1973-12-13 Special Meeting~~:?.7 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 13, 1973 ASSEP~BLY The Ne~a Hanover Ccunty Board of Commissioners met in special session on Thursday, DecemUer 1?,, 1973, at 11:00 AP~? in the Assembly Rooci, County Commission I3uilding, Wilmington, North Carolina. P^.embers present were.Commissioners Peter R. Davis; M. H. Vaughan; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman W. Douglas Powe11; County Nanager, Dan W. Eller; and Clerl: to the Board, Lise K. King. Chairman Powell called the meeting to order. SHEARIN HILLS SUBDIVISION, SECTIONS 3 AND 4 The Commission had authorized the Chairman to sign these plats at their special meeting of December 10, 1973, subject to the legality of this action inasmuch as a11 necessary signatures we.re not on the plats. It had been determined from County A.ttorney Fox that ~t v;as not legal to take this action; therefore, Mr. Terry L. Harlacher, Staff Planner, and Mr. Jack Stocks, Surveyor, appeared before the Board to request final approval of these plats, stating that all necessary signatures had teen acquired. Comcnissioner Davis moved, seconded by Cor.icaissioner T~lright, that the {inal plats for Sections 3 and 4 of Shearin Hi11s Subdivision be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to sign them. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Davis, Vaughan, Y]right and Chairman Powell. Absent: Commissioner Hall. DISCUSSION OF ARCHITECT SELECTION FOR THE PROPOSEP COURTHOUSE/JAIL Mr. Roger H. Clark, Consultant to the Board trom North Caro1"ina 5tate's Department of Architecture, met with the Board to discuss the process for selecting an architect for the proposed courthouse/jail. He distributed dossiers on each of the architects who had responded to the notice that had been run. Mr. Charles F. Green, City Councilman, appeared to represent the City of 4Jilmington. By common consent, it was decided that only the names oi those who were to be interviewed would be released to the press. Commissioner Vaughan moved, seconded by Commissioner titiTright, that the Board , accept Mr. Clark's rejections with the exception of the one he had put a question mark beside and the Commissioners would decide on that one. Upon vote, motion carried unanivnously. By common consent, it was decided that the interviews with out-of-town architects would he held on Thursday, January 10, 1974, at 1:00 PM and the interviecas with the local architects would be held on Friday, January 11, 1974, at 9:00 AM, each interview to be 30 minutes in length. Commissioner Vaughan moved, seconded by Chairman Powell, that the intervie~as be held in Executive Session open to the press. Co~~issioner Davis offered the substitute r.iotion, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the interviews be held in a public meeting, as all meetings should be, oPen to everyone with the request that any interested architects would not come to the other presentations. Commissioner Vaughan moved that Chairman Powell be allowed to contact Commissioner Ha11 and explain the two motions and.get his reaction and use either of the two methods that he would agree on. Motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Wright moved that the Board contact the County Attorney for a ruling on whether the Board could hold an Executive Session as proposed or not.. S:Ze stated that she did not think it could he done privately. I4otion died for lar_1c of a second. By cor.mmon consent, the Clerlc was asked to place this item on the agenda for Plonday, December 17, 1973. AD.70URNMENT Cor.imissioner Vaughan moved, seconded by Comuiissior.er YTright, that the meeting be adjourned. Upor: vote, motion carried unanimousl~. Chairman Powell adjourned the meeting at 11:55 AM. Respectfull,y submitted, ~~~ Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k