1973-05-21 Regular Meeting~~~ MINUTES OF RECESSED PUBI,IC HEARING, MAY 9., ~973 - 5~30 P.M.~(CONTINUED) = Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Chairman Vaughan. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright. There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan ad- journed the public hearing. Respectfully submitted, ~. ~ . . °Gl ~ ~n~ I,ise K. ging Clerk to the Board LKK:wg MINtTTES OF MEETING, MAY 2'!, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County May 2'1, '1973, at 9:fl0 A.M., Wilmington, North Carolina. J. M. Hall, Jr., W. Douglas Clerk to the Board, Lise K. Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Members,;present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis, Powell, Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. ~ Rev. J. L. Follette of Ephesus 'Jth Day Adventist Church offered the invocation. APPROVAI, OF MIN[TTES: REGULAR MEETING. MAY 7, ~973 Commissioner Wright requested that the minutes of May 21, ~9~3, show that she did agree to the changes in the ordinance for the airport security fee but that she did not agree to the ordinance as a whole. . Upon motion,by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the minutes of May 7, ~973, were unanimously approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: RECESSED PUBLIC HEARING, MAY 9. ~973 Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Wright, the minutes of the recessed public hearing of May 9, ~9'73, on the Airport,Height Zoning Ordi- nance were unanimously approved. REPORT FROM THE COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Mrs. Janie B. Straughn, Collector of Revenue, presented the following report on callections during the month of April, ~9'73: "May 'I , .'1973 _ NEW HANaVER CQUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Charged Per Scroll Added - Per Tax Supervisor Less Abatements 5,355,582•25 ~,054,983.83 6,4'10,566.08 - ~7,y'+5•!+3 6,393,~20.65 Collections - April Prepayments Collections - Sept.-May 6,~22,~39.89 27~,980.76 APRIL ~97~ 5,23~.85 ~9~0 2,235•36 ~969 ~,055•97 '1968 1 ,'169. 24 ~96'7 533.93 Prior '1,360.95 BACg' TA~S =... ~TO DATE 93,368.'17 28,8~0.'l0 ~7,345•72 ~0,796.00 5,~83.29 ~9,422.35 ~~,587.30 72,499.4s 386,692.34 5,662,948.07 ~75,925.63 Charged Per Back Tax Records Less Abatements Collections To Date 436 , 2'16 . 30 - 4,029.92 -~75,925.63 255,925.63 DELINQUENT PERSONAL APRIL TO DATE ~y7'~ 330.79 4,860.~3 ~970 '1,409.64 3,'I'16.87 ~959 455.58 ~,583.40 '1968 434. 5'I 'I , 286.'I'7 ~967 ~35•78 659.47 Prior 396.52 'I,'188.6'7 3,~72•92 '12 , 694.'7'i " . ~9~ MINUTES OF MEETING, MAY 2~, ~973 - 9~0o n.M. (C~NTINtTED) REPORT FROM THE COLLECTOR OF REVENUE (CONTINUED) Chairman Uaughan asked that she type in beside the outstanding charges a description o£ that figure such as "no outstanding ~967-197~•" Commissioner Powell requested that she give the total outstanding to date at the same time last year to use for comparative purposes on both the current ~ear's taxes and back taxes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the £ollowing minutes of the Board of Equalization and Review dated the 3rd, 'IOth, 'I'Ith, and '16th of April, ~9~3, be approved. Motion carried unanimously. "~973 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION & REVIEFI The '19'73 Board of Equalization and Review met April 3, ~9~3 in the Board of County Commissioners' Room, located at '14 Ptorth Third St., Wilmington, North Carolina. At 9:00, Mr. James McKeithan, Clerk of Superior Court, administered the Oath of Office to the Board members. Mrs. Vivian S. Wright, Mr. J. N. Hall, Mr. Peter Davis; Mr. Mike Vaughan and Mr. Douglas Powell were all sworn in at this time. Copy of Oath attached. Mr. Peter Davis was excused from this hearing in order to attend another meeting scheduled at this time. Mr. Larry J. Powell, Tax Administrator, at this time, introduced the Board members to Mr. Emmet Shugart of the State Board of Assessment and Mr. Raymond Blake, Appraisal Supervisor with the Tax Office. Mr. I,arry Powell stated that extra time had been allowed this morning to organize the Board in preparing for these hearings. Nr. Powell stated that a copy of G.S. '105-322 had been forwarded to each of the Board members explaining the duties of the Board. Mr. Povrell stated that his office had scheduled each of the taxpayers at '15 minutes intervals requesting that they notify our of£ice if there were to appear, they are so noted on the schedule, iP the taxpayers will be here or if they requested that we present the case. All of these people have been notified of the time. Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Larry Powell to briefly go over the law of G.S. ~05-322 in which the Commissioners would need to be refreshed on. Mr. Larry Powell stated that it was the duties of the Board or review the valuationtn see that they are in line throughout the entire County and to set the values for the up comin~ year of ~973. Mr. Vaughan questioned Mr. Powell whether there was anything else that should be brought up at this time. Mr. Powell mentioned that in previous years, that a special chairman had been elected to preside over the Board of Equalization and Review. Mr, t4ike Hall made the motion to elect Mr. Vaughan as Special Chairman of the Board, this was seconded by Mr. Douglas Powell, all in favor voted aye, unanimously passed. Mr. Larry Powell stated that all property presented to this Board has been'reviewed by the Tax Office and that the property had been compared to similar properties. Mrs. Edna Fussell's property complaint was presented by Mr. Larry Powell. Mrs. Fussell owns property at 'I'10 North 'i3th Street. Her primary complaint is that area is no longer as valuable as it used to be. Mr. Hall requested at this time, that when Mr. Powell was advising the cases that he give the address of the property as the block number was of no assistance. Mr. Powell stated that this office had reviewed the property and that it did need painting; however, there was no physical change in the structure of the house, his opinion was that the area had decreased in value; however, under this review at this time, he saw no recommended reduction in value. This property complaint has appeared before the Board for the third time this year, no changes had been made in two prior years. Mr. Vaughan asked if there is any legal basis for changin~ between assessments of property, in an area, for instance that £luctuates in value. Mr. Zarry Powell replied that it could be done in a horizontal year. In the fourth year by a percentage it can be handled on a horizontal basis. Mr. Hall brought up that the whole community would have to be done, that you could not handled on an individual basis. Mr. Vaughan asked if it were in order to ask~sfor a motion on this case. Mr. Larry Powell stated that a motion should be made on each piece of property. Motion to accept Mr. Larry Powell's recommendation of no change was made by Mr. Douglas Powell, Mr. Vaughan seconded. Mrs. Wright asked if this property had been compared with similar property. Mr. Powell replied that this had been done, but copies of the comparables had not been brought along. Mr. Vaughan asked if all were in favor of no change. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Larry Powell presented Mr. Thomas Gregg's complaint. The property in question is located at 'I'IO Market Street, the Old Western Auto Store. Mr. Gregg's complaint is that the property in the downtown sections is ~.ust not as valuable as it was in '196'] when all the property was appraised. Mr. Powell stated that his office had reviewed several pieces of property downtown, and this particular building was in line with the pricing manuel established in '1967. ~~ `7 MIN[TTES OF MEETING, MAY 2'I, 'Ip'73 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTIN[TED) APPROVAL OF MINiJTES: BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEG] (CONTINUED) Minutes (Continued)" meeting this property was figured that North Carolina National Bank owning full interest;;therefore, this would reduce the pro- perty from $5~,800 to ~4'1,440. Mr. Vaughan moved that th.is recommendation be accepted. Mr. Dou~las Powell seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Foster Hill Realty was again appraised by Mr. Raymond Blake. Mr. Powell stated that Mr. Blake asked that a 20'~o functional de- preciation factor be allowed to this building, reducing from $'14,560 to $'I'1,650. Mr. Powell stated that he would recommend this allowance. Mr. Douglas Powell moved to accept this recom- mendation. Mr. Hall seconded. Motion carried unanimousl3~. Mr. Vaughan adjourned the Board of Equalization and Review £or the year '1973." "~973 NEW HkNOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUAI,IZATION & REVIEW April 16, ~973 Dr. Cha"rles P. Graham - Block 2'I4 W End 3 Pt. 2 or 304 North 'I'Ith Street. Present building valuation is ~23,550. Mr. Powell's recommendation: Reduce the building value to $18,92Q this is a 20'/o functional depreciation reduction. Mr. Robert A. I,ittle - Agent for Dr. J. B. Sidbury. Prcperty is Lakeside Subdivision. Mr. Povrell's recommendation: Land be reduced to $56,360, no change on the build.ing value of $16,260, total recommend.ed value $b~2,620. This is pricing the property accordin~ to map and deducting for lots sold plus minus of 30'/ excess for lots on Lakeshore Drive and the 53.49 acres only. North Carolina National Bank Trustee. At the meeting on April 'I'I, ~973, the recommended value for this propert5 was $5'1,800, this was in error as North Carolina National Bank only owns 4/5 interest; therefore, the total value should be $4'1,440. Foster Hill Realt~ - Block '165 WM a Pt. 2 or 'I'12 Princess Street, Front Building. Presently valued at $'14,560. Mr. Powell's recommendation: Reduce to $'I'1,650; this is a re- duction of 2~/ due to functional depreciation." POLICY FOR DISPOSAL OF REAL ESTATE Mr. Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, presented the following policy for disposal of County o~,med real estate: ' "POLICY FOR DISPOSAI, OF COUNTY OWNED REAL ESTATE 'I. Whenever anyone is interested in purchasing propert~ owned totally by New Hanover County or in part with a municipality, the individual will make their interest known to the Tax Administrator 2. The Tax Department will appraise the property at fair market value and inform the Board of County Commissioners, and the governing body of the municipality of the inter- est in the property and the value. At the next,scheduled meeting of the governing bodies, the Board vrill discuss the property and inform the Tax Office if they have a desire to sell the property. 3. If other considerations are known, by the governing bodies or the Managers and it is the decision of the governing bodies an independent appraisal sh.ould be made, the Manager will request this appraisal and in- form the Tax Department of such. Once this appraisal is made, the Board will be made aware of the value and the Tax Office will be directed to proceed with the new value. 4. Once the governing body has consented to selltthe pro- perty and accept a fair market value, the Tax Office will advertise the property once in each newspaper having general circulation in the area (Star-News, Wilmin~ton Journal and The Hanover Sun) at the figure the property was appraised for. At the end of the ten days a higher bid has been received the new bid will then be adver- tised in the same manner of the first advertisement. Once the property has been held ten days with no upset bid the title will be transferred to the highest bidder. A minimum upset of 20% on sales below ~2,000 and '10% on sales above ~b2,000." ~~~9 MINUTES OF MINTJTES: MAY 2'I, '1973 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) POLICY FOR DISPOSAI, OF REAL ESTATE (CONTINUED) Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner."Powell, that this policy be approved. Notion carried unanimously. APPHOVAL TO SELL BLOCK 4, LOT 'I, MERCER PLACE Mr. Zarry Powell, Tax Administrator, stated this property had been appraised at $900 and that the County owned 88% and the City owned '12'~. He stated this would be advertised in accordance with the policy for disposal of real estate and. that the City Counil's::ap- proval would be secured before the propez•ty was sold. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Block 4, Lot 'I, Mercer Place, be sold in accordance with the policy for disposal of County real estate. Motion carried unanimously. ABATETTIENNTS AND REFUNDS Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the following requests for abatements and r~'unds be approved in accordance with the law. Motion carried unanimously. "The folloraing taxpayers listed personal property in Wilmington Township and were charged Cit3r taxes. Request the City taxes be re- leased as the personal property was not in the City limits. 'I. Alton P. Watts 2. Rose N. Freeken 3. Monty D. Freek_en 4. I,ional F. Renegas 5. William C. Stephens 6. Douglas N. Cozy ~. S. E. I,ong #59.80 $23.~6 (Refund) fb2'I . 32 ~ 8.5~ $'73. 20 $32.22 $'I'7. 28 Request the following taxes be abated as they were double listed: 'I. Thomas W. Malpass ~ 5•53 2. C. B. Aycock ~~~5•~5 ~~960-'72) 3. T. B. Freeman ~~80.9'7 ('1960-~2) 4. R. I,. Deaton ~ 28.52 ~~96~-72) Request taxes for Robert H. Williams be abated as he ~'oubled:,listed in the amount oY $35.82. Request taxes for Margaret H. Moore be released as she listed her car in New Hanover County through error (93'13.83). Request taxes for '197'I and '19'72 charged to Grace Baptist Church be released as the property qualified for exemption ($7.58). Request taxes in the amount of $4.'13 be released for Evelyn Rhodes as her car was mispriced." DISCUSSION OF NEW HANOVER PUBLIC EMPI,OYMENT PROGRAM Commissioner Wright briefly described the New Hanover Public Employment Program as being aimed mainly at students vrho need summer jobs to remain in school. She stated that Federal funds were available to the County in the amount of $44,400 through the North Carclina Manpotiaer Council. She proposed that Mr. Jim Gearhart, Director of Occupational Education in the County schools, be authorized to serve as administra- tor of the program; that Mr. Patrick G. Ross, County Auditor, be authorized to handle the bookkeeping.arrangements; and that Mr. John Piner of Hoggard High School and Mrs. Katie Smith of New Hanover High School would handle the applications. She stated that all County Department.Heads had been notified to ascertain their legitimate - need for summer help and that the Department Heads would be responsible for the hiring and firing in their departments. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Comm9.ssioner Powell, that Commissioner Wright's proposal be accepted and the Chairman be authorized to wTate the North Carolina Manpower Council informing them of the Board's action. Motion carried unanimously. PUBI,IC HEARING: REZONING REZONING APPEAI, FROM PZANNING COMMISSION Chairman Vaughan opened the Public Hearing for discussion on the rezoning re- quests and the appeal from the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, presented the followin~ rezoning requests: Rezoning 'I: Property on the east side of Blue Clay Road (S.R. '13'18) approximately 425 feet south of the intersection of S.R. ~'1002 and Blue Clay Road from B-2 (Business District) to R-'15 (Single Family Residential District) in Zoning Area #8A. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that this rezoning re- quest be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. (Ordinance rezoning this property is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section SA, Page 2.J Rezoning 2: '7234 Wrightsville Avenue (Lot No. 5, Atlantic View) between Airlie Road and Stokley Road from B-'i (Business District);;to R-'15 (Single Family Residential District) in Zoning Area ~2. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that this rezoning re- quest be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. ~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, MAY 2~, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) PUBI~IC HEARING (CONTINUED) Commissioner Davis :eoatmented that, if the County had Pyramid Zoning, changes of this sort would not have to be implemented because a property owner could use his property for any higher use than what it was zoned. Pir. Mallory stated that he would like to comment on the pros and cons of Pyramid Zoning at a later date. Upon vote, Commissioner Hall's motion carried unanimously. (Ordinanee rezoning this property is contained in Zonin,q Ordinance Book I, Section 2, Page 7.) Rezoning Appeal 'I: Property on the daest side of South CoIlege Road (N.C. H~,iy: '132) between Cascade Road and Greenhowe Drive £rom R-'15 (Single Family -istrict) to ~'I (Business District) in Zoning Area #9B. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that this re- zoning appeal be denied and that the property remain R-15,! Mr. Ed Smith, Wade Realty Company, stated that the owner o£ the property had authorized him to withdraw the request for rezoning if there were a~y opposition to it from the neighbors; and, as there were a number of people present to oppose this request, Mr. Smith withdrew the rezoning request. Commissioner Wright withdrew her motion. By common consent, it was agreed to acknowledge the a~ithdrawal of the re- zoning request and to indicate that, if the request had not been withdrawn, the County Commissioners would have voted to uphold the decision of the Plan- ning Commission. POLICY FOR DISPOSITION OF FIXED ASBETS Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adopt the following public auction policy for disposition of fixed assets with time intervals of the auctions (based upon depreciation of assets and accumulation of assets) and frenueneg,- o£ advertising of auction to be determined by the County Manager. NORTH CAROI,INA I~OCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION UNIFORM LOCAL G04r.tuvi'fENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM PROCEDURES MAIdUAL Frocedure No. '15-35-0 - Disposition of Fixed Assets Procedure 4. Public Auction: A. The governing body must pass a resolution authorizing sale, describing property to be sold and speci£ying date, time, place and conditions bf sale. (New Hanover County Manager to decide upon the need of the sale and present this to the Board.) B. Notice of the sale must be published once thirty days before the sale. (New Hanover County Manager will de- cide if there is need for more advertising.) C. High bids received at the sale must be reported to the governing body and accepted or rejected within thrity days. D. If the bids are rejectec~ the property may be readvertised for sale. NOTE: Before any real or personal property is disposed of by a department in a governmental unit, notice should be cir= culated to other departments that the property is con- sidered surplus. One example of failure to do this occured when a Public Works Department sold a surplus landfill while the Electric Utilities Enterprise was negotiating for a substation site in the same area. Other known examples involved items of equipment in- cluding office equipment, machines, automobiles and trucks. Upon vote, Commissioner Davis' motion carried unanimousl~. DISCUSSION OF NOBILE HOME RULINGS Mr. Fddie Garner of the Mobile Home Association appeared before the Board to discuss the mobile home ruling which required mobile homes in New Hanover County to be approved for Hurricane Zone. Mr. Richard Epling,,County Engineer, explained that there were two types of construction that the State was zoned for, Middle Zone and Hurricane Zone, and that most of the eastern counties, including New Hanover, were in the Hurricane Zone as stipulated by the State o£ Nor~th Carolina's Re$ulations for Mobile Homes. He stated, however, that there was a provision whereby you could get a permit through the North Carolina Department of Insurance to install an approved Niddle Zone mobile home in a Hurricane Zone if it had been lived in in another county. Mr. Garner stated that the person he was concerned about had lived in his trailer in Durham. ~~7 ~.. MINUTES OF MEETING, MAY 2'I, ~973 - 9~0o n.M. (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF MOBIZE HOME RUZINGS (CONTINUED) Chairman Vaughan stated that this provision would take care of this immediate problem and that New Hanover County would continue to enforce the State Regulations. Later in the meeting, Mr. Charles R. Register, Chief Building Inspector, appeared before the Board to statec.that the provision Mr. Epling had mentioned earlier pertained to those who were coming into a Hurricane Zone from another State but not from another County within the State of North Carolina. He stated that they would get in touch with the State Insurance Department to see if they could allow the man in ouestion to live in New Hanover County in the Middle Zoned trailer until the new rulings come out in October. No action vaas taken by the Board. DISCUSSION OF CIVIL DEFENSE GENERATOR Chairman Vaughan appointed himself and Commissioner Powell as a committee to discuss the Civil Defense Generator vrith Mr. Richard Epling, County Engineer, and Gen. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil De£ense Director, aid to come back with a recom- mendation to the Board. ACCEFTANCE OF CARPET BID FOR SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Mr. Patrick G. Ross, County Auditor, presented the following carpet bids for the Social Services Department: Belk Beery Company $3,689•2~ Coastal Floor Company $3,II2'1.20 He stated that the bid from Belk Beery was for better carpet than that required by the specifications and recommended that this bid be accepted. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the bid from Belk Beery be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. TAX DEPkRTMENT - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Mr. Patrick G. Ross, County Auditor, presented a request from the Tax Department that $3,69~.'13 from the general fund account, Advertising of Judgements, be transferred back to the Tax Department's Advertising Account. This was money paid out of the Tax Department's Advertising Account to advertise property for sale due to delinquent taxes. 4Jhen the sale was closed, the advertising cost was paid by the purchaser; however, the money must go into the Advertising of Judgements Account rather than the Tax Department's Advertising Account. Commissioner Powell stated that this would distort the Tax Department's Adver- tising budget figure if this transfer were not made. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that this transfer be made. Motion carried unanimously. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMEPIT - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Upon motion by Commissioner Davis seconded by Commissioner Powell, a transfer of $360 from Capital Outlay to Phone in the Sheriff's Department was unanimously approved. CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - TRANSFER OF FLTI~TDS Upon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded. by Commissioner Davis, a transfer of $50 from Maintenance of Grounds to Supplies and Material for Cape Fear Technical Insti- tute was unanimously approved. CORONER - TRANSFER OF F.UNDS Upon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Davis, a transfer of $265 from Travel to Radio Maintenance for the Coroner was unanimously approved. NEW HANOVER OOUNTY JAIL - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded b;y~ Commissioner Powell, a transfer of $'1,800 to the County Jail's Grocery budget from Ad Valorem Tax Revenue for the Year '1969 and prior was unanimously approved. COURTHOUSE BUILDING - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Upon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded bg Commissioner Wright, a transfer of $'700 from Repairs to Courthouse and Other Buildings to Janitorial and Other Supplies was unanimously approved. POI,ICY FOR USE OF COUNTY COMMISSION BUII,DING By common consent, the following decisions were reached with regard to the use o£ the Assembly Room and the County Commission Building: No responsible group interested in the social and political life of the County would be denied use of the Assembly Room. 4lkien a group asks permission to use these facilities, one individual o£ that group would sign a request form accepting responsibility for the proper utilization of the facilities and responsibility for seeing that the building was locked if their meeting lasted or took place after office hours (8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.). This individual would receive a key to the front door from the Clerk to the Board if needed for locking up. The doors to the small conference room and main secretarial office would be locked after office hours, and the Commissioners would be given a ke9 to these doors. Chairman Vaughan asked the Clerk to the Board to type a request form and mail it to the Commissioners for their approval. ~ 4~~ MINUTE.G, OF MEETING, MAY ENDORSEMENT OF GOVERNOR AND OTHER RESERVE COMPO By common consent, follows: 2~, ~973 - 9:0o a.M. (corrrrNUED) e HOLSHOUSER'S SUPF~RT OF THE NATIONAL GUARD v~ivzS OF THE ARMED FORCES ~ it was agreed to put a notice in the paper ro read as At their regular meeting on May 2'I, ~973, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners endorsed Governor Holshouser's statement supporting the National Guard and other Reserve components o£ the Armed Services. The Board encourages Guard and Reserve membership for their employees and will not limit job and career opportunities for employees because of their service in the Guard or Reserve. SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT - DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS AT 67'16 WRIGHTSVILLE AVENUE , Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the request from P'iiss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Social Services, for demolition oY buildings at 6'7'16 4lrightsville Avenue (property that the Social Services Department had a lien on) be approved at no cost to ~e County. Commissioners Davis and Wright expressed concern tiecause nothing was known about the person that owned the buildin$s. Chairman Vaughan and Commissioner Hall expressed the opinion that the Board must take the word of its agencies that an action is the proper thing to do. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioner Hall, Powell and Chairman Vaughan. Voting Noe: Commissioners Davis and Wright. SWAP OF LAND BETWEEN CITY AND COUNTY Mr. John 0. Jones, Manager of the City of Wilmington, presented the following proposal for svrap of property between New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington: The County property being the James Walker Hospital propert~, bordered by Tenth, Rankin, Grace and Eleventh Streets. The City property being that propert~ behind Lake Forest School, bordered by '15th, Willard and '16th Streets and Jumping Run Branch. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the County Attorney be authorized and directed to draw the nece-'ssary deed to transfer ownership of that piece of property in the vicinity of 'IOth and Rankin Streets to the City of Wilmington in exchange for a piece o£ propert~ in the vicinity o£ I,ake Forest School on an even swap basis and that the space reserved for parking for the Social Services Department be worked out with the Director of that Department before drawing up the deed. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION ON SOLID WASTE MANAGEIiENT Mr. Warren 0. Stiles, P.E. appeared be£ore the Board to.make a presen- tation on solid waste management. He stated that he had spoken with Mr. William Herbert, an engineer with Black Clawson in New York, and he had felt the County would be warranted in keeping the present arrangement with the present contractor even at a'105/ increase £or the next few ~ears. He requested, however, that with the estimated increase of population for Ne~a Hanover County that consideration be given in the earliest possible bizdgetary period to a small pilot study of how the Black Clawson system could best be applied to New Hanover County. Mr. Stiles showed a film to the Commissioners on the Solid Waste Re- cycling Plant in Franklin, Ohio, that recycled scrap metal, paper and glass. No action was taken by the Board. DISCUSSION OF'GOVERNOR'S CO1`TFERENCE ON BICENTENNIAI~ PLAIVIQING By common consent, Chairman Vaughan was authorized to send a represen- tative to the Governor's Conference on Bicentennial Planning on Thursday, May 24, ~9'73, in Raleigh, N. C., from the New Hanover County American Revolution Bicentennial Committee. DISCUS6ION OF CONTROL OF SEDIMENTATION SENATE BIZL Commissioner Powell reported that on the initial reading of Proposed Committee Substitute PCS8602 for Senate Bill 244 entitled Control of Sedi- mentation that it appeared to be very comprehensive. DISCUSSION OF COUNTY-WIDE SEWERAGE SYSTEM Commissioner Hall stated that he wanted to get something officially go- ing on a county-wide sewerage system and possibly tie in with the City services. He asked that a date be set to invite Mr. Henry von Oeson to appear and o£ficially give the Board a discourse on the most practical thing the County could do right away. By common consent, it was agreed that Mr. von Oeson would be invited to appear before the Board with a presentation at their second meeting in June. 4~~ 0 M-INUTES OF MEET ING, P'iAY 2'I ,'19'73 - 9~ 00 A. M. ( CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF COUNTY EIiPIAYEES ATTENDANCE AT SEMINARS Commissioner Wright stated that she wanted to make sure that trips to seminars were not used as reF~ards £or employees who would not use the knowledge gained at the school. Chairman Vaughan requested the Clerk to the Board to put a membrandum in the Count~ Manager's file stating that the Board had expressed an interest in his surveying the various trips taken by the employees of the County £or conventions and so forth and i developing the fact that these trips are worthwhile to the taxpayer. DISCUSSION OF LAIVDFILL _ Commissioner Davis asked if he still had authorization from the Board to go to the City o£ Wilmington and Carolina and Kure Beaches to get their approval for the land£ill to be operated by Waste Industries. By common consent, it was agreed that Commissioner Davis did have authorization to do this. _~D~SCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MEETINGS Mr. Red Beall, The Hanover Sun; Miss Sara Lindau, The Star-News; and Mr. John Mangum, WWAY TV; expressed their concern that things were being discussed in personnel meetings, which are closed meetings, that did not pertain strictly to personnel. Commissioner Hall stated that the issue which prompted this discussion was on a personnel matter. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan ad- journed the meeting. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~~ de~ ~ Lise K. King Clerk to the Board I,KK : wg MINiTTES OF MEETING, JUDTE 4, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. ASSENBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, ' June 4, ~973, at 9:00 A.M., in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis, J. M. Hall, Jr., W. Douglas Powell, Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and Clerk to the Board, Lise g. ging. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. Rev. William R. Medley of the First Wesleyan Church offered the invocation. APPR~VAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2'I, '1973 Chairman tiaughan requested the following addition to page 9 under Discussion of Personnel Meetings: :9 "Commissioner Hall stated that the issue that had prompted this discussion was on a personnel matter." Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the minutes be approved as amended. Motion carried unanimously. RECOGNITION OF MISS VERNA BELLE IAWERY Mr. Ihxrwood t3aggett, County Extension Chairman, presented Miss Verna Belle Lowery, Home Economics E~rtension Agent, to the Board stating that he had received Miss IAwery's letter of resignation after 23 years with the County. Commissioner Wright presented Miss Lowery with the County Medallion, which had been inscribed with her name and the years of her service with the County. Miss Lowery was commended for the splendid job she had done as Home.Economics E~ctension Agent. REISSUANCE OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT - WASTE INDUSTRIES, Chairman Vaughan presented a petition to the Co~ heading: We the undersigned citizens of Flemington Hanover County Commissioners to keep our residential permit for a landfill in or near our R-'15 area." He uses of the same signature. INC. nmissioners with the £ollowing sub-division petition our New sub-division R-'15 and deny a stated that there were multiple Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, stated that the application £or the ~pecial Use Permit had been heard by the Planning Commission on March 'J, '1973, and had been favorably recommended by them. He stated that a public hearing had been held by the County Commissioners on April 2, ~g'73. Mr. Mallory stated that the actual site of the sanitary landfill was located in industrial property zoned I-2, and the boundary oY the zoning classifications between the industrial and the residential was the Seaboard Coastline Railroad track.