1971-03-16 Special Meeting593~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING --- MARCH 15, 1971 - CONTINUED - 1% ~SALES TAX - CONTINUED - At this time Mr. Fox made a brief explanation of process by which the 1% Sales Tax may become law. Mr. Fox stated that counties desirin~ to reinstate the 1% Sales Tax as earl~ as possible must adopt the necessary resolution to put this in effect not later than March 31, 1971 which wi11 enable the collection of the tax to begin on May 1, 19`]1. Public Hearing must be held and ten days notice of public hearing must be published in the news media. The resolution putting into effect the 1% Sales Tax can be passed at the, same meeting at which the public hearing is held. The Commissioners must designate effective date of collection and must also select the means of apportioning the tax among the municipalities and the county and this can be done at the meeting at which the resolution is passed making the tax effective. Mr. Fox said there are two alternatives of apportioning the tax; one is on per capita basis and other is ad valorem tax basis. Mr. Marks requested equations prior to meeting in order that they may be studied. Mr. Harriss said this would be done. Mr. Harriss was authorized by common consent to write letter complimenting and thanking Mr. John rorrisey for his tremendous help in getting this legislation passed. SALE OF COUNTY OWNED HOUSE TO LUTHA MINTZ - Mr. Bowden advised that Lutha Mintz is now working with the Health Department, therefore the County does not £urnish him a house to live in. Mr. Bowden expressed opinion it might be well to sell the house to Mr. Mintz to move away and to have him clean up the lot. Mr. Bowden advised the house had been appraised by the Tax Department for $2220 which he felt might be a little high. Mr. Hall was o£ the opinion the house might be needed if the Prison Farm is ever reopened. Mr. Bowden stated he was of the opinion once a facility of this kind is closed it cannot be reopened except for emergency situations. Mr. Hall expressed concern about the cost of labor as compared to the prison labor which the County formerly used for maintenance work, etc. and felt the house should be retained just in case the farm is reopened. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County Administrator be requested to investigate sale of the house £urther and this matter be tabled until such study has been made. Motion carried unanimously. BOARD OF EQUAI,IZATION AND REVIEW - Mr. Bowden requested the Commissioners to mark their calendars for 9:00 A. M., April 12th at which time the Board of Equalization and Review will be sworn in. TAX COZLECTORS' SCHOOL - Mr. Bowden advised there is a Tax Collectors School beginning today and he thought it would be a good idea to have someone from the County attend. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the County Administrator be authorized to send someone to the school, funds coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come Yiefore the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/bh MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING - MARCH 16, 1971 - 10:00 A. M. - ASSEMBLY Special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr.,•Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. ~ INVOCATION - Chai~rman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Commissioner Hall to give the invocation. PURPOSE OF MEETING - Chairman Harriss announced purpose of ineeting was to authorize Mr. Bowden to advertise in proper manner public hearin~ to take place ten days £rom date of advertisement at which a discussion of the imposition of the 1% Sales Tax taill be heard and tY~ public will be in- vited to express its uiews. 4IAIVER OF NOTICE OF HEARING - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the formal three days notice be waived and this be a constituted meeting of the Commissioners. Motion carried unanimously. ADVERTISEMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER LEVY OF 1% SALES TAX - Discussion ti~as held on proper advertisement of the hearing, and Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Bowden be authorized and directed to prepare due notice in the newspaper for public hearing on the imposition of the 1% County Sales Tax to be held ten days following the date the advertisement appears in the newspaper. At this public hearing the general public will be invited to express their views. Following this discussion the Commissioners will consider the enactment of the 1% additional Sales Tax Levy £or New Hanover County and adopt suitable resolution therefor, hearing to be held at 9:00 A. M. on Saturday, March 27, 19'71. Motion carried unanimously. ~ 5 9 4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - SPECIAI, - MARCH 16, 1971 - CONTINUED - ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTfiORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO ENTER INTO AGREII`1ENTS WITH OT~ POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE STATE FOR LAW ENFORCr~•~iv~T ASSISTANCE IN EMERGENCIES - Chasrman Harriss read the following resolution, prepared by County Attorney Fox; author- izing the Chairman to enter into contracts or agreements with other political subdivisions of the State of North C.arolina for mutual aid and assistance in time of emergencies. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board adopt the resolution. Mo- tion carried unanimously. "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO ENTER INTO AGREEMIIVTS WITH OTI-IEER POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF TFIE STATE FOR I,AW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE IN EMERGENCIES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONER5 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY: Section 1. The Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute contracts or agreements with such other political subdivisions of the State of North Carolina as to him may seem advisable, pursuant to Section 160-20.2 of the General Statutes of North Car- olina, whereby the parties agree to render mutual aid and assistance by the loan of law en- forcement officers and/or equipment in time of emergency. Section 2. Such contracts or agreements shall provide that they shall take effect upon ratification by the governing bodies of each party thereto and recordation in the minutes thereof. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect upon its adoption." Mr. Williams advised at the request of one of the Commissioners this matter was dis- cussed at length with the I,aw Enforcement Planning Unit which is made up of representatives of local governments of four counties. In this discussion it was brought out that any agreement has to be between two un~:ts of governments; it cannot be a blanket agreement. For example, if New Hanover County has agreements with two units of governments, it does not necessarily bind the other units to assist each other. Another thing that is reauired by law, as outlined by the Planning Director, in the event, if, in this case, officers are called from New Hanover County, a determination is made at the local level as to whether or not persons and eouipment can be spared at that time. If so, they are sent to the local unit of government and they have arrest power just as i£ they were on that force. In this case Neia Hanover County Hrould bill the other unit of government for services rendered. For instance if the Sheriff's Department of New Hanover County is covered under Workmen's Compen- sation insurance, the same protection they have in New Hanover County goes with them, under the provisions of the law, vrhen they are serving in another unit of government. The other unit of government is responsible for reimbursing New Hanover County for services rendered, including proportionate share of any cost of insurance that might be involved. The Law Enforcement Planning Unit recommends that serious consideration be given by all units o£ local governments in the area to a reciprocal agreement o£ this type. PROCLAMATION DECLARING F~I6TENCE OF EMERGENCY - Mr. Harriss read a proclamation prepared by the County Attorney authorizing the Chairman to declare existence of an emergency, not a curfew. Mr. Harriss stated it sets stage for calling for assistance £rom other political subdivisions with which the County might have agreements. OPPORTUNITIES, INC. - Mr. Marks pointed out Opportunities, Inc. had been defunded and recommended Mr. Bowden make check on lease and determine status of it. Mr. Marks said the date of defunding is as of March 31. Mr. Bowden advised he had already discussed matter with Mr. Herbert McAim who is on the Eoard of Opportunities, Inc. MOVING MENTAL PATIENTS FROM THE JAIL INTO LOCAL HOSPITAL FACII,ITIES - Mr. Marks discussed the moving of inental patients who are not on medicaid from the jail into local hospital facilities; this costs the County full expense when they are eligible to go to Cherry Hospital free. Mr. Marks stated as a liaison member he would like direction from the Board in this connection. Mr. Harriss stated he felt this should be handled in a manner that will not cost the County any more than is necessary. Mr. Hall advised it had been brought to his attention the conditions at Cherry Hospital that patients from New Hanover Count~ live under are not so good. Mr. Hall said he had been advised they are treated as second class citizens, and the reason is because of the fact that other counties provide services to the patients in the h.ospital to make their existence a little more pleasant. Mr. Narks was of the opinion this might be from lack of fringe benefits which communities usually provide. Mr. Hall requested that an investigation be made of the conditions reported. Mr. Williams stated he ~oas agreeable to sending patients to Cherry Hospital if they are going to be patients for a long period of time, but there are cases where patients have to be patients only temporarily. Mr. Harriss stated that he £elt the same way and his remarks were intended to mean that. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/bh ,