1966-12-19 Regular Meeting~~ Minutes of the Meeting December 19, 1966 - 8:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A.M., in the Commissioners Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jos.W. Hooper, Commissioners Laurence O. Bowden. J. M.Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E.Marshall and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - After Calling the meeting to order, the Chairman asked Rev. Robert Jernigan, Pastor of Immanuel Bamtist Mission, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Vaughan would like the minutes to reflect that he did not originate the discussion relative to the external auditors. Mr.Metts then moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved as corrected. The motion was carried. The_above minutes is for the meeting of December 5, 1966. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION - PETER BRAAK - A certificate of appreciation was prepared for Mr. Peter H. Braak, outgoing Commissioner, expressing the appreciation of the Board of Commissioners. The certificate was signed by all members of the Board and is to be framed and presented to Mr. Braak at the next meeting. A proper resolution presenting the certificate is to be drawn. The above action was by common consent. REQUEST FOR MAINTENANCE, BAYSHORE DRIVE - A request from Mr..Dan Cameron, President of Bayshore Estates, Inc., was presented to the Board. The request was that the maintenance of the road from Bayshore Drive from the present point of State maintenance to the end of the road be taken over as part of State maintenance Program. The County Manager was instructed to obtain in writing the approval of the Highway Department of the now existing road. BOOKMOBILE, DR. STUART BENSON - Dr. Stuart Benson and Miss Katherine Howell appeared before the Board to discuss the need for a new Bookmobile Lo be operated by the County. Dr.Benson suggested that the present one be replaced by a new one. Also he outlined several other factors, such as use and breakdowns which has created a problem from the standpoint of the people. The vehicle presently used is a 1952 model. The Commission proceeded to discuss with them other aspects of this problem. Mr. Uaughan suggested that by common consent the Commission authorize the Library Board to proceed with their investigation of this problem, to the extent of getting figures, as to design and cost. The County Manager is to work with them in obtaining the necessary information before presentation to the Board of Commissioners. This investigation should include local contractors that are capable of const~ucting the type vehicle needed. It mas also suggested that the City of Wilmington share in the overall cost of the pro~jecL. ' BILLS - BOARD OF ELECTIONS - The Chairman presented the bills of the Board of Elections that were made up in four different parts. Each of the bills were discussed individually. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr, L. E. Broadhurst be paid for the bill covering the May 28th primary. The motion was carried by four to zero vote. Mr. Vaughan abstained. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nlr. Bowden, that Mr. L. E.Broadhurst be paid for the second primary. The vote was taken and the motion was carried by a vote of three for and one against. Mr.,,Vaughan voted "No" and Dr. Hooper did not vote. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that Mr. Mayo Holmes be paid for the June 25th primary. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the bills for Mr. Broadhurst and Mr. Holmes for the fall primary be paid. Motion was carried by a~ote of four for and one against. Mr. Vaughan voted "No." The biil for O. K. Pridgen, II, was presented which included office expense, secretary and other items including automobile expenses. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that sub,ject to certification, the bill for office expense and other items be paid, except the rent be on a negotiated basis and the total bill, except rent be paid at this time. Motion was carried by a vote of three for, one against. Dr. Hooper~.voted "No" and Mr, Vaughan did not vote. ^ Bill for 0. Ft. Pridgen~s personal services was presented. The Chairman pointed out that the bill covered 20 days in December which have not yet been worked. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the above bill be paid up to the point of legality. The remaining 20 days in December will be discussed at:.the January meeting of the Board of Commissioners. The motion was carried by three for and one against. Dr. Hooper voted "No" and Mr. Vaughan did not vote. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that payment for the above mentioned bills should come from the Election Budget, using all o2d fund if availabie and the balance to come from the current budget amounts. Motion was carried. A55ISTANT DISTRICT SOLICITOR - Mr. J. C. Bowman, District Solicitor, appeared before the Board and presented a letter outlining his request relative to W. Allen Cobb as Assistant District Solicitor. Mr. Bowman stated that his request was that Mr. Cobb be re-appointed as Assistant District Solicitor and his salary be continued at $6,000 per year. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. W. Allen Cobb be appointed by Mr. J. C. Bowman as Assistant District Solicitor at a salary of $6,000 per year. The motion was carried by a vote of four for ' and one against. Mr. Vaughan voted "AIo". Before taking the ballot on the above motion Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion that the salary be set at $5,000 per year. The motion died for the lack of a second. Mr. Vaughan would like minutes to reflect his reason for motion was that the Assistant District Solicitor would receive a 40 percent raise. ~14 "Minutes of Meeting ~Demember 19, 1966 - Coninued LEFISE AGREEMENT, COMMUNITY H05PITAL BOARDING AND NURSING HOME - The proposed Lease Agreement for the Community Hospital as a boarding and nursing home was reviewed by the Commission. It was suggested that the provision in Section #13 "that rental•be paid by the second party for such renewal term shall in no event be less than herein agreed upon for the term herein granted" be.:deleted from the lease agreement. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the agreement as amended be ' accepted. At this ,juncture Chairman Dr. Hooper had to leave the meeting and asked V3ce- Chairman Bowden to Lake over the chair. The question was then called on the above motion and it was carried by a unanimous vote. The Chairman then returned to the meeting and assumed the Chairmanship. WELFARE BOARD, DISCUSS SALARIES AND RETIREMENT - ' Mr. N. B. Barefoot, Chairman of the Welfare Board, Mr. H. A. Marks, member, and Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Department of Public Welfare, appeared before the Commissioners to discuss salaries of 16 clerks in the Welfare Department, one step below the minimum set by the State. A clerical status report was presented in two forms, and the Welfare Board made their recommendations. After considering the matter Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the salary of the Senior Child Welfare Worker in the Welfare Department be set at $7,297.00 annually. This increase is to come from the current salary budget in the Department. Upon taking the ballot Lhe motion was carried unanimously. The problem of a Senior Caseworker Supervisor was presented, which salary is pre- sently set at $7,296.00 annually. It was recommended by the Welfare Board that the new salary be set at $8,436.00. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Department be authorized to employ a Senior Caseworker Supervisor at an annual salary of $8,1}36.00. Motion was carried unanimously. At this juncture Miss Hall pointed out a budget for the tuberculosis payments had enough funds for two more months of payments. By common consent the County Auditor was asked to make a recommendation on a transfer to cover the above item at the next meeting. RENTAL OF BUILDING FOR FOOD STAMPS, COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - Miss Hall advised the Board that funds are not available to pay the rent for the building now occupied at Community Hospital for the Food Stamp Program. By common consent, it was agreed that should any rent remain from the building previously occupied by the Surplus Commodity Program be available it be transferred to the rent for the Food Stamp Building. Miss Hall pointed out that the Community Services Consultant is now occupying space in the Museum Building and should be moved to some available office in the County Court House. Mr. Vaughan suggested that the Chairman, County Manager and any other persons that may assist investigate the office space in the County Courthouse relative to needs and possible utilization. REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR MUSEUM - Mr. Gary Eyster, Museum Director, appeared before the Board relative to the trans- ferring of $100.00 from stationery and supplies to capital outlay. After considering the matter Mr. Uaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that this transfer be made, Motion was carried=: Mr. Eyster s.tated to'the Board that he would make a report relative to the inventory and any other functions at the Museum at the second meeting in February or the first meeting in March. CLOSING OF INLET, FREEMAN~S BEACH - Frank C. Hill appeared before the Board concerning the matter of closing the Inlet at Freeman's Beach. He also presented a petition which contained several comments relative Lo the erosion and property damage at the Inlet and also property value loss. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the County Manager confer with other interested parties, and that Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. bring this matter before the Seashore Advisory Commission. The County Manager is also to discuss this problem with the Corps of Engineers and the Town Manager of Carolina Beach. Motion was carried. The Chairman then recessed the~meeting for ten minutes. After a short recess the meeting was reconvened. APPOINTMENT OF NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOARD MEMBERS - Mr. Bowden nominated Mrs. L. M. Merrill and Mr. Victor Taylor to fill the two present vacancies on the Board. The nomination was seconded by Dr. Hooper. Mr. Taylor will fill the unexpired term of Mr. John Van B. Metts. Mrs. Merri2l~s term will be balanced off by the Chairman. There being no further nominations it was deciared that the above two mentionecl~people were appointed,to the Hospital Board. ALTERNATE EXIT FROM NEW HANOVER AIRPORT - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery presented a map showing the proposed alternate exit from the airport. He stated that if the plan is approved by the Commission the pro- posed route,will be presented to the FAA not later than December 20, 1966. No action was taken by the Board of Commissioners and the matter was referred to the Airport Committee, Airport Manager and County Manager. ~. ~ Minutes of Meeting December 19, 1966 - Continued AMENDMENT FEES, HERTZ U-DRIVE IT - . County Manager Marshall stated that he had received a letter from ~the Airport Manager advising that Mr. Julius Wenberg,~licensee of Hertz U-Dr~ive'It Company, is willing Lo increase the minimum guarantee of rental for space at the Air.port from $250.00 to $$00.00 per month. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr.Hooper that this matter be referred to the Airport Committee for study. Motion was carried. By common consent the proposal of a bulletin board in the airport lobby was referred to the Committee also. BONDS FOR CERTAIN COUNTY EMPLOYEES NOT PRESENTLY COVERED - • Purusant to a request of the Board of Commissioners, County Attorney Tillery presented the following report relative to public bonds. In his report he stated Lhat Sam Johnson, County-City Tax Collector, Marion Nillis, Sheriff; E. S. Capps, A.B.C. Board Chairman; James G. McKeithan, Clerk of Superior Court, Starr MacMillan, Coroner, Ernest Lane, Justice of the Peace, Paul Blanchard, Register of Deeds, Lawrence Duke, Constable, J.M. Shingleton, Constable, B:` B. Christmas, Constable, Wingate Baldwin, Constable, Henr,y Bost, Justice of the Pe.ace, Perry H. Shepard, County Auditor and Victor G. Sneeden, Justice of the Peace, have good and:sufficient bonds. Also stated within the report was the following persons needed renewai of their bonds. Each of them has been notified by lett~r to this effect. Foliowing is the list of people needing bond renewal: Harry L. Sanders, Deputy Constable, Serena Collins, Justice of the Peace, Nicholas Modinos, Justice of the Peace,~Jimmy Clemmons, Justice of the Peace, James B. Moore, Constable, Samuel Baxter Yopp, Justice of ~ the Peace, Reginald Turner, Justice of the Peace, Stewart F. Co2lins, Justice of the Peace. He also recommended that the following bonds be obtained, in the amounts~in- dicated after their names or positions: Airport Manager, $1;000, each person who handles money in the office of the County Auditor, $5,000.00; County Tax Supervisor, $1,000.00. ~ • The Director of Public Welfare does not presently handle funds personally. Three employees of the office who handle funds are bonded. Mr. Tiliery recommended that if the Commissioners desire a bond"for Miss Hall, the amount should be:$5,000.00. In line with the recommendation by the external auditors~that the bonds of the Recorders Court personnel be increased, County Attorney Tiilery stated that he had checked with the Clerk of Superior Court:.and that he endorsed the Clerk of Superior Court's recommendation that the blanket employees bond be increased to $25,000.00. Mr. McKeithan is checking on the cost of this versus an increase for'Col. Gnau alone. Mr. Hardy Wessell and Mr. Franklin Elmore, members of the Insurance Advisory Committee stated that they felt the:first order of business for them wouid be to study the current status of the county employees who handle money and others with the idea of a blanket bond. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan that the bonds as recommended by the County Attorney be authorized and that they be placed with a company~where the County will have the privilege of cancellation on a prorata basis. Funds for this to come from the emergency fund. Motion was carried. " EXECUTION OF LEA~SE AGREEMENT, CONINIIJNI'I'Y HOSPITAL $0.4RDING AND NURSING' HOME - Mr. H. A. Marks, along with Miss Pearl Hayes, appeared before the Board to discuss the Lease Agreement for Community Hospital as a Boarding and Nursing Home. The Lease Agreement as amended had been reviewed with Miss Hayes, the proposed lessee, and she had agreed thereto. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that>the County enter into the Lease Agreement as amended with Miss Hayes as the lessee.~ The motion was carried unanimously. Foilor~ing the suggestion of the County Attorney, the Lease Agreement was recorded in the Register of Deeds office. PAUL BLANDHARD, REGISTER OF DEEDS, SAIARY APPROPRIATION OF CLERK - ~' Mr. Paul Blanchard appeared before the Board and requested an additional appropriation for a clerk in his office for the:remaiing 6 months of the fiscal year. _ He stated that this person is now working in the office and that the work load has doubled in the past two years. He also stated that approximately $1,500.00 would be needed. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Blanchard be authorized to retain the clerk in his office for the remaining part of the fiscal year and that Lhe funds for this purpose will come from the general emergency fund. At this point in the discussion on the motion Mr. Blanchard pointed out that the UNIFORM CONMERCIAL CODE becomes effective July 1, i9b7 and this clerk can handle the work. The question was called on the motion and it was passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT FEES - Mr. Metts suggested that the schedule of building permits be amended to show that no permit will be required when repairs do not exceed $300.00, and that no charge on permits unless cost exceeds $300.00, By common consent, it was agreed that this matter be studied with small as well as large building contractors, building inspectors for both the city and county, City and County Manager, and any other person or persons that may render assistance in this matter. ~ SIGN ORDINANCE - The question of adopting the Sign Ordinance by-the County Board of Commissioners was presented that was prepared by the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission. This Ordinance had been adopted by the City Council of Wilmington on the l~.th day of November 1966. County Attorney Tillery stated that in reviewing the statutes he was unable to find the proper authority for:the County to adopt such an ordinance. By common consent, this matter was referred back to the City-County Planning Commission with instructions to obtain the proper legislation in the next session of the General Assembly. ~ 16 Minutes of Meeting December 19, 1966 - Continued PERSONNEL PLAN - The question of adopting the Personnel Pian was presented by the County Manager. Due to revisions and amendments to the Plan it was by common consent agreed that Mr. Hail, Mr. Metts and Mr. Bowden be furnished copies of the proposed Personnel Plan, Comparative Salary Analysis and Job Description. Action wili be taken on this matter as soon as possible. LETTER OF RESIGNATION, W. L. CRAWFORD, HECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - The County Manager advised the Commission that he had received a letter from Mr. W. L. Crawford, a member of the Recreati.on Advisory Committee, stating that due to leaving the area it was necessary that he~°resign from the Committee. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the resignation be accepted and a letter of thanks written to Mr. Crawford expressing to him the appreciation for his work on the Committee. RE-SET DATE FOR FIRST MEETING IN JANUARY - It was agreed by common consent that due to the next scheduled meeting being on a holiday that the date of Janvary 3, 1967 be set for the first meeting in January. BILL PAYMENT, H. GRAY HUTCHINSON - The biil for final payment to H. Gray Hutchison and Associates, Inc., for the initial study of the New Har~over County Retirement System was presented. After reviewing the bi11 Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the bill from the above named com- pany be paid. Motion was carried unanimously. CONTRACT, H. GRAY HUTCHISON, ASSOCIATES, RETIREMENT SYSTEM STUDY AND INSTALLATION - Chairman Dr. Hooper pointed out thaL the initial study of the existing RETIREMEN'T SYSTEM on New Hanover County employees has been completed and final payment therefore approved. In order to complete and recommend.a Retirement Program that is actually sound and the installation thereof, a new contract will be necessary between Actuary, H. Gray Hutchinson Associates, Inc., and the County. After reviewing the proposed contract and making several amendments thereto, Mr. Vaughan moued, seconded by Mr. Bowden that Lhe proposed Contract be entered into. Funds to cover this contract is to come from the Retirement System. The motion was carrfed. TRANSFER OF TAX SUPERVISOR~S SALARY, CONA7ISSIONERS OFFICE:'TO TAX SUPERVISOR~S OFFICE - Commissioners were advised that Mr.W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor is now officially in the Tax Department and the charge for his salary should be charged thereto. Mr.Bowden moved, seconded by Mr.Hall, that the charge for the Tax Supervisor~s salary be transferred from the Commissioners Office to the Tax Supervisor~s Office. Motion was carried. SCHOOL FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Chairman Dr. Hooper pointed out that the 1967 School for County Commissioners will be held on January 16, through 18,. 1967. He stated that the expenses for this meeting should be paid by the County and each Commissioner, if possible, attend. Mr.Bowden moved, seconded by Dr, Hooper, that should any or all of the Commissioners elect to attend the school, the county will pay their expenses. Motion was carried. APPOINTMENT TO BOARD, COMMl1NITY HOSPITAL - Dr. Hooper advised the Commission that there is now a vacancy on the Board of Community Hospital. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr.Bowden, that Dr. Henry Singletary be appointed to the Board. The motion was carried vnanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Commissioners Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the meeting be ad,journed. J. E. Marshall, County Manager