1971-07-19 Regular MeetingMINUTES OF THE MEETING - JULY 6. 1971 -~CONTINUED) - REQUEST OF CITY COUNCIL FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IN PARKS AND RECREATION AND HUMAN RELATIONS (CONTINUED) - . . . Mr. Harriss stated the last 1'ive or six agreements with the Wilmington Housing uthority contained no provisions for the County to collect funds in lieu of taxes whereas they do pro- vide for the City of Wilmington to collect funds in lieu of taxes. Mr. Symmes spoke saying the City is hard pressed for funds to operate ~pie Park. In £urther discussion it was pointed out if the County did participate, it would have to come from non-taxable revenue which it does not have. ss~ Mr. Williams stated that in order for the City Council to approach their budget realistically he thought they should have an answer this morning. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxen- feld, that the Board of County Commissioners decline to grant the request made by the City. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMEIQT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded Mr. Oxen£eld, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board H,5/by NINUTES OF THE P1~ETING - JULY 19. 1971 - 9:00 A.M. - ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - ~ Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and, in the absence of the scheduled minis- ter, asked Mr. O~cenfeld to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as written. Mo- tion carried unanimously. REPORTS - No reports were due by or through the Commissioners' office at this time. RESOLUTION - COL. GEORGE W. GILI,ETTE - Mr. Harriss presented a resolution expressing sympathy of the County Commissioners and the citizenry of the area to the family of Col. George W. Gillette in the loss of this dis- tinguished. citizen. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the resolution be adopted and copy be fur- nished Col. Gillette's family. Motion carried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board: The Blockade Runner, Wrightsville Beach;, Sea Horse Cafe, 1311 Dawson Street; Arab Shrine Club, Inc., 113 Market Street; The Wilmington Singles Club, Inc., Masonboro Loop Road; and Zip Mart, Inc., Box 226, Greenville Loop.Road. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff for investigation and recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST OF CAROLINA BEACH FOR A NO WAKE ZONE ORDINANCE EFFECTIVE FROM TIiE INTER-COASTAL WATER WAY TO THE HEAD OF THE CAROLINA BEACH YACHT BASIN.- Chairman Harriss advised the Town of Carolina Beach has requested a no-wake zone area be established roughly from Snow's Cut to the Municipal Dock at Carolina Beach. Mr. Fox advised the Board the procedure to follow is to hold a public hearing, after which the Commissioners pass a resolution requesting permission from the North Carolina 4Jildlife Commission to erect signs. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that public hearing be advertised in time for the Commissioners' next meeting which is August 2, 1971. Motion carried unanimously. Later it was found Public Meeting could not be arranged in time for this meeting. It is set for August 16, 1Q~1. FORMAL APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO MENTAI, HEAI,TH ADVISORY BOARD - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that Mrs. Joseph M. James, Mr. Quintel Smith, and Mr. John Van B, Metts, Jr. be formally appointed to the Advisory Board o£ the Southeastern Mental Health Center for four year terms, beginning September 1, 19~1 and ending August 31, 1975. Motion carried unanimously. ~ I 668 MINiTTES OF THE MEETING - JULY 19. 1°71 -(CONTINUED) - T & M AMBULANCE SERVICE - Mr. Harriss read a letter from T& M Ambulance Service with reference to unpaid ambulance bills of patients who are dependents of Social Service. By common consent it was agreed to turn this letter over to Mr. Bowden for investigation. Mr. Hall stated when Tate came here, there was no ambulance service in the County. He was induced to come here with the understanding that the County would not support another ambulance service. Mr. Harriss stated the County is supporting another ambulance service which is used very frequently because it is free. Mr. Hall stated support given them has been for the rescue squad, £unds are not to be used for equipment or ambulance itself. REFUND OF TAXES FOR ACCOUNT OF R. R. CARTER - • Mr. Harriss stated matter of re£und of taxes to R. R. Carter should be discussed. This was brought about by the Savings and Zoan paying taxes on wrong lot. Subsequent to that, the title to lct, to which the taxes had been erroneously credited, was examined by a local attorney and he found that the title was clear; that the taxes had been credited to it. This was prior to the correction of the error and the attorney passed the title and the lot was then transferred to a purchaser. The County, accordin~ to the opinion of Mr. Schiller, and concurred in by Mr. Fox, may proceed with a Civil suit to collect these taxes whicYi amount to ~'71.98. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that if the County finds this man is available, the necessary Civil action be started. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hall asked that the Board be notified if this is found to be not practical and why. PROPOSAI, TO CHANGE NAME OF WILMINGTOA~-NEW HANOVER COUNTY GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL - Request from Mr. B. M. Cullom, Chairman, Wilmington-New Hanover County Good Neighbor Council, to change its present name to the Wilmington-New Hanover County Human Relations Commission was considered. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that letter be written to the Good Neighbor Council, advising them the County Commissioners have no objecti.on to them changing their name from Wilmington-New Hanover County Good Nei~hbor Council to the Wilmington-New Hanover County Human Relations Commission. Motion carried unanimously. SUNiP1ER INTERN FROM HEALTH DEPAR~L~rir.iv~P - Chairman Harriss welcomed and introduced Mr. J. C. Harley, summer intern from the Health Department. Mr. Harley is a second year student at the School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Mr. Harley tiaas present to observe the meeting. APPROVAL PAYMENT OF BILL - STATIONERY~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION - Bill in the amount of $41.2y, dated June 18, 1y71, due Wilmington Yrinting Company £or stationery ordered by Mr. Henry J. MacMillan, Chairman,~Ptew Hanover County Historical Com- mission was presented by Mr. Harriss for approval. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that approval be given for payment of this bill. Motion carried unanimously. PAYMENT FOR COMPENSATORY TIME TO EMF'LOYEE LEAVING ETIPLOYMENT WITH THE COUNTY - Mr. Harriss advised Mrs. Cheryl Edens is resigning in the Tax Office. She has accu- mulated two weeks compensatory time and one week vacation time which requires approval o£ the Commissioners before payment can be made. Mr. Bowden recommended payment be made to this employee. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board accept the recommendation of the.County Administrator, and this employee be paid two weeks compensatory time and one week vacation time. Motion carried unanimously. RETIREMENT -~'ERSON ON LEAVE. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Mrs. Betty West was employed in the Health Department from October 1958 to September 1963 at which time she took one year Educational Leave. This was prior to the County going i~nder the State Retirement System. She returned to the Department in September 1g69. She was not here when the County went on Retirement in April 196'], therefore she did not re- ceive credit for these approximately five years o£ prior service. Legislation has recently passed allowing a County to give credit to an employee in a case such as this, however in order for credit to be allowed for such prior service, the Retirement System must be furnished copy o£ a resolution, or letter from the County Board of Commissioners, agreeing to assume the liability for the service claimed. After discussion, b3= common consent, it was agreed to defer this matter until the next meeting in order to acquire all information such as wh,y she did not belong to the old retire- ment system and why she did not return after her one year Educational leave instead of after six years. DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL ZOIJING MAP FOR AREA #5 Mr. Neil Mallory, -irector of Planning, stated that at the last meeting of the County Commissioners, the Board adopted Zoning Map for Area #5 and a reproducible map has been pre- pared for this area. In order to designate it as the Official Zoning map signature of the Chairman, attested by the Register of Deeds, is required. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign New Hanover County Zoning Map of Area #5, dated July 6, 19'71. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF ZONING AREA #6 Mr. Mallory stated about a month ago the~_Planning Commission wanted the Commissioners to see a map of Area #6 which has not been zoned. This area is located behind the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. At that time the Commissioners were also made aware of the Annexation of the College. Mr. Mallory pointed out on the map where the one-mile limit will be after annexation. Mr. Mallory stated he had traced the procedure of the annexation with the City Attorne9, City Engineer and with the College Consultant. Nr. Mallory stated that everyone indicates to him that within 45 to 60 days the College will be annexed, and this ar.ea will be under the jurisdiction of the City. Based upon this'knowledge, and since it will take at least thirty days for the County'to zone in this area, the Planning Commission recommends that Zoning Area #2 be extended to what will be the new one mile area. Also, the Planning Commission recommends the new area be designated as Area ~6 and be zoned. 669~ NiINUTES OF THE MEETING - JULY 19. 1971 -(CONTINUED) - DISCUSSION OF ZONING AREA #6 - (CONTINUED) - ' Discussion was held as to whether to zone the entire area or to wait and see what the City plans to do. Mr. Harriss expressed, concern over someone in the meantime doing damage by start- ing buildings. Mr. Mallory stated if the County wished to zone the entire area the Planning Commission's recommendation is here to reflect the Zoning of this entire area, but he, Mr. Mallory, is just bringing the recommendation of the Planning Commission that within 45 to 60 days, it is anti- cipated. to be under the City's jurisdiction and the Planning Commission's recommendation was up to the line mentioned. Mr. Mallory stated insofar as the Planning Department is concerned if the Commissioners want to zone the entire area, they are ready for this area to be zoned whether it is under the City's jurisdiction or County's jurisdiction. Mr. Mallory suggested the Commissioners advertise for the entire area, since it is going to be 30 days before the Commissioners can hold the hearing. When it_becomes time for adoption of this area the County will know where the City stands. Then the entire area can be zoned or any portion the County feels is right. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Commissioners advertise for;putilic hearing on zoning of the entire area, hearing to be held the second meeting in August. Mo- tion carried unanimously. REAPPOINTMEIVT OF. TAX SLrr,nJISOR - Mr. Bowden stated the law requires the Tax Supervisor be appointed on odd number of years on July lst, or nearest meeting thereto, and.he recommended reappointment of the present Tax Supervisor, Mr. Larry Powell. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Powell be reappointed for a term of two years. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 9:45 A.N. Meeting reconvened at 10:00 A.M. PRESENTATION OF MONEY TO JWENILE DETENTION CENTER FRaM WALK FOR MANKIND - Mrs. Ann Beeker, locai ~nairman oi tine waix for Mankind Committee, presented Mr. Charlie Brown, Chairman, of the Juvenile Detention Advisory Committee with a check for $1300 for the Juvenile Services Center. • Mrs. Beeker thanked the Board for its cooperation, along vaith others, for making it possi- ble for the 800 or 900 child.ren to walk the 19 miles. She stated it proved there are a number of "good kids". Approximately 400 have turned in the money they collected which amounted to $9,500. $1300 was given to the Juvenile Detention Home for their educational and recreational facilities. Also, $250 has been given to the Services for the Aged and $250 to the Teen Council. This means $1800 was kept in Wilmington to help older and younger people. Mr. Harriss expressed thanks to Mrs. Beeker and stated he, and he knew many more, agreed that the vast majority of the young people are "good kids". ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxen£eld, that the meetin~ adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. ' Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/by MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 2, 1971 - 9:00 A.M. - ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Ad.ministrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the~Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. E. B. Fann, Pastor, Winter Park Pentecostal Holiness Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAZ OF MINUTES - Mr. ~enfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved as written. Notion carried unanimously. REPORT ON COLLECTION OF TAXES - Mrs. Janie Straughn, Acting Tax Collector, gave the following report on collection of taxes during the month of July, 19~1: Charged per scroll, charged per supplement, added - Tax Supervisor, less abatements leaving $5,214,335.62 charged on books, less collections through July $4,o93,300.0~, leaving balance due of $221,035•55• Back taxes collected through July amounted to $5,779•46 bringing total back taxes collected to date to ~155,654.16, leaving balance of uncollected back taxes $2~5,458.2'7. Amount of delinquent personal property taxes collected amounted to $104.15 for month of July bringing total collected to.9b23',400.10.._. Mrs. Straughn's report was accepted by the Commissioners.