1967-04-03 Regular Meeting4~ Minutes of the Meeting - March 20, 1967 (Continued) RETIREMENT SYSTEM - Mr. Hall questioned the status of the New Retirement System and it was agreed that the Resolution adopting the new plan be signed and forwarded to ~r. Nathan Yelton's office who is the Director of the Local Governmental Employees Retirement Pian. A.B.C. STORE, CASTLE HAYNE AREA - ~ Mr. Hall stated he felt a new A,B.C. Store could be established in the Castle Hayne area. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this Board write a letter to the three member A.B.C. Board to study the desirability of setting up a new A.B.C. Store in the Castle Hayne area. Should they develop that this is desirable, they are requested to proceed with the establishment of such a store. Motion was carried. AIRPORT COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Vaughan made a report on Airlines relative to the proposed felt that the County shouid proce point, and it was understood that until the revaluation figures are report be accepted.. the Airport Committee meeting with officials from Piedmont new Jet Airiine Service at the County Airport. The Committee zd with its own revaluation of the runways from a safety stand the renderina of Jet Service r~ould be on a temporary basis obtained. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this PIEDMONT AIRLINES' RENTAL AGREEN~NT AMENDNENT - The new rental agreement for the additional space which will be occupied by Piedmont Airlines at the Airport Terminal was presented. It was reported to the Commission that the new monthly rental fee reflec ~ the $4.00 per square foot figure agreed on for the additional space. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the agree- ment. Motion was carried. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be ad,journed. Motion was carried, J. E. Marshali, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - April 3, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr, Jos. W. Hooper, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATdON - .4fter calling the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. W, D. Barkley, Pastor of First Assembly of God Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES For the minutes covering the meeting of March 20, 1967 under the Paragraph "Letter, Home- owners Association" the word "residential" should be inserted in the sentence where Mr. Herring stated that he felt the present code is working a hardship on the people in the lower income bracket. Under the Paragraph "Mobile Home Ordinance" the sentence "Inclusions in the proposed ordinance should be a Grandfather Clause for space (area) only which will be 6,000 square feet" should be deleted from the paragraph. . After making these corrections to the minutes, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. REQUEST OCEAN HIWAY ASSOCIATION, JOINT RECEPTION - Chairman Dr. Hooper advised the Board that the Annual Hiway Association Meeting will be at the Slockade Runner this year and he had been requested to investigate the possibility of a joint reception for this group to be heid by the City of Wilminaton and New Hanover County at the Blockade Runner. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that suitable entertainment tie provided for this meeting and that funds for it come from the Advertising and Industrial Deve2opment Fund, PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT, RETIREN~NT SYSTEM - It was reported to the Board that it had been agreed by the Commissio3ie.rs that credit for prior years service with New Hanover County be granted under the IVew Retireme~tt System and for T.he purpose of the records something should be included in the minutes. After discussing this matter, Mr. ~etts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that credit be granted for all prior years service for all present employees with Ne4~ Hanover County Government, and employees with New Hanover County covered by the New Plan who have been within the State of Arorth Carolina Local Governmental Employees System be given credit for prior years service subject to approval of each individual case by the Board of Commissioners. Prior years service shall be defined as continuous and uninterrupted service with New Hanover County. Motion was carried. TAX LISTING BY MAIL - Chairman Dr. Hooper reported that the bill granting authority to New Hanover County to do tax listing by mail has been presented to the local legisl.ators in Raleigh. JOIAiT PLANNING - County Attorney Tillery reported that this bill has not been drawn and Lhat Mr. Cicero Yow, City Attorney for the City of Wilmington, has raised several questions as to administration. It was agreed that County Nlanager Marshall will arrange a meeting between Mr. Yow, Mayor 0. 0. Allsbrook, City Manager E. C. Brandon, Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, and the County Nianager. 41 Minutes of the Meeting - April 3, 1967 (Continued) REPORT ON ADVERTISING, MR. H. VAN REID - Mr. H. Van Reid, Executive Secretary of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Paul Teachey appeared before the Board and made a report on the results of the Advertising and Promotional Work conducted by the Chamber recently in Columbus, Ohio. He reported that they moved into the Cleveland, Ohio area and the show was very successful. He suggested that some of the Commissioners, if possible, attend one of the vacation shows to see how they are con- ducted and the results obtained therefrom. He also suggested that some effort be given in the development of camp grounds in and around our area. This completed his report and he was thanked by the Board for the efforts being conducted by the Chamber in this particular area. COUNTY AUDITOR, CAPITAL OUT111Y AND OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURES - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Board instruct the County Auditor to inform them in the future on requests that involves capital outiay and operational expenditures in a manner that will differentiate between the two. TR.4NSFER OF FUNDS, AIRPORT County Manager Marshali reported to the Board that a transfer of funds in the Airport's Repairs and Maintenance of Equipment Account should be made. He stated that after conferring with the County Auditor the transfers could be made from salaries within the Airport Budget. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried. BILL, REPAIRS TO SIDEIJALH - County Manager Marshall presented a bill from the City of Wilmington in the amount of $130.90 for repairs to the sidewalk on the Third Street side of the Courthouse. He stated that no line of appropriation was available and it was necessary that an appropriation be made to cover this item. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the County pay the City of Wilmington what we owe them, sub,ject to the approval of the County Attorney relative to the legality of the matter. Fvnds for this item to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion was carried. DELEGATION FROM HOP~OWNERS ASSOCIATION - Mr. C. B. McCandless, the spokesman from the Homeowners Association, appeared before the Board relative to the Building Code, Building Permits and Building Inspector. He read a letter which contained three recommendations: (1) That the Building Inspector be qualified in the fieid of contracting and be a qualified engineer; (2) Exempt from the Building Code the re- quirements that a property owner has to obtain a building permit when accomplishing his own work on (a) new structure, (b) repairs to dwellings and outbui.ldings, and (c) when demolishing his own buildino. This will not include buildings that are rented by property owners or new construction by contractors or builders; (3) That the one mile perimeter now under the jurisdiction of the City Building Code be returned to the jurisdiction of the County Building Inspector since the residents of this area are county residents and are paying only county taxes. , Mr. Benny Herring, a member of the delegation, spoke in support of the presentation made by Mr. McCandless. Mr. Merl C. Neal spoke and supported the presentation of Mr. McCandless. It was stated by several that in certain instances there had been harassment of the homeowners by the buildino inspectors.~ It was.stated by several that in instances of the harassments that they had been from the City Building Inspector~s office which has jurisdiction in the one mile perimeter beyond the corporate limits of the City of Wilmington. Dr. Hooper stated that it was not the intent or the objective of the Building Code, Plumbing Code or Electrical Code to harass or work a hardship on any citi2en but it cvas for their protection. Nr. Herring stated that the 8uilding Inspector had on one occasion stopped at his hovse and wanted to know what a board of sheetrock under his carport was for. He stated that he felt that this was his own business and nobody elses. In discussing the three points mentioned in their letter, Dr, Hooper stated that Recommendation No. 3 was established by State Law and could only be changed by an act of the State General Assembly On Recommendation No. 2 Dr. Hooper advised that it was the Board~s general thinking that the fee range for permits could be raised. Recommendation No. 1, Mr. Metts explained how Mr. Charlie Register, the Building Inspector, was selected. He stated that the Wilmington Contractors Associa- tion was contacted as well as the small building contractors and others and their advice obtained before a final selection was made. He also stated that it was an advertised civil service position and that Mr. Register had appeared before the Civil Service Board and was qualified. Mr. Benny Herring spoke relative to the cost of permits and stated that the Homeowners Association felt tha.t it should be raised to a minimum of $1,000 before any permits are required. Mr. Andy '!~atkins spoke relative to the fact that he felt a City Building Inspector had overstepped his bounds in advising him that he could not run an automobile lot which he, Mr. Watkins, felt was beyond the one mile limit. At this point, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Manager be instructed to check all the area beyond the corporate limits of the City of Wilmington as related to the one mile perimeter which has been taken over by the City of Wilmington for building and electrical inspections and also enforcement of zoning. Motion was carried. ...Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County request the City of Wilmington to relinquish back to the County their jurisdiction on building permits in the one mile area. Motion was carried unanimously. By common consent, electrical permits be included in the above request. PRESENTATION BY Nfft. HARRY CHERRY OF THE REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT FINANCIAL STATEMENT FIVE MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 1966 - Mr. Harry Cherry of the firm of Cherry, Bekaert 8 Holland appeared before the Board and presented the financial statement for the period ending November 30, 1966 relative to the County Auditor~s office. He made a presentation using slides which outlined a flow chart of the County Auditor~s office relative to the old accounting system and the proposed accounting system. At 11 A. M, the Board Meeting was recessed. The members present then reconvened as a Board of Equalization and Review. After being administered the Statutory Oath, the Board of Equalization and Review recessed its meeting until 10:30 A. M., April 17, 1967. At this,point the Board of Commissioners reconvened for the dispatch of its business. Nr. Cherry was then permitted to continue his presentation. ~~2 Minutes of the Meeting - April 3, 1967 (Continued) PRESENTATION BY MR. HARRY CHERRY OF THE REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT FINANCIAL.ST.ATEMENT FIVE MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 1966 -(Continued) After comp'Teting his pre§~ntatiori, the Commissioners then questioned him relative to several points. Mr. Hall stated that he did not see a certificate and he questioned the signature of the firm name and no individual signature from the firm was shown. Mr. Cherry answered that the firm name is always used in signing a report. Mr. Vaughan stated that he had observed from reading audits of other firms that this had been a practice with them. Mr. Cherry then read the cover letter contained within the report dated March 17, 1967 in answer to the other questions raised by Mr. Hall relative to the certificate. Mr. Cherry stated he will certify his opinion stated in REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS dated March 17, 1967. County Auditor Perry Shepard stated that five bank accounts; namely, two Social Security Accounts, a Payroll Account, and two Bond and Coupon Accounts were not reconciled, He stated that he had contacted the previous Certified Public Accountant and had not received information relative to the above mentioned five bank accounts. Mr. Cherry stated that he had contacted Mr. T. D. Love, former County Auditor, and he flatly refused to assist. It was agreed by the Board that the five bank accounts will not be accepted that had been mentioned in Mr. Cherry~s report. Mr. Metts stated he did not question the integrity of Mr. Cherry and he accepted the statements made by him. Mr. Hall then asked when Mr. T. D. Love, former County Auditor, will be relieved of all responsibility and where and what date will Nr. Shepard assume the responsibility of the off,ice of County Auditor. Mr. Vaughan then moared,seconded by Mr. Metts, that the audit be accepted as presented with the exceptions noted above. Motion carried by a vote of three for and one'against. NEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - County Manager Marshall stated that he had received from the City Manager of Wilmington copies of a MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING which contained the amendment which would include the County Manager as a member of the Technical Coordinating Committee. County Attorney Tillery had reviewed this document and approved it as to legality. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the document. Motion was carried. CONSIDERATION OF LOGAL LEGISLATION, DAILY DEPOSITS - County Attorney Tillery discussed with the Soard the possibility of local legislation relating to daily deposits particularly in the Consolidated Tax Collector~s office. He re- ferred to the present law which is in effect in Guilford County. Several questions were raised relative to the exposure in the office. By common consent it w~as referred to the Insurance P.dvisory Committee to study the matter from an Insurance view point and a report made. ~ APPROPRIATION TAX LISTING DEPARTMENT - County Manager Marshali presented a request from the Tax Listing Department relative to the replacement of an old calculator in the department. He stated that an amount of ~i49.75 would be needed over and above the present line appropriation for capital outlay in the depart- ment. The calculator to be replaced in the department is 15 years old. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this request be approved and that the purchase be made at the discretion of the County Auditor and County Manager. Funds for this to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion was carried. REGISTER OF DEEDS, TRANSFER OF FUNDS Mr. Paul Blanchard, Register of Deeds, appeared before the Board and stated that a transfer of funds within his present budget to Stationary and Supplies is needed. He suggested that the amount of $200.00 be transferred from the Zerox Account to the Stationary and Supplies Account. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vavghan, that this trasfer be approved. ~otion was carried. TRANSFER OF FUNDS, SHERIFF'S DEPARTNIENT County Nanager Marshall presented a request relative to a transfer of funds within the Sheriff's Department Budget. No appropriation is needed. The total amount of the transfer needed will be $401.91. It was suggested that $11.91 be transferred from the Pistol Range, $100.00 from Travel and $290.00 from Capital Outlay. These items ~•~ill cover the over expenditures presently existing in the department and should in the opinion of Sheriff carry the department through June 30, 1g67. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these transfers be made. Motion was carried. REQUEST FROM CORONER - County Manager Marshall presented a request from Mr. Starr MacMillan, the County Coroner, relative to an expense incurred by Adkins Funeral Home for the burial of Ruth Chambers Ford. It was stated that this r~oman died in her home and an autopsy was performed on the body which at the time of the autopsy was badly decomposed. He stated that the body was in ~. such a condition that it would not be accepted by the medical schools in the state. Mr. MacMillan had suggested that, if possible, some financial consideration be given to Adkins Funeral Home for the cost incurred in this particular ca•se. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Uaughan, that the county pay what it possibly can under the 5tatute. This matter will be checked with the County Attorney before any payment is made. Funds for this item to come from the General Emergency fund. FOOD STANiP PROGRAM Miss Lela Noore Hall, Director of Public idelfare, appeared before the Board relative to a request for a$3,000 transfer to cover certain items in the Food Stamp Program. She stated that the $3,000 was for salaries and Social Security and not for Capital Outlay. Mr. ~etts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the $3,000 for salaries and Social 5ecurity be approved. Funds for this to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion u!as carried unanimously. Miss Hall then discussed with the Board the vacancy of a child welfare worker and that the Board of Welfare would like for the Board of Commissioners to consider a staff inember in her department to cover this position at 100 percen±_county cost. Niss Hall was advised to search out to see if a better way to fill the position other than at 100 percent county cost is possible. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board write the legislators and request action on the requirements of social child welfare workers presentiy in existence. Notion was carried, 43 Minutes of the Neeting April 3, 1967 (Continued) TRAN5FER OF FUNDS, DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS - It was reported to the Board that due to the records not being up to date in the County Auditor~s office, several departments had over-expended certain line appropriations within their budget. These different items were read to the Board and it was stated that an amount of $1,700 would be needed to bring up to date the over expenditures. This, however, will not cover the expenditures of additional funds within these line appropriations until June 30th. A meeting with department heads will be held and this discussed and a determination made before a final recommendation is made to the Commissioners as to the total amount needed for the operation through June 30th. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr, Hall, that the amount of $1,700 be transferred from the General Emergency Fund to cover the over expenditures presently existing with the understanding that a report will be made to the Commissioners before a final request is made for the balance of the fiscal year. Motion was carried. TAX SUPERVISOR BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARING - Mr. W. G. Houck appeared before the Board and stated that he would like to set a date for equalization and review for approximately ten or twelve cases. By common consent, it was agreed that the first meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review be scheduled for April 17, 1967 at 10:00 A. M. , Mr. Houck stated that he had been advised of Virginia was filled and that the nearest sc future is at the University of Pittsburg. Mr. Gary McDaniel, Tax Appraiser, be authorized to and the mileage be increased and paid for from carried. that the Tax Appraiser School at the University ~ool where this would be conducted in the near Hali moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. attend the school at the University of Pittsburg the same fund as approved before. ~otion was SENATE BILL 164 - Senate Bill 16~ which has been introduced in the Legislature proposes to repeal that part of the General Statutes 108-38 relative to the salaries of employees of the different County Boards of Welfare. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this Board go on record as being opposed to Senate Bill 164 which will repeal that part of the General Statutes referred to above. Motion was carried unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT FEES - After discussing the present fee schedule for building permits, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that no charge be made on permits where cost of construction does not exceed $500.00. Motion was carried unanimously. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that people in the county be permitted to call in for building permits where construction cost is between $200 and $50~. Permits will be required for construction costing in excess of $200.00. The permit will then be mailed to the individual so requesting the permit. For construction costing in excess of $500 the different individuals will be requir.ed to come into the Buildino Inspector~s office and obtain the permit and sign for same. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Netts moved that for outbuildings a figure of 200 square feet be set, which buildings wovld be exempt from building code requirements. Motion died for a lack of a second. CAPE FEAR COMPOSITE SQUADRON, CIVIL AIR PATROL A letter from the Cape Fear Composite Squadron of Civii Air Patrol was presented. It ~~ras a request that the tax per ride be waived by New Hanover County which is covered in the Schedule B Licenses. They propose to hold a carnival to raise the necessary funds to operate the squadron. Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the requirements of Schedule B Licenses be waived for the Squadron of the Civil Air Patroi Motion was carried. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in Superior Covrt for the weeks beginning May 1 and 8, 1967 - Civil; May 15, 1967 - Criminal; May 22 and 29, 1967 - Civil: Jurors for the Week Beqinninq May 1, 1967 - Civil: Al1en,Ear1, Rt.1,Box 179,Castle Hayne Amerson,Clyde,Jr., 49i5 Maple St. Bass,D.G.,= 5009 Pine St. Be11,Luter, 3111 Adams St. Beilamy;H.E., 918 S. 7th St. Bradley,Plumer, 920 Mears St. Brown,Mrs.R.S., 315 S. 17th St. Brown,Willie, 905 Grace St. Buie,Bonnie B., Rt. 2, Box 50!}, wil. Carter,R.Lee, Box 228, Car. Beach Derrico,Joseph, S42S Ridgewood Rd. Grainger,Homer Paul, 2734 Harrison St. Harrellson,Calvin L., 4905 Pine St. Herring,E.I.,Jr., 1737 Carolina Ave. Hi11,Janice Ann, ' 811 S. 7th St. Hines,G.C., Rt. 2, Box 140, Wil. Hooper,James R., Rt. 1, Box 198, Wil. Idol, Nontrie C1yde,Jr. 1+508z Market St. Jackson,David H., Rt. 3,Box 1}02, Wil. Joe,Joseph, 613 Harnett St. Johnson,Willie, L}14 MacRae St. Jones,W.D., 102 Colonial Dr. Kilpatrick,M.L., 1}1~7 Jennings Dr. King,Lenwood, 11 Keaton Ave. Masters,E.A., Rt. 3,Box 229, Wil. Matthews,Elizabeth J., 1135 Live Oak Pkwy. Nayhew,Essie W., Rt. 1, Box 463,Wi1. McTJonald,Horace, Rt. 2,Box 37!},Wil. McFarlane,Geo., 205 Keaton Ave. ~ercer,Alex P., 306 Sunset Ave. Mi11er,Barbara S., 103 Newkirk Ave. Mi11s,C.H.,Sr., 2815 Princess Dr. Mintz,Cornelia, 205 Forest Rd. Morrill,C.D., 229 Forest Rd. Murphy,Charles, L}16 Clay St. Parker,J.E., 115 Glendale Dr. Piner,O.R., Rt. 1, Box 30l}, Wil. Pittman,E.F., 7 N. Blvd. Prevatt,Foster,F.,Jr .,211 N. 23rd St. Rhodes,C.J., 3 Colonial Dr. Rogers,Ulysses, 615 Bladen St. Sasser,J.D., 325 Johnston Dr. Sellars,Louis J.,-~ 4660 Car. Beach 5isson,Walter A., Rt. 1,Box 259E, Wil. Smith,Florence G., 210 Ann St. Smith,Jack W., 1016 Country Club Rd. Sneeden,S.V., 1711 Carolina Ave. Spicer,Annie, RFD 1, Box 328, l~lil. Stack,Miss Willa, 219 N. 17th St. Stubbs,James A., 311 Lull Water Dr. Taylor,Robt.E., (}19 5. 17th St. Telfair,James, 122~ 5. 5th St. Telfair,W.N., 710 Chestnut St. Turner,John N., Rt. 3, Box 488, Wil. Walker,Herbert Jr., 816 N. 5th St. Warren,Rose M., 421 Castle Hayne Rd „ Wil. Woodville,Geo. H., 313 N. lbth St. Wooten,M.T., 2513 Burnett Blvd. ~ 4~ ~ Minutes of the Neeting - April 3, 1967 {Continued) Jurors For The Uleek Beqinnino Mav 8= 1967 - Arnette,Wade, 59Z0 Wri. Ave. Ashley,Joseph L.,Sr., 4518 Mockinobird La Beane,Nrs.Eleanor, P.O.Box 300,Wi1. Bernascont,Louis J., RFD 3,Box 327,Wi1. Bordeaux,Edgar A.,Jr., 111+ Wri. Ave. C1ark,Ernest L.,Jr., 1124 Country Club R Clemmons,Raiford A., 104 Wallace Ave. Dixon,Joe Eddie, 4817 Market St. Dixon,Wm.B., Rt.1,Box 262-C,Wil. Foy,Bessie F.Lee, Rt.1,Box 367,Wi1. Foy,Volley 6~5 Oak St. Frederick,J.O., 811 Grace St. Garrett,Florence C., 915 Miller St. Garrett,Leroy W., 210 N. 22nd St. Glennon,L.F., Rt.3, Box 476, Wil. Gregg,Elizabeth, 2513 Monroe St. Hart,Sammie, 818 S. 6th St. Harvey,E.W., 809 Forest Hdll Dr. Haynes,Charlotte, 713 Grace St. Hi11,Peter, 822 Campbell St. Huband,Johnnie Elizabeth,2748 Hydrangea Place Hursey,W.V., 9 Sunset Ave. Jackson,Harold J., 172 Colonial Circle Johnson,H,E., 209 Keaton Ave. Jones,Hester, 808 Orange St. Jones,L.G., 702 Castle St. Jones,Oscar Alvin, 312 Adelaide Dr. Jordan,C.L., 224 N. 27th St. Kilbride,Austin, 110 Henry St. Jurors For The Week Beqinninq May 15, 1967 Bellamy,Louise V., 216 Adelaide Dr. Bellamy,Mrs.Sue, 611 Market St. Bosier,Jaret, 607 S. 14th St. Bradford,Corine, 513 McRae St. Bradshaw,L.M., 507 Central Blvd. Bryant,J.M,Jr., Rt.l; Box 118,Wi1. Burnett,Walter Lee,Jr., Rt.2, Box 2~2,Wi1. Butler,P.G., 3805 Oleander Dr. Canady,Wayman Wade, Rt.3,Box 535A,Wii. Carter,J.M., 311 N. Kerr Ave. C1ark,Mary Lilly, 5 Southern Blvd. Coxe,Eleanor D., 4005 Evergreen Dr. Craig,James H., Rt.2, Box 73, Wil. Crandall,Geo.I., ~09 Queen St. Ford,Lossie H., c/o Marshall.Realty Co.,Wil. Fra2ier,Sally, 712 Red Cross St. Fu1k,R.V., 124 Colonial Dr. Gantt,John E., Rt. 2, Box 209,Wi1. Greer,F.H.,. 3702 Winston Blvd. Hatley,Floyd, J., 1320 Oxford Dr. Hines,E.C., 208 N. 17th St. Hines, Walter J.,Mrs., 216 N. 23rd 5t. Hinnant,Mrs.W.T., 110 Wri. Ave. Hixon,Chas. W., ?_12 N. 25th St. Holden,J.W., 701 S. 8th St. Hunt,John E., 317 N. 45th St. Hurst,ti.J., 28 N. 25th St. James,Linnie Russell, 3003 Louisiana Ave. James YJ.G., 2002 Market St. Jurors For The Week Beoinninq May 22~ 1967 Civil: Larson,O.E., ne Linton,S.F., McKoy,Paul, Moehrke,Henri E., Monroe,Jerry Lee, d. Moore,Allan B.,Jr., Moore,Henry H., Norton,Bonsal J., Neil, John, Nixon, Frank T., Renn,Paul A., Rogers,John F., Russ,Thomas E., Salling,S.M., Savage,Remi C., Selden,Nary B., Sikes,Paul J., Smith, Ida K., Smith,Wm. Larry, Suggs,Daisy L., Tate,Wm. H., Towsend,Pearl, Turbeville,Gene R., Watson,T.M.,Jr. We11s,Pau1 Fulton, Whitaker,Raymond E., White,A.G., !~hite,Grace M., Woodbury,Geo.C., 318 Greenville Ave. 2812 Chestnut St. Rt.l, Box 125, Wil. 38~1 Gillette Dr. P.O. Box 73, Kure Beach P.O. Box 308 Castle Hayne 5020 Wri. Ave. 138 Chadwick Ave. 1207 S. 2nd St. i3 s. lotn st. Rt.2, Box 22, Wil. 1}~11 Greenfield St. RFD 2,Box 153,Wi1. Rt,1,Box ~-A,Wil. 305 Longstreet Dr. 1723 Carolina Ave. 21 Island Dr. 138 Gordon Rd. 5446 Andover Rd. 2014 Metts Ave. 1~05 Simon St. 433 Castle Hayne Rd. 3910 Carolina Beach Rd. 115 Evans St. Rt. 3,aox 327,wt1. ~312 Maple St. 1106 Grace St. 24oi S. Front St. 2267 Mimosa Place Criminal: Jewell,Mazie T., P.O.Box 58p,Car.Bch. Johnston,R.G., P.O.Box 311,Wri.Bch. xing,Benj. R., 2912 Harvard Dr. King,L.B., P.O.Box 284,Car.Bch. Korb,Carl W.B.,Jr., 327 Pine Ualley Dr. Lassiter,Mary E., 5442 oleander Dr. Lewis,French, 140 Stone~•rall Jackson Dr. Mathews,Margaret 5., 118 Morningside Dr. Mi11er,Joseph Calvin ,Rt.l,Oakley Rd.,Box 232D, Castle Hayne Piitchell,James, 1411 Glenn St. Palmer,Jos.A., ~34 Decator Dr. Pelland,Edward C.,Jr .Rt.l,Box 53,Castle Hayne Pigford,J.M.., 1320 Grace 5t. Prince,James L., 6111 Wri. Ave. Reavis,C.L., P.O.Box 1076,Wi1. Reoister,John G., 18 Channel Ave. Reynolds,D.S., Rt.3,Box 53o,wii. Rogers,E.L., 5 Live Oak Drive Skelding,Mary S., P.O.Box 1153,Wi1. Stokley,W.D., 7101 Wri. Ave. Stone,J.S., P.O.Box 396,Wri.Beach Summerlin,Robt. P., Box 208, C2r. Beach Thompson,~.V., 111 S. 41st St. Uereen,Ivory, 432 Evans St. Vretakis,Constatine N.,Gen.Del.,Kure Beach Ward,~argaret K., 2518 Adams St. Waters,McKinley, 806 Grace St. We11s,John H., 21 Mercer Ave. Williams,Eilis Eugue ne,5305 Andover Rd. Wood,Lonnie L., 2l}10 Chestnut St. c~~ii: Lewis,James C., Box 711,Car.Beach Matthews,Jesse, Rt.l, Box 258,Wi1. McKinley,Everette R.,3852 Edgewood Rd. McLean,C.H., 11 Southern Blvd. Mi11s,Carrie W., P.O.Box 187L},Wil. Misenheimer,C.A., 613 Castle Hayne Rd.,Wil. Moore,Harris, . Rt.1,Box 121, Wil. Palmer,Merlin B.,Sr.,319 N. 21st St. Parrish,Wm.J., 5410 Andover Rd. Pope,T.G., 2301 Chestnut St. Reaves,Robt. Ronald, 112 Avondale St. d. Salling,S.M., Rt. 1, Box 4-A,Wil. Sandlin,D.F.,Jr., 39 Woodlawn Ave. Saunders,R.C., 561!} Oleander Dr. Scruggs,Charles E., 1506 Robt. E. Lee Dr. 5impson,Johnnie May, 1217 Loves Alley Si~erLsen, Harold L.,P.O. Box 13L~,Kure Beach Stack,Ervin B.,Jr., 202 S. 52nd St.~ Tate,Diego,Sr., Rt. 1, Box 189,Castle Hayne Taylor,Clarence Fletcher,1206 Lincoln Rd. Thompson,Wm..lackson, 2723~ Washington St. Townsend,Florenc~ B.,149 Victoria Dr. Waddell,Robt. L., 1209 5. 6th St. Ward,Rosetta, 411} Bladen St. Weiss,Frank J.,Sr., 701 N. College Rd. Williams,Henry,Jr., 907 Castle St. Williams,H.R., 1819 Woolcott Ave. Wilson,Q.E., 209 Oak Crest Dr. Alford,Woodard F., Rt. 3,Box 57,Wi1. Binkley,J.M., P.O. Bx.151},Wri.Bch. Soon,Miss Dorothy O., 2314 Chestnut St. Bradley,John H.,Sr., 1404 King St. Browning,H.W., 72(} S. 3rd St. Bullard,Ethe1 M., 5111 Wri. Ave. Burnett,Richard L., 6 Ro bt.E.Lee Dr. Cameron,Louise Wells, Box 990,Wi1. Canty,George, 1011} Fanning St. Chestnvt,Samuel, 810 N, bth St. Doxey,Sanford, 1806 Ann St. Dunn,John 0., 1107 Country Olub R Dyches,I.A., 10 N orthern Blvd. Edens,Wilmer D., 502 Park Terrace Evans,J.R., 1407 Church St. Formyduval,~rs.Thelma, 402 N. 15th St. Futch,J.D., 3905 Princess St. Futrell,James M., 1810 Perry Ave. Graves,G.W., i3o3 N. Lumina Ave. Hasty,Rev.Jesse F.,Jr., 2119 Srandon Rd. Henry,Winnic W., 917 S. lOth St. Holland,Carrie Bro4m, 202 S. 13th St. Jewell,Ruth Nt., (}11} Church St. Kennedy,Ida Mae, Rt. 2, Box 168A,Wi1. Kernells,Wm.Nurpi~y, 808 Hill St. Klimek,Francis B., 509 Park Terrace Kornegay,Giles R., 203 Oak Leaf Dr. Lee,A.F., 509 Market 5t. Lewis,Gertrvde E., 310 Chestnut St. 45 Minutes of the Meeting - April 3, 1967 (Continued) Jurors For The Week Beqinriinq May 29, 1967 - Civil: Andrews,Robt.C., 31~ Pine Hills Dr. Johnson,Guy, P.O.Box 396,Car. Beach Barefoot,T.C., 422 S. Front St. Johnson,Lewis E., 114 5. 8th 5t. Rooth,R.W., P.O.Box 16~b,1~i1. Jones,Alex Heart,Jr., 306 College St. Bowles,H.H., 1923 Woolcott Ave. He11y,Joseph, P.O.Box 6~2,Car. Beach Bradsfiaw,Thos.F., P.O.Box 11$3,Wi1. Leak,John, 428 Clay St. Brown,Melba G. Nance, 2510 Monroe St. Lewis,James C.,Sr., 1512 5. 4th St. Burriss,Mrs. Nary M., 1908 Carolina Ave. Matthcws,Buck H., 104 Southern Blvd. Cameron,B.B.,Jr. Box 990,Wi1. McDonald,James, 413 Red Cross St. Carlyle,Winiford F., 907 S. Herr kve. Mintz,Mrs.W.J., 2406 Lake Shore Dr. Clemmons,Edward W„ 3609 Palm St. Nitchell,Irvin L., 606 So. lOth St. Craig,Donald J., 272~ Hiahland Dr. Montoomery,Myrtis P., 2~1 Castle Hayne Rd. Dixon,Dorothy Lee, 201 Woolcott Ave. Moore,Herman, Rt..l, Castle Hayne Donaldson,Amelia, 405 N. lOth St. Moore,James Nack, RFD 1, Box 78,Wi1. c/o N. F. Lammie N,urray,Geo. J., 917 4Jooster St. Drakeford,Emanuel, 110~ Miller St. Nurray,Hattie, 109 N• 5th St. Epps,Richard J., 1106 N. 5th St. Newkirk,Geo., 314 McCrae St. Evans,Rosa J., 1407 Glenn St. Pearsall,James D., 2530 Washin'gton St. Franks,James L.,Jr., 115 S. 12th St. Poisson,Mrs. Viola W., 315 S. Front St. Fryar,Charles E., 2610 Princess P.1.Dr. Puzon,D.C., Rt.1,Box 86, Castle Hayne Fryer,J.A., 2608 Wri. Ave. Scott,Marvin E., 4914 Oleander Dr. George,J.W., 210 5. lbth St. Sikes,T.D., 22 N. Front St. Geyer, L.S., 1205 S. 5th St. Smith,Beulah P., 309 Northern Blvd. Greene,Alice N., 705 Queen St. Smith,Clifford H.,Jr., P.O.Box 105,Car. Beach Haynes, Nelli~ H., 706 Oranae St. Smith,Retha G., 2117 Princess St. Hobbs,Mrs. J.C., ~814 Park Ave. Sneeden,J.Robert, 202 N. Channel Dr. Hodges,Jesse, 220 5, llth St. Spicer,Joseph T., Rt. 1, Box 328,Wi1. Holder,John Wayne, 25i5 }jarrison St. Taylor,Victor G., Box 442,wri.Beach Howe11,J.L., 210 S. 41st St. Ward,Homer H., 2914 Lake Shore Dr. Hunter,Fostina Parsons ,Box 28~,Car.Beach Weedon,A.H., 2518 Jefferson St. Jaquier,L.L., 1435 Knollwood Dr. Williams,Ezekiel, 1004 5. 7th St. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Vaughan moved, s~conded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Narshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - April 17, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8 A. M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the follo~ling members present: Vice- Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry ~ Shepard. INUOCATION - After calling the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister, Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF NINUTES - For the minutes covering the meeting of April 3, 1967 under the heading "Tax Supervisor Board of Equalization Hearing" the time should be corrected to indicate the meeting to be held at 10 A. M. and not 10:30 A. M. P.fter making this correction, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. BUILDING PERMITS, ELECTRICAL PERMITS IN THE ONE MILE PERIMETER BEYOND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON - The question of the City relinquishing their jurisdiction over building and electrical permits in the one mile perimeter was discussed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that this Board rescind their action of April 3, 1967 relative to r.equesting the City of Wilmington to relinquish jurisdiction in the one mile area with respect to building and electrical per- mits in order that further study may be made by the County. Motion ~aas carried unanimously. Mr. Metts stated that his reason for voting for this motion was that zoning may be non- enforceable which could create problems for the county. JUDGE OF SUPERIOR COURT AND CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT - Judge Rudolph Mintz and Clerk of Superior Court James McHeithan appeared before the Board relative to a recent State Supreme Court decision dealing with warrants and the writing and signiny thereof. Judge Mint2 spoke to the point that the Superior Court Clerk is understaffed and could be enlarged to handle the v.~arrant writing and signing, or the Legislature could be requested to increase the fees presently granted for warrants for criminal offenses written by Justices of the Peace in order that this type, the J. P. System, would be self-supporting. Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that the amount of $!},500 be appropriated which wil] inciude salaries and social security to hire four additional deputies in the Clerk of Court office until June 30, 1967 for the purpose of writing and signing warrants. This action was taken with the understanding that an emergency exists. It is also understood that this item will be included in the next fiscal year starting July 1, 1967. Salary to be the same as presently established for clerks. Funds to come from General Emergency Fund. Motion ~aas carried unanimously. ~ Mr. Metts then moved, seconded by P7r. Hall, that the Legislators be asked to increase the fees so as to yield at least $3.00 per warrant. This motion was carried unanimously.