to be delayed, but he hoped the appointment can be made at an early date. Mr. ~laughan pointed out it has to be done within sixty days and expressed hope if all possible decision be reached by February 5th or February '19th. ADJOURT~NT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis•, meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/wg MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman M. H. Vaughan, Commissioners Vivian S. Wright, J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter R. Davis; County Attorney James C. Fox; and Hazel $avage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Mr. Uaughan called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked Mrs. Wright to give the invocation. APPROVAZ OF MINUTES: REGUZAR MEETING, JANUARY '15, ~973 SPECIAZ MEETING, JANtJARY '18, ~973 SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 30, '1973 - The Clerk to the Board stated following correction in minutes of January '15th should be made on Page '7, 5th Line: "...overlays available..." Mrs. Wright requested following corrections in minutes of January '15th: On Page 24, Sixth Paragraph, First Sentence should read: "Mrs. Wright" instead of "Mr. Wright"; On Page 25, Third Paragraph, First Sentence, date should be February 15th instead of February 'Ioth. Mr. Davis stated for clarification he wanted to point out minutes of Special Meeting o£ January 30, ~g~3, do not show that a vote was taken, but some people got the impression there was a vote when there was not. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, minutes of January '15, '18, and 30, ~973, be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF.MEDALLION AND GIFT TO MR. BILL GUTHRIE - Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Hall to make presentation of inedallion on behalf of the County to Mr. Bill Guthrie who is retiring from employment with the County after more than 30 years service. • Mrs. Louise Rehder presented gift to Mr. Guthrie from his co-workers in deepest friendship and appreciation for all the years he has served with them. Mr. Guthrie expressed his thanks for both presentations. DISCUSSION FILLING VACANCY ON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Mr. Vaughan stated the Board~is in receipt of communication from the New Hanover County Republican Executive Committee stating they had by unanimous vote nominated Mr. W. Douglas Powell to fill vacancy created by Mr. ~xenfeld's resignation from the Board. Mr. Vaughan pointed out i£ vacancy is not filled by the remaining members of the Board within sixty days, Clerk of the Court has authorit5 to fill the vacancy. ~~~ MINiTTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUEI~ DISCUSSION FILL7NG VACANCY ON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS'(CONTINUED) - Mr. Vaughan asked if the members are ready to act upon the nomination of Mr. W. Douglas Powell to be County Commissioner. Nrs. Wright stated she was ready. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board defer action at this time. Mr. Davis stated it would be easy for him to say "Yes"; it would take a great deal of pressure off of him which is being more or less exerted that he should accept the dictates of the Republican Party. Mr. Davis stated, as an elected official, he owed his loyalty to the people of the County. Mr. Davis stated he did not feel he could act on the nomination with the limited knowledge he has now. Mrs. Wright stated a week had lapsed since Mr. ~enfeld's resignation and she felt it was very important there be a full Board before looking for a County Manager. Mr. Vaughan pointed out in the case of Mrs. Gause passing away and replacement being necessary on the School Board immediate action was taken on the nomination of the E~ecu- tive Committee of the Democratic Party. Likewise when Dr. Hog~ard's vacancy had to be filled action was taken. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt certain the Republican E~ecutive Committee will make no change in their recommendation, therefore, Mr. Powell is approved or it goes to the Clerk of Superior Court. Mr. Vaughan stated the Clerk of Superior Court is a very responsible person and Mr. Powell is a man who is held in extremely high regard in the community. Mr. Vaughan stated he felt the Clerk of Superior Court would be ver,y hesitant to let any arbi- trary, capricious or petulant £eeling to cause him to make a change in thss recommendation, and he felt the Commissioners should make appointment of Mr. Powell to this Board. Vote was called on Mr. Hall's motion. Mr. Hall and Mr. Davis voted "Aye"; Mr. Vaughan and Nirs. Wright voted "No". Mrs. Wright stated she was supporting Mr. Powell, not only because the Republican E,`xecutive Committee nominated him, but because she felt it was the fair thing to do; he was the next high man in the election and a man of high caliber. She stated she did not feel any of the Board members are qualified to sit in judgment, since the voters ~ave him almost '10,000 votes in the election. PRESENTATION OF PICTURE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THEtTNITED STATES BY rRS. DONNIE REHDER OF THE REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CLUB - Mrs. Donnie Hehder, on behalf of the Republican Women's Club, presented picture of President Richard Nixon to the Board of County Commissioners and requested it be hung in an appropriate place. Mr. Vaughan asked that she express to the Club the Board's appreciation. Mr. Vaughan stated it would be placed in a safe place and when there is a full Board, the Commissioners will decide on an appropriate place to han~ it. HUMAN RELATIONS WEEK - Rev. Rufus Stark, Chairman, Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission, stated he was present to ask support oY the Htiman Relations Week that the Human Relations Commis- sion is co-sponsoring with the Greater Wilmin~ton Chamber of Commerce which is to be held February 'I'I-'18, ~973. Mr. Stark stated the Commission has felt a strong support and en- couragement from the Board of County Commissioners as it has sought to work in New Hanover County toward good human relations. Mr. Stark stated to celebrate some of the advancement they in the County have made in this important way of life they are asking for endorsemerit of a proclamation for this week. Mr. Stark stated it is a state-wide observance. Mr. Robert Dunn, Executive Director of the Human Relations Commission, stated Human Relations Commission, stated Human Relations Week is being sponsored jointly by various organizations and N. C. Council of Churches in North Carolina. A number of`events raill be presented the week oP February 'I'I-'18. On January 22nd the City Council of Wilmington signed a proclamation in support of that week and Mr. Dunn requested the County Commissioners do likewise. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, the Chairman be authorized to sign the pro- clamation and it be made a part of the record. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the proclamation: P R 0 C L A M A T I 0 N "WHEREAS, the North Carolina Association of Human Relations Officials, the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the North Carolina Human Relations Commission, and the North Carolina Council of Churches, this month are jointly sponsoring "Human Relations Week in 1Vorth Carolina" calling atten- tion to man's humanity towards man, requestir~ the reassessment of priorities, encouraging the renewal of State, City, County and Community commitments of working together towards the philosophy of harmony and unity among men; and "4+rir.xr,AS, we must recognize the value of man, his Godgiven right to maintain his dignity as a human being, his constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness re~ardless of race, oolor, religion or national.origin; and ' "Wr~xGAS, It is altogether fitting and appropriate that we adhere to this request on a local level and foster a climate of peace, good will and unity among all our citizens, "NOW, ~rxr,n~,rORE, I, M. H. Vaughan, Chairman of the County Board of Commissioners at New Hanover County, do hereby proclaim February 1'I-'18, ~973 as HUMAN RELATIONS WEEg ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY Se ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) HUMAN RELATIONS 41EEK (CONTINUED) - PROCI,AMATION (CONTINUED) - "in New Hanover County and urge all our citizens to come together in unity, to promote the principles of this week. "IN TE,STIMONY ~REOF, I have set my hand, and have caused to be affixed the Seal o£ the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, this 5th day of February, ~973. M. H. Vaughan Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Attest: Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board SALE OF TAX LIENS ON REAL PROPERTY Mr. Powell, Tax Administrator, stated in accordance with G. S. '105-369 it is necessary for his office to report to the County Commissioners the amount of outstandin~ taxes on real estate at their first meeting in February. At that time the Commissioners shall there- upon order the Tax Collector to sell such tax liens the first Monday in rarch, April, May or June. Mr. Powell requested permission to have tax lien sale on May 7, ~g~3. Mr. Powell listed following outstanding real estate taxes: co,~ty ~402,298.99 Cits 5~0,8~2:33 Kure Beach 4,'JO'7.'13 Wrightsville Beach 25,575•99 Carolina Beach 46,']88.52 Grand Total To Be Advertised #990,~82.96 This,is c~mpared to levy of real estate taxes in amount of $'7,945,275.3'7. This is an 8.6% in uncollected real estate taxes for New Hanover County. Mr. Hall moved, seconded~by ~r. Davis, tax lien sale be authorized on May 7, ~973, as requested by Mr. Powell. Plotion carried unanimously. COMPUTER CONTRACT Mr. Vaughan stated Mr. Oxenfeld appointed a committee to make study of bids on com- puter contract which consisted of Messrs, Hall, Ross, Powell, Bowden and himself. Meeting was held (Mr. Hall was not present) and the committee decided to accept present bid of lowest bidder and to advise the successful bidder of the various conversations concerning possible need of more equipment than they have and also, to advise the other bidders that the committee is going to recommend to the Commissioners bids be received on a three year contract next year. This will put the County in the position of covering all the re- assessment problems and give the successful bidder this year a year's notice to decide what he might want to do in the future about biddin~. Mr. Hall moved, seconded b,y Nrs. Wright, the recommendation of the committee be approved by the Commissioners and bid be awarded to National Data Processin~, Inc. Mr. Vaughan pointed out next ;rear contract will be awarded on a three-year basis at which time the Commissioners must be satisfied that equipment the firm has will not require multiple overlays and that type of thing that the Board has been told will con- tribute to possible errors. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS Mr. Powell stated he had been advised by Mr. Fox that he should bring each request for abatements and refunds to the Board for approval. Mr. Fox stated the law does require that the County Commissioners rebate these taxes and the minutes in each case should re- cord factual backgrcund for the basis of the action of the Commission. Mr. Powell requested abatements and refunds as follows: _ "The following taxpayers listed personal property in Wilmington Township and were charged City Taxes. Request the City Taxes be released as the personal property is not in the City limits. 'I. 1?ipa Industries & Home - request refund of City Taxes in the amount of $6~.80 charged on bill #59763• 2. Mark W. Jones - request abatement of City Taxes in the amount of ~59.30 charged on bill #537~8• Reque'st the following taxes be abated as they have been double charged: . ~ 'i. Annie Batson Walton - taxpayer listed automobile on regular and supplement listing. Request abatement in the amount of $'1.99 for bill ~{6']0'I'I. / ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS (CONTINUED) - 2. I,ewis Auto Sales - building charged on property at 4'12 Dawsori and in Harnett Township, building removed without this office being notified. Request abatement in the amount of $2.'19 for Bill #5480'I. 3. Contemporary Builders - real estate double charged in ~969 with Richard P. 0'Neil. F.equest Bill #38953 in the amount of $'10~.45 be abated. Request the £ollowing taxes be abated due to errors made by this office: 'I. Sneeden, Inc. - 2/'10/'7'I deed transferred three tracts to Su~gs & Harrelson and on15~ two were transferred. The property was divided into lots and is on the books as individual Iots. Request abatement for $2'1.25 on bi11 #9~07. 2. Mrs. Bertha Rothrock - automobile over priced by $80. Request an abatement of $'1.59 for bill #602'16." Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, that the recommendations of the Tax Administra- tor as given in his letter be approved and abatements and refunds be made as specified. Motion carried unanimously, SCHOOL BOAFcD REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUND6 - The County Auditor presented request from the School Board of the following trans£ers: From Re~ular Bud~et 622 - Salaries - ROTC $ 3,900.00 624 - Instructional Materials 5,300.00 62']-'I - Secretaries in Schools 4,900.00 661-'I - Wages of Drivers 9,'100.00 National Defense Education III '13,300.00 ~36,500.00 To Re~ular Bud~et 62'I-622 - Salaries Teachers $36,500.00 Mr. Spencer, Associate Superintendent of Schools, stated transfer is necessary to continue the services of 8 Assistant Principals in the area oi human relations. The Emergency School Assistance Program will be disccntinued as oS January 3'I, ~973, and this transfer will enable the Schools to continue these positions until June 30th. • Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, transfer be approved as requested. Mo~ion carried unanimously. PUBI,IC HEARING: REZONING REQUESTS SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUESTS Ar~vLi~T+ITS TO ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO MOBILE HOME & TFc~1VEL TF~AILER PARK ORDINANCE - Mr,, Vaughan declared Public Hearing npen to consider requests Por rezoning and special ' use per.mit requests; amendments to Zoning Ordinance and Amendmen~s to Mobile Home & Travel Trailer Park Ordinance: Mr. Mallory presented the following requests: Rezonin~ F.equest No, 'I: Property on the north side of Market Street (U. S. Hwy. '1~) approximately 300 feet west of the intersection of Market Street (U..S. Hwy. '17) and U. S. Hwy. '74 being a portion of Lots 8 and 9 of Fisherville Subdivision from B-2 (Business District) to I-'I (Industrial District} in Zoning Area ' No. 9A. Mr. Mallory stated property is near the Hanover House Furniture Store but this is not included in the request. Property is between the Furniture Store and the Church. Mr. Bill Huffine stated the property will be used for a bui2ding supplies estabZishment. No one else wished to be heard on this request. Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends this reguest be approved. Mr. Hall moved, seccnded by Mr. Davis, the request be granted in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and the Planning Department. Motion carried tulanlmously. (Ordinance rezoning this property is contained tin Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 9A, Page 2.J Rezonin~ Request No. 2: Property on the south side of Oleander Drive between Parkway Drive and Iiugh MacRae Park from R-'15 (Single Family District) to B-2 (Business District) in Zoning Area No. 9B. Mr. Mallory stated the P2anning Commission recommends the property be rezoned. Mr. ~allory stated there are two service stations on the parcel of land requested to be re- zoned. Mr. Davis stated this is the one he questioned a few weeks ago. Why when the area was zoned it was not zoned B-2 at the time. Mr. Mallory explained when this area was initia113- zoned it was actually City annexed in sizable area, and the City enacted zonin~ in the one-mile area beyond. Most o£ the property in the one-mile area was zoned under the City's classification as P.-'IA.A which is a residential zone with the understanding that anyone that wanted to that was not making use 9f ~heir land to conform to the P-'IAA could request rezoning of their property. This ~~~ • MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBP.UARY 5, ~973 - 9:0o n.M. (CONTINUE-) PUBLIC HEARING (CCNTINUED) - Rezonin~ Reauest No. 2 (Continued) - did not affect anything that was existing. The things existing that did not conform with the R-~AA zoning rrould continue as a non-conforming use and as long as they did not ex- pand there was no conflict. This continued until the City decided to ~ive up zoning in the one-mile area in July of last year, and the County assumed it. The County Commissioners last year zoned everything that was presently zoned by the City commercial under the County as business. Existing residential under the City was zoned residential under the County. With these guidelines the only thing• the Planning Department could do when it prepared the map was to place the service stations under a residential zone. Mr. Davis stated this is a good example of what happens when we get too much govern- ment doing too much. In this case, the owner of the Exion Station went down to get a building permit to add to the back of his service station. He was told by the Building Inspections Department he would have to get the zoning changed. Mr. Davis stated it has taken him at least six weeks and $25, plus a lot of effort. Mr. Davis felt it was wron~ to charge him the $25 since the service station was there before. Mr. Davis stated he felt too much government is wrong and he is a£raid of bi$ government. This is what happens, the little man gets stepped on. Nir. Fox stated it was not possible to rebate the fee and there is no~way to avoid the fee, even though the Commission feels it should be avoided in the future. ' Mr. Davis stated he felt in the future before any more zoning is done, time should be taken to make sure that existing structures are zoned to conform so that owners wishing to make alterations will not have to go through this time and money process. No one was pre- sent who wished to be heard. Mr. Davis moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, rezoning request be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. (Ordinanee rezoning this property is con- tained in Zoning Ordinanee Book I, Seetion 9B, Page 9.) Mr. Vaughan requested Mr. Mallory advise the Planning Commission the County Commis- sioners are seriously concerned about this situation. Rezonin~ Request No. 3: 50'13 Carolina Beach Road approximately 250 feet south of the intersection of Silver I,ake Road and Carolina Beach Road on the east side of the street from B-2 (Business District) to R-'15 (Single Family District) in Zoning Area No. 4. , Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends approval of this rezoning request. Use of the property will be.for a private lodge. No one present wished to be heard on the matter. ~ Mr. Davis moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the rezoning request be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. (Ordinanee rezoning this property is contained in Zaning Ordinanee Book I, Seetion 4, Page 7..) .Mr. Mallory presented the following special use permit requests: ' 'I. Application for Special Use Permit to use the property at 50'13 Carolina Beach Road approximately 250 feet south of the inter- section of Silver Zake Road and Carolina Beach Road on the east side of the road Yor a private club in Zoning Area No. 4. The Planning Commission recommends the issuance of special use permit subject to the following: 'I. Subject to the map submitted with the application for special use permit and revised as required by the Planning Commission. 2. There be no outside activities between the hours of '10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, the issuance of special use permit be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. Notion carried unanimously. 2. Application for Special Use Permit to use property on the north side cf U. S. Hwy. ~4 (Eastwood Road) approximately 250 feet east of the intersection oi Bretonshire P.oad and U. 8. Hwy. `J4 for a church and church school in Zoning Area 9B. Mr. Mallory stated location is almost across the road from the Duck Haven Golf Course. The Planning Commission recommends approval of issuance of special use per- mit subject to the following: 'I. Subject to the plans submitted with the application for special use permit and revised by the Planning Commission. 2. A drainage plan for the area be approved by the County Engineer. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the issuance of special use permit as recommended by the Planning Commission be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Mallory presented the £ollowing proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of New Hanover County: 'I. Amend Article II, Section 23, Subsection 23-23 to read as follows: 23-23 Mobile Home - Mobile Home means a movable or portable dwelling over thirty-two (32) feet in length and over eight (8) feet wide, constructed to be towed on its own chassis and designed without a permanent foundation for year-round occupancy, which includes one ('I) or more components that can be retracted for towing purposes and subsequently expanded for additional capacity, or of two (2) or more units separately towable but designed to be joined into one ('I) integral unit, as well as a portable dwelling composed of a single unit. 3~1. MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUATtY 5~ ~973 - 9:0o n.M. (CONTINtTED) PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) - Proposed Amendments to the Zonin~ Ordinance of New Hanover Countv (Continued) - 2. Amend Article II, Section 23, Subsection 23-40 to read as follows: 23-40 Travel Trailer - A vehicular portable unit, mounted on wheels, of such size or weight as not to require special.hi~hway•move- ` ment permits when drawn by a motorized vehicle; primarily de- signed and constructed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational camping, or travel use; and of a body width of no more than thirty-tvro (32) feet when factory equipped for the road. Mr. Mallory stated that these requests for amendments to the County Zoning Ordinance are being made at the request of the County Building Inspector in order that the definition for these two uses in the County Zoning Ordinance will coincide with the State Building Code. The Planning Department recommended approval of both amendments. 3. Amend Article II, Section 23, Subsection 23-42 by adding the following: "and further provided that accessory buildings may be permitted in the required side and rear yards provided such accessory buildings are at least five (5) feet from the property line and do not encroach into any required easements." Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends approval of this addition to the County Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Mallory explained that at present in the R-'15 District, the Zoning Ordinance requires a 20 foot rear yard and a'10 foot side yard. He said this was also recommended by the County Building Inspector. 4. Amend Article Y; Section 52, Subsection 52-4 by adding the following: (']) The Building Inspector may grant a ten ('10) percent variance for minimum lot area and minimum lot width for lots of record established after the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance within the R-'15 District that are served by a community water system approved by the New Hanover County Health Department. Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends approval o£ this request. This is also the request of the Building Inspector. Mr. Mallory stated this affects the F.-'15 P,esid.ential District only. Mr. Mallory stated there have been problems where the developers have indicated when they brought their subdivision plans through, the3~ thou~ht their minimum lot size was going to be '15,000 square feet which would be conforming with the R-15 requirement; however, in doin~ the final computation sometimes a 1ot may wind up at '14,750 square.feet which is very close but according to the way the ordinance is written if this is a lot that was established after the area was zoned, the Building Inspector cannot give any variance and with a water system the Planning Commission thought it would be in order for the Building Inspector to handle these minor cases without them having to go tb-~the Zoning Board of Ad~ustment for an answer. Mr. Davis raised question of what would happen if a district contained all '13,500 square foot lots and suggested a provision should be made requiring that 95% of all lots be '15,000 square feet before granting a'10'~ variance. Mr. Mallory stated if this is the case the Planning Department would not approve tlie plat submitted. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, the proposed amendments be made to the Zoning Ordinance.of New Hanover CountS~ as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Mallory presented the following proposed amendments to the New Hanover County Mobile Home and Trailer Park Ordinance: 'I. Amend Section IV, Subsection 4.4(3) to read as follows: .~ C3) Mobile Home - Mobile Home means a movable or portable dwelling over thirty-two (32) feet in length and over eight (8) feet ~ wide, constructed to be towed on its own chassis and designed without a permanent foundation for year-round occupancy, which ,.. . includes one ('I) or more components that can be retracted for ~_,;''%~., towing purposes and subsequently expanded for additional capacit~, ~:.. or of two (2) or more units separately towable but designed to be ~ joined into one ('I) integral unit, as oaell as a portable dwelling composed of a single unit. 2. Amend Section N, Subsection 4.4(9) to read as follows: Travel Trailer - A vehicular pcrtable unit, mounted on wheels, of such size or weight as not to require special highway movement permits when drawn by a motorized vehicle; primarily designed and constructed to provide temporary living quarters for recrea- tional, camping, or travel use; and of a body width of no more than ei ht (8) feet and a body length of no more than thirty- two (32~ feet when factory equipped for the road. Mr. Mallory stated these two amendments are the same wording as the amendments just approved in the Zoning Ordinance of New Hanover County and would make the two ordinances , uniform. The Planning Commission recommends these amendments be approved also. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, these two amendments be approved also. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Vaughan declared public hearing closed. ~~~ e~ s.a.~ i MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, ~9~3 - 9:0o n.M. (CONTINUED) PRESENTATIOn_REVISED°AIRPOR~' HEIGHT ZONTNG~;ORDINANCE - Mr. Mallory stated in December the Board oi' Commissioners held a public hearing on the proposed Airport Height Zoning Ordinance which would regulate the height of structures. The conclusion that was reached after the public hearing was that this ordinance should be reconsidered and possibly altered in several places. Since that time a committee composed of two County Commissioners, two Airport Commissioners, two Planning Commissioners, the staff'of the Airport:Manager,rand the Planning Department have gone through the ordinance and made changes. Mr. Mallory presented revised proposed draft of the ordinance to the Commissioners and requested the Commissioners set a date for another public hearing on this ordinance. Mr. Mallory suggested having hea"ring':at.first meeting in March which will be on the 5th of March, ~g73. This will provide time for required advertising. Mr. Davis moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, Public Hearing be held at regular meeting of the Board on March 5, ~973• Motion carried unanimously. RELEASE OF PORTION OF BOND - FIGURE 8 ISLAND - Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Department is holding some cashier's checks from Figure 8 Company as guarantee the~ do some work in their subdivision so they could re- cord their final maps. They have done some of the work and are requesting that certiYied checks (No. 0'16047 and 0'144'18 NCNB) for ditch fine gradings in Sections 8, 9, ~6 and '1~ in the amount of $3,500 and in Sections 'I'I, '12, and '13 in amount of $'1,824, total $5,334.00 be returned. Mr. Malloxg stated the County Engineer has checked the work and it is to his satisfaction. The Planning Department has a memo from the County Engineer recommending that checks be released. Mr. Mallory requested the Auditor be authorized to release these two checks in these amounts for these improvements since they have been installed to the satisfaction of the Count~~. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, the checks in the amount of $5,334.00 be re- turned to Figure Eight Island Company as recommended by Mr. Mallory and the County Engineer. Motion carried una,nimously. TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR ARCHITECT'S FEES - RENOVATION aF FOUPTH FLOOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES BUILDING - Mr. &oss stated in considering the bids for renovation of the fourth floor of the Social Services Building inadvertently the Architect's fees were left out. Fees amount to '10'/0 of the contract price which amounts to approximately #']200. The Social Services were under the impression this item was ~oin~ to be budgeted in the Commissioner's portion of the budget, and it was not so done, so the entire amount needs to be transferred. Mr. Ross recommended transPer be made from federal portion of the cost of building the Juvenile Detention Facility. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, $']200 be transferred from the Juvenile Detention Facilit5 Building Fund to Architect Fee for the Social Services Building. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - JWENILE SERVICES Cr~iv~rr;R - P.equest from Mr. Knopf was presented for trans£er of $54'I from General Fund to Ac- • count 'I'1.633, Office Supplies, Juvenile Services Center. The $54'I represents evaluation fees of $'10 each paid by parents for this service. • Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. TBANSFER OF FUNDS - JAII, - Hequest for appropriation in amount of $343.50 to replace hot water heater in Jail was presented. Mr. Ross recommended funds come £rom Building & Maintenance Account in the Courthouse. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, transfer.be approved as requested. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER ~F FUNDS - DEPARTMFNT OF SOCIAI, ~'tEHABTL'ITATION AND CONTROL - Appropriation in the amount of $2,2'I'1.4'1 to cover bill from the Department of Social I?ehabilitation for housing prisoners during interim time between appeals and the hearing was requested by the Auditor. Discussion was held on possible relief County may get on such bills. B9 common con- sent Mrs. Savage was requested to contact the North Carolina Association of County Commis- sioners to determine whether any legislation or bill has been dra£ted for submission to the Legislature to alleviate this situation. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, bill be paid, funds coming from Unanticipated Revenue from the ~969 tax levy as recommended by Mr. Ross. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - AIRPORT EASEMENTS - Request from Mr. Westbrook was presented for appropriation in amount of $8,000 for court costs, witnesses, appraisals, surveys, and tree removal cost in connection with obtaining a line of sight easements from several people. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Vaughan, appropriation be made, funds to come from ex- cess of revenue from the construction o£ the Juvenile Services Center as recommended by Mr. Ross. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF TAX RATIO - Messrs. Cromartie and Halterman, City Councilmen, and representatives from the Beaches were present for the discussion. Mr. Herbert Fisher of the Taxpayers' Association requested the restoring of the 50% valuation. Mr. Fisher stated the taxpayers had been promised in ~959 if they voted for the 'i% sales tax '100'~ valuation would 'not be placed on property owners. Mr. Fisher objected to the change which gave the City the tool with which to increase their tax rate. '~-_'~,~! ~ ~~p) MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, ~973 - 9~0o a.M. (CONTIivu~,L) DISCUSSION OF TAX RATIO (CONTINUED) - Mr. Roger Ellis of the State Board of Assessment stated under the new fiscal control act t2ie cities and towns are authorized to levy their tax rates on the appraised value of property as though no assessment ratio existed. Until this act was passed the City was bound to $'I.50 regardless of the ratio. Now, for example, on a 50'~ ratio the':City and special taxing dis- tricts can levy a$3.00 tax rate. . Mr. Vaughan stated it now does not make any difference whether you have a 50'~ or '100% tax ratio. Also, there is a bill in the legislature providing that the '100% ratio will go into effect in all counties. Mr. Fisher spoke next on the Developer's consideration. Mr. Vaughan stated he had copy of letter from Henry Levais of the Institute of Government, stated according to law there is no basis for developer's consideration. Mr. Hall expressed concern over persons selling by metes and bounds if this were removed. Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Jack Perdue, President of the Realtors' Board, to speak on the 50'~0 valuation. Mr. Perdue declined saying he was not prepared. Mrs. Wright moved the developer's consideration be removed from the tax billing, which will go out in September, effective this year's taxes. Mr. Powell stated this would not create a problem. Mr. Hall reiterated this will cause the developer to retreat to selling by metes and bounds and the County might get involved in a hodgepodge of individual lots rather than a development. Mr. Perdue was requested to see what he can develop and come before the Board later. Mrs. Wright withdrew her motion with understanding Board will discuss item at next meeting. Mr. Fisher stated from the discussion he was not sure whether the Board is going to con- sider the 50%-'100% tax ratio question. Mr. Vaughan stated it was his understanding the Board has dismissed any further consider- ation on the question at the present time because it is irrelevant to the existing laws. Mr. Powell stated it was necessary to have motion as to whether it is to be 50'/0 or '100'~. Mrs. Wright suggested postponing this until next meeting. Meeting recessed at 'I'1:05 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 'I'I:20'A.M. DISCUSSION OF SICK LEAVE OF ARNOLD MINTZ - It was explained that Mr. Mintz had transferred from his job in the Courthouse to the Health Department and through some misunderstanding his sick leave pay was not transferred. After discussion Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, that Mr. Mintz's departure from one department of the County to another department be considered without a break in service record. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Davis requested check be made on other people who have transferred and determine if this is the case with them. By common consent Mrs. Savage was requested to check into the matter and advise the Commis- sioners with regard to number o£ days, etc. STATUS OF COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE - Mr. Vaughan advised the Board he came to the office on the morning of February 'Ist and advised the group in the office that Mrs. Savage was in charge of the office until the Com- missioners advised her otherwise. By common consent the Commissioners agreed to Mr. Vaughan's action. SALE OF CITY-COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY - Discussion was held on offer made by Mr. A. V. Saffo to purchase corner of South 'I']th • and Marsteller Streets owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, approximate dimensions '132' x ~55' for the sum of $'14,480.00. Mr. Davis cited pieces of property in the same vicinity are £or sale at a very much higher figvre than the price offered for this. Mr. Davis stated he felt strongly if the County is going to sell property, it should fully advertise so everyone in town can be made aware that the property is for sale if they care to bid. By common consent the Commissioners agreed on this. ' Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, action be taken to get the highest price possible for this property. Motion carried unanimously. INITIATION AND DEVEIAPMENT GRANT PRaPOSAL - MENTAL HEALTH - Mr. Homer Davis, Uhairman oi Lne Mental Health Advisory Board, and Mr. John Metts, member oY the same board, were present for this discussion. Mr. Homer Davis stated application they have prepared is just one step at this time. The purpose is to design plan, organize resources and initiate action for comprehensive communit~ mental health center services for the three county area, Area 4-'I, Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties. Purpose will be reached by assessing local needs, obtaining local financial assistance, assessing and developing local technical assistance and promoting community in- volvement and support. Out of this effort a comprehensive mental health center, construction and staffing grant application will be completed. This is the method the Mental Health Board has been advised that they must go in order to reach ultimate goal of comprehensive mental health center, which is planned in the near future on the site of the New Aanover Memorial ~R 3~~~ MIN[JTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) INITIATION AND DEVEI,OPMENT GRANT PROPOSAL - MENTAL HEALTH (CONTINUED) - Hospital. The application today is for funds but does not involve community funds to pre- pare the construction and staffing grant application which will take approximately one year to complete. Mrs. Wright stated if the County goes through with this procedure, New Hanover County loses its position as the Mental Health Authority. There will be a regional three-county Mental Health Authority. This Board will no longer be the Mental Health Authority. Mrs. Wright stated this concerns her because she felt the Countg would be getting into some- thing like the Council of Governments which in her opinion has reached a ridiculous point. Mrs. Wright feels it is one more step away from local control that could be avoided at this point if New Hanover County pays for it themselves. Mrs. Wright stated she would support any kind of bond issue that the Board feels necessary for ar~y amount brought up. Mr. Metts stated this is only a study for recommendations and if the Board does not like the recommendations, that is when opposition will be taken. By signing this appli- cation this does not say that the Board is going to do anything. Mr. Vaughan stated others shared Mrs. Wright's concern, but he would personally like to see the study go through. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, that the Board endorse the application and the chairman be authorized to sign. Motion carried three to one. Mrs. Wright voted "No" for the reasons stated. ' RESOZUTION - THE HARRY M. SOIAMON TOWERS - Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. $all, the following resolution be adopted and the Commissioners authorized to sign it. Motion carried unanimously. "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA "COUNTY OF NE4J HANOVER RESOI,UTION "wri.r,n.r.AS, the Harry M. Solomon Towers have been erected for the low income elderly citizens of New Hanover County, and "wt~;icr;AS, the Harry M. Solomon Towers have been made a thing of beauty for New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington and, "Wnr,x~;AS, New Hanover County is proud of the Harry M. Solomon Towers, . and considers it a great asset to the County, and its citizens, "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that New Hanover County recognizes the Harry M. Solomon Towers dedication in this formal Resolution, to be included in the contents of the cornerstond vault at the Harry M. Solomon Towers, this '16th day of February, '1973- "This resolution adopted the 5th day of February, '19'73 by the New Aanover County Board o£ Commissioners. Chairman Member Member Member Member P R 0 C L A M A T I 0 N "WF~REAS, the Nation looks to its engineers for the application of science, skill, training and experience in meeting our serious national problems; and "Wf~REAS, as an era of unmatched progress generates new problems for societ9, man's demand for an environment tailored to his needs grows ever more intense. To meet this demand will require all of the engineering talent we can possibly mobilize; and "WI~REAS, we owe much to the members o£ the engineering profession who have pioneered, developed and brought to fruition many of the vast benefits to our economic, industrial and social we31-being through the protection to life, health and property, in developing of agricultural, petroleum and mineral resources, ways and means of transportation, power, water, light, sanitation, and communi- cations systems, and conservation of natural resources; and PROCI~AMATION DESIGNATING WEEg OF FEBRUARY '18-24 ENG11v~~xS' WEEK - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Chairman be authorized to sign proClama- tion. Motion carried unanimously. Proclamation is as follows: ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING WEEK OF FEBRUARY '18-24 ENGIivr.r„tcS' WEE% (CONTINUED) - ' . "Proclamation:(Continued) "WHEREAS, it is fitting that we set aside a week of acknowledging and commemorating the important role of the Professional Engineer in American Life, "NOW, THEREFORE, I, M. Fi. Vaughan, Chairman of the County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, do hereby proclaim the week of February '18 - 24, '19'73 as ENGIiv~~;xS' WEEK in New Hanover County, North Carolina, and urge our people to become better acquainted with their outstanding advances in the many fields of en~ineerin~. Given under my hand this fifth day of February, one thousand, nine hundred and seventy-three (s) M, H. Vaughan Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Attest: PETITION TO GOVEE~.NOR AND OTFIERS - IMPROVII"~NTS U. S. HIGHWAY 1'17 - Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by r. Davis, the Board endorse petition seeking needed im- provement for Highway 1't7 and the Chairman be authorized to write the Governor, the Secretary o£ Transportation and the Highway Commissioner advising them of the Board's action. Motion carried unanimously. CAPE FEAR TECH BOND ISSUE - PARTICIPATION OF SURROUNDING COUNTIES - Mr. vaughan stated no reply had been received 1'rom Pender and Brunswick Counties which the former Chairman wrote inviting them to consider participation in the Yuture on the cost of maintenance of the Cape Fear Technical Institute as well as Capital improvements for the Institute insofar as their Counties' students participate. PARKING - NEW HANOVER MEMORIAZ HOSPITAL - Mr. Davis asked for explanation on parking at the New Hanover Memorial Hospital; he has been receiving complaints. Mr. Fozc explained the County.owns the property but it is under the jurisdiction of the City. Mr. Hall stated due to parking problems it is necessary regulations be enforced. Mr. Vaughan stated it is poor].y planned; hospital does not have facilities to handle outgoing patients and suggested having a holding place with a covered driveway to pick them up. By common consent it was agreed the Chairman write the hospital that the Board is con- cerned about the traffic situation insofar as the facilities of discharged patients are con- cerned and ask them what they might propose to do to alleviate this condition. APPOINTME.NT AND DELETION ~ERS TO CAROLINA BEACH PLANNING AND ZOIJING COMMISSION - Letter was presented from Mayor Richard B. Kepley requesting the following persons be eliminated from the Carolina Beach Planning and Zoning Commission because of some confusion causing the appointment of ten members instead of five: Mrs. Juanita Dale Mr. Earl Klutz Mr. I. V. Shaver Mrs. W. R. Batson Mr. Lehman WooB Mayor 8epley requested the Commissioners appoint the following members to serve on the Commission to replace two members who have resigned: Mr. Arthur McKee to replace Mr. Cliff Smith and Mr. Eli Couri to replace Mr. George Sleeman. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, recommendations contained in Mayor gepley's letter of January 'I'1, ~973, concerning changes in the Carozina Beach I'lanning & Zoning Com- mission be approved. Motion carried unanimously. DEMOLITION - JAMES WA7~KER HOSPITAL - Mr. Ross stated letter from Mr. Epling to Mr. Bowden dated January 24, '19'73, indicated if low bid of ~23,260 is awarded to complete demolition o£ the James Walker Hospital sum of $5,560 will need to be transferred. Mr. Vaughan asked whether the Board was going to permit Mr. Hooks to complete the reno- vation he had started or award contract to Rike Wrecking Co., In.c. s~ ~~~ ,~ MINUTES OF MEETING, F~;tsxuARY 5, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) DEMOLITION - JAMES WALSER HOSPITAL (CONTIivu~L) - Nir. Epling, County Engineer, stated during the past several months he had written Mr. Hooks several letters and called him on the phone and had been very much abused over the phone and had had no direct response to the letters requesting that he get in opera- tion. Mr. Hooks was advised that the County would be and were seeking another contractor to clean the site. Mr. Hooks' certificate of insurance has expired; the County is in a liable condition by the condition o£ the site. Mr. Epling reported he has not been able to get Mr. Hooks to go forward with any equipment. Mr. Hooks has claimed on several oc- casions due to family illness and other problems with equipment and personnel; he simply had not had time, but he had had time to accomplish some $34,000 worth of demolition work within the City based on permits issued through the City Building Inspection Office. Mr. Vaughan suggested the Board appoint Mr. Hall and him to have a discussion with Mr. Hooks. Mr. Fox stated he understood Mr. Hooks has breached his contract and has failed to perYorm, and the Board is empowered to obtain someone else to perform the job, and Mr. Hooks would be responsible for the di£ference in what the County would have paid him and what the County actually pays out; the damage caused by his breach if the County wants to pursue it. Mr. Fox stated, in his opinion, the County has grounds for breaking the con- tract. If the case stays in District Court, Mr. Fox was of the opinion the County would come out ahead but if Mr. Hooks should counter sue, it would be difficult to predict out- come, because he does not know what his allegations would be. Mr. Vaughan stated if it can be settled by Mr. Hooks completing the job everyone will be better of£. By common consent the Board agreed for Mr. Hall and Mr. Vaughan to meet with Mr. Hooks to discuss the matter. Mr. Hall stated reason for awarding contract to Mr. Hooks was due to the fact that Mr. Hooks stated if he were given longer time to complete job, he could salvage more material which would affect his bid. NEW ACCOUNTING SYSTEM - Mr. Ross presented sample of budget format which he proposes to pursue. Mr. Ross stated he does not plan to show names of personnel in listing salaries but he,intends to have this information as a supplement and made available to the Commissioners. Mrs. Wright inquired how much detail would be in the bud~et on the schools and it was a$reed Mr. Ross show her how the budget will look insofar as the school budget is concerned. Mr. Ross requested he be given clear understanding as to the direction he is to pro- ceed, because time does not allow too much leeway. Information should be posted by the end of February. By common consent it was agreed Mrs. Wright look the proposed budget over, and if satisfactory arrangements cannot be worked out, she will.notify the Board. Mrs. Wright stated it is a policy decision on how much information the Board wants; what she really vaants is full line item information from the schools, Cape Fear Tech, individual's salaries, etc. Mr. Ross stated as Treasurer of the School System he intends to insist on two things: (1) a line item budget for each one of their funds and (2) periodic reports to see that they are adhering to their line item budgets. The Board expressed desire to pass on all transfers. Mr. Ross was of the opinion the governing Board is making a lot of work for itself by insisting on transferring every transfer and suggested if the Board does not wish to approve budget by departments it might be well to set a limit on what the Board wishes to pass on. This will be decided at budget time. FREII`1AN BEACH - Mr. Hall stated he is presenting letter from Mr. Frank C. Hill who has for sometime been losing land to the sea and apparently no one knows what to do about it. By common consent it was agreed the Board appoint Mr. Hall to discuss the matter with the Corp of Engineers. REQUEST OF A.B.C. OFFICERS - The State A.S.C. Officers housed in the Courthouse requested that the ones stationed in the police building be permitted to move in with them. By common consent it was agreed trans£er of the A.B.C. Officers now in the police building move to the A.B.C. offices in the Courthouse be permitted. COMPLAINT OF CITIZEId REGARDING ELECTRICAI, SERVICES - Mr. Epling stated the County has form for builders and electricians to sign to have power turned on before completion o£ building or electrical portion of the building. At Wrightsville Beach there is not as tight control as in the Count9 to ~et a plumbing final and they want power previous to finalizing the building and electrical portion. Mr. Epling stated this form was inadvertently passed to people where it was not necessary to have a plumber sign it. Error has been corrected, and Mr. Smith was so advised by Mr. Bowden. APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE - FAMIZY PLANNING TASK FORCE - Sy common consent the following persons were appointed to serve on the Family Planning Task Force: A County Commissioner will.be named later to serve. ,~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 5~ ~973 - R~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) APPOIivi~i~v~' COMMITTEE - FAMILY PLANNING TASK FORCE (CONTINUED) - ~ Plame Group Reoresentin.~ Miss Lela Moore Hall Dr. Joseph Knox Mr. John Wilson Mr. Carter Newsome Dr. John Ormand Mrs. Margaret Williams Mr. Dan W. Morton Mrs. W. T. (J.odie) Smith Mrs. Janice Brooks Mr. David Christman Dept. of Social Services Health Department Mental Health Center Board of Education Medical Society - OB GYN Health Planning Council Cape Fear United Way Community at Large Family Planning Consumer New Hanover Memorial Hospital APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE - NORTH CAROI,INA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COP~1`1ISSIONERS - By common consent it was agreed Mr. Peter R. Davis be appointed to the Political Action Committee of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. SHERIFF REQ,UEST - TRANSFER OF DEPUTY TO DETECTIVE DIVISION - Sheriff Millis requested one additional position be authorized in the Detective Division which would be £illed by transferring a uniformed deputy at an annual salary of $']848 to the Detective Division at an annual salary of $8220. Funds are available in their current budget as their overall quota is below that authorized this fiscal year. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Sheriff be permitted to make this change. Motion carried unanimously. MECKLENBURG COUNTY REQUEST SUPPORT OF KINDERGARTENS - Sy common consent it was agreed to put this item on Agenda for discussion with some- one from the School Board at a later date. USE OF SUPERIOR COIIEtT ROOM - Request from BAHA'I Faith Church requesting use of the Superior Court Room in connection with Human Relations Week was discussed. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Vaughan consult with Mr. Dunn, Human Relations Director, and if he could assure himsel£ there would be no embarrassment or criticism of other groups then it would be permitted. Mr. Vaughan did this later in the day and per- mission was given for the use of the room. ERIC HILL ASSOCIATES - Notice was given that final dra£t of the Governmental Complex Study will be forthcoming Monday or Tuesday. Copy will be made available to the newspapers immediately upon receipt. MEETING OF DISTRICT V~ NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION - The County Commissioners aavisea tiney will be unable to attend meeting which will be held 4:00 P.M. on February '15, ~973, at the John T. Hoggard High School. PRIORITIES - Mr. Vaughan stated Mr. Oxenfeld met with the Planning Staff a little before he left and was told they were going to have a meeting February '13th of all County department heads to explain to them what kind of a forward looking capital planning and maintenance financial planning they would like indicated to them, so that the County can budget ahead for the t~~pe of thing. Mr. Vaughan requested all County Commissioners be furnished material pertaining to this. HARBOR MASTER - After discussion on the duties of the Harbor Master and fees, by common consent it was agreed the Chairman investigate the matter as an individual and not on behalf of the Commis- sion. BUDGET PRIORITIES - Mr. Vaughan requested permission to write on behalf of the Board the schools, hospital and technical institute that by the first meeting in March the Board would like to have a five-year joint capital outlay and maintenance budget needs. Mr. Vaughan stated what the Plannin~ Department is projecting is for use after the coming bud~et session; they don't think they can possibly get it together in time for this budget. Mr. Hall suggested in the absence of this information, the Board proceed in establishing in its own opinion what is needed as a preliminary sinking fund. By common consent the Board agreed Mr. Vaughan write letter. NEWSPAPER ARTICI~E REGARDING CHANGE IN PERSONNEL - Clr. Hall caiiea ac~eucion to newspaper article to the effect two other tbp administra- tive officials have been told to look for other jobs within the next few months. The Board was unanimous in denying the statement. AMBULANCE STUDY - Mr. Davis called attention to the fact no action had been taken on the Ambulance Study. By common consent this will be put on Agenda £or February '19th. SURVEYORS' LETTER - Mr. Davis called attention to the fact no action had been taken on the letter received recently from,the Surveyors. By common consent this will be put on the Agenda for February '19th and the surveyors will be invited to attend. ~ ~~a~ .MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, ~973 - 9~0o a.M. (CONTINUED) OPEN LETTER FROM MARY 0. THOMPSON, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL, HUMAN RELATIONS TO COMMUNITY LEADERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY - By common consent this will be discussed at the February '19th meeting. ENTRANCE ROAD TO HUG13 MACRAE PARK - By common consent item will be discussed at the February '19th meeting. JUVENII,E SERVICES CENTER - ' By common consent, at Mr. Vaughan's suggestion, it was agreed to write Mr. Ronald Knopf letter commending him on his services and the system at this facility. ABC~REHABII,ITATION FUNDS - By common consent item will be discussed at February '19th meeting. CIVIL Dr,r~N3E AGENCY REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TIME A21I~OWANCE FOR Tf~ DIRECTOR - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, the request for additional time allowance in amount of ~3~83 from July 'I, '19']2, be approved. Reason for request is due to fact one employee works fewer hours and Mr. Harriss makes up for part o£ this time. No addi- tional funds will be required. A savings is reflected in amount of ~~393, dif£erence in the employee's previous hours and Mr. Harriss' additional hours. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, meeting adjourn at 2:00 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, (Mrs.),Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/wg MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY '15, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. ASSEMBLY - Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman M. H. Vaughan, Commis= sioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter R. Davis, Mrs. Vivian 6. Wright; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. WAIVER OF NOTICE OF HEARING - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, three day notice required for meetir~ was waived. Motion carried unanimously. FILLING OF VACANCY OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. wright, that the vacancy on the Board be filled by Mr. W. Douglas Powell. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. James G. Mcgeithan, Clerk of Superior Court, administered oath of o£fice to Mr. Powell. • TIME OF ivr.x~l~ REGULAR MEETINGti FEBRUARY '19~ 'Iq73 - Request Qf Mr: Davis for meeting to be held at 8:00 A.M. because he had to leave early was discussed. By common consent it was a~reed to hold meeting at this time. ADJvutuvrlENT - There being no further business to come before the Board meetin~ was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/wg NINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY '19~ ~973 - 8:0o A.M. ASSEMBLY - ~ The regular semi-montlily meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman M. H. Vaughan, Commissioners Vivian S. Wright, J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter R. Davis, W. Douglas Powell; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Attorney, James C. Fox, was absent. INVOCATION - Mr. Vaughan called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked Mr. Hall to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, ~973 SPECIAL MEETING, FE$RUARY 20, '1973 - Mr. Davis requested following corrections to minutes of February 5, ~973~ ~ Page '13, last paragraph, first sentence should read': "Mr. Homer Davis..."; On Page '14, last paragraph, first sentence should read; "Mr. Davis...".