1973-07-09 Special Meeting~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JULY 2, ~973 - 8:3o A.M. (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION SUPPORTING J. RICHARD CONDER (CONTINUED) THERE.~'ORE BE IT RESOZVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby give its £ull support and endorsement to J. Richard Conder for 4th Vice President of the National Association o£ Counties. Dated at Wilmington, North Carolina, this 2nd day of July, ~973. Chairman Attest: Clerk to the Board APPOINTMENT OF MII'1BER5 TO CAPE FEAR COUNCIZ OF GOY~,xtvi~.NTS Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Wri~ht, that Commissioners Davis, Hall and Powell be reappointed to serve on the Cape Fear Council of Governments for one-year terms effective July 1, 19~3. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF INTERIM BUDGET Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that the interim budget as pre- scribed by the General Statutes be adopted and that expenditures for necessary governmental £unetions be made on the same Yinancial level as they had been for the previous year until the adoption o£ the regular budget. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. NEW HANOVER I`TEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOND ISSUE Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the Board authorize and direct the County Attorney to go to the Bond Attorneys in New York and prepare a suitable bond election resolution so that it may have ample time for a21 necessar9 dissemination of information and to comply with the laws ~overning these elections. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF C.APE FEAR TECFII~IICAL INSTITUTE BONDS Mr. ~Iler, County Manager, was directed to determine v~hether or not the Board had taken action to sell the Cape Fear Technical Institute Bonds. He was further directed ~o determine the time schedule for issuing the bonds, ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Aall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, ~'~. a~~ ~ ~ 5 %J Zise x. King Clerk to the Board I~KK : wg MINUTES OF SPECIAZ MEETING, JUI,Y 9, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. ASSEMBZY The New Hanover County Board oY Commissioners met in special session on Monday, July 9, ~973, at 9:00 A.M., in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to hold a public hearing on the proposed New Hanover County budget for the fiscal year ~973-~974. Members present were Commissioners Peter R, Davis, J. M. Ha11, Jr., W, -ouglas Powell, Vivian S, Wright; Chairman M. H, Vaughan; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; and Clerk to the Board, I,ise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. PUBLIC HEkRING ON PROPOSED '19'~3-'1974 BUDGET Chairman Uaughan asked ii members oY the audience wished to address the Commissioners on the proposed budget. Mr, Patrick G. Ross, County Auditor, presented the Board with a resolution for adoption o£ the budget and an amendment to the budget showing the changes that had been made. Cammissioner Hall expressed the sentiment ~ha~C he did not feel the tax rate was sacred and that he would not be able to justify a decrease in the tax rate as the Commission was aware of things that they would be faced with in the coming years. Mr. H, C. Wallace and Mr. Joe Rogers appeared on behalf of the New Hanover County Tax- payers Association and requested a 4 percent reduction i~s,,the total budget. Commissioner Davis stated that the budget had been studied on a line-by-line basis and would have to be cut in the same manner. He asked that the representatives of the Taxpayers Association be specific in their request £or a budget cut instead of the general request for a 4 percent reduction in the total bud~et. ~~~ MIN[JTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 9, ~g73 - 9~ao A.M. (CaNTINUE-) PUBI,IC HEARING ON PROPOSED ~973-~974 BUDGET (CONTIPNED) ~ Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by.bommissioner Hall, that adoption of the budget be postponed until the regular meeting on J~'ly ~6, ~973, in order to give the ~ Commissioners time to study the changes that had been made., Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. • Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the Taxpayers Association be furnished the amendments to the bndget. Upon vot.e, motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimousl~. Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting. ~ Respectfully submitted, ~~, -~ `-~5 . Lise K. King Clerk to the Board LKK:wg MIN[TTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JiTZY '13, ~973 - 9~25 g•M• ASSEMBZY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners convened iri a special session on Friday, July '13, ~9~3, at 9:25 A.M. in the County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the New Hanover County Budget for the fiscal year ~9~3-~g7u-. Press was on hand for_the meeting. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. -avis; S. M. Hall, Jr.; W: Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Lise B. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. BUDGET DISCUSSION Chairman Vaughan stated that a lettertiad been received from Mr. Patrick Ross, County Auditor, stating that two errors had been discovered in the budget as follows: ~) On~page 4-A appropriations for the coroner were shown as $87,']0'] instead of ~8,'70']. 2) A transfer of $8'],69'] from ~he Court of Justice Fund to the Jail Building Capital Reserve F~nd was appropriated in the Clerk of Court's Budget, but was omitted as a revenue in the latter fund. Chairman Vaughan stated further that he had received notification from Dr! Heyward C. Bellam,y, Sup erintendent of New Hanover County Schools, that the budget allotment from the State was $9~,']'19 greater than had been anticipat.ed at the time of the budget pre- paration. Chairman Vaughan stated that these discoveries could be used to reduce the tax rate .02 more than the .02 reduction under consideration by the Board. Commissioner Hall moved that the tax rate be left at .79, the tax ra~e for the fiscal year ~972-~973, ~d the moneys generated by this ta~c rate be set aside in a reserve fund £or sewerage facilities for the County. Motion died for lack of a.second. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the budget be adopted with a.03 reduction in the tax rate and that the balance of the moneys due to some excess be put into an unappropriated reserve fund for a Courthouse fund. Commissioner Powell moved the substitute motion, seconded by Commissioner Ha11, that the budget as prepared, which reflected a..02 reduction in the tax rate, be adopted and that the additional~ moneys be put in a reserve fund for construction of a Govern- mental Complex. ~ • The substitute motion was defeated as follows: Voting ~ye: Commissioners Hall and Powell. Voting Noe: Commissioners Davis, Wright and Chairman Vaughan. The original motion passed as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Wright, Davis and Chairman Vaughan. voting Noe: Commissioners Hall and Powell. Commissioner Wright expressed the sentiment that she was voting only for the .'76 t~ rate and not for the budget as a whole. ADSOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan ad- jousned the meeting. Respectfully;submitted, ~~ , I,ise K. ging `J~ Clerk to the Board LRK:wg