1971-04-07 Special MeetingMINUTES OF THE MEETING - APRIL 5. 1971 - CONTINUED - 6~~ USE OF CELL BLOCKS AT PRISON FARM FOR DOGS - Mr. Bowden requested permission to use the cell blocks at the Prison Farm to house dogs. By common consent it was agreed this is an ad.ministrative matter and Mr. Bowden wiZl handle as such. Mr. Bowden stated he orill need approximately $500 for the work. MEETING ON APRIL 13, 19.71 AT FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DISTRICT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - By common consent it was agreed any Commissioner who wished to attend this meeting be authorized to do. JEAN 0. MELVIN, FIELD R~rxr;SENTATIVE - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL AFFAIRS - Mr. Bowden stated he had reCeived request from Jean U. Melvin to meet wi~h the Soard, and he would like to invite him domrn for next meeting to discuss their purpose and responsibility to the Iocal ~overning body in the £orm of assistance and service that they have. By common consent it was agreed to have Mr. Melvin;.meet.with the Board on April 19th. LEGISLATIVE BUI,LETIN #12 - JAIL MONEY: Mr. Bowden called attention to announcement in Legislative Bulletin No. 12 there is going to be $']50,000 in Jail money in the next biennium and any who gets there first will probably get the biggest share. ZEGISZATIVE BULLETIN ~ 12 (CONTINUED~ - ADMINISTRATION OF ALL WELFARE PROGRAM,S BY STATE: Mr. Bowden called attention to another item in the bulletin;that the State Social Services Board aruiounced the recommendations of hired private consultants that the State of North Carolina gradually take over the financing and administration of all welfare programs. Re- p~rrt is being analyzed and findin$s will be out at District Meetings scheduled for April 13 and 19. Another item in this buZletin was that the North Carolina Association of Commissioners is trying to get:,through the House a bill to provide additional tax monies on banks on personal property. ACKNOWLEDGII"tENT FROM STATE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE - Mr. Bowden advised he was in receipt of acknowledgment from the State Department of Revenue that the resolution on ~he 1% Sales Tax was received and would~;become effective May 1, 19~1. Also, a letter has been received from Mayor Rogers of 4Jrightsville Beach thanking the Board for their action. DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND AIR RESOURCES Mr. Bowden reviewed letter from CIr. George Pickett, Director, State De artment of Water and Air Resources, with o~hich were received three bills to be introduced (1~ to increase the discretion of Boards of County Commissioners in Coastal counties in making appropriations and levying taxes for beach erosion and hurricane and flood protection purposes, (2) to authorize coastal municipalities to appropriate funds and levy taxes for-beach erosion control and flood and hurricane protection projects and (3) to provide for the administration of the hurricane flood protection and beach erosion control, project revolving fund by the North Carolina Board of Water and Air Resources.• Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the proposed bills be approved and that our legislators be advised accordingly. Motion carried unanimously. NORTH CAROI,TNA SECTIOId OF AMERICAN WATER WORK,5 ASSOCIATION - Notice from ~he North Caro2ina Section of American Water Works Association to the ef£ect the North Carolina General Assembly is considering legislation which affects cities insofar as waste treatmen~ plants are concerned was discussed. If passed, North Carolina will pick up 25% of the cost o~ the plants which would relieve the local municipality of that much. At the present time the Federal government is paying from 30 to 33% and the local government is paying ~0'~. Itr is also proposed that the federal government participation be increased to 50~/. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this proposed legislation be approved and our legislators be advised. Motion car'ried unanimously. COURSE IN APPRAISAI~ OF RFAL PROPERTY - INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT - Mr. Bowd.en advised Mr. Powell will be attending week-long course on the appraisal of real property at the Institute of Government in Chapel Hill sponsored by the North Carolina Association of Assessing Officers. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come be~'ore the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submittec3, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/bh MINUTES OF SPECIAI~MEETING - APRII, 7. 1971 - 12:00 P. M. - ASSEMBLY - Special Meetin~ of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~n~as held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorne5 James C. Fox, County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. . ~ ~608 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 2, 1971 - CONTINUED - • INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Williams to give the invoca- tion. NOTICE OF MEETING Mr, Harriss requested the records show while this is a special meeting three days notice was given. ZONING AREA ~r4 - The purpose o£ the meeting was to consider changes in the recommended Zoning Plan No. 4 as presented to the County Commissioners Nonday by the Planning Commission. Mr. Harriss extended invitation £or persons to speak at this time. Dr. Sobol spoke requesting that B-2 at Junction o£ 421 and S. R. 118'7 be extended northv~ard so as to include his land. Mr. James Swails, Attorney, spoke on behalf of his clients requesting the I-2 Zoning adjacent to the golf course not adjoin or abut the property designated for residential pur- poses. Mr. Mallory, Planning Director, called attention to the fact that R-10 had been included to permit a subdivision that had been approved after Plannin~ Commission had made its re- commendation. The only difference in R-10 and R-15 is lot requirement for sin~le family structure; 10,000 square feet in R-10 when there is a water system approved and there is a water system in this subdivision. Mr. Oxenfeld stated this is a land use map of residences and businesses that actually occur on 421 and said he could sympathize with the problems man,y of the property owners have. Mr. Oxenfeld a~as of opinion that in the future as the area develops these property owners do have recourse to appeal to the Planning Commission to submit speci£ic plans for these areas and if they are adjacent to a B-2 area that this will certainly be given favorable consideration. Mr. Oxenfeld said he had given a lot of thought to this zonir~ and the Planning Com- mission has ~iven a tremendous amount of study to this problem. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that zoning in Area No. 4 be adopted as pre- sented on the map presented by the Wilmington-New Hanover County P~anning Commission. Chairman Harriss relinquished the chair to Mr. Williams in order for him to make a sub- stitute motion. Chairman Harriss' substitute motion was to.the ef£ect that the B-2 Zone de- scribed by Dr. Sobol be extended at least to the limits of his property; that the B-2 Zone at the Airport, which now goes back only 300 feet from the road, be extended back 600 feet as some of the parts of the airport operation are that far alvay from the road, and that a B-2 Section be added extending from the junction of Masonboro Loop Road northward to include Carolina Pipe Company and Carolina Power & Light Company warehouse. Substitute motion died for lack of a second. Vote was called on Mr. Oxenfeld's motion. It carried three to one. Mr. Harriss voted °No". DOG POUND CONTRACT - Chairman Harriss expressed concern over tying up valuable property at prison £arm with contract for dog pound. Mr. Bowden assured Mr. Harriss it was on a temporary basis only, and will not be e~fective until May 1, 19'71. TRAVELERS AID-FAMII,Y SERVICES Mr. Harriss stated Dr. Gerald Shinn, who serves on the Board of Travelers Aid-Family Services, has asked the grant proposal being made by that agency for a black worker, whose job would be primarily to deal with the black community, be endorsed by the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Harriss stated he understood it had received endorsement o£ the Mayor. It will not cost County any money, but they would like the County's endorsement. Mr. Williams stated he would like to lrnow who is going to have responsibility for making the appointment. After discussion, it was concluded the Board desired more information on the matter. Mr. Harriss requested Mr. Bowden to get in contact with Dr. Shinn and resolve the questions that have occurred and then communicate by memo. ADJOURNP'ENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the meeting adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/bh ,