1973-10-15 Regular Meeting~09 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, OCTOBER 8, 1973 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF AUDITOR'S OFFICE (CONTINUED) Commissioner Wright stated that this was done in an open meeting because she had brought this type of problem to the Board privately before and they hadn't done anything about it, and that she had handled this in the best way to get some action. She stated further that the Commission was about to spend a lot of money, and she felt they should know about it be£ore they spent anymore. Upon vote, motion to recess to executive session was approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Chairman Vaughan. Voting Noe: Counnissioner Wright. Chairman Vaughan recessed the meeting to go into executive session. A£ter the Commission met in executive session, Chairman Vaughan recessed the executive session to go back into open meeting at which time the press was asked to return to the meeting. Chairman Vaughan, Commissioners Davis, Hall and Powell made comments to the press in support of Mr. Patrick G. Ross, County Auditor. Commissioner Wright stated that her position had not changed since the October 1, 1973, meeting. DISCUSSIDN OF MASONBaRO STATE PARK Chairman Vaughan stated that there was a possibility that the name of Masonhoro 5tate Park would be changed to Carolina Beach State Park; and he moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the Board go on record as being opposed to this change without time given to consider the overall picture before official action was taken. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Cou~issioner Powell, that the meeting be adjourned. Chairatan Vaughan adjourned the meeting at 10:30 AM. Respectfully submitted, _ / ~~~ Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 15, 1973 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners me,t in regular session on Monday, October 15, 1973, at 9:00 AM in the Assembly Room, County Commissiori Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. Commissioner Wright offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Cou~issioner Wright asked that on Page 507 under New Hope Dam Litigation the minutes reflect that she did not feel that it was proper that the expense ot Mr. Fox's September 21, 1973, trip to Greensboro, North Carolina, to attend the Conference on the Final Pre-Trial Order be covered as it had been authorized by one Commissioner and not the Board as a whole. Commissioner Hall stated that at that time only one Commissioner had authorized it. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the minutes of October 1, 1973, be approved as amended. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ~ RECOMMENDATION ON PROGRAMMING VOTING MACHINES Mrs. G. A. Cochran had appeared before the Board at their regular meeting of October 1, 1973, and had recommended that a new employee be hired by the County on a year-round basis, or that an existing employee be used, to program the voting machines, which she had stated she felt would be of lower expense to the County. At that time, the matter had been deferred until the October 15, 1973, meeting so that the Board of Elections could be notified of Mrs. Cochran's proposal and invited to appear. Mr. W. H. McEachern, III, Chairman of the Board of Elections, appeared with Board members, Mrs. G. A. Cochran and Mr. Leland M. Newsome, to discuss Mrs. Cochran's proposal. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the County Manager select two appropriate county employees to be sent to the voting machine training school to learn how to program the voting machines. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. By common consent, the Board of Elections was asked to make'a report of the November election on time spent programming machines and overall costs of the election for comparison with estimates of costs that would be requested from the in-coming Board of Elections. ~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 15, 1973 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING ~ • Chairman Vaughan opened the Public Hearing to discussion. Public HearinQ to consider an application for a Special Use Permit to use property on the west side oi Carolina Beach Road (U. S. Hwy. 421) between S. R. 1527 and Lehigh Road for a gift shop in an R-15 District (Single Family) in Zoning Area ~~4. The Planning Commission had reviewed this application at their meeting of September 5, 1973, and had recommended unanimously that this Speeial Use Permit be issued on the plan as submitted with the application for Special Use Permit. At the Board of Commissioners' meeting of October 1, 1973, this item was continued to October 15, 1973, in order for the applicant to give a more detailed plan of what was intended. At the October 1 meeting, Mrs. Judy Schillmoller, Acting Planning Director, had stated that, since this application had been heard by the Planning Commission, the applicant had amended his_plan to include 70' x 100' storage building and that this plan had been shown to the Building Inspector for review and comment. She stated that it was the Planning Staff's recommendation that, if this Special Use Permit were issued, it be issued based on the plan as submitted with the application for Special Use Permit and based on the plan as approved by the County Engineer. Mr. Martin T. Winner, the Petitioner, appeared before the Board. Chairman Vaughan asked if there were anyone present to protest the issuance of this Spe- cial Use Permit, and no one spoke in opposition. After considering the following four items, (a) that the use would not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; (b) that the use met all required conditions and specifications; (c) that the use would not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; or the use was a public necessity; and, (d) that the location and character of the use, if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved, would be in harmony with the area in which it was to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County, Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that this Special Use Permit be issued based on the plan as submitted with the application, i. e., deleting the storage building that had been submitted after the Planning Commission's meeting. Chairman Vaughan offered the substitute motion that this Special Use Permit be deuied. Motion died for lack of a second. Upon vote, original motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Cou~issioners Davis, Hall, Powell, and Wright. Voting Noe: Chairman Vaughan. Public Hearing to consider an application for a Special Use Permit to use property east of Masonboro Loop Road between S. R. 1521 and S. R. 1519 for multi-famil dwellings in an R-15 District (Single Family) in Zoning Area ~~4: (See Page 517 for Additions~ The Planning Commission had reviewed this application at their meeting of September 5, 1973, and had recommended that this Special Use Permit be issued based on the plan as submitted with the application. At the Board of Commissioners' meeting of October 1, 1973, this item had been continued to October 15, 1973, until Commissioners Davis and Powell returned from their tour of the Maryland Coast; so that the sewerage matter could be thoroughly explored with an economic analysis being furnished of piping to the Southside Plant versus building a private treatment plant; pending a traffic statement from the State Highway Commission; and pending information on water run-off (§uiface and subsurface drainage). The following gentlemen appeared on behalf of the petition: Mr. John Newton, Attorney at Law; Mr. Robert Sawyer, architect with Ballard, McKim and Sawyer; Mr. Henry von Oeson of Henry von Oeson & Associates; Mr. A1 Greenfeld of Midtown Contractors, Inc.; and Mr. Jim Pridemore representing Hanover Realty Company. Chairman Vaughan asked if there were anyone present to oppose the issuance of this Special Use Permit, and no one spoke in opposition. After the Counnission had considered the following four items: (a) that the use would not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed accor.ding to the plan as submitted and approved; (b) that the use met all required conditions and specifications; (c) that the use would not substantially injure the value of adfj!oining or abutting property or the use was a public necessity; and, (d) that the location and character of the use, if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved, would be in harmony with the area in which it was to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County, Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that this Special Use Permit be issued based on the plan as submitted with the application. Mr. von Oeson was requested to approach the City Council with regard to pumping to the Southside Treatment Plant, and he assured the Board that he would. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall and Powell. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright and Chairman Vaughan. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 15, 1973 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ORDINANCE (See Page 517 for Additions) Public Hearing to consider adoption of a county environmental policy ordinance entitled "An urainance to Establish an Environmental Policy of New Hanover County." At their regular meeting of October 1, 1973, the Commission had voted to hold a public hearing on October 15, 1973, on adoption of the county environmental policy ordinance which had been prepared by County Attorney Fox at the Board's request. Mr. Samuel Cox of the Soil Conservation Service showed slides of some of the erosion ' problems in New Hanover County. Mr. Robert Caulder, representing the New Hanover County Homebuilders Association, and Mr. Jack Perdue, President of the Wilmington Board of Realtors, spoke to the Board opposing the adoption of this ordinance. Mrs. Bobbie Hunter Boney, standing in for Mr. Barry Grimm, Chairman of the Cape Fear Group of the Sierra Club, read a prepared statement from Mr. Grimm in favor of the ordinance. Commissioner Powell suggested that a committee be appointed to consider the problems that the County was faced with, relative to the continued development of the land within the County, to try to give the Commissioners some suggested guidelines. By common consent, Chairman Vaughan appointed Commissioners Powell and Wright a co~ittee to bring back to the Board the size and proposed members of the committee suggested by Co~issioner Powell. Chairman Vaughan closed the Public Hearing to discussion. LUNCH RECESS Chairman Vaughan recessed the meeting from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM for lunch. JOINT INDUSTRIAL CIVIL PREPAREDNESS DAY Gen. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil Preparedness Coordinator, had requested that the Chairman of the County Commissioners issue a proclamation proclaiming November 15, 1973, Joint Industrial Civil Preparedness Day. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that Chairman Vaughan be authorized to issue this proclamation as suggested by General Harriss. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. REPORT OF TAX COLLECTIONS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1973 Mr. Larry J. Powell, Tax Administrator, presented the following report from Mrs. Janie B. Straughn, Collectof o£ Revenue, for New Hanover County Tax Collections thru September 30, 1973. 1973 "Regular Scroll Charges $5,6j6,844.85 Discoveries Added 51,183.35 5,688,028.'LO Less Abatements, - . 4,280.~8 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co. 5,683,748.02 Total Prepayments Collected - 342,276.34 September Collections - 716,587.16 Outstanding Balance $4,6'14,884.52 Percentage Collected 18.6% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 364,346.48 Less Abatements,_ - 747.11 Total Collections To Date - 44,471.14 Outstanding Balance ~ 319,1'LS.23 Percentage Collected 12.2% 1972 $5,355,5~2.25 36,870.94 5,392,453.19 - ' 7,591.84 5,384,816.35 - 370,055.78 -~~423;644:97 $4,591,16U.60 14.7% $ 436,216.30 - 774.14 - 59,552.65 $ 3.7'S,889.51 13.6% Personal Propert'y $ 316,199.39 Less Abatements',. - 79.05 No control Total Collections To Date - 16,556.95 established Outstanding Balance $ 299,563.39 until May 1973. Percentage Collected 5.2% Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date $1,375,984.98. This report is £or fiscal year beginning July 1, 1973." TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS Upon motion by Commis;s.ioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Powell, r~quests for abatements and refunds from Mr. Larry J. Powell, Tax Administrator, were unanimously approved as set forth in his memorandum dated October 8, 1973, as follows: "The following taxpayers contend they listed their property during regular listing period, and further request the 10% listing penalty be removed. 1. Theresa H. Hoyle $13.39 2. James E. Johnson 4.42 3. A. Z. Shepard 2.42 4. Eugene Shepard 6.16 ~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 15, 1973 (CONTINUED) TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS (CONTINUED) 5. C. H. Berry, 5r. $28.22 6. Will C. Pope Hrs. 44.38 7. Margaret B. Alexius 97.41 8. Jim B. Mott 9.92 9. Jack F. Hart 7.42 10. Clarence H. Berry, Jr. 37.07 11. Fulton L. Burns 9.45 12. Damon Fields 9.84 13. Joseph E. Allen 17.42 14. Leon F. Hagain ~ 10.51 Request the following taxes be released as the individuals do not reside in the City of Wilmington, or the personal property is located in the County. 1. Robert H. DeKay $ 18.88 2. Robert A. Hounsell 47.74 3. Cecil V. Thompson 40.68 4. Rayford R. Butler 92.66 5. Kenneth James 32.21 6. D. L. Peterson, .Tr. 64.39 7. Gary S. Brinson 42.09 8. Larry J. Smith 32.77 9. Alan R. Fussell 17.80 10. David S. Stevenson 65.58 11. Bobby L. Willis 15.54 12. Peoples Furniture Co. • 493.62 13. L. M. Peele, Jr. 27.01 14. Dana R. Hall 15.54 15. Gary M. Drew 19.44 16. Robert J. Carter 73.17 17. J. Marvin Pulaski 148.35 18. James F. Hill 39.73 19. Luanna S. Snyder 21.53 20. Richard B. Waldkirch 44.97 21. Christian Poultry Co: 615.61 22. Gertrude Irving 41.11 23. Henry A. Spivey 60.57 24. ~Leon M. Fox 91.53 25. Herbert B. Young 41.89 26. Linda K. Young 5.09 27. Roger D. Coffman 80.29 28. Helen L. Harmon 59.99 29. Quentin R. Lovett 47.26 30. James Davis 34.18 31. Rosalinde L. Cannady 28.82 32. Morris E. Merritt, Jr. 26.96 33. Lawrence L. Girga 56.08 Request taxes charged to KathLeen C. James, .Tames H. Farlow, Four States Realty Co., and George Gainey be abated as these taxes were charged in wrong name or wrong township. Taxes will be recharged on October supplement billing. Request the following taxes be abated as these are clerical errors iri pricing automobiles and addition errors, et~. . 1. Telerent Leasing Co. $ 22.81~ 2. Cecil B. Pierce 15.12 3. Paul E. Hosler 17.96 4. B. K. Merritt 39.54 5. Mary Lamdin 52.84 6. ~ Margaret E. Davis 13.23 7. E. C. Bill 30.03 8. J. A. Barbot 12.76 9. Commercial Credit 182.48 (Refund) Request the following taxes be abated as they have been double listed. 1. Robert K. Adams $118.08 (1969) 2. George F. Styron 242.61 (1969) 3. Sallie Webb 394.00 (1959-73) 4. R. W. Southerland 3.48 (1972) 5. Peter W. Ambrose 10.87 6. Eunice H. Patrick 18.16 +7. George Simpson 219.31 (1939-1973) 8. Joseph Moss 118.54 9. Rodger Builders Inc. 13.38 10. Lewis G. Rusmisell 98.74 11. James Head 34.57 12. Frances M. Adcock 7,gp 13. Snoopy's Pizza Parlors 11.78 14. Harold Parkers Realty Co. 103.89 15. Gelco Corp. 22.50 • 16. Ruth Keyes 122.51 17. Ruth Keyes 137.35 (1972 Refund) 18. E. E. Letendre 6.61 - - 19. Coastal Service Corp. 95.99 51~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 15, 1973 (CONTINUED) TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS (CONTINUED~ Request the ~ollowing Carolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach taxes be abated as these individuals do not reside in the Town limits. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fred L. Shue $ 22.19 Toby J. Davis 31.30 Robert W. Sutton 12.86 William E. Stephenson 6.17 John A. Ross II 68.77 Rodney I. Shaver 24.66 Request the following taxes be abated as the taxpayer listed wrong information on Mobile Home, dogs, and rent. 1. Larry Pait $ 13.19 2. Frederick J. Robinson 2.00 (Refund) 3. James E. Fishburn 1.00 4. Sallie W. Neely 13.23 The following Senior Citizens request abatement of $5000 valuation for the Senior Citizens exemption. 1. F. B. Hewlett 2. Ada B. Garrett 3. Annie F. Callihan $ 35.49 94.50 46.58 Request the following taxes be abated as the taxpayer should not have listed the personal property in New Hanover County. 1. Figure Eight Island Co. $596.62 2. Leaseway All Service ~Inc. 104.90 Request following taxes be released as depreciation was not allowed for topographical factor. 1. W. T. Brooks $ 16.95 2. Katie Symmes 151.95" ROBERT F. GAINES - EXTENSION OF TIME ON TAX FORECLOSURE Mr. Larry J. Powe11, Tax Administrator, presented a letter from Mr. Robert F. Gaines, with which he had enclosed payment of $1,400 to be applied to those ad valorem taxes longest owed on the property known as a part of east end of Lot 1, Block 239, in the City of Wilmington. Mr. Gaines stated in his letter that he agreed to make payments of $100 per month, beginning November l, 1973, until all taxes had been caught up. Mr. Gaines also waived the statutory requirement that execution be issued on the judgment (docketed in Judgment Book 6, at Page 303) within two years after the indexing of said judgment. Mr. Powell stated that, with this payment schedule, the account would be paid in full in May of 1975. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Mr. Gaines' request be granted and the payment schedule accepted. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. CONTRACTS WITH BEACH TOWNS FOR OPERATION OF A CONSOLIDATED TAX DEPARTMENT A search of the records in the County Manager's office and the Tax Office had revealed that, while there was a formal agreement between the County and the City of Wilmington for the operation of a consolidated Tax Department, no such agreement existed with regard to the three beach towns. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Chairman Vaughan be authorized to execute agreements for operation of a consolidated Tax Department with the Towns of Carolina Beach, Kure B'each, and Wrightsville Beach. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. CAROLINA BEACH LANDFILL - EXTENSION OF USE OF COUNTY-LEASED LAND Mr. Jack H. Webb, Town Manager of Carolina Beach, appeared before the Board to request that New Hanover County permit Carolina Beach to continue using county-controlled ~z~~ as a landfill site for 60'days in order to give them time to conclude the proposed lease agreement with Sunny Point. He stated that the State Board of Health had agreed to permit the continued operation at the present site provided New Hanover County agreed. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that this request be approved based on the following coriditions. ' (1) Carolina Beach would be responsible for meeting all final close-out requirements; and, (2) That the operation be maintained in accordance with State requirements for a sanitary landfill. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND STANDARDS COUNCIL The Commissioners discussed a proposed agreement between the County tor receipt of funds from the State of North Carolina through the North Carolina Criminal Justice Training and Standards Council for'the purpose of supplementing the salaries of certain law enforcement personnel of the County. Under the terms of the contract, the County will have to keep records and make reports to the Council and disperse the funds received according to law. ~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 15, 1973 (CONTIN[IED) APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND STANDARDS COUNCIL (CONTINUED) Commissioner Davis introduced the following Resolution, which was read: "BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover: 1. That the contract between the County of New Hanover and the North Carolina Criminal Justice Training and Standards Council be and the same is hereby approved. 2. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign and execute the said contract for and on behalf of the County of New Hanover and forward the same to the North Carolina Criminal Justice Training and Standards Council. 3. That upon final execution a copy of said contract be filed with the minutes." Coumiissioner Davis moved, seconded by Chairman Vaughan, that the foregoing resolutiori:be adopted. Commissioner Wright offered the substitute motion, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that this increase be handled locally as it only amounted to a one-step increase for Mrs. Margaret Bright, Deputy and Steno II. ~ Upon vote, substitute motion was defeated as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioner Wright. ' Voting Noe: Commissioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Chairman Vaughan. Upon vote, original motion was approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Chairman Vaughan. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright. , OVERTIME PAY FOR DEPUTIES INVOLVED IN STATE VS. MONK AND SPICER District Attorney Allen Cobb and Sheriff H. G. Grohman had submitted a list of deputies and the overtime hours they had worked either providing around-the-clock surveillance for the security of a state's witness or in transporting jurors to and from Sampson County in the case of State vs. Monk and Spicer. The total amount due to these deputies was $2,724.61. Mr. Cobb had contacted Mr. Bert Montague, Administrative Officer of the Courts for the State of North Carolina, who had advised payments for this purpose could be made from Court Facilities Fees. County Manager Eller advised that additional unallocated Courts Facilities Fees were in Unappropriated Surplus. , Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that $2,724.61 be transferred from Unappropriated Surplus to Court Facilities Fees for this purpose. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF BID RECEIVED FOR FIVE CARS FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT J. M. Blanton, Chief Deputy, had submitted the following information pertaining to bids received for five cars for the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department. "Cape Fear Motor Sales, Inc. - Price, less tax $19,343.55 Delivery Date, 60 to 120 days Tom Reich Chevrolet - Price, less tax $18,913.90 Delivery Date, 45 to 60 days Harris Pontiac, Inc. - Price, Iess tax $18,496.15 Delivery Date, within 30 days . Port City Chr.ysler Plymouth, Inc. - Yrice; less tax $18,466.40 Delivery Date, 120 days Plymouth: Weight approximately 3865 lbs., with 122" wheel base. Book value of 1973 Plymouth is $3,025. Pontiac: Weight approximately 4370 lbs., with 124" wheel base. Book value of 1973 Pontiac is $3,450." Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the County accept the bid of Harris Pontiac, Inc., as being in the best ~interest of the County. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ' Commissioner Powell suggested that the Sheriff's Department look into the possibility of saving money by getting rid•~of high-mileage cars after one year, or possibly after 50,000 miles, rather than keeping them for two years. USE OF COUNTY STATIONERY BY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Powell requested that the Board consider adopting guidelines for use of County stationery by Commissioners. No action was taken by the Board. DISCUSSION OF EXPENDITURES WHICH EXCEEDED FISCAL YEAR 1972-1973 BUDGET The County's independent auditors had furnished a list of line item accounts which had exceeded budgeted amounts in last year's budget and requested the Commissioners' approval of these expenditures. ~, ~~ , ~~ ~. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 15, 1973 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF EXPENDITURES WHICH EXCEEDED FISCAL YEAR 1972-1973 BUDGET (CONTINUED) By common consent, Chairman Vaughan appointed a committee composed ot Commissioner Wright and County Manager Eller to check these items out thoroughly with the County Auditor's books and report back to the Board. (See Page 517 for Addition) DISCUSSION OF BUDGET TRANSFERS IN FISCAL YEAR 1972=1973 The County's independent auditors had submitted a list of six budget transfers which were recorded on the County's books but for which no authorization could be found in the minutes of the Cou~issioners' meetings. By cou~on consent, Chairman Vaughan appointed a committee composed of Commissioner Wright and County Manager Eller to check these items out thoroughly with the County Auditor's books and report back to the Board. APPROVAL TO APPLY FOR A 30-,DAY EXTENSION FOR FILING FdilRM EEO-4. County Manager Eller requested approval of the Commissioners to apply to the Equal Employ- ment Opportunities Commission for a 30-day extension of the October 30, 1973, deadline for filing Form EEO-4. Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that this request be granted. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF MENTAL IiEALTH BUILDING Commissioner Hall reported that he had attended a meeting in Raleigh with the Medical Care Co~ission and the Mental Health people and that the Medical Care Coumiission would pro- vide $300,000 towards construction of a Mental Health Building provided the County would appropriate $260,000. He stated that there was a November 15, 1973, deadline on this appro- priation. Chairman Vaughan requested the County Manager to bring a report to the November 5, 1973, Co~ission meeting of what had already been scheduled of the Revenue Sharing Fu~ids. Cou~issioner Hall asked the County Manager to determine also if the $260,000 required by the Medical Care Commission had to be in hand or if it could be promised. DISCUSSION OF TANGLEWOOD DITCH Cou~issioner Hall stated that Mr. James E. Busby had notified him that the ditch in back of his house had gotten 1 1/2 feet closer to his house since the County Engineer had been directed to take corrective action at the Commisson meeting of August 20, 1973. This matter was referred to the County Manager for prompt notification to Mr. Busby of the status of corrective measures for his erosion problem. HONORING COAST GUARD Commissioner Wright moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the Board ask County Manager Eller to prepare an appropriate resblution honoring the Coast Guard in general and the Wrightsville Beach Coast Guard Station in particular; and that this resolution be framed for presentation at a regular meeting; and that as many of the Coast Guard men as possible be in attendance; and that special efforts be taken to have the press present so that good coverage could be given. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. LETTER TO GOVERNOR REGARDING TREES ON MARKET STREET Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the Chairman be authorized to write Governor Holshouser commending him on the roads that he is going to put in New Hanover County but telling him tHat the Commission is displeased with the idea of cutting down the trees on Market Street and that some alternative to this be investigated. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. RECREATIONAL AREA - M. C. S. NOBLE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL By common consent, Commissioner Powell was authorized to go before the School Board to discuss a joint venture with the County to develop a recreational area at the M. C. S. Noble Junior High School for use by the general public, not to conflict with school activities. DISCUSSION OF STATE SCHOOL BOND ISSUE Commissioner Powell stated that a member of the School Board had requested the Commission to take a stand on the State School Bond Issue. By common consent, it was agreed that the Commission, as a Board, would not take a stand on this issue as it would put them in the position of having to take a stand on every bond issue that came up. RECREATIONAL PROPERTY County Manager Eller was requested to calculate acreage needed for a recreational area contaning two baseball diamonds, three tennis courts, and SO percent extra space. DISCUSSION OF JOINT RESOLUTION CONCERNING REGIONAL UTILITIES SYSTEM Chairman Vaughan stated that the resolution adopted by the Board at their meeting of September 17, 1973, concerning construction and operation of a regional utilities system was going to be rewritten by the City Council before adoption by them and would then be submitted to the County Commissioners for adoption. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting at 2:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, LC~ise K~ng " Clerk to the Board 5~.5 k