1973-08-06 Special Meeting4.5~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 2~, 1973 - 8:00 AM ASSEMBI,Y The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Friday, July 2'7, 19~3, at 8:0~ AM in the County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the proposed Jail-Courthouse and Related Facilities Building. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M, H. Vau~han; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. JAIL-COURTHOUSE AND RELATED FACIZITIES BUILDING The Commission was in agreement that the Courthouse should be built with an of£ice building deferred until the Courthouse structure was in progress or finished and that the Commission had instructed a Committee, composed of Commissioners Davis and Powell, to pursue with all d.ue vigor the architectural process to be used to determine the initial and ultimate design concept of the block. The block being that block bordered by Market, Third, Princess and Fourth Streets. The Chairman stated that on several occasions Commiss'vner Davis had mentioned the fact that he was extremely anxious that there would be no conflict of interest in property acquired by the County due to the fact that he was associated with the same real estate firm that had, over several years, consulted with the County on acquiring a particular piece of real estate. It was noted by the Commission that this firm had handled the particular piece of property prior to Mr. Davis' election to his association with the real estate firm. By common consent, the Commission agreed unanimously that Commissioner Davis couZd abstain on aspects that he desired regardin~ the property transaction and tha't in their opinion there was absolutely no conflict of interest whatsoever. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the County employ the services of two competent appraisers appointed by a Committee composed of himself and Chairman Vaughan to determine a value on the piece of property owned by Mrs. David W. Wilson and that, after these appraisals had been made, the average of these two appraisals would be the amount offered to Mrs, Wilson for an outright purchase of this piece of property. Upon vote, motion carried as £ollows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Hall, Powell, Wright and Chairman Vaughan. Voting Noe: Commissioner Davis. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAI, BOND ISSUE The Clerk to the Board, Lise K. ging, presented an Application for ApprovaZ of Proposed Bonds in the amount of $9,360,000 to finance the capital cost of constructing an addition to the hospital facilities and other related facilities owned and operated by the county, including the acquisition and installation of equipment and machinery required therefor and the acquisition of the necessary land or rights-in-land. This Application had been received from County Attorney, Mr. James C, Fox, for signature b9 the Board. The Board members signed the Application. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Boazd, Chairman Vau~han adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, I,ise K. King Clerk to the Board k MINUTES OF SPECIAL NIEETING, AUGUST 6, 1973 - 8:30 AM ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Monday, August b, 1973, at 8:30 AM, in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolin~ to discuss the bids for the proposed Public Health Building. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, 7r.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. PUBLIC HEALTH BUILDING Mr. Charles Boney, Architect; Dr. Joseph C. Knox, Director of the Health Department; and Mr. R. E. Carter, Jr., of the Board of Health, appeared before the Commission to review the bids and financing for the proposed Public Health Building. Mr. Boney distributed copies of the bid schedule to the Commissioners and out2ined recommended deductions to the proposed construction as the bids received had been higher than anticipated. Mr. Patrick G. Ross, County Auditor, was directed to come back during the regular meeting with the final figures for approval by the Board. Commissioner Hall requested that the minutes show that $36,621 had been appropriated from the Mental Health Capital Reserve Fund and that it was the concensus of the Board that this would be replaced if necessary. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1973 - 8:30 AM PUBLIC HEALTH BUILDING (CONTINUED) Commissioner Powe11 moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the meeting be adjourned. Chairman Vaughan adjourned the me~ting. Respectfully submitted, ~n e /~/ `~ L-ise K. King Clerk to the Board k MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1973 - 9:00 AM ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, August 6, 1973, at 9:00 AM, in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; 1. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. Commissioner Wright offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 13, 1973 Upon motion by Commissioner Yowell, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the minutes of the special meeting held on July 13, 1973, were unanimously approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, JULY 16, 1973 ~ Chairman Vaughan requested that "existing facilities" under Discussion of Litter and Trash on River Road be changed to "Public Employment Program employees." Upon motion by Co~issioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the minutes of the regular meeting held on July 16, 1973, were unanimously approved as corrected. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 20, 1973 Chairman Vaughan requested that the first "adjournment" in the minutes be shown as a "recess." Upon motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Powell, the minutes of the special meeting held on July 20, 1973, were unanimously approved as corrected. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 27, 1973 Upon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the minutes of the special meeting held on July 27, 1973, were unanimously approved. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Upon motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Powell, the followin~ committee appointments were unanimously approved. Mr. F. L. Meier, Jr., to the Museum Board of Trustees, term to expire June 30, 1976. Dr. Gerald H. Shinn to the Museum Board of Trustees, term to expire June 30, 1976. Commissioner W. Douglas Powell to the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees, term to expire July 31, 1974. Chairman M. H. Vaughan to the Executive Committee of the Harbor House Marine Science Center, term to expire July 31, 1974. Mrs. Rebecca Hall to the Area Mental Health Board, term to expire .Tune 30, 1977. Dr. J. Richard Tamisiea to the Area Mental Health Board, term to expire June 30, 1975. Dr. William A. Phillips to the Area Mental Health Board, term to expireJune 30, 1974. Mrs. Ethel Booth to the Area Mental Health Board, term to expire June 30, 1977. Mr. John Van B. Metts to the Area Mental Health Board, term to expire June 30, 1975. Mrs. Janet S. Morgan to the Area Mental Health Board, term to expire June 30, 1974. Mr. I. John Tinga to the Wilmington-New Hanover~Planning Commission, term to expire July 31, 1976. Mr. J. D. Orrell, Jr., to the Wilnington- New Hanover Planning Commission, term to expire July 31, 1976. Mrs. Miriam Schwarz to the Cape Fear Technical Institute Board of Trustees, term to expire June 30, 1981. Sheriff H. G. Grohman to the Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit, term to expire June 30, 1974. • Commissioner Vivian S. Wright to the Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit, term to expire June 30, 1974. County Manager, Dan W. Eller, to the Southeastern Economic Development Commission, term to expire July 31, 1974. Commissioner Peter R. Davis to the New Hanover County Airport Commission, term to expire July 31, 1974.