1966-11-21 Regular Meeting3~ Wilmington, N. C., November 21, 1966 -8:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - ~ The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A.M., in the Cou nty Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners, Peter H. Braak, Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M, Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vavghan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Mr. James E. Marshall, the new County Manager, was also present for the meeting and introduced to all members of the Board, the press and those present. INVOCATInN - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Rev.~A. F. Hooper, Pastor of Price Cathedral A.M.E.Z. Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before approving the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 7th, the following amendments were authoti2ed: In the paragraph headed"AIRPORT- FOREMENS TRAINIA~G CENTER ELECTRIC BIL1,"in the motion made by Nr. Vaughan after tfie word "water pump" insert "subject to the approval of the Airport Manager with administrative authority to arrange its installation." In the paragraph "WAIVER OF PENALTY", include "Mr. Bowden oPPered a motion Lhat the recommendation be approved." In the paraoraph headed "ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF ASSESSiNG OFFICERS" after the word "go" just before the motion, add the words "at the County's expense". In the paragraph "AUDITOR-APPOINTIVE OR ELECTIVE", delete ±he words in the first sentence "He made several attempts" and insert the words "The Board had made several attempts". After making the above corrections and amendments, ~ Mr. Hall moved approval of the minutes as amended. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously carried. . Before approvin~ the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of November 15, The Bo2rd suggested that December ~th be included in the motion relative to the independent audit. After making this correction, ~r. Braak moved that the minutes be approved. It was seconded by Nr. Bowden and unanimovsly approved. WELFARE' 1:IEN ~. Mr. Harold Sternberger appeared before the Board and stated that he was interested itt the Annie J. Bilbro property~ described as being a half acre, part of the Gore Tract 2 N 190, Lot 11}. The Public Welfare Department has a lien recorded against the property for $13,768.00 as a result of grants made to the owners. The Executive Secretary reported that he had authorized the County Property Assessors to supply him with a fair market value, which is $5,000. Mr. Sternberger stated that Cobie~s Funeral Home had a bill for funeral expenses amounting to $600.00 and that accrued taxes amounted to $179.63 and that there would be some additional travel expense and attorney fees before the County could realize any net profits from the ifen. After a brief discussion, Mr. Bowden moved that the Board not release the lien for less than the fair market value of $5,000. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. WAIVER OF PET?ALTY - The Executive Secretary reported that he had received a letter from ~iss Valeria E. Williams, who is 87,years old and has a physical impairment of one of her legs, requesting that tax penalties aoainst her property and that of her sister Mrs. Clyde ~r1. Willson, be waived. Mrs. Willson has been in a nursing home for more than two years and is an invalid and depends on Miss Williams for everything. The Tax Supervisor recommends that the penalties be waived because of,the physical incspacities mentioned above. The County Attorney ruled that the Board had leyal authority to waive it, Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that the recommendation of the Tax Supervisor to waive the penalties be approved. It was seccnded by Mr. Hail and when the ballot idas taken, Mr. Vaughan requested that he abstain from voting by the Chairman declared the motion prevailed since all other members voted for it. DRAINAGE - WALLACE AVE. - A letter was received from the State Hioh4iay Commission recommending that the State Highway Commission participate in the drainage problem in the Pine Hills Subdivision traversed by Wallace Ave. in the amount of $10,000 and suggeste~ that it would require from $16,000 to $25,000 depending on the type system installed arhich would have to be borne by the property owners or others. The Chsirman reported to the Board that copies of this correspondence and recommen- dation had been referred to the Consolidated Planning Commission for their study and recommendatio+i. COUNTY DRAINAGE In the discussion of the drainaoe problem above, the Board briefly considere9 the present dragline operation operated by Consolidated Board of Health under the Mosquito Control Program. It was unanimously agreed, byt common consent, that the Commissioners should receive a monthly report from Mr. lai. H. Cranford,,Direct~r of Sanitation. They authorized the Executive Secretary to notify Mr. Cranford. ROAD PETITION- A request was received from property owners on ~Second Ave:~bet~.,reen Alabama Ave. and Ocean Blvd. at Wilmington Beach for adding them to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the • Board unanimously authorized them to be sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. MECHANICAL VOTING - Mr. Hall obsorved that this last election has changed his mind about the advantages of inechanical voting machines. Up to this time, he has been convinced that the primary advantage is allowing the candidates and the public to receive the results sooner to satisfy their curiosity but he now feels that the County should give serious consideration to mechanical voting machines. He suggested r 4 Minutes of ~eetino November 21, 1966 -continued. that they should be leased on a trial basis or if they decide to purchase one, a rental purchase lease basis. He thought the possibility of using them in several of the larger precincts might prove helpful in ma~ino the decision to purchase. Dr. Hooper explained to the Board that in his conversation with the Board of Elections, the number required for voting in New Hanover County would depend largely on the number of precincts which at present number 29 but they felt like it might be that the number could be reduced to 20. Nr. Henry C. Bost who represents one of the companies who manufacture voting machines approved for use by the State of North Carolina, was present and he informed the Board, that based on voter registration in the County, it would require 64 machines but based on voter participation, they could be reduced to between 35 and 40. In evaluating these two viewpoints he wouid recommend a total of 55. He reminded the Board that since 1956 he had been recommending a permanent voter system for the County and the consolidation of the precincts. He is convinced that mechanical voting machines would pay for themselves over a long period of time as they never wear out and give minimum of inechanical trouble. He pointed out that in his experience only one machine had given any trouble at all and that they could not be rigged without the full cooperation of election officials. After a thorough discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be authorized to appoint a Committee including himseif, the P~ayor of the City of Wilmington, the County Manager, the City Manager and both City and County Attorneys,~he Chairmen of the two political parties and the Chairman of the Election Board to study ways and means of streamlining the votino system in New Hanover County, including mechanical voting machines, consider the consolidation of precincts, the permanent voter registration system and bring back a recommendation for installing them. It was seconded by ~r. Vaughan and unanimously carried. LEGISLATION - ' Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the Board of Commissioners go on record as approving asking the Representatives to the next General Assembly to present a Bill making mechanical voting machines and/or votino tabulators, or counting machines, legal for New Hanover County. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. During the discussion, N~r. Hall stated that since he did not know what kind of a recommendation this Committee would suggest, he wanted it understood that he did not want to commit himself to any action untii he knew the facts. ldhen the ballot was taken, Nr. Hall voted "No" with the above explanation but since all other members of the Board voted "Yes", the Chairman declared the motion adopted by majority vote. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Messrs. Seymour L. A~~per, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. M. C. Brown, a member of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Emory N. Grubbs, Consultant, arid Mr. Fred C. Ballard, the Comptroller of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital, appearcd before the Board and announced that the hospital opening date would probably be nearer March than February, however, they were shooLing at a February goal. They informed the Board of Commissioners that the hospital would need a current opening bank account of not less than $200,000. Mr. Brown advised that his Committee had reported to the Board of County Commissioners from time to time on the progress of the hospital finances. The construction cost of the hospital has been well within the funds provided by the Bond Issue and the ~edical Care Commission and other contribvtions. Dr. Hooper observed that it is his understanding that if the Board of Commissioners set up the current opening bank account, that it is a non-recurring expenditure and that further requests would not be necessary. Mr. Alper pointed out that there are many imponderables which are unknown at this time and while it is their hope that no further funds will be necessary, he did want the Board to understand that they did not contemplate coming back for more funds. Dr. Hooper assured them that it is the purpose of the County to pay all the reimbursable costs allowed by the Federal agencies for indigents. Auditor~s Recommendation - Chairman Hooper stated that he had been in touch with County Auditor T. D. Love who had worlced out funds which amounted approximately $190,000 which could be used as an opening operating bank account for opening the hosp4tal: Total Hospital Receipts $10,105,355•66 Total Estimated Expenditures Unspent B~lance on Hand at Opening Date Authorized purchases through present Community Hospital Budget Transfer from Reserve Fund at County Home to General Fund Transfer from General Fund Unappropriated Reserve to Memorial Hospital Fund ~13,427•56 During the latter parL of the fiscal year, it is estimated that approximately $17,000 will be returned in sales tax. Total Available Funds for Opening Bank Account 10,0l+5,20(}.00 60,151.b6 50,000.00 63,000.00 17,000.00 $ 190,151.66 Dr. Hooper moved that the recommendations of the County Auditor be approved and that the funds be made available to the Hospital Board as of March lst and that the County would pay full reimbursable costs for indigents not to exceed the current amount allowed by the Federal Government. it was seconded by Mr. Braak but before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion the same as the one offered above by Dr. Hooper except ttiat delete "current Federal Government reimbursable costs." There was no second to the substitute ~~ Minute of the N,eeting November 21, 1966 -continued motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. When the ballot was taken on the original motion, Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" stating that he did not have an adeq uate explana- tion of the financial burden of the Co unty. Th e Chairman deciared the original motion adopted by majority vote as all other me mbers voted in thea ffirmative. AIRPORT -ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS- Pursuant to authoriiation by the Board of Commissioners to•adv ertise f~or proposals for alterations and addition s at the New Hanover Covnty A irport Tenrinal Building, the followinc bids were rece ived and opened: CONTRACTORS BID BOND SASE BID SUB. COMP. General F.R. King Const. 5~ ~33,g44•a~ 135 Miller Bldg Corp. 5% 30,985.00 120 Luther T. Rogers 5~ 38;900.00 180 W. A. Simon Nor.e None None Electric' A. B. Blake Elec. 5% 2,677.00 As Contract Graves Elec. Co 5~ 3,o86.0o Progresses Hodges Electric Co 5~ 3,664.00 " Paul T.Turner Elec. $% 2,~$2•00 ------ Heatinq ~ Cannon Ref Co. None Hanover Iron Wks. sq, Jorden-Blanton-Mryers 5~ Temperature Control None None None 3,064.00 ~~~gr~~b9eneral 3,740.00 ~, None None By common consent, the Board referred the bids to Oxenfeld and Newkirk Architects on the project for their tabulation and study. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to sign a cnntract on beh2lf of the Ce~an±y to the low bidder upo:; the recanimen~atiori of i;ia ar•chitzcts. It was seconded by Mr. Ha11 and unanimously passed. TRAINING SCHOOL DONATION - The Chairman presented a letter from the Business Nanager of the Caswell Center at Kinston, N. C. asking for their annual Christmas contribution. The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that they had in the past allowed the Public Welfare Director to allocate the County Aid on the basis of the number of New Hanover County residents in each of the Training Centers. The budgeted allotment this year is $150.00 and upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved referrino the matter to the Public Welfare Director to make the allocations out of this fund. MENTAL HEALTH CENTER The Chairman informed the Board that in accordance with their authorization and wishes, he had arranged a meeting with the Mental Health Advisory Coi3ncil for Tuesday, November 29th at 1}:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Carolina Savings znd Loan Building. WILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER NNSEUM A letter was received from Mr. T. O. Page, Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Wilmington-New Hanover Nuseum advising the Board that they had employed an interim Director until December lst when the new Director, Mr. Gray Eyster, whom they have employed to replace Mr. Robbi L. Nurnberger, residned, will come in as a permanent employee. OPPORTUNITIES, INC.- Mr. Bowden reported that he undersLands Opportunities, Inc. can furnish help under their program which might save the County some money in re-establishing the Museum when the new Director comes in. Mr. Vaughan sugoested that a visit by t~e Commissioners might prove helpful in April in determining their budget. INDEPENDENT AUDIT County Auditor T. D. Love; Jr. explained to the Commissioners that he under- stood the Independent Auditor had presented his report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966 in which he stated that all monies belonging to 9nd accruing to New Hanover County during the period under review for which the County Auditor is responsible have been deposited in approved depositories. He admitted that on occasions the press of business prevented him from making daily deposits and that there were a few errors in classification posting because of nea~ persannel, however, they have been corrected and made no materiai effect on the fund totals, He explained that all advances to employees were made from authori2ed funds bvt on occasion if an employee was ta]cing his vacation and would not be present at the regular pay period he would advance the salary which he considered earned. The Board thanked him for the explanation and, by common consent, decided to delay formal acceptance of the audit until the next meeting. APPROPRIATION - AUDIT EXPENSES - The County Auditor presented a bill from the Independent Auditor in the amount of $9,1}72,50 but stated that only $9,000.00 had been budgeted, therefore an additional appropriation of $!}72.50 is necessary to complete payment. By common consent, the Board agreed to withhold the appropriation until the formal' acceptance of the audit at the next meeting. AUDITOR OFFICE ACCOUNTS - Mr. Love pointed out to the Commissioners that there is always a normal lag in the posting of work in the office due to closing out the accounts of the previous fiscal year and the delay in posting due to the fact that the Independent Auditor had tohhave the books to make his explanation and report. He told the Board that the present bookkeeping system is a simple, accurate one which has proved satisfactory over the years. ~ 6 Minutes of ineeting November 21, 1966 -continued TRANSFERS -PUBLIC WELFARE - HOSPITALIZATION - ~r. Love reported that in the No Noney Payments of Public Assistance, $500.00 additional funds were needed for the A.D.C. Account and $1,000.00 is needed in the A.P.T.D. Fund. He anticipates that the State and Federal portion for the A.D.C. would amount to $3,000.00 and for the A.P.T.D. approximately $5,000. He recommended that $500 be trans- ferred from Public Assistance SS-1~ to No Money Payments -A.D.C. and that $1,000 be transferred out of Public Assistance SS-14 to the No Money Payments - A.P.T.D. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, deferred any further action on this recommendation but requested the Public Welfare Director to be present at the next Board meeting for a fulier discussion of the problem. APPROPRIATION - INDEPENDE~T AUDITOR - County Auditor Love informed the Board that the contract for the audit to be made for the period ~uly 1, 1966 through December 5, 1966 in the transfer of the Auditor•t:s office to the newly elected Auditor had been awarded but that no fund had been appro- priated to pay it. He recommended that $b,000 be set aside out of the budget for the annual audit for this purpose. After some discussion, it was decided that the fvnds should be taken out of the Emergency Fund and Dr. Hooper offered a motion that $6,000 be appropriated out of the Emergency Fund to cover this cost. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. COUNTY MANAGER TRAVEL BILLS - The Chairman asked the County Auditor if he was still holding three travel bills incurred during the interviews for County Manager whoch had not been approved becavse they were not itemi2ed. He admitted that he still had them unpaid. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously authorized the Auditor to go ahead and pay the bills. ELECTION BILLS - Mr. Vaughan presented the bills incurred during the past election by the precinct workers and other miscellaneous costs. He reported that he had spent several hours going over these bills with the Chairman of the Board of Elections. He commented on several of the bills which seemed to him questionab2e. Some of them were not figured in accordance with the guidelines out2ined by the Board to the Board of Elections in a letter dated July 25th, 1966. Mr. Vaughan pointed out the difference between the bill presented for Mr, Nrayo Holmes in the amount of $120:00, and the one presented for Nm. Leon E. Broadhurst for $225.00. He assumed that both of the members of the Board of Electimns had put in the same number of hours since they were not itemi2ed on the bill. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offerQd a motion that Mr. Holmes also be paid $225.00 in the event he put in as much time as Mr. Broadhurst. There was no second to this motibn and the Chairman declared it dead. Dr. Hooper then moved all bills in connection with the Election Board members, Mr. Otto K. Pridgen; II, Mr. L. E. Broadhurst and Mr. Mayo Holmes, for personal services only be paid if presented in accordance with the gulde- liries contained in a letter dated July 25th and hand delivered to the Chairman of the Board of Elections, be paid. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. GENERAL ELECTION BILLS - Mr. Vaughan then moved that all of the bills presented for payment which agreed with the guidelines sent the Board of Elections on July 25th be paid, i.e., all even days~ bills and that all other bills be returned to the Chairman of the Board of Elections requesting that they be resubmitted to comply with the instrvctions in the guidelines, after which they will be promptly paid. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unani~;ousiy adopted. CONSOLIDATED INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Chairman Hooper informed the Board that he had recently learned that the City Insurance Advisory Committee oniy had 5 persons on it. Under the provisicns of the consolidated agreement, it is necessary to have 6, therefore he recommends that Mr. Hardy Wessell be appointed to serve on that Committee. He moved adoption of this of this recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary was authorized to notify the Committee of this appointment. MENiO OF UNDERSTANDING - Chairman reported that he had had an inquiry from the State Highway Planning Engineer regarding the Nemo of Understanding which was discussed briefly at the joint meeting of the two boards on October 31st askiny about the present status of the proposed Memorandum. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, in- structed the Executive Secretary to send it to the County Attorney for review. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT - SURPLUS COMMODITIES- The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the Supervisor of the Svrplus Food Commodity Prooram has requested disposition of the files containing the records of the surplus food commodities since its inception. As he understands the require- ments of the latir, the Board of Commissioners are individuaily responsibie for these records for 5 years. He advised the Surplus Commodity Supervisor to take them with him to the office of the Food Stamp Proaram if theeeis room which he assured the Executive Secretary there is. By common consent, the Board authorized this matter referred to the new County Manager for disposition. PERbONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS - Mr. Vaughan stated that ~:he personnel systems recommended by the Consultant and approved by the Board are now in the hands of the County Manager and he offered a motion that his first order of business be to take steps to institute the personnel system and implement the personnel proaram and be ready to make recommendations for salary adjustments ir. accordance with the letter mailed to the employes of the County Oct, its provisions at the first meeting in January 1967. By common consent of the Board, this motion was unanimously approved. ~, Minutes of Meeting November 21, 1966 - continued. SEASHORE RECREATION - Mr. Vaughan advised the Board that he had been in touch with the owners of property along the seashore between Nasonboro Inlet and Carolina Beach Inlet and consulted with engineers about making a brochure from aerial photographs. He stated that preparation of such a brochure would cost in the neighborhood of $100.00 and moved that the Board appropriate an amount from the Advertising and Industrial Fund to cover the cost. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. In the discussion, Mr. Hall stated that he would like to make it~plain that he is for recreation and conservation but he did not want his approval of this motion to commit him to any future decision. The motion passed unanimously. REM.ARKS BY i~i 2. BRAAK - Mr. Braak reminded the Board that this would be his last official meeting and expressed His thankfulness for having had the opportunity of serving the people of New Fianover County and especially the part he played in permitting the citizens of New Hanover County to vote on the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. He offered his services at any time in the futvre they might be of use to the Board. After each member of the Board had personally thanked Nr. Braak for his conscientious, unselfish contribution to the affairs of New Hanover County Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to prepare a fitting recognition of the services of Mr. Br2ak. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unenimously carried. PROPOSED SIGN REGULATIONS - A letter was received from Nr. George R. Tregembo, operator of the Totem- In- Zoo, located on the Carolina Beach Road asking the Commissioners to give serious consideration to allowing the new proposed sign regulations in the County. He is of the opinion that County signs are now properly controlled by State laws. He pointed out that only one County in the State has such regulations at the present time. After a brief discussion, the Board unani- mously deferred any action on this letter with the suggestion that it be brouoht up at the next meeting. VOTING REGISTRATION PROPOSAL The Chairman presented a letter from Nr. T. W. Burriss proposing an idea for setting up a system for voter registration. By common consent, the Board~;~+ ordered triis letter referred to the Committee appointed above to study the election problems in the county. REPORTS- The following reports were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for fvture reference: (a) (a) Home Economics Extension Agents Reports for September and October, 1966. PETIT JURY - The following jurors was drawn tc serve in Superior Court for the weeks beginnino on December 5th and December 12th, 1966 for Criminal ter~s of court. JURORS- The following Superios Court for Criminal Terms: ` Jurors for the wee Abernathy, Nt.A Baucom, George U. Bedsole, Charlis A Beery; W.B.III Bellois, George W. Bowden, C.L. Brown, Ethel Callahan, D.G. Daniel, John D.Jr. Duvall, Margaret H Edwards, Elsie J. Everson, N.E. Farrow, Annie L. Fillippeli, David Fowler, W.F. Freeman, Bonnie Godwin, W.B. Grimsley,Chas.E. Halecki, Joseph R. Hammond, C.E. HampLon, K. B. Harfoush,Edward J. Harris, B.A. Harvey,.Thomas B. Horton, Gilliam K. McCrae, James N. Marshburn, Clarenc Nason, Robert E. Mason,Billy L; Newkirk, Rebecca Pace, Annie K. Perkins,W.F. Piner, R.O. good and lawfui persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the weeks beginning December 5, and December 12, 1966 - k bee~inninq December 5, 1 RFD2 B. 35oa • Jr.P,( O. Box 927 . !}006 Peachtree 2927 Hydrangea 519 S. 3rd RFD 2,B 205A 1008 N. 7th 5102 Wrights. Ave. 210 Grenada Ave • 433 Robert E. Lee Dr. P. 0. Box 396 (}710 Park Ave 11 Montgomery J. 218 Oakleaf Dr. 4919 Oleander Dr. RFD 2, B 2S7 4907 Oleander Dr. 2908 Monroe St. RFD 3, B 22$ 2216 Plaza Dr. 2931 Hydrangea P1 61 Beauregard Dr. sio s. 6th 606 Wooster 619 Forest Hill 428 N. McRae e RDF 1, Castle Hayne:NC 3227 Caro.Bch.Rd. 2308 Belvedere Dr. 219 McRae Kure Beach,N.C. 801 Central Blvd 2801 4lashington S. 966 - Criminal 'Yool, Cecil R. Sr. 30I Long Leaf Acres Pot~ter, Benj.B. 1905 Lingo Ave Price, Roger W. 108 S. 3rd Price, Sam E. 518 Bedford Fo~est Rd Privitte,H.L. RFD 2,B. 320,Kure Beach,NC Reichardt, Harold 3722 Stratford,Blvd Roderick,John L. 312 Castle SampSOn,Emmett T. ,~'~05 Orange Sasser;Donald 4J. 27 Woodlaam Ave. Schnell,R.J. 2534 Harrison Shands, Elverto~r 20l~. 5. Audobon . Silvertsen,Harold Bx.134, Hure Bdi NC Sowden, R.C. 2312 Washington St. Steele,JohnS. % H. Bluethenthal Thompson,Alfred RFD 2,B 317 B Thompson,William; 17 Woodlawn Thurber,Edw. Jr. 1316 Oxford Rd. Todd, Jennie S. 617 S. Sth Toliver, T. L. 212 S. ].5th Troutman,D.L. 2720 Jackson St. Tucker, John F. 215 N. 18th Vance, F.M. 2719 Oleander Dr. 17ann, Robert 71l} N. 6th YJalker, C.T. RFD 3,B•S50 l~allace, Oliver 72l~. Forest Hills Dr. Weaver, Warren B. 3618 Wrightsv. Ave Webb, Alex ,lr. 615 S. 8th St. Webb, John $O6 Walnut Westbrook, D.G. P. 0. Box 331 Wetherill,Richard P. O. Box 171 l~Jhite,Catherine 1820 Carolina Ave Williams; Della 515 N. lOth 8 Minutes of ineetin~ November 21, 1966 - continued Jurors for the week Atkins, R.L. Bender, R.P. Braddy, John T. Bradshaw; Johnnie Burns, W. F, Casey, J. T. Cebral, Felix Coston, Homer F, Davis, Manly Jr. DeHart, James Y,. Dixon, C.N. Eason, B.D. Finberg; Ethei W. Flowers, David M. Godwin, Oliver R. Harden, Irving T. Harris, James H. Jr Hart2og, Norman Henry, Eliza Hewett, Wayne K. Iiill, Jennie G. Hinnant, J.E. Hobbs, Maggie M. Horne, J.M. Horton,E.'dilson Hunnicutt,O.F. Hunt, Singleton J. Hutton, W.E. bec~inninq December 12, 3uo4 Wrightsv Ave 221 Rose Ave 209 Pine Valley 1310 Loves Alley 112 5. 16th 210 Forest Rd. 1(}ob Grace !}09 Central Blvd 105 Bryan Ave 1501 Ridgwood Hgts 6 Church St. 5735 Wisteria Lane 5050 Wrightsv Ave Robt. E. Lee Dr. 6352 Oleander Dr. 2519.Harrison 71!} Orange 220 Oakcrest Dr. i2o4 s. 9ch 220 Rose Ave 924 Country C1.RD 5906 Park Ave bi3 s. 15tn 3807 Caro Bch Rd 3l~1 Pemberton Dr. 1$ Wrightsv Ave 109 F. hiarion Dr. j5 Woodlawn Ave 1966 - Criminal Kilpatrick,~d.C. Lee, Curtis W. NcDaniel, Annie Merritt,Fiora 5. Merritt, James G. Morrison,B.R. Musaus, Adele M. Nixon, Bryant Pate;ps. Pavlette Patelos, G.S. Powell, W.E.,.)r. Price, Marvin J. Raines, P7eiwood Paul Scruags, Jack Jr. Smith, Octavia Smith, Robert Stanley, Alfred B. Stanley, Bobby F. Swann, Pauline E. Titus; Susie Tullar, Pau~1 E. Underwood, James Walker, C.C. Walker, Joseph L. Warshauer,Bernard 4dinn, Rosetta tiJilliams, Berry A. Ldest, George H. RFD 1, Magnolia,NC 36 tdoodlawn Ave 619 S. 17th 421 Castle Hayne Rd l}02 N. Kerr Ave 321 5. 2nd B.581 Caro.Bch, NC 605 5. 8tn 208 N. 3rd 1005 Market B• 53, Caro. Bch;NC 4110 Peachtree Ave 415 Castle 3601 Wilshire Blvd 1215 Fairway Dr. 71!} Harnett 525 E. Shipyard Blvd 322'] Chalmers Dr. RFD 1 B. 358 1002 N. 8th 223 Wrightsv.Ave 609 Marstellar 261 N. 25th P.o.sox 3592 712 Essex 222 s. 13th 3720 Caro.Bch.Rd. 2301 Shirley R. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Braak moved that the meeting be ad,journed. It was seconded by i~r. Bowden and unani.mously carried. J. E. Narshall, Cowtty Manager. STATE OF NOR?H CAROLINA COUIVTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of: Jurors to serve ) during week of December 12, 196b, ) 0 R D c R New Hanover County Crimi.nal ) Session ) IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that, after it had excused a number of jurors for cause shown, that there remained only 22 jurors who have been sworn to serve as jurors for this term: ' IT AL50 APPEARING TO THE COURT that there are a large number of cases to be tried during the term, and that it is necessary for the proper expedition of the Court that additional jurors be drawn to serve at this term: ' THEREFORE, the Court, in of County Commissioners shall County; and shall have drawn, scrolls, and the names of suc delivered to the High Sheriff be summonsed each of k:h~m, to such jurots to be in addition its discretion, directs that the Clerk to the Board bring into open Court fhe jury boxes of New Hanover in the manner prescribed by laia, from box ~/1 thereof 12 1 persons that shall appear on such scrolls shali be of New Hanover County, who shall summons or cause to appear at the Courtroom tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m., to those already summonsed and s~dorn to act. This the 12th day of December, 1966. "/.s,7 W.H.S. Burgwyn Judge Presiding Special Drawn Jurors 12-12-66. Ballard, Raymond L. Jr. 2720 Park Ave. Henderson, ld.A. 50(}0 Wrightsv.Ave Bradsher, R.F. 2007 Creasy Ave Huntt, Spotswood H. 1101 Hawthrone Rd. Cullins, Jacob P. 3723 Winston Blvd Leeuwenburg, Cornelius 225 Bonham Ave Douthwaite, Thomas 3609 Wilshire Marshall, Henriette A.lllf~ Dock Edwards, Joseph D.Jr. 2L}O1 Princess P1.D Smith, L. C. 1E50~ Peachtree Evans, Joseph L. 2454 Wrightsv.Ave Watson, F. Corey B. ~l~2 Caro. Bch. NC