1973-11-19 Regular Meeting~ ~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 5, 1973 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF ENERGY CONSERVATION (See Page 531 for Addition) Commissioner Davis requested that by co~on consent the Board ask County Manager Eller to cut the County's energy consumption by 10 percent. ' By common consent, the Coffinission made'this request of the County Manager. APPOZNTMENT TO WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER PLANNING COMMIBSION AYter a brieY recess to go into executive session, the meeting reconvened and Chairman Vaughan appointed Mr. Charles W. Hollis to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Henry von Oeson on the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission, term to expire July 31, 1975. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Vaughan adjourned the meeting at 4:20 PM. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ ~~ Li~. King Clerk to the Board k MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 19, 1973 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Co~issioners met in regular session on Monday, November 19, 1973, at 9:00 AM in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Co~issioners Peter R. Davis; J. M. Hall, Jr.; W. Douglas Powell; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman M. H. Vaughan; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order. Commissioner Powell offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETINGl NOVEMBER 5, 1973 On Page 521, under "Approval of Expenditures by Line Item which Exceeded 1972-1973 Budget and Approval of Budget Transfers in Fiscal Year 1972-1973 not Recorded in the Minutes," Commissioner Wright requested that her report with cover letter dated October 29, 1973, be included as part of the record. This report and letter can be found in Exhibit Book 1, Page 1. On Page 523, under this same item, Commissioner Wright requested further that the record show her remarks after changing her "noe" vote to an "aye" which were as follows: "I will vote yes if you let the record show that I'm doing it because it has already_been done, and we're in the position of having to cover it or go to some other procedure. I'm doing it under protest. I don't think it should have happened, and I don't think it should happen again." Oii Page 521, under "Discussion of New Courthouse," Commissioner Powell requested that the record show that the Board had had no objection to a Public Hearing on the matter but had felt this would be premature without more data to present. On Page 519, under "Letter from Governor Aolshouser Regarding Trees Along Market Street," Commissioner Davis requested that Governor Holshouser's letter become part of the record. This letter, dated October 31, 1973, can be found in Exhibit Book 1, Page 2. On Page 518, under "Public Hearing to consider a request to rezone property on the southwest corner of Military Cut-Off Road..." Chairman Vaughan requested that the record show that he had stated that this would be the beginning of dangerous strip zoning of a new highway area in the community. Upon motion by Chairman Vaughan, seconded by Con¢nissioner Wright, the minutes of November 5, 1973, were unanimously approved as amended. APPROVAL OF GRANT APPLICATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH CENTER FACILITY Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Co~issioner Powell, Chairman Vaughan was unanimously authorized to sign the application to the State of North Carolina for a construction grant for a Mental Health Center facility in New Hanover County. APPROVAL OF TWO DEPUTY SHERIFFS FOR SECURITY AT AIRPORT'.(See Page 531 for Addition) This item was tabled at the Commission meeting of November 5, 1973, in order for the Airport Commission to hear Mr. Thomas J. Muno, Sr., with regard to his company, American Security and Investigation Systems, Inc., providing the needed security at the Airport. After meeting with Mr. Muno, the Airport Co~ission still recommended that two additional deputies be employed by the Sheriff's Department to provide Airport security. Commissioner Davis reported that at the meeting of the Airport Commission Mr. Muno had, in effect, withdrawn his bid. Upon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Davis, two additional deputies ~$or the Sheriff's Department to provide security at the Airport were unanimously approved with the budget amended as follows: 1) The appropriation ~£or Contract Services in the Airport Operating Expenditure Budget (31 650 45) to be reduced by the amount of $12,983. ~~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 19, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF TWO DEPUTY SHERIFFS FOR SECURITY AT AIRPORT (CONTINUED) 'L) The $1'L,ytS3 in the Airport Operating Expenditure Budget to be reappropriated as a Contribution to General Fund (31 650 98). 3) Appropriate as a General Fund Revenue (11 397 31) the transfer from Airport Operating Fund the amount of $12,983. 4) In the Sheriff's Department budget, the appropriation for Salaries (11 510 02) to be increased by $10,512; the appropriation for Uniforms (11•510 36) to be increased by $500; and the appropriation for Miscellaneous Expense (11 510 57) to be increased by $1,971. REPORT OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Upon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Wright, the report by the Collector of Revenue, Janie B. Straughn, for New Hanover County of tax collections through October 31, 1973, as set forth in Exhibit Book 1, Page 3, was unanimously approved. DENIAL OF RELEASE OF INTEREST CHARGED ON DELINQUENT TAXES Mr. Larry J. Powell, Tax Administrator, presented a request from Mr. H. L. Prevatte for release of interest charged on 1970 taxes. In view of the fact that Mr. Prevatte had received several notices of the 1970 taxes due, Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that this request be denied. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Powell, the requests for abatements and refunds as set forth in Tax Administrator Powell's memorandum dated November 15, 1973, were unanimously approved. This memorandum is set forth in Exhibit Book 1, Page 4. APPROVAL OF EXTENSION OF HERCULES WATER CONTRACT Mr. M. V. Barnhill, Jr., Attorney at Law, appeared before the Board to request that the Hercules Water Contract between Hercules Corporation and New Hanover County be extended for an additional 18 months effective December 1, 1973. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Co~issioner Powell, that Chairman Vaughan be autho- rized to sign an agreement extending the length of this contract for 18 months effective December 1, 1973, after receiving written approval of the agreement from .County Attorney Fox. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF AGREEMENT WITH HENRY VON OESON AND ASSOCIATES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES Col. Pau1 5. Denison of Henry von Oeson and Associates, Inc., appeared before the Board to request execution of an Agreement for Professional Services between New Hanover County and Henry von Oeson and Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers. He stated that, in order to proceed with the application for planning advances for county-wide water and sewer planning, the County must execute an agreement with a Consulting Engineer to provide these services. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that this request be tabled until tYie special meeting of the Commission to be held on November 26, 1973, at 8:00 AM, in order to give County Attorney Fox the opportunity,to review the agreement and see what additions, if any, the County would like to make with regard to guarantees of termination, etc. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Wright stated that she would like to have a separate contract for each phase of the project. Chairman Vaughan appointed Co~issioners Powell and Wright a committee of two to act as liaison with County Manager Eller on this agreement. DESIGNATION OF WACHOVIA BANK TO HANDLE COUNTY'S DEMAND DEPOSITS County Manager Eller presented proposals received trom the various banks in Wilmington as directed at the Cor~ission meeting of September 17, 1973. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Co~issioner Wright, that the County's demand deposits be given to Waehovia Bank & Trust Company, N. A., for a three-year period with the services they intended to render to the County. Commissioner Powell offered the substitute motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Bank of North Carolina, N. A., be awarded the County's demand deposits for the first three- year period. He stated that, inasmuch as Wachovia had enjoyed this for a number of years, he thought it appropriate that another bank have that opportunity and that Bank of North Carolina had demonstrated their confidence in the County in their bond purchases, being consistently the high bidder, and that their multiple branch distribution over the City would give ready accessibility to the County employees. Upon vote, the substitute motion was defeated three to two. Upon vote, Commissioner Hall's motion was approved unanimously. A copy of the County's invitation to receive bids and the proposals submitted from the banks are contained in Exhibit Book 1, Page 5. REQUEST FROM SOCIAL SERVICES FOR DEPARTMENT IV CLASSIFICATION Mr. John William Walton, Jr., Chairman.ot the New Hanover County ,;;Boar~d ^.. of Social Servrces, appeared before the Board to request approval of the Department of Social Services being up-graded from a County III Department to a County IV Department. Mr. Walton stated that this up-grading would not require any additional salaries. Chairman Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that this item be tabled pending receipt of a letter from the Department of Social Services detailing what benefits would be derived and specifying what additional costs to the County would be incurred including any salary range changes of the department head or other department employees and whether these changes, if any, would be mandatory or optional. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. ~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 19, 1973 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION WITH WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. Mr. Lonnie C. Poole, Jr., President of Waste Industries, Inc., appeared before the Board to request approval to assign their contract with New Hanover County to Waste Industries of New Hanover, Inc. County Attorney Fox stated that this would have to be done after the new corporation had been formed and that he would prepare'the contract for assignment after this had been accom- plished subject to the parent company's (Waste Industries, Inc.) remaining responsible for guaranteeing the performance of the subsidiary company. Cbmmissioner Davis ~ated that it was Gime for the Cdunty to make it's four-month review of Waste Industries' books as agreed upon at the Commission meeting of June 18, 1973. By common consent, it was agreed that this would be done when Waste Industries received its completed audit. Commissioner Davis requested a report on the status of the transfer station at Carolina Beach as this hadbbeen discussed for eight months. As Mr. Poole enumerated many problems associated with this, by co~on consent, Mr. Poole was requested to notify the Board by letter before the December 3rd meeting to state what he would need in order to go ahead with the trans£er station. APPROVAL OF ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE Mr. Robert W. Ludwig, Chief Electrical Inspector, appeared before the Board to present a proposed electrical permit fee schedule to be effective January 1, 1974. He stated that this pro- posed schedule would simplify issuing permits. Messrs. Carl Ho3ges, Dave Denison and Bill Bridges of the Electrical Contractors Association appeared before the Board to state that they were in agreement with the proposed changes. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that this proposed schedule be approved to be effective January 1, 1974, and that Mr. Ludwig work with the City to eoordinate the schedule. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. A copy of the approved schedule is contained in Exhibit Book 1, Page 6. LUNCH RECESS Chairman Vaughan recessed the meeting from 12:10 PM to 1:10 PM for lunch. AWARD OF PURCHASE CONTRACT FOR SHERIFF DEPARTMENT'S UNIFORMS Upon motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Co~issioner Hall, the bid of the Fechheimer Brothers Company was unanimously approved for uniforms for the Sheriff's Department. (Commissioners Davis and Powell were temporarily absent from the meeting.) A copy of the bid is contained in Exhibit Book 1, Page 7. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - BUDGET AMENDMENT County Manager Eller reported that a defendant had been ordered by the court to pay $100 to the Sheriff's Department to be used by the Sheriff's Department. He stated that the check had been received and, in order for this money to be used only by the Sheriff's Department, it would be necessary that.Miscellaneous Revenues in the General Funcl be increased by $100 and the Miscellaneous Expense Account in the Sheriff's Department (11 510 57) be increased by $100. Upon motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Hall, this budget amendment was unanimously approved. (Commissioner Davis was temporarily absent from the meeting.) CHRISTMAS CONTRIBUTION TO CASWELL CENTER A request had been received from Caswell Center for a contribution from the County to aid in the Christmas Program for Caswell Center residents. Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Cou~issioner Hall, that $200 be transferred from the Non-Tax Fund Contingencies Account to the General Fund, Non-Departmental, Contributions - Other Agencies Account for this purpose. Commissioner Wright stated, for the record, that she felt the purpose of government was not to provide pleasure and happiness to people but to provide the basic things of law and order, education, and that sort of thing, and that you should leave matters of this sort to private agencies and public good will. Commissioner Davis stated, for the record, that this was an example of where people of New Hanover County were not around their home folks and this was a compassionate way for New Hanover County to show that they were concerned about them. Commissioner Hall stated, for the record, that there seemed to be some contradictions when the County could give $500,000 to a stadium for pleasure and several thousands into school play- grounds for fun. Upon vote, the motion to appropriate $2.00 for Caswell Center was approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall, Powell and Chairman Vaughan. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright. REQUEST FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION REGARDING HEATING SYSTEM A request had been received from the Employment Security Commission to make alterations to the heating system in the Community Hospital Building complex. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Coffinissioner Powell, that..this request be approved at no cost to the County. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. County Manager Eller was asked to determine the status of the tenants of this complex. 5~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 19, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF PROTECTIVE CUSTODY FOR INFORMER IN DRUG CASE A request had been received trom District Attorney Allen Cobb tfiat the County provide food, 1Qdging, and armed guards for approximately two weeks while a number of drug cases were tried and the informer was held in the area. As the exact cost was not known, no specific amount was requested. Upon motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Coummissioner Powell, this request was unanimously granted. APPROVAL OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE FOR ADVERTISING FUNDS Messrs. Bill Burns and Edward J. Menke appeared before the Board to request approval of the expenditures to be made by the Tourism Promotion Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for advertising the advantages of New Hanover County. Chairman Vaughan ruled their presence out of order because the mechanism set up by the Commission in appointing him the representative to work'with the Chamber on this appropriation had been avoided by the Chamber of Coffinerce. Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Powell, that the Chair be overruled and that the representatives fr.om the Chamber be heard. Chairman Vaughan stated, for the'record, that he had been carrying through what had been expected of him by the County Commissioners and did not feel that he should be overruled. Commissioner Davis stated, for the record, that he found it very distasteful to have to overrule the Chairman and that he did not mean it personally but it was something that had to be done. Upon vote, the motion to overrule the Chair was approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall and Powell. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright and Chairman Vaughan. Chairman Vaughan stated, for the record, that this expenditure was taking 45~ out of the pocket of every man, woman, and child in New Hanover County. Commissioner Davis stated, for the record, that a lot of people felt that it was putting another dollar back. Commissioner Wright stated, for the record, that this would be a dollar back in somebody else's pocket. Commissioner Powell moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that the breakdown.as submitted by the Chamber of Commerce Tourism Promotion Committee for advertising the advantages of New Hanover County be approved. This detail was submitted as follows: "MEDIA ACCOUNTS Newspapers & Magazines $28,000.00 TRAVEL & PROMOTION SHOWS Charlotte, N. C. 700.00 VACATION KITS Labor for addressing, stuffing collating, etc. 900.00 VACATION KITS Postage 2,900.00 STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Community Profile, A-Z Facts, Key Business Indicators 3,000.00 BROCHURE REPRINTINGS Courity Fishing Map, Cape Fear Trail 1,500.00 $37,000.00" Chairman Vaughan offered the substitute motion, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the Chamber submit to the Commission their'income and expense statement for the last calendar year first so that the Counnission could see if the tourist industry, for which this was primarily devoted, was being properly supported by the beneficiaries of the tourist industry. Mr. Menke stated that individual members of the Chamber of Commerce could have brouchures printed for distribution in the vacation kits at the pro rata cost. After a brief discussion, Chairman Vaughan withdrew his substitute motion. Commissioner Davis requested that those businesses that wished to pay their pro rata cost for including a brochure in the vacation kits be permitted to do so whether they were Chamber ~ members or not or either cut out the policy all together. Mr. Burns stated that he would make this request to the Committee and report back to the Board. He stated further: that•he.,' personally, was in agreement with this request. Upon vote, motion to approve the submitted schedules of expenditures was approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall and Powell. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright and Chairman Vaughan. ~~(~ MIh'UTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 19, 1973 (CONTINUED) PROBATION OFFICE RENT - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Messrs. Norman R. Holden and James H. Russ of the North Carolina Department of Social Re- habilitation and Control appeared before the Board to request that the County furnish office space for the Division Supervisor recently assigned to Wilmington. Commissioner Davis moved, seconded by Commissioner Hall, that this request be approved and that $807 be transferred from General Fund Contingencies to Rent, Buildings and Equipment in the Clerk of Court's Budget (17 516 21) for the remainder of the fiscal year 1973-1974. Upon vote, motion was approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Hall and Powell. Voting Noe: Commissioner Wright and Chairman Vaughan. PRESENTATION OF AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1973 Messrs. Bill Lanier and Ray Clark of Cherry, Bekaert & Aolland, the County's independent auditor, appeared before the Board to present the New Hanover County audit for fiscal year ended June 30, 1973. Upon motion by Co~issioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Powell, this audit was unanimously accepted for study. REVENUE SHARING FUND TRANSFERS (See Page 531 for Additions) As directed by the Commission at their November 5, 1973, meeting, County Manager Eller pre- sented a Journal Voucher showing all necessary Revenue Sharing Budget Transfers. Upon motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Powell, the recommended Revenue Sharing Budget Transfers as set forth in Exhibit Book 1, Page 8, were unanimously approved, which included an additional,$100,000 for Legion Stadium. REQUEST OF SCHOOL BOARD FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO PURCHASE ACCOUNTING MACHINE Upon motion by Chairman Vaughan, seconded by Commissioner Hall, a request for,,a~transfer from Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy, Superintendent of Schools, was unanimously tabled until December 3, 1973, in order that Dr. Bellamy could be present to answer questions as to whether this machine could be integrated with the proposed machine in the County Auditor's office or with other available facilities such as had been suggested by the banks in recent proposals to the Commissioners. The amount of the transfer requested was $18,689 for purchase of a new accounting machine. (Commissioner Davis was temporarily absent from the meeting.) REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT'S BUDGET County Manager Eller reported that the funds for the operation of the Planning Department had been approved by line item in the County's budget as though~ the County would be operating its own department. He stated, however, that with a joint City-County department, the City was providing the accounting and billing the County on a quarterly basis and that, while the City did provide a detail of the expenditures, the County's funds were not budgeted in the same categories as those used by the City, making it difficult for the County to charge to the line items. He recommended that the County budget be amended by combining the line items in the Planning Budget into one item -- Contributions-Other Agencies. By common consent, it was agreed that:•County Nianager Eller would bring to the December 3, ` 1973, meeting an amended Planning Department budget bringing it in line with the categories provided by the City rather than putting this into one item in the County's budget. DISCUSSION OF REVIEW PROCESS OF SUBDZVISION PLATS Chairman Vaughan brought up that apparently some subdivision plats were now being approved through default because of lack of the required quorum; and he was authorized, by common consent, to write the Planning Commission regarding this problem. DISCUSSION OF EMPLOYING PLANNING DIRECTOR By common consent, Chairman Vaughan was authorized to write the Mayor of Wilmington regarding rhe necessity of prosecuting with rapidity the employment of a Planning Director. DISCUSSION OF SED:TNIENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT OF 1973 By common consent, it was agreed that a public hearing would be held on December 17, 1973, concerning the adoption of a sedimentation pollution control ordinance by the County. RESOLUTION CONIl~IENDING THE COAST GUARD Upon motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Chairman and the Clerk were unanimously granted the authority to sign the resolution commending the Coast Guard which had been prepared by the County Manager to be presented at a later meeting. (Chairman Vaughan left the meeting after this item for the remainder of the meeting.) ROAD PETITION - BRETONSHIRE ROAD Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Powell, the Commission unanimously adopted a resolution as set forth in Exhibit Book 1, Page 9, requesting the State Highway Commission to review Bretonshire Road in Windemere Subdivision and take it over for maintenance if it met established standards and criteria. LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT MEETING County Manager Eller reported that he had received notification from the North Carolina Association of County Co~issioners that the annual legislative district meeting to discuss proposed legislation would be held on December 5, 1973, at the Holiday Inn in Lumberton, North Carolina. ENERGY CONSERVATION County Manager Eller reported that he had had excellent results from the County's depart- ments regarding energy conservation. ~ r ~~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 19, 1973 (CONTINUED) APPROPRIATION FOR REPAIR OF JAMES E. BUSBY DITCH Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner -avis, the Commission unanimously approved a transfer of $3,900 from General Fund Contingencies to Maintenance and Repairs, Buildings and Grounds in the non-departmental section of the budget, Account No. 11 660 15, for stabilization of the ditch near the home of James E. Busby. The decision to stabilize this ditch had been made by the Commission at their regular meeting of August 20, 1973. HEAT IN REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE In view of the energy crisis, Commissioner Powell questioned the problem of heat in the Register of Deeds office. By common consent, County Manager Eller was requested to determine the costs involved in modifying the heating system so that the Register of Deeds' office would not have to use air- conditioning to combat the heat. DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC BUS SYSTEM Commissioner Davis stated that the bus system was for everybody in the County and that, with the gasoline shortage, all forms of public transit were going to have to be put into use. He requested that each Co~nissioner give some consideration to how the County could get into this either by helping the City or by assuming the entire responsibility and setting up a Bus Authority. No action was taken by the Board. DECISION TO WRITE CONGRESSMEN REGARDING FORCED BUSSING Upon motion by Uice Chairman Wright, seconded by Commissioner Powell, the Chairman was unanimously authorized to w'rite Senators Ervin and Helms and Congressman Rose and express the Board's feeling that unnecessary school bussing should be eliminated to conserve energy. DISCUSSION OF RATIONING GAS Commissioner Hall stated that he would like for the Chairman to write the Congressmen to express the Board's feeling that a high tax on gasoline to prohibit its use would work to the punishment of less affluent citizens because the rich man could.afford to buy his gas regardless of the tax and that the Board felt that rationing would be a more equitable means of limiting fuel. Commissioner Wright stated that she did not agree with this point of view. Commissioner Powell suggested the possibility of a combination of rationing and a surtax. No action was taken by the Board. APPROVAL OF EXHIBIT BOOK Upon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Davis, purchase and use of an Exhibit Book to be used in conjunction with the Minute Book as a permanent method of displaying documents, letters, etc., as requested by the Commis§ion, was unanimously approved. EXECUTIVE SESSION After a brief recess to go into Executive Session, Vice Chairman Wright reconvened the meeting and the following action was taken. APPOINTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT COMMITTEE Upon motion by Commissioner Hall; seconded by Commissioner Powell, the following citizens were unanimously appointed to serve on a committee to study the environmental impact ordinance. Mr. Samuel Cox Mr. Paul E. Gregory Mr. Bruce R. Freeman Mr. Jack Perdue Mrs. Richard Hollifield . Mr. Richard M. Jackson Col. Paul S. Denison Mr. C. E. Marshburn Mrs. Bobbie H. Boney Mr. Herbert P. McKim Mr. William J. Hart Mr. A. J. Janicki Mr. Frederick Willetts, Jr. Mr:~. Howard M. Loughlin Mr. Paul Foster APPOINTMENT TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Upon motion by Commissioner Powell, seconded by Commissioner Davis, Mr. Ted Glod was unanimously reappointed to serve on the New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment, term to expire Noveinber 15, 1976, subject to his acceptance. ~ APPROVAL OF ATTORNEY'S FEE Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Powell, a statement from County Attorney Fox in the amount of $805.89 with regard to the Cherry, et. al.,, vs. New Hanover County case was unanimously approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hall moved, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, mb~tion carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Wright adjourned the meeting at 3:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, c~~- ~'v~~ Lise K. 'King Clerk to the Board k