1973-06-04 Regular Meeting4~~ 0 M-INUTES OF MEET ING, P'iAY 2'I ,'19'73 - 9~ 00 A. M. ( CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF COUNTY EIiPIAYEES ATTENDANCE AT SEMINARS Commissioner Wright stated that she wanted to make sure that trips to seminars were not used as reF~ards £or employees who would not use the knowledge gained at the school. Chairman Vaughan requested the Clerk to the Board to put a membrandum in the Count~ Manager's file stating that the Board had expressed an interest in his surveying the various trips taken by the employees of the County £or conventions and so forth and i developing the fact that these trips are worthwhile to the taxpayer. DISCUSSION OF LAIVDFILL _ Commissioner Davis asked if he still had authorization from the Board to go to the City o£ Wilmington and Carolina and Kure Beaches to get their approval for the land£ill to be operated by Waste Industries. By common consent, it was agreed that Commissioner Davis did have authorization to do this. _~D~SCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MEETINGS Mr. Red Beall, The Hanover Sun; Miss Sara Lindau, The Star-News; and Mr. John Mangum, WWAY TV; expressed their concern that things were being discussed in personnel meetings, which are closed meetings, that did not pertain strictly to personnel. Commissioner Hall stated that the issue which prompted this discussion was on a personnel matter. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan ad- journed the meeting. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~~ de~ ~ Lise K. King Clerk to the Board I,KK : wg MINiTTES OF MEETING, JUDTE 4, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. ASSENBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, ' June 4, ~973, at 9:00 A.M., in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis, J. M. Hall, Jr., W. Douglas Powell, Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and Clerk to the Board, Lise g. ging. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. Rev. William R. Medley of the First Wesleyan Church offered the invocation. APPR~VAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2'I, '1973 Chairman tiaughan requested the following addition to page 9 under Discussion of Personnel Meetings: :9 "Commissioner Hall stated that the issue that had prompted this discussion was on a personnel matter." Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the minutes be approved as amended. Motion carried unanimously. RECOGNITION OF MISS VERNA BELLE IAWERY Mr. Ihxrwood t3aggett, County Extension Chairman, presented Miss Verna Belle Lowery, Home Economics E~rtension Agent, to the Board stating that he had received Miss IAwery's letter of resignation after 23 years with the County. Commissioner Wright presented Miss Lowery with the County Medallion, which had been inscribed with her name and the years of her service with the County. Miss Lowery was commended for the splendid job she had done as Home.Economics E~ctension Agent. REISSUANCE OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT - WASTE INDUSTRIES, Chairman Vaughan presented a petition to the Co~ heading: We the undersigned citizens of Flemington Hanover County Commissioners to keep our residential permit for a landfill in or near our R-'15 area." He uses of the same signature. INC. nmissioners with the £ollowing sub-division petition our New sub-division R-'15 and deny a stated that there were multiple Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, stated that the application £or the ~pecial Use Permit had been heard by the Planning Commission on March 'J, '1973, and had been favorably recommended by them. He stated that a public hearing had been held by the County Commissioners on April 2, ~g'73. Mr. Mallory stated that the actual site of the sanitary landfill was located in industrial property zoned I-2, and the boundary oY the zoning classifications between the industrial and the residential was the Seaboard Coastline Railroad track. ~~~ 4~~.~ s MINUTES OF MEETING, JUNE 4, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) REISSUANCE OF SPECIAL USE FERMIT - WASTE INDUSTRIES. INC. (CONTINUED) Mr. Mallory stated that the basic points objected to by the people of the Flemington area present at the public hearing were as follows: ('I) the additional traffic that this would mean through their subdivision in gaining access to the land£ill site and that one of the roads that could be used was a marl road (2) the height o£ activity of a landfill would not be com- patible with the residential qualities of the people within the Flemington area (3) the area being a sanitar9 landfill would devalue their peoperty, and (4) this would cause an increase in the amount of rodents within this area. Mr. Mallory stated that it had been pointed "o~xt by Mr. Dumay A. Gorham, Jr., the attorney representing Waste Industries at the public hearing, that the land- fill would have to be operated within the guidelines and regulations oY the State Board of Health for sanitary landfill sites and that the site would have to be approved by the State Board of Health as far as the water table was con- cerned and to whether or not the soil was conductine to a sanitary landfill operation. After reviewing all pertinent information, Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the following resolution be adopted: "RESOLUTION OF ATEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS GRANTING SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. FOR THE OPERATION OF A SANITARY LANDFILL WF~REAS: Pursuant to G.S. ~53-255.~o through ~53.266.22, inclusive, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Count~ adopted a resolution effective October '15, ~969, known as the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina. ~ 47HEREAS: Pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned zoning ordinance, Waste Industries, Inc. has made application for a special use permit for the operation of a sani- tary landfill as stated in said application. WHEREAS: All requirements of notice o£ and public hearings on, the application have been met and the Wilmington- New Aanover County Planning Commission has reviewed the application and has recommended that it be ap- proved. WHEREAS: The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners find from investigation and from review of all the evidence that: ('I) The use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and ap- proved; (2) The use meets all required conditions and specifications; (3) The use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, and the use is a public necessity; and (4) The location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony~;~with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County and that in accordance with these finds the • special use permit should be granted subject to the following stipulations: (a) Subject to the maps submitted with the appli- cation for Special Use Permit; (b) Subject to approval of the site by the State Board oY Health and their review of ground water characteristics; and, (c) Subject to the operations of said Sanitary LandYill in accordance with the regulations of the State Board of Health for Sanitary.Landfills. NOW, THEREFORE, Board of Commissioners in da,y of June, ~973, that a Industries, Inc. to use t] cation #58 for a Sanitary tions: BE IT REBOLVED by the New Hanover County Regular Meeting assembled this the 4th 6pecial Use Permit be granted to Waste ie land as mentioned in the above appli- I,andfill based on the £ollowing condi- (a) Subject to the maps submitted with the application £or Special Use Permit; (b) Subject to approval oP the site by the State Board of Health and their review of ground water characteristics; and, (c) Subject to the operations of said Sanitary Land- fill in accordance with the regulations of the State Board o£ Health for Sanitary Landfills. ~!.`~J~4~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JUNE 4, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) REISSUANCE OF SPECIAI~ USE PERMIT - WASTE INDUSTRIES. INC. (CONTINUED) This 4th day of June, ~973. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY B9~ M. H. Vaughan, Chm. ATTEST: Lise K, ging, Clerlr~ Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Wright expressed the sentiment that her voting "~ea" for this resolu- tion was based upon the £act that the Commissioners had a~reed unanimously to lend their support to the use of a road to the landfil]. that avoided the main throu~hfare. DR6INAGE C70MPI,AINT - TANGLEWOOD SUBDIVISION ~ Deputy James Busby, Mr. Adly Kassem, Mr. Ray A Brindell, Jr., Mr. John E. Jones and P'Lr. Herbert E. Cooke, of the Tanglewood Subdivision, appeared before the Board o£ Commissioners to seek relief fram damages resulting from work by the Health Department. Deputy Busby stated that they had permitted the Health Department to dredge the ditch by their property in order to give good drainage to neighbors:upstream.who were experiencing flooding. Ae stated that it was their understanding at the time that this would not cause damage to their property but that this had caused lateral' erosion and the ditch was eroding so badly that it was within nine Peet o£ the foundation of his house. Photographs of the ditch that depicted the erosion problem were distributed by Deputy Busby. Deputy Busby requested the Count~r to lay iron pipe in the bottom of the ditch and debris to fill in the eroded area, as it became available, to be covered by a laper of topsoil. . County Engineer, Richard Epling, recommended installation of dumped rubble dams to establish a flatter slope on the ditch grade so'as to prevent erosion. Chairman Vaughan appointed Commissioners Powell and Davis as a committee to go see the property with the County Eagineer and to come back with a recommendation to the Board at their June '18, ~973, meeting. ' FINAI, SUBDIVISION PLAT - NORTH HILLS SUBDIVISION Mr. Nei1 Mallory, Planning Director, presented the final subdivision plat of Section 2, North Hills Subdivision. He stated that this subdivision had been reviewed by the Subdivis3on Review Committee of the Planning Commission, the'Planning Department Staff, and by the County Engineer's Office. He stated that it was their recommendation that the map be approved for recording and the $'I,'100 check to cover the remainder of the improvements that had not been installed (basically the installation of monument points) be accepted to be reimbursed to the developer, Mr. Irving P. Hewlett, upon installation of the monuments. Chairman Vaughan requested Mr. Mallory to advise developers that where developments were being developed b~ metes and bounds that they would take a critical look at the street plan before recommending'approval for take over by the State Highway Commission to insure that necessary refinements such as cul-de-sac turn-arounds were incorporated in the development. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the final sub- division plat of Section I, North Hills Subdivision, be approved for recording and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat and the following agreement re- garding the $'I,'100 check. Motion carried unanimously. "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this 1st day of June, ~973, bq and between IRVING P. HEWLETT, DBA IiEWI~'TT REALTY, with its principal office and place of business in the County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, party of the first part, and NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a North Carolina municipality, part of the second part. W I T N~ S S E T H: THAT wr~.x~,AS, said party of the first part is the owner of that certaii~ real estate subdivision, known as North Hills, according to a plat o£ same prepared by M. F. Underwood, Re~istered Land Surveyor; and ~~t~s MINUTES OF MEETING, JUNE 4, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTIIQUED) FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT - NORTH HII,ZS SUBDIVISION (CONTINUED) Agreement (Continued) 41HEREAS, certain improvements as required by the New Hanover County subdivision ordinance have not been completed by the party of the first part; and Wf~REAS, party of the first part desires to record the said plat of North Hills Subdivision, prior to completion o£ said improvements; and Wf~REAB, party of the second part agrees to allow the recording of said plat upon compliance with the provisions of this agreement. NOW, •1•n~xEFORE, the parties hereto mutually agxee as follows: 'I. Party of the first part shall deposit with the paTty of the second part by cash or with cashiers or certified check the sum of Eleven Hundred and no/'IOOths (~'I,'100) Dollars, upon deposit of which, party of the second part sha1T take all necessary steps to aIlow the recordin~ of said map o£ said North Hills Subdivision. ' 2. Party oY the second part shall deposit the above mentioned Eleven Hundred and no/'IOOths ($'I,'100) Dollars in a savings account with some local Savings & Loan Association or other banking institution. 3. At the end o£ one year from the date hereof, party of the first part agrees that it shall have performed all necessar~ acts and comply with all requirements of the New Hanover County Subdivision ordinance as pertains to said North Hills Subdivision, and more particularly described as: 'I. All control monuments installed and com- . pletion of improvements per improv.ed plans submitted to New Hanover County Planning Department. In the event of such compliance within said one year, the said Eleven Hundred and no/'IOOths ($1,100.00) Dollars plus all accrued interest thereon shall be rePunded to the party of the first part. 4. In the event the said party of the first part does not complete said improvements•as stated in paragraph 3 above within the one year period of time, then and in that event, the said Eleven Hundred and no/100ths (#'I,'100.00) Dollars,.together with all accrued interest shall revert to New Hanover County, and said funds shall be used by the said New Hanover County for completion o£ said subdivision regulation requirements listed in paragraph 3. IN TESTIMONY WFIEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be signed in•duplicate originals, copies of which are retained by each of the parties hereto, all the day and year first above written. FiEWI,E'PT REAI(rY By: Irving P. Hewlett, Owner ATTEST: Lise A. Bing By: ATTEST: i,ise K. gin~" NEW HANOVER.COUNTY M. H. Vaughan APPROVAL OF LEGION STADIUM AGREII~TENT Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the agreement between the City o£ Wilmington and New Hanover County regarding Legion Stadium be approved and sent to the City Council for their approval. 4~~ MINUTES OF PTEETING, JUNE 4, ~973 - 9~D0 A.M. (CONTINTJED) APPROVAI, OF LEGION STADIUM AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) Chairman Vaughan made the substitute motion that approval of the a~reement be de- ferred until conference was had concerning whether or not that was the desirable place for the stadium to be built. Motion died for lack of a second. Upon vote, the original motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Daivs, Aall, Powell and Wright. ,Voting Noe: Chairman Vaughan. REPORT FROM BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Rev. Walser H. Allen, Jr., Chairman of the New Hanover County American Revolution Bicentennial Committee, appeared before the Board along with Ti~:s Board members Mr. John H. Debnam, Mr. Gary Eyster, Mrs. Ida B. gellam and Mrs. E. M. McEachern. Rev. Allen gave a brief history on the Bicentennial Committee and stated that Mr. Debnam, Mrs. McEachern and ~'irs. Robert Williams had attended the Governor's Conference on Bicentennial Plannin~ in Raleigh on Mr~y 24, ~973- Mr. Debnam called attention to the plans in Buncombe County. Mrs. McEachern stated she felt that the historical aspects should be emphasized in this celebration. Chairman Vaughan made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Board de- clare its intent that the tenor of New Hanover County's preparation and engagement in the Bicentennial celebration be based on historical background without consideration o£ other material factors. Motion carried unanimously. After a brief discussion regarding employing a coordinator for the celebration, Commissioner Wright expressed the sentiment that she would approve of this only if the plan worked up needed this executive. By common consent, it was agreed that when the Bicentennial Committee had developed a plan, the Board of Commissioners would give serious consideration to all support needed. DONATION FOR HOSTING STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION Mr, Dick Reagan of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Board to request $500 £rom the Count9 to help finance the hosting of the State Highway Commission for their regular June meeting to be held in Wilmington on June '7tfi & 8th, ~973• Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that $500 be appropriated from the Beer and Wine Crown Tax for this purpose. Commissioner Wright stated that she would vote for this appropriation provided none of the County's money was spent for alcoholic beverages. Mr. Reagan gave his assurance that no County funds would be spect for alcoholic beverages. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. FRANCES L. GRAY WEI~FARE LIEN Mr. John T. Schiller, Attorney at I,aw, representing Ola G. Pridgen appeared before the Board to ask if the County wished to appropriate $'1,526.0'7 in order to p~y off the mortgage on the property of Frances L. Gray, ~enerally described as '13'12 Queen Stre~t, Wilmington, N. C., to protect a welfare lien of $6,443.00 from possible extinction. He stated the propertg had been appraised by the Tax Department at $3,500. Miss Lela Moore Hsll, Director of Social Services, advised paying off this mortgage because if it were sold at auction, the County would not only lose its lien on the pro- perty but would also have to find a home for the occupant of the house, Benjamin C. Gray, a disabled adult child of Frances L. Gray and brother of Ola G. Fridgen. Mr. Joseph 0. Taylor, Attorney at Law from the County Attorney's Office, recom- mended paying off the mortgage if the County wanted to protect its lien on the pro- perty. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that based upon the recommendations of Miss Hall and Mr. Taylor, the County purchase this note in the amount of $'1,526.0~ from the General Contin~ency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. RE9UEST FROM SOUTHEASTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR AGING PROGRAM PLAivNr.~c FOR REGIOPT d. Mr. Tom Cottingham, President of Southeastern Community College, appeared before the Board along with his associate, Mr. Jack Ervin, to request the County's support in securing a Planner £or Region 0 in the area of activity and programs for older citizens. He stated that a federal grant was available for ~5% of the funding for this planning program and that the remaining 25% would be shared by Southeastern and the four counties (Pender, Brunswick, Columbus, and New Hanover) each county shares:being $755•50. He requested an appropriation of this amount. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Chairman Vau~han, that this request be denied. Commissioner Hall stated that he did not want to be quite that domatic and would like to talk to some o£ the County's agencies to see i£ there is a~y overlap. Commissioner Hall moved the substitute motion, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that this be taken under consideration and decided upon at the June '18, ~973, meeting. Substitute motion carried unanimously. 4~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JUNE 4, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) APPROVAI~ OF REGION 0 FAMILY PLANNING PROPOSAL 1°irs. W. T. ~Jodie) 5m5.th of the r'amily t'lanning Task ForcE and Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Social Services, appeared before the Board to request their ap- proval of the Region 0 Family Planning Proposal. Miss Hall stated that it was a mandate of Con~ress that the County had to have a Family Planning Program that involved out-reach workers beginning July ~, ~973~ ~d that, under the auspices of the Social Services Department, the County would have to pay 5% o£ the program and 25% of the salaries; but, under the above program, the County would pay nothing more than it had.already bud- geted for Family Planning. She stated that her Board had gone along with this proposal and that it did Yulfill the demands of the Federal guidelines. Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that this proposal be adopted for a one-~ear trial period. Motion carried unanimously. SOCIAI, S~,xv1CES DEPARTMENT - INCOME 'TA% FOR RETIRII`~NT PLAN FOR '1969 lt was brought to the attention of the Board by Commissioner Hall that the Social Services Department had not had the opportunity to be refunded income tax on money that the~ had paid toward their own retirement in the year 1969. He stated that the Health Department had been sent forms to fill in for this and the Social Services Department had not. Miss Hall stated that she was not sure if her employees would want to take advantage of this or not but felt they should be given the oppor- tunity. Chairman Vaughan suggested that a request be made to the County Manager that the Federal people be notified to allow a claim for this. Commissioner Hall recommended that the form be mailed in with a letter from the County Attorney explaining how this oversight.,occurred. APPROPRIATION OF REVENUE SHARING r ulvLa FOR HEAI~TH DEPARriir.iv~ BUILDING Chairman Vaughan stated that a meeting had been rield by the Commissioners to survey their thinking as to what were priority projects for the Revenue Sharing funds. He stated that all of the Commissioners had agreed that , if the Health Department was not going to get Hill-Burton funds, the County Commissioners would allocate $200,000 from the Renenue Sharing funds for the proposed new Health Department Bw7din~. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that $200,000 be allocated from Revenue Sharing funds for the proposed new health center. Motion carried uuanimously. Mr. Charles Boney, Architect, presented the plans for the proposed center. He stated that approval would be sought from the Medical Care Commission and advance notices would be mailed to contractors notifying them that the project was coming up. ESTABLISffi`~NT OF COUNTY PZANNING DEPARTMENT Commissioner Hall stated that he had been instructed by the Board to approach the City o£ Wilmington with the idea of the County relieving the City of its administrative responsibility for the Planning Department with the County to pay 6~/0 of its operation and the City, 40'~, rather than the 50/50 they were currently paging. He stated that the City had not taken action on this proposal. ~ ~ Commissioner Hall presented the followin~ budget for a County Plan- ning Department for the fiscal year ~973-~974, stating that this would be about $9,000 less than the 60-40 proposition offered to the City. "PROPOSED BUDGET FOR COUNTY PI~EINNING DEPARTMENT Salaries Director Planner II Planner I Draftsman Stenographer II Summer Intern Social Security getirement Group Hospital Insurance Auto Allowance Telephone Advertising Departmental Supplies Rent Printing Reports Capital•Outlay ~55,020 $'16 , 620 ~3,704 '10 , 860 'q, 200 ~5,736 900 2,'70~ 2,'706 720 'I ., 800 '700 420 3,800 2,'125 ~ 500 883 ~7~,375" 42~ MIN[TTES OF MEETING, JUNE 4, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. (CaNT2NUED) ESTABZISHI"IENT OF COUNTY PI,ANNING DEPA.RTMENT (CONTtivu~;D) Commissioner Hall presented the following proposal to the Board: That a separate County Planning Department be formed to be administered by the County to handle County matters. That this Planning Department would hopefully be able to occupy the same quarters as they presently occupied; rent being paid to the City, in order to have complete cooperation between the two Planning Depart- ments. That the Wilmington-New Hanover Plarn;nm Commission would retain its present status and continue to serve for both Planning Departments. . Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that this proposal be adopted effective July 'I, '1973. Commissioner Wright stated that the telephone and rent figures were based upon the Department staying at their present location. She stated further that additional expense might be incurred under the Capital Outlay item on the budget. She recommended waiting until the new County Manager gets on the ~ob. Mr. Bob Goslee, President of the Southeastern Chapter of the North Carolina Society of Surveyors, stated that he wished to go on record for his or~anization as being against the proposal. Commissioner Davis made the substitute motion, seconded by Commissioner Wri~ht, that this be deferred until the new County Manager had had an opportunity to discuss this at length with the City Manager and report back to the Board, at which time the Board would take action. Upon vote, the substitute motion was defeated as follows: Voting Aye: Commi.ssioners Davis and Wright Voting Noe: Commissioners Hall, Powell, and Chairman Vaughan Upon vote, the original motion to establish a County Planning Department effective July 'I, ~973, was approved as £ollows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Hall, Powell, and Chairman Vaughan Voting Noe: Commissioners Davis and Wright By common consent, it was agreed that the Board would listen to any alternative pro- posal that may come from the City; otherwise, the proposed County Planning Department, as approved, would go into effect July 'I, ~973. DISCUSSION OF AMBULANCE FRANCHISE Chairman Vaughan stated that he and Commissioner Hall had met with the operators o£ the two ambulance services and the two rescue squads and had also met separately.with representatives from the law enforcement agencies, New Hanover Memorial Hospital, the City of Wilmin~ton and the Fire Department. Commissioner Hall stated that the Board was faced with the situation where they had to set up an ordinance to delineate between emergency and non-emergency cases or lose the commercial ambulance services. Commissioners Davis, Powell and Wright expressed the opinion that they would not do a~ything that would deter the Ogden Rescue Squad from performing as they had in the past until a solution was found that would provide better ambulance service. Chairman Vaughan appointed Commissioners Powell and Wriglt to study the problem and make a definite proposal to the Board and report their progress at the June 'I8, ~973 meeting. RESIGNATION OF COMML6SIONER HAI~I, FROM THE NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SOARD OF TRUSTEES Commissioner Hall stated that he had given his resignation to the New Hanover Memorial Hospital.Board of Trustees and asked this to be placed on the June '18th a~enda for appoint- ment of .another Commissioner to serve on this board. He stated that, in the past, the Chairman.had made this appointment after conferring with the other Board members. DISCUSSION OF ROAD PETITIOPIS Commissioner Hall stated that in the future on the petitions requesting the State Highway Commission to add Toads to the Secondary Road S.ystem for maintenance that he would like to know if these roads were in a subdivision being developed bg metes and bounds or according to the requirements of the PTew Hanover Count~ Subdivision Regula- tions. Chairman Uaughan asked the Clerk to the Board to noti£y the Planning Sta££ that, in the case of roads in subdivisions being developed by me~es~and bounds, the Com- missioners would like to be given special notification o£ that fact. R09D PETITION - SAMUEI, COOPER DRIVE AND KIRBY SMITH DRIVE C:ommissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the Board adopt a resolution to request the State Highway Commission to review Samuel Cooper Drive and Kirby Smith Drive and to take over these roads £or maintenance i£ they met the established standards and criteria. Motion carTied unanimously. MINUTES OF MEETING, JUNE 4, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) T,FAp GRANT APPI,IC9TION - Iiv•rr.x-AGENCY NARCOTICS BUREAU • ~ Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter of committment to participate in the Inter-Agency Narcotics Bureau, letter to be submitted with the LEAA Grant Application. It was noted by the Commissioners in the May 29, '19'13 letter from Jerry Ramsey, Planning Director, Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit, that this could be done without the Sheriff's Department making another budget request by offer- ing "in-kind"services" and using available cash. ~ Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. REC~-ISTER OF DEEDS - TRANSFER OF FUNDS. Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Powell, a transfer of $2,000 from the Arcata Service Contract ('I'1.685) to Cott Data Processing Company ('I'1.70'I) was unanimously approved for the Register of Deeds. REGISTER OF D~DS - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Upon motion b~ Commissioner Wright, seconded b~ Commissioner Hall, a transfer of ~130 to Telephone ('i'1.689) from Miscellaneous Refunds in the General Fund was unanimously approved for the Register of Deeds. , • REPORT ON CIVII, Lr.r~ivSE Gr.~vr~xATOR Commissioner Powell reported that he and Chairman Vaughan had met with Gen. Andrew Harriss, Jr., Civi~ Defense Director, and that their meeting had resulted in the following conclusions: That the County Engineer was to check the generator to determine that it was properly serviced and protected. That the generator was sufficiently enclosed without the necessity for erection of a security fence at this time. That the generator would be held for future incorporation as an emergency unit in a new governmental complex building. " That the Civil Defense Director would keep the Commissioners advised if ax~p problem relative to the.condition or security of, the generator should arise. Chairman Vaughan requested Commissioner Powell to write these £indings in a memo to General Harriss with copies to the Commissioners. ' CIVIL L~rr.ivSE AGENCY - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Wright, a trans£er of $300 from Travel to Emergency Operations Center'for use if needed was unanimously approved for the Civil Defense Agency. LOWER CAPE FEAR NVENILE SERVICES ur.irr~x - TRANSFER OF F[TNDS Upon motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, a transfer of $400 from the revenue account Evaluation ESrpenses to Supplies was unanimously approved for the Zower :Cape Fear Juvenile Sernices Center. NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Upon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Iiall, the following transfers £or the New Hanover County Airport were unanimously approved: $200 from Water & Sewer ('I'1.42$) to Telephone ('I'1.425) $300 from Electrical Supplies 'I'1.4'13) to Lights & Power ('I'1.419) $'150 from Electrical Supplies ~'I'1.4'13) to Travel ('I'1.42'7) NEW HANOVER COIINTY SCH007~5 - HEATING F`UEI, FACILITIES Upon motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Powe~},the Board unanimously approved the e3rpenditure of $'12,500 from the County School;s Capital Reserve Fund to provide additional storage facilities £or heating fuel in preparation for the comin~ year. BUDGET '1973-1974 rir. Yatrick Ross, County Auditor, distributed copies of the budget for the fiscal 9ear 19'73-'19~4 to the Commissioners. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the time for the public hearing on the budget be set at 9~00 A.M. on July 9, ~973, and that the County Auditor be authorized to publish the followin~ notice: "NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The tentative budget Por the fiscal year beginning July 'I, ~973, of 4. New Hanover County, N. C. was on June 4, '19'73 presented to the Board of County Commissioners and is available for public inspection in the of£ice of Lise ging, Clerk to the Board. A public hearing will~be held at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, Ju19 9, ~973 in the Commissioners' Building, 'I4 N. 3rd Street, Wilmington, N. C., at which time an,y persons who wish to be heard on the budget may appear. Patrick G. Ross County Auditor" 4~~. MIN[TTES OF MEETING, JUNE 4, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) BUDGET '1973-'1974 Motion carried unanimously. MENTAL HEAI,TH MEETING Commissioner Wright stated that she felt the $30 charged the previous year for a copy of the budget was excessive. , By common consent, it was agreed that the cost o£ a copy of the budget to local people interested in securing a copy would be $12.50. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS LISTING FROM IACAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION Commissioner Wright presented a listing of certificates of deposit and stated that in January of last year the Countq had 94.83% of available money on deposit earnin~ interest and that this ~ear the County only had 68.25%- Mr: Patrick Ross, County Auditor, stated that he would be able to tell the Commissioners on July 1, ~9~3, exactly how the9 stand. Mr, Ross stated that he had discussed this with Dou~ Carter of the Local Government Commission and had been told by Mr. Carter that this had been miscalculated in the offices of the I.ocal Government Commission. He stated that he would get a corrected f:igure for the Commissioners. DISCUSSION OF SOIL EROSION ORDII6~NCE P1r. Joseph U. Taylor of the County Attorney's Office was asked to notify the County Attorney to get a copy of the Erosion Ordinance enacted by Forsyth County and start pro- ceedings on the County's soil erosion ordinance. WELFARE I,IEN - 8'12 RED CROSS STREET PTr. Joseph o. Taylor, Attorney at Law £rom the County Attorney's Of£ice, reported that the property at 8'12 Red Cross Street listed in the name of Mary Chestnut had had a welfare lien. He stated that she was deceased and that foreclosure proceedings had been enacted. He stated the highest bid received on the property had been $'I,000 and that the property had been appraised at almost $4,000 and asked i£ the County would like to submit an upset bid and readvertise the property £or sale. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that an upset bid be filed by the County on this property. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF AIRPORT SEWERAGE PROBI.EM Commissioner Powell suggested that the Commission write Mr. gidder, Vice Chairman of the Airport Commission, requesting that he keep the Board apprised of the situation. By common consent, the Chairman was authorized to write this letter. DISCUSSION OF COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Chairman Vaughan appointed a committee composed of himself and Commissioner Powell to meet Wednesday, June 6, ~9~3, at 8:00 A.M, to review the problem of committee,appoint- ments. DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC EPtPLOYMENT PROGRAM Commissioner wright stated that she had been informed by the Manpower Council in Raleigh that there was an additional amount of $43,200 available to provide jobs for people who are not qualified to work, salaries being paid by the Federal Government for one year, with the expectation that, at the end of the year, they would be trained and placed on the payroll. She stated that she would like to see the money returned to the Federal Government. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that Commissioner Wright be asked to tell the Manpower Council in Raleigh that New Hanover County would use the money and that, in order to use it in an effective manner, the County's program would not be submitted until the middle of August, ~9~3. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Chairman Vau~han Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright YOTE OF THANKS - CHgIRMAN VAjJGHAN Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that Chairman Vaughan be given a vote of thanks for the extra time, effort and energy that he had expended in the duel role of Countp Manager and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Motion carried unanimouslq. POI,ICY FOR USE OF COUNTY COMMISSION BUILDING ~ Bq common consent, the followin~ form was approved for use of the County Commis- sion Building: "COUNTY COMMISSION BiTIZDING IISE PERMIT Name of Organization Date and Time Requested for Use ~ By request and acceptance of this permit, 2, the undersigned, personally accept responsibility for the proper utilization of the facilities and accept responsibility for seeing that the building is locked if our meeting lasts or takes place after office hours (Mon-Fri, 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.) Further, if I am furnished a key to the office, I pledge return o£ the keg not later than during the next day. ~~~ , MINUTES OF MEETING, JUNE 4, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) POLICY FOR USE OF COUNTY Form (Continued) BTJILDING (CONTINUED) Authorized Representative of Requesting Organization ~ignature `Pelephone No. Clerk to the Board Date Date" DISCUSSION OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Mr. Patrick Ross, County Auditor, stated that the Revenue Sharing Planned Use Report was due on June 20, ~973• ge stated this must be advertised in the newspaper before the report was sent in. By common consent, it was agreed that a special meeting would be held to decide on the planned use of the Revenue Sharing on Thursday, June '], ~973, at 8:00 a.m. in the County Manager's Office. ADJOURNMENT ' '1'here being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vau~han adjourned the meeting. . d Respectfully submitted, T,KK : wg ~~ ~ ~~ I,ise g. King Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING, JUNE 'J, ~9~3 - 8:00 A.Ni. The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Thursday, June ~th at 8:00 A.M. in the County Manager's Office, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were CommiSsioners Peter Davis, W. Douglas Powell, Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; and Clerk to the Board, Zise g. King. . Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order and stated its purpose: to decide on the planned use for the remainder of the Revenue Sharing fuuds. It was agreed unanimously by the four Commissioners present that the re- mainder of the Revenue Sharing funds ($4'70,000) would be.allocated to con- struction oY a jail, courtroom and related facilities building. A committee was appointed of Commissioners Davis and Powell to.determine whether architects in the community would engage in design competition for the construction of the jail, courtroom and related facilities building. The Clerk to the Board was requested to notify the County Auditor of this decision so that this could be advertised. . By common consent, the Chairman was authorized to actively pursue pur- chase of a lot and that, if he were able to acquire the lot the money would be allocated for this.° There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the meetin$ be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting. « Respectfully submitted, ~.~~- ~C. ~~ I,ise K. ging Clerk to the Board LgK:wg