1967-01-03 Regular Meeting; , MINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 3, 1967 - 8:00 A. M. ASSEMBLY - The regular Semi-Monthly Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. M., in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Commissioners Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, County Attorney L.Bradford Tillery, County Manager.J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard,. ~ INVOCATION - After calling the meetino to order, the Chairman asked Rev. W. D. Barkley, Pastor of the First Assembly of God, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES For the meeting of December 19, 1966 Mr. Vaughan stated that he would like the minutes to reflect that the reason that he voted "No" on the motion•under Assistant District Solicitor was that he (the Assistant District•Solicitor) would receive under the new Court Arrangement a salary increase of t}0 percent. After making this correction to the minutes Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that they be approved. Motion was carried. RECOMNENDATION, WA"IVER OF TAX PENALTY - Tax Supervisor W. G. Houck received a request that the non-listing penalty assessed against Mr. L. R. Blalock for the 1965 taxes be waived. • After reviewing the matter, Tax Supervisor Houck stated in a note to the County Manager that the tax listing department made the sheet for Mr. Blalock~s property and error had been made by the tax listing department. He recommended the waiver of the penalty of $8.79• After considering the matter Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the tax penalty mentioned above be waived. Motion was carried. ~ RECON~9ENDATION, COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ATTEND INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board Inspector be authori2ed to attend a short course for six weekends between February l0.and May 5, 1967 at Chapel Hill, N..C. The estimated.cost for attending COURSE FOR BUILDING INSPECTORS, a request that the County Building Building Inspectors being heid on the Institute of Government in the school is $218,00. After considering the matter Mr.Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Courity Building Inspector be authorized to attend the above named school. Funds to cover this expense are to come from the Generai Emerg¢ncy Fvnd. Motion was carried. APPOINTMENT, BOARD MEMBER, SOUTH EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA BEACH AS50CIATION, INC. County Manager Marshall pointed out that correspondence had been received from the Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association, Inc. stating that it was now necessary that a member of the governing body be appointed to represent New Hanover County on the Board of Directors of the Beach Association. It was pointed out that Mr. M. H. Vaughan is presently serving as the representative from the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ' ~ By common consent it was agreed by the Board that the Chairman reappoint Nr. Vaughan to the above mentioned Board. REQUEST, CAPE FEAR SQUADRON, CIVIL AIR PATROL - • A request has been received by the Chairman from the Civil Air Patrol Squadron stating that an emergency exists in their organization. Their request stated that the Squadron has had assigned to it for about two years a light aircraft used to carry out its basic activities, those of search and rescue, air cadet orientation, and pilot pro- ficiency training. The request further stated that in the course~of the Aircraft's Annual Inspection of September 1966 the engine was•found not to be air worthy due to wear beyond legal limits of the various engine parts. Further stated was the fact that the aircraft was supplied by the North Carolina Wing Headquarters, but it still remains the responsibility of the local squadron for its operation and maintenance expenses. The aircraft has been carried to Charlotte for engine repiacement by a repair service recommended by North Carolina Wing Headquarters. They, the local squadron, have been advised that the replacement will cost in excess of $600.00 and they do not have the money in their funds. The request stated that it was hoped that it could be possible for the County to find the means of assisting the local squadron in the matter of these funds as they are faced with the loss of this aircraft. The County Manager was instructed to contact Mr. John H. Waggett, Information Officer for the local squadron, and determine how much funds they have raised for this particular project. Also, the County Manager was instructed to prepare a list of organizations that now are receiving funds from the County. County Auditor Shepard was instructed to have the report `on the condition of the General Emergency Fund at the next meeting and that this request could be taken up at the next meeting. PERSONNEL PLAN Chairman Dr. Hooper asked if any member or members had any questions pertaining to the proposed Personnel Plan. Mr.Metts stated that he did not intend his statement to be dealing in personalities but he was and stated that he was opposed to the County Manager Plan and would like to have the Personnel Pian amended to read "Personnel Officer" instead of County Manaaer at the discretion of the Board. Mr.Vaughan stated that the Board along with the Professional had worked to complete the plan in its entirety. Mr. Uaughan moved that the Plan be approved as prepared effective January 1, 1967 with typographical error corrected on Page 16, Note under Section 15, change from "16 or 17 to 1l} or 15 above". Motion was seconded by Dr. Hooper. In the discussion on the motion Mr. Bowden pointed out that several items in the Plan raised questions in his mind. The questions outlined by Nr. Bowden are as follows: Page 8, Section 2- This section, he believes, should read "Confined to Work Schedule of Other Offices in Court House". Page 12, Holiday Schedule to be checked and compared with the City of Wilmington Schedule to determine if they are the same. Page 11}, Section 3- Maternity Leave, to be checked with the Telephone Company and Power Company to determine how this matter is handled. ~ ~~ ~g Minutes of the Meeting January 3, 1967 - Continued PERSONNEL PLAN - (Continued) Page 16, Section is - That the typographical error contained in the note at the bottom of Section 15 be corrected to read "Violation of Section 14 or 15." Page 2, Section 4, Sub-Section 5- This provision to include personnel connected wfth New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Mr. Metts then asked had the County Attorney studied the Plan in detail from a legal point of view. Mr. Tillery stated that he had gone over the Plan but had not re- viewed it in detail as to its legality. Mr. Metts then made a substitute motion that the Plan be referred to the County Attorney for study from a legal point of view and bring back at the next meeting. The Plan to be studied in detail. Mr. Hall seconded the substituted motion. Question on the substituted motion was called. Mr. Metts voted "Yes", Mr. Hall voted "Yes", Dr. Hooper voted "No", Mr. Vaughan voted "No" and Mr. Bowden voted "No". It was then declared that the motion was defeated by a vote of 3 against and 2 for. The question was then called on the original motion. Mr. Vaughan voted "Yes", Mr. Bowden voted "Yes", Dr. Hooper voted "Yes'~, Mr. Hall voted "No" and Mr. Metts voted "No". It was then declared that the original motion was carried by a vote of 3 for and 2 aoainst. RESOLUTION, PETER H. BRAAK - By common consent it was agreed by the Board that the Chairman present the resolution and framed certificate of appreciation personally to Mr. Braak. R E S O L U T I O N STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, Peter Henry Braak did serve on the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County from December 1, 1958 to December 5, 1966, and WHEREAS, the present Board of Commissioners is grateful to Mr. Braak for his untiring and faithful service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners extends to Peter Braak its best wishes in all that he may undertake in the years that lie ahead. 2. That a Certificate of Award be framed and presented to Mr. Braak signed by the Board of County Commissioners. 3. That a copy of this Resolution be delivered to Mr. Braak and that a copy be inserted in the official Minutes of the Meeting of January 3, 1967. Done at Wilmington, North Carolina this the 3rd day of January, 1967. BOARD OF COMNiI55IONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ATTEST: CHAIRMAN Clerk of the Board CONSOLIDATED TAX COLLECTOR'~5 OFFICE AUDIT - A bill for the County's share of the Audit of the,Consolidated Tax Collector's office has been received by the County Auditor. The Board was advised that the amount of the bill was $130.00 over the original appropriation of $1,000.00. Mr.Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that an additional $130.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency F.und to cover this item. Motion was carried. MR. FRANK HILL, FREEMAN BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA BEACH - Mr. Frank Hill again appeared before the Board relative to the matter that he presented to them at their meeting on December 19, 1966 pertaining to the inlet at Freeman Beach. Mr. Vaughan stated to Mr. Hill that the Board is aware that a problem exists. Covnty Nfanaoer Narshall advised Mr. Hill that on Thursday, December 29, 1966, he met with Mr. Jack Webb, Town Manager of Carolina Beach pertaining to this matter and Mr.Webb advised that the Corps of Engineers is presently studying ideas as to the possible stabilization of the inlet at or near Freeman Beach. Mr. Vaughan moved that the County Manager by a letter advise Mr. Hill of the Board's interest in the northern portion of Carolina Beach and will pursue with the Corps of Engineers the idea or ideas as to whether stabilization of the inlet is the answer to the problem. Mr. Vaughan then asked someone else about a substitute motion. Dr. Hooper then made a substitute motion that Mr. Hill by letter from the County Manager be advised that the Board is interested in the problem of stabilization of the northern portion of Carolina Beach to prevent further erosion and will work with the Corps of Engineers to the end that the interests of the property owners as well as beach develop- ment may be protected. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hall. Motion was carried. DRAW 36 NAMES, SUPERIOR COURT, BRUNSWICK COUNTY - The Board was advised that a court order had been received from Judge Leo Carr, Judge of the Superior Court, Brunswick County, directing the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to draw a venire of jurors from New Hanover County for the trial of John E.Brown, Sr., Administrator of John E. Brown, Jr., Plaintiff versus Barbees, Inc.and Oak Island Club for the February, 1967 Civil Term of Superior Court of Brunswick County. At this ~juncture the names of the 36 jurors for the Superior Court of Brunswick County were drawn along with 240 jurors for the February term of 5uperior Court of New Hanover County. THE EXECUTIVE HOUSE OPENING - Chairman Dr. Hooper pointed out that he had received a letter from the Executive House extending an invitation to the members of its opening. He advised that Mrs. Dan K. Moore, wife of our Governor will dedicate the historic dwelling on Wednesday, January 4, 1967, at 2 P. M. Minutes of the Meeting January 3, 1967 - Continued LETTER FROM MR. W. THOMAS RICE, PRESIDENT, ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY - A letter from Mr. W. Thomas Rice, President of the above railroad pertaining to the removal of Trains 42 and 1}9 was presented. Mr. Hall commented on the letter and stated that the same information was previously presented at a luncheon meeting held by fi,he railroad officials and other local business and interested people. Mr. Hall stated that he attended the meeting and he felt that the Board would be remiss if they did not voice some objection and do whatever.they could to prevent the remova2 of Passenger Train Service No. 42 and 49 from Wilmington. Mr. Vaughan moved that the County Manager - correspond with the President of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad pertaining to the re- moval of Trains 42 and 1}9 out of and into Wilmington and express the Board's feelings. He stated that the Board has seen them operate a profitable business and research the problem of freight business, but nothing has been done on the problem of good and up- to-date passenger service. He stated that the letter should ask the question what they (the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad) has done to prevent the drop-off in passenger service use. Also, what promotional methods have been;or couid be employed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hall. Dr. Hooper stated that he had reviewed the passenger service operating cost and that according to the figures the raiiroad company is fully ,justified in removing the service. Mr. Bowden stated that he was not in agreement with the re- moval of the passenger service if it is at all possible for it to be retained. The question was then called on the motion and Mr. Bowden voted "Yes", Mr. Hail voted "Yes", Mr. Vaughan voted "Yes", Mr. Metts voted "Yes", Dr. Hooper voted "No". It was then declared that the motion was carried by a vote of l} for and 1 against. . COMMENDATION, HIGHWAY CONMISSION - Mr. Metts moved that the Board go on record commending the Highway Commission for their promptness in the four laning of Highway 71} from Leland to Boiton. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bowden and carried. . DRAGLINE LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND OPERATOR - Mr. Metts requested the County Manager to obtain figures on the possible lease purchase for four to five years of a dragline and to investioate the cost of an operator for a one year period of time. He suggested also that a total drainage plan for the entire county be prepared. It was stated that the New Hanover County-Wilmington Planning Gommission is presently studying the possibility of employing a drainage engineer to develop such a pian. County Attorney Tillery pointed out that the county could not spend tax money for..:the drainage problem. BUILDING PERMITS - ~ By common consent the County Manager is to continue the study on the schedule of building permit fees. Mr. Metts stated that he was opposed to the new form (10 percent) of taxing the personal property in New Hanover County. He stated that he realized•that it was too late this year to do anything about it but he would like to see a follow through next year on the tax listing by mail idea. APPOINTN'iENT OF MEMBER TO THE RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - By common consent it was aoreed that Lhe Board will appoint the member to the Recreation Advisory Committee to fill the vacancy of W. L. Crawford who recently resigned. VOTING NACHINE LITERATURE - Mr. Vaughan presented several sheets of information pertaining to voting machines and vote counting machines and it was agreed that the County Manager will obtain copies of this and make availabie to the Board members and any other interest.ed persons. TERMINATIONS, 4JELFARE DEPARTP~NT- ~ Mr. Vaughan stated that he had not received the information from the Welfare De- partment relative to twelve (12) terminations. This happened approximately eight months ago. At this juncture the ChaYrman recessed the meeting for approximately ten minutes. The meeting was reconvened. MR. JOHN H. WAGGETT, CIVIL AIR PATROL - Mr. John H. Waggett appeared before the Board and stated that the Civil Air Patrol had been unsuccessful in obtaining money for~the airplane engine replacement. Also, that this request of $600.00, in his opinion, would not::be a reoccvrring item as far as New Hanover County is concerned. It was then agreed that Mr. Waggett would assist the County Manager in drafting a letter to the proper officials in North Carolina Wing Headquarters in Raleigh pertaining to this matter. The letter is to state the feelings of the Board pertaining to this matter. COUNTY MANAGER MOVING EXPENSES - The bill for;the moving expenses of the County Manager was presented. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the moving expenses of the County Manager be paid as per agreement from funds for County Manager. Motion was carried. PETIT JllRY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as ,Jurors in Superior Court of Brunswick County beginnino Tuesday, February 21, 1967 - Civil Term as per the following order entered by Judge Leo Carr: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: IN~THE SUPERIOR COURT COUMTY OF BRUNSWICK . JOHN E. BROWN, SR.,.ADMINISTRATOR . OF JOHN E. BROWN, JR., . Plaintiff . Vs. . ORDER BARBEES, INC. AND OAK ISLAND . CLUB, . Defendants . • THIS CAUSE, coming on to be heard before the undersigned Judge Presidinc at the ' December, 1966 Civil Term of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, and being heard on Motions of the defendant, Barbees, Inc., and the defendant, Oak Island Club, for removal of this action to an adjoining County for trial on the grounds that the defendants ~ 1.~ ~ 20 Minutes of the Meeting January 3, 1967 - Continued PETIT JURY - (Continued) could not obtain a fair and impartial triai in Brunswick County, and it appearing to the Court, after consideration of Affidavits filed on behalf of plaintiff and defendants, and after argument by counsel, that this action should not be removed from Brunswick County, but that in the discretion of the Court, a jury from another County should be summoned for the trial of this action as provided by N. C. GS 1-86. IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED BY THE COURT, IN ITS DISCRETION, that a venire of jurors from New Hanover County be summoned for the trial of this action at the Febrvary, 1967 Civil Term of Superior Court of Brunswick County, and tRat the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be, and they are hereby, directed that at the time they draw the names of the jurors to serve for the February, 2967, Civil Term of Superior Court for New Hanover County, Fifth Judici2l District, to draw the names of thirty-six (36) ~urors to appear at the February, 1967, Civil Term of Superior Court of Brunswick County: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that when the names of thirty-s!x (36) jurors are so drawn, that a list thereof shall be delivered by said Board of Commissioners to the 5heriff of New Hanover County, who is hereby directed to summon the said ~urors to appear at the Brunswick County Courthouse in 5outhport, North Carolina, for the trial of Lhe above-entitled action on Tu~sday, February 21, 1967, at 9:30 o~clock, A.M. This 12th day of December, 1966. (siqned) Leo Carr Judge Presiding WE CONSENT: FRINK AND GORE By: Grover A. Gore Attorneys for Plaintiff James C. Bowman, Attorney for PlaintifF HOGUE, HILL 8 ROWE By: Ronald D. Rowe Attorneys for Defendant, Oak Island NiARSHALL AND WILLIAMS By: Lonnie B. Williams Attorneys for Defendant, Barbees, In c. TRUE COPY (signed) Svlvia James, Dep. Clerk of Superior Court Jurors For Tuesday~ Februarv 21, 1967 - C ivil Terro Suoerior Court, Brunswick Countv: Batchelor, George W., 766 Geo Trask Dr, Potter, Alexander L., 4939 Wri. Ave. Batson, J. W., Jr., Box 33, 1Jrightsville Beach Potter, Roy G., 503 Orchard Ave. Beaton, Francis E„ 1603 Chestnut 5t. Potter, Vivian C., Sr., 2417 Jackson St. Burnett, Mary Lucille, 909 So. sth St. Pridgen, D. L., 406 No. 4th St. Foy, V. K., Rt. 1, c/o V. K. Foy, Sr. Pridgen, Otto, 3701 Market St. Rd. Hammond, Wm. Henry, Box 975 Pugh, James E., 110 Queen St. Herring, Mary J., 2109 Pine St. Reel, Paul J., Rt. 1, Box 286 Jones, Rufus ?., 216 No. 29th St. Rice, R. M., Jr., Rt. 3, Box 51+5 Lockhart, Wm. Henry, Sr.,Rt.3, Box 552 Schlegel, Anthony, Rt. 1,Box 3i}, Castle Hayne Maree, Thelma, Lot 5, Victory Gardens Sharpe, J. M., Rt. 1, Box 2198, Castle Hayne McDonaid, Benjamin J., 2276 Camelia Dr. Shiplet, Theodore, 15-G Lake Village McFadder, L. J., 616 No. MacRae St. Sills, M. D., 104 Gordon Rd. Meshaw, H. T., 202 Dawson St. Tchouros, Pete C., 502 Wrightsville Ave. . Miller, Paui C., 714 Pine Valley Dr. Thomas, J. V., Rt. 3, Box 358 - Page, C. R., 718 Colweli Ave. Tuminar, Joseph L., 52o6 Wri. Ave. Pearsall, Oscar, Jr., P.O. Box 626 Whaley, Hobart G., 605 Pine Valley Dr. Pope, Wade Hamilton, Rt. 1, Castle Hayne Wheatley, Sidney E., 613 Pine Valley Dr. Porter, B. A„ Rt. 1,Box 266,Castle Hayne White, W. E., 2003 Woolcott Ave. The following good and lawful person s were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior Court, • New Hanover County, for the weeks beginni ng February 6, 1967 and February 13, 1967 - Civil term; February 20, 196'] and February 27, 1967 - Criminal term. Jurors for the week beqinninq February 6, 1967 - Civil: Armstrong, L. R., 111 E. Renovah Hunt, Patrick M., 2015 Barnett Batson, Thomas R., Rt. 1, Box 8$ C Jewett, Harriet B., 1156 Covntry Club Rd. Batts, Lena, 217 Red Cross Kallman, Robert, France Neckwear Bellamy, Richard D., 1206 S. 2nd King, Quillie, 2507 Wrightsville Ave. Benfield, J. G., 3835 Hoggard Lance, Maybert H., 155 Stokley Dr. Bridgers, John R., 71t} 5. 18th Lewis, Charles C., 232 Huntington Rd. Brock, J. S., 201 Kidder Lewis, Emerson D., 128 Wayne Dr. Bryan, Wiliiam M., 2510 Guilford Long, Samuel E., 3616 Palm St. Carraway, Thos, 5017 Pine N~aglenn, Catherine B., 505 5. Front Clover, Donald C., Rt. 2, Box 223 McCrae, A. A., l}28 N. McRae Creech, W. E.,P.O.Box 21}9, Caro. Bch. McGowan, Delmar A., Rt. 3, Box 35 Dubose, Mildred T., 142 Parkwood NcKeever, Lonnie J., 1219 McRae Duvall,MargareE H., 121.~. Forest Hill Dr. Millis, Harlee, (}912 Wrightsv. Ave. Edwards, Elsie J., P.O.Box 396 Mincy, A. B„ 614 N. 25th Eason, Eugene H., 10 Southern Blvd. Newkirk, Fred D., 7i6 Ann Farrell, Evelyn L., 2709 Monroe St. Piner, Agusta, RFD 2, Box 398 Futch, John R., 2709 Jefferson Powell, A. L:, !}801 Maple Ave. Futrel2, W.F., b02 Wrightsv. Ave. Register, Roland G., 219 Pinecrest Pkwy, Gardner, Eli,}ah, 1104 Brooklyn Roberts, Wiiliam D. B., 770 Caro. Bch. Garren, Geo. F., 2233 Oleander Dr. Sanderline, Patricia B., Rt. 3, Box 376A Gaskill, Sally J., 507 S. Front 5hepard, Thomas A., Jr., 160 Parkwood Dr. Gause, Mary B., 514 Market St. ' Sloan, George, Sr., 1o4 Pine Grove Dr. Gay, Thomas E., Jr., 3623 Stratford Smith, J. W., 218 Oakcrest Dr. Getty, Margaret B., 1909 Nun 5tevens, C. L., Kure Beach, N. C. Gore, Liston G., 119 Pine Grove Dr. Sullivan, Zoa C. 722 Red Cross Gurganous, Jesse A., Rt. 1, Box 2l}3 Todd, Ntittie J., 2224 Oleander Dr. Herring, Robert N., Rt. 3, Box 13~}~ Watson, Corbett L., 105 Live Oak Ave. Hope, Samuel H., 312 N. Kerr Ave. Winecoff, Charles E. P.O. Box 1572 , Gardner, Louis, 1215 Rankin St. Wilson, Mary B., 1~13 Swann St. 21 Jurors for the week Barbour, J. G. Batson, Forest Beck, Elba, Bowman, Martin W. Briggs, Hollis B. Bryan, R. M. Capps, John W. Carroll, J. M. c~o W. P. Carroll Congleton, Geo. F. Debnam, Fred A. Earwood, Harrel B.Jr Edwards, Fred Englehart, Richard Foleck, Letha G. Futche, Marie J. Ganey, Billy Ray Gardner, Henry E. Garner, Gordon, Garrett, Charles R. Gause, Dazzle S. Gause, Wiliiam Gaylor, J. A. Goodson, Glenn Sr. Gregory, Lucile F, Helms, Robert L. Hickman, Wm. Horrell, Carey E. Jewell, K. W., Sr. Keal, E. T. beginning February 13, tl12 Hill Rt. 1; Box 303 2105 Barnett 4215 Cedar ~l0 S, 16th Rt. 2, aox 513 505 Queen Rt. 3, BoX i55 709 Holmlock 1023 Country C. Rd. Rt. 2,Box 159-A 205 Kenwood 316 Clouer Rt. 1, Box 367-c 411 S. 2nd 2209 Naple 406 Newkirk 126 Holbrooke 3017 Jefferson 717 Surry 1015 S. 3rd l~L~04 Park Ave. 5429 Andover 2107 Washington 220 Oakieaf Dr. 224 Dixie 4801 Cedar 414 Church 1025 S. 3rd Jurors for the week beGinninq February 20, Baker, Lester N. 127 Green Forest Rd. Beale, W. Earle P.O. Box 1243 Bethune, Mary T. 421 So. 5th St. Blizzard, W. C. Rt.3,Greenv. Sd.Rd. Bradley, Mary E. 714 Bladen St. Britt, Romulus 6265 Wri.Ave. Brooks, James 412 N. 13th St. Bugg, E. B. Wil. Hotel Burney, Mrs. J.J. 1516 Chestnut Burton, Clara C. 815 5. Kerr Ave. Cobb, Thomas 2714 Arden Rd. Dickey, L. P. 1}10 Anderson St. Echols, Hilda C. Box 990 Gore, Lewis Olen 2002 Castle Grainger, Wm.Elbert 312 Wood Dale Griffith, B. J. 7224 Wri. Ave. Grissett, Hester D. 919 Orange Hardison, Issac Wri. Ave. Heath,Felix Thomas 1~306 Peachtree Ave. Hyde, Roswell A. 3839 Halifax Rd. Jenkins,Margaret R. 18 No. 31st St. Jolly, Samuel B.Jr. 6354 Oleander Dr. Kallfelz, F. A. 2627 5. F.ront Koonce, H. F. 718 Market St. Lee, Rudolph 1709 Queen Loftin, Donald M. 1~1~.20 Mockingbird Lane Logan,Lt.Co1.W.J. 5031 Pine St. Ludwig, Robt. Wm. 317 Johson Dr. Mercier,Emery Joseph Rt. 2, Box 361-D Niddleton, Jean 308 5. 18th St. Jurors for the week Abrams, Harold Barker, Charles Benson, J. A. Blake, A. B. Bogos, Walter W. Brewer, Alphia Brooks, A. P. Brown, Richard A. Bullard, C. O. Burns, James M. Cavenaugh, H. R. Cole~, L. J. Dortch, Fred Fales, J. B., Jr. Gore, Robert . Gray, Frances E. Griffin, Harry Hall, Luther.H. Head, Wm.G. Jr. Humphrey, Gene B. Innis, R. J. Johnson, ,lames L. Joyner, Ozell King, Clyde O. Ledbetter, S. H. Lennon, W. B. Lofton, Alice W. Lucas, Edith G. Malpass, Gene E Mercer, Loyd E. be,qinninq Februarv 27!}7 Hydrangea 32 Jackson Dr. Rt. 2, Box 17!} P. o. aoX io25 '208 Jeb Stuart 1919 Hudson Dr. 1309 Love Alley 615 S. Kerr Ave. 1309 S. 3rd St. 1015 Hawthorne Box 738 Rt.3, Box 272 Rt. 3, aox z38 Rt. 3, Eox 111 Rt. 1, Box 123 1312 Queen 2321 Princess St. .Rt. 1, sox 367-A 2724 Park Ave. 111 Dare St. 3712 Market St., 11}09 Nun St. 1005 Castle St. 127 Hooker Ave. Rt.. 2, aox~ 313 AA 2918 Park Ave. 1015 Orange 729 Essex Dr. 601 Rosemont Ave. 14 Wri. Ave. 1967 - Civi1: King, William J. Leary, Hubert Lewis, D. W. Lewis, Mamie Lono, W.. W. Lossen,. C. O. Marks, Agnes B. N,cFariand, Mae McGuire, Waiter McKee, Thomas W. McMillan, James F. Nillis, Jesse J. Moore, Herman E., Jr. Outlaw, Eliza A. Pool, Paul Powell, Wm. E., Jr. Privette, Alice J. Reaves, James W. Salmon, Thos. O.,Jr. Sanders, Effie R. Sidbury, Rose c/o J. W. Mattocks Smith, J. A. Southerland, Wilbur G. Sullivan, Philip L. Swart, Jerome S. Tate, Lacy Uptergrove, B. H. Victor, Edward Wilson, Edward A, 1967 - Criminal: Moutry, Edward Newman, Eugene C. Perkins, Cynthia, Piner, Robt. E. Porter, Myrtle E. Rickman, Frank A. Rogers, Clarence T. Sampson, Andrew Sandlin, Robert Percy, Schalie, H. V. Schwartz, Wm. 5essions, Jesse Sikes, L. E. Smithson, Hugh Spears, Edna Spillman, John Stokley, Lilliam V. Stokley, N. E. Stroud, Archie M. Taylor, F. O. Thompson, Grover S. Turlinoton, Roy T. Wade, Hattie Walker, Clarence E. Watson, Woodrow McDade White, Esther Wiiliams, Mrs. C. T. Woodcock, Lacy C. Wright, Thomas H.,Jr. 27, 1967 - Criminal: Mills, Pearlie R. Newkirk, Naomi Peebles, Estelle P. Peterson, Lily J. Poindexter, Robt B. Preston, Catherine W. Roberts, Wiiliam L. Ritter, Herbert R. Ruhland, E. E. Sanders, Car2 L. Saunders, Ernest L. Schutt, Laney S. Scott, Robert Sidbury, Armon Smith, Walter Surmnersett, George Spencer, Morgan R. Stokley, J. W. Stokley, Marvin E. Strickland, Sherrill Summerlin, Robert Thompson, John D. Thorpe, Daniel E. Vereen, L. C. Wahl, S. A. ulallace, Addie I. Watts, Ben,jamin C. White, James G. Williams, Henry B. Wright, John i 715 Essex Dr. Rt.1, Box 188 P.o. Box 3194 101 Myrtle Ave. 522 Bedford Forest Rt. 2, Bo.x 125 225 s. 17th 919 s, 3rd 802 Nixon 213 Midland 907 Live Oak Pkwy ' Rt. 1, Box 129E Rt. 1, Box 230-A,Castle Hayne Rt. 2, Box 216A ~110 Park Ave. Box 553, Carolina Beach Rt. 2, Box 320,Kure Beach 5307 Oleander Dr. 2110 Princess St. Rd. P.O. Box 234, Castle Hayne Scotts Hill, N.C. P.o. sox 374 Rt. 2, aox 1 5-B Rt. 3, sox 2 2 P.o. aox 838 1009 Chestttut 1215 S. 2nd 405 Sunset Ave 4406 Mockingbird Lane 609 Harnett St. 4125 Greenway Ave. 208 5. 11}th St. 18 Silver Lake Rd. 2106 Oak St. 107 Henry St. Rt. 3, Box 459 1027 So. 7th St. 206 Ann St. P.O. Box 136, Cas 713 No. 4th St. Rt. 1, Box 94-A at. i, sox 2o5,.c 385i Halifax Rd. 1007 S. llth St. Box 98~ ' 311 Northern Blvd. !}030 Greenway Ave. 26 N. 25th St. 216 No: 9th St. 5i4 s. 4tn Rt. 2, sox 382 Rt/ 2, Box !}1}0 512 Swann 311 Calhoun 312 N. sth St. 206 Brookwood 320 Pine Hills Dr. P.o. Box 330 tle Hayne astle Hayne 16 Long Leaf Acres 516 McRae 711 Campbell 102 Lake Shore Dr. 309 Pemberton Dr. 113 5. 39th 201 Tenn.Ave. Rt. 1, Castle Hayne Rt, 2, Box 201 41!} McDona 1 d 12 Jasmine P1. ii4 rr. ibtn P.O. Box 231, Castle 6811 Wri. Ave. 604 N. $th 715 Pine Grove Dr. 405 s. 6tri E,. Lake Shore Dr. 4002 Edgewood 10 Jasmine P. P.O. Box 208, Caroli 220 Plaza 125 Colonial Cir. 117 Marstellar 515 Forest Hills Dr. 306 Neares 606 N. 25th 3001} Nonroe 1221 5. 9th St. 1019 Love St. Dr. Hayne na Beach ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting be ad~journed. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager.