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Minutes of the Meeting December 5, 1966 - 1o:3a A. M.
After the Swearing=.in ceremony, the Commissioners, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr.,
Laurence O. Bowden, M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Nall, Jr. and John Van B. Metts, Jr.,
County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Auditor Perry Shepard and County
Manager, 'J. E. Marshall, assembled in the Commissioners~ room. The meeting
was called to order by the Chairman, Dr. Hooper, at 10:30 A.N.
After the Chairman called the meeting to order, he asked Rev. C. R.
Hutcherson, Pastor of Devon Park Methodist Church, to open the meeting with
a prayer for guidance.
- The Chairman, Dr. Hooper, stated that the first item of business was'.r•
to reorgani2e the Board of Commissioners and that nominations for Chairman
were in order:
Chairman - Mr. Bowden nominated Dr. Jos. ~d. Hooper for Chairman. The
nomination was seconded by Mr. Hall. There being no further nominations, 3
and by voice vote, Dr. Hooper was elected Chairman. Mr. Vaughan did not vote.
Vice-Chairman - Mr. Hall then nominated Mr. Bowden as Vice Chairman.
It was seconded by Dr. Hooper. There being no further nominations, a voice
vote was taken and Mr. Bowden was delared elected as Vice Chairman.
County Attorney - Mr. Hall nominated Mr. L. Bradford Tillery for the
position of County Attorney. The nomination was seconded by Mr. Bowden.
There being no further nominations, a voice vote was taken and Mr. Tiilery
was elected as Covnty Attorney. Mr. Vaughan voted "no" and stated that
he felt that certain factors dictated a change.
Before approving the minutes of the regular meeting held on November
21st, 1966, ~*h~ f:ollor•.ir.3 ~ottec~ions eere authorized: Under "AUDITOR~S
RECOMMENDATION's, Dr. Hooper would like the minutes to reflect that the
representatives of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital were advised that the
hospital would be self-supporting and that the Hospital Soard could not
expect subsidy in the future and will be reimbursed only for indigent
patients. Under the paragraph headed "EIl.ECTION BILLS", the following was
authorized: "Mr. Vaughan moved that all the bills presented be paid with
the exception of those for the Election Board and the one-half day bills,
to which exception had been taken by members of the Board of Commissioners."
Under the paragraph headed "LEGISLATION," Mr. Vaughan stated that after the
words "counting eaachines" and before the word "legal", the following words
should be inserted "as approved by the Board of Elections and Board of
Commissioners for New Hanover County". ~r. Bowden then moved that the minutes
with the above corrections, be approved. The motion was seconded by Nr.
Vaughan and unanimously carried.
Mr. H. A. Narks and Miss Lela Noore Hall, Director of Public Welfare,
appeared before the Board to discuss the Community Hospital Lease Agreement
as a Nursing and Boarding Home. Mr. isarks ouLlined in preliminary form
the basic provisions of the proposed lease agreement, along with certain
changes. Several changes k~ere noted by members of the Board and they are to
be incorporated in the final draft. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the Lease
Agreement be resubmitted to the County Attorney for the changes and copies
furnished members of the Board by mail for their approval and the Chairm.a,
contact, by phone, each member for his final approval. The motion was
seconded by Dr. Hooper and carried by unanimous vote. The ratification 6
of this agreement, if approved, will be at the December 19th meetino.
At this junctvre, Miss Hall stated that she will meet with County Auditor
5hepard on the Welfare Department finance problem mentioned in the minutes
of November 21, 1966.
Mr. Hall stated Lhat he had no objections to the audit for the fiscai year
endiny June 30th, 1966. Mr. Vauohan stated that items shown at the bottom
of Schedule 10 be investiaated to determine if additional bonds should be secured
~ or increased. Mr. Bowden then moved that the audit be accepted as presented,
seconded by ~r. Hall and the motion was carried.
Mr. Hall then moved that the amount of $472.51 be appropriated in addition
to the budgeted amount of $9,000 in order that final payment to Wm. C. Barfield,
C.P.A., can be made for the audit for the year ending June 30, 1966, motion
seconded by Nr. Bowden and it was unanimously carried. The above mentioned
$l}72•51 is to come from the Emergency Fund.
At this point, County Auditor Shepard stated that the posting's~in~;the
General.Ledger~have no.t been made since.June 30,,1966.
-~-~ See page 12 -after "Adjournment." ~
Mr. Vauchan moved that tlie Chairman be authorized to meet with the County
Auditor and the external auditors to determine how much work on an emergency
basis will be needed to brino the books up to date. The motion t,ras seconded by
Mr. Bowden and carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Vaughan moved that the auditors presently working on the books in the
County Auditor'S Office be retained for the period beginning December 5, 1966
and ending June 30, 1967. Motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Hall moved that Mr. Wm. C. Barfield be notified that he will be ~etained
for the period beginning December 5, 1966 and ending June 30, 1967 for the purpose
of auditing the books in the County Auditor~s office. It was seconded by Mr. Netts.
N'otion was defeated by 3 against 2 for it.
Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion. seconded by Dr. Hooper that the date
of March 15, 196~ be set as the date for selectino an~' external auditor for the
N,inutes of the meeting December 5, 1966 - continued.
fiscal year ending .lune 30; 1967. Motion died because of a tie vote. Dr. Nooper did
not vote.
At this juncture, ~r. Vaughan suggested that the Commission as a whole go into
executive session. The Chairman asked all spectators and other people present if they
would kindly leave the room for a few minutes.
After a short period of time, the Commission went back into regular session and
Dr. Hocper briefly explained that personalities were discussed by the Commission and
felt it in the best interest that this not be made public.
Miss Lois UJard, Assistant C1erk of Superior Court, at this point presented the
Inventory of Public runds contained in the Clerk of Superior Court Office for verifi-
cation by the County Auditor. This Inventory list was turned over to Mr. Shepard and,
at this time, he left the meeting.
NEDITAL: H~'rJ"6LTH;'C.LIVT.C ~=? ~' ~ -
Mrs. W. E. Sisson, Co-chairman of the Mental Health Advisory Council, appeared
before the Commission and stated that she was available to discuss any questions con-
cerning the Mental Health Clinic that the Board may have. The Chairman, Dr. Hooper,
advised Nrs. Sisson that a letter outlining the program proposed by her Advisory
Covncil be presented before any action could be taken by the Board.
County Manager J. E. Marshall advised the Commission that the records for the
Surplus Commodity Program are the responsibility of the Board of Commissioners for safe
keepino. He recommended as a storage area the vault on the north side of the Courthouse,
presentiy being used by the A.B.C. Board, he designated as the area.. Dr. Hooper moved,
seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the recommendation be accepted. Motion was carried.
The bonds for all the elected officials; who are required to post bonds, were
presented to County Attorney Tillery and he was instructed to report on them at the next
Tax Supervisor l~J. G. Houck presented a request from N!ichael C. Brown asking that
a late listino penalty be waived in his case. Nr. Houck recommended that this request be
granted. ~r. Metts moved, seconded by Dr, Hooper, that the request be granted. Nr. Metts
stated that this action should not be, in any way, interpreted as setting a precedent.
Question was called on the motion and it was carried by a vote of 1}, Dr. Hooper abstaining.
By common consent, the Board aareed that Mr. Metts be added to the Committee
consistinc of Mr. Bok~den to work on the project, tax by mail.
P•!r. Vauchan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that J. E. Narshall be appointed Clerk
of the Soard. N!otion was carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Hooper pointed out to the Board the untiring worlc that Col. G. W. Gillette
had performed relative to the Hilton Railroad Bridge. By common consent; i~ was agreed
that the Chairman would write him a letter of thanks for his good work.
Tax Superv:sor W. G. Houck presented a request and recommended that the penalty for
late tax listing relative to Mrs, Lennon be waived. Mr. Nieets moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper
that the request be granted. Isotion was carried.
County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery presented the Amendment of Cancellation in
detail to the Board. Mr. Vaughan ~noved, seconded by Mr. ~owden, that the County Attorney
proceed with vigor on the matter of obtai~ing easements in and near the Airport. Mo9ion
v.~as carried by unanimous vote.
By common consent, it was agreed by the Board thaL this matter be held in abeyance
until Janvary 1, 1967.
Tax Supervisor 4~J. G. Houck had previously; by mail, presented a list of tax listers
to the Board. ~r. Hall moved, seconded by Dr, Hooper, that the recommendation of Mr. Honck
be accepted. Motion was carried by un2nimous vote.
Dr. Hooper pointed out that due to Nir. Netts being elected to the Board of County
Commissioners, he is no longer eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees at New Hanover
~emorial Hospital. Dr. Hooper also pointed out that the Board oS Commissioners is on
record as approving a woman to serve on the Board of Trustees at tQeia Hanover ~emorial
Hospital. N~r. Vaughan then moved that the Soard of Commissioners fill both vacancies
at d~ts next meeting. Notion seconded by Dr. Hooper and motion carried.
Dr. Hooper advised the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. M. J. M,cLeod,
President of the Cape Fear Technical Institute; statine that the U. S.Naval Reserve has
beem seekino s home dock for their ship, the Plover. The Board of Trustees for Cape
Fear Technical Institute offered their help in solvino the situation. The have conferred
with Commander Dudley relative to this matter to arranoe docking space alongside the
trestle bo the C.F.T.I. pier. In his letter, Mr. McLeon stated that some dredging
would be necessary, buffer piling wouid be needed; tyino dolphins would be needed, cleats,
water and power connections added to the pier. All of the above foregoina work will be
accompiished by the Navy. Mr. NcH,eod also stated in his letter that the C.F.T.I. did not
anticipate any change in their project or any increase in cost.
, \
~. ~
Ninutes of ineeting December 5, 1966 - continued
Dr. Herring, Chairman of the State Board of Education, has been con-
tacted and voiced his approval. Nr. McLeod also stated in his letter that he
would contact the State Attorney General's Office to establish the legality of
such an undertaking.
After considering the above, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper,
that the Board of Commissioners endorse the docking of the Plover at the C,F.T.I.
pier. Motion was carr;ed. '
Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Tax Supervisor be
authorized to handle the Crop Reporting Census for the ensuing year. Motion was
A request for a Beer Permit from the above named person was received
and Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this be referred to the
Sheriff for investigation. ~otion was carried.
The storm damage to the Federal Aviation Agency~s Control Tower that
occurred recently amounted to $1,21}2.79. The insurance policy covering such
damage contains a deductible clause of $100.00. In order that this money may be
replaced in the Airport Budget under Building Repairs, Mr. Vaughan moved,
seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the amount of $1,11~2.79 be placed back in the,
Airport-Building Repairs Budget. Motion was carried.
Mr. Vaughan moved that the Chairman be authorized to
in the papers, if required, to explain any action, actions
Board of Commissioners. Motion died for lack of a second.
place advertisements
or points of the
Chairman, Dr. Hooper, presented a letter from the State Highway Commission
thanking the Board of Commissioners for their ~emorandum of Understanding for
a continuing transportation planning process. Contained within the letter is
a statement that the Highway Commission is preparing a revised version of the
proposed Memorandum which will include the County Nanager and the Airport
Manaoer on the proposed Technical Coordinating Committee. /
Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that the slalries for the period
ending December 30, 1966 be paid before the beginning of the Christmas Holidays.
Motion was carried.
A letter dated November 30, 1966 was received from Mr. E. N. Grubbs,
expressing their appreciation for the fine cooperation and many courtesies
extended the Planning Staff of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital.
The following reports were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for
future reference:
(a) Agricultural Extension Office - Home Economics Extension
Agent's Report for November 1966.
(b) Wilmington Public Library Report for October, 1966.
The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in
Superior Court for the weeks beginning: January 9, 1967 -Criminal term;
January 16, 1967 and January 23, 1967 - Civil Terms.
Jurors for thw Week
Allender, P. J.
Bellamy, Heyward C.
Boyette, Thedie
Brock, Clifton
Brown, Alex T.Jr
Brown, Mary M.
Cameron, Robert F.
Carter, Thomas H.
Costin, Robert L.
Dew, Naomi H.
Dry, Ralph
Ea}ies, Joe D.
Edwards, Sheldon
Everett, George G.
Ferrill, R.M.
Fowler, Ray
Gisonna, Ludwig A.
Grissom, Albert E.
Hanchey, ~ernice
Hardee, J. E.
Harvin, Clinton
Hayes, Robert T.
Hewlett, W.M.
Hintze, Fred M.
Holliday, Elliott
beqinninq January 9, 1967 - Criminal Term:
1Z6 Stokley Rd. Johnson, Charles G
2713 Willow St. Johnston, Robert B.
R1-B232,~~~~~eNC Jones, Y!. A. Sr.
202 Huntington Kennedy, Boyd A.
809 Chestnut Kerr, George N.
505 Northern Blvd Lane, J. B. Lane
Box 990 Liles, Charles A.
220 Lake For.Pkwy Lynch, O. H.
109 Mercer Niarshaii, S.A.
6 Wrightsv.Ave 1`9athews, Jerry
1208 S. 6th McCall, Thomas C.
B. 32, Hure Bch;NC McGowan, Claude J.
2822 Washington McLucas, Charles
705 Dock Miller, E.L.Sr.
RFD 1, Box 25q Mills, J. R.
51 Lerrnon Dr. Moore, John C.
805 Blue Bird La. Noran, John A.
2SZS Van Buren Mouring, John A.
1911}' Nun Neal, John L.Sr.
1!} Norningside Nielson, ~,rs. Meader
1316 King 5t. Norment, James L.
4015 Halifax Rd Pace, Virginia
Box 1271 Parham, Mrs. Ellen
601 Pine Valley Potter, Bessie
1005 S. lOth Rhodes, William
3~8 tv. Cha~pel
P.o.sox 35
1920 P7arke~
(}702 Cedar
232 Oak Crest Dr
121 Holbrook
3023 Jefferson
2l~18 Prittcess P1
3$27 Hoggard Dr
R 1,B 222, Castle
2822 Willow
4918 Park Ave
116 Dare St.
124 5eacrest Rd
RFD 2, Box 111C
21 ivey Circle
122 Stradlefoh RD
RFD 2, B.312 B
203 Sunnyvale Dr.
B.171~ Caro Bch,NC
1~13 Jennings Dr
RFD 3, B 63
2736 Harrison
2022 Klein R.
317 YJood Da 1 e
H. N.C.
~ ~.z
Minutes of the Meeting December 5, 1966 - continued
Jurors for the Week beQinninq January 9, 1967, -,Criminal Term - continued.
Robeson, James,W. 13t~ Bermuda Walker,.Lucille ~i4 N. 5th
Shue, Mrs. Wil.lie R. 827 Windsor Dr.
~ Watkins, Nathaniel 1206 Rankin St.
Simpson, Riaherd 620 N. lOth l~atters, W. Hall 809 Greenhow
Smith, Samuel E. 214 Borden Ave. Williams, James RFD 1 B. 127
Snell, Annie S. 206 N. lsth Wood, Norman M. 5016 Oleander Dr.
Sprunt, Kenneth M. 123!} Fairway Dr. Long, Clifton L. Sr. 2210 Shirley Rd
Stinson, James C. 60 Woodlawn May, Mattie O, 2229 Plaza Dr.
Strickland E. M. 221 N. Wallace Morton, Hugh N. P. O. Box 839
Sullivan, Edith 310 5..1}th McFayden, George D. 231 N. 26th
Tadiock, Marvin L. 450 Castle H. Rd Nixon, W. E. 206 S. 12th
Tate, Robert H. RFD 3, B 142 Schulken, James E. 1912 Pender Ave
Toney, Johnnie 1205 Neares Whitehurst, E, R. RFD 3, B. I~.70
Turner, W. L. 4703 Long Leaf H.
Jurors for the Week beciinnina, January 16, 1967 - Civil
Adkins, Beecher P. #9 Castlewood Dr. Loflin, W. C. RFD 2, B 223 B
Bali, Robert 2-G Oleander Ct. Apts Marshall, John 1601 Princess
Blackley, W. P. 323 pine Valley Nathews, uobt. x. 55t~ Castle Hayne Dr
Brinson, M. D. 1}600 Nocking Bird McClelland, C.W. 207 Church St.
Buag, H. J. !~Jilmington Hotel McGowan; ~~I.B. 1209 Lincoln Rd.
Capps, J. H. 1111 S. 3rd Meyland, Joyce H. !}137 Halifax
Carter, W. J. 109 Jacks Ave Miller; H.H. 112 Bagley
Crambo, Fannie 506 ?dooster Niner, P.C. 3831} Hoggard Dr.
Dixon, Clifton, Jr. 6 Church St Norris, Herrean N. Sr. 3719 ~^linston Blvd
Dunn, W.G. Jr, !}009 Halifax Rd. Moore, Roger P. O. Box 188
Earle, Dorothy P. 15 Wrightsv,Beach Murphy, James q22 Dock St.
Ellerby, Samuel 704 N. 7th Nelson, Walter D. Jr. 108 Southern Blvd
Ezzell, Georoe T. 1728 Oranae St. Nixon, John E. 220 Castle St.
Fleisher, H.K. 122 Pine Valley Owens, Annie c/o Foster-Hill
Gaddy, Cari B. RFD 2, B.293A Page, Dalton 1206 Castle St.
Gore, Victor S. 2520 l~l.Lake Shore Patelos, N. S. 208 S. 3rd
Hali; John 110 Gores Row Pyle; Mrs. Augusta PQ 193. Wr. Bch, NE.
Hankins, James H. 142 Colonial Cir. Ridousht, M.T. . Sherwood Forest
Hargrave, G.D. 15 5. llth . Rush, Nora P. 101 5. 41st
HaskeSt; N:B.Sr 213 nI• 9th Shytle, J. N. 361!} Stratford
Herbst, Julius T. 219 Beach St. Singleton, R. B. 114 St. James Alley
Hicks, Helen R. P. O. Box 1195 Stack; Nartha C. 20l~. N. 15th
Hobbs, ~rl. K. 2230 Nletts Ave Strahler, Jos. A. 5051 Wrightsv, Ave
Huahes, Edwin H. 226 N. 22nd Strickland, James ld. RFD 1, B. 203
Ivey, B. C. 816 For. Hills Dr . Swartz, Clarence L. 17 Island Dr.
Johnson, Manley 2716 Adams St Turner; H.M.Sr. l~1~.11 Market St. Rd
Jones, Dorothea Q. P. O. Box 961 Tyler, Joseph T. 4517 Market St.
Kelly, David E. i549 Parmele Dr. Wallace, Charlie M. RFD 1, B 257
Hing, Mrs. L.L. 119 5. 17th lti`ells; Ernest J. 512 Grace St.
Laney, Curtis G. 10 Southern Blvd t^.~atson, Bill 2513 Jackson St.
.lurors for the ~deek beginninG January 23, 1967 - Civil
Allen, N. H. Allen RFD 2, B 360 Kers.ey. C.O. Jr. 102 Stradleioh Rd
Bass, Floyd J. 802 Pine Valley Lewis; James aJ. 721 S. 9th
Blake, Sam H. B.678, Caro. Bch. }tino; Truman N. 3829 ',~ilshire Blvd
Brown, A. L. 706 Hoimlock Ter. A!ickey, Bobbie J. P.O.Box 351 Wr. Bc}~NC
Brown, .I. A. 3627 Wrightsv.Ave Nurray, J.F. RFD 1, B. 288
Cain, Odwin F. 26 Ivey Circle Nelson, Dawson 618 S. 13th
Capps, Marion , 117 Mercer Ave 14ewby, J. Thomas 219 S. 13th
Chadwick, W.S. 102 N. C..Avenve Renn; l~Jiiliam F. 814 Greenhow Dr.
Deichman, M. YJ. 5041 Pine St. Risley, Robert H. 120L} Country Club RD
Downing, Annie Lee 15 1~Joodlawn Padgett, Alma Efird~s Dept Store
Dunn, Nrs. Wm. H. 2919 Hydrangea Pierce, Olen C. RFD 1; Box 223
Edens; Luther W. 409 5. 19th Simmons: Narry H.G. 5009Z UJrightsv Ave
Estes, Charles E. 501 Sunset Ave Small, Edwin L. RFn 2, Box 355
Fair, J.W. 611 McCrae Sneeden. J. E. Jr. 21}08 Metts Ave.
Ford, Howard J. 41}03 Cascade Dr. Sneeden, T. W. P. 0. Box 11U1
Glasper, Namie M. RFD 1, B. 347 Spencer, Wm. A. 564 Castle Hayne Rd
Green, Eunice K.P. 116 Henry St. Sprunt; James L. S. Like Oa}c Pkwy
Hamilton; T.D. 205 Grace Stanland, Charles H. . 101 Jamaica Dr.
Hankins, Roscoe _ 715 Gresharr Rd. Strickland, Beulah Mae 5302 l~lrightsv. Ave
Harris, Katie D. 251~1{ 5. Front Stroupe, Howard E. 50!} S. Front
Hayes, Aubrey E. 206 Robt.E. Lee. Sykes; Howard t~l. 6 Bedford i'orest Dr
Hewlett, Irving P. (~306 ~rJrightsv.Ave Talman, Geo W. 919 S. 2nd
Hines, Garland H. ~ 2723 Jacksor. St. Tate, Jesse RFD 1,B.185A-C. Hayne,
Hodges, Mankie 114 S. 3rd Taunt, Charle R. 123 Rutledqe Dr.
McKoy, J. B. 2904 i~onroe Tompltins, W.E. 3800 Princess
Nilligan, D. E. 309 N• 43rd St. Turaer, Robert L. RFD 3, B. 209
Moore, Alford R. 20 Kenwo~d Ave. ':daddell, Mirion 1509 Market St.
Aioore, 1Jillie 619 S. 12th Watkizs, Louis ;~. 22b0 N,imosa P1
Jack,son, Jerman S. 201} Borden Ave 'dJatson, Charlie 908 N. lOth
Johnston, A. A. 271}3 Mimosa P1
Mr.. Vauahan,moved, seconded,by.Dr..H ooper, that the_meeti*~g be ,adjouF•ned.,The motion
w2s carried by unani mous vote.
-~-~ Nr. Vaughan did not originate the discuss ion relative to retaining the externai auditor.
J. F.. Marshall, County Manager