1971-01-18 Regular Meeting565 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JANUARY 18, 19~1 - • ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthl,y r~eeting o£ the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners tiaas held on the abave date and time in the Commission Building with the followin~ present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. T•1. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage; Clerk to the Board. INVOCkTION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. W~. F. Milholland, Pastor, St. Paul's Evangelical Zutheran Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTr~S - There being no corrections to the minutes of ineeting of January 4, 1971, Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT - In the absence of Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, Mrs. Janie Collector's Office was present and presented report for him dated follows: Total Taxes on booYs for 19'70 amounted to $b5,222,29~•29 9E2,906,202.70, leaving balance due of $2,316,08~.59- Back real e date amounted to ~'79,122.8'7, leaving balance due of ~351,989-56• property taxes collected to date amounts to ~18,505•97• Straughan of the Tax January 4, 19'71, as less collections state taxes collected tc Delino,uent personal Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the report be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. OPPORTUNITIES, INC. - Mr. Bo~~den presented CAP Form 46 received from Opportunities, Inc. £or signature by the Chairman. Chairman Harriss stated total estimated cost o£ proposed activity shown on form is $209,304, non-federal share $34,884 and federal share ~174,304. He pointed out only titles of action projects ~aere furnished - no descriptions. Chairman Harriss stated he was not prepared to affix his si~nature to something about what he knew so little. Mr. Marks pointed out the Board had not received a report o£ their accomplishnents of last year, tHe Commissioners have not been consulted about their planning pro~ram, the Board has no evidence of their competency to bring about v~hat they intend to do, and he seriously questioned their competency to carry out these programs. Mr. Llilliams suggested that action be deferred pendin~ receipt of information that the Chairman may feel is needed prior to taking action. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Bowden contact Mr. Rufus L. Pearson, Executive Director, requesting description of the various projects listed on the form. REPORT ON MEETING OF JAIL COMMITTEE Mr. Bowd_en reported on meetin~ o£ Jail Committee held January 6, 19'71, at ~ahich all members t~lere present e~:cept Mr. Marks. Mr. Boi~den advised the Board Mr. Marks' proposal of building an addition in the courtyard adjacent to the present jail was thorou~hly discussed and the committee tried to be as objective as possible. The committee visited the site. Mr. Bov~den stated there would be state regulations that ~aould be highly expensive if County ~•~ere to add a structure there. Mr. Bowden stated that at the conclusion of the committee meeting Sheriff Millis made a motion that the committee recommend to the Board of Commissioners abandonment o£ idea of proposed addition and proceed with an architect £or a nei•; jail. Architect is to study the overall need of future space as presented in the space study by the City-County Planning Department and to recommend locating jail to suit a future government complex. Motion Uras seconded and carried unanimously. P`1r. Harriss stated since Mr. Marks was unable to be present at the committee meeting, he felt, as a matter o£ courtesy, he should be per~itted to add an addendum to the minutes o£ the Jail Committee Meeting if he so desi:red. Mr. Marks stated he was not in accord that the Board immediately hire an architect. He pointed out that he was instructed at bud~et time to contact Col. Crai~ by phone advising him the Board was`setting aside a substantial sum of money, subject to his approval, and would add tb it from time to time for a new jail. Col. Craig advised he was willing to go along with the Commissioners. This was confirmed by letter and Col. Craig was advised the Board anticipated being able to build jail teithin five years. Mr. Marks stated he questioned urgency from a practical approach. He cited other needs of the County; namely, juvenile detention center, quarters for Mental Health Center, and neoa location for the Health Department. Mr. Marks was o£ the opinion the Board should establish priorities as to needs of these facilities. Mr. Marks stated his su~gestion that a neta addition be tied into present jail i~~as to try to salvage existing facility and also to cut the cost of a ne~•, jail. Mr. Marks felt action should-be deferred until further consideration can be given as to how it ~aill be iinanced. PZr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the item be tabled'until some future date. Mr. Hall stated reasons for his motion vaas that the Board had contemplated. paying for this from tax monies accumulated up to time of the lettin~ of tne contract, in vieia that the Board had anticipated that this vrould be within four or five years, in view of fact that there mi~ht be changes in regulations during that time and he felt tryin~ to take action on a thing oY this kind and gettin~; plans, the County might find it has an antigue set of plans. Vote was called on ~otion. I{; carried three to two. Mr. Harriss and Mr. Williams voted "No." Chairman Harriss stated while he might not agree with PTr. Marks about the placement of the additional structure, he did agree that the Board is not ready yet to employ an architect, but does need a study; hoi~aever, he was not sure where the Board should start. If the County waits for it to go into a municipal building it might be some years in the future, and if the County accumulates funds in a reserve fund, it might be some years before such Sunds can be used. klso, he was of the opinion continued needs for a proper jail facility cannot be continued to allow to increase v~ithout some action. l 56e MINUTES OF TBE MEETING JANUARY 18, 1971 (CONTINUED) - REPORT ON MEETING OF JAIL COMMITTEE -(CONTINUED)- Mr. Williams expressed his disappointment at not being given an opportunity to express his opinion on report of the committee since he had been designated as Chairman of the Jail Committee. Also, he was disappointed that neither PZr. Oxenfeld nor the Sheriff had not been heard. He also pointed out that individuals from out of to~an had been asked to work with the committee. Mr. I3arriss said he was going to appoint a committee to further consider alternate site for a jail and alternate steps to consider implementation of any activity in this direction, and he reappointed the same committee. I`4r. Williams advised the Chairman he respectfully declined to serve and Mr. Harriss said over his objections he would ask him to again please serve. Mr. Williams said he would discuss it later i~~ith Mr. Harriss, but a~ this poirt he still was inclined not to serve. Later in the meeting Chairman Harriss advised that Mr. 4Ji11iams had informed him he would serve on the committee but Mr. Oxenfeld t,~ill serve as the Chairman. At this point, Mr..73owden requested he not be asked to vote on the committee but furnish inforraation only. By common consent this was agreed to. fNMANE SOCIETY - Miss Camille Carroll advised the Board that since Mr. J. GJ. Johnson had taken over operation of the County Dog Pound and named it the "Humane Pet Center" there had been quite a bit of confusion because the name is so similar to the name of the Humane Society. She requested Mr. Johnson drop the ivord "Hu.nane" from the title of his operations. By common consent this was referred to the County 9dministrator for handling. SECOND READING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO MOBILE HOME & TRtiVi'L TRAILER PARK ORDIN~NCE - Mr. Harriss stated public hearing was held on December 21st on the proposed amendments to the Mobile Home ~, Travel Trailer Park Ordinance and second reading would be had at this time. The amendments were read and since no one'objected, Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the amendnents be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. The amendments are as folloo,s: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF Nr.W HANOVER AI`1ENDING THE NEG7 HAIdOVER COUIQTY MOBILE HOME AND TRAVEL TRAILER PARY ORDINAIQCE ADOPTED MARCH 2, 19`JO THE BOARD OF CONiI"fISSIOIdERS OF N~W HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIlV: Section l: That the New Hanover Coun~;y Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Parlc Ordinance adopted March 2, 19'70 is hereb,y zmended by the £ollo~~!ing: 1. kmend all sections Health is used to 2. Amend all sections Department is used 3. Amend Section IU, read as £ollows: of this ordinance where the term Consolidated Board of read New Hanover County Board of Health. of this ordinance i•;here the term Consolidated Health to read New Hanover County Health Department. 3ubsection 4.4, paragraph 2, second sentence thereof to "In addition to the Building Inspector, the Director of Health or his d.esignated representative also shall be considered enforcement officers for the purpose of enforcin~ all public health provisions of this ordinance and other applicable health codes adopted by the New Hanover County Board oS Health." 4. kmend Section VI, Subsection 6.3, paragraph (b) to read as follows: (b) Each mobile home stand shall be provided with anchorage in accordance with the North Carolina Uniform Standards Code for Mobile Homes. (Chapter 143, Article 9A of the North Carolina General Statu~tes) Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after February 15, 1°71. Adopted this 18th day of January , 1971. I~Ieares Harriss, Jr. Chairman and Commissioner Berr,y A. Williams Commissioner H. A. Marks Commissioner J. N. Hall, Jr. Commissioner John R. Oxenfeld Commissioner , ~5 6'7 ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 18. 1971 -(CONTIPNED) - LANSDOWIVE ESTATES - FINAL PLAT OF SECTIOPd D- Mr. Mallory advised the Board the Planning Department recommends approval of this plat since it had received certificate o£ approval of the Water Supply & Sewerage System from the Health Department and certificate of approval of the streets from the State Highway Commission. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the plat be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign. Motion carried unanimously. CENSUS FIGURES FOR NL'~a HANOVER COUNTY AND CITY OF 41ILI~LCNGTOII - Mr. ~allory advised he was in receipt of the final census figures received by telephone from a secretary in the U. S. Department of Commerce, Greensboro, N. C. Census for New Hanover County is 82,996 which reflects increase of 15.'7'~0. Census for City of Wilmington is 46,169 which re£lects increase of 4.9%. TAX ASSESSA'LFNT RATIO - Col. William J. Blanton appeared before the Board to request the Board of County Commissioners to take whatever action necessary to make certain that the tax assessment ratio is chan~ed back to its original status. Col. Blanton said he felt the action taken by not only the City Councilmen but the County Commissioners has been such that they have caused citizens of New Hanover County to begin to lose faith in their leaders. Col. Blanton said that it t~aas his opinion that unless the Board took this necessary action that any future requests that the Board makes upon the citizens of New Hanover County will meet with failure. Chairman Harriss asked Col. Blanton if he had some specific reason why he felt the citizens ~~aere misled. Col. Blanton said he presumed Mr. Harriss had read the newspaper. Col. Blanton said he had not based his entire feeli.ngs on the newspaper, this was his opinion even before the newspaper came out and he doubted seriously even if the Star-News Newaspaper would even publish such a thing. Chairman Harriss advised Col. Blanton he respected his opinion, and then read in part the resolution of the Commissioners of January 19, 19']0 adoPting the ratio. Chairman Harriss pointed out the tax ratio remained the same last year and also the tax rate was reduced by five cents per hundred by the County. Chairman Harriss pointed out to Col. Blanton the financial condition of the City of Wilmington and their inability to raise sufficient funds because the City is restricted by a tar. rate Vahich was set 5*ears ago. Chairman Harriss stated the County could not stand by and see the City of Wilmington become insolvent i~~ith a noose around its neck. Chairman Harriss advised Col. Blanton it is not the intention o£ the Commissioners to double the tax rate and e~plained to him that on a 100'~ tax ratio the tax rate would be reduced to one-half. Mr. Harriss stated that if the meeting at which the City appeared had been completely and accurately reported he would have heard these things through the sane Star-Nec•~s that he felt had given a forthri~ht opinion. Col. Blanton said Chairman Harsiss' points ~aere oaell taken, and he would certainly like to see the City and County prosper and all citizens have an opportunity and none be penalized because of the change in the tax ratio. Chairman Harriss pointed out that no one can tell ti,ihat the tax rate for the County is goin~ to be i,ahen it is set in July. The reason for this is that the Boar.d does not at this time have the budgets of the departments, neither does it have the tax base on oahich to base its tax rate. Mr. Harriss stated that whatever the tax rate the Board finally comes up i~rith this ,year on the bud~etary needs o£ the County based on a 100'~ ratio will be exactly one-half what it would be based on a 5~% ratio. Mr. Harriss pointed out the services of the County during the past year had Ueen increased to provide landfills i~ahich cost some $4-0,000 in eguipment on1y. This will be an expense of operation which vai11 be either par.tially or wholly defrayed by those usin~ it. Mr. Harriss stated he £elt this was sound business, and the Board i~aill continue to try to operate the County on this basis. Mr. Harriss assured Col. Blanton that not one penny more ~aill go into the operation of the County than is necessary to provide the services that the citizens vaant and are entitled to. Col. Blanton said he accepted Chairman Harriss' explanation. Mr. Williams stated the laU,~ of North Carolina required that the assessment ratio be set annually by the County Commissioners. The resolution setting the tax ratio on January 19, 1969 was set after the City had withdra~on its request for a change in the ratio which was after the sales tax vote. Mr. Ulilliams said he could not find an~ records in the minutes to substantiate the statement quoted from "Penny For Progress" by the Star-Ivevas on January 1'], 19'71, that "Already the Commissioners have agreed to put our property tax on the tax books at 100'~0 of its true value instead of the 5~o now being used". Mr. Glilliams stated he oaished to clarif;~ personal reflection on him in the Star-News article indicating individuals had gone back on their ~,~ord. The official minutes of the meeting of October 6, 1969 oaill indicate one Comnissioner said he vaas not supporting the tax issue and that Cornmissioner ~as Berry Willia~s. Mr. Hall stated that he would like to remark on the statement "That this deoision was in no vaise attached to the success or failure of the passage o£ the 1¢ sales tax. That was one of the sta.tements that was made openly and had no implications whatever sofar as the passa~e of the sales tax was concerned. Nobody tied it to it". My contention is t:~at all of us tied it to it ir_ somewa~ or other either overtly, discreetly, or indiscreetly or hovaever we might have done it; it taas tied to the issue, and i feel we should have given the sales tax at least one year of operation to show tahat it would produce. I~ir. Marks said he took strong exception to statements made about H. A. Marks and others in the editorial that they have repudiated their pledge to the people; they have ~one back on their worct. P`ir: P'Iarks challenged the newspaper to come up with any u~ritten statement or any record of any comment or commitment that he had made to anybody or had participated in vote with re£erence to commitment beyond the year the Board was talking about. Follolaing is resolution adopted December 21, 19'70: , 5~ 8 MINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 18, l0`]1 (CONTINUED) - TAX ASSESSMENT RATIO - (CONTINUED) - "STATE OF NORTH CAROZINA: COUNTY OF NLW HIiNOVER : RESOLUTION Wf~REAS, General Statute 105-2~4 requires the Board of County Commissioners to adopt a percentage £or the purpose of taxing properties within the County, and 4THEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners have met tvith representatives of the Municipalities of New Hanover County, as required by ~ General Statute 105-294, and WHEREAS, these representatives have stated the 100'~ Assessment Ratio t~~ould be acceptable to them, TF~Rr,FORE BE IT RESOZVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adopt 100% as the Tax Assessment Ratio for the comin~ year. Dated at Wilmington, N. C. this 21st day o£ Decer.iber, 19~0. . Meares Harriss, Jr. Chairman Berrv A. ~,lilliams Vice-Chairman J. M. Hall. Jr. Commissioner H. A. rlarks Commissioner John R. Oxenfe'_d Commissioner RE9UEST FOR L]AIVER OF TAX PEIIALTY - PTR. BIZL SAFFO - Mr. Bill. Saffo appeared before the Board to request waiver of pena~ty in amount of $bII21.26 for tate ?.isting of taxes. Mr. Saffo cited reason £or 'isting «as due to i'~ness uf his r~ife 2nd his bookYeeper must have forgotten to iist. Mr. P~~ae'.' Tax Supervisor advised P'~ir. Saffo did not 'ist untii L~pri' i.4th. After discussion in which it was pointed out other persons who are ',ate 'istin~ are charged pena':ties, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hal_1, that the request not be allov,ed. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 10:20 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:30 A. M. AWARDING OF ORDER FOR %-RAY MACnuu.~ Dr. Knox was present for awarding of contract for the %-Ray machine. Chairman Harriss read letter Dr. Knox had previously furnished wherein he recommended the contract be awarded to the S& H X-Ray Company, Charlotte, N. C. for items listed in Specifications A-C and D, 1 and 2. Specification D, 3 and 4 were elimi.nated. Dr. %nox also recommended that the Helio Contrastor for the viewing of '70 mm films be puxchased from S& FI X-Ray Company. The amounts involved are: Items A-C #18,326 D, 1 and 2 525 Helio Contr. 1.458 Total $20,309 Dr. Knox advised this was the low bid of the four bidding companies. Dr. Knox advised this company has enough installations in this area to give good service. It will be serviced out of Charlotte. Mr. Shepard advised funds are available in the Health Department budget. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board accept the recommendations of Dr. Rnox, £unds to come £rom line item in Health Department Budget to be determined by the Auditor. Motion carried unanimously. BREAK-INS AT SOCIAI, SERVICES OFFICE - Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Social Services, appeared be£ore the Board to advise them of break-ins at the Social Services Building. She said to have a burglar alarm connected with the Wilmington Police Department would be real expensive; initial equipment to take care of just the first floor would be $1,440. This does not include line to the Board which is $3.20 per mile per month, nor does it include the service charges per month. This would only protect main corridor on £irst floor. Miss Hall advised damage to building had been less than $400; no equipment has been stolen. Mr. Shepard pointed out there is no insurance on equipment but there is insurance on the buildings. Mr. Harriss suggested the Sheriff check the doors. Mr. Marks discussed problem o£ escort for securing volume of food stamps for the Pirst five days o£ the month and depositing fl~nds at end of day. Mr. Marks suggested the Sherif£ assign a man to this duty for the five days. The Board was not inclined to put this duty on the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Williams suggested investigation be made to determine whether £easible to have Wells-Fargo handle this. Miss Iiall advised cost would be $4.50 a trip or $9.00 per day or $45.00 per month for the five days needed. Mr. Harriss said on a temporary basis this might be the solution. Miss Hall said she hoped that they could get by with the first £ive working days and if the economy improves they can. Miss Hall said if the Board approves she will work out some plan with Wells-Fargo and will not use the service any more than is necessary. Mr. Marks asked Miss Hall if she , 5~~~ MINUTES OF Tf~ MEETING JANUARY 18. 1971 ~CONTuvur~D) - BREAK-INS AT SOCIAI, SERVICES OFFICE -(CONTuvu~D) - had an item in the budget that this could be taken from. Mr. Shepard suggested this come from Social Services Surplus. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the transfer as recommended by Mr. Shepard £or this service be made by the Social Services Board, if they £eel it is necessary. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAL HELP FOR SOCIAI~ SERVICES - Miss Hall advised her Board is asking the Commissioners to allow an additional clerical personr£or Yood stamps since the load has increased. This position wi11 be a Typist I position, salary $4,080. Miss Hall stated there is enough money in Social Services budget to take care o£ this. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that this person, be employed with knowledge that it is on a temporary basis arid that salary be set at minimum salary as suggested, fl~nds to come from Salary Account in Social Services Budget. Motion carried unanimously. A.B.C. DISTRIBUTION Mr. Harriss discussed distribution o£ A.B.C. funds and advised Mr. Fox had checked the applicable statutes and 18-85 pertaining to tax on spirituous liguors, etc. permitted tax of 10'~ on retail prices of every kind that is sold in this state, including liquors sold in county or municipal liquor stores, provided, however, that in no event sha11 the amount paid under this section by county or municipal stores exceeds one-half o£ the net pro£its on liguors sold in such stores. Mr. Harriss stated that according to his figures gross sales be£ore taxes are about $4,200,000 and this would mean a.tax of around $420,000 is being collected on that 10'~ basis. Net profits for this County; which includes all the municipalities, is $543,210. Mr. Fiarriss said the $420,000 is considerably in excess of one-half of the net pro£it's. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion a clarification is needed. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Fox continue to investigate the matter by contacting State A.B.C. Board and any other agencies for clarification. A.B.C. rs,ru'L.T RE9UESTS - • " The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board: Duck Haven Country Club, 1202 Eastwood Road; The Blue Cockatoo, Inc., 5523 Oleander Dr.; The Pantry, U. S. 420; and Skinney Williams, 821 So. 8th Street. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxen£e1d, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff's of£ice for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. WILMINGTON PUBZIC LIBRARY RESOLUTION - Mr. Bowden presented reguest from the Trustees o£ the Wilmington Public Library that the followin~ resolution be adopted by the Board of Commissioners aurhorizing them to accept gifts: ~ RESOLUTION OF THE NEW AANOVER C~uiu•rx BOA.RD OF COMMISSIONERS, WII~MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WITH RESPECT TO PUBLIC I,IBRARY . WHEREAS, the Trustees o£ the Wilmington Public Library have let it be known to the governing body of New Hanover, County that they have £riends who have expressed a desire to contribute to the Wilmington Public Library gifts for building flind and have reguested the Board of County Commissioners pass a resolution authorizing them to accept such gi£ts, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TAE BOARD OF CONII`LCSSI~iv~,xS, NE41 HANOVER CQUNTY, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROI,INA, IN A REGULAR MEETING AELD ON THE 18TH DAY OF JANUARY, 19`]1, AS FOLIAWS: By authority vested in the New Hanover County Board o£ Commissioners in Section 160-74 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners hereby authorize the Trustees of the Wilmington Public Library to accept any gifts, grants, devises or bequeaths made or offered by any person and to carry out the conditions of such donation, not not inconsistent with the law. The foregoing resolution adopted at the meeting aforesaid. Chairman Commissioner Attest: Clerk Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. •~ 5~Q MINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 18, 1971 (CONTINUED) - RE9UEST FOR FUNDS FOR LAW LIBRARY - Mr. Bowden presented request of James T. Stroud, Jr., on behalf of the New Hanover County I,aw Library for amount o£ $2,000 to be placed into the Law I,ibrary account. Mr. Stroud advised he has been serving as the Law Librarian since October o£ t12is year and was immediately faced with the fact that many bills, some o£ which dated back to 1968, were unpa-id and overdue. After considerable time spent in going through invoices and communication with publishing companies as of December lst the library accounts were financially current, but the library account of $4,000 has been reduced to $329.16, and this will not be adeguate in order to keep the accounts current through this fiscal year. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the appropriation be made, funds to come from the Court Facilities Fees. Mr. Harriss stated he felt the Law Librarian should be thanked for straightenin~ out the accounts. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. I,ETTER FROM WILMINGTON PORT AND WATERWAY COl`~`1ISSION - Mr. Bowden called attention to letter from Col. George W. Gillette, Chairman, Wilmington Port and Waterway Commission, copy of which had been furnished the Commissioners. This letter concerned proposed zoning of Area 4. TAg RAT20 - Mr. Bowden advised the Board he has received several complaints and one petition concerning the tax ratio which would be available in the office for their viewing. MUTUAI, ASSISTANCE IN I,AW ENFORCEMENT - Mr. Bowden pointed out that he had recommended adoption of a resolution o£ agreement in mutual assistance and law enforcement between the County and any/all municipalities therein after the municipalities indicate an interest. Mr. Harriss stated he felt it would be well for the governing body £or the whole county to sponsor a proposal that the various law enforcement bodies in the county ~oin together. Mr. Fox suggested Mr. Bowden contact these bodies to see if they will go along with the proposal, advising them the county wishes to do it. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Chairman be authorized and directed to contact municipalities within the County to encourage the adoption of this particular procedure. Motion carried unanimously. CONUERSION OF BAI,L DIAMOND - HUGH MACRAE PARg - Mr. Bowden requested approval £or conversion o£ Ball Diamond at Hugh MacRae Park for the Winter Park Optimist Club. The thing involved is taking the two practice fields in and making one. - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board assure the Winter Park Optimist Club that they have permission of the Board to proceed as outlined by the County Administrator at no cost to the County and that the MacEae Family be advised as a matter of courtesy. Motion carried ~~^~rimously. NATIONAL A,SSOCIATION OF COUNTIES MEETIlVG ON CONSOLIDATION IN BATON ROIIGE, LA. AND JACgSONVILLE, FLA. F'EBRUARY 1-5 - Mr. Sowden reminded the Board of ineetings on consolidation in Baton Rouge, La. and Jacksonville, Fla. on February 1-5. He advised Mr. Ti.m Wood is going to attend and it would be very informative i£ any of the Commissioners could attend. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectflxlly subm:itted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board H,S/pb MINUTES OF THE MEETING-FEBRUARY 1. 1971-9:00 A. M. - ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners-J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox, County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Auditor Perry Shepard was absent due to illness. INVOCATION - ' Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. E. L. Small, Rector, Church of the Good Shepherd, to give the invocation. , APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Harriss requested the following changes to the minutes of January 18, 19']1: