1967-02-20 Regular Meeting. 3~ Minutes of the Meeting - February 6, 196~ (Continued) Jurors For the Week Beqinninq Maxch 27, 1967 - Criminal Term (Continued): Lauahlin,James Homer, Lewis, D. Miles, Lewis, Frances H., Little,Clarence, Lofton, W. B., Nartin,Thurman D., McCall, J. Frank, ~elton, W. P., Moore, Fred, Moore, Phillip, Mulcahy,Mrs. Joseph, Neuwirth, Arnold, Paluck, Mike, Peebles, Roosevelt, Piner, W. R., 5042 Pine St. Powlas, Alton B., 211 Greenvil~le Ave. 1307 McRae St. Price, Marvin E., Rt.1,Bx:265A,Castle Hayne P.O.Box 395,Car.Bch. Purvis, S. L.,Jr., Rt. 2, Box :1$4, Wil. P.O.Box 13~F, Wil. ' Schnibben,Martin G., 617 Pine Valley Dr. 601 Airlie Rd. Sermon,Wm. ~urdic, 5306 Ridgewood Hts. Dr. 121 Stokley Rd. Sherman, H.F., Jr., 161 Arlington Rd. 1101 Cypress Dr. Smith, Beatrice, 711 So. Front St. 2520 Washington St. Stanford, David J., 5346 Market St. Rd. 716 Brooks Alley Turner,Horace M.,Jr., LE1~05 Market St. Rt.1,Bx.266-C; Weaver, W. E., 311 Mears St. Castle Hayne White, Robt. H.,Jr., 316 Anderson St. Gen.Del.,Car. Beach Williams, Henry, 604 Henry St. 520 No. 3rd St. Williams,Joseph Lee, 507 Brunswick St. Rt.1,Bx.192-A, Wright, James A., 1121 So. 9th St. Castle Hayne 719 Orange St. Rt. 2,Box 380A,Wi1. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. Minutes of the Meeting - February 20, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Nev~ Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8 A. M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the foliowing members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Nfanager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepar,d. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order the Vice-Chairman asked Rev. D. L. Alexander, Pastor of First Christian Church to give the invocation.~ FIVE-YEAR EXTENSION PROGRAM - DURWOOD BAGGETT - Mr. Durwood Baggett, County Extension Chairman, presented a program entitled "Target Two" that had been prepared by the Agricultural Extension 5ervice covering New Hanover County. After a brief presentation, the Board accepted the report from Mr. Baggett. Mr. Metts observed that Mr. Baggett had been most helpful in developing the area around the new hospital. Dr. Hooper ,joined the meeting at this time and assumed chair upon arriving. SALARIES Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the considerations taken in a work session on February 16, 1967, relative to the salaries of count employees, be confirmed and that the Welfare Department be advised that the amount of $1,~}26.00 is available for salary adjustments. The above amount is to ittclude state and federal funds as well as county money. Funds to cover these ad,Justments in the amount of $9,628.00 is to come from Interest on Investments-Unanticipated Revenues. These adjustments are to be retroactive to January 1, 1967. Question was called on the motion and it was passed unanimously. SALARIES OF PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE IN WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Mr. Bowden made a presentation relative to the salarfes of the professional staff in the Welfare Department. The total amount of County money involved is $1;350.86. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Lhis matter be studied further and a total fiyure as compared to the salaries in other departments in the state be obtained and this matter will be considered at the meeting on March 6, 1967. Motion was carried. ONE COUNTY PERSONNEL PLAN - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the County Manager and the County Attorney investigate the possibility of the County being covered hy one Merit System Personnel Plan. Motion was carried. , PETITION - MOBILE HOME PARK, CASTLE HAYNE - Mr. Sam Watson from Castle Hayne appeared before the Board relative to the development of his mobile home park in Castle Hayne. The Board had received a petition containing 52 names that were in opposition to the mobile home park. The Board members stated that it was not their intention to prohibit mobile home parks in the County but they wanted to see that they are built to certain standards and not in a hodgepodge manner. He was advised that he must comply with the Health Department~s rules and regulations pertaining to mobile home parks. PETITION - MOBILE HOME PARHS, CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP - A petition containing 128 signatures from Cape Fear Township relative to mobile home parks and their development was accepted by common consent by ,the Board. TRANSFER FUNDS - JAIL - ,County Manager J. E. Marshall presented a request from the Head Jailer for the transfer of $100.00 from the Laundry Budget to the Linen Budget for the Jail in order that mattresses may be purchased. It was suggested that an additional $150.00 be provided from interest on Investments- Unanticipated Revenues in order that mattresses of a better quality may be purchased.' Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that action approving the above be taken. Motion was carried. . . , ~ ~o Minutes of the Meeting - February 20, 1967 (Continued) PETITION - TRAINS 42 and 49 County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery stated that he had prepared a petition which may incur some costs relative to Trains !}2 and !}9. Th.is was prepared in order that it could be presented to the State Utilities Commission. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the action of Mr. Tillery relative to the petition be approved. Motion was carried. Dr. Hooper did not vote. RESOLUTION - TRAINS (}2 and 49 - The following resolution pertaining to Trains 42 and 1}9 was presented: RESOLUTION BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS February 20, 1967 WHEREAS, the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad did on November 9, 1966 advise the citize.ns of New Hanover County that they would soon be forced to petition the State Utilities Commission to allow them to discontinue the operation of Passenger Trains Nos. 42 and 49; and WHEREAS, the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad did on January 3, 1967 post public notice that they would make appiication for suthority for the above; and WHEREAS, it is the ma~jority feeling of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that this passenger rail seruice to the area be continued; and WHEREAS, it is also the majority feeling of the Board of County Commissioners that should a better schedule be arranged, more modern equipment used and more attractive service provided, Trains 42 and 49 would be used considerably more,; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County in regular session February 20, 1967, that a ma~jority of the Board hereby protest the removal of Trains 42 and 49; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Utilities Commission is hereby requested to hold its hearings in Wilmington and Rocky Mount as well as in Raleigh. (s) Jos. W. Hooper CHAIRMAN BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Copy Attest: (s) J. E. N~rshall Clerk Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the re- solution as corrected. Question was called and motion was passed by a vote of four to one. Dr. Hooper voted "No". ELECTRIC BILL - FIRE TRAINING GROUND - By common consent it was agreed that the County Manager is to work with the Airport Manager relative to the bill for electric current at the fire training ground. It was also agreed that the bill be paid and corrected in the coming fiscal year budget. BILL PAYMENT - H. GRAY HUTCHISON & ASSOCIATES - A b311 in the amount of $1,500.00 for the firm of H. Gray Hutchison 8 Associates relative to the Retirement System was presented. Due to the lack of information on this, it was deferred until the next meeting. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION - A 2etter from Mr. Seymour Alper, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, of New Hanover Memorial Hospital was presented. It was a request that the County incorporate New Hanover Memorial Hospital as a non-profit organization. By common consent it was agreed that copies of the proposed Incorpo- ration Docu~ent be furnished to members of the Board of Commissioners and this matter will be considered at the March 6, 1967 meeting. RETIREMENT The question of adopting the Local Governmental Employees Retirement Plan was considered. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the resolution be approved that adopts the above retirement system and the Chairman authorized to sign the documents and that necessary action be instituted for financing the retirement plan. It was stated to the Board that a letter had been received from Mr. Nathan H. Yeiton, Director, Local Governmental Employees Retirement System verifying the fact that the employees of Community Hospitai will be exempt from voting as to whether or not they desire to become members of the Retirement System and will not be considered as county employees provided the action incorporating the New Hanover Memorial Hospital becomes effective not later than July 1, 1967. Motion was carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ENLISTING NORTH CAROLINA LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL EN~LOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM WHEREAS, the 1945 General Assembly amended the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees~ Retirement System so as to make the benefits of said System available to all counties, cities, and towns, and WHEREAS, the governing body of this Unit realizes the necessity of providing its employees with the security and protection provided by a sound retirement plan, and WHEREAS, Article 3 of Chapter 128 of the General Statutes of North Carolina pro- vides that any governmental unit desiring to enroll its employees in said System shail make application to the Board of Trustees of the North Carolina Locai Governmental Employees' Retirement System and shall by resolution elect to participate in said 5ystem. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners in regular session, February Z0, 1967 a , 31 Minutes of the Meeting - February 20, 1967 (Continued) RETIREMENT - (Continued) 1. That the Board of County Commissioners hereby elects to participate its employees in the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System. 2. That the Board of County Commissioners hereby agrees to comply with all provisions of the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees~ Retirement 5ystem as defined in Article 3, Chapter 128 of the General Statutes of North Carolina - as amended by the 1945 General Assembly. ,3. 'That the Board of County Commissioners is hereby ordered.and directed to make application to the Board of Trustees of the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees~ Retirement System for enrollment of this Unit and its employees in said System. Upon motion of J. M. Hall, ~r. and seconded by John Van B. Metts, Jr, the above resolution was introduced for passage. The following number voted in the affirmative: 5. The following number voted in the negative: 0. SALARIES - ELECTED OFFICIALS A letter from the three State Legislators from the area was presented. It•pertained to the salaries of the County Auditor, Sheriff,.Register of Deeds, and Clerk of Superior Court. It stated that it was the consensus of their views that the salaries of the officials mentioned above be raised to $10,500.00 per year. Also, that the Sheriff~s car allowance be raised to $100.00 per month. This matter was tabled until the next.meeting in order that the Commissioners may have time to consider the matter. Meeting was recessed for a short period at 9~55• Meeting was reconvened at 10:15: APPROVAl OF MINUTES - For the meeting of February~6, 1967 the minutes should be corrected to include under the heading Retirement that Mr. Hall made a substitute motion. Under the heading Mobile Homes the minutes shou2d be corrected to reflect that Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the County Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary bill for introduction into the Legislature to regulate the establishment of mobile homes in New Hanover County. Under the heading Dues. National Rivers and Harbors Conqress,.the minutes should be corrected to reflect that Mr. Ha21 moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that it is agreed that the increased dues be paid. Under the heading School Board Needs at John T. Hoqqard Hiqh School it should be corrected to reflect that Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that it is the intent of this Board that money will be forthcoming to finance the cost of the equipment at the John T: Hoggard High School not to exceed $288,161.32. Full bdard was not in attendance, therefore minutes were approved at this time: With the above corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. TAX LISTING AND REVALUATION W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and presented several items, one being a bill that was ~ust introduced in the Legislature and was mentioned in the latest Legislative Bulletin of the State Association of Counties which pertained to an amendment to Lhe Constitution of Nosth Carolina providing an exemption of the first $10,000.00 of appraised land value from ad valorem taxation upon the residents of persons of the age of 65 years or older. Mr.Houck is to check this out and make a report as to the effect this wiil have on New Hanover County. • .... Ari ouLl.irie r.elat3:ue t'o the funds available from the revaluation and tax listing for the year was presented. This outiine covered payments of overtime and other items relative to and in the opinion of Mr. Houck directly chargeable to reualuation. It was stated to Mr. Houck that any overtime work shall be done in the Court House and no work is to leave the building and shall be performed under supervision. County Auditor 5hepard will check and verify the amounts of money that will be left from the Revaluation Fund Account and a report made at the next meeting. The salary of Mrs. Ha2e1 Wallace, who is presently working one-half in the Tax Listing Department and one-half in the Building and Electrical Inspectors~ office was presented. Mr. Houck stated that her salary had been charged to extra time in the Tax Listing Department and that it had been agreed that it would be set up as a regular salary, but was not reflected in the current budget. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the salary for Mrs. Wallace be ad,justed between the Building and Inspectors~ office and the Tax Listing Department and not the Revaluation funds. Motion was carried. Also, the position for Mrs. Elaine Moore was discussed which is a part time ,job. By common consent it was agreed that Mrs. Moore will continue as a part time employee and consideration will be given to possibly making this a permanent position in the Tax Listing Department in the next bndget. REQUEST - OCEAN HIWAY ASSOCIATION - ' A letter from the Ocean Hiway Association was presented which was a request that con- sideration be given by New Hanover County for increasing the subscription to the above Association from $250.00. By common consent this matter was referred to the Chamber of Commerce for their consideration and a report. ABC PER~IT, 3508 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD - The Board was advised that an application had been filed for a permit to sell alcoholic beverages at 3508 Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this be referred to the Sheriff. Motion was carried. ~ 32 Minutes of the Meeting - February 20, 1967 (Continued) COMMITTEE - Hugh N~cRae Park - In a letter to the Commissioners the County Manager had suggested that a master plan be prepared to better develop Hugh MacRae Park. It was suygested that an architect,landscape architect,a building contractor, and others, if necessary,be appointed and charged with the responsibility of developing a master plan and to review any and all additions or constructions in the future in the Park. Mr.Metts moved,seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a committee as outlined above. The motion was carried. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEN,ENT - COUNTY AND AIR FORCE - A hoid harmless agreement between the United States Air Force and New Hanover County re2ative to fire fighting and fire fighting equipment at New Hanover County Airport was pre- sented. It had been prepared by the County Attorney and signed by the Air Force. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authori2ed to sign the agreement on behalf of the County. Motion was carried. PERSONNEL PLAN - REVISION, SHEET NO. 21 Pursuant to the suggestions and recommendations of the Commissioners, Sheet 21 of the adopted Personnel Plan was revised. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Revised Sheet No. 21 be incorporated and become a part of the Personnel Plan and old Sheet No. 21 be removed. Motion was carried. PERSONNEL P1AN - ANiENDNiENTS OR CHANGES - The question of setting up a permanent record on amendments or changes to the Personnel Plan was discussed. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that a permanent record be made of all changes relative to the Personnel Plan and suggested that the front section of the master copy be used for this purpose. Motion was carried. NEW HANOVER MEN.~ORIAL HOSPITAL DEDICATION - Dr., Hooper advised the Board that on March 5, 1967 a dedication ceremony will be held for New Hanover Memorial Hospital. He also stated that approximately 150 state and federal dignitaries will be in attendance and wouid like to provide a luncheon for these people at the Blockade Runner. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board go on record and advise the Hospital Board of Trustees that the County will cover the cost of approximately 150 people on March 5, 1967 who attend the luncheon at the Blockade Runner. Funds for this expense will come from the Advertising and Industrial Development Fund. Motion was carried. PARKING LOT - COUNTY COURT HOUSE - By common consent it was agreed that the County Manager is to investigate the possibility of getting dated bumper or window stickers for use on automobiles using the Covnty Parking Lot to the south and east of the building. Also, he is to investigate other problems relating to the Parking Lot and make a report at the next meeting as to the cost of stickers and other suggestions that he may have. WATER CONTRACT - HERCULES, INC. The proposed water contract between Hercules, Inc. and New Hanover County was presented. After some consideration, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the contract between the County and Hercules relative to their water supply be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. Mr. Metts abstained from voting due to the lack of backbround information. CABLE TV Mr. Vaughan mentioned the possibility of the County collecting a five to ten percent fee from the Cable Television Company similar to a utility tax, By common consent it was agreed that the County Attorney be instructed to investigate the possibility of the County collecting the fee mentioned above from Cable TV. RETIRENIENT SYSTEN - OLD, RECORDS - It was mentioned to the Board that in order for the firm of H. Gray Hutchison 8 Associates to complete their work on the old retirement system and set it up under a trustee plan it would be advantageous to the firm for the records to be shipped to Raleigh in order that the work may be completed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that, if practical, the records of the old retire- ment system be copied and sent to Raleiyh for completion and setting up of the new part of the old retirement system. Motion was carried. REUALUATION - RUNWAYS, COUNTY AIRPORT Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County N~nager and the Airport Manager work on this problem of the runway eva2uation. The County Manager is to contact the National Association of Counties to determine if any funds are available for work of this nature and Mr. Westbrook is to contact the FAA relative to their~requirements. Motion was carried by a vote of four to one. TEACHERS~ SALARY SUPPLEMENTS Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this Board of Commissioners endorse the position that Alamance County has taken relative to pay of teachers statewide which was to eliminate the local supplement to the teachers~ salary only. It was stated that if the supple- ment to salaries is released, then this money could be used for capital outlay. Motion was defeated by a vote of three against and two for. ~ COMMITTEE - SCHOOL FINANCES - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that a committee be appointed by the Chairman for the purpose of studying and to make a recommendation as to methods to be employed to raise money to finance school expansion needs for the next flve years. Motion was carried. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - TYPEWRITER, BUILDING AND ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS~ OFFICE - The County Manager presented a request from the Building and Electrical Inspectors~ office for a transfer of $220.00 from their stationary and supplies budget to capital outlay for the purpose of purchasing a new typewciter. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this transfer be authorized. Motion was carried. 3~~ Minutes of the Meeting - February 20, 1967 (Continued) BISHOP J. M. SHINGLETON - NEW CHURCH - Bighop Shingleton appeared before the Board and issued an invitation for them to attend the dedication of their new churah on.F.ebruary 25, 1967.. Board members thanked him for this invitation and stated they would endeavor to attend. • ADJOURNMENT - ~ There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be ad,journed. Motion was carried. , J. E. Marshall • COUNTY MANAGER ORDER FOR SPECIAL VENIRE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK ) FEBRUARY 1967 CIVIL SESSION DOCHET NO. JOHN E. BROWN, SR., ADMINISTRATOR OF JOHN E. BROWN, JR.,. - PLAINTIFF, -VS- BARBEES, INC., AND OAK ISLAND CLUB, DEFENDANTS. SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER This matter comin on to be heard, and being heard, before the undersigned Judge Presiding at the February 20, 19~7. Civil Session of the Superior Court of Brunswick County; and it appearing to the Court that at the December 1966 Civil Session of said Court the Hon. Leo Carr, Judge Presiding, entered an Order, in his discretion, directing that a venire of 36 jurors be selected from New Hanover County in the trial of the above entitled action; and it further appearing to the Court that although 36 jurors were selected, oniy 18 of said number are to be found and are available for the trial of this action; and it further appearing to the Court that ,jurors in addition to the 18 ,jurors presently available will be necessary; Now, therefore, it is ORDERED by the Court, in its discretion, that a suppiemental venire of jurors from New Hanover County be summoned for the trial of this action, and that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be, and they are hereby, directed immediately to draw names of thirty-six (36) supplemental ,jurors to serve for the February 1967 Civii Session of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. It is FURTHER ORDERED that when the names of said thirty-six (36) supplemental ,jurors are so drawn, a list thereof shall be delivered by the said Board of Commissioners t~o the Sheriff of New Hanover County, who is hereby directed to summons the said ,jurors to appear at the Brunswick County Court House, in Southport, Idorth Carolina, for the trial of the above entitled action on Tuesday, February 21, 1967, at 9:30 o'clock A.M. This the 20th day of February, 1967. Jurors - Special Civil Session; February 21, 1967: Gilliam K. Horton, b19 Forest Hills Dr. John Franklin Rogers, 4019 Greenway Dr. Berta H. Scott, 2704 Princess P1.Dr. Mae Fowler, 215 Red Cross St. H. C. Johnson, P.O.Box 238,Wri.Bch. R. H. Holland, Box 2L}6 Fred Alexander Parris h,Rt. 1,Box 63,Castle Hayne Thad W. Csrmichael, 2717 Nonroe St. Paul Fri2zelle, 5322 Wri. Ave. Mary Alice Bell, 1024 S. 12th St. Lucile Williams, 1 King'St. Jack M. Pindell, 108 Robt.E.Lee Dr. J. H. Savage, 126 Glendale Dr. Dorothy Mintz, 609 S. 16th St. R. H. Kenan, 161 Colonial Vil. J. A. Smith, P.O. Box 37!} E. R. Carpender, 1519 Princess St. Marcella Strutton, 3020 Rdams St. (s~ James H. Pou Bailey, Judae Presiding Addie Reaves Reynoids, 11 Lagoon Dr. Bertha Dell George, Rt. 3,Box 186 Jerry O. Ludwig, P.O.Box 371,Car.Bch. Lillia n Morris, 117 Brookwood Ave. Eldred Daniel King, Box 210,Car.Bch. J. D. Orrell, Rt. 2, Box 123 W. R. Jones, Jr., 1809 Princess St. Myrtle B. Y,arker, 1729 Orange St. R. G. Peterson, 3808 Park Ave. James A. Robinson, 3714 Car.Bch.Rd. Kennet h Clayton Merritt ,2901 Louisiana•Ave. H. C. Wallace, 1707 Dawson St.~ Curtis Scott, 3019 Louisiana St. James A. Scholar, 317 S. 17th St. J. W. Taylor, I}O10 Cherry Ave. H. R. Lanier, 1}O10 Wri. Ave. Olisha Brnwn., 919 Red Cross St. Eunice B: Hall, ' -P:O: Box 1357 ORDER FOR SPECIAL VENIRE STATE OF NORTH CARaLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the matter of: ' Jurors to Serve at the ) February 20, 1967, Criminal ) O R D E R Term of Superior Court of ) New Hanover County ) IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT, out.of the ,jurors summonsed for service in this the February 20th term of Superior Court of New Hanover County, only nineteen appeared, to be available, which number the Court finds as a fact is insuff3cient to conduct the business of the Court, whereupon. IT IS ORDERED that the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of'New Hanover County forthwith bring into Court the ,jury boxes of said County, and from sa;d boxes, in the manner provided by law, a supplementary venire of thirty ~juror.s be drawn for service at this week~s term of Court. It is so ordered this 22nd day of February, 196~. ~ • (s) Joseph W. Parker JUDGE PRESIDING J ~ 34 Jurors - Svecial Session - Februarv 23. 1967: Minutes of the Meeting - February 20, 1967 (Continued) Wm: E. Hull, 4117 Greenway Ave. Dan Ph illips, 18 No. 29th St. Mary S . Howard, 410 So. 5th St. James Fox, 710 So. 12th S. G. Shelton, Rt. 1, Box 76 Ernest Bozeman, Rt. 2, Box 339 Willie 2. Moore, 120 Arlington Dr. Clyde P. Thomas, 2915 Chestnut St. Donald E. Walker, 1507 Parmele Dr. E. I. Tinga, Rt. 1,Castle Hayne Annie J. Bryant, 25 New Bern Ave. Harold C. Dodge,Sr., 302 Castle St. Lloyd L.Moore, 1!} Lee Drive Andrew Joseph Walker,Rt. 1;Box 84 Alice W. Lofton, 1015 Orange St, Lester Robinson, 221 Oakcrest Dr. Louis W. Shrier, 1509 Grace St. Relman Robinson, Box 7!}, Wri.Bch. Ben,j. P. Kennedy, !{l~12 Mockingbird Lane Joe Evans Dixon, 3930 Winston Blvd. James Pickett, Rt. 1, Box 234-C,Castle Hayne Hattie Waddell, 508 N. 7th St. Emily W. Schoch, P.O. Box 88, Car,Bch. Ella L. Price, 602 Wright St. Charles Lee Phelps, Rt. 1, Box 7 Thos. N. Simmons,Jr., ~t~..: 2,..Box 146 Daisy S. Melton, Rt. 3, Box 122 Agatha H. Rogers, 5041 Heide Dr. R. E. Littell, Box 17, Rure Bch. Jos. C. McQuillan, Rt. 2, Box 262 Minutes of the Meeting - March 6, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. M, in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. N~arshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - After cailing the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. R. L. Gregory, Pastor of First Baptist Church, to give the invocation. RQAD PETITION, PINE VALLEY - A petition from the Pine Valley Estates for 0.35 miles of road was presented to the Board for addition to State maintained secondary road system. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this.be referred to the Highway Commission. Motion was carried. A.B.C. PERMIT - A notice to the governing body relative to an A.B.C. Permit for the Club 110, located at 110 South Front Street, was presented. Mr. Bowden, moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this be referred to the Sheriff. Motion was carried. TRANSFER OF FUNDS, COUNTY AUDITOR~S OFFICE - A request for the transfer of $127.95 in the County Auditor~s office from General Emeroency Fund to Stationary and Suppifes Account for the repairs of the check protector was presented. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this request be granted. Motion was carried. At this point Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. joined the meeting. REQUEST, OGDEN VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD A request from the Ogden Vo2unteer Rescue Squad was presented which pertained to their financial needs to purchase a building to house their equipment. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this matter be deferred at this time and considered in the next budget. A letter is to be written advising them of this action and to compliment them on the fine job they are continuing to do. Motion was carried. AMBULANCE SERVICE - A brief discussion was held relative to Ambulance Service throughout New Hanover County. By common consent the County Manager is to talk 4~ith .ludge Winfield Smith relative to the number of judgments handled in his court for ambulance fees. INFORMATION, HEARING ON TRAINS L}2 and 49 - The Board was advised that a copy of an order had been received which permitted New Hanover County to be an intervenor in the hearing relative to the removal of Trains 42 and !}9 from our area. Also, a copy of an order pertaining to the fact that the hearing had been rescheduled in Wilmington in the Conference Room of the Cooperative Savings 8 Loan Association Building for April 5, 1967 at 9:30 A. h+l. BILL, H. GRAY HUTCHISON & ASSOCIATES - A bill in the amount of $1,500.00 was presented to the Board which is a part payment on the contract dated December 17, 1966. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this bill be paid. Motion was carried. RUNWAY EVALUATION, COUNTY AIRPORT - Mr. John Westbrook, Airport Manager, appeared before the Board relative to the runways at the County Airport. Discussion pertained to the runways handling the 727 Jets. Other information relating to the cost of core testing and drilling was presented. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this matter be referred to the Airport Committee in order that a recommendation can be brought to the full board. Motion was carried. LEGISLATION, SEASHORE COMMISSION Mr. Woodrow Price, Chairman of the Seashore Commission, and Mr. Bill Johnson appeared before the Board to discuss a bill that they propose to introduce in the State Legislature relative to pro~jects of berm and dunes along the Carolina Coast. Particularly, relating to New Hanover County projects would be at Kure Beach and Wilmington Beach. It will be a bill that will allow the Board to set building lines, if the pro,ject shovld be awarded or approved by the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board endorse the permissive legislation pertaihing to this matter. Motion was carried.