1967-01-16 Regular MeetingI 2~ MINIJTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 16, 1967 - 8:00 A. M, ASSEM,BLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. ~. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Commissioners Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, County Attorney L.Bradford Tillery, County Manacer J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INUOCATION - After calling the meeting to order, the Chairman asked Rev. R. C. Joyner, Pastor of the Myrtle Grove Advent Christian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Mr. Vaughan moved that the minutes be in as brief a form as possible in a manner that was described by him. Motion died for the lack of a second. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded hy Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be written in as brief a form as possible at the discretion of the Clerk to the Board, l~otion ~,ras carried. For the minutes of the January 3, 1967 meeting Mr. Bowden suggested that the words be inserted under Recommendation of Waiver of Tax Penalty that an error had been made by the Tax Listing ~epartment. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion was carried. JUDGE WINFIELD SMITH, RETIREMENT Judge Winfield Smith appeared before the Board to discuss the Retirement System of the County employees. He stated that he would like to see the County have some type of retirement system that would consider employees that had prior years service. Mr. Uaughan and -r. Hooper stated that employees that had prior years with the County would be pro- tected in that prior years service would be considered in a new Retirement System. APPOINTMENT OF NiEMBER TO THE RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Chairman be authorized to make the appointment to replace Mr. W, L. Crawford who had resigned. Motion was carried. CONiMUNITY HOSPITAL, BUDGET FOR NINE MONTHS Mr. E. M. Butler, Administrator of Community Hospital, appeared to explain to the Board the condition of the operating bvdget of Community Hospital. Also, to discuss in oeneral terms the status of the $50,000.00 item for purchases through Community Hospital Budget for New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Dr, Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Community Hospital be directed to cooperate with New Hanover Memorial Hospit~i in expettding $25,000.0~ of the $50,0~0.00 provided for supplies. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan abstained from voting. LOOSE LEAF REGISTRATION - Mr. Vaughan moved that a representative from the Board of Commissioners obtain a firm commitment from the committee working on the streamlining of the election structure in the County in order that it may be put in as soon as possible. Motion died for the lack of a second. BOARD OF ELECTION BILL AND PERSONAL SERVICES BILL, O. x. PRIDGEN, II - Bills from O. K. Pridgen, II, Chairman of Board of Elections for personal services for 20 days in December and the rent for five months and three weeks were presented. After considering the matter, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the bills be paid. Motfon was carried. Dr. Hooper and Mr. Vaughan abstained. MENTAL NEALTH CLINIC - TWO TYPIST Dr. Rolf Fisscher appeared to discuss with the Board the status of the two typist salaries to be considered for adjustment. He stated that each typist is below the normal rance by one step but they have passed the reciassification test and been approved by the State Merit System Authorities. He was advised that they would be considered at the January 23, 1967 Meeting. SALARIES, WELFARE BOARD Mr. H. A. Marks and Mr. Laurence O. Bowden presented the salaries of the We2fare personnel in an itemi2ed form, Also, a news item from the Charlotte Observer was presented. After considering the matter, Mr, Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this Board go on record that the salaries of the personnel cover.ed by the New County Personnel Plan and the Merit System Plan in comparable jobs ultimately be brought to the same level. Motion was carried. Mr. Hall stated that this has been the plan of the Board for the past twelve years. Mr. Metts stated that h9s vote reflected the intention of the past. SITE PROPOSAL, FILTORS, INC. - Mr. C. D. Hogue and Mr. Ronald Rowe appeared and presented to the Board a copy of a plan for the proposed site being considered by Filtors, Inc. near the County Airport. After reviewing the plan, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the matter be referred to the Airport Commission, County Attorney, County Auditor, Airport Manager, and County Manager. Motion was carried. It was aoreed that a meeting of the Airport Committee be held on January 19, 1967 at 1}:30 P. M. and a meeting at 5:00 P, M. with representatives of Filtors, Inc. CAROLINA BEAGH BERM AND DUNE PROJECT - Mr. Jack Webb, Town Manager of Carolina Beach, appeared before the Board and presented a plan showing the proposed berm and dune project north of Carolina Beach to Carolina Seach Inlet. After reviewing the matter and considering the proposal, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that a letter be written to Mr. Webb advising that it is the intent of Board to cooperate in the project in the amount not to exceed $4,000.00 and pending the availability of funds in the current budget and definitely in the 1967-68 fiscal year. Motion was carried. STATUS REPORT, GENERAL EMERGENCY FUND - Pursuant to request of the Commission at their meeting January 3, 1967 County Auditor Shepard presented a detailed statement relating the status of the General Emergency Fund. ~ , 1 , . ~ ~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 16, 1967 - Continued REQUEST, WRIGHTSBORO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - The request was that the fee requirements for a building permit for an addition to their present fire station to house their new truck be waived. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the fee requirements be waived, but the~other requirements of the County Building Code must be met, Motion was carried. SCHOOL DENTIST, DENTAL AID, CATHOLIC SCHOOLS - Dr. Hooper presented a letter from Dr. C. B. Davis, Director of the Health Department requesting that consideration be given to a request that dental aid be provided in the Catholic schools for indigent classed students based on the Public School Program. Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that sub,ject to the approval of the County Attorney, the Commission has no objection and so notify the Health Department that they have no ob,jections to them {Health Department) furnishing dental aid to the Catholic schools as in the Public schools and on the same basis, it being the Board's understanding that this is an indigent Program and not a School Program. Motion was carried. TRANSFER OF FUNDS,'FROM INDIGENT PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, MC-1 TO SANITARIUM T. B. CARE - At a previous meeting of the Board Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Welfare, appeared before the Board and stated that she did not have sufficient furids in her current budget to meet the Sanitarium T, B. Care payments. She was instructed to review this matter with County Auditor Shepard before final action would be taken by the Commissioners. The Board was advised that sufficient funds could be transferred from the Indigent Public Assistance, MC-1 Program to Sanitarium T. B. Care Program. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the funds be transferred~up to and including the amount of $2,!}00.00 from the Indigent Public Assistance, N!C-1 to Sanitarium T. B. Care. Motion was carried. RQAD PETITION, BAYSHORE DRIVE - A petition for state maintenance on a portion of Bayshore Dr3ve was presented. The petition being in order, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded, by Mr. Bowden, that the petition be referred to the Highway Commission. Motion was carried. " LETTER FROM SAVINGS 8 LOAN ASSOCIATIONS - A let~ter from the local Savings & Loan Associations was presented to the Board by Dr. Hooper. Af.ter.considering the matter, it was agreed to contact Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, asking him to attend the next meeting of the Commissioners to discuss the possibility of streamlining his office and any other recommendations relative to tax collections that he may have, thinking in terms of possible installations within two years. By common consent it was agreed that County Auditor Shepard, County Manager Marshall and Tax Collector Sam Johnson compose a committee to work on this matter. WEATHER BUREAU, TWO ADDITIONAL ROOMS, AIRPORT TERMINAL BUILDING - A request had been previously received from the Weather Bureau for two additiona2 rooms, Nos. 208 and 209, in the Airport Terminal Building, for additional storage space. This matter had been considered by the Airport Committee and a letter from Nr. D. J. Gaudioso, Chief, Procurement and Supply Management Section, U. S. Weather Bureau, was received stating that a rental of $12.50 per month would be acceptable to the Weather Bureau. After some discussion of the matter Mr. Hall moved, seconded by ~r. Bowden, that the $12.50 per month be accepted for rental for Rooms 208 and 209 in the Airport Terminal Buildino. N,r. Metts stated that this action should in no way set a precedent because of other considerations. The question was called on the motion and it was carried. LETTER OF RESIGNATION,,T. O. PAGE, CHAIRMF+N OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES, WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER MUSEUM - A letter of resignation from Mr. T. O. Page, Ch2irman of the Board of Trustees of the Wilmington-New Hanover Museum was presented. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the resignation be accepted and a letter be written Mr.Page thenking him for his services. Motion was carried. GRAND JURY REPORT - Dr. Hooper presented`the Grand Jury Report for the Week of January q, 1967. County Manager Marshall was instructed to contact Dr. William Wagoner, Superintendent of New Hanover Schools, relative to the matters mentioned in the report and also to investigate the possibility of an air conditioning unit for the Grand Jury Room. ROAD PETITION, DOG4100D LANE - A petition was presented from the residents of Dogwood Lane requesting improvement to the said street. Petition being in order Mr. Vauohan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this matter be referred to the Highway Commission. Motion was carried. LETTER FROM MR. T. C. NEEDHAM, LAND NEAR WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH CAUSEWAY - A letter was presented to the Board from Mr. T. C. Needham relative to some property owned by him and described as Lot 36 in Block 3 at Wrightsville Beach. The subject of this being an assessment problem, it was referred to Tax'Svpervisor W. G. Houck for investigation. LICENSE TO PERFORM PALM READING - Tax Collector Sam Johnson had received an application for a license to do palm reading in New Hanover County from Mrs. Rose Marks. There being some question relative to this matter, Mr. .lohnson had requested that the Board of Commissioners take action before the license was issued. After discussion of the matter, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the license be granted subject to review by the Sheriff from time to time. Before the question on the motion was called Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion that the County Manager be in- structed to investigate the professional qualifications of the applicant. The meeting was then recessed for ten minutes. Upon reconvening the meeting by the Chairman Mr. Vaughan withdrew his original substitute motion and offered a second substitute motion, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the matter be referred to the Sheriff for revie~a and should he concur in the request advise Mr. Johnson that he has no objections in order that the license may be issued. Substitute motion was carried. ~ ~ 24 MINUTES OF THE ~~ETING JANIIARY 16, 1967 - Continued LETTER TO DEPARTMENT HEABS - By common consent the County Manager was instructed to draft a letter to the different department heads asking if they have any ideas or particular problems within their department which may need leoislative action in the upcoming General Assembly. LITTERING OF HIGHWAYS - By common consent it was agreed that the County Manager draft a letter to the Sheriff relative to the littering along the highways in the County. He is to instruct his deputies to enforce the Anti-Littering Law on State as well as County roads. River Road to be in- cluded in the patrol. By common consent it was agreed that Nr. George Reif, City-County Planning Director, be contacted and asked to attend the next meeting to explain several items in his letter to the Board dated January 6, 1967. By common consent County Attorney Tillery was instructed to investigate the feasibility of cutting the proposed new access road across a part of the National Guard property from the Airport property to a proposed new road that will tie into the Blue Clay Road. ACCESS RQAD TO COUNTY AIRPORT After discussing tne possibility of acquiring the right-of-way in constructing a new road across a portion of the land owned by Mr. Hutaff, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the County Attorney be authorized to proceed with the land trade between Mr. Hutaff and the County. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan stated that he voted for the motion but expressed the opinion that this shouid be considered by an outsider as to land value being exchanged. Mr. Hall stated that he voted for the motion bvt expressed the opinion that this land is needed to construct the road and it is a good trade. It is essential for good traffic flow for occasional big crowds at the County Airport. Present owner does not need to trade the property. RETIREMENT SYSTEM FUNDS (OLD SYSTE~) County Auditor Shepard presented the status of the cvrrent Retirement System and pointed out that additional funds would be needed to finish out the fiscal year. He stated that an additional $6,322.00 plus the remaining part of the original $50,000.00 provided in the budget for Retirement Under County Aid will be needed. He sugqested that the $6,322.00 be transferred from the Permanent Registration. After discussing the matter Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the County Auditor be authorized to use the remaining part of the original $50,000.00 pius $6,322.00 to be transferred from the Permanent Registration Fund, which have not been expended. Motion was carried. PROPOSED NEW RETiREMENT SYSTEM Nr, Vaughan~moved;'seconded..by,Mr_: Bowden, that.the matter of the New Retirement System be deferred until after the 12:15 luncheon. Notion was carried. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr, Hail, that the meeting be recessed. Motion was carried and the meeting was recessed . at 12:00 Noon. Meeting was reconvened at 1:30 P. M. PROPOSED NEW RETIREMENT SYSTEM, H. GRAY HUTCHISON PROPOSAL - The proposal and study prepared by the firm of H. Gray Hutchison 8 Associates was dis- cussed by the Ghairman and other members of the Commission pertaining to the old Retirement System. Several points were mentioned. One was that the loans that are presently outstanding to employees should be paid back as soon as possible. Two, to determine if people that are in the Old System and are retired are legally entitled to their retirement. Dr, Hooper covered Part 2 of the Report. He stated that considerable study had been made to determine if one plan could be had to cover all employees. Close study was made of the Local Govern- ment Plan and also an Independent Funded Plan. The H. Gray Hutchison Associates firm recommended the Local Government Plan. Mr. Metts observed that people now in the present system may elect to co into the new plan. After considerable discussion of the proposals, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the recommendations made by H. Gray Hutchison Associates, dated January 1!}, 1967, be accepted svbject to modific2tions. Motion was carried. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that a meeting be scheduled for January 23, 1967 at 8:30 A. M. in the Conmissioners~ Room for the purpose of discussing the proposed plan or plans and that the Life Underwriters of the area and Trust Officers of the local banks be notified of the meeting. Also, any other persons that might be interested at this time be notified. Motion was carried. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that a meetino be scheduled for January 26, 1967 and held in the Superior Court Room at 5:00 P. M. at which time Mr. Hutchison will be present to explain the proposed plan and fUrther, that ballots be given out to be filled in and retvrned by February 3, 1967 expressing the choice of each individual employee. Department heads would follo~a ,ap on the return of the ballots. Motion was carried. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr, Ntetts, that the meeting be adjourned. N;otion was carried. J. E. Marshail, County Manager