1973-02-26 Special MeetingMINUTES OF MEETING, F'EBRUARY 19, 19'73 - 8:00 A.M. (CONT.uvu~L) PARTICIPATION OF PARTICIPATING COUNTIES IN E1trr~vLli•utcr~S OF CAPE:~FEAR TECH -. •. . By common consent it was agreed Mr. Vaughan write the participatin$ counties again asking if they care to share in the expense of this facility: CAPE FEAR TECH'S RE9UEST FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNA~ruttr; ON FORMS - Mr. Vaughan advised Board he had been requested to sign £orms furnished by Cape.Fear Tech which he does not understand. • By common consent it was agreed Mr. Vaughan ask Mr. McZeod to appear be£ore the Board and explain the forms. ADJ~uiuvi'fII~TT - There being no 1lxrther business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Powell, the meeting adjourn, time being 2:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/wg&lk MINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1973 - 9:0o A.M. ASSEMBLY - Special Meeting of the Idew Hanover County Commi.ssioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman M. H. Vaughan, Commissioners Vivian S. Wright, Peter R. Davis, W. Douglas Powell; County Attorney James C. Fox; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., was absent. INVOCATION - ~ Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order and asked Mrs. Wright to give the invocation. DEVEIAPER'S CONSIDERATION Meeting was called to discuss Developer's Consideration. Some of the Commissioners felt that the legal opinions with regard to developer's consideration indicate that it is not legal and the County cannot afford to carry it on, and that the Board is personally responsible to the ta~rpayers if the developer's consideration is carried on. Mr. Fox stated in his opinion, there is no basis in the law £or the developer's consideration. Question was a'sked on how the different percentages were arrived at in figurin~ developer's consideration. Mr. Raymond Blake, County Appraiser, stated frankly he did not know, but he did know on property located further in the woods more was allowed and on lots approximately 35%• Mr. Blake felt every parcel of land should be up to mai~ket value and hoped this would be the case by 1975• Mr. Bruce Cameron spoke opposing the Commissioners removing the developer's consideration saying it not ~ust affects subdivision owners.but af£ects tlie whole Count9. Mr. Cameron felt if such lands are raised to their flill market value by doing away with the consideration, it would force people to rush into developing and the County would be the loser. Mr. Bill Huffine, Vice-President and Director, i;iilmington Board o£ Realtors, stated the Real Estate Board had not discussed the developer's consideration issue in any detail, but he felt it would be a mistake to remove the Developer's consideration. Mr. Raiford Trask called attention to the fact land does not have to be recorded as plats on record, it can be sold by metes and bounds. Mr. 3ierbert Fisher, President of the Taxpayers' Association, stated his. group was in favor of one fair ratio and reguested the consideration be removed. Mr. Vaughan stated the Board is caught in a legal trap and whether the legislators will come through with any help he did not know. Mr. Fox stated the current law provides all land is to be valued at the £air market value. I£ it is a large tract and there is iaoods land, the value per acre would be much less than the value of land that has been cut into lots and streets. Mr. Fox stated if you impose a tax burden on vacant:.land, you are going to compel owners to put it to use which removes the large green belts. Mrs. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Powe11, that the, Developer's Consideration be removed. Motion carried unanimously, £our Commissioners.present votin~ "Aye." Mr. Vaughan asked the record show that, in the opinion of the Board, Mr. Hall would have voted "No" had he been present according to his past sentiments. It was the consensus of the Commissioners present at this meeting that they wish to have all assessments based on value of consideration without any arbitrary reductions. Mr. Vaughan assured those present that the Commissioners will go back and exhaust every e££ort to see i£ some adjustment can be made. Mr. Vaughan stated the State Board o£ FJ~ e l p rutvu~r~S OF SPECIAL MEETING, F'EBRUARY 26, 1973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) DEVE7APER'S ~f1NSIDERATION (CONTINUED~ - Assessments had ltnown about the pracbice for years bu't had never ind'icated it was 1'sgally risky. Indications are that 1'ocal citizens had threatened a lawsuit against the County if the Developer's Consideration remains in effect. ADNSTMENT OF SA7~ARIES IN SHFRIFF' G AEPARTMENT - Mr. Vaughan advised the-~oard~personnel in the Sheriff's Department had received promotions last July but had not received the increase in pay. By common consent the Board agreed Mr. Vaughan be authorized to adjust sa7.aries in the Sheriff's Department. SITE FOR GO~IFRNMENT COMPLEX - Discussion'was held on possible site in the northern section of the City which the Redevelopment Commission has for sale. They now possibly have a sale for a portion of what the County had been consi@ering. Mr. Davis was of the opinion ~he Redevelopment Commission should be advised the County is still interested in the si~e. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Vaughan advise the Red.evelopment Commission that one or more County Commissioners is still interested. ADJuuturi~NT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mrs. Wright moved, secottded by Mr. Davis, meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimouslq. Respectfully submitted, Haze2 Savage Clerk ~o the Board HS/lk `MINITTES OF MEETING, MARCH 5, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. ASSENIDLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman M. H. Vaughan, Commissioners Vivian S. Wright, J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter R. Davis, W. Douglas PowelZ; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION-- Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order and asked Rev. John D. Barringer, Pastor, Kure Memorial Zutheran Church, to give the invocation. , APPROVAI, OF MINUTES: REGULAR r~r,•rING, FEBRUAT{Y 'i9TH SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 26TH - Mxs. Wright requested following corrections be made to minutes of Februarg 'Iqth: On Page '10, last paragraph should read: "After further discussion, vote was called on motion. Vote was tied two to two; Mrs. Wright and Mr. Vaughan voting 'Aye'; Mr. Powell and Mr. fiall voting 'No'." , On Page '11, fifth paragraph from bottom, last sentence should read: "Motion died for lack of a second." Mr. Vaughari asked if Mr. Hall concurred in the fourth paragraph of minutes of February 26th, since he was absent at tYiis meeting. Mr. Vaughan had requested the record show that Mr. Hall would have voted "No" had he been present on the motion to remove the Developer's Consideration. Mr. Hall stated this is what he would have done had he been present and he was agreeable to having the record so show. Mr. Vaughan stated he would Iike for the minutes of February 26th show under the heading "Developer's Consideration" it was the consensus of the Commissioners present at this'meeting that they wish to have all assessments based on value of consideration without any arbitrary percentage reductions. Mr. Davis moved, seconded by Mrs. Wright, minutes of Febxuary '19th and 26th be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSBION ON .LENGTH (1F MTNtTTFS !1F r.OI~II"IISSIONERS' MEETINGS - Mr. Davis stated he felt~'the~minutes should be as detailed as possitile because they will be here for a long time and shouZd reflect the intent and feeling of the Board. Mr. Powell suggested possibility of tapes being cataloged. Mrs. Wright pointed out one would not be able to know who was speaking on the tape. Mr. Davis stated tapes have a way o£ not being permanent; they can be erasecl by someone not knowin~ how to operate the recorder, Mr. Vaughan stated to avoid confusion at the present time, it should be stated that no instructions have been given as to any change in the minutes, and by common consent of the Board no change shall be made in what the content o£ the minutes shall be until such decision is made at some furtber time, if one is made, by the Board. Mrs. Wright, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Hall expressed desire to have the minutes written i.n detail. CT,ER$ TO THE BOARD CaMP~uL.~L - By common consent the ~3oard commended the Clerk to the Board for the splendid work they felt she had done in carryin~ on her job as Clerk to the Board under very difficult conditions during ~ the past weeks. Mr, Vaughan requested this be entered in the minutes.