1971-06-21 Regular Meeting658 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 9, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/by MINiTTES OF THE MEETING - JIINE 21, 1971 - 9:00 A.M. - ASSEMBI,Y - ` The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney James C. Fox; Count~ Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Commissioners H. A. Marks and John R. Oxenfeld were absent. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minis- ter, asked Mr. Williams to give the invocation. l~PPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 19~1 - Mr. Williams requested the following chan~e: On Page 16, second paragraph, first sen- tence should read: ". it be enacted into law during this session of the Assembly and with a su~gestion that~the Chairman and Mayor write a joint letter in support of it." Attention was calledtr~typographical errors on Pages 1, '7, 9, 10, and 16. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected with any other typo~raphical corrections the Chairman wishes to make. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JUNE 9. 1971 - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that minutes of Special Meeting of June 9, 19'71 be approved as written. TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - Mr. Shepard requested the following transfers and appropriations: To: Courthouse Trash Collection $ 65.00 Jail - Water 16.00 Courthouse - Electricity 500.00 Commissioners - Advertisin~ 46.00 Bookmobile - Repairs 39.00 Jail - Telephone 24.00 Jail - Groceries - Month of June 1,300.00 ' Sheriff - Deputy Bond 10.00 MacRae Park - Capital Outlay 4.00 Building Inspector - Salaries 25'J.00 From: Interest on Investments $2,261.00 9b2,261.00 $2,261.00 . Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the transfers be approved as enumerated by the County Auditor. Notion carried unanimously. SCHOOZ BOARD TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Letter was presented from the School Board requesting $40,000 be transferred from "Unanticipated Revenue" to "Building Fund". Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the transfer be approved. After brief discussion, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the motion be tabled until a school official can give satisfactory explanation for the transYer. Motion carried unanimously. Later in the meeting Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the the motion be returned to the floor. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held in which it was pointed out transfer is needed to purchase equipment. Mr. Williams revised his motion to read that transfer of the $40,000 be made from Un- anticipated Revenue; namely, insurance, after clarification of the purpose for which it is to be used and authorize the Chairman to direct the transfer, provided the situation is as we have been given to suppose; namely, for replacement of equipment lost in the fire, and accept suggestion of the auditor as to the proper category. Mr. Hall seconded the revised motion. Motion carried unanimously. ACTING TAX COLLECTOR'S REQUEST FOR TRANSFER Hequest for transfer of $2U0 from the Independent Data Processing Account to the Postage , Account was presented to the Board. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. , 659 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 21„ 1971 - CCONTINUED) - CIVIL DEFENSE REQUEST FOR TRANSFER - Request from the Civil Defense Department for transfer of $300 from Account 11.505 to Account 11.503 for the purchase of a desk was discussed. It was pointed out the County can get 50% matching funds, if purchased before Jnne 30, 19~1. Cost of desk is $451.65, less 25%, ~338•74, plus North Carolina Tax $13.55 (refundable). County's share of cost will be $169-37• Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Civil Defense Director be authorized to purchase the desk in question at this time and incur the obligation for this fiscal year. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT FROM COMMITTEE ON PHOTO EQUIPMENT, SHERIFF'S OFFICE - Mr. Bowden advised the committee appointed to study bid for dark room and photo lab equipment (Messrs. Fields, Shepard, Bowden and SheriP£ Millis) met on June 15, 1971 to re- view bid £urnished by ging Photo supply Company. The committee, with the exception of Mr. Bowden, who was out of town, voted to recommend acceptance of the bid after finding prices furnished compared favorably with current price list. Funds have been appropriated and are available on a Federal Matching basis. This includes additional plumbing, electriaal wiring, cabinets, painting, and the committee recommended the building custodian be allowed to make necessary arrangements for this work to be accomplished. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the awarding of the contract. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL CAR FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - I°!r. Harriss advised the Plymouth, Chevrolet and Ford Agencies were contacted. Chevro- let Agency's bid was $3158 which was $100 lower than the Ford bid. Ford Agency could not promise de3ivery for 90 days. Plymouth Agency could not supply car at all. The Sheriff was directed to go ahead and place order with the Chevrolet Agency. BUDGET ESTIMATE - LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Mr. Shepard presented letter of Transmittal pointing out proposed budget £or 1971-~2 is $12,546,499 compared to $11,083,259 adopted last year or an increase of $1,463,240. Mr. Shepard recommended tax rate o£ '79 cents per $100 valuation based on estimated tax collections on values of $64'],600,000 which represents 94 per cent of the tentative tax base of $689,000,000. Mr. Shepard stated the tax base is not final and is subject to change, however any change. could result in a sli~ht increase based on advice from the Tax Listing and Assessment Depart- ment. The tax base will raise $5,116,514 in ad valorem taxes to balance the estimated budget proposal, and increase in ad valorem tax revenue of $443,822. Mr. Shepard advised calculations and anticipations are consistent with prior year except collection experience was adjusted to 94 per cent rather than 1970-'71 experience rating of 93 per cent. - Mr. Harriss called attention to the fact that ~9 cents is the same tax rate that was used last year simply adjusted to 100'~ valuation. Mr. Harriss thanked Mr. Shepard and complimented him on a very good job. REPORT ON SOIL SURVEY Mr. Samuel Cox, LT. S. District Conservationist, informed the Board they had hoped to have survey completed in June of this year, but at present time only a little more than one-half based on acre by acre has been completed. Mr. Cox stated they were a little be- hind schedule due to a number of reasons; one man projected to..work on this survey resigned, and mapping of the County is.much more difficult than anticipated because of the great variation of soil. 5urvey is requiring more £ield work but they feel like the County is entitled to the very best survey they can furnish. Therefore, they are furnishing a more detailed survey than they agreed to, and this is taking more time. Mr. Cox stated they have projected to have it completed by July 1, 1972 which will be three years rather than two and one-half years as first planned. Mr. Cox stated they are getting a lot of calls now from developers and planning people. Many uses have al~ready been made of the survey. - PUBLIC LAW 566 - WATERSHED PROJECTS - Mr. Cox discussed Public Law 566 - Watershed Projects requesting the Board support it. It has been proposed by Representative Henry Reuss that Congress withhold funds for all Public Law 566 Watershed programs with any channel improvements for one year. Purpose for the delay is based on ecological concern. In the discussion it was pointed out all projects are re- viewed by the Corps of Engineers, the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Develop- ment, and local planning units with regard to environmental conditions. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board endorse Public I,aw 566 - Watershed Projects and send its endorsement to the proper persons. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING REZONING, AI`ir.ivLi°iENT TO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE AND SPECIAI~ USE PERMIT ~4~~,v~~-'""~~s~ Mr. Harriss declared Public Hearing open and Mr. Mallory, Ylanning Director presented following Rezoning Case: Request to rezone North side of Masonboro Sdund Road approximately 1900 feet from inter- section of Masonboro Sound Road and Masonboro Loop Road for a distance of approximatel9 400 feet from R-20 (Single Family District) to R-15 (Single Family District). Mr. Mallory stated applicant is a lady who has located a mobile home on a lot in an R-20 area and made an appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustments for a variance to allow her to lo- cate the trailer. The Zoning Board of Adjustments felt it c~as beyond their scope to grant such a variance and recommended to the Planning Commission that this general area be rezoned from R-20 to R-15. The Planning Commission on June 2, 1971 considered this request and is recommending this be rezoned. There were no objections and Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that since there is no objection to the recommendation of the Planning Commission this area be rezoned from R-20 to R-15. Motion Cai'I'ied un8ri].m0usly. (For Ordinance adopted, see Zoning Ordinanee Book I, Masonboro Section, Page 5.) 66u MINUTES OF TI~.~IEETING - JUNE 21. 1971 -(CONTINUED) - PUBLIC HEARING REZONING, AMENDP~NT T~ C~UNTY ZONINrr nRDINANCE AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT -(CONT'D) Mr. Mallory presented the following on~asei Request to rezone a nine acre parcel of land (Shady Haven Subdivision) located East of U. S. 421 and West of S.R.•#1492 at the western extension of Seaview Road from R-15 (Resi- dential) to R-10 (Residential). Mr. Mallorq stated this is a subdivision that has a community water system. Basic difference between R-10 and R-15 zoning district in the County is lot size permitted. In the R-10 if you have a water system that meets the requirements of the Health Department, lots are required to be only 10,000 square feet. This subdivision will have a water sys- tem that is approved by the Health Department, and the Planning Commission recommends that the property be rezoned. There being no opposition, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by rr. Williams, that the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission be approved and the property be rezoned from R-35 to R-10. Motion CarTied unanimously. (For Ordinanee adopted, see Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 4, Page 1.1 Mr. Mallory presented following proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance: Amend Article V Section 55, Subsection 55-3 by adding the following: (5) Research facilities. . Mr. Mallory stated this amendment will affect the B-2 Zone of the County to allow Re- search Facilities in the Special Use area in B-2 Zone. This was result of the Marine Re- search Center at Wrightsville Beach at Babies Hospital. The Planning Commission does recom- mend th'is amendment. ~ Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance be approved in line with recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mo- tion carried unanimously. Mr. Mallor3~ presented the following Special Use Permit Request: Mr. Mallory stated this is an appeal from it denied an application to use Lot 54 of Pine North Carolina Highway #132 North of Oak Cliff The Planning Commission on May 5 recommended i area is predominantly single family structures inantly single family. the Planning Commission's decision in which Cliff Subdivision located on the East Side of Drive for a duplex dwelling (R-15 Zoning). t be denied due to the fact this particular and the Commission desires it remain predom- The applicant made an appeal to the Commissioners that the Planning Commission's de- cision be reversed. Applicant was not present but several persons were, who requested the special use permit be denied. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the special use permit be denied in line with recommendations of the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss declared Fublic Hearing closed. Mr. Edwin Hughes, Hughes Realty Company, and Mr. Benson, the applicant, appeared after the hearing in behal£ of Mr. Benson's appeal to the Commissioners and were advised special use permit had been denied by the Board of Commissioners as recommended by the Planning Commission and also, due to protests of people livi.ng in the area. A.$.C. PERPIIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were reviewed: Kin~'s Cash Grocery, Rt. 1, Box 466, Wilmington and Kure Beach 66, Corner of Kave and Highway 421. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the applications be referred to the Sheri£f for his investigation and review. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR PERMISSION FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY AT SKYLINE THEATRE - Request for fireworks display from Skyline Theatre was discussed. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of the request, subject to the theatre furnishing the County Administrator a satisfactory certificate of insurance. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT P~3`1BER TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES, CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Mercer Rowe be reappointed to the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Technical Institute for eight years, effective July 1, 19'71. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO AIRPORT COMMISSION - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. I,. I,. Doss, Jr. be reappointed to the Airport Commission for a term of five years, effective July 1, 19'71. Motion carried unanimously. CONFIRMATION APPOINTMENTS TO CHARTER COMMISSION - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the appointment of Dr. Joseph Hooper, Jr., Mr. Henry Lon~ley, Mr. F. L. Meier, Jr., and Mr. J. r. Hall, Jr. to the Charter Com- mission be approved. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO LAW ENFORCEMENT PLANNING UNIT - Mr. Williams recommended reappointment of Sheriff Millis and appointment of Commissioners Hall and Oxenfeld, who serve on the Council of Governments, to t he Planning Unit because the two are so closely related. Mr. Hall declined because of other commitments. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Sheri£f Millis be reappointed and Com- missioner Oxenfeld be appointed to one year terms, beginning immediately, and in event Mr. Oxenfeld cannot serve, the Chairman be authorized to name another commissioner to the Planning Unit. Motion carried unanimously. , 6G1~ MINIITES OF Tf~ MEETING - JUNE 21. 1971 -(CONTINUED) - REPRESENTATIVES - TAXPAYER5' ASSOCIATION - Mr. 0. K. Pridgen and Mr. Herbert F'isher o£ the Taxpayers' Association, appeared before the Board £or discussion of several subjects. Mr. Pridgen stated his organization did not get anywhere when they circulated a petition for retaining the position of Auditor on an elective basis rather than appointive. They were denied a hearing in Raleigh and the Board of Commissioners did not take any interest whatsoever in their request for this hearing. Mr. Harriss stated he was not aware the Board had been con- tacted for assistance. Mr. Pridgen requested they be furnished a copy of the County's budget for 1971-~2. Mr. Pridgen stated his organization is going to oppose any amount being placed in the budget for advertising expense to be manipulated by the Chamber of Commerce and their advertising committees. Mr. Pridgen requested the Civil DeYense budget be cut to bare bones. Mr. Fisher inquired as to result of Mr. Lyman Melvin's findings in his study of salaries of County employees. Mr. Bowden stated the service is provided by the State at the cost of the State. Also, the study had been made at the request of the Commissioners with the idea of getting all county employees' salaries,in line with the State Personnel Plan under which many County employees now work. , Mr. Bowden stated some salaries were found to be far below, some slightly below, and some in line, but no salaries were found to be higher than under the State Merit Plan. Merit employees are on standard. Mr. Fisher questioned reason for hiring an Administrator for the Iiealth Department. Mr. Harriss stated work load has increased considerably due to growth of County, pointin~ out Health Department has to approve water systems for all homes, mobile homes, etc., and with a Health Administrator, Dr. Knox, Health Director, will have more time for policy making. Also, the Board realizes due to age o£ Dr. Knox it must prepare for the future. Mr. Fisher stated he understood there is a morale problem in the Tax Listing office due to changing of persons in charge so often. Mr. Bowden stated he was unaware of any trouble in the Tax Listing office until two or three days before he left for Army Reserve Training which was on June 4 and he was going to investigate the situation. Mr. Fisher stated that three persons from the Tax Listing Office attended a meeting in Lumberton a few months back and one of the three behaved in a manner unbecoming a County employee. Mr. Fisher requested the Commissioners make an investigation. The Commissioners replied by asking Mr. Fisher to £urnish more specific-inf.o-rmation. FUI2NISHING COPIES OF BUDGETS - Mr. Williams stated the County is not in a position to give out budgets to individual groups and felt anyone desiring one should pay for it. Mr. Williams pointed out copy is in the Commissioners' ofSice for anyone to view who wishes to do so. ' Mr. Williams moved that copies of the budget be made available to organizations and individuals desiring them on payment of cost of production of budget bther than those required by law. Mr. Harriss stated he sees no objection to it but has some feeling about groups appoint- ing themselves as quasi governmental groups and making suggestions and comments on running a government while hiding behind an organizational name and having no responsibility whatsoever £or what is done and felt like these people should get out on the firing line and run £or office, if that is what they want to do. Mr. Williams' motion died for lack of a second. LICENSING OF PLUMBERS - Mr. Bowden stated the State of North Carolina does not require counties to have licensed plumbers and the Plumbing Inspector is asking that New Hanover County have licensed plumbers. Amendment to Plumbing Regulations adopted March 4, 19~0 by the Health Department requiring journeyman plumbers be licensed by the New Hanover County Plumbin~ E~amining Board and/or a valid license from another county in North Carolina was discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that all that is necessary is the enforcement of this amendment. House Bill 9~8 was discussed and it was pointed out it would eliminate words: "more than 3500 population and" thus broadening protection for the public. Also, the bill would allow persons to make minor repairs.or replacements to an already installed system of plumbing or heating. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board endorse HB 9'78. Motion carried unanimously. It was pointed out the State only gives licenses to a master plumber, therefore it is necessary the County license journeymen and this will require an examining board in the County. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Fox and Mr. Smith work out something to present to the Board of Health for appointing a New Hanover County Plumbin~ Examining Board. Meeting recessed at 10:55 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 11:05 A.M. PROPOSED LEGISI,ATION TO AUTHORIZE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO EXERCISE ZONING CONTROL IN Tf~ ONE MILE AREA ADJACENT TO CITY LIMITS - . Mr. Williams stated that from time to time individuals who live in the one-mile area adjacent to the City limits who have planning, zoning controlled by another elected board have indicated strong feeling that responsibility should be given to the Board of County Commissioners, part of the reason being that areas affected should be under authority of persons elected by people living in those areas. . . 66'~MINiJTES OF THE MEETING - JITNE 21, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - PROPOSED LEGISZATION TO AUTHORIZE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO r.~;xCISE ZONING CONTROL IN TfiE ONE MILE AREA ADJACENT TO CITY LIMITS -(CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams read following proposal and moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board take the lead in bringing this about. Motion carried unanimously. "A proposal that the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina be amend- ed to authorize all counties to exercise planning, zoning, and inspection respon- sibilities in all of the unincorporated areas in each county..with a provision that if the County Commissioners of any county fails to exercise such responsibility, the municipalities in the state may, after due notice, exercise such control in the one-mile area immediately adjacent to the City limits.* "(This proposal is offered because of a strong feeling that the areas affected should be under the authority of persons elected by the people in the area so con- trolled.) "*This amendment should include a provision that, at their discretion, coun- ties may assume such responsibility after due notice even though the area affec- ted may currently be under the control of a municipality. "All local acts in conflict with this amendment are hereby repealed." Mr. Harriss pointed out that at the time the one-mile limit area was set up the County had no zoning ordinance and thus was unable to control areas around the C.ity and for that reason they did need the limit; however, with the County exercising zoning control it would seem the need for the City's control is no longer the same.- In addition, the Planning Board makes recommendations for both the City and County and would be able to look at it and protect any interest the City might have in the zoning as well as the County itself. City will be furnished copy of the proposal. . REQUEBT FROM WILMINGTON MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION TO MR. HUGH A RAGSDALE, HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER, NORTH CAROI,INA STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMIIdT FOR HIGHWAY DESIGNATED ROUTE - P1r. Harriss advised the Board that Mr. W. H. Sutton, Chairman, Legislative Committee, Wilmington Merchants Association, had requested Nr. Hugh A. Ragsdale, Highway Commissioner, North Carolina State Highway Department, to remake the old U. S. Highways 1'7, 11~, and 421 routings through town a highway designated route and suggested U. S. 11'J, 1~, and 421 "A1- ternate" or "Business" designation. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board endorse Mr. Sutton's request. Mo- tion carried unanimousl~. DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY AT OZD HOSPITALS AND COUNTY HOME - Mr. Harriss called attention to memo written the Commissioners by the Countg Adminis- trator concerning disposition of property at Community Hospital, James Walker Hospital and the County Home. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the recommendations of the County Administra- tor with reference to disposition of the property in question be approved. Motion carried unanimously. WARE SIGNS - Mr. Harriss advised the Board it will be necessary for the County to pay someone to get the remainder of the Wake Signs erected and have two relocated. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the work be authorized, £unds to come from Unanticipated Revenue Certificate of Deposits, not to exceed $350. Motion carried unanimously. CLOCK ON MACHIATE OF CONTRACTOR AT LANDFILL - Mr. Harriss stated he had talked with Mr. Hooks concerning clock on machine at Military Cut-Off Landfill site. Nr. Hooks advised Mr. Harriss he would put one on, but he felt it would cost the County more, because the machine is not cut off when it is stopped every time, because it is more economical to keep it running, therefore the clock would be registering time when machine is not bein~ used. ~r. Harriss was of opinion it would be best to hire the two employees which have been authorized. MEETING SET FOR JULY 6, 1971 - Mr. Harriss stated the Board's next regular meeting will meet on Tuesday, July 6, due to Monday being observed as a holiday. MOTOR VEHICI,ES ON STRAND OF BEACHES - Mr. Aall stated, since he will not be present at the next meeting, he would like to give his views on this subject. Mr. Hall stated he felt there should be some restrictions on the motor vehicles on the strands but felt like fishermen should be able to get to various spots provided it would not damage the dunes. Mr. Fox stated this would be taken into consideration when ordinance is drawn for first reading at the next meeting. HISTORICAL WILMINGTON FOUNDATION, INC. - Mr. Harriss advised he had received a letter dated June 8, 19~1 from General Aarriss, Director of Civil Defense, reporting on special meeting he attended on May 25, 19'71 of the Historical Wilmington Foundation, Inc. General Harriss stated considerable time was devoted in committee to the future o£ Market, Third and other tree-lined streets. This letter was for information. CIVIL DEFr'~ISE, USA - Mr. Harriss called attention to letter from General Harriss, dated June 11, in which he advised the Federal Government has prepared a short home study cost free course titled Civil -efense, USA and which he recommended to all County government employees. This was for in- formatibn.. ss3' MINUTES OF Tf~ NIEETING - JUNE 21, 1971 -(CONTINUED). - A-JOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Haze1 Savage Clerk to the Board HS/by MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 30, 19~1 - 9:00 A.M. - ASSEMBLY - Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Aarriss called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Williams to give the invocation. WAIVER OF NOTICE OF HEARING - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the formal three days notice required for special meetings of the Commissioners be waived. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF INTERIM BUDGET RESOI,UTION - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Yollowing Interim Budget Resolution be adopted, effective July 1, 19']1: ~ "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS "Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1, 1971 to date of adoption of the 1971-'72 Budget Resolution, appropriations are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on in- debtedness and the usual ordinary expense of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 19'70-'71 Fiscal Budget Year. "Section 2- This Resolution~shall cease to be effective from and after the adop- tion of the 1971-']2 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this resolution shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 19']1-~2 Budget Appropriations." Motion carried unanimously. FORMAL APPROVAL PURCHASE OF SEVEN SCHOOL BUSES - rr. Harriss stated the Board of Education was able to borrow seven school buses from the State for the 70-'71 School Year, but they now have to buy buses to replace these borrowed buses. ~ Mr. Williams pointed out the Board of Education indicated take care of the normal growth of the school system, including in which it became necessary for the School Board to transport corporate limits of the municipalities which they had not been pointed out the buses are not for the purpose of transporting of racial balance. the buses requested are to the court ruling last year children living witliin the required to do. Mr. Williams ~chool children for the purpose Mr. Williams stated the School Board has requested ten school buses instead of seven, and it is his feeling, as viell as other members of the Board, the Board authorize seven which it feels is justifiable. This is being done at this time because of the fact that many orders are being placed reportedly for school buses, and unless our school system gets its request in early, it will be way down the list when it does get around to placing its order. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that this Board give formal approval to the Board of Education:!:s request and authorize them to place the order for seven school buses immediately, funds to come from 1971-']2 Capital Outlay in the School Budget one line item 7172. Mr. Harriss pointed out the court order Mr. Williams referred to was not one issued by Jud~e Butler but by the Supreme Court of North Carolina. The order stated that if any stu- dents were bused within a school system that the one mile rule must be applied equally whether it was inside a municipal limit or outside, so that a child attending a shhool more than a mile away, even though he lives in the City, is entitled to bus transportation. ADJOURNMENT - There being by Mr. Oxenfeld, no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/by