1967-02-06 Regular Meeting, Z~ .~ Minutes of the Meeting - February 6, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jos'. W. Hooper, Commissioners Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. I N1/OCAT I ON - After cailing the meeting to order, the Chairman asked Rev. B. H. Baskerville, Pastor of the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - For the meeting of January 16,19~7 the minutes should be corrected to include the following words: Under the heading of Litterino of Highways -"River Road to be included in the Patrol". After making the above correction, Nr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. LOCAL OPTION, ONE PERCENT SALES TAX - The question of a local one percent sales Lax was discussed. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board go on record favoring the local option one percent sales tax and that the local legislators be advised of this action. RELEASE FROM CONTRACT, MISS PEARL NAYES - The question of releasing Miss Pearl Hayes from the contract with the County to operate Community Hospital, or a part thereof, as a Boarding Nursing Home was considered. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Miss Hayes be released from her contract effective February 1, 1967. Motion was carried. RETIREMENT - The question of adopting the resolution pertaining to the Local Governmental Retirement Plan was discussed. ~ , Mr. Vaughan moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign the resolution as soon as the problem of Community Hospital is cleared. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Hail made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the employees at Community Hospital and others that have not voted be allowed to vote on the new retirement system and results obtained before the meeting of February 20, 1967. Mr. Uaughan made a substitute motion that the Chairman be authorized to contact Local Governmental Employees Plan office and be guided by their recommendations. Motion died for lack of a second. Nir. Vaughan made a substitute motion that action be deferred until February 20, 1967 meeting. Motion was seconded by Dr. Hooper. Question was called on the substitute motion and it was carried by vote of three for and two against. SMALL WATERSHED ACT - ` Mr. George Reif, Planning Director, appeared before the Board to discuss, in part, the Small Watershed Act and Mobile Home Ordinance. Nr. Vaughan explained that he had asked that a discussion be held on a Mobile Home Ordinance because it is becoming more of a problem each year. Therewith a general discussion of Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks was held. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the County Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary bill for introduction into the Legislature to regulate the establishment of Mobile Homes in New Hanover County. This legislation is Lo carry very wide latitude in order that it may be a workable law. Question was called on the motion and it was passed. EQUIPMENT - TAX COLLECTOR~S OFFICE '- "Mr. Sam Johnson appeared hefore the Board to discuss the equipment needed in his office in order that the operation may be streamlined. He made several suggestions with Lhe idea of buying one machine for the Tax Collector and Tax Supervisor~s office. He stated that the cost of the machine is approximately $15,000.00. This does not include cost of $29.25 per thousand for materials used in the machine. Also, a permanent file for storage of the records used in relation to this ,}ob is estimated to cost $1,400.00. He stated that this might be a joint operation between County and City. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bo~+den, that this matter be referred to the budget dis- cussion and considered as a joint County-City operatio.n and the committee presently studying this problem continue to do so and make a recommendation in the future. Motion was carried. REMOUAL OF TRAINS t}2 AND 1}9 - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Meares Harriss, along with a delegation from the Chamber of Commerce relating to Trains 42 and 1}9 appeared before the Board. Mr. William Hiil, Attorney, spoke for the group relative to this matter, He requested the Commission to pass a resolution protesting the removal of Trains 1a.2 and l~9. He stated also that it may be possible that hearings could be held in '~Jilmington and Rocky Mount relative to this matter. Chairman Dr. Hooper stated that he had studied the facts and had been a passenger on the train frequently in the past five years and he oould not vote in favoc of maintainino the Passenger Service. Mr. Schv,~artz spoke against removing the trains. I:ouis Latham spoke in favor of removing the train service. Henry von Oesen spoke against removing the train service. After considerable discussion, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that a resolution be prepared and submitted to the Utilities Commission protesting the removal of Trains 42 and 49 and request that better schedvles be arranged. Also, the resolution is to request that arrangements be made for hearings to be held in Wilminoton and Rocky Mount. Question was called on the motion and it was carried by a vote of four for and one against. NiENTAL HEALTH, USE OF UACATED FUNDS - Mr. Robert Hallman and Nrs. Alice Sisson ap.peared before the Board and presented a request that they (the Board) authorize the hiring of a Psychologist II-1 at a salary of $8,O1}0.00 per year using vacated funds in the present budget that were provided for a Social Worker II. ~ I S 7C { 26 Minutes of the Meeting - February 6, 1967 (Continued) MENTAL HEALTH, USE OF VACATED FUNDS (Continued) Due to not having the facts on this at this time, Mr. Shepard was instructed to review this with Mrs. Sisson and Mr. Kallman and also Dr. Knight. • Shortly thereafter, returning to the meeting, Mr. Shepard advised that this would be in order and that funds are available. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hali, that the request be.granted the Mental Health Clinic. Motion was carried. DUES, NATIOiVAL RIVERS AND HARBORS CONGRESS - A letter from Col. Gillette pertaining to the dues from the County to the National Rivers and Harbors Congress was'presented. Col. Gillette recommended that the annual dves payment be increased to the County from $250.00 to $300.00 per year. Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr.-Metts, that it is agreed that the increased dues be paid. Funds for this to come from the General Emeryency Fund. Motion was carried. FLYING SCHOOL, WILMINGTON COLLEGE County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery advised that he had contacted several schools that offer flying school courses in their curriculum and had obtained the necessary information and had passed it on to the appropriate office of Wilmington College. This matter will be con- sidered again at the second meeting in March. WELFARE DEPARTMENT, SALARIES - Mr. H. A. Marks and Mr. N. P. Barefoot appeared before the Board and presented a request for non-professional salaries for the personnel in the Welfare Department. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hali, that the suggestions itemized on the two sheets presented by Mr. Marks and Mr. Barefoot be accepted and considered in the over-all salary adjustments. Mr. Marks and Mr. Barefoot also presented a request for professionalclassified people in the Welfare Department, particularly in the area of case workers. Mr. Marks and Mr. Barefoot were advised that this matter will be considered at a special session for salaries. LOUIS LATHAM AND JULIUS WENBERG, RENTAL CAR SERVICE - Nr. Louis Latham and ~r. Julius Wenberg appeared before the Board to discuss the rent that they are presently paying for their rental car space at the Airport in the Terminal Building. Mr. Latham stated that the rent they are paying is too hich and presented some figures that he had obtained at the Airport. It was stated by Mr. Wenberc that they would like to have the percentage charge removed and a flat rent per month charge. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this matter be referred to the Airport Committee. Motion was carried. At this juncture Mr. Vaughan asked that he be excused from the meeting to keep an appoint- ment out of to4m. Permission was eranted on the above. SCHOOL BOARD, NEEDS AT JOHN T. HOGGARD HIGH SCHOOL - Mr. Emsley Laney and Dr. William Wagoner appeared before the Board and presented the needs of the schools for the next five years and another five years thereafter. Also, suggested that the equipment for the John T. Hoggard High School and a site for a new element2ry school be considered. First of importance stated by them was the equipmenL needs for John T. Hoggard High School. They need the Board to approve purchases of the equipment at this time but they stated they understood no appropriation could be made. The estimated amount needed to equip the school is $288,161.32. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that it is the intent of this Board that money will be forthcoming to finance the cost of the equipment at the John T. Hoggard High School not to exceed $288,161.32. Motion was carried. Meeting was then recessed for a short period of time. Meeting was reconvened. A Mr. Jesse Powell appeared before the Board relative to a Welfare check for a deceased person that was cared for by him. He was referred to the Welfare Department for their con- sideration. • SAL4RIE5 OF ELECTED OFFICIALS - The salaries for the Register of Deeds, Clerk of Court, County Auditor and Sheriff were discussed. Nr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Commissioners ask the Legislature to ~ authorize the raising of the salaries of the above named elected officials to $10,000.00 per year. Motion was carried. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS TO WILMINGTON COLLEGE - The County Auditor recommended that an appropriation for Wilmington College be made from unappropriated surplus. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the.recommendation of the County Auditor be accepted. Notion was carried. OGDEN FIRE DEPARTMENT, PENSION FUND - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the necessary papers for the Pension Fund for the above Volunteer Fire Department be completed and returned provided no covnty funds are inuolved. Motion was carried. ~7, Minutes of the Meeting - February 6, 1967 (Continued) COMMLINITY HOSPITNL, TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Pursuant to a recommendation of the Board of Trustees of Community Hospital, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that $25,000.00 of the original $50,000.00 from Community Hospital to New Hanover Memorial Hospital be transferred to the New Hanover Memorial Hospital appropria- tion. Motion was carried. RECOMN~NDATION OLD RECORDS, REGISTER OF DEEDS - Pursuant to a recommendation from Mr. Paul Blanchard, Register of Deeds, dated January 25, 1967, relative to removing and destroying some old records in his department, Mr, Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, subject to the approval of the County Attorney, Mr. Blanchard be authorized to destroy the records provided that it is done in a manner consistent with State Law. Motion was carried. APPOINTN~NT MR. JOHN VAN B. METTS, JR. REPRESENT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WITH VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - By common consent it was agreed that Mr. John Van B. Metts, .lr. be appointed by the Chair- man to represent the County Commissioners with the Volunteer Fire Departments. BILL, ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES COMMIJNITY HOSPITAL - ' A bill in the amount of $2,500.00 from Oxenfeld and Newkirk, Architects for architectural services relative to plans for the conversion of Community Hospital to a Boarding and Nursing Home was presented. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the bill be paid and that funds for same come from the Community Hospital Budget and that a transfer be authorized to cover the same. It was requested that plans for the work completed or covered by the above bill be furnished at the next meeting. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. BILL, APPRAISAL OF LAND, COUNTY AIRPORT The bill from Mr. R. C. Cantwell, II was presented relative to his appaisal of a proposed site for Filtors, Inc. near the County Airport. The bill amounted to $200.00. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the bill be paid and funds come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion was carried. WAIVER OF TAX PENALTIES - Mr. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board relative 'to the wai•ver of three tax penalties. The first one presented was for A. A. Saffo, et al. The amount of the abatement for this penalty was ~58.28. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that upon the recommendation of • the Tax Supervisor, the.penalty mentioned aboare be waived. Motion was carried. ~ A second waiver recommendation was presented and was for B.D.&H. Enterprises: The amount of the abatement was $55.81. Upon recommendation of the Tax Supervisor, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this penalty be waived. Motion was carried. A third recommendation presented by the Tax Supervisor was for Dr. E. J. Wells. The total abatement of the County Tax was $22.84. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the penalty be waived in the above amount. Question was called•on the motion. Mr. Hall voted "Yes", Mr. Metts voted "Yes", Mr. Bowden voted "No" and Dr. Hooper abstained from voting. The motion was carried. . ELECTRIC BILL, FIRE DEPARTMENT, COUNTY AIRPORT - The question of the bill for the electric pump at the County Airpor~ for the fire training ground crew was presented. By common consent it was agreed that the County Manager was to check this out. and make a recommendation to the Board at its next meetiny. FUNDS, AIRPORT AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS - Due to an electrical storm at the Airport one of the air conditioners was damaged by lightening. Insurance coveraoe for this afforded the County a payment of $575•45 for a new unit. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the.amount of $575•~+5 be transferred to the Airport Building Repairs-Unanticipated Revenues. Motion was carried. HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND ABC FUND ALLOCATIONS - ~ Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board go on record as opposing any change in the Health Department~s support or the allocation of ABC Funds. These funds•are the main source of non-tax monies for various and essential County services. Any reduction in these funds to New Hanover County would hamper seriously the providing of these services and may necessitate their abolishment. Motion was carried unanimously. TAX LISTING BY NNIL - • Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Legislature be requested to enact enabling legislation to permit tax listing by mail for New Hanover County. Motion was carried unanimously. DEED OF CORRECTION County Attorney Tillery pointed out that a typographical error had been made in the deed of conveyance to Kellwood Corporation. He recommended that the Chairman be authorized to sign a deed of correction. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hali, that the Chairman be authori2ed to so sign a deed of correction. County Attorney Tillery pointed out to the Board that Aeronautics, Inc. had requested a lease to operate a Unicom Radio System. Mr, Bowden moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a contract granting Aeronautics, Inc. the exclusive right to op~rate a Unicom Radio System. Motion was carried. ~ LEASE, AERONAUTICS, INC., SHORT TERM - The lease for Aeronautics, Inc. for a three year period of time was discussed briefly. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the lease. Notion was carried. • ~ NAVAL ROTC, JOHN T. HOGGARD HIGH SCHOOL - The Board of Commissioners unanimously endorsed the providing of a Naval ROTC Unit at the John T. Hoggard High School. ~ 28 ~ Minutes of the Meeting - February 6, 1967 (Continued) FIREWORKS DISPLAYS - A letter was received from the City Manager of ldilminoton requesting the approval of fire- works displays in conjunction with the Azalea Festival. The time and location are as follows: Thursday, April 6, at approximately 7:00 P.A1. at Legion Stadium and Wednesday, April 5, location and time to be determined later by President of the Festival, Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by N~r. Bowden, that subject to the County Attorney~s approval of insurance and supervision, the above schedvle be approved. Motion was carried. PETIT JURY - The,following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning March 6, 1967 and March 13, 1967 - Civil; March 27, 1967 - Criminal: Jurors For The Week Bectinninq March 6, 1967 - Civil Term: Al1en,John Henry, Rt.1,Bx.2961,Castle Hayne Al1en,Richard, Rt.1,Bx.190B,Castle Hayne Baltzegar,Walter V., 205 Oakhurst Dr. Barnhill,Roy L., Rt.2,Bx.211DC, Wilmington Bass,Ed. C., 304 Silver Lake Rd. Batton, J. M., 3~01 Wrights. Ave. Batuyious, Bebe H., 2129 Klein Rd. Bordeaux,James E.,Jr. ,520 Park Terrace Bost,Woodrow E., 132~ Copley Rd. Brown, 5. P., 191 Perry Ave. Bruton,Mary Lee Cribb,Rt. 2, Box 223G, Wil. Bryan,Paul Woodrow, Rt. 2,.Box 180, Wil. Bullock, Charles, 16 So. 9th St. Duncan,Mitchel Merri1 ,136 Live Oak Ave. Duren, Hattie G., 1109 So. 9th St. Fuller, Nilton E., l{039 Halifax Rd. Funderburk, G. R., 210 Pine Gr. Dr. Gay, Ola E., 804 Spofford Circle Grady, Jerry, 113 St. James St. Guy, James H., Rt. 2, Box 366A.,Wi1. Hales,Archie G.,Sr., 1}218 Greenfield St. Hall, Alfred B., 170l~ Chestnut St. Harrell, A. H., Rt. 1, Box 104C, Wil. Harrell,Milton B., 21 Green Meadows Dr. Hassell, Willie W., l}03 So. lsth St. Henderson, C. W., 20 No. 23rd St. Hill, Joseph T., 413 No. 7th St. James, Geo. W., 817 So. lOth St. Jamison, Helen T., c~oKepley Real Est.,Car.B Jorgensen, Wrri., 4301 Park Ave. Justice, W. T.,, 1202 Chestnvt St. King, E. D., Box 210, Caro. Beach Ligon, J. H., Box 975, Wil. Love, Anna P., Rt. 3, Box~67, Wii. Mason, Richard D., 229 Long Leaf Acres Dr. Millinor,John Wm.,Jr. ,i~88o Car,Bch.Rd. Mincy, Alva B., 614 No. 25th St. Moore, Stephen W., RFD 1,Box 124,Castle Hayne Farisi, D. G., 410 Northern Blvd. Potter,Chas.Stratford,916 So. 5th St. Powell, George W., ~.931~ Wri. Ave. Register, Robt. F., 5316 Wri. Ave. Reynolds,Kellum O.,Jr .~tt. 2,Box 80, Wil. Roberts,Dorothy A., Box 196,Wrights.Bch. Robertson, Cleo. D., 3i3 Buckner Dr. Robeson, Caraway M., 138 Bermuda Dr. Ryssy, Mrs. May 0., 1116 So. Live Oak Pkwy. Scott, Robt. K., Rt. 2, Box 66,'vJil. Skelding,Mrs. Mary, P.O.Box 1153, Wil'. Stanley, N. R., 209 No. 7th St. Starnes,Wm. Ernest, P.O.Box 15o1~, Wil. Talent, Coy, Rt. 2,Box 1$3s,wi1. Teia, James N., 206Cape Fear Blvd. Uffalussy,Richard E.., !}100 Lake St. Walker, Curtis J., 307 Dawson St. Wallace, C. R., 2218 Brandon Rd. Williams, A. H., 301 Willard St. l~Jilson,~arvin P.,Jr., 716 Country Cluh Rd. Wooten, John M., Wilshire Blvd. Jurors For the Week Bec7inninq March 13. 1967 - Civil Term: Babson, Walter R., 2005 East~,rood Rd. barbieri, Joe, 508 So. 13th St. Barnes, H. W., Box 3216,YJi'lmington Becker, Harold M., 1}610 Mockingbird Lane Beery,Clarence Hardy, 1905 Nun St. Borneman, L. B., ~rs. P.O. Box 313, Wri.Bch. Brian,Paul Woodrow, Rt. 2,Box 180A, Wil. Capps, Norman R.,- 2430 Jefferson St. Clemmer, Niles G., l+728 Long Leaf Dr. Custafson, John, P.O.Box 641,Car.Bch. Dean,.Ellis D., Rt. 2, Box 139E.tWi1. Dizor, Maxine, 6332 Wri. Ave. Dodd, A. D., 705 Red Cross St. Doorley, R. P., 209 No. 27th St. Edwards, Curtis Hayes ,24 N. 23rd St. Jr., Elmore, Olivia C. 305 S. 16th'St. Fryar, Jack Elwood, 2801 Lyndon Ave. Hardee, May W., 101 No. 6th St. Haywood, L. G., Rt. 2, Bok 295,Wi1. Holland, R. H., Box 2l}6, Wil. Hufham, Thomas E., 312 N. 41st St. Humphrey, N. W., Box 423,Wri. Beach Jenkins,Lawrence, 6831 Wri. Ave. Jolley, James N., Rt. 3, Box l~61, Wil. Jones, Jesse B., 11 Barnard Dr. Lehrschall, Robt. Jos .212 5. 58th St. " Lewis,Benj. Leslie, 2(}17 Nonroe St. Lewis, Dudley C., Box 178, Caro.Bch, Loney, N;ervin E., 731 Eastti~ood Rd. Maultsby, D. H., l~1~01 Peachtree St. McClain, K. C., 503 Swann St. N;cEachern, Ed. M., Box 364, lJri.Bch. h"enefee,Melville M., 114 Wayne Dr. • A~erritt, Charles E., 312 Walnut St. Moore, Isaac E., 4036Patrick Ave. Newland, Maroaret L., 226 No. 23rd St. Arewton, Curtis B., 21° No. 23rd St. Patrick, Wm. Thomas, Rt. 1,Box 98HE,Wi1. Penton, D. ]-I., Jr., P.O. Box 1228, YJil. Peterson, T. E., 2933 Oleander Dr. Ponos, Mrs. Tasia, 314 N. 3rd St, Price, Cletus, 3026 Jefferson St. Rackley, E. A., 201} N. Kerr A+re. Robinson, Ennis T., Box 4218, Wri.Bch. Saleeby, T. M., 1912 4Joolcott Ave. Sanderson, James C., Box 712, Car. Beach San Marco,Dominick,Jr .225 Forest Rd, Sasser, Lewis Norman, 4 Laurel Dr. Strange, Thomas W„ Rt. 1, Box 3o7-G,wti. Taylor, F. S., 2109 Barnett Ave. Terry, Olden, ' 1402 Wooster St. Umstead, Louise H., 19 So. 6th St. Vereen, Leo G., 21}0 Oakcrest Dr. Walker, R. B., Jr. , 707 Central Blvd. Watkins, Anderson,. 720 Red Cross St. Watson, Byron E., P.O.Box 85, Car. Bch. Watson, D. H., 512 Sunset Ave. Woodcock, F. H., 6010 Park Ave. Yow, R. J., 1907 Nun St. Jurors For the Week Beqinninq March 27, 1967 - Criminal Term: ~ Anderson,David B., Lr63~5 Mockingbird Lane Barefoot, M. B., 307 Parkway Blvd. Sarnes, Gladys, 117 Prospect Ave. Brinson, Linwood,G.J r.19 Morningside Dr. Brown, Mable F., 310 50. 15th St. Brown, Thomas E., 1}39 Evans St. Bullard, R. L., 22~ 1 Barnett Ave. Dunn, Roxie S., Box 21}0, Car. Beach Duff, J. H., 101 Central Blvd. Eakins, Theron C., 107 Northern Blvd. Fairbanks, Mary Brown,Box 157, Car. Beach Fowler, Robt. E., 805 Spofford Circle Fowler, W. A., 211 Nercer Ave. Fox, George M., 61(} Ann Street Foy, John P., 526 -Oak St. Foy, N. L., Francis, Bobby F.., Franklin,Edw. R., Free, N. D., Freshwater, Louis O., Groves, Alton L., Hansley, G. C., Hardie, E. N., Hawes, James T., Hines, Lewis, Holland, E. R., Hunter,Gertrude, Jenkins, Isaiah, Johnson, V. R., King,Mrs. Evelyn L., 2!}02 Oleander Dr. 609 Rosemont Ave. 3855 Halifax Rd. 106 Wintergreen Rd. Rt. 3,Box 1Y~7, Wil. 507 Latimer Dr. 5a4 Ann St. 222 Midland Dr. 1110 Queen St. Rt. 1,Eox 322, Wil. Rt. 3,Box 217, Wil. 213 Brookwood Ave. 1506 Ann St. 228 Forest Rd, io3 so. 4th st. ~ . 3~ Minutes of the Meeting - February 6, 196~ (Continued) Jurors For the Week Beqinninq Maxch 27, 1967 - Criminal Term (Continued): Lauahlin,James Homer, Lewis, D. Miles, Lewis, Frances H., Little,Clarence, Lofton, W. B., Nartin,Thurman D., McCall, J. Frank, ~elton, W. P., Moore, Fred, Moore, Phillip, Mulcahy,Mrs. Joseph, Neuwirth, Arnold, Paluck, Mike, Peebles, Roosevelt, Piner, W. R., 5042 Pine St. Powlas, Alton B., 211 Greenvil~le Ave. 1307 McRae St. Price, Marvin E., Rt.1,Bx:265A,Castle Hayne P.O.Box 395,Car.Bch. Purvis, S. L.,Jr., Rt. 2, Box :1$4, Wil. P.O.Box 13~F, Wil. ' Schnibben,Martin G., 617 Pine Valley Dr. 601 Airlie Rd. Sermon,Wm. ~urdic, 5306 Ridgewood Hts. Dr. 121 Stokley Rd. Sherman, H.F., Jr., 161 Arlington Rd. 1101 Cypress Dr. Smith, Beatrice, 711 So. Front St. 2520 Washington St. Stanford, David J., 5346 Market St. Rd. 716 Brooks Alley Turner,Horace M.,Jr., LE1~05 Market St. Rt.1,Bx.266-C; Weaver, W. E., 311 Mears St. Castle Hayne White, Robt. H.,Jr., 316 Anderson St. Gen.Del.,Car. Beach Williams, Henry, 604 Henry St. 520 No. 3rd St. Williams,Joseph Lee, 507 Brunswick St. Rt.1,Bx.192-A, Wright, James A., 1121 So. 9th St. Castle Hayne 719 Orange St. Rt. 2,Box 380A,Wi1. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. Minutes of the Meeting - February 20, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Nev~ Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8 A. M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the foliowing members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Nfanager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepar,d. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order the Vice-Chairman asked Rev. D. L. Alexander, Pastor of First Christian Church to give the invocation.~ FIVE-YEAR EXTENSION PROGRAM - DURWOOD BAGGETT - Mr. Durwood Baggett, County Extension Chairman, presented a program entitled "Target Two" that had been prepared by the Agricultural Extension 5ervice covering New Hanover County. After a brief presentation, the Board accepted the report from Mr. Baggett. Mr. Metts observed that Mr. Baggett had been most helpful in developing the area around the new hospital. Dr. Hooper ,joined the meeting at this time and assumed chair upon arriving. SALARIES Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the considerations taken in a work session on February 16, 1967, relative to the salaries of count employees, be confirmed and that the Welfare Department be advised that the amount of $1,~}26.00 is available for salary adjustments. The above amount is to ittclude state and federal funds as well as county money. Funds to cover these ad,Justments in the amount of $9,628.00 is to come from Interest on Investments-Unanticipated Revenues. These adjustments are to be retroactive to January 1, 1967. Question was called on the motion and it was passed unanimously. SALARIES OF PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE IN WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Mr. Bowden made a presentation relative to the salarfes of the professional staff in the Welfare Department. The total amount of County money involved is $1;350.86. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Lhis matter be studied further and a total fiyure as compared to the salaries in other departments in the state be obtained and this matter will be considered at the meeting on March 6, 1967. Motion was carried. ONE COUNTY PERSONNEL PLAN - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the County Manager and the County Attorney investigate the possibility of the County being covered hy one Merit System Personnel Plan. Motion was carried. , PETITION - MOBILE HOME PARK, CASTLE HAYNE - Mr. Sam Watson from Castle Hayne appeared before the Board relative to the development of his mobile home park in Castle Hayne. The Board had received a petition containing 52 names that were in opposition to the mobile home park. The Board members stated that it was not their intention to prohibit mobile home parks in the County but they wanted to see that they are built to certain standards and not in a hodgepodge manner. He was advised that he must comply with the Health Department~s rules and regulations pertaining to mobile home parks. PETITION - MOBILE HOME PARHS, CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP - A petition containing 128 signatures from Cape Fear Township relative to mobile home parks and their development was accepted by common consent by ,the Board. TRANSFER FUNDS - JAIL - ,County Manager J. E. Marshall presented a request from the Head Jailer for the transfer of $100.00 from the Laundry Budget to the Linen Budget for the Jail in order that mattresses may be purchased. It was suggested that an additional $150.00 be provided from interest on Investments- Unanticipated Revenues in order that mattresses of a better quality may be purchased.' Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that action approving the above be taken. Motion was carried. . . ,