1973-04-16 Regular Meeting369 MINUTES OF SPECIAZ MEETING, APRIL 9, ~973 - 5~3o P.M. (CONTINUED) Chairman Vaughan appointed a committee made up of Commissioners Davis and Powell to work with the Airport Commission and check on the progress being made. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Public Hearing be recessed until April 30, '19'73, at 5:30 P.M. in order to give John Talbert & Associates, Inc., time to comply with the Board's March 5th decision. Motion carried unanimously, and meeting was recessed. Respectfully submitted, ~-, °~! ~~ Lise K. King Clerk to the Board T,KK : wg MINUTES OF MEETING, APRIL '16, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. ASSII`iBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, April '16, ~973, at 9:00 A.M., in the Assembly Room, County Commission Buildin~, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis, J. M. Hall, Jr., W. Douglas Powell, Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Lise B. ging. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. Rev. Thomas W. Currie of Bethany Presbyterian Church offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINLiTES: REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 2, '1973 - Commissioner Hall requested that his remarks on the Transfer of Funds for the E~tension Department be added to the minutes. By common consent, it was agreed that the Clerk to the Board would listen to the tape and add his remarks. Commissioner Hall corrected the spelling of "Bucyrus" on page '17 from "Buycus." Motion was made by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the minutes of April 2, ~g~3, be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. 9PPROVAI, OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING~ APRII, 9'1973 - Upon motion by Commissioner wright, seconc~ed by Commissioner Powell, the minutes of April 9, ~973, were unanimously approved. WINTER PARK FIRE DISTRICT - Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the new boundary descrip- tions for Winter Park Fire District €~be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to write a letter notifying the North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau of this approval. Motion carried unanimously. COPIDEMPIATION OF PROPERTIES FOR URBAN RENEWAL - Opon motion by Commissioner Yowell, seconded by Commissioner Wright, condemnation of the following list o£ Redevelopment Parcels in the North-Side ('I) Urban Renewal area was unanimously approved. REDEVELvri°~rr PARCEI,S - - NORTFI-SIDE ('I ) "5-3 Part Lots 4 & 5 Block 352 5-6 Part Lot 'I Block 352 '10-'13 Part Lot 2 Block 3~0 'I']-2 Part Lot 5 Block 338 'I']-'16 Part Lot 'I Block 338 '17-24 Part Lot 2 Block 338 '18-'I'IB Part Lots 2 & 3 Block 350 '18-'19B Part Lots 2 & 3 Block 350 20-'IA Part Lots 4 & 5 Block 360 2'i-'IOA Part Lot 4 Block 349 2'I-'IOB Part I,ots 3 & 4 Block 349 2'f-2'I Part Zot 'I Block 349 21-25A Part Lots 2 & 3 Block 349 2'1-25B Part Lot 2 Block 349 2'I-25C Part Lots 2 & 3 Block 349" ~~~ MINtTTES OF MEETING, APRIL 16, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) WII~MINGTON-NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SETTING IIP OFFICE - Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the request from the Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee to set up an office in the available space at the Tax 0£fice at no expense to the County was unanimously approved contingent upon the Tax Administrator's approval. PROPOSED ADDITION TO "NO WA~" ZONE AT WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - , Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Aall, that a public hearing be held at the next regular meeting (May ~, '1973) with regard to revising the existing local regulation to include the area between Howard's Fish House and Sea Path Marina and that notice of this hearing be published. Motion carried unanimously. ROAD PETITIONS - Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, the following road petitions were unanimously approved to be recomrriended to the State Hi~hway Commis- sion for maintenance, subject to meeting their criteria. 'I. Lewis Drive 2. Access road to recreation facilities at the Louis V. Sutton Electric Plant 9GRF~ZEPIT BETWEEN r~ivlir.R AND NEW HANOVER COUNTIES REGARDING CARE OF ~uvr.ivII,ES - (:ommissioner Yowell moved, seconded b~ Commissioner Davis, that the arrangement' between Pender and New Hanover Counties regarding care of juveniles be approved. This arrangement would be that the Lower Cape Fear Juvenile Services Center would hold juveniles under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court of Pender County at a rate of $'15 Eor each':day the child was detained. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. PUBI,IC FIEARZNG: REZONTNG - Chairman Vaughan declared the public hearing open for discussion on the following re- zoning request, which was an appeal from the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Rezoning 'I: Property on the east side of Carolina Be~h Road approximatel9 500 feet south of the intersection of Lehigh Road and Carolina Beach Road (U. S. Hwy. 42'I) from R-'15 (Sin$le Family District) to B-'I (Business District) in Zoning Area ~/4. Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, stated that the Planning Commission had recom- mended this request be denied because they felt that even though it did include more than the two areas required for a B-'I zone, it was spot zoning because only one pro- perty owner was involved and it was a very narrow piece of property. He stated that they objected further to the fact that this would begin to commerciall~ strip Carolina Beach Road south of the intersection of Masonboro I,oop Road and Snow's Cut. Mr. Mallory stated that the petitioners had added more property to their request since the Planning Commission had first heard it and that probably this addition to the width of the property had removed the possibility of spot zoning. He stated, however, that the Planning Commission had again received the request and had still recommended denial based upon the commercial stripping of Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Herbert Fisher of Coastal Realty Company spoke on be He stated the reason for the request was so that the front of highway) could bring income to justify the loss that the back would have to take being low lying and, therefore, unsuitable He also stated that the fact that the property was in a mixed its being developed residentially. ialf of the petitioners. the property (on the half of the property for residential dwellings. neighborhood would deter Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded bg Commissioner Fiall, that the rezoning request be denied. Commissioner Wright moved the substitute motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the rezoning request be approved. Upon vote, the substitute motion did not pass. The votes were as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis and Wright Voting Nay: Commissioners Hall and Powell and Chairman Vaughan Upon vote, the original motion was approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Hall and Powell and Chairman Vaughan Voting Nay: Commissioners Davis and Wright AP~vLrIENT TO SPECIAL USE PERMIT N0. 40 - Upon motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the following amendment to Special Use Permit No. 40 issued by the Commissioners on November 20, 19'72, to Mr. Jasper Marion to use the land at 562'] Oleander Drive for a field construction o£Pice, was unanimously adopted. That condition No. 2 0£ the Special Use Permit be amended by extending the date the Special Use Permit would become void Prom April 1, ~9~3, to September 'I, '1973. RESCHEDUI,ING OF AIRPORT HEIGHT ZONING ORDINANCE HEARING - By common consent, the Airport Height Goning Ordinance hearing was changed to May 9, ~973, at 5:30 P.M, due to the Planning Director's having to be out of town on the original date set of April 30, ~9~3. e)6~: MINUTES OF MEETING, APRIL '16, ~973 - 9~0o a.M. (CONTINUED) PROPOSED LAND USE TaUR - Mr. Samuel Cox, District Conservationist, appeared before the Board to request the Com- missioners to take a tour to look at some land use and sediment problems in New Hanover Count~. B~ common consent, it was agreed that those Commissioners who wished to go on the tour would meet in front of the County Commission Building at 8:00 A.M. on Tuesday, April 24, ~9~3. DISCUSSION OF SEPTIC TANK PROBLEMS IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY - By common consent, it was agreed that this item would be placed on the May ']th agenda to be discussed with the appropriate persons. ~ ROOFING PERMITS - Mr. Aorace King, Jr., of Hanover Iron Works stated that roofing contractors are required to go to the County Commissioners in order to get a roofing permit. He asked for permission to get the permit on reroofing jobs from the Building Inspector without havin~ to ~o to the County Commissioners' Office. By common consent, it was agreed to contact the Building Inspector and place this on the May '7th agenda. DISCUSSION OF HOSPITAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA - James R. Dineen, M.D., presented an appeal for consideration of a private, 200-bed, profit-making hospital for Wilmington entirely financed by Hospital Corporation of America. Chairman Vaughan requested Dr. Dineen to remain for the discussion of the New Hanover Memorial Hospitali~bond issue. DISCUSSION OF THE ~rr.iv HOUSE PROGRAM OF THE NEW AANOVER Cvuiv•i~ DRUG ABUSE COMMITTEE~ INC. - Mr. Kenneth Sprunt, a member of the Drug Abuse Committee, determined that the Commissioners all had a copy of the proposal for the Open House Program and described the Program as an in- £ormal counseling and referral service to serve those people who had not basically developed such dru~ problems that they had become a ward of the more formalized drug services. Miss Flo Stein, Rehabilitation Coordinator, presented endorsements for this program. It was determined that the appropriation of funds for this Program would be a gift with no legal responsibilities and that the funds must come £rom non-tax revenue. Mr. Sprunt stated that the program would definitely try to find volunteer methods to fund it and that he would keep the Commissioners informed about the Program. By common consent, it was agreed that the motion for the appropriation of funds for the remainder of the '1972-~973 fiscal year would be postponed until later in the meeting when the County Auditor would be present. ~ PRESENTATION BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD ON CAPITAL NEEDS - Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy, Superintendent of County schools, discussed his letter of February 22, ~973, to the Commissioners in which he had projected the capital needs and maintenance fund requirements for a period of five years beginning July 'I, ~973. Since the money needed by the New Hanover County Schools would be offset by whatever funds became available from the State, it was decided that the representatives from the School Board would return when they had a better indication of how much revenue they could expect to receive from the State. NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS - ACqUISITION OF BUS FOR THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED - Commissioner Davis stated that a vocational bus for the ph,ysically handicapped had been put in the '19'73-74 budget for the New Hanover County Schools. However, he stated that it had come to his attention that delivery of this bus takes six months. It was determined that approval could not be given on funds that had not yet been ap- propriated; however, by common consent, it was agreed that the Board of Commissioners would notify the School Board that it is their personal inclination at the present time that if such an appropriation is requested for authorization in the ~973-~9'74 budget, it would be approved. DISCUSSION OF NEW HANOVER MEMORIA2~ HOSPITAL BOND ISSUE - Mr. Lawrence C. Rose, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, stated that the Board had no- thing to add or take away from their request of April 2, '19'73. Chairman Vaughan asked Dr. James R. Dineen to once again state the proposal for a pri- vately run hospital by Iiospital Corporation of America. Dr. Dineen stated that this hospital would be entirely funded by Hospital Corporation o£ America with no cost to the taxpayer. Ae stated that there was a need for the expansion of New Hanover Memorial Hospital and that this new hospital would operate in addition to the proposed expansion of New Hanover Memorial Hos- pital. Mr. Rose stated that he hoped Dr. Dineen's proposal would not confuse the public on the need for the passage of the bond issue. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded bg Chairman Vaughan, that a decision on the bond issue be postponed until the May 7th meeting, which would give the Commissioners time to think over Dr. Dineen's proposal. Upon vote, this motion was approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Danis and Powell and Chairman Vaughan Voting Nay: Commissioners Hall and Wright ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, APRII, '16, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT I,EVEI,S OF DELINQUENT YOUTFI OF NEgJ HANOVER COUNTY - Chairman Vaughan presented a letter dated March Z0, '1y73, from Mr. Ronald R. Knopf, Director of the Lower Cape Fear Juvenile Services Center, in which he had requested a study group to evaluate the meaning o£ a research study done by the Center on the edu- cational achievement levels of delinquent youth in New Hanover County and conduct further investigations with recommended actions. Commissioner Wright stated that she had attended a meeting on this with Mr. Jerry Beaver, Assistant Superintendent of County Schools, Mrs. Ethel Booth, Guidance Counselor, and Dr. E1 Clark, Assistant Superintendent of County Schools, and that this group felt that a study group was not necessary at this time but that Mr, gnopf differed on this. Mr. Jerry Beaver stated that they were not opposed to such a study group and, i£ such a'~roup were formed, they would cooperate in any way. By common consent, it was agreed to write Mr. Knopf to let him know that the Com- missioners would be glad to place the item on the agenda again if he desired. CAPE FEAR TECH - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Upon motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Wright, the following transfer of funds within Cape Fear Tech's budget was unanimously approved: To be trans£erred from the following: Unemployment Insurance $ 93'I Health Insurance 50 Motor Vehicle Operation 300 Entertainment '100 Salaries 600 Repairs - Motor Vehicles 200 Rep;airs - Other 500 Improvement Grounds 600 Replacement - Motor Vehicle 3']4 Insurance - Other 626 $4 , 28'I To be transYerred to the following: Fuel (Gas, Oil, Elec.) $2,000 Water, Sewerage, Trash 4:2,28'I $4,289 PAYME',1~'1~'i'.OF.c`GOL'E=2~AYER='~'RIII'iBTE"CONFPANY~:~`n"- ~ Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that in,the event Mr. Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, found performance had been accomplished as stated by Cole-Layer-Trumble Company that the County Auditor would pay that portion o£ the bill due from the funds allocated for this and would advise the Commissioners of such. Motion carried unanimously. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Upon motion b~ Commissioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the following transfer of £unds was unanimously approved: To be transferred from the following: Unappropriated Health Surplus $'1,800 To be transferred to the following: TB and X~'Ray Clinic $'1,400 Telephone 400 $'I , 800 SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT - PURCAASE OF TYPEWRITER - Mr. Patrick Ross, County Auditor, presented a request from Mr. J. D. McCarley, Jr., Chairman of the Lower Cape Fear Soil & Water Gonservation Dis~rict, Por a transfer of $625 to buy a typewriter out of funds appropriated for a part-time secretary. After a brief discussion about the costs of typewriters, Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Mr. Ross be authorized to buy a typewriter for the Lower Cape Fear Soil & Water Conservation District. Motion carried unanimously. NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS - HEATING EQUIPMENT - Mr. Patrick Ross, County Auditor, presented a request from Dr. Heyward Bellamy, Superintendent oP County Schools, requesting the approval of the following items, which would be in the 't973-'19'74 budget: Mary Washington Howe Retube boiler $ 2,060. Williston Retube boilers (2) '10,000. Edwin A. Alderman Oil Burner '1,946. Mary Washington Howe Oil Burner 1,946. Tileston 2 Oil Burners 3,960. Washington Catlett Oil Burner '1,960. Wrightsville Beach Oil Burne~.° '1,490. 3~3 MINiJTES OF MEETING, APRIL ~6, ~g73 - 9:00 A. M. (CONTINUED) NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS - HEATING EQUIPMENT - Mr. Ross stated that money could not legally be authorized for use from funds which had not yet been appropriated. By common consent, it was agreed to advise Dr. Bellamy of the Commissioners' intent to include these items in the '19'73-19'74 budget. Snr.x.i.FF' S DEPARTMIIVT -rTRANSFER OF FUNDS Upon motion by Chairman Vaughan, seconded by Commissioner Davis, a transfer from Miscellaneous Revenue of $'143.64 to the Sheriff's Department was unanimously approved. This money was to pay for Deputy William F. Pickler's travel expenses to Rochester, New York, in order to attend Eastman'godak's Crime Photograp}~q School. PROPOSED HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDING - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Dr. J. C. Knox, Health Director, appeared before the Board to request the early commit- ment of $'120,000, which woul:d appear as Capital Outlay in the 'I°,73-'1974 budget. He stated that his early need for this commitment was due to the fact that the North Carolina Medical Care Commission's approval of the project 'and HEW's commitment of 40'~ of the total cost would be contingent upon the Countq having its funds of participation allocated and in hand at the time of the approval. There was a brief discussion on whether federal funds (Revenue Sharing) could be used to match federal funds (Medical Care Commission). Mr. Patrick Ross, County Auditor, stated that i£ the $200,000 from the Medical Care Commission was matched with $200,000 from County funds, then Revenue Sharing funds could be used for the balance. It was determined that $280,000 had been appropriated from tax mone9. Upon motion by Chairman Yaughan, seconded by Commissioner Davis, an appropriation of $120,000 £rom Revenue Sharing was unanimously approved by the Board. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - ' Mr. I'atrick Ross, County Auditor, presented a request Prom Mr. W: Allen Cobb, District Attorney, £or an appropriation of $'150 to be used as follows: 4 Name Plates and Holders $ 36.00 Moving Phone to New Office 'I'14.00 ~~ 50. oo;; Mr. Ross stated that the money was available in Miscellaneous Revenue. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that these funds be appropriated. Notion carried unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF BID ON '1954 BUCYRUS ERIE - Mr. Patrick Ross, County Auditor, reported that he had advertised the Bucyrus Erie drag- line for upset bids as authorized by the Commissioners at their April 2nd meeting. He stated that he had received one upset bid of $6,000 and that the original bidder, Roberts & Roberts of Hampstead, had upset this with a bid of $6,500. He recommended that this bid be accepted. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that this bid of $6,500 be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. BIDS ON COUNTY TRUCS - Mr. Patrick Ross, County Auditor, stated that he had advertised this dump truck for up- set bids as it had been discovered that the original bidder, Mr. Charles Shepard, was a county employee. He said that the original bid was $'125, and the bid was up to $200, and the bidding was still going on. He asked for permission to continue receivin~ bids until one of the two bidders dropped out and, at that time, to be authorized to sell it. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Mr. Ross be authorized to sell the truck at $200 or more. Motion carried unanimously. DTSCUSSION OF ~~73-~974 BUDGET - Mr. Patrick Ross, County Auditor, reiterated the fact that the budget had to be adopted between July 'Ist and July ~5, ~973• OPE[~ HOUSE PROGRAM - TRANSFER OF ruivLS - Mr. Patrick Hoss, County Auditor, stated that an appropriation of ~2,022 ('I/6 of the total bud~et request for the Open House Pro~ram earlier in the meeting) could come from Miscellaneous Revenue in the General Fund. This would represent expenses for May and June, ~973, the remainder of the fiscal year. Mr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, stated that this would be merely a contribution to the Drug Abuse Program with no legal authority or responsibility. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that $2,022 be appropriated from Miscellaneous Revenue for the Open House Program. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT FROM COLLECTOR OF REVENUE - Mrs. Janie B. Straughn, Collector of Revenue, presented the following report on collections during the month of March, ~973~ " April 'I , '1973 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLI,ECTIONS Charged Per Scroll Added - Per Tax Supervisor Less Abatements 5,355,582•25 ~ .052 549.6~ 6 ~ 408 ~ 'I 3'I . 94 - '17.423.94 6,390~~OS.bO ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, APRIL 16, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) REPORT FROM COLI,ECTOR OF REVENUE (CONTINUED) - C~ollections Prepayments Collections - March 120,526.84 386,692.34 5.542,42'1.23 -6,049,640.41 34~,067.59 BACg TAXES (REAZ ESTATE) MARCH 'I y'7'I ~970 ~969 ~968 ~g67 Prior Sept. - Feb. 5,~84.87 2,~50.77 ~,~69.7~ 'I , 3']4.60 492.90 2 , 26'I .4~ ~ 3 , 23~+. 30 Charged Per Back Tax Records Less Abatements Collections to Date DELINQUENT PERSONAZ PROPERTY MARCH TO DATE ~97~ 363.22 '+,529.3~+ ~97~ 383.58 ~,707.23 ~969 352.76 ~,~~7.72 '1968 16'I.98 85~.66 ~96~ 276.82 523.69 Prior 508.23 7g2.'15 2,b46.5~ 9,52'1•7~ 436,2'16.30 _,... 3 ~ 46'7. 36 -'164,338.33 z68, 4'i 0.6~ Respectfully submitted, Janie Straughn Collector of Revenue" BID ON BIACK 4, IAT '1, MERCER PI,ACE - Mr. I,arry Powell, Tax Administrator, presented a bid on this property from Mrs. Margaret F. Fonvielle, Attorney at Law. He stated that this piece of property had been appraised at market value of $900 and was owned jointly by the County (88%) and the City ('12qb). He recommended that the County sell their share. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that this offer.be ac- cepted subject to being advertised in the paper and that Mr. Powell be authorized to take the highest bid if there was such. No action was taken by the Board on this motion. After a brie£ discussion regarding the policy governing disposal of County pro- pert9, Chairman Vau~han requested Mr. Powell to draft a new policy incorporating sug- gestions from Commissioner Davis that property be advertised for '10 days; i,f, at the end of that time a higher bid had been received, the new bid would be advertised for '10 days. Once the property had ran for '10 days with no upset bid, the title would go to the highest bidder. Mr. Powell agreed to draft a new policy and submit it to the Commissioners for their approval. OFFER TO GIVE TfiE Cvuirrx IATS 2'] AND 28 IN OA% FOREST SUBDIVISION PLUS 4.4 ACRES OF MARSHLAND - Mr. Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, presented an offer from Suggs & Harrelson Construction Company to give the County I,ots 2'7 and 28 in Oak Forest Subdivision plus 4.4 acres oY marshland. Mr. Powell stated that they had agreed to pay the '1973 taxes at the Board of Equalization and Review but that he had not agreed to go back and pay the 'ig'70 and '19'7'I taxes on this property, that this was not brought up at the Board of Equalization and Review. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded.by Commissioner Davis, that this land be accepted, forgetting the tax situation and bringing it up in six months. Motion carried unanimously. POLICY ON PREPAYMENTS - Mr. Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, presented the resolution adopted January '18, ~972, on the discount schedule allowed for prepayments. He stated that if the Commis- sioners wished to change this, it must be done prior to May 'I, ~973• No action was taken by the Board to change this. ABATEPYENTS AND REF[TNDS FROM MARCH '13 TFiRU APRIL '16~ '1973 - TJpon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Wright, the following requests from Mr. Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, £or abatements and refunds were unani- mously approved: "The £ollowing taxpayers listed personal property in Wilmington Township and were charged City taxes. Request the City taxes be re- leased as the personal property was not in the City limits. 'I. Mr. Jerome Lewis 2. Mrs. Marie C. Conway TO DATE ss,~36.32 26,574.74 ~6,2s9.75 9 , 626.'76 5,~+9-36 '18 , 06'I .40 ~64,338.33 ~ 32.58 ~3.50 e3`~ ~ MINUTES OF MEETING, APRIL '16, ~973 - 9~0o a.M. (CONTINiJED) ABATEMFNTS AND REFUNDS FROM MARCH '13 THRU APRII,'16, '1973 ~CONTINUED) - ',~~^i~~Request~the:folloi~in~staxes;,be~abated.a:s they r~ere7doublez~ii`sted by taxpayer: 'I. Mr. James A. Aldridge $ 3.'I6 2. Mrs. Jane W. McLean 2.'19 3. Mrs. Lillian Biggs 7.90 4. Mrs. Mildred S. Smith ~.99 Request the following Carolina Beach taxes be released as the personal property was not located in the town,limits: 'I. Mr. Willie B. Monroe $ 24.87 2. Mr. J. D. Johnson 'I2.'78 3. Mr. Ralph 0. Barber 39.80 Request Mr. John W. Godwin be refunded $'I0~.46 as error was made by clerk in addin~ total value. Request the taxes charged to Mr. Henzy Averill from ~g39 through ~972 be abated in the amount oY $20'7.06, as this account has been couble charged with Grace W. White. Mr. J. E. Lewis sold this property to Mrs. White in '1933 and then sold part of Mr. Averill in '1935. Both deeds were recorded and placed on the tax books." Chairman Vaughan recessed the meeting at 2:35 P.M. in order to reconvene the Board of Equalization and Review. Chairman Vaughan reconvened the meeting. DISCUSSION OF ACQiTISITION OF PARKS - By common consent, it was agreed to advertise for property to be purchased by the County to be used for recreational green space or playgrounds in the northeast, northwest and southern portions of the County. It was determined that the ad would incorporate the follo~ring qualifications: County would accept donations for memorials. County would deal with brokers or owners. County would consider any size tract. County would accept substandard land. Attention would be called to the fact that certain information on federal and state income tax advantages could be obtained by donars. MARQUIS HILLS SUBDIVISION~ SECTION 8- Upon recommendation by the Planning Department, Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Wri~ht, that the agreement between Suggs & Harrelson Construction Company and New Hanover County for the installation of required improvements in Section 8, Marquis Hills Subdivision, be extended for ninety (90) days. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF ABANDONED VIIiICI~E ORDINANCE - Chairman Vaughan presented a memo from Mr. Richard Epling, County Engineer, stating that the present county ordinance governing disposition of junk and abandoned vehicles and other abandoned items, adopted January 1, '19~2, did not provide that the law enforcement agencies could enter on private property to remove junked vehicles. Mr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, stated that the abandoned vehicle ordinance that was adopted was drafted as tight as it could be under the GeneralStatute that authorized this type oY ordinance. Chairman Vaughan presented a letter from the residents of Soundview Drive complaining about the junked vehicles in the yard of Mr. Linwood F. Howard, 'I'10 Soundview Drive. Commissioner Wright stated that Mr. Eplix~'s memo said that Section fiII of the ordinance did provide that the Board of Commissioners could declare such junk vehicles as a hazard to health or safety. She questioned whether or not this problem was something the Board of Health could handle. By common consent, it was agreed that this problem be referred to the Health Department, for their recommendation and/or action. NEW HOPE DAM LITIGATION - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that Yunds in the amount of $66 be appropriated from the General Contingency Fund for the County Attorney's expenses with regard to the New Hope Dam Litigation. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Vaughan moved that New Hanover County withdrew from support of the New Hope Dam. Motion died for lack of a second. AIRPORT USER'S FEE - Commissioner $all said that Piedmont had agreed to collect a one dollar user's £ee on a basis of 6% but that the Airport Commission felt that the two dollars fee would be necessary to liquidate necessary expenses. Chairman Vaughan moved that this be remanded back to the Airport Commission by Commis- sioner Hall. Motion died Por lack of a second. Commissioner Powell moved the substitute motion, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the two dollar fee be put in with a request to Piedmont that they collect it at 6%. IIpon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Hall, Davis and Powell and Chairman Vaughan Voting Nay: Commissioner Wright ~ a~.~ _MINiTTES OF MEETING, APRIL 16, ~g73 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) NE4J HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOI,S - NDEA r uivLS - Chairman Vaughan presented a request from Dr. Hegward C. Bellamy, Superintendent of County Schools, to be permitted to purchase equipment in the amount of $'13,065.43. This Yigure represented the amount of local funds remaining in the County NDEA budget that would not be needed to match federal funds as no additional £ederal funds would be received during the present fiscal year. Commissioner Wright stated that she had talked with Mrs. Vera Shands of the School Board and that Mrs. Shands had stated that these funds were to be used basically for the reading program. Commissioner Wright moved that the request from Dr. Bellamy £or transfer of these funds be approved. Motion died for lack of a second. No action was taken by the Board. DISCUSSIoN OF POLICY ON USE OF AUGH MacRAE PAR% - Commissioner Wright stated that at the ball park at Hugh MacRae Park there was a sign stat~n~ that it was reserved from 8:00 A:M. to 'I'I:00 P.M., Monday thru Saturday. She stated that her understanding of the problem was that the County employee who prepared the field had to do so early in the morning; therefore, to keep the field in good shape, they had to restrict its use. She suggested authorizing the County Engineer to hire a student for the duration of the Littie League season to prepare the £ield late in the afternoon, thus opening it up during the day to the public. Chairman Vaughan stated that he felt the Winter Park Optimist Club should have the responsibility of coming in late and marking it off. Chairman Vaughan appointed Commissioner Powell to contact the Winter Park Optimist Club on behalf of the County and suggest to them that they arrange to have this work done. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED FOOTBALL STADIIIM Commissioner Davis read a letter from Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy, Superintendent of Schools, thanking Commissioner Davis for his interest in a new Pootball stadium. Com- missioner Davis stated that he was mailing out a questionnaire regardin$ this and would send the Commissioners a'copy. He stated that Dr. Bellamy understood that no funds had been committed by the Board and that they were under no obligation to do ar~ything. Chairman Vaughan stated that he was not behind the project. Commissioner Wright stated that the more she thought about it, the more she was. No action was taken by the Board. DISCUSSION OF I~AND TOUR - Commissioner wright stated that Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy had contacted her and stated that he would make a bus available for the land tour on Tuesday, April 24th, at 8:00 A.M. STATII`ZENTS FROM COUNTY ATTORNEY - Commissioner Wright stated that two statements from Mr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, dated March 8, ~973, had never been approved for payment. By common consent, it was agreed that these would be handled at the May 7th meeting. NEW HANOVER COUNTY JAIL - • By common consent, it was agreed to defer the discussion on whether or not to build a new county jail until the May ~th meeting. UTILIZATION OF COUNTY ENGIivr:r:tt AT COUNTY AIRPORT - Chairman Vaughan stated that he had authorized Mr. Richard Epling, County Engineer, to work with the Airport Manager subject to the Board;s approval. By common consent, this authorization was approved. APPROVAL ~F PURCHA.SING NEW COUNTY MAP - • By common consent, it was agreefl to purchase one new County map for the Ass:embly Room. APPROVAL OF PURCAASING NEW STATIONERY - By common consent, it was agreed to order new stationery replacing the courthouse with the County Seal and including the names of the Commissioners in the letterhead. DISCUSSION OF CQUNTY WAGES - Commissioner Hall stated he did not believe the County would be justified in getting too much above the local market. Chairman Vaughan stated that he would get a copy o£ the study recently prepared for the City of Wilmington for comparsion with the new rate schedule from the State. APPOINTME[~TTT TO 1VEW HANOVER MF3`10RIAL HOSPITAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Mr, Walter ~ raven be appointed to fill the uneapired term of Mr. N. A. Mcgenzie on the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMEIVT - There being no futther business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, ~) ~~' ` ~ ci "1 ~ Lise K. King Clerk to the Board I,KK : wg