1973-04-09 Special Meeting~~~ MINiTTES OF MEETING, APRIL 2, ~973 - 9:0o n.r. (CONTINUED) JAILHOUSE - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that an appropriation of $300 from the U.S.O. Funds be made to pay for the burial of the prisoner, Mr. HarrS Lee Askew, who died in the courthouse in March. Notion carried unanimously. REQ,UEST FOR ADVERTISEMENT OF '1954 BUCYRUS ERIE DRAGLINE - Mr. Hoss, County Auditor, stated that he had received a bid of $5,'100 from Roberts & Roberts of Hampstead, N. C., for a surplus dragline, which belongs to the Health De- partment, and asked £or authorization to advertise it for upset bids. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Mr. Ross be authorized to advertise for upset bids for the Bucyrvs Erie 'S4. Motion carried.unanimously. '1973-~974 BUDGET - Mr. xoss, County Auditor, agreed to submit the figures as had been done in the past showing budget figure for the previous year, actual expenditure to date, estimate of actual expenditure through June 30th,and budget request for coming year. PUBLIC II`ZPI~OYMENT PROGRAM Chairman Uaughan stated that he had received a call from Mr. D. W. Bryant, State Director of the Public Employment Program, telling him that the Program is going out of operation June 30, '19']4, and that there are certain funds allocated to New Hanover County. He stated that Mr. Bryant had requested him to write asking that this Program be administered £or New Hanover County effective immediately through the termination of the Program. ' ' Chairman Vaughan asked Commissioner Wright to call Mr. Bryant and clarify the Program and then advise him whether or not to write Mr. Bryant. AIRPORT USER'S FEE - $y common consent, it was agreed to defer this discussion until the regular meeting o£ April '16th, and at that time, it would be placed first on the agenda. Commissioner Hall agreed to have more definite information then about Piedmont collectin~ this fee. Mr. Ross, County Auditor, recommended that the County not go to the expense of hiring someone to collect the fee but contract with Piedmont to collect i~ for a percentage on the condition that they make their passenger manifests available £or auditing. RECOGNITION OF P.O.W.'S - Commissioner Davis requested that letters of recognition be written to the P.O.W.'s coming in as Marshals of the Azalea Festival and that they be presented County Medallions. By common consent, it was agreed to do this. REVENUE SHARING MONEY - Commissioner Davis stated that he felt that $'t00,000 of the Revenue Sharing Money should be spent for a new football stadium for the two high schools and that he was going to look into this possibility. Commissioner Wright proposed a special meeting to discuss the Revenue Sharing Money. No action was taken by the Board. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board,, Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~~a~ ~ L''ise K. King`!~~ Clerk to the Board LKK:wg MINUTES OF SPECIAZ MEETING, APRIL 9, ~973 - 5~30 P.M. The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in a special session on Monday, April 9, ~g73, at 5:30 P.M. in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S..Wright; Chairman M. H. Vau~han; and C1erk to the Board2 Lise K.'F~ing. The purpose o£ the meeting was to hold a public hearing on the proposed Airport Height Zoning Ordinance. ' Chairman Vaughan opened the public hearing £or discussion and stated that the pur- pose of the meeting was to discuss the contour map showing where restrictions on height would occur. It was determined that the March 5th decision of the Board had not been complied with in that the contour map had not been publicly advertised nor had the community leaders been notified of its presence at the Airport Office. Commissioner Wright stated that the purpose of the map on disply was so that people could clarify who would have to'get permits for trees at what height. Mr. Bob Williams of John Talbert & Associates, Inc., presented a map called a half-tone map from which blueprints could be made and recommended this type map be made for the County. Chairman Vaughan asked Mr. Williams to go ahead and.do what he could to work up a solid presentation for the Board. 369 MINUTES OF SPECIAZ MEETING, APRIL 9, ~973 - 5~3o P.M. (CONTINUED) Chairman Vaughan appointed a committee made up of Commissioners Davis and Powell to work with the Airport Commission and check on the progress being made. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Public Hearing be recessed until April 30, '19'73, at 5:30 P.M. in order to give John Talbert & Associates, Inc., time to comply with the Board's March 5th decision. Motion carried unanimously, and meeting was recessed. Respectfully submitted, ~-, °~! ~~ Lise K. King Clerk to the Board T,KK : wg MINUTES OF MEETING, APRIL '16, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. ASSII`iBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, April '16, ~973, at 9:00 A.M., in the Assembly Room, County Commission Buildin~, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis, J. M. Hall, Jr., W. Douglas Powell, Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Lise B. ging. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. Rev. Thomas W. Currie of Bethany Presbyterian Church offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINLiTES: REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 2, '1973 - Commissioner Hall requested that his remarks on the Transfer of Funds for the E~tension Department be added to the minutes. By common consent, it was agreed that the Clerk to the Board would listen to the tape and add his remarks. Commissioner Hall corrected the spelling of "Bucyrus" on page '17 from "Buycus." Motion was made by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the minutes of April 2, ~g~3, be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. 9PPROVAI, OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING~ APRII, 9'1973 - Upon motion by Commissioner wright, seconc~ed by Commissioner Powell, the minutes of April 9, ~973, were unanimously approved. WINTER PARK FIRE DISTRICT - Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the new boundary descrip- tions for Winter Park Fire District €~be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to write a letter notifying the North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau of this approval. Motion carried unanimously. COPIDEMPIATION OF PROPERTIES FOR URBAN RENEWAL - Opon motion by Commissioner Yowell, seconded by Commissioner Wright, condemnation of the following list o£ Redevelopment Parcels in the North-Side ('I) Urban Renewal area was unanimously approved. REDEVELvri°~rr PARCEI,S - - NORTFI-SIDE ('I ) "5-3 Part Lots 4 & 5 Block 352 5-6 Part Lot 'I Block 352 '10-'13 Part Lot 2 Block 3~0 'I']-2 Part Lot 5 Block 338 'I']-'16 Part Lot 'I Block 338 '17-24 Part Lot 2 Block 338 '18-'I'IB Part Lots 2 & 3 Block 350 '18-'19B Part Lots 2 & 3 Block 350 20-'IA Part Lots 4 & 5 Block 360 2'i-'IOA Part Lot 4 Block 349 2'I-'IOB Part I,ots 3 & 4 Block 349 2'f-2'I Part Zot 'I Block 349 21-25A Part Lots 2 & 3 Block 349 2'1-25B Part Lot 2 Block 349 2'I-25C Part Lots 2 & 3 Block 349"