1971-08-16 Regular Meeting. 69 BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - Jt7I~Y 23, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - ADOPTION OF BUDGET - (CONTINUED) - Lunchrooms 450,000 --- School Imp. ___ ___ Regional'Driv Edu. 18,500 --- Building Reserve 378,000 --- $13,318,237 ~~790 "Be it further resolved that a tax levy of '79 cents per $100 be 1'evied against all taxable property in the County as of January 1, 19'71 to support the activities of the County Government for the fiscal year 19~1-72 using a base valuation.of $689,000,000. "Be it further resolved that $2.00 be levied on each taxable poll or male person between the ages of 21 and 50 and the taxes levied and collected under this Section shall be for the benefit of the Public School Fund and the poor of the County. "Be i£ further resolved that the Budget be adopted in detail and spent in amounts appro- priated for each item unless changes are approved by the New Hanover County Board of Comm- issioners and except where administrative changes have been directed by the majority of the County Commissioners." Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr., Oxenfeld, that the above resolution be adopted and that the tax rate be set at '79 cents per one hundred dollars based on 100'~ valuation and estimating 94% collection. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURIdP1ENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Commission, Mr. Harriss declared the budget meetings closed. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board H,S/pb Minutes of the Meeting - August 16, 1971 ASSII`1BI,Y - • The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence Q. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked Mr. Hall to give the invocation. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 2, 1971 - Mr. Williams stated his motion on Page 3, third paragraph, should read "Mr. Williams moved that the Board o£ Commissioners recommend the Charter Commission restudy representation on the Consolidated Government. Motion died for lack of a second." Mr. Harriss requested correction on Page,S, next to last paragraph. The following words should be added to the first sentence o£ this paragraph: "and east of the Intra-Coastal Watero~ay." Following these corrections, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES~ NLY 12-23. 1971 - In order to give the Commissioners more time to study these minutes, by common consent, approval was deferred until next regular meeting, September 7, 19'71. REPORTS - No reports were due by or through the Commissioners at this time. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS - HEAI,TIi DEPARTMENT - Mr. Bowden stated he was in receipt of a letter from Dr. Knox enclosing invoices from E. F. Craven Compai~y amounting to ~5,401.91 for repairs to the crawler at Carolina Beach land- fill ($2,182.52) and to the 15-B Dragline ($3,219•39)• Mr. Bowden advised the Board that in answer to letter he had written Dr. Knox asking if this would carry them through the year, Dr. Knox had replied stating he would estimate an additional $5,000 at this time. Mr. Williams suggested appropriating $6500 in order to have a cushion in the event there might be need for some minor repairs. Mr. Bowden stated repairs to heavy duty equipment is very costly. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion funds should be appropriated to cover only this bill. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, transfer of $5,401.91 be made from the Health Department Surplus for repairs. Motion carried unanimously. 693~ Minutes of the Meeting - August 16, 1971 (Continued) ZEASE OF CRAWLER LOADER - Mr. Bowden advised the Commissioners he, with the help o£ the Health Department, had tried to negotiate with private contractors (unsuccessfully) to establish the operation of the Military Cut-Off I,andYill. The Health Department has requested that the present contract which is with a private contractor be terminated because it is not satisfactory. E. F. Craven Compa~y, who was the low bidder on the crawler loader purchased for the Carolina Beach Landfill was contacted to determine i£ they would lease the County a new piece of equipment, with an option to buy, subject to competitive bids, allowing the leased amount to apply to payment. Mr. Bowden stated for a period of three months the lease amount would be $1325 per month which would include all maintenance on the machine. This would be transferred from £unds appropriated for payment of the present contractor. This is the same type machine that is being used at Carolina Beach. Mr. Bowden recommended that the County lease a new machine since it is planned later to advertise for one on a bid basis. Mr. Bowden stated Dr. Anox and Mr. Cranford are of the opinion 90 d~s rental will get the county out of the problem it.is.in. Mr. Harriss was concerned over arrangement where one of the competitive bidders comes into a competitive bidding situation already having assured the Counts of $3900 off of the price. Mr. Bowden stated i£ this firm is the low bidder it will apply this amount to the purchase of the machine. If some other firm bids lower, then this money will have been spent. Mr. Harriss called attention to confusion when last bids were received and suggested pinning this down , tight on specifications when it is put up for bids. Mr. Williams reminded the Board it would not necessarily b-e bound to accept low bid on the equipment but the one which is in the best interest of our County. Mr. Williams stated in view of the fact there have been strong recommendations that the contract with the present operator be terminated and the fact that the County must have a piece of equipment to continue the work, it would be in order to approve the recommendation of the County Administrator to lease this piece of equipment and he so moved. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. Nir. Oxenfeld stated he was still concerned over the bids being on competitive basis and thought the attorney should very carefully look over the proposal before it goes out. Vote was called on Mr. Williams' motion. It carried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMIT RE~UESTS - The following A.S.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board: B.P.O.E. #532, Oleander Drive; Ha,yes Arco Service Station, 2102 Wri~htsville Avenue; and Home Grocery, 1020 Dawson Street. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these requests be referred to the Sheriff for investigation and recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. PAVING OF HIGHWAY 421 - CAROLINA AND gURE BEACHES - Chairman Harriss advised the Commissioners had received request from Mayor Richard B. Kepley, Carolina Beach, for assistance in gettin~ Highway 421 paved by the State Highway Commission from the lake at Carolina Beach through the Kure Beach City Limits. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board support the request of the Town of Carolina Beach and so.notify the Division Engineer of the State Highway. Motion carried " unanimously. CONSOLIDATED CITY-COUNTY GARAG~ E9.UIPMENT POOL - Mr. Harriss advised the Board he had had a discussion with the Mayor of the City of Wil- mington and they were both of the opinion some savings might be effected by .a consolidated City-County garage and Equipment Pool. Chairman Harriss stated this might not be the best way to handle the County's equipment repair but felt it merits investigation. In such a con- ceptthe City and County would participate on basis of cost to county and city. In other words if a county vehicle went in, time and cost of repairs would be charged to the count9 and city vehicle going in same thing ~,~ould apply. This would require a fairly accurate cost accounting system, but it might well save both governments some money. Also, Mr. Harriss pointed out City and County have equipment that is used only part time such as ditching equip- ment. When a piece o£ equipment is used, it would be charged to whatever department used it whether county or city. Cost could be set per hour £or use of equipment. Mr. Harriss stated he had discussed this briefly with Mr. Bowden and, with the consent of the other Commissioners, he would like to ask Mr. Bowden to look further in it. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he felt it was an excellent idea and concurred. By common consent the Commissioners agreed to an investigation and Mr. Bowden stated he would, with the Chairman's permission, greet the new City Manager with this. INTRODUCTION OF MR. RAYMOND GRUBBS. NEW ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER I- Mr. Bowden introduced Mr. Raymond Grubbs to the Boardt Fress, members o£ Taxpayers Associa- tion and others. Mr. Grubbs h&s just been employed~,as:AdminiStTative OfYiCer I.:. Mr.-Bowden advised Mr. Grubbs will be located in the-Commission Building because of the extra~office avail- able here. Nir. Grubbs will be charged with the responsibility of maintaining all the personnel ~ records, maintaining the position control system, supervising the vacation and sick leave policies which the County i:s very lax in now, employment of new personnel, evaluation o£ present personnel for change of status, or, if necessary, separation, job ratings of all employees for fair and impartial analysis, assisting the Administrator in upgrading the policy and procedures manual as required, assigned jobs by the Administrator in projecting plans and procedures to improve the present services or the need for additional.services and assist the Administrator in receiving the public, serve the needs of the Commissioners, Department Heads, etc. Mr. Grubbs was employed by Johnson Motor.Lines £or three years and comes to the County from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte where he graduated, majoring in Business Administration. SUBDIVISION PLAT, SECTIO~, WINDEMERE SUBDIVISION - Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, presented Subdivision Map of Section 5, Windemere Sub- division, advising the map had not been signed by the Chairman of the Planning Commission, but he has authority to do so when the required improvements, such as drain ditches, etc., have been completed. Mr. Mallory stated he was presenting the map today because he felt sure the improve- ments will be completed before the next meeting of this Board of Commissioners, and he was re- questing the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be authorized to sign this map when they have been made and after the Chairman of the Planning Commission has signed. 694 Minutes o£ the Meetin$ - August 16, 19~1 (Continued) SUBDIVISION PLAT, SECTION , WINDII~EERE SUBDIVISION (CONTINUED) - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to si~n map of Section 5, Llindemere, subject to completion of all of the requirements required by the Planning Department. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT FROM COUNTY AUDITOR - Mr. Shepard stated his office is posting tax scrolls and hoped to turn them over 47ednesday morning. Also, his office is still in the process of posting the budget to turn over to the Clerk so that all the Commissioners' budget books can be posted. Chairman Harriss stated Mr. Shepard has strator stated this should be quite a benefit recommended and this position was budgeted. a new employee in his office and the County Admini- to hi.m. Mr. Shepard stated she came highly REPORT BY MR. WII,I,IAMS ON NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMPIISSIONERS' ANNUAL CONVENTION - Chairman Harriss asked Mr. Williams to give report on the Annual Convention of the North ~ Carolina Association of County Commissioners which he attended last week. Mr. Williams stated there were several items of interest heard during the convention; one was a revision to the Convention's by-laws, a recommendation which he presented and which was approved with slight amendment clarifying the voting procedure in the Convention and in district meetings. Also, the Convention took action on revenue sharing proposal which it had not previously done. After a lot of consideration, Mr. Williams stated he oS£ered a substitute motion that the Commissioners oppose revenue sharing proposals until at least such time as the National Budget is balanced and the nation has made progress toward reducing the National debt. Mr. Williams stated his substitute motion failed. There were very few votes, yes or no, but it did carrg. Mr. Williams was of the opinion it was an item brought suddenly beYore the convention without previous notice and so ma~y people are confused over it that a major portion of the delegates did not vote one way or the other. Mr. Williams stated he presented several other resolutions which'were~referred to the I,egislative Committee; namely resolution favoring authorization for Councils of Government to assume the role of law enforcement planning wiits, resolution favoring City and County re- presentation on the Governor's Law and Order Committee to he increased in keepin$ with an action earlier of the Board o£ New Hanover County Commissioners, resolution favorin~ continua- tion of legislative provisions that Policy Board members of Councils o£ Government shall be elected City and County governing board members only, and resolution endorsing legislation to authorize County Commissioners to exercise planning and zoni.ng control•within the one mile area adjacent to the City Limits. Invitation to hold the next Annual Convention next year in New Hanover County was presented and will be acted on very shortly by the Board of Directors, and Mr. Williams was of the opinion if they do not delay so long that space is not available, they will come here next year. Mr. Williams checked with the facility here where the Convention was held last year and obtained available dates in July and August of next year which were furnished the Board of Directors. Also, a contest was held again for one of the officers; the second Vice-President, from the floor which livened up the Convention. Mr. Williams stated the Convention was well attended, all sessions. Approximately 600 people registered for the convention. CONTRACT BET4IEEN THE CITY AND COUNTY D. C. - CIVIC CENTER COMPT~EX - Above contract to make a formal Board and the City of Wilmington was had been approved by the County Atto revenues for its portion. This is a AND HAMMER, GRr.r~iv~,, SILER ASSOCIATES OF WASHINC~.'ON, study of a civic center as proposed sometime ago bq this presented by Mr. Harriss. Mr. Harriss stated contract cney with specification County will have to use non-tax fifty-fifty proposition with the City. Mr. Bowden stated he had worked with Mr. Kent Walker who is Chairman o£ the Committee studgin$.the need £or the civic center and this committee had visited various places having civic centers, trying to analyze from the people that built them the true purpose and how one can be adapted to the Wilmington area and i~ it is feasible. Mr. Bowden stated Hammer-Greene- Siler Associates carry through from the beginning with a public notice and apprise the people of what they are doing so far as public relations, and then they conduct their survey with people on the street as well as the governing boards. To do this requires them to spend some three and one-half months as a team here. Mr. Bowden stated o£ all the contracts that had been proposed to the Committee, Mr. Walker recommended this one, and he, Mr. Bowden, agreed with him after listening to Mr. Walker's descriptions, and would recommend this be accepted. Total contract price is $9600 and County's portion is $4800. Five thousand dollars has been appropriated in the bud~et for this study. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board authorize the employment of this firm, as recommended by the Advisory Committee, subject to concurrence by the City, and•the Chairman be authorized to sign for the Count~. rotion carried unanimously. CAT CONTROI, - Mr. Harriss stated the County is becoming swamped with cats. This statement was based on letter received from Mr. J. W. Johnson who stated there is no cat control in New Hanover County and they are the second lar~est carrier of rabies. Also, they are not taxable. Mr. Harriss stated he would like to ask Nir. Bowden, with consent of the Commissioners, to study the problem with Mr. Johnson and try to come up with a solution. Mr. Williams pointed out since this is a Health problem it might be well to ask Dr. Knox or some representative from the Health Department to be in on the study. Mr. Harriss stated it is a City problem also. Mr. Bowden stated medical research laboratories are buying cats and it would be to the County's advantage to give them to medical research. By common consent the Commissioners agreed to request Mr. Bowden study the question and Mr. Harriss so instructed Mr. Bowden. , s~J Minutes of the Meeting - August 16, 19~1 (Continued) TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION - Mr. George Harrison, representative from the Taxpayers Association, appeared before the Board and commended the Commission £or not increasing the tax rate £or the 19~1-~2 fiscal year; reminding the School Board that they do not have the legal power to obligate the County to purchase buses and equipment to comply with Judge Butler's latest order. Mr. Harrison had three questions he would like answered for the Association and had discussed them Friday with ~Mr. Bowden. Mi~. Bowden stated one of the questions was what the duties of the Administrative Officer would be and this had already been gone over earlier this morning when Mr. Grubbs was introduced. 7~ Another question was wt~y a local person was not hire•. It was pointed out by Mr. Bowden the position has been in the budget since last year. Mr. Bowden stated he had worked through the schools to find someone locally, worked through the various personnel departments in the industries that he has contacts with, the job has been advertised and certainly, through the efforts of the local news media and the Association, the job has been well publicized. No qualified applicants from Wilmington applied. After interviewing Mr. Grubbs he felt he had the qualifications needed £or the position, and could wait no longer to fill the position. Mr. Harrison stated the County had operated over a hundred years without the County Administrator position and Mr. Grubbs' position and wanted to know if the County had grown so much in the past four years that the services of these two are required to fill position that no one use to fill. Chairman Harriss replied to this by stating that two things have happened: (1) growth o£ the County in population, and (2) growth of government programs in which the County has become ,~ involved both of necessity and through choice in order to get ertain funds from the Federal and State Governments for £unctioning of the County Government. . Mr. Harriss stated Mr. Bowden had needed someone to assist him with the work load ever since he had first become County Administrator; it is more than a~y one person can handle. Since the County has grown it has become necessary for it to get in the zonin~ and p1~T~^~I1g field, mobile homes, subdivision ordinances, dog control system, and at the present a study is being made of water and sewer problems. Mr. Williams stated when he first came on the Board there was a full time Chairman posing as "County Manager", later on an Executive Secretary who performed executive functions £or the Board, then a County Manager called a County Manager. Now, we have a County Manager called a County Administrator, but the Board has had for all the years some person serving full time in that position with varyin~ titles. Nothing is new about the position, only the title. At this point, Chairman Harriss excused himself from the meeting to go to Fa,yetteville to represent the County with Mayor Schwartz and Col. Denison. Vice-Chairman Williams took the chair at this time. Mr. Harrison asked if the County employees had increased to such an extent to warrant an assistant or man as a personnel dir.ector. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Grubbs will not be solely a personnel director; this will be his ~; primary area. Mr. Bowden stated all departments had increased in order to perform thier jobs. Mr. Bowden clarified the misunderstanding that he, Mr. Bowden, was not in favor bf a County Manager when he was serving as a Commissioner. Mr. Bowden stated he was at that time ~ and is now in favor o£ a~professional County Manager and the record will so show. Mr. Bowden stated he felt the stronger we make our local government the more chance we have for survival of our type o£ government as.we know it. Mr. Harrison raised point of additional revenue due to additional valuation increasing the budget considerably and requested what additional services the County is furnishing for this additional revenue. Mr. Williams pointed out Mr. Harrison sat through some of the budget requests and was aware that the Board reduced substantially some of the requests that were made. Mr. Williams stated if it had not been for the increase in the tax base and the reinstatement of the Sales Tax, services would have had to be seriously and dangerously curtailed or else there would have been an increase in the tax rate. Mr. Williams suggested i£ Mr. Harrison had specifics, he confer with the County Administrator who can furnish background information, or if he would like to meet with the Commissioners, he would certainly try to meet with him. Mr. Williams stated he appreciated Mr. Harrison's interest and attitude. Mr. Harrison stated adoption of a unitary method of evaluating employee services and salaries is a tremendous step forward, and if the public can be made aware o£ this situation they would back the Board 100 percent. This is something the public is not familiar with and it would be to the advantage of the Board if this information can be made available to the public. Mr. Bowden stated to cut the tax rate one cent would mean cutting $66,000 in services from the budget and the general fund represented slightly more than one cent. This was confirmed by Mr. Shepard. Mr. Shepard pointed out services were increased by providing for the Juvenile Detention Center and $100,000 £or a Health Building and $100,000 toward a new jail. Mr. Harrison commended the Commission for placing in the budget, over a period of years, sufficient money so when the County does have to re-evaluate property it will not cost one-half million dollars in one year. J ~ 696 Minutes of the Meetine -.Au~ust l~, '!Q~i -~Continued) - BID-OPEN2NG - 25-TON SEMI-TRAII,ER LOW BED FOR HEA7lPH DEPARTMENTS - It was learned that through error bids on nine semi-trailers had been requested whereas bids should have been requested only on one. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the bids be returned unopened, and Mr. Shepard readvertise for one unit at the earliest possible legal date. Motion carried unanimously. SCHOOI, BOARD RE9UEST - Request from the School Board to trans£er $66,~63 £rom Building Reserve Fund to Building Fund was discussed. This transfer was reguested for purpose of replacing o££ice equipment lost in the fire at Hemenway Hall. Mr. Williams stated he was of opinion School Board should be made aware of the ~act the Board had requested that requests for fund transfers or appropriations be made ~ri advance of Board meetin~s in order for the Commissioners to have an opportunity tb study them before taking action. After discussion o£ whether to table this request or not, Ifir. Hall stated the School Board has a problem and felt this reguest should be acted on today. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that in view of the emergency nature of the supplies needed in order to get the Board of Education back in operation, that this request be granted at this time and the County Administrator be directed to write them a letter remindin~ them of the Board's usual procedure which is to f~irnish reguest in time for study before meetings o~ the Board. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 10:20 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:30 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING - REGUI,ATIONS FOR WATERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY IN THE VICINITY OF CAROLINA BEACH - Mr. YJilliams declared public hearing open for discussion of regulations for waters in the vicinity of Carolina Beach. Mr. Fox read resolution for adoption by the Board to be ilirnished the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission requesting a no-wake ordinance for the area at Carolina Beach. Nr. Williams stated request originated with officials from Carolina Beach and this Commission does not have authority to adopt such regulations, it only had the authority to recommend such re~ulations to the Wildlife Resources Commission. Councilman Batson from Carolina Beach was recognized at this time. Mr. Batson stated what the Town was interested in is to have a no-wake zone from Snooas Cut Marina south to the Carolina Beach Yacht Basin. This was in conflict with Mayor. Kepley's request tha1; it begin at Mark 161 going south. P1r. Batson said to extend no-wake zone flirther would endanger water skiing in the area. "Mr. Fox stated if the area to be regulated is within City Zimits of Carolina Beach they have prerogative to request permission from the Wildlife Commission. Mr. L. W. George, operator of Snows G~.it Narina spoke in favor o£ original request of no-wake zone beginning at Marker 161 south in Carolina Beach Basin. Others in favor of no-wake zone be~innin~ at Marker 161 south were Hope Bullock, E. L. Koonce, John Haples and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohen. All stated they had suf£ered damage from wakes. After further discussion, be common consent, it was agreed to defer this matter until clarification of vahether the Town of Carolina Beach or the County Commissioners should petition the Wildlife Resources Commission for the 1aw for a no-wake zone. Nr. Fox stated he would talk with the attorney o~ Carolina Beach and obtain description o£ area o£ water falling within the Town's jurisdiction and which proposal they desire; Mr. Batson's recommendation or Mayor I~epley's request. Also, Mr. Williams stated, with the consent of the two other Commissioners, the County Attorney is requested to write the North Carolina Wildlife Commission for an official ruling on the provision that subdivisions of the State may make this request. Mr. Williams closed the hearing and stated action is deferred until flarther information is received. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the ~.ommission, Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by T'Ir. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /~ ~