1966-11-15 Special Meeting~ 1 Minutes of ineeting November 7, 1966 - continued. ORDER FOR SECOND SPECIAL VENIRE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE OF NORTH CAROLIIA COUIVTY OF NE'v! HANOVER vs WILLIAN SCOTTIE INGHRAN TO CLERK OF THE BOARD OF CONll~IISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, GREETINGS: Whereas it has been found necessary, to the end that a fair and impartial trial of the defendant, who stands charged with the crime of rape, be had; that a second special venire of 99 persons be summonsed to act as jurors or so many= of them as deemed necessary so to do in the trial of said action; and it further appearing to the Court that said 99 persons should be drawn from the jury box of New Hanover County in the manner prescribed by law for the drawing of said jurors: NOW, THEREFORE, you are commanded to bring into open Court the jury boxes of New Hanover County, and to cause to be drawn therefrom, from box no. 1, 99 scrolls or names by a child under ten years of age, the names drawn there- from to constitute the second special venire for the trial of the above-entitled case, and a list of said names be furnished by the Clerk of said Board to the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County, North Carolina. This 8th day of November, 1966. /s/ Jurors - Second Special Venire November Andrews, J. C. 3615 Winston Blvd Bell; Joel P. 2818 Caro.Bch Rd Campbell, Daniel G., 2627 Burnett Blvd Carter, W. H., 1013 S. Front Chadwisk, Steila S., (}112 Greenfield Cooper, 5. E. P. O. Box 1631 Croom, Kenneth RFD 3, B 176 Davis, Vinson RFD 2, B 324 Davis, Zack RFD 3, B 517 Dobo, G.w. s.424, Wrightsv Beach ` Farr, F. W. 5326 Autumn Dr. Farrar, Mrs. Nellie G. PO !}18 Ferger, James ~.816 UJrightsv,Ave . Futch, Wilbur RFD 2, B. 236 Ganon, D.a. 4mii Greenway Ave. Graham, John W. 1}950 Wrightsv. Ave Hanson, Katherine V. P.O.Box 233 Harris, M. L. Jr.2528 Monroe St. ' , Harper, C. L. 311 Kidder ~ Harvell, James O.Jr, 2402 Market ~ Hayes, Estella 610 S. 14th St. Henry, Annie Mae (}812 Park Ave. Holmes, Pearlie c/o Moore-Fonvielle Hooper, J. A. 118 N. 9th St. Horne, John Vance RFD 1, B 129A Jackson, Clarence !}16 4Jright St.= Jones, Shirley F. 641 Market St. Judge, John RFD 1, B 1}23 Langley, C.M. !}q21 Oleander Dr. Lefler, Maurice R. 302 Barclay Hills Dr Lem, David Chow, Carolina Beach,NC. Lennon, Mrs. R.Y. 2712 Park Ave. Lewis, Frenc~, 140 Stonwall Jackson D Kerr, E.A. ,Tr. 1~5 5. sth Kniaht, Peter L,Jr. 312 5. Front St. Nack, Thelma, 6722 Wrightsv.Ave. Manuel, Harry Lee, 516 Anderson St. Nrarks, H.A. RFD 2, B. 6~ Mason, J. M. 406 S. !}6th Maxwell, Edward 1113 Campbell McCarley, J. III,(}O10 Caro Bch Rd. Mclntosh, N~artha, B.356,Caro.Bch,NC McKinney, Robt B.Jr 1}60!} Mockingbird McNeill, S.Frank P. 0. Box 327 Mishoe, Luna I. 608 Orange Moore, Clarence L. 1}9 Woodlawn Moore, Francis M. 1}112 Peachtree St. Morse, C.S. 2267 Camellia Dr. !, Nurphy, M.B. 207 Keaton Ave. Murphy, Robt C. 2412 Jackson Georqe N. Fountain JUDGE PRESIDING 9, 1966. ~Myers, B 63l~A, Caro. Beach, N.C. Newell, C.R. (}05 N. Kerr Ave Newkirk, ,Iames T. 507 S. 1!}th St Nobles, Ellis Vance 20 Morningside Dr. Northam, J. T. 308 Hidder St. Orrell, E. A. l}205 Wrightsv. Ave. Orrell, J.D.Jr,RFD 2, B 123 Orrell, Norwood 1619 Princess 5t. Page, L.M., 1721 Carolina Ave. Parker, J.B.Jr, 5214 Park Ave Pigford, Vera 1313 Cape Fear Ave. Pigford, Victoria RFD 1, B. 84 Plisco, Noah 601 N. 4th St. Powell, Mrs. Nellie R. 620 Harnett Randall,Wm. M. 4622 Mockingbird Dr. - Raney, W.A. P.O.Box 299 ~ ~ Redd. Hazel R. RFD 3, B!}9 Rich, Lilly Bell 104 Queen Richardson, James 0. 112 Frances Marion Dr. Rivenbarlc, Charles 4935 wrightsv Ave Robertshaw, Walter F. 211} 5. 58th Ross, Mariah, RFD 2, B 339 Schley, T.B. RFD 2, B. 13t}1 Schneider, William M. RFD 3, B 506 Shaw, H.B. 511 Grace 5t. Shipman, Alvie C. 205 N. 12th Sidbury, Charity P. RFD 1,B.19~} Sidbury Walter 1001 Campbell St Sikes, Helen V, B.588a, Caro. Bch,N.C. Sikes, L.W. 507 5. lath St. Smith,Cliff H. Sr. PO B 105, Caro. Bch.NC Spencer, Drue A. 2004 Kent St. , Stanley, Arthur R. 207 Hillandale Dr. Stanley, Francis E. 121 Keaton Ave. Stone, J.S. P.O.Box 396 , Storey, J.H. 1110 Dawson Sutherland, Ben F. RFD 3, Box 117 ~Sutherland, Francis E. l}20 Pine Hills Southerland, Henry J. 317 Lullwater Dr Washington, Stephen 912 N. 5th St. Weiss, Alex 26 Robert E. Lee Dr. White, Clyde W.,Jr. 5433 Ridgewood Hgts. White, Elvie L, Jr.P.O.Box 509 Widenhouse, A.C. P.O. Box 791 Williams, George H. RFD 1, B 129-C Williams, H.W. 51l} Park Terrace Williams; J.S. 112•.S. 13th St. Wilson, W. H. 423 McRae Ave ~ Wood, W.L. Jr. RFD 1, B.,..330B . ~ SPECIAL CALLED MEETING ASSEMBLY - The Board the Chairman on November 15, 1966 8:30 A.M. of Covnty Commissioners met in Special Session at the request of. the above date in the Commissioners~ Room with the following ' ~~V . members present: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, I 2 Minutes of ineeting Movember 15, 1966 - continued Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan and the County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. The County Attorney, L. Bradford Tillery, was out of town and unable to be present for the meeting. PURPOSE-WAIVER - The Chairman announced that he had called this meeting for the purpose of selecting an Independent Auditor to audit the accounts of the County Auditor between the dates of July 1, 1966 and December 1966 in view of the change to be made in that office at that time. He asked if one member would move to waive the notice of ineeting as required under G.S. 153-8. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the waiver of the legal notice. INDEPENDENT AUDIT - The Chairman stated that he had discussed this matter with one or two auditors who assured him that if an audit was completed within the period of July lst to December 5th that the annual audit could beg,in at that point and would cost correspondingly less than the regular annual audit. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak moved that Cherry, Bekaert, and Holland be employed to audit the office of the County Auditor between the period of July 1, 1966 and December 5, 1966 subject to the approval of the Local Government Commission. It was seconded by Nr. Bowden. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Hall offered a substitute motion that the firm of Wm. C. Barfield be employed to make the independent audit as he has served the County well and competently for some time and recently completed for the fiscal year 1965-66 and he feels the cost would be less because of his f2miliarity with the records. There was no second to his substitute motion and the Chairman declared it dead. After briefly discussing the matter further, the bailot was taken and Mr. Hail voted "no" with the state- ment that he has a high regard for Cherry, Bekaert and Holland. The Chairman declared the original motion carried by a majority vote. SUPERIOR COURTROOM - Mr. Bowden reported that Mr. R. J. Schnell, who is connected with the local Labor Union, has asked that the County permit them to use the Superior Courtroom on Sunday, November 20th for the specific purpose of presenting the new contract between the management and employees of the Timme Corporation. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by ~r. Hall, the Board unanimously approved it for this specific purpose. A. C. L. PASSENGER SERV~DCE - Mr. Hall made the following remarks: "I want to talk. about the proposal of the A. C. L. Railroad to cut off the only passenger service out of Wilmington to the north. I recognize the followir.g facts: (1) The passenger service, according to A. C. L. officials is not z-:paying propositfon. ' (2) The freight service out of New Hanover County is a paying proposition. ~3) The A. C. L. does operate under a franchise which, whije it limits competition; also has the moral obligation of rendering some public service, individual items of which might not be profitable, but which should morally be included in the over211 operation. Before this body goes on record as agreeing with the A. C. L, proposal to abandon passender service out of Wilrr,ington for an operation which loses $180,000 a year, we should ask for an audited statement or balance sheet from the A: C. L. as to the profit on the freiyht business which is generated from this area. And if the overall profit is .sufficient, the passenger service should be a continuing part of the overall operation. We have always felt here that we are akin to the A. C. L. -- but if the profit figures indicate a very profitable operation here, overall, and if the A. C. L. does not feel any public service oblisation here; then it may be our duty to see if it is possible to get some other railroad invited to look us over -- to include passenger service. Now gentlemen, the A. C. L. may be right~-- but - until we have asked for additional information, and looked it over, we should withhold approval. This still has to be passed on by the Interstate Commerce Commission. I move that we ask for additional information to justify the deletiorar of this service." ~'he motion was seconded by Mr. Bowden. After some discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that this subject be placed on the agenda for discussion at the regular meeting to be held next Monday. The Chairman dec2ared it dead for lack of a second. The ballot was then taken on the original motion and Messrs. Hooper and Vaughan voted the motion and Messrs. Bowden, Braak, and Hall voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it carried by majority vote. ADJOURNN~NT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Bowden offered a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary