1973-07-16 Regular MeetingMINUTES OF MEETING, JULY '16, ~973 - 9~00 A.M. ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, July '16, ~973, at 9:00 A.M., in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.;;W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. ging. ~ Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. Rev. George W. Ports of the Fifth Avenue Methodist Church offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING. JULY 2, '19~3 Commissioner Wright requested that the minutes reflect that she was temporarily absent from the room on the followin~ items: Request for F,~ctension of Time on Tax Foreclosure Appointment of County Tax Supervisor It was pointed out that the minutes should reflect the presence of the County Manager, Dan W. Eller. Chairman Vaughan requested that EEA under Payment of EEA Employees be changed to Public Employment Program. Under Rezoning Appeal 'I, Chaii~man Vaughan requested that the minutes reflect that those persons present to request denial of this Rezoning Appeal were part of a group. Commissioner Poti~ell moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the minutes of July ' 2, ~g73, be approved as amended. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES: BPECIAI~ MEETING. JULY 9, '1973 Upon motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Wright, the minutes o£ July 9, ~973, were unanimously approved. APPROPRIATION FOR NORTH CAROI,INA STATE BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES MEETING A request had been received by the Board from Miss Lela M. Hall, Director of Social 6ervices, for an appropriation of ~50 to help defra4y the cost of lunch on July 2'], ~973, at the quarterly meeting of the North Carolina State Board of Social Services to be held in Wilmington. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that this appropriation be ap- proved from the Social Services Travel Account (610.'14). Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. AREA Il"lPACT STATEMENTS Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the Planning Department be requested to conYer with the County Attorney, Mr. James C. Fox, toward producing, as quickly as possible, an act permitting the Inspection Department to require Area Impact Statements. Commissioner Davis stated that he hated to see government get more and more regulatory. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting l~ye: Commissioners Hall, Powell,•Wright and Chairman Vaughan. Voting Noe: Commissioner Davis. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAI, USE PERMIT Chairman Vaughan opened the Public Hearing for discussion. Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, presented the following request for a Special Use Permit: Special Use Permit 'I:. Application for Special Use Permit to use property on the east side of Carolina Beach Road (U. S. Hwy. 42'I) approximately 300 feet north of the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Manassas Drive Por duplex dwellings in an R-'15 (Single Family District) in Zoning Area #4. Mr. Mallory stated that Special Use Permit No. 52 had been granted on Narch 5, ~973, for this purpose but that the Permit had been subject to the plans submitted with the appli- cation and that the plan~ had shown only four duplex dwellings. He stated that the Peti- tioner, Mr. William D. Gay, wished to add one additional duplex dwelling and must be issued a new Special Use Permit. He stated further that notice of the pubbc hearing had been duly advertised and that this request had been considered by the Planning Commission at their meeting of July 'I'I, ~973, and they had taken the following things into consideration as specified by the Zoning Ordinance: a. That the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan ae~:submitted and approved; b. That the use meets all required conditions and specifications; c. That the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoinin~ or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity; and d. That the location and character of the use, if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. 4~4~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JUZY '16, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) PUBI~IC HEARING: SPECIAI, USE PERMIT (CONT.uvu~D) Mr. Mallorg stated that, after taking these £our items into consideration, the Planning Commission had recommended approval o£ the Special Use Permit subject to the revised plans submitted with the application. Chairman Vaughan asked if there were asyy persons present who opposed the issuance of this Special Use Permit, and there w.ere none. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Special Use Permit No. 63 be approved subject to the revised plans submitted with the application, which authorized a total of five duplex dwellings. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. REPLATTING OF A PORTION OF FIGURE 8 ISLAND Mr. Jimmie Hearn, Staff Planner, presented a plat of Figure 8 Island. He stated that the replatting of Lots '15, '17 &'19 in Section III of Figure 8 Island had been approved by the Subidivision Review Committee and reguested that this be approved by the Board and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat in order that it might be duly recorded. Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the replatting of I.ots '15, 'I'7 and '19, Figure 8 Island, Section III, be approved and that Chairman Vaughan be authorized to sign the plat. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. TAX ABATEMENTS Mr. Larry J. Powell, Tax Administrator, presented the following requests for abate- ments from June '16 through July '16, ~973• Request the following ta~ses be aba~ed as they were double listed: 'I. Forrest D. Stalvey, Sr. $ 24.30 2.. Cecil H. Petit ~ 78•98 (~969) 3. Jimmy W. Barfield $ 3.37 4. David B. Watson $ 25.49 5. Walton I,. Jackson, Jr. $ '16._96 Request City taxes be released on the following individuals as they do not reside in the City of Wilmington: 'I. James S. Jenkins $ 8.40 2. Billy Dawson $ 30.30 Request the taxes £or Mr. Lee P. Furr be released in the amount of $48.26. Mr. Furr was not a resident of nTew Hanover County on January 'I, '19'72. He has listed and paid taxes in Forsyth County. Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that these requests for abatements be approved. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. REFflRT FR~M COLLECTOR OF REVENUE . Mr. Larry J. Powell, Tax Administrator, presented the following report.from Mrs. Janie B. Straughn, Collector of Revenue, for New Hanover County collections through dune 30, '1973~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COI~LECTIONS THRU JUNE 30, ~973 '1972 Levy '197'I Zey.v Reg. Scroll Charges 5,355,58z•z5 5,405,684.48 Discoveries To,:Date '1,058,8'78.20 360,284.24 Less Abatements - '17,~8~:66 - '17.5'16.6'I Total Taxes Due New Hanover Cty. 6,396,876.79 _5,~48,453.1'I Total Collection To Date 6,'197 'I . 0 5.~34.481.06 Outstanding Balance '19y,678.89 2~3,972•05 Percentage of Collection 96.9% 96.2~ Back Taxes R~al.~.Estate Taxes 436,2'16.30 4~+5,'165•27 Less Abatements - 4,839•76 - 3,5~•8~ Total Collections To Date 204,822.06 '168,895•27 Outstandin~ Balance 226,554.48 2']2,~49•~9 Percentage Uncollected 52.5% 61.8% Personal Taxes 270,93~•59 No control , Less Abatements - ~28.86 Established . Total Collections To Date 1~,800.45 in Prior Years Outstanding Balance 253,002.28 Percentage of Collections 6.6% Total money processed through Collection 0££ice £or New Hanover County, , City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach, to date $'10,4'72,481.6'7. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1972• ~ ~`:1 P~INUTES OF MEETING, JULY '16, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) REAUEST TO SEZL BLOCK 'I'17 ~ PART TAT 'I . 5'10 ANN STREET At their regular meetin~ of July 2, ~9'73, the Commission had denied a request by Mr. Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, to sell Block 11'7, Part I.ot 'I, 5'10 Ann Street, for $600, its appraised value, in order to give Chairman Vau~han a chance to look at the property. Chairman Vaughan stated that he had examined the property and had no objections to its being sold. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that this property be sold in accordance with the Policy for Disposal of County Real Estate. Upon yote, motion carried unanimously. MODIFICATION OF COURT PAY POI,ICY Mr. Jesse Blanton, (.`hie£ Deputy, appeared before the Board to request modification of the court pay policy for payment o£ off-duty time spent in court by deputies as prosecuting witnesses. A letter had been received by the Commission from Sheriff H,( G. Grohman stating that, in September of '1972 the Commission had approved court pay policy as follows: A rate of $3.00 per hour would be paid with a maximum of 6 hours per week in District Court and 8 hours per week in Superior Court. He requested that the Commission modify this policy as Yollows: A rate o£ $3.00 per hour would be paid nat to exceed 56 hours (th~ total amount of hours allotted per month by the previous Board of Commissioners) for o£f-duty time spent in court regardless of which court, District or Superior. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the request for modi- fication o£ the court pa`y policy be approved. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF OFF`-DUTY PAY FOR L~.rr.CTIVES RADEWICZ AND WOODALL A request had been received by the Commi.ssion from Sheriff H. G. Grohman that the additional overtime hours £or Detectives T. A. Radewicz ('16 hours) and W. H. Woodall (2 hours) be paid inasmuch as this had been wit'h the Guy 7~ong case in which these two officers were required to remain overtime in conrt to assist the Solicitor during the trial. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that payment of these oves~ time hours be approved. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. PETITION FOR Il`4PROVEPIENTS TO COUNTY-OWNED PROPERTY ON THE NORTHEAST CAFE FEAR RIVER Mr. Robert Porter appeared before the Soard representing the Castle Hayne community to request improvement to County-owned propert9 on the northeast Cape Fear River.at the loca- tion of the old highway bridge c~ssing. A petition was presented to the Board bearing 54 signatures requesting that the boat ramp be fixed and that prcnic tables and stable trash cans be provided. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Mr. Dan W. Eller, County Mana.ger, be asked to work with Mr. Porter and ~he other petitioners to try to determine whether the property should be ~iven to the State or if the County should deve'lop it and, if it were decided that the County should develop it, to determine whether there was any possibilit9 of acguiring arr~7y property adjacent to it that would make it more satisfactory for use as a recreation area. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF LITTER AND TRA,SH ON RIVER R09D Chairman Vaughan requested the Commissioners to consider taking some action to have the litter removed from the roadside of Rioer Road. By common consent, it was agreed to use existing Public Employment Program employees to remove the litter and trash Prom the right-of-way of River Road to be carried to the landfill. By common consent, it was also agreed that the Sheriff be informed by letter from the County Manager that the Commission had expressed keen desire that his deputies be stron~ly indoctrinated with the desire for the elimination of littering and prosecute whenever possible. DISCUSSION OF NORTH CAROI,INA BATTLESHIP COMPI2SSION Chairman Vaughan requested that the Board direct him to advise the Gaernor that it viewed with great abhorrence the use of the North Carolina Battleship Commission as a pawn in political activity. ~ No action was taken on this request and further discussion was,deferred until the Board met in F~cecutive Session. RF.6IUEST FROM DI%ON-HILI,SDALE COMMITNITY CI,UB Mr. William L. Smith, President of the Dixon-Hillsdale Community Club, appeared be£ore the Board along with club members Mrs. Beaton, Mrs. Walker and Mr. I,ockhart, to request ~9,329•80 Prom Revenue Sharing funds for development of a park-playground at Dixon Acres. By common consent., it was agreed to let the County Manager, Mr. Dan W. Eller, work with the Dixon-Hillsdale Community Club and pursue the approach of accepting the property as a gift subject to the property being used as a park. MINIJTES OF MEETING, NLY ~6, ~973 - 9~0o a.M. (CONTINUED) ADDITION TO ARTIFICIAI~ xr~r OFF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACA Mr. Willard Lane, Reef Coordinator with the State Fisheries Division, appeared be- fore the Board to request their endorsement of the addition of a Ziberty Ship to the already existent artificial reef off Wrightsville Beach. He stated that an F.hviron- mental Impact Statement would be received and that the Corps of Ehgineers would hold a public hearing on the addition to this reef. Commissioner Powe11 moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the addition of the I,iberty Ship to the existent artificial reef o£f of Wrightsville Beach be endorsed by the Board subject to the public hearing by the Corps of Engineers and the Environ- mental Impact Statement. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ESTABLISHMENT ~F ARTIFICIAL ttr.~r' AT RICH'S INLET Mr. Willard Lane, Reef oor inator with the State Fisheries Division, requested . the Board endorse the establishment of an artificial reef at Rich's Inlet approximately two miles offshore of Figure 8 Island. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Board endorse the establishment of this arti£icial reef. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF ALCOHOI,IC CONTROL Mr. Jim Zang and Mr. John Wilson of the Mental Health Center appeared before the Board to request approval of an $8'1,389.34 budget for an Alcoholic Control program. Mr. I,ang stated that they-would have to get back to the State before August 'I, ~973, in order to be able to receive the•$20,000 matching funds from the State. Action on this request was deferred until Friday, July 20, at 8:00 A.M. DISCUSSION OF BRIGADE BOYS'CLUB Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that an appropriation of ~50,000 be made from the Revenue Sharing funds as a contribution to the Brigade Boys' Club pending the establishment o,P the legality of this appropriation and upon recommen- dation by the County Attorney. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that this issue be tabled. Upon vote, tabling motion carried as follows: Voting ~ye: Commissioners Powell, Wright and Chairman Vaughan. Votin~ Noe: Commissioners Davis and Hall. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commiasioner Hall, that this issue be put on the agenfla £or the second meeting in August, ~g~3. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF '1973-'IR74 BUDGET Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the '19~3-'19'74 Budget Ordinance, as presented by Mr. Patrick G. Ross, County Auditor, be adopted. Chairman Vaughan offered a substitute motion, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the '1973-~974 Budget Ordinance be, adopted eliminating the $40,000 £or the Chamber of. Commerce. Upon vote, the substitute motion was defeated as follows: Voting p,ye: Chairman Vaughan. . Voting Noe: Commissioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Wright. Upon vote, the original motion adopting the following 1973-~974 Budget Ordinance was approved as follows: • Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall and Powell. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright and Chairman Vaughan. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N. C. 1973-19~4 BUDGET ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, N. C., in regular session assembled: Section 'I: The following amounts are hereby appropriated r for the operation o£ New Hanover County government and its activities for the fiscal yea r beginning July 'I, ~973 and ending June 30, '1974, according to the following summary and schedules: • Estimated F1znd Balance Total s~~Y , Revenues Appro~riated Bud~et Appropriations General F1znd ~ $ 3,573,68~ ~ ~ ~ 9~0,~09 $4,483,790 $ 4,483,79~ Non-Tax Fund 2,041,'10'7 -. 0- 2,041,10'7 2,04'1.'107 Court of Justice ~nd 4'1,343 6'1,597 '102,940 '102,940 Debt service Ftand ~,~05,562 'I40,255 '1,245,8~7 'I,245,8'17 Airport Operating ~nd 493,824 - 0- 493,824 493,824 Public Assistance F~znd '1,889,929 262,296 2,152,z25 2,'152,225 Health F~nd 78'1,939 262,662 '1,044,60'I 1,044,60'I Mental Health F~nd '175,332 63,438 238,770 238,770 Public schools Funa 4,803,979 887,65~ 5,69~,630 5,691,630 Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating ~a 8a,~3~ ~2,908 ~0~,039 ~0~,039 ~'~,, MINUTES OF MEETING, JUI,Y 96, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CaNTINUED) ADOPTION OF '1973-'1974 BUDGET (CONTINUED) Ordinance (Continued) Estimated Fund Balance Total SUI~IARY Revenues Ap~ro~riated Bud~et Anpropriations Revenue Sharing Trust $'I,'123,20'] ~ 1,040,8'79 ~ 2,164,086 $ 2,164,086 ~nd Cape Fear Technical Institute Construction Fund 2,098,138 64-9,~+3 2,747,781 2,747,78~ Health Department Construction Fund 29'7,5~0 - o- 297,5'10 297,5~~ Local Government Bldg. ~apital Reserve Fund - 0- 'I'11,s59 ~~~,859 ~~~,859 Jail Bldg. Capital - Reserve Fund 2'15,986 335,~2~ 55~,007 55~,00'7 Revaluation & Ta~s Mapping Capital Reserve r~a 208,806 ~ 22~,~04 429,9~0 429,9~0 Public Schools Capital Reserve F~nd 89,989 42~,759 5~~,748 5~~,7~ Mental Health Capital Reserve Fund 30,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 General Capital Reserve Fund 261.257 - 0.~ - 26'1.257 26'1.257 ' Total Budget ~'19.3'19.720 ~ 5.4'I'I,'18'I ~24,730,90'I $24,730.90'I Section 2: That £or said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out o£ the General F~and the following: Code Department Apvropriation 'I'I 4'f0 Governing Bocty $ 9z,226 'I'1 420 Administration 37,469 'I'I 430 Elections '101,614 'I'1 440 Finance 68,880 '1;1:445 Contingencies 200,000 'I'I 450 Ta3c Listing & Collecting 3'16,257 'I'I 4']0 Legal 25,800 'I'I 480 Re~ister of Deeds 'I25~~93 1'I 490 Planning & Zoning 65,588 'I'I 50o Public Builaings 8~,999 ~'I 5'l0 Sheriff 632 ~ 3~ 2 'I1 520 Jail ~ 57, 355 , 'I'I 522 Juvenile Detention Facility 95~842 ~~ 525 Civil Defense 28,57~ 1'I 540 Inspections 237,~75 ~~ 555 Garage 38,~39 'I'I 600 Coroner 8,7~7 '11 6'10 Social Services 1,032,406 'I'I 6'15 Agriculture & Economics 5~,978 'I'I 625 Museum 98,900 1'I 640 Cemetary & Park 25,3~4 'I'I 660 Non-Departmental E~cpense 964.'1~6 Total Appropriations - General Ftiuid ffi4.483.790 Section 3: It is estimated that the following General F~ind revenues will be • available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, ~973, ~d end- ing June 30, '19'74, to meet the foregoing General F~nd appropria- tions: Code Revenue Source 'I'I 30'I 73 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'iy/5 'I'I 30'I 72 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'1972 'I'I 30'I 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 'I'I 3'I'I 00 Tax Discounts 'I'I 3'I'] 00 Tax Penalties & Interest 'I'I 325 00 Privilege I,icenses 'I'I 329 00 Interest on Investments 'I'I 33'I 00 Rents & Concessions 'I'I 335 00 Miscellaneous Revenues 'I'I 336 00 Assessments - Other Governments 'I'I 33'7 00 Franchise Tax - Utilities ~~ 339 00 Intangibles Tax 'I'I 348 00 Sheriff Fees 'I'I 349 00 Federal Governments Grants 'I'I 349 0'I State Grants 'I'I 350 08 Public Assistance - Other 'I'I 35't 00 Court Costs & Facilities Fees ~~ 355 00 Building Permits ~~ 357 00 Inspection Fees 'I'I 358 00 Jail, Fees ~~ 359 00 Fees - Other ~~ 397 16 Transfer from Non-Tax Fund 'I'I 398 00 Purchase Discounts Total Revenues - General Fund Amovnt ~ 59~,889 6,800 60,250 (7,500) 38,75a 4, 45'I 82,'10'I ~,5Q0 34,000 45,825 - 0 - 20,000 ~0,8~5 345,475 299,998 = 0 - 'I2, 223 - 0 - ~37,425 '10 , 200 42 ~,879,377 - 0 - ~3,573.68'I ~~~ rINUTES OF MEETING, JULY '16, 't973 - 9:0o n.M. (CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF '1973-~974 BUDGET (CONTINUED) Ordinance (Continued) Section 4: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Non-Tax Fund the sum of - $2,04'I,'107 Section 5: It is estimated that the following Non-Tax Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, 'Ig']3 and ending June 30, '19~4 to meet the foregoin$ Non-Tax Fund appropriations. Code Revenue Source Amount '16 34'I 00 Wine & Beer Crown Tax $ 2,630 '16 342 00 Register of Deeds F.ees 'I60,540 '16 345 00 Local Sales Tax '1,46'I,'16'I 'i6 347 00 A. B. C. Revenues 279,72~ '16 353 0o Fees - Municipal Tax Collections 65,426 '16 36'7 00 Tax Refunds - State 'I'7,204 '16 380 00 Sale of Fixed Assets 4'73 '16 38'I 00 Sale of ~aterials • 53,552 ~6 33~ 00 Rents & Concessions 400 Total Revenues - Non-Tax ~znd S6 2.04'I.'107 Section 6: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Court of Justice Fund the £ollowing: Code ' Department A ppropriation '1~ 4'70 District Attorney $ '],']43 't'I 5'i6 Clerk of Court 95,'i97 Total Appropriations - Court of Justice Fund $ 'I02,940 Section '7: It is estimated that Court of Justice Fund revenues from Court Costs, Fees & Charges will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, '19`73 and ending June 30, 1974 to meet the foregoing Court of Justice appropriations in the amount of . - $4'1,343 Section 8: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Debt Service Fund the £ollowing: Code Obiect of ~rnenditure Apnropriation 2'I 66Q 8'I Principal Maturities on Bonds ~ 663,000 2'I 660 82 Interest on Bonds 58'1,8'17 2'I 660 83 Bond Expense 'I.000 Total Appropriations - Debt Service Fund $'1,245,8'17 Se ction 9: It is estimated that the followir~ Debt Service Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, '19~3 and ending June 30, 'Ig~4 to me et the foregoing Debt Service Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount 2'I 30'I '73 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'ly'73 ~ 98'I,064 2'I 30'I ~2 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'19`]2 '18,000 2'I 30'I 0o Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 4,500 2'I 329 00 Interest on Investments 40,000 21 33'I 00 Rents & Concessions '18,000 • 2'I 339 00 Intangibles Tax 43.998 Total Revenues - Debt Service Fund $1,'105,562 Section '10: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Airport Operating F'und the sum of -$ 493.824' Section 'I'I: It is estimated that the following Airport Operating Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, '19'73 and endin~ June 30, '19`]4 to meet the foregoing Airport Operating Fund appropriations: 3'I 33'I 00 Rents & Concessions $ 25,640 3'I 333 0'I Landin~ Fees 36,'132 3'I 333 02 Aviation Gasoline 2'I,500 3'I 333 03 Miscellaneous Rents '16,6'78 3'I 333 04 Miscellaneous Income 52,62'I 3'1 34g 00 Federal Government Grants '150,']00 3~ 359 DO Fees - Other 25,000 3'I 367 00 Tax Refunds - State . 500 31 397 ~~ Transfer from General Fund '100,5'18 3~ 397 ~6 Trans£er from Non-Tax Fund 64.535 Total Revenues~- Airport Operating Fund $ 493.824 ~ ~.) ~ MINUTES OF ME~TING, JULY '16, ~973 - 9~0o a.M. (CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF '1973-'19'~4 BUDGET (CONTINUED) Ordinance (Continued) Section '12: For said fiscal year.there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Assistance Fund the sum of - ~2,'152.225 Se ction '13: It is estimated that the following Public Assistance Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, 'Ig~3 and ending June 30, '1974 to meet the foregoing Public Assistance Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount 41 30'I ~3 Taxes: Ad Valorem - ~973 ~ 337,882 4'I 301 '72 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'1972 9,675 4'I 30'I 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 3,500 4~ 339 00 Sntangibles Tax '15>41+~+ 4'I 350 0~ State - Public Assistance - AA 'I']'7,643 4'I 350 02 State - Public Assistance - AD 203,'J5'7 4'I 350 03 State - Public Assistance - AFDC ~,063,4~3 4'I 350 05 State - Public Assistance - Non- Departmental 78.6'IS Total Revenues - Public Assistance Fund $ 'I.889,929 Se ction '14: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Health Fund the sum of $ 'I.04~+.60'I Section '15: It is estimated that the following Health Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, ~973 and ending June 30, '19'74 to meet the foregoing Health Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount 44 3U~ '73 Taxes: Ad valorem -'iy~3 ~ 558,959 44 30'I '72 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'19'72 '7,500 44 30'I 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 3,050 44 329 00 Interest on Investments 5,000 ~+ 339 ~0 Intangibles Tax 25,360 44 368 0'I Orientation Reimbursement 500 44 368 02 U.N.C. - Chapel Hill 7,96~ ~+ 358 03 Federal & State Grants 42,832 44 368 04 N. C. Matching - Sp. Clinic Fees 5,000 ~+ 358 05 N. C. Natching - Drainage 30,000 44 368 06 N. C. Matching - Insect & Rodent 9,500 44 368 07 N. C. Matching - T.B. Control '12,342 44 368 08 N. ~. Matching - V.D. Control ~6,935 44 368 09 Nedicare & Medicaid 20,000 ~+ 359 00 Fees - Other 37.000 To'tal Revenues - Health Fund ~ 78'I,939 Section '16: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Mental Fiealth Fund the following: Code Department Aporopriation 4~ 590 Operating $ 226,2']0 47 595 Alcoholic Control 'I2,500 Total Appropriations - Mental Health Fund $ 238.770 Section 'I']: It is estimated that the following Mental Health Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning J.ul~ 'I, ~973 and ending June 30, 'i974 to meet the foregoing Mental Health Fund appropriation: Code Revenue Source Amount 4') 3U~ ~3 Taxes: Ad valorem - ~y73 ~ 54,273 4'7 30'I ']2 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'1972 65~ 4'] 30'I 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior ` ~75 4~ 339 00 Intan~ibles Tax 2,296 4'J 369 0'I State Aid - New Hanover County 9~,938 4~ 359 03 Contribution - Pender County 12,000 4'7 369 04 Contribution- Brunswick County 2,500 4'J 369 06 Alcoholic Control 'I2,500 Total Revenues - Mental Health Fund ~ ~`75.332 Section '18: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Schools Fund the £ollowing: Code Department Appropriation 5'I 660 Regular F'und - General Control $ ~7y,~6~ 5'I 660 Regular Fund - Instructional Service 'I,23'1.265 5'I 66Q Regular Fund - Operation of Plant 523,555 5'I 660 Regular Fund - Maintenance of Pl~t 55~,~95 51 660 Regular Fund - Fixed Char~es 459,375 5'I 660 Regular Fund - Auxiliary Agencies 253,635 4 ~~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JULY '16, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF '1973-~974 BUDGET (CONTINUED) Ordinance (COntinued) Code Department A~~ropriation 5'I 660 Supplementary Fund ~ '1,24'I,'ly5 5'I 660 Capital Outlay '190,835 5'I 660 Special Accounts 982.4'15 Total Appropriations - Public Schools Fund $ 5.69'1,630 Section '19: It is estimated that the following Public Schools Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, '1973 and ending June 30, ~g74 to meet the foregoing Public Schools Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source 5'I 30'I '73 Taxes : Ad Valorem - '1973 5'I 30'I ']2 Taxes: Ad Valorem - '1972 5'I 30'I 00 • Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 5~ 329 DO Interest on Investments 5~ 339 o0 Intangibles Tax 4'I 349 00 Federal Government Grants 5~ 399 00 Education 5~ 3~+9 ~'I State Grants Total Revenues - Public Schools Fund Amount $ 2,824,892 4'7,']64 ~4,975 ~,000 ~29,oa3 ~95,435 229,500 ~.355.330 $ 4,803,979 Section 20: Eor said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out o£ the Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating Fund the sum;,of: ' $ 'IO'I.039 Section 2'I: It is estimated that the following Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating E~znd revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, ~973 and ending June 30, '1974 to meet the fore- going Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount 53 3~~ 73 • Taxes: Ad Valorem - ~973 # 8~,~53 53 30'i '72 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'19~2 'I,000 53 30'I 0~ Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 325 53 309 00 Intangibles Tax 3,753 53 3~+9 ~'I State Grants 2,000 Total Revenue - Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating Fund $ 88:'13'I Section 22: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund the sum of - $2.'164,086 Section 23: It is estimated that the following Revenue Sharing Trust Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, '19']3 and ending June 30, '1 9'74 to meet the foregoing Revenue Sharing Trust Fund appropr iations: Code Revenue Source Amount 56 32y 00 Interest on Investments ~ 50,000 56 349 00 Federal Government Grants '1,073.207 Total Revenues - Revenue Sharing Trust Fund ~'I.'123.207 Section 24: Eor said fiscal year there is here by appropriated out of the Cape Fear Technical Institute Cons truction Fund the sum of $~747. 78~ Section 25: It is estimated that the £ollowing Cape Fear Technical Institute Construction Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, '1973 and ending June 30, '19'74 to meet the fore$oing Cape Fear Technical Institute Construction Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount 6~ 30~ ~3 Taxes: Ad valorem - ~973 ~ 58,594 6'1 301 '72 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'1972 ~,75~ 6'I 329 00 interest on Investments 35,000 6'I 339 00 Intangibles Tax 2,794 6'I 385 00 Sale of Bonds/Notes 2,000,000 ' Total Revenues - Cage Fear Technical Institute Construction Fund $2.098,'138 Se ction 26: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated 'out of the Health Department Construction Fund the sum of $ 297,5'IO 45r~ MINtTTES OF MEETING, JULY '16, ~973 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF '1973-~974 BUDGET (CONTINUED) Ordinance (Continued) Section 2']: It is estimated that the Health Department Construction Fund revenues £rom Trans£ers from the Health Fund will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 'I, ~973 and ending June 30, '1974 to meet the foregoing Health Department Construction Fund appropriations in the amount of $ 297.5'IO Section 28: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Local Government Building Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 'I'I'i , 859 Section 29~ It is estimated that the Local Government Building Capital Reserve Fund Appropriated Fund Balance scheduled in Section 'I of this document is sufficient to.meet the foregoing Local Government Building Capital Reserve F'und appropriations for the fiscal year beginning July 'I, '1973 and ending June 30, '1974, so no revenues have been estimated. Section 30: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Jail Building Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 55'1~007 Section 3'I: It is estimated that the following Jail Building Capital Re- serve Fund will be available during the fiscal year begi.nning July 'I, ~973 and ending June 30, '19'74 to meet the foregoing Jail Building Capital Reserve Fund appropriations: Code RevenuecSource Amount 72 30'I ~3 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'Iy73 $'IOy,464 '72 30'I '72 Taxes: Ads:Valorem - '1972 ~,825 72 30'I 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 500 '72 329 00 Interest on Investments '11,500 '72 339 00 Intangibles Tax 5,000 '72 39'7 '17 Transfer from Court oY Justice Fund 87.697 Total Revenues - Jail Building Capital Reserve Fund ~ 2'15.986 Section 32: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Revaluation and Tax Mapping Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 429.910 Section 33: It is estimated that the following Revaluation and ~ax Mapping Capital Reserve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1973, and encling June 30, 19'74, to meet the foregoing Revaluation and Tax Mapping Capital Reserve Fund appropriations: Code , Revenue Source Amount 73 301 '73 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1973 $ 189,166 73 301 '72 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 19~2 1,650 ~3 301 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 175 '73 329 00 Interest on Investments 9,250 73 339 00 Intangibles Tax 8.565 Total Revenues - Revaluation and Tax Mapping Capital Reserve Fund ~ 208,806 Section 34: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 511.748 Section 35: It is estimated that the following Public School Capital Reserve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1973,.and ending June 30, 1974, to meet the foregoing Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount 'J4 301 73 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1973 $ 76,268 '74 301 '72 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1972 5,000 ']4 32g 00 Interest on Investments 5,25~ '74 339 0o Intangibles Tax 3,4'71 Total Revenues - Public Schools Capital Reserve Funds # 89.989 Section 36: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Mental Health Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 60,000 4~~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JULY 16, ~973 - 9~00 AM (CONTINUED) • ADOPTION OF 1973-1974 BUDGET (CONTINUED) ~ Ordinance (Continued) Section 3'7: It is estimated that Mental Health Capital Reserve Fund revenues from Transfers from the Mental Health Fund will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1973, and ending June 30, 19']4, to meet the foregoing Mental Health Capital Reserve Fund appropriations in the amount of ~ 30,000 Section 38: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated from the General Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 261.257 Section 39: It is estimated that the following General Capital Reserve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, ~973, and ending June 30, 19']4, to meet the foregoing General Capital Reserve Fund .appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount ']6 301 ']3 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1973 $ 220,257 '76 339 00 Intangibles Tax 5,000 '76 39~ 11 Transfer from General Fund 36,000 Total Revenues - General Capital Reserve Fund ~ 261,257 Section 40: There is hereby levied for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19']!+, the following rate of t~es on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed valuation of. taxable property as listed as of January 1, 1973, for the purpose of raising the revenue from current year's property tax as set forth in the foregoing estimates of revenue, and in order to finance £oregoing appropriations: General Fund Debt Service Fund Public Assistance Fund Health Fund Mental Health Fund Public Schools Fund: Regular Operations Supplement Capital Outlay Books Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating Fund Cape Fear Technical Institu~e Construction Fund. Jail Building Capital Reserve Fund Revaluation & Tax Mapping Capital Reserve Fund Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund General Capital Reserve Fund Tax Rate per one hundred dollars ($100) assessed valuation ~ .0~39 .1225 .0422 .0698 .0068 .2170 .1000 .0325 .0032 .0102 .0074 .0137 .0237 .0096 .0275 ~ .'7600 Such rates are based on an estimated total appraised value of property for the purpose of taxation of $843,08'7,8'76 with an assessment ratio of 100r~ of appraised value. Estimated collection rate of 95% is based on fiscal year 1971-1972 collection rate of 95.49'~. Section 41: Copies o£ this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the County Nanager and the County Auditor of New Hanover County, North Carolina, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditure of amounts appropriated. Adopted this 16th day of July, 19'73. Mr. Joe Rogers of the Taxpayers Association appeared before the Board and stated that all contributions to private organizations should be eliminated. He stated that, as they had not been eliminated, the New Hanover County Taxpayers Association requested $1,000. No action was taken by the Board on this request, Chairman Vaughan moved that the $40,000 appropriated in the budget for the Chamber of Commerce be distributed among areas of advertising of any industry in the community that made a legitimate request for it in prop~rtion to the gross dollar volume oY the business during the year. Motion died for lack of a second. J. D. DIXON. SR., SUBDIVISION Mr. Jack Stocks, Surveyor, appeared before the Board to request that they order the plat of J. D, Dixon, Sr., Subdivisron be recorded. Mr. Jimmie Hearn, Staf denial of this request. He request at their meeting of meet the criteria for being not been submitted prior to subclivision regulations for f Planner, stated that the Planning Department had recommended stated further that the Planning Commission had heard this July 11, 19~3, and had recommended denial because it did not exempted from the existing subdivision regulations as it had January 1, 1966; therefore, it would be subject to the existing final recording. ~ ~ ~ MINUTES OF MEETING, JULY ~6~ ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) J. D. DIXON, SR., SUBDIVISION (CONTINiTED) Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that if it were the desire of the owners and the prospective developers to have the plat recorded, they be directed to go through the procedure called for in the subdivision regulations. Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that this matter be tabled. Upon vote, the tabling motion car~ied as follows: Voting Age: Commissioners Davis, Wright and Powell. Voting Noe: Commissioner Hall and Chairman Vaughan. PUBLIC BONDS FOR SHERIFF GROHMAN Mr. James C. F'ox, County Attorney, presented Bond Nos. 4'I'165`]'I and 4'I'165'72, public bonds for Sheriff H. G. Grohman. He stated that these had to be approved by the Board o£ Commis- sioners so they could be recorded in the Register of Deeds Office. Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that these bonds be approved. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. FUBLIC AUCTION Commissioner Davis requested that Mr. Dan W. Eller, County Manager, be directed to investi- gate having the £irst public auction of surplus equipment, preferably on a Saturday, at his earliest convenience. B~ common consent, Commissioner Davis' request was granted. POLICY OF COUNTY ATTORNEY WITH REGARDS TO TAE PRESS Mr. James C. r'ox, County Attorney, requested the Board's opinion ori the following matters with regards to the press: a) Whether he should undertake research work as a result of inquiry of persons other than the Commissioners. The Board unanimously agreed that he should not. b) Whether he should express opinions in the absence of the Board's direction to do so or; if the matter did not require their direction, whether he should take the matter under advisement without prior consultation with the Commission. The Board unanimously agreed that he should not. Mr. Fox stated that with all due respect to the press, he would like to check this out to see.:~'how it was done in other areas. DISCUSSION OF COUNTY AUDITOR POSITIQN Mr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, stated that, effective July 'I, ~973, Mr. Patrick Ross, County Auditor, went automatically from the elective position to the appointive position and held office at the pleasure of the Board by virtue of the I,ocal Government Bud~et and Fiscal Control Act. With regard to the County Auditor being administratively responsible to the County Manager and monetarily responsible to the County Commission, Mr. Fox stated that he would have to check into this because the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act pre- scribed certain duties as a matter of law for this office. APPOINTMEBTT OF DAN W. ELLER AS COUNTY MANAGER Chairman Vaughan stated that it was his concept that the County Commissioners $o through the County Manager in every respect to the maximum de$ree that they possibly could and re- quested that this be stated in the minutes. Commissioner Hall stated that when complaints came directly to a Commissioner, the Commissioner should first determine if this had been discussed with the Department Head be- fore being brought to the Manager. Commissioner Davis stated that he would not ever want to subordinate a County Commissioner to a County Manager or tie his hands or az~y future Commissioner's hands by some action such as this. ~ Commissioner Powell stated that the Manager must be allowed to coordinate what was going on. He stated that he agreed with Commissioner Davis in that he did not intend to give up any of his responsibility as a Commissioner to look after the County's business, but that it was a matter of common courtesy to the County Manager that this be done with his ~ow- ledge and concurrence. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that Mr. Dan W. Eller be appointed County Manager, in the same sense that New Hanover County had had a County Manager retroactive to Jul~ 'I , '19']3. Upon vote, ~iotion carried unanimously. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that New Hanover County adopt the County Manager Form of Government. After a brief discussion about what this actually entailed, Commissioner Powell with- - drew his motion in order to give Mr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, an opportunity to in- ~ vestigate the County Manager Form of Government and report back to the Boa~d at their first meeting in August, '19']3. ~~ .~ ~ . MINUTES OF MEETING, JUZY '16, ~973 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTtivur:ll) AMENDMENT TO TF~ '1973-'1974 BUDGET County Manager, Uan Eller, informed the Board that after their action on July ~3, ~973, appropriating excess revenues resulting from revised School Board esti- mates to the Courthouse-Jail Capital Reserve Fund, further information was received £rom Dr. Bella~y, School Superintendent, indicating that the excess revenues would be $57,885 rather than $69,24']. Mr. Eller requested that the Commission take action changing this amount to the lower figure. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the records be amended to conform with the second letter. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting. - Respectfully submitted, Lise K. ging Clerk to the Board LKK:wg MINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING, JULY 20, '1973 - 8:00 A.M. ASSEMBI,Y • '1'he New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Friday, July 2~, ~g~3, at 8:00 A.M. in the County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaugha; County Manager, Dan W, Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. Kin$. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. ALCOHOLISM PROGRAM Mr. Jim Lang and Mr. John Wilson of the Mental Health Center had appeared before the Board at theirregular meeting on July '16, ~9~3, to request approval of an $8'1,389,34 budget for an Alcoholism Program Action on this request had been deferred until July 20, ~9~3, at 8:00 A.M. in order to give the Commission time to study the Program. The major part of the funds for this program was to come from the five cents (5¢) on the bottle that had been going to the State and had now come back to the counties to be used for rehabilitation of the alcoholic. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the Alcoholism Program be adopted for New Hanover County. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. RECESS `i'here being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan re- cessed the meeting to go into Executive Session. PROPERTY OF MARY E. CHESTN[TT The Commission came out of Executive Session to examine a letter from Mr. Joseph 0. Taylor, Jr., Attorney at Zaw, which stated that the propertq of Mary E. Chestnut, generally described as part of Block 225, City of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina, had been resold on July '13, ~973, and the highest bid was $'1,200. The property had been appraised at $3,800. Mr. Taylor wanted to know if the County wished him.to file another upset bid on the property and re- advertise i£ for sale. By common consent, the Commission unanimously agreed that another upset bid should be filed on this property. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board., Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting. '~ Respectf.ully,submitted, Lise K. King Clerk to the Board LKK:wg