1967-03-06 Regular Meeting~ 34 Jurors - Svecial Session - Februarv 23. 1967: Minutes of the Meeting - February 20, 1967 (Continued) Wm: E. Hull, 4117 Greenway Ave. Dan Ph illips, 18 No. 29th St. Mary S . Howard, 410 So. 5th St. James Fox, 710 So. 12th S. G. Shelton, Rt. 1, Box 76 Ernest Bozeman, Rt. 2, Box 339 Willie 2. Moore, 120 Arlington Dr. Clyde P. Thomas, 2915 Chestnut St. Donald E. Walker, 1507 Parmele Dr. E. I. Tinga, Rt. 1,Castle Hayne Annie J. Bryant, 25 New Bern Ave. Harold C. Dodge,Sr., 302 Castle St. Lloyd L.Moore, 1!} Lee Drive Andrew Joseph Walker,Rt. 1;Box 84 Alice W. Lofton, 1015 Orange St, Lester Robinson, 221 Oakcrest Dr. Louis W. Shrier, 1509 Grace St. Relman Robinson, Box 7!}, Wri.Bch. Ben,j. P. Kennedy, !{l~12 Mockingbird Lane Joe Evans Dixon, 3930 Winston Blvd. James Pickett, Rt. 1, Box 234-C,Castle Hayne Hattie Waddell, 508 N. 7th St. Emily W. Schoch, P.O. Box 88, Car,Bch. Ella L. Price, 602 Wright St. Charles Lee Phelps, Rt. 1, Box 7 Thos. N. Simmons,Jr., ~t~..: 2,..Box 146 Daisy S. Melton, Rt. 3, Box 122 Agatha H. Rogers, 5041 Heide Dr. R. E. Littell, Box 17, Rure Bch. Jos. C. McQuillan, Rt. 2, Box 262 Minutes of the Meeting - March 6, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. M, in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. N~arshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - After cailing the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. R. L. Gregory, Pastor of First Baptist Church, to give the invocation. RQAD PETITION, PINE VALLEY - A petition from the Pine Valley Estates for 0.35 miles of road was presented to the Board for addition to State maintained secondary road system. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this.be referred to the Highway Commission. Motion was carried. A.B.C. PERMIT - A notice to the governing body relative to an A.B.C. Permit for the Club 110, located at 110 South Front Street, was presented. Mr. Bowden, moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this be referred to the Sheriff. Motion was carried. TRANSFER OF FUNDS, COUNTY AUDITOR~S OFFICE - A request for the transfer of $127.95 in the County Auditor~s office from General Emeroency Fund to Stationary and Suppifes Account for the repairs of the check protector was presented. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this request be granted. Motion was carried. At this point Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. joined the meeting. REQUEST, OGDEN VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD A request from the Ogden Vo2unteer Rescue Squad was presented which pertained to their financial needs to purchase a building to house their equipment. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this matter be deferred at this time and considered in the next budget. A letter is to be written advising them of this action and to compliment them on the fine job they are continuing to do. Motion was carried. AMBULANCE SERVICE - A brief discussion was held relative to Ambulance Service throughout New Hanover County. By common consent the County Manager is to talk 4~ith .ludge Winfield Smith relative to the number of judgments handled in his court for ambulance fees. INFORMATION, HEARING ON TRAINS L}2 and 49 - The Board was advised that a copy of an order had been received which permitted New Hanover County to be an intervenor in the hearing relative to the removal of Trains 42 and !}9 from our area. Also, a copy of an order pertaining to the fact that the hearing had been rescheduled in Wilmington in the Conference Room of the Cooperative Savings 8 Loan Association Building for April 5, 1967 at 9:30 A. h+l. BILL, H. GRAY HUTCHISON & ASSOCIATES - A bill in the amount of $1,500.00 was presented to the Board which is a part payment on the contract dated December 17, 1966. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this bill be paid. Motion was carried. RUNWAY EVALUATION, COUNTY AIRPORT - Mr. John Westbrook, Airport Manager, appeared before the Board relative to the runways at the County Airport. Discussion pertained to the runways handling the 727 Jets. Other information relating to the cost of core testing and drilling was presented. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this matter be referred to the Airport Committee in order that a recommendation can be brought to the full board. Motion was carried. LEGISLATION, SEASHORE COMMISSION Mr. Woodrow Price, Chairman of the Seashore Commission, and Mr. Bill Johnson appeared before the Board to discuss a bill that they propose to introduce in the State Legislature relative to pro~jects of berm and dunes along the Carolina Coast. Particularly, relating to New Hanover County projects would be at Kure Beach and Wilmington Beach. It will be a bill that will allow the Board to set building lines, if the pro,ject shovld be awarded or approved by the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board endorse the permissive legislation pertaihing to this matter. Motion was carried. ~~ ~ Minutes of the Meeting - P'~rch 6, 1967(Continued) OPENING OF GRAVE INDIGENT PERSON, DAMON PRATT - Mr. John Lockfaw from Andrew~s Mortuary appeared before the Board relative to the opening of a grave for Mr. Damon McRae Pratt who was an indigent classed person. Mr. Lockfaw stated that Mr. Pratt is now deceased and would like a grave opened for his interment by County forces. Mr. Uaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Manager handle this matter. Motion was carried. _ ~ By common consent the meeting was recessed. Meeting was reconvened. At this juncture 180 Jurors for the Superior Court arere drawn. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes for the meeting of February 20, 1967 should be corrected to read: Dr. Hooper joined the meetittg at this time and assumed the chair upon arriving. This paragraph should follow under the heading Five Year Extension Program. Under the Approval of Minutes for the meeting of February 20, 1967 the heading should be changed from Small Watershed Act to Mobile Homes where a discussion was held ,relative to the necessary bill for introduction into the State Legislature. The reason the minutes were not approved at the beginning of the meeting was that the full Board was not in attendance. Following the above corrections, N,r. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion was carried. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION - The question of incorporating New Hanover Memorial Hospital as a non-profit organization was considered. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the County Attorney be instructed to include the foilowing in the Articles of Incorporation for New Hanover Memorial Hospital: (1) The two physician members of the Board of Trustees be the Chief of Staff and the immediate past Chief of Staff, (2) That four consecutive years shall be the maximum for the above members in the capacity as either Chief of Staff or immediate past Chief of 5taff. On Page 6, Paragraph 8 of the proposed Articles of Incorporation insert the wording."His length of term shall expire at the pleasure of the Board of County Commissioners and that any:member could succeed himself as a member of the Board only once". After the above changes are made, the Chairman is authorized to forward to the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Motion was carried unanimously. PETITION, MOBILE HOME PARK, CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP - A petition was presented to the Board containing !~!~ names which objected to any mob-ile home parks being authorized in the County until the new zoning ordinance becomes effective. By common consent this petition was accepted and a letter of acknowledgment is to be written. At this juncture County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery presented a proposed Mobile Home Park Ordinance. He explained some of the details involved in the proposal and by common consent it was agreed that copies be made and furnished to the members of the Board and a discussion will be held at the next meeting. SALARIES, ELECTED OFFICIALS A letter and copies of a proposed bill setting the salaries~ of the County Auditor, Sheriff, Clerk of 5uperior Court, Register of Deeds, Judge of Recorder's Court, and Solicitor of Recorder~s Court was presented. It was received from Representative William L. Hili, II. After considerable discussion of this matter, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr.Bowden, that the salaries of the County Auditor, Sheriff, Clerk of Superior Court and Register of Deeds as outlined originally by the Board of Commissioners be set at $10,000.00 per year. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Sheriff~s auto.allowance remain at $75.00 per month. Motion was carried by a vote of four to one. Mr. Bowden voted "No".. Mr. Ha21 moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Judge of the Recorder~s Court salary be set at $13,000.00 per year and the Solicitor of Recorder's Court Salary be set at $10,750.00 per year. Motion was carried by a four to one vote. Dr. Hooper voted "No". It was agreed that a letter be written to 5enator Burney and Representatives Clark and Hill and thank them for keeping this Board informed as to the proposed actions of the Legislature. Also, advise the Legislators that the proposed salary for the Solic"itor of Recorder~s Court is higher than the one presently allowed by Statute under the New Court Reform. CLERH OF SUPERIOR COURT BONDS - - Mr. James McKeithan appeared before the Board relative to an appropriation for bonds in the Clerk of Superior Court office. He stated that due to increased limits of liability an appropriation of $197.00 is needed. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that funds be approved from the General Emergency Fund for payment of the above and that a letter be obtained from the Insurance Advisory Committee stating their approval relative to the bonds in the Clerk of Superior Court's office, Mr. McKeithan also commented about the bank reconciliations and stated that they had not been reconciled since June 30, 1965 in the office of Recorder~s Court and also in Superior Court and he stated that there had been a large increase in the amount of guardinanships handled in his office. Due to this, he requested two additional people, one on a permanent basis and one on a temporary basis. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request for two people, one permanent and one temporary employee, be approved and the Cierk of Superior Court work with the County Nanager to obtain these people in accordance with the County Personnel Plan. County Auditor is to advise the Board at the next meeting as to how much money will be needed. Motion was carried. SMALL WATERSHED ACT The recommendations of the County Attorney, Planning Director and County Manager were pre- sented relative to the Small Watershed Act. At this time they recommended that the Commissioners endeavor to obtain enabling legislation relative to the Small Watershed Act. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this recommendation be accepted. Motion was carried. ~ 36 Minutes of the Meeting - March 6, 1967 (Continued) COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE - A proposed County Electrical Code was the Commissioners not having had adequate ti existing electrical code, Mr, Vaughan moved, Code be forwarded to the State Building Code Metts review and should they find items they Motion was carried. presented to the County Commissioners. Due to ne to completely study the matter relating to the seconded by Mr, Metts, that the County Electrical Council, provided Mr. Bowden, Mr. Hall, and Mr. do not agree with, submission can be withheld. REPORT FROM COMMITTEE CON~'tIJNITY AND JAMES WALKER HOSPITALS - A report from the Committee that was headed by Mr. H. A. Marks was presented. It was a report covering the final disposition of Community Hospital and James Walker Hospital. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the report be accepted and the Committee be disbanded as requested and a letter complimenting the entire Committee for their fine job be drafted. Motion was carried. By common consent the County Manager is to review the file relative to the above and to make recommendations as to which steps should be implemented from the report. NOBILE HOMES, REQUESTED BY MR. HALL - Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr, stated that he feit some control is lacking over mobile homes beina moved in and out and that registration has become a problem. By common consent, the County Manager was instructed to investigate this matter and make a report to the Board as soon as possible. DISCUSSION OF CABLE T. U. - County Attor.ney L. Bradford Tillery advised that, to his knowledge, no law exists that will permit the County to collect a fee from Cable T. V. in our County. Mr. Vaughan moved that the County try to obtain enabling legislation to allow the County to collect a fee based on gross receipts. Motion died for a lack of a second, Relative to the above matter, Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the County Manager is to investigate and make a report on what revenue the County can obtain from Cab]e T. V. on a fee basis as compared with other cities around the State. Motion was carried. TRANSFER OFFUNDS, PETTY CASH GENERAL EMERGENCY TO MENTAL HEALTH AND CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT - A request for petty cash funds for the Mentai Health Clinic and also the Clerk of Superior Court office was presented. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Mental Health Clinic Petty Cash be increased to $30.00 and that $25.00 be provided for the Clerk of Superior Court Petty Cash to reimburse the County Auditor's office. Funds for this to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion was carried. TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM GENERAL E~ERGENCY FUND TO TAX LISTING SALARIES, TRANSFER BACH $5!}0.00 CHARGED TO TAX LISTING EXTRA HELP TO TAX LISTING SALARIES - A request relative to the above was presented which pertained to the salary of the clerk working one-half in the Building and Electrical Inspectors~ office and one-half in the Tax Listing office. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the amount of $1,620.00 be transferred from General Emergency Fund to Tax Listing Salaries Fund. Also, that salaries charged to Extra Help amounting to $540.00 be transferred back from Extra Help to Tax Listing Salaries. Motion was carried. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning April 3, 1967 - Criminal; April 10 and April 17, 1967 - Civil: Jurors For The Week Beqinninq April 3, 1967 Barfoot,Wilmer G., 305 Sunnyvale Dr. Batten,Thomas, 218 So. 58th St. Brown,Haywood B., 1709 Nun St. Bryan,William J., Rt.2,Bx.182,Wi1. Burriss,K'.W., 106 Audubon Blvd. Butler,Maurice, 255 Whites Ave. Engiish,Donald Ray, 203 Borden Ave. Farless,Marion L., 5536 Oleander Dr. Friedman,S.A., 252 N. 26th St. Gartrell,Andrew P., 916 5. 2nd St. Garvey,Mary W., 312 S.3rd St. Gaylor,Sarah E, 2002 Pender Ave. Gornto,Henry W., 809 Gascade Rd. Gornto,Leon V., Rt.3,Bx.458,Wi1. Goslee,Robt.H., 491~L{ Pine St. Green,James V., Rt.2,Bx.88,Wi1. Holmes,James, 1313 Church St. Holmes,Moses L., 610 Prices Lane Ho1t,J.C., Rt.1,Bx.27l~A,Wil. Jones,John H., 619 5. 7th St. Jones,R.M., P.O.Box 1!}4,Car.Bch. Jones,Wm. W., 545 Airlie Rd. Konig,Mrs. H.W., 1309 Princess St. Little,Ralph Donald, P.O. Box 373,Car.Bch. Long,S.E., 2528 Adams St. Milliken,Josephine B., 3605~ Car.Bch.Rd. Monds,.lohn, 2013 Barnett Ave. Newkirk,Gracie, 26-B Taylor Homes Pettet,James R., 5 Jacksonville Ave. Powell,Mary S., 125 Holbrooke Ave. - Criminal: Rehder,Katherine, 1135 Magnolia Place Retchin,Ida S., 111 Colonial Dr. Reynolds,Robt, Rt.l ,Oakley Cir.,Castle Roderick,J.L., 312 Castle St. Rogers,Luther T. 218 N. Water St. Russ,Delmus C., Rt.3 , Box 88, Wil. Russ, J.P., l~710 Car. Bch. Rd. Scott,Bessie,J., 915 Dock St. Sikes,John R., Rt.3 ,Box 357,Wi1. Simpson,Roscoe, 615 Clay St. Sneeden,Ruth H., !}07 S. 1}th St. Snipes,Annie H., 1903 Chestnut St. Snipes, Q.B „ 187 Colonial Dr. Snow,Charles Edwin, !}28 Rosemont Ave. Snow,H.F., 1920 Perry Ave. Snow,J.D., 405 Wrightsville Ave. Spier,F.H., Rt. 2,Box 101, Wil. Stanley,Rudolph H., 121 Wayne Dr. Stewart,Anthony D., Rt. 2,Box 205GG,W31. Stike,Betty H., 612 N. 23rd St. Hayne Strickland,H.S.,P7rs.509 Castle Hayne Rd.,Wil. Stukes,Clarence, Rt.3,Box 54z,wii. Sutton,Queenie, 410 N. sth St. Swain,Daniel R., 117 Nun St. Swart,Charles E., Rt. 1,Box 272D,Castle Hayne Tabor,D.J., Rt.1,Box 265-B,Castle Hayne Ualentine,Victor D.,7106 Wri. Ave. Walden,Elmer Patton (}09 Jennings Dr. 37 Minutes Of The Meeting - March 6, 1967 (Continued) Jurors For The Week Bepinninq April lOt 1967 Abbott,James T., Rt.1,Box 13,Castle Hayne Bennett,Etta Delois, 809 S. 15th St. Bennett,Wm.J., 132 Hinton Ave. Brunetti,Valerio, 6 Northern Blvd. Brunson,Loman, 1302 N. 7th St. Bulluck,Alice Lee, 519 Market St. Burris,Donald R., 3807 Park Ave. Burriss,Lonnie, 612 5. 4th St. Canty,Annie M., 1314 Orange St. C1ark,Lillie Mae, 306 E. Tenn. Ave. Craft,Gladys 5., P.O.Box 552,Wi1. Dickey,Earl, 507 Wright St. Dixon,Harrison, 913 Miller St. Duncan,Lee R., 116 Nun St. Erbe,Edna, Boz'1197, wti. Fales,Carl L., 1721 Orange St. Fipps,Florrie,W., 241 Wailace Ave. Foyster,Lula F., 1007 Queen St. Fredericks,Mary Lewis, 272~ Monroe St. Freeman,Lidie,. Murchison Bldg.' Frye,John C., 2710 Chestnut St. Futrelle,Jane H.,Mrs., 3610 Stratford Blvd. Galloway,David T., 5i4 Nun St. Garris,J. Henry, 1105 Grace St. Garrison,C.R., 2414 Belvedere Dr. Garriss,H.B., 519 Park Terr. Gause,Rufus C., 819 Dock St. George,Inez G., 1011 Country Club Blvd. Hi11,Jennie J., 1211 Castle St. Howard,Wm. James, Box 436,Wri. Beach Jurors For The Week Beqinnin~ April 17, 19 Ballard,Rex D., 50~7 Pine St. Beane,~oe Lee, 2505 Circle St. Brummitt,Doyle W., Box 28~,Car.Bch. Bullard,Elmer C., 2~23 Burnett Blvd, Burnett,Chas. H., Rt.2,Box 243,Wi1. Burnett,Hannie I., RFD 2,Box 2~2,Wi1. Burriss,Katie 5., 7 Morningside Dr. Bush,Ida, 1619 Ann St. Chellman,Alice W., 131 Wayne Dr. Craig,Archie D., 1914 Church St. Davis,Dora Roberts, Rt.3,Box 23,Wi1. Dunlea,Richard A„ Jr., c/o Radio Sta. WN~'D Eakins,R.B., 12~ Ridgeway Dr. Edens,R.J., 705 Pine Valley Dr. Garrison,Mrs. Mamie M.,2101} S. Front St. Gause,Cyrus, 615 Clay St. Gaymon,Ernest, 510 N. 7th St. Geary,John M., P.O.Box 771,W11. Geddie,H.R., 111 S. !}th St. George,Edward, 621 S. ~th St. George, S., 2939 Oleander Dr. Georcae,Steve, 723 N. 4th St. Gertz,Rudolph, 11 Pinecrest Ter. Gibbs,Van B., 312 S. 16th St. Gray,James Alton, 18 Cape Fear Blvd. Greene,James Roe, 317 Breckenridge Dr. Hansley,Corbett, 202 Audubon Blvd. Hardison,R.V., 1l}14 Castle St. Hewett,Alex, 812.Castle St. Civil: Massey,W.M., 2219 Oleander Dr. Mintz,Geneva M., 609 S. 16th St. Pate,Dwight L.,Jr., 127 Holbrooke Ave. Pearson,H.D., 121 Rogersville Rd. Phillips,Wm.A., Rt.3,Box 282,W11. Price,Myra B., Rt.1,Box 98A,Cas.Hayn. Raisler,Lois Cashwell, 2210 Brandon Rd. Register,Leslie E, 812 S. 5th St. Rivenbark,H.B., Rt.1.Box 65,Wi1. Robertshaw,Thomas, 5037 Oleander Dr.~ Rogers,Charles W., 204 Greenville Ave. Sanders,Nelson, Rt. 3,Box 209,Wi1. Sanders,Roland, RFD 3,Box 47,W31. Saunders,Adell,, Rt.1,Box 104CC,W11. Sellers, J.K., 26 N. 26th St. Sherman,E.K., 520 Cas.Hyn.Rd.,Wil. Shivar,E.H., 1316 Chestnut St. 5kipper,Wm. H., ~06 N. 41st St. Singletary,E.L., RFD 3,Box 210,Wi1. Smith,Riley, 247 Oakcrest Dr. Spellman,Charles, RFD 3,Box 24,Wi1. Strickland,Edgar, . 313 Francis Marion Dr. Strickland,Mrs.Gertrude, 408 Northern Blvd. Sumner,T.M., ` Rt.1,Box 20,Wi1. Tartt,P.W., Rt.1,Box 122,Cas.Hyn. Van Nes,Hugo, Rt.2, Box 330,Wi1. Willette,Carolyn O., • ~222 Wri. Ave. Windley,Lucille Frederick,1819 Perry Ave. Wo1fe,Norwood J.,Jr., 108 Laurel Dr. Wommack,Lucy A., 9 Wri. Ave. 67 - Civil: Hickman,Avan, Hocutt,John C., Howell,Briley W., Jackson,Manly, Maultsby, D.H., McMillan,Miss Lottie, NcSpadden,Mary Louise, Melton,Robt.Allen, Moore,Fred, Nesmith, Ned, Piner,L.W., Richards,Margie Moore, Rogers,Chas. I., Rooks,Leon P., Rouse,J.F., Sellers,Ne2lie G., Smith,Nlargaret H., 5trover,Ella, Strucko,Jess W., Szczerbiak,5tephen J., Tate,Hayes,W., Thomas,Edward B., Thornton,Delma A., Todd,W.R.,Jr., Trask,Daniel W., We1sh,Landis H., Welton,Geo. A., Womble,J.G., Yopp,A.T., 28 Morningside Dr. 217 N. 22nd St. 708 Essex Dr. 7i5 s. 7tin st. 206 S. 42nd St. 1311 Simon St. 323 S. 3rd St. Rt~,Box 348,wi1. 805 ~. 7tn st. 813 Russell Alley . Rt.1,Box 281,Wi1. 805 S. Stn St. 5232 Car.Bch.Rd. 1la.1j.1 Robt.E.Lee Dr. 4934 Wri. Ave. 607 Castle St. 3202 Wri. Ave. 519 S. 9th St. 3609 Winston Bivd. Rt.1,Bx.114,Cas.Hayne 712 Brooks Alley 1316 Lincoln Rd. 912 No. 3rd St. 21} Holland Dr. Rt. 1,P.O.Bx.l~L~8,W31 . 719 Country Club Rd. 4926 Pine St. 4913 Oleander Dr. Rt.2, Box 503,Wi1. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by P7r. Bowden, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried, J. E. Marshall COUNTY MANAGER Minutes of the Meeting - March 20; 1967 ASSEMBLY -. The reaular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. M, in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - After calling the of the Good Shepherd, meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. E. T. Small, Rector of the Church to give the invocation. Mr. John Uan B. Netts, Jr. then ,Joined the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes for the meeting of March 6, 1967 should be corrected to read as follows: Under the heading "New Hanover Memorial Hospital, Non-Profit Oraanization", the following should be added: "After making the above changes, the Chairman is authorized to forward to the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospitai". Under "Monthly Reports, County Auditor", Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this entire paragraph for the meeting of March 6, 1967 be omitted. Under "Clerk of Superior Court Bonds", in the third paragraph the following words should be inserted after bank reconciliations "and stated that they had not been reconciled since June 30, 1965".