1971-08-02 Regular Meeting669~ NiINUTES OF THE MEETING - JULY 19. 1971 -(CONTINUED) - DISCUSSION OF ZONING AREA #6 - (CONTINUED) - ' Discussion was held as to whether to zone the entire area or to wait and see what the City plans to do. Mr. Harriss expressed, concern over someone in the meantime doing damage by start- ing buildings. Mr. Mallory stated if the County wished to zone the entire area the Planning Commission's recommendation is here to reflect the Zoning of this entire area, but he, Mr. Mallory, is just bringing the recommendation of the Planning Commission that within 45 to 60 days, it is anti- cipated. to be under the City's jurisdiction and the Planning Commission's recommendation was up to the line mentioned. Mr. Mallory stated insofar as the Planning Department is concerned if the Commissioners want to zone the entire area, they are ready for this area to be zoned whether it is under the City's jurisdiction or County's jurisdiction. Mr. Mallory suggested the Commissioners advertise for the entire area, since it is going to be 30 days before the Commissioners can hold the hearing. When it_becomes time for adoption of this area the County will know where the City stands. Then the entire area can be zoned or any portion the County feels is right. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Commissioners advertise for;putilic hearing on zoning of the entire area, hearing to be held the second meeting in August. Mo- tion carried unanimously. REAPPOINTMEIVT OF. TAX SLrr,nJISOR - Mr. Bowden stated the law requires the Tax Supervisor be appointed on odd number of years on July lst, or nearest meeting thereto, and.he recommended reappointment of the present Tax Supervisor, Mr. Larry Powell. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Powell be reappointed for a term of two years. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 9:45 A.N. Meeting reconvened at 10:00 A.M. PRESENTATION OF MONEY TO JWENILE DETENTION CENTER FRaM WALK FOR MANKIND - Mrs. Ann Beeker, locai ~nairman oi tine waix for Mankind Committee, presented Mr. Charlie Brown, Chairman, of the Juvenile Detention Advisory Committee with a check for $1300 for the Juvenile Services Center. • Mrs. Beeker thanked the Board for its cooperation, along vaith others, for making it possi- ble for the 800 or 900 child.ren to walk the 19 miles. She stated it proved there are a number of "good kids". Approximately 400 have turned in the money they collected which amounted to $9,500. $1300 was given to the Juvenile Detention Home for their educational and recreational facilities. Also, $250 has been given to the Services for the Aged and $250 to the Teen Council. This means $1800 was kept in Wilmington to help older and younger people. Mr. Harriss expressed thanks to Mrs. Beeker and stated he, and he knew many more, agreed that the vast majority of the young people are "good kids". ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxen£eld, that the meetin~ adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. ' Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/by MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 2, 1971 - 9:00 A.M. - ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Ad.ministrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the~Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. E. B. Fann, Pastor, Winter Park Pentecostal Holiness Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAZ OF MINUTES - Mr. ~enfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved as written. Notion carried unanimously. REPORT ON COLLECTION OF TAXES - Mrs. Janie Straughn, Acting Tax Collector, gave the following report on collection of taxes during the month of July, 19~1: Charged per scroll, charged per supplement, added - Tax Supervisor, less abatements leaving $5,214,335.62 charged on books, less collections through July $4,o93,300.0~, leaving balance due of $221,035•55• Back taxes collected through July amounted to $5,779•46 bringing total back taxes collected to date to ~155,654.16, leaving balance of uncollected back taxes $2~5,458.2'7. Amount of delinquent personal property taxes collected amounted to $104.15 for month of July bringing total collected to.9b23',400.10.._. Mrs. Straughn's report was accepted by the Commissioners. ~ 6~0 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 2, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - SCHOOL BOARD REQUEST - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Request from the Schoo3 Board to transfer $100,000 from Building Reserve Fund to Building Fund and $8800 from Capital Reserve to Capital Outlay was considered by the Board. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that ~~5,000 be transferred from the Building Reserve Fund to Building Fund to replace office machines, £urniture, instructional materials and apparatus, etc. destroyed by the Hemenway Hall fire. Mr. Aarriss was of the opinion there was no need £or the transfer until bills accrue. Mr. Shepard advised some bills have already accrued. Nr. Williams pointed out that purchases cannot be made until money is appropriated. Mr. Harriss stated he would like to have an itemized list of the purchases before agreeing to transfer any funds. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that his motion be tabled until such time as the Chairman can authorize someone to get an itemized list from Dr. Bellamy. Motion carried unanimously. Later in the meeting Mr. Shepard advised the following items had been purchased to date: one used bookkeeping machine, one new bookkeeping machine, and file cabinets, totaling $14,141.1~, including tax. Mr. Williams withdrew his original motion and Mr. Oxenfeld withdrew his second. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that $14,141.17 be transferred from the Building Reserve Fund to Building Fund for the purchase of these items as recommended by the Auditor for the School Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that ~8800 be transferred from Capital Reserve to Capital Outlay for payment to Burroughs Corporation for the first year of a three year lease on payroll equipment now on order. PTotion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams stated the reason why he was specifying exact use o£ transferred funds was because he wanted it to be understood what the funds are to be used for. Chairman Harriss expressed agreement with this. A.B.C. PERPIIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Commissioners: Emme-Pooh's, Carolina Beach Road; Zip Mart ~`12, 328 Greenville Ave.; V.F.W. Canteen, 2'722 Carolina Beach Road; and Fussell's Automotive Service, Rt. ~1, Box '7'7EE, Castle Hayne. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the requests be referred to the 6heriff for investigation and recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. REPRESENTATION IN CONSOLIDATED GOVERNME[JT - Mr. Williams stated he had asked this item be placed on the Agenda prior to the time Mr. Hall made his comments at a Charter Commission Meeting last week. Mr. Williams stated he felt Mr. Hall covered very well a number of items, one of which is representation in con- solidated government and which he, Mr. Williams, had intended to discuss this morning. Mr.. Williams stated he had hoped to get a second on a motion requestin~ the Charter Commission reconsider its position, on representation in consolidated government. Mr. Williams advised the Board he had written the Charter Commission on April 26th that because of his experience in local government he was convinced term of office should be four years on a staggered basis and that he was of the opinion roughly 50'~ of the membership should come from districts and that the other members be elected to serve at large. Mr. Williams was of the opinion some consideration should be given this morning to writing the Charter Commission suggesting they reconsider their position on representation. Mr. Marks stated, as a member o£ the Charter Commission, this was discussed, among other things, at length and all of the conclusions of the Charter Commission are tentative. Mr. Marks stated there is merit to both sides; this will be a citizens' change of ~overnment. The City Council and Commissioners will not frame it. It has to be so the citizens will accept it. Mr. 4Jilliams pointed out State Government is made up of district representation; Congressmen of the lower house are elected from districts. Mr. Williams stated the Charter Commission will need to present something the people will buy and he felt people will come nearer buying a proposal that has district representatives than they will the other way, and based on the tentative conclusions reached he doubted seriously that more than 30'~0 of the citizens will buy the plan. Mr. Williams stated the County has appropriated $25,000 to finance this study and as an interested citizen he does not want to see this money wasted. Mr. Williams stated he was of the opinion there is room for improvement in local government, but felt the tentative recommendations made will not sell. Mr. 4,iilliams moved that the Board of Commissioners recommend the Charter Commission restudy representation on the Consolidated government. Motion died for lack o£ a second. LATE LISTING PENALTY - ATLANTIC TOBACCO COME'ANY - Mr. I,arry Yowell, Tax Supervisor, and ~r. John Alexius, Vice-President, Atlantic To- bacco Company, Inc. were present to discuss penalty for late listing of business of the Atlantic Tobacco Company. Mr. Alexius stated he mailed the forms in as he had always done. Mr. Alexius also pointed out this was the first time they had ever been cited for late listing". Mr. Narks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board remove this charge for late listing upon receipt of an affidavit stating what Mr. Alexius has just stated for the County's records. Motion carried unanimously. LATE LISTING PENALTY - COUTICII, TOOL COMPANY - Mr. Yowell stated this company has an airplane located here which they have purchased on a lease agreement and they thought the leasing company had listed the airplane. Mr. Powell stated since this company is purchasing the airplane it is their responsibility to list. The Tax Supervisor recommended the penalty remain. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the recommendation of the Tax Supervisor be approved. Motion carried unanimously. ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 2. 1971 -(CONTINUED) - PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE) APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT )- Chairman Harriss declared Yublic Hearing scheduled for 9:30 A.M. open for discussion of: (1) Amendment to County Zoning Ordinance to Amend Article V, Section 51, Subsection 5i-3 by adding: (18) Hospital, care home, nursing'home, and/or convalescent home. Mr. Mallory, Director of Planning, was present and stated granting of this amendment would allow this type of facilities in the R-20 Zone as a special use. Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends adoption of the amendment because when Area 5 was zoned which included the Porters Neck Area the care home in that area was in an R-20 Zone and after con- sideration of that type facility in an R-20 Zone the Planning Commission felt these facilities as special uses would be compatible. There were no protests to this amendment. (2) Application for Special Use Permit to use the property on the Southeast corner of the intersection of U. S. Highway 74 and State Road 1409 (Military Cut-Off Road) in a R-15 Zone (Residential) for an electric power substation. Mr. rallory presented location map. Only access will be from Secondary Road 1409 when completed. Applicant expresses desire to plant shrubbery to screen the substation from the road. The Plannir~ Commission recommends approval of the special use permit, subject to (1) compliance with the plans submitted with the application for special use permit, (2) subject to the petitioner providing a buffer of trees and/or shrubbery between the electric power substation and U. S. Hi~hway 74 and S.R. 1409; and (3) recommendation that CP&L Company consult the Soil Conservation Service as to the type of shrubs and trees used for screening that will grow the best in the soils of the su.bstation area. Mr. Louis Poisson, Attoraiey, for CP&L, stated all natural growth was left that was pos- sible. All of the Highoray '74 road will be screened and the access road will be curved. Mr. Poisson stated CP&L is working with Mr. Cox on the screening. There were no objections to this special use permit. 6~1 Mr. Harriss declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, proposed amendment be adopted and the Commissioners be authorized to sign the amendment. Notion carried unanimously. Mr. 4Tilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the approval of the special use permit re- quested b5r the CP&I, Company, subject to meeting the recommendations of the Planning Commission, and the required signatures be authorized and subject to screenin~s on both Highway 74 and State Road 1409. Motion carried unanimously. ZONING AREA N0. 6 - ~ Mr. ~allory stated to the Board the Star-News was requested on July 21 to advertise a pub- lic hearing on Zoning Area 6 in their paper on August l, but they failed to run the notice, therefore hearing date of August 16 will have'to be changed due to lack of time required by law for advertising the hearing. Mr. Mallory checked with the paper and Fras advised they will run notice tomorrow, there- fore Chairman Harriss set date for public hearing on Wednesday, August 18, 1971 at 8:30 A.M. JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER RIGHT-OF-WAY - Deed of Dedication, prepared by Mr. Fox, whereby the County creates a public right-of- way through its property to the new Juvenile Detention Center, was presented to the Board for resolution authorizing execution of the document. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, approval of designation of right-of-way as presented and that the proper signatures be authorized. Motion carried unanimously. WELFARE RESOLUTION - WELFARE LIEN - Resolution, prepared by Mr. Fox, to release the property of Annie Barr Thomas, Welfare Recipient - Deceased, was presented to the Board. Property was appraised by the Tax Supervisor on June 10, 19'71 and fair market value determined to be ~p2500 which was paid by recipient's child to New Hanover County in lieu of foreclosure and sale of property. Miss Hall and Mr. Fox recommended this be accepted. Mr. ~enfeld moved, seconded by Mr.. Marks, that the resolution be executed removing the lien on this property as recommended by Mr. Fox. Motion carried unanimously. RETIRENNiENNT PERSON ON LEAVE HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Discussion oaas held on whether or not to permit person in the Health Department to re- ceive credit for past time employment with the County toeaard County's retirement plan. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, that this matter be deferred until the County Administrator can check and report back to the Commissioners. Motion'carried unanimously. REQUEST FROM TOWN OF CAROI,INA BEACH FOR AUTHORITY TO APPI,Y ITS PRESENT BUILDING CODES TO 'TI~ ONE MILE LIMIT BEYOND THE PRESENT CITY LIMITS BOUNDARY - Mr. Douglas W. Batson, Councilman, and Mrs. Leland R. Davis, Town Clerk, from Carolina Beach were present with regard to request from Mayor Richard B. Kepley of Carolina Beach that the County Commissioners ~rant permission to Carolina Beach for authority to apply the pre- sent building codes of the Town of Carolina Beach to the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the Town of Carolina Beach to the one mile limit beyond the present.cit~ limits boundary. Mr. Harriss read letter from Mr. Mallory in which the Planning Department recommended that Snoor's Cut be the northern boundary of Carolina Beach's extra=territorial limit since it is a very de£inite natural boundary. If not, it will be necessary for the County to withdraw its zoning in this general area to conform to the full one mile limit of Carolina Beach. Mr. Batson stated they had no objection to Snow's Cut being the northern boundary of Carolina Beach's extra-territorial jurisdiction. ~ 6'7 ~ MINUTES OF TFIE MEETING - AUGUST 2, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - REQUEST FROM TOWN OF CAROI,INA BEACH FOR AUTHORITY TO APPZY ITS PRESENT BUILDING CODES TO THE ONE MILE LIMIT BEYOND THE PRESINT CITY LINIITS BOUNDARY. -(CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, approval of the request of the Town of Carolina Beach to apply its present building codes to the extra territory, and to issue all building permits applicable to this extra territory from their of£ice, eYfective upon the date the5~ are prepared. legally and staffed to take over such inspections and issuance of permits, the territory to be south of Snoia's Cut:and east of the Intra Coastal Waterway. Also, subject to building permits that have already been issued by the County being phased out as construction under them is completed. Motion carried unanimously. ~ Nr. W. L. Farmer, Attorney, spoke in opposition of being taken into the City Limits of Carolina Beach. Mr. Williams stated the Commissioners' hands are tied; all the Town of Car- olina Beach has to do is to extend its limits; the County has no control. Mr. Fox stated Carolina Beach has to go through formality of extending limits with public hearings and Mr. Farmer could be heard then. INVITATION TO THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO HOI,D 1972 CONVEN- TION IN NEtd HANOVER COUNTY - Mr. Williams stated he thought it would be well for the Commissioners to invite the 1972 Convention of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to New Aanover County and the Chairman delegate someone to make such a request at the convention to be held in Asheville next week or to the Board of Directors after the convention. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that this Board invite the 1972 convention of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to New Hanover County. Discussion was held as to determining availability of a site be£ore extending invitation. Mr. Williams stated invitation is usually extended after which the convention committee of the Association will investigate. Vote was called on motion. •It carried unanimously. Chairman Harriss appointed Mr. Williams to extend this invitation and also to work with the Association's Executive Director in obtaining suitable facilities. Mr. Williams called attention to receipt of official notice that each Board o£ Commis- sioners is hereby requested to designate a Commissioner as a voting delegate, delegate to complete and file a statement. Mr. Williams stated this is a departure from what was followed in the past. Mr. Williams stated he would like to make a suggestion; although it is not stated in the notice, that at least one alternate be named in case something should happen to the delegate. Chairman Harriss appointed Mr. Hall as the official delegate and Mr. 47illiams as the alternate. Chairman Harriss stated if Mr. Hall does not attend., he would appoint Mr. Williams as the official delegate and Mr. Oxenfeld as the alternate. MENTAI, HEALTH EMPLOYEE RECLASSIFICATION Mr. Marks stated in the original budget request Mr. Wilson requested a substantial in- crease in grade and compensation; fcur steps plus, and the Advisory Board finally accepted a two step increment for this employee, and he also arbitrarily reclassified her in his re- quest £or her salary. Nr. Marks stated he and Mr. Bowden have convinced Mr. Wilson he has no authority to change anyone's classification, and they have outlined to Mr. Wilson the procedure for changing classifications of employees on the State Merit System, that is to clear his request through the Commissioners throu~h Mr. Bowden ani3 then it will be forwarded to the State Personnel Office in Raleigh with the Board's recommendations. Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that such procedure be followed and Mr. Boiaden investigate this reclassification, but the salary remain the same as budgeted. Motion carried unanimously. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS' CONTRACT - Mr. Bowden stated each year a contract is negotiated between the County and the Volunteer Fire Departments which relieves the County o£ the responsibility for the acts of the depart- ments. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded b,y Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract. Notion carried unanimously. LANDFILLS - FRANCHISING COLLECTORS - Mr. Olive from the Health Department was present for this discussion. Chairman Harriss stated the County has nQt been able to collect from the haulers and thought perhaps if the operation can be franchised the County might exercise Some control. Mr. Harriss stated some haulers have a very large business and some very small. Also, more than one hauler serves the same area. Mr. Bowden stated he felt franchising would be the best way to handle the problem. Mr. Bowden stated that at present there are seven collectors ranging from 50 to 2400 customers each. Mr. Olive presented sheets showing population according to the 1970 Census by Township, list of districts, population by zones and dwelling units. Mr. Olive stated he did not know how many areas the Board would wish to divide the County. Nr. Bowden stated Cumberland County divides its territory betiaeen two carriers. This will put some people out of business. In Cumberland, they operate their own franchise area, protected, operate their own landfill, and use their own heavy duty equipment, allowing people orho do not use their services free use of the landfill so long as they are not a commercial hauler. Mr. Botiaden stated New Han- over County is not getting adequate trash pick-up because of the fact haulers are operating in the same areas. .r Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board approve the principle of franchising and authorize the County Administrator to investigate and develop practical plans and submit to the Board. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 2, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - s~~ kMBUI,ANCE SERVICE-FRANCHISING - Chairman Harriss stated the Board has had complaints concerning collection of ambulance £ees. Mr. Fox stated he thought an ordinance could be enacted by the Commissioners since it deals with public health. Mr. Bowden stated he was not~sure at this point whether he could recommend passing an ordinance to this particular business because the County will receive requests from other businesses for the same type of protection. Mr. Williams stated he did not know how £ar the Board wanted to go into this, whether to get into a si.tuation where the Board is going to, by an ordinance, force payment. He expressed the feeling the Board might be asked to get involved in looking into the quality of service. Chairman Harriss stated handling of sick persons is a matter of public health, and manner in which they are handled and service is certainly a matter of public concern. Mr. Harriss stated he felt person providing service is entitled to some protection by franchising so he wi1l not be subject to competition. Mr. Harriss stated he would like £or Mr. Bowden to investigate further and report back. Mr. Williams suggested the Chairman appoint a special committee who would be interested in this subject rather than ask Mr. Bowden to do it alone. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a committee of citizens to study this total ambulance problem in this county and report back to this Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. W, I,. Farmer, who was representing one of the ambulance services, asked if the matter of franchising would come up in this session. The Chairman in£ormed him it would not. Chair- man Harriss stated he believed it would require a public hearing. A public notice will be issuEd and all ambulance services will be notified. Mr. Williams raised question of paying for ambulance services for ivelfare recipients to one company with whom Social Services Yias a contract and wondered whether other firms could not be paid for such services. Mr. Williams asked Mr. Hoyle, of T&.M Ambulance Service, to ex- press himself on the service he is rendering. Mr. Hoyle stated he had not been ~aid for dependents on 6ocial Services. Chairman Harriss stated this will be investigated. Mr. Hoyle stated at the present time an amount of ~400 is on his books for ambulance service to welfare recipients, This represents ~15 per call. Mr. Marks is to investigate. UNITED KLANS OF AP~RICA - Mr. G. D, "Tex" Gross, Exalted Cyclops, Unit 5, Province ~, United Klans of America, presented the following to the Board of County Commissioners: "To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, o£ New Hanover County, Wilmington, N. C. City Council, of the City of Wilmington, N. C. New Hanover County Board of Education, Wilmington, N. C. Press News Media, ~ YJilmington, N. C. Television and Radio Stations, Wilmin~ton, N. C. Gentlemen: Your Petitioner, the United Klans of America, in view of the current trend. of events, and the threat of further violence, injuries to our citizens and damage to public and privately owned property, and representing re.sidents, law abiding citizens and tax payers of New Hanover County, to the end that all persons may be heard with equality, wi~hout fear of prejudice, submit the following suggestions, requests arid demands, to-wit: 1. That equal space be allowed in.the Press news media. 2. That equal time be allowed and allotted in the Television and. Radio Stations. 3. That City and County Law Enforcement Officers be given authority and directed to take such measures as will tend to discourage out of tot,m agi- tators, rabble rousers and other law violators from coming into New lianover County and inciting riots, maliciously and needlessly stirring up trouble resulting in the buraing of buildings, damaging and destro3ring personal pro- perty, and lootin~. ti 4. To give such permanent authority and directions to all law enforcement a~encies as will guarantee to all persons, without molestation, free use of the public streets and highways in New Hanover County, and without being ' subjected to the throwirig of rocks, bricks, molotov cocktails, and other dangerous articles, causing damage to property and injury to the drivers and occupants; further to arrest such law violators and the courts punish all of- fenders in proportion to the gxavity of each offense. 5. To arrest and punish all persons who in any manner interferes with law enforcement officers and firemen in the per£ormance of their duties; sniping and similar savage attacks should be £irmly dealt with. 6. To take such action as will discourage and stop gangs of hoodlums from entering our business establishments and damaging and destroying merchandise, as well as placing the employees and customers in fear of their personal safety. Such unlawful and destructive acts should be firmly dealt with. ~ ~ 6'7 4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 2, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - i3NITED KI~ANS OF AMERICA - (CONTINUED) - ']. To take such action as will discourage and stop the intimidation of school students by agitators making threats of retaliation if they refuse to join them in their malicious and unlawful activities. 8. That the Superintendent of Schools instruct all principals and school staffs to immediately stop any trouble that may arise, if necessary calling in law enforcement officers to accomplish this end. 9. To punish firmly and suspend or expell any students who disobey any teacher in the per£ormance of his or her duties, or who attacks any teacher on or off the school campus. 10. That teachers at all times, either on or off school property, shall be fully protected in the performance of their duties, and that any violations be firmly dealt with. 11. Your attention is invited to the various reports of incidents re- sulting from gan~s of school students attacking other students in school or on school property, and on buses, to the extent that.large numbers of parents have been and probably will continue to personally taking their children to school and returning for them, because of the fear that their children will be attacked and injured should they ride in a bus. It should be remembered that many of these students have been caught carrying deadly weapons, and in some instances students have been injured thereby. This has been and is an intolerable situation and must be corrected immediately. 12. The unlawful activities of the hate groups, and bigots, have cost our businessmen and taxpayers, who have done no wrong, many thousands of dollars, and we submit in all sincerity that these good and law abiding citizens should be protected and the offenders firmly dealt with to prevent recurrences. 13. Your petitioner, and its members, are law abiding American citizens, freeholders and taxpayers, and has never been classed as "subversive" as Z•ecently charged in a local news media. Further your petitioner and its mem- bers have engaged in no unlawful activity, and this petition is submitted for the purpose of ascertaining i£ the "Fair" or "equal" rule applies in New Hanover County, where we wish to live in peace and tranquility. Respectfully submitted, G. D. "Tex" Gross Exalted Cyclops Unit 5, Province 7 United glans of America J. Robert Jones , Grand Dragon United Klans of America And approved by the Members of the State Board of United Klans of America" Chairman Harriss stated this wbuld be received and made a part of the minutes. LETTER OF WELCOME TO MR. JOHN JONES, NEWI,Y APPOINTED CITY MANAGER - Chairman Harriss stated he wished the Board to join him in welcoming the new City Manager and wishing him well and offering him the Board's £ull cooperation. Mr. Bowden will write a letter expressing these feelings. ADJOURNMENT - There bein~ no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Notion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/by BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING JULY 12, 1971 5:00 P. M. ASSEMBLY - The Board of New Hanover County Commissioners met on the above date and time to d.iscuss the budget for the 19`71-72 fiscal year. The £ollowing were present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R, oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden was absent due to illness. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Nir. Oxenfeld to give the invocation.