1967-04-17 Regular Meeting45 Minutes of the Meeting - April 3, 1967 (Continued) Jurors For The Week Beqinriinq May 29, 1967 - Civil: Andrews,Robt.C., 31~ Pine Hills Dr. Johnson,Guy, P.O.Box 396,Car. Beach Barefoot,T.C., 422 S. Front St. Johnson,Lewis E., 114 5. 8th 5t. Rooth,R.W., P.O.Box 16~b,1~i1. Jones,Alex Heart,Jr., 306 College St. Bowles,H.H., 1923 Woolcott Ave. He11y,Joseph, P.O.Box 6~2,Car. Beach Bradsfiaw,Thos.F., P.O.Box 11$3,Wi1. Leak,John, 428 Clay St. Brown,Melba G. Nance, 2510 Monroe St. Lewis,James C.,Sr., 1512 5. 4th St. Burriss,Mrs. Nary M., 1908 Carolina Ave. Matthcws,Buck H., 104 Southern Blvd. Cameron,B.B.,Jr. Box 990,Wi1. McDonald,James, 413 Red Cross St. Carlyle,Winiford F., 907 S. Herr kve. Mintz,Mrs.W.J., 2406 Lake Shore Dr. Clemmons,Edward W„ 3609 Palm St. Nitchell,Irvin L., 606 So. lOth St. Craig,Donald J., 272~ Hiahland Dr. Montoomery,Myrtis P., 2~1 Castle Hayne Rd. Dixon,Dorothy Lee, 201 Woolcott Ave. Moore,Herman, Rt..l, Castle Hayne Donaldson,Amelia, 405 N. lOth St. Moore,James Nack, RFD 1, Box 78,Wi1. c/o N. F. Lammie N,urray,Geo. J., 917 4Jooster St. Drakeford,Emanuel, 110~ Miller St. Nurray,Hattie, 109 N• 5th St. Epps,Richard J., 1106 N. 5th St. Newkirk,Geo., 314 McCrae St. Evans,Rosa J., 1407 Glenn St. Pearsall,James D., 2530 Washin'gton St. Franks,James L.,Jr., 115 S. 12th St. Poisson,Mrs. Viola W., 315 S. Front St. Fryar,Charles E., 2610 Princess P.1.Dr. Puzon,D.C., Rt.1,Box 86, Castle Hayne Fryer,J.A., 2608 Wri. Ave. Scott,Marvin E., 4914 Oleander Dr. George,J.W., 210 5. lbth St. Sikes,T.D., 22 N. Front St. Geyer, L.S., 1205 S. 5th St. Smith,Beulah P., 309 Northern Blvd. Greene,Alice N., 705 Queen St. Smith,Clifford H.,Jr., P.O.Box 105,Car. Beach Haynes, Nelli~ H., 706 Oranae St. Smith,Retha G., 2117 Princess St. Hobbs,Mrs. J.C., ~814 Park Ave. Sneeden,J.Robert, 202 N. Channel Dr. Hodges,Jesse, 220 5, llth St. Spicer,Joseph T., Rt. 1, Box 328,Wi1. Holder,John Wayne, 25i5 }jarrison St. Taylor,Victor G., Box 442,wri.Beach Howe11,J.L., 210 S. 41st St. Ward,Homer H., 2914 Lake Shore Dr. Hunter,Fostina Parsons ,Box 28~,Car.Beach Weedon,A.H., 2518 Jefferson St. Jaquier,L.L., 1435 Knollwood Dr. Williams,Ezekiel, 1004 5. 7th St. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Vaughan moved, s~conded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Narshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - April 17, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8 A. M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the follo~ling members present: Vice- Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry ~ Shepard. INUOCATION - After calling the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister, Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF NINUTES - For the minutes covering the meeting of April 3, 1967 under the heading "Tax Supervisor Board of Equalization Hearing" the time should be corrected to indicate the meeting to be held at 10 A. M. and not 10:30 A. M. P.fter making this correction, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. BUILDING PERMITS, ELECTRICAL PERMITS IN THE ONE MILE PERIMETER BEYOND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON - The question of the City relinquishing their jurisdiction over building and electrical permits in the one mile perimeter was discussed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that this Board rescind their action of April 3, 1967 relative to r.equesting the City of Wilmington to relinquish jurisdiction in the one mile area with respect to building and electrical per- mits in order that further study may be made by the County. Motion ~aas carried unanimously. Mr. Metts stated that his reason for voting for this motion was that zoning may be non- enforceable which could create problems for the county. JUDGE OF SUPERIOR COURT AND CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT - Judge Rudolph Mintz and Clerk of Superior Court James McHeithan appeared before the Board relative to a recent State Supreme Court decision dealing with warrants and the writing and signiny thereof. Judge Mint2 spoke to the point that the Superior Court Clerk is understaffed and could be enlarged to handle the v.~arrant writing and signing, or the Legislature could be requested to increase the fees presently granted for warrants for criminal offenses written by Justices of the Peace in order that this type, the J. P. System, would be self-supporting. Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that the amount of $!},500 be appropriated which wil] inciude salaries and social security to hire four additional deputies in the Clerk of Court office until June 30, 1967 for the purpose of writing and signing warrants. This action was taken with the understanding that an emergency exists. It is also understood that this item will be included in the next fiscal year starting July 1, 1967. Salary to be the same as presently established for clerks. Funds to come from General Emergency Fund. Motion ~aas carried unanimously. ~ Mr. Metts then moved, seconded by P7r. Hall, that the Legislators be asked to increase the fees so as to yield at least $3.00 per warrant. This motion was carried unanimously. ~ 46 Minutes of the Meeting - April 17, 1967 (Continued) IANITATION FROM THE I.L.A. LOCAL 1426, A.F.L.-C.I.O. - An irivitation for the dedication of the Longshoremen's Labor Temple was presented to the• Commissioners. Note was made thereof and all will attend that can. BILL FOR PLANS AT COMMIAVITY HOSPITAL, ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - A bill in the amount of $1,250.00 from Oxenfeld and Newkirk was presented. The County Manager was instructed to investigate the type of agreement that this work is presently being performed under and report back at the next meeting. RESOLUTION, SCHOOL BOARD - A resolution from the New Hanover County Board of Education was presented requesting that $30,000 be withdrawn from the Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of purchasing a new elementary school site in the Pine Valley residential area located off Highway No. 132. By common consent the matter ~~as deferred until detailed information can be presented to the Commissioners. This can be done hy letter. ~OBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE - At this juncture of the meeting Vice-Chairman Bowden stated that the public would now be heard on the proposed Mobile Home Park Ord`inance. A delegation consisting of approximately 20 people appeared and several statements were made. County Attorney Tillery spoke to several points about the proposed ordinance. Due to the ordinance stating that the enforcing officer will be the Health Officer, by common consent it was agreed that the Board of Health consider the Health Officer as the enforcing agent. Several members of the delegation spoke to the point relative to the 6,000 square feet for each space and stated they thought it ~~as too large. Several members of the delegation spoke in favor of the 6,000 square feet requirements as outlined in the ordinance. Nr. T. B. Schley, from Carolina Beach Road, Mr. D. D. Browning, 5108 Market Street, and Mr. Hull, Hooper Road, all stated that they are presently operating mobile home parks and feel that 6;000 square feet ~~~ould be too large and expensive. Lt. Commander Gabriel Dobo, Retired, of Wrightsville Sound, and P9r. Julius Herbst spoke in favor of the proposed zoning ordinance. A lady spoke about a trailer court being put on Arlington Drive and spoke against its being constructed. 5he was advised that under the present circumstances, and following several state- ments by Mr. George Reif, Planning Director, the Covnty has no control over the fact that this man has already started his MoBile Home Park and plans have been approved that meet the Health , Department's Requirements. The meeting was then recessed for five minutes. Meeting was reconvened. INSURANCE, NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITA.L It was stated to the Board that the architect had agreed that the insurance presently carried by the contractor on the Ne~~ Hanover Memorial Hospital would be released April 17, 1967. Mr. Glasgow Hicks was in attendance during this discussion. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees recommended that the building be insured for seven (~) million dollars at 100 percent coverage. Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Board of County Commissioners com- ply with the request of the Board of Trustees to insure the Hospital and that fire, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief be purchased to cover.the hospital buildings. Further, that we purchase sufficient insurance to comply v~ith the co-insvrance requirements and that the Insurance Committee secure written binder by April 17, 1967. Funds for this to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Vaughan steted he understood Mr. Hicks represented the Insurance Advisory Committee. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW - At 10:35 A. M. the Board of County Commissioners~ meeting ~:~as recessed and by common consent the Board of Equalization and Review was convened. Mr. Laurence 0. Bowden was then administer2d the oath as a member of the Board of Equalization and Revieti~. At 12:25 P. M. the Board of Equ21iz2tion and Review was recessed and the Board of Commissioners' meeting was reconvened for the dispatch of its remaining business. DEPUTY CLERKS, JAM~S NcKEITHAN AND CHIEF OF POLICE WILLIA~SON - The above named two people appeared before the Board relative to the salaries of the deputy clerks approved for the Superior Court for the purpose of writing and sSgning warrants. Aft.er due consideration, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Clerk of Superior Court try to obtain four people to work as deputies in ~~ariting and signing warrants for the Lak~ Enforcement Agencies and the starting salary to be one step above Salary Step Range No. 12 of the County Personnel Plan. The amount of money that needs to be appropriated to cover the period ending June 30, 1967 is $6,000.00 and this appropriation was included in Nr. Hall's motion to cover salary and social security. Motion was carried. This action supersedes action previously taken in this meeting. COUNTY AUDITOR REQUEST, ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR AUDIT, CHERRY, BEKAERT APID HOLLAND - County Auditor Perry Shepard presented a bill from Cherry, Bekaert and Hoiland in the amount of $6,92$.38 Which was the expense for the audit for the five months ended Pdovember 30, 1966. It was stated that this bill is $928,38 over the present line appropriation. By common consent it was agree~ to contact Nr. Harry Cherry and determine what, if any, other costs are involved in this bill other than direct work invoived in performing the audit. ~ ~~ Minutes of the Minutes - April 17, 1967 (Continued) COUNTY AUDITOR'S REQUEST, TRANSFER OF FUNDS CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL IATSTITUTE - County Auditor Perry Shepard presented a recommendation relative to the transfer of funds for the above Institute. He recommended that $87,1}05.17 be transferred to the C.F.T.I. Building Fund, $43,177.08 to come from Unanticipated Revenue-C.F.T.I. and $l~1F,228.09 to come from Un- appropriated Surplus-C.F.T.I. Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that the recommendation of the County Auditor be accepted. Notion ~•ras carried. EXTRA HELP, CONiPLETIOAi OF RETIRENENT ENROLLN!ENT FORMS - County Manayer Marshall pointed out to the Board that in order to complete the Retire- ment Enrol]ment forms a considerable amount of work gathering information on past service is necessary. The amount of time 'involved could not be estimated exactly at this time, but was suggested an amount of $240.00 be appropriated and if necessary additional fvnds will be requested later on. Nir. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the amount of $240.00 be appropriaLed to perform the necessary work on the Retirement System Enrollment Forms. Funds for this to come from General Emergency Fund. Motion u~as carried. CITY-COUNTY PLANNING County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reported on the joint meeting between City officiais and County officials relative to the City-County Pianning Commission. He stated that the point in question had been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties at this time. Following the report, hir. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that a memorandum of understanding be prepared for signatures of County officials and City officiais. Motion was carried. CIVIL SERVICE COMN!ISSION - County Attorney L. Br~dford Tillery stated that in his opinion the existing Civil Service Commission, in view of the Nev~ Personnel Plan, should be abolished. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by ~r. Bowden, that the State Legislators be requested to repeal the existing bill relating to New Hanover County Civil Service Commission in view of the i:err Personnel Plan. Motion was carried unanimously. A.B.C. FlJNDS - ~r. Hall reported that he had received pertaining to the division of A.B.C. profits as Chairman of the A.B.C. Composite Board. a letter from the City Nanager of Wilmington . He stated that he would ansr~er the letter The County ~anager was requested to investigate with the Airport Manager and Piedmont Air Lines the question of taxi or bus service at the Airport, Nr. Netts stated that he felt the Sheriff~s Department should be complimented and also the Airport Manager for the fine job in handling of the traffic at the Airport for the Air Force Thunderbird Show. By common consent this was agreed and letters t~ill be written. ADJOURNMENT - Mr, Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeLing be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. Minutes of the Meeting BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW April 3, 1967 / NOTICE OF THE MEETING - Complying with G.S. 105-32~ the Tax Supervisor reported that he had had published in the Wilmington Morning Star Newspaper on March 17, 24 and 31, 1967 a notice of the time, place and purpose of the first meeting of the County Board of Equalization and Review, including a statement that in the event of earlier or later adjournment, it would be published at least once in the same newspaper at least seven (7) days before adjournment. ( t QATH - At 11:00 A.M. Monday, April 3, 1967 the Tax Supervisor, with an Assistant Clerk of Superior Court, Miss Vernell DeVane, appeared before the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners recessed and the Board of Equalization and Revieo~ was calied to order by the Ctiairman. The Assistant Clerk of Superior Court administered the oath prescribed in the General Statutes to the following members: Chzirman Jos. al. Hooper, J, M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. N9etts, Jr., and h7. H. Vaughan. The Vice Chairman, Laurence O. Bowden, was absent on account of illness, but will be sworn in before he sits as a member of the Equalization Board. COMPLAINTS - The Tax Supervisor presented eleven (11) compiaints as to the valuation of property which had been received up to that time. He reported that he had requests for more formal complaint applications and felt sure they would be coming in before the next meeting. He asked the Board to give him instructions as to when and how they wanted the hearings scheduled. By common consent the~Board agreed to meet again at 10:00 A.M. Monday, April 17, 1967, to hear the complaints received up to that time; but not beyond 12:00 noon. RECESS - By common consent the Board unanimously recessed until 10:00 A.N. April 17, 1967.. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor 48 Minutes of the Meeting BQARD OF EQLiALIZATION AND REVIEW April 17, 1967 RECONVENTION - Pursuant to the above recess, the following members of the Board of Equalization and Review met today to hear the valuation complaints: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, James N. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., and M. H. Vaughan being present. Chairman Jos. W. Hooper was out of the City and could not be here. The Supervisor for the Souttiern Appraisal Company, William J. Ne2son, Tax Supervisor,William G. Houck „ and Assessor Raymond E. Blake, Jr. were also present. OATH - The Vice-Chairman was sworn in by .Miss Vernell Devane, Assistant Superior Court Clerk, who administered the oath prescribed in G.S. 105-327 (d), as he was absent when.the other members of the Board took it. COMPLAINTS - The Tax Supervisor introduced Mr. Hararove Bellamy and his son, Robert R. Bellamy, who had fil.ed formal complaints as to the value of their property. Mr. Bellamy opened his remarks by saying that he thought the over-all appraisal job was good in the County, but he feels that Mr. Nelson's judgment is only human and subjectto error, and expressed his coriviction that any three men would vary on appraisals. Azalea Plaza Shoppinq Center: Mr. Bellamy explained that the raw land in back of the Azalea Plaza Shopping Center fronting on Park Avenue is appraised at $6,000 per acre, and he thinks $4,000 per acre more nearly represents the fair market value, when it is compared with similar property across the street owned by Sasah H. Willis. Mr. Nelson explained that the appraisal included a portion of the paving in the rear of the stores which is used for delivery. Rather than p,r,ice it on .the same per foot basis as that in the front, it was averaged in with the raw land in the back. He pointed out that if it is considered on the same per foot basis as the frontage it would approximate $6,000 per acre and in.crease the total appraisal. 6~.78 A Unit A 8 B Azalea Plaza is assessed at $142,700. L$!}3,675; B$99,025. No change. Discount St.ores, Inc.: Owner not satisfied with the depreciation allowed on the buildings. Mr. Nelson explained that it was the same as applied to other similar buiidings in the block. 3.16 A Azalea Plaza 1. Assessment $184,150. L$32,150; B$152,000. No change. Do~antown Realty ComAany: Owner pointed out that the net income on this property after taxes was $3,000, with a gross of only $6,000. Only the ground floor is rented on a lease agreement which will expire next year. There is one vacancy on the first floor and all the upper floors are unoccupied. He offered to rent it on a long term lease based on $50,000 valuation. Mr. Nelson pointed out that 55-60% depreciation was applied with an additional 40% functional depreciation. Block 179 M& EM 5 PT EM 4. Assessment $50,~25. L$32,850. B $17,575. No change. Mrs. ~eanette B. Wilcox: owner pointed out that 100 Acres of the Bellois land was recently burned over. No improvements have been made since it was bought. She paid $40 per acre in 1960 for the land. IL is l} miles out on the Holly Shelter Road. She also called attention to another 50 Acre and 2 Acre tract that is improved farm land with a pond on it which she had boughi in 1947 and 1958, respectively, for $20.00-$30.00 per Acre. She has tried to find a buyer but so far has been unsuccessful. She requested an average $300 per acre appraisal with a$150 per acre assessment. 2 A Holly Shelter Assessment $300. 50 A Bellois Assessment $7,500. 5o A Bellois Assessment $~,500 (5~ A Bellois Assessment $10,125. L$7,600. B.$2,525. No change on any of them. Albert D. Cox, J•r.: Owner stated that he had come in to discuss his appraised values with Mr. Nelson in an informal way. Although he thinks they are entirely too high he agreed to go along if others wer.e treated the same way. He has since found that some of his neighbors had received adjustments downward and feels that his likewise should receive a similar con- sideration. Mr. IVelson explained that additional information was received after the original appraisal justified the-change. He aareed to go over the changes and the new information with Mr. Cox, and re-check the factors involved. After discussing these values and taking into consideration the additional information, furnished by the owner, which was not available when the or.iginal appraisal was made,corrections were made bringing the assessments to: 30.1} A Hermitage. Ass.essment $3,525, 98.6 A Blue Clay Road Assessment $13,625. L$12,875. B$750. ADJOURNN~ENT - Mr. Vaughan suggested that an adjournme.nt of Equali2ation and Review adjourn at 5:00 P.M seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously passed. date be set and offered a motion that the Board Thur.sday, April 27, 1967. The motion was NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT The County Attorney, L. Bradford Tillery, advised that another Notice of Adjournment should be published in the same newspaper as the original Notice of the Meeting, seven (7) days before the adjournment date. The Tax Supervisor was requested to arrange for the Adjournment Notice and schedule the hearings. The Notice of Adjournment must be published not later than Wednesday, April 19, 1967. RECESS - Mr. Vaughan thenmoved that the Board recess until Wednesday April 19, 1967 at 1:00 P.M. to continue the hearings and that they also meet Thursday April 20, 1967 at 1:00 P.M. to con- tinue hearings. The motion was seconded by Mr. Metts and was unanimously adopted. The Tax Supervisor was requested to schedule the hearings until 5:00 P.M. each day. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor ~ ~~ Minutes of the Meeting BOARD OF EQUALI2ATION AND REVIEW April 20, 1967 RECONVENTION - Pursuant to the recessed meeting on April 17, 1967 the Board of Equalization and Review resumed its hearings on property valuations, complaints and requests for re-assessments today at 1:00 P.M. with the foilowing present: Vice-Chairman Laur.ence 0. Bowden, J.. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, William J. Nelson, Raymond E, Blake, Jr., and W. G. Hovck. SCHEDULE CHANGE - . After scheduling on April 17, 1967 to meet again on April 19, 1967 it was discovered that a quorum of the Board of Equalization and Review could not be present. The Tax Supervisor was instructed to cancel the hearing for Wednesday, Apri1.19, 1967, and re-schedule it for Friday, April 21, 1967, at the same time. No meeting or hearing was heid on April 19, 1967. HEARINGS - Charles R. & Evelyn M. Kinq: Lot t}, Fussell Division. Assessment $6,100. An error was found in the computations which changed the Assessment to $5,275. Owners were satisfied with this assessment. No,fur.ther change. Pauline B. & 0. K. Prid4en, Sr.: (T~A Ranch Acres Motor Court) 3701 Market Street. !}.82 A Assessment $57~325. 1- $z1,35o• B$35,975• ~ners stated they had no quarrel with the buildings valuations but do question the land values.~ The Appraiser, Mr. Nelson, said he had checked land values and sales from 3rd Street to the City Limits on Mar•ket Street a~nd found they ranged from $100 to $21}0 per front foot. No change approved. Raymond Retchin: 111 Colonial Drive. Block 183, Lot Z& EM 3. Assessment $2,975. L$1,025. B$1.,950. No change. In line with surrounding property-. Annie I{. Paqe 8 Jennie K. Robertson: 305 "K" Ave., Kure Beach. (L. C. Kure). This complaint included several parcels which seemed to be irregularly appraised. The a•ppraiser will recheck with Owner. After inspecting the various lots in question the.following Assessments were made and approved: Jas, S. Page, Block 55, Lots 10~11~12~13 Fort Fisher Assessment $975. Jennie L. Kure, Block 57., Lot Pt 22, Kure Beach, Assessment $225. L. C. Kure, Block 55, Lot 15, Kure Beach Assessment $125. Block 55., Lot 14, Assessment.$125. Block 33,.Lots 12/13, Assessment~ $8,775. L$2,a50. B$6,725. Block 55, Lot 9, Assessment $225. Block 55, Lot 8,'Assessment $125. Jennie L. Hure, Block 65 N Pt Lot 9, Kure Beach, Assessment $125. No further changes recommended. . . W. P. Roudabush; P. O. Box 9$9, Wilmington , 2.8 A Tr Ntyrtle Gr Fms. Assessment $2,800. Owner claims appraisal made on basis of Highway frontage which he does not have. Re-inspection of the lot location indicated no road frontage and the appra.isal was adjusted-accordingly. Assessment now $1,200. • • Bessie S. Orrell: (R. 5. McClelland) 12!}3 Columbus Circle, 52 A Fort Fisher. Assessment $60,000. L$57,475. B$2,S2S• Found in line with surrounding area values. No change. Michael C. Brown: 2411 Oleander Dri.ve. Block 533 W~ 1/2/3. Assessment $9,200. Owner questions valuation for reason ACL RR intersects it and it is irregular. Re-examination of facts not available at'time of original appraisal resulted in present assessment of $2,500. No further change. Lina N. 8 John D. McCarlev: 4240 Carolina Beach Road, 186 a Pt Appleton. Assessment $!}8,150, L$z9,775, B$lti,375~ Complaint centered around the Home Site of 10 A appraised at $2,000 per Acre, which included road.frontage. Board recommended change description from Home Site to Home Site and Road Frontaoe but no change in Assessment of $48,150. M. S. Emmart: Rt. 2, Box 131, 30•9 A adj Nyrtle Grove Sound, Assessment $4,925• 222•35 A Fero.us & Crai~ Assessment $39,000, L$23,350, B$15,650. No change. Homer W. Miller: 119 South L~.th St., Block 127 E 1/3 1 Pt 2 Assessment $6,690 on house used for dormitory. Owner complained that property on either side, owned by Mary M. Juel and David R. Murchison, was given a 50% depreciation as compared to 30% on this house. Appraiser is to re-examine and if facts are found to warrant the Board approve an increase to 50% functional depreciation. The final Assessment is $10,700, L$1,600, B$9,100. No further chanoe. H. A. Marks: Rt. 3, Box 80, Block 318, Lot W End 1 W~ 2~3 M 2. Intersection North 3rd and 2nd Street., Assessment $43,o75, L$15,(}00, B.$27,675. No change; 318 Pt. W End !~ Pt 5. Assessment $3,250, No change; Block "D", Lot 14 Ardmore. Assessment $7,175, L$1,275, B$5,900. Owner reports building old and d.ilapidated. Appraiser to re-examine the buildings and if facts are found to justify,increase depreciation from.35% to 50%. Assessment now $5,825, L$1,275, B$4,550; Block "D" Lots 15/16 Ardmore. Assessment $6,075, L$2,550, B$3,525. No change. John H. Burnett: Burgaw, Block 25, Lot 5, Carolina Beach. Assessment $1,625. No change, 129 A Oak Island. Assessnent $5,800. No change. 201.5 A Howard ~ Interest undivided: Assessment $5,550. No change. Nack I. Harrelson: 3909 Park Ave., Lots 371 & 372 Audubon. Assessment $5,075, L$1,1~00, B$4,900. Error found in computation. Correct Assessment $1},025, L$ 900, B$3,12$. Owner satisfied after correction. Final Assessment $4,025. ~ RECE55 - • ~ By common consent the Board recessed to resume hearings at 1:00 P. M. Friday, April 21, 1967. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor ~ 50 Minutes of the Meeting BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW April 21, 1967 RECONVENTION - The New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review was called to order by the Chair- man, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper at 1:00 P.M. today with the following in attendance: Mr. John Uan B. Metts, Jr., Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Mr. W. J. Nelson, Mr. Raymond E. Blake, Jr., and Mr. William G. Houck. Hearings were resumed on.valuations. The following had been scheduled. Industrial Realty & Leasinca Corporation, 4207 Lawrence St., Colmar, Maryland. (John C. Jones, Jr., 1ti21 Dawson St., Wilmington T/A Industrial Uniform & Coverall Service). Lot 100 X 250 Misc., Assessed at $45,650, L$15,350, B$30,300. Misc. 100 X 179.9 Dawson Street. Assessment $17,050, L$2,950, B$11~,100. Owner~s Representative complained that the estimated cost of $1(}.30 per square foot for this building was too high for its condition. He insisted that it was not given enough consideration. Appraiser explained that the $14.30 estimated cost was given a 65% allowance for depreciation which brought it down to $9.50 plus. No change was recommended. Herbert T. Fisher, 1123 Princess St., Lots 13/14 willowdale, Ext. 2. Assessment $12,700, L$1,950, B$10,~50. Owner claims house overbuilt for the neighborhood. Nearby grocery store and other commer.cial business tends to lower the resale value. After rechecking by the Appraiser no change recommended. Block 188 E End 4-5 Pt 3. Assessment $7,125, L$1,525, B $5,600. No change. Tr 20 x 100 Greenbrook (Jane~s School of Dance). Assessment $5,07$, L $1,000, B $l},075. No change. Block "I" Lots 5/6 Carolina Bch., Assessment $7,725, L$3,900, B$3,225. Owner says this Board Walk Canteen. Rent difficult to collect. Leased only on short terms annually at $1,200. After re-examination by Appraiser an error in the depreciation factor was found. When corrected the Assessment is $6,225• L$3,900, B$2,325. No further change. Theodore Fisher. (Herbert T. Fisher}, 2802 Princess St., Block 70 Pt E 6 Pt ~/8/9/36 Sunset Park, Assessment $2,900, L$1,300, B$2,900. Owner says the lot is odd size and that it is at such an angle no useful building could be errected.on it. He exhibited a map showing the odd lot size. After reehecking by the Appraiser error found in lot size. When corrected the Assessment is $1,900, L$600, B$1,300. No further change. . Elias Assousa, 43i4 1/3 Lake Street, (Bobby R. Chester, Et Ux) Lot Pt Farm 2, Winter Park Gardens. Assessment $3,700, L$500, B$3,200. Re-examination by Appraiser revealed an error in house value. When corrected the following Assessment $3,200, L$500, B$2,700. No further changes. Catherine H. Catroukis, P. 0. Box 660, Carolina Beach, Block "H'~ Lots 8/9/10~11, Carolina Beach. Assessment $12,675, L$7,875, B$4,800. No change. Block "J° Lot 15, Carolina Beach. Assessment $(},875, L$2,275, B$2,600. No change. Block "J'~ Lot 16, Carolina Beach. Assessment $3,900, L$2,275, B$1,625. No change. Block °J" Lot 17, Carolina Beach. Assessment $6,200, L$2,075, B$4,125. No change. H. W. Hunter, 1103 South Front St. Assessment $1,925, L$200, B$1,725. Owner has no complaint on land values but claims house in poor condition and only a patched up shell. After re-examination by the Appraiser the Board approved an additional 20% depreciation on the building. Present Assessment $1,375,.L $200, B$1,175. No further changes. H. L. Prevattez Et Ux (Bettv R), 1}909 Pine Street, 0.02 A Scattergood 200x200. Corner Kerr Ave. & Market St., Assessment $24,200. Owner complained that he is not being fairly treated in comparing his assessment with others. He pointed out nearby Wilmington Develop- ment Company, for example. Af.fer:re-exaini~tting the property the Board approved a 35% Developers concession with the understanding that the assessment•will revert when it is developed. The Assessment is $15,725• Eunice B. Leeuwenbury„ 3609 Wilshire Blvd., Harnett Township. 151.6 A Harriss 2 Tract. Owner claims Assessment of $22,475, L$20,1$0, B$2,325 entirely out of line with neighboring assessments. After rechecking by the Appraiser the Assessment was ad,justed to $20,1~25, L $i8,95o, s ~i,475. 185.!} A Elm Grove Farms. Assessment $30,550, L$28,350, B$2,200. Owner claims road frontage charged as Home Site is not correct. After re-inspection by the Appraiser the following was approved $23,725 Assessment, L$22,650, B$1,075. 74•32 A Blue Clay Road, Assessment $5,575• No change recommended. 69.8 A, Hermitage Farm ~6, Assessment $12,825, L$11,(}00, B$1,!}25. No change. 10.62 A Pt Gore, Assessment $2,675, (1 A Pt Gore $750, 9.62 A Pt Gore $1,925)• After re-investigation by ;@he Appraiser the following Assessment $5,325 was approved by the Board. No further changes recommended. James H. 8 Marquerite G. Tillman, 5 East Salisbury St., Wrightsville Beach. Block 13, Lot 7 North Shores. Assessment $9,350, L$3,375, B$5,975• No change Block 13, Lot 1 North Shores. Assessment $3,650, No change. Block 13, Lot W Z 6 North Shores. Assessment $1,675. No change. S. C. Zatkiewicz, 230t} Market Street, (Juliette 0. Way), Lot 135 Brookwood.. Assessment $8,100, L $1,9z5, B $b,17$. No change. Block 7!} SW 4 3. (611 South 2nd St.) Assessment $1,625, L$425, B$1,200. Owner sold and repossessed the property at $2,750, 2Z years ago. Re-inspection by the Appraiser resulted in approval of the following Assessment: $1,1}00, L$4~5, S$975. Block 74 NW q 3, Assess- ment $1,600, L $425, B $1,175. RECESS- By common consent the Chairman declared the Board recessed until 1:00 P.M. Thursday, April 27, 1967, at which time hearings will be resumed on any other compriaints. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor ~~, Minutes of the Meeting BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW April 27, 1967 RECONVENTION - Pursuant to the recessed meeting on Friday,April 21, 1967, the following members of the Board of Equalization and Review assembled in the Commissioners~ Room to continue hearings on the valuat3on of property. Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bov~den, J. M. Hall, Jr., ;lohn Van B. Metts, Mr., and M. H. Vaughan, Mr. William J. Nelson, Raymond E. Blake, Jr. and W. G. Houck. The following valuations were considered: R. H. Borkenhagen, L~1~18 Park Ave., I}.156 A Pt Farm !}6/47 Winter Park Gardens. Assessment $3~-,750. Owner claimed only 660t.instead of 665~. Board agreed to correct the footage if shown to be wrong. No other change. Pt. Lots 27/28 Winter Park Gdns.. Assessment $5,575e L$1,300, B$!},275• No change. South z Lot 25/26 Winter Park Gdns., Assessment $1,250. No change. ~ Pt. Lot 64, Winter Park Gdns. Assessment $600. No change. Pt. Lot 65 Winter Park Gdns. Assessment $1,325, L$225, B$1,100. No change. Pt..North ~ Lots 94~95 Winter Park Gdns. Assessment $650. No change. J. Lansinq Smith(T/A Lumina Corporation, P. O. Box 515, Wrightsville Beach) . .20ri South 39th Street, Lumina Property. Assessment $59,100, L$36,350, B$22,750. After re-checking by Appraiser the following Assessment $35,275, L$20,025, B~$15,250 was approved. Walter R. Babson, 2005 Eastwood Road, Lot Ad~j. Atlantic View. Owner claims 224~ frontage on U. 5. 74 owned by SHC as pt of entire lot purchased for R/W. Mr. Nelson re-checked for frontage and depth factor. Recommended $5000 as lot value. Following assessment approved. ~8,950, L $2,500, s ~6,450. . Wilmington Theatre, Inc., (J. E. Fitzgerald & A. S. Grist) (Bailey Theater), P. O. Box 1515, Atlanta, Ga., Assessment $72,875, L~44,975, B$27,900. Block 165 W Z Lot 3, Bailey Theatre. No change. . Herman S..Musselwhite, 2026 Eastwood Road, Block 2, Lot 16/17 Villa View. Assessment $!},800, L $1,55o, $ $3,25~• No change.. .63 Pt Hall, Assessment.$4,!}00, L$3,95~, B$450. No change. Lot 55x375 Pt Hall, Assessment $3,875, L$1,!}75, B$2,400. No change. C. McD. Davis, Rt. 1, Box 621, (Cicero P. Yow) Harnett Township. 1192 Acres Topsail Sound-Nixon. Assessment $139,225, L$135,225, B$4,000. No change. Jane Pope Akers, 500 Fifth Ave., New York, (Cicero P. Yow) Harnett Township. 100 A Wright, Assessment $12,500. No change. 103 A Encampment Grounds, Assessment $12,875. No change. 1658 A Pembroke Park, Assessment $375,050. No change. Marian W. Fisher, 2237 Mimosa Place, (Harry S. McGirt), Lot 6, Country Club Pines. Assess- ment $6,550, L$1,375, B$5,175. No change. James L. Costakis, P. O. Box 794, Wrightsville Beach. 16.75 A Pt Humphrey in Harnett. Assessment $7,700, L $4,600, B$3,100. Owner claims inacc essibility and out of line with neighbor. Rechecked and no change recb mmended. Schloss Estate Corporation, P. 0. Box 896, Charlotte, N. G. (S. A. Schloss, Jr.) Wrights- ville Beach, Lot lA (S.A.& J.B. Nathan) Schloss Division, Assessment $2,025 • Lot 3A (Hrs. Mary S. Re3nh art) Schloss Divisi on ~~ $2,02$ Lot 1}A Schloss Division E of T. W., ~~ $2,025 Lot 5A Schloss.Division E of T.W., '~ $4,875 • Lot 6A Schloss Division E of T. W., " $4,875 ~ Lot 7A Schloss Division E of T. W., '~ $4,875 Lot 8A Schloss Division E of T. W., '~ $5,225 Block "F" Lot 4/5/13/14/15/20 Seaforth, Schloss Estates, " $6,375 " " " 16 " " " $1,000 • n. nTn n 6/7/8/9/15 n n n n $4,275 n nvn tr i/2/3/5/12/15 n ~r n n $7r~975 After rechecking no changes wer.e recommended or:~approved. Elbert T. Townsend 9 Borden Ave., Lot 8!}, Brookwood. Assessment $9,35~ , L$975, B$~,375• Error in house & depreciation corrected to $8,325 L~975, B~7,350; r.ot 85 a Pt 86 - No Change ~i,i75 J. W. Murchison Company, (Wallace C.: Murchison) P. O. Box 480. 3.$69 A Fernside, Lullwater Drive. Assessment $9~,~z5, 1- $2~,275, B$72,550. Ownder not sure about exact acreage, but frontage definitely 188.!}~ instead of 250~ as shown on the record. Assessments after corrections $89,125, L$16,575, B$72,550. No further;changes approved. East Coast Hotel Company, (Blockade Runner Motor Hotel) 235 South Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach. (wallace C. Murchison). Assessment $726,f}00, L$!}8,650, B$677,750. Mr. Murchison presented operational figures showing a loss and nequested a reduction in the assessment to bring it more realistically up to date. (He stated that an independent appraisal is in progress, in no way connected with tax valuations, and requested that he be permitted to present it when completed.) The figures presented approached the valuation from three standpoint•s which brought out facts which were not available to the Appraiser at the time of the original appraisal. After consideration of all facts the Board of Equalization and Review agreed to allow functional depreciation and approved the following assessments $612,500, L$48,650, B$563,850. Julia W. Sprunt, (Wallace C. Murchison) Harnett Towns•hip. 8 A Greenville Sound. Assess- ment $20,300, L$10,750, B$9,550, Building in poor condition. Not worth more than $7,500. After recheck by appraiser no change approved. 20 Acres Greenville 5ound. Assessment $29,050, L$1 ,125, B$16,925• House in poor physical condition. After recheck of house construction by the Appraiser no change was approved. ~ ~ ~z Minutes of the Board of Equalization and Review Meeting - April 27, 1967 (Continued) Leon E. Broadhurst, 108 South Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach. Lot East "H", Wrightsville Beach. Assessment $7,825, L$2,150, B$5,675. No change. Lot "G", Pt WM, Wrightsville. Assessment $4,~~5, L$1,275, B$3,200. No•chimney. Corrections of clerical error resulted in an Assessment of $4,125, L$1,000, B$3,125. No further change approved. RECE55 - By common consent of the Board the Chairman declared a recess until Monday, May 1, 1967, at 1:00 P.M. when,the hearings will be resumed. Tax Supervisor i-s to arrange schedule for all who have formal complaints filed. W. G.~Houck, Tax Supervisor SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Commissfonerst Room April 27, 1967 6:30 P. M. At a called meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held on the above date and time, the f,ollowing members were present: Chairman Dr. Jos. W, Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Netts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, and County Manager J. E. Marshall. ~ All members of the Commissioners being•.present, it was agreed that notice of the meeting would be waived. Dr. Hooper discussed Dr. Donald Koonce as a member of the Board of Trustees at New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Mr. Metts moved, s.econded by Mr. Vaughan, that Dr. Donald Koonce, subject to the approval of the County Attorney, is hereby appointed to the above named Board of Trustees by virtue of his position as Chief of Staff. Motion was carried unanimously. The bill from Cherry, Bekaert and Holland was discussed. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the County Manager is to check with Mr. Harry Cherry and determine if any charges are reflected ,in his bill for other than Auditing Services. If no other charges are included, he is to advise the Chairman of the Board, and he, the Chairman, is authorized to have the bill paid and is authorized to work with the County Auditor on the locating of additional funds to cover the bill. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall,,that the meeting be ad~journed. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - P~lay 1, 1967 ASSEMBLY The regular semi=.monthiy meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners rras held on the above date at 8:00 A.M. in the Commissioners+ Room with the following members present-: Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. NParshall,.and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION- Af.ter calling•the meeting to order the Chairman requested Rev. E. E. Kirton, Rector of St. Marks Episcopal Church to aive the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES For the minutes covering the meeting of April 17, 1967 under the Paragraph INSURANCE, NEW HANOUER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL it should be corrected to read as follows: "Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Board of County Commissioners comply with_the request of the Board of Trustees to insure the hospital and that fire, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief be purchased to cover the hospital buildings". In the same section the following should be added: "Mr. Vaughan stated he understood that M~r. Glasgow Hicks was representing the Insurance Advisory Committee". After.making the above corrections, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. Motion was carried. MINUTES FOR CALLED N~EETING OF. APRIL 27, 1967 AT 6:30 P. M. - In the paragraph relative to the appointment of Dr. Donald B. Koonce as a member of the Board of Trustees of New Hanover I~Iemorial Hospital, in the last sentence following the word "Trustees" the following should be inserted: "By virtue of his position as Chief of Staff of the Hospital". After the above correction, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes of the called meeting be approved as transcribed. The above motion r~as carried, RESIDENTS FROM RIVER ROAD, TRASH ALONG SIDE OF HIGH!dAY - ° Mrs. J. F. Smith, a resident of the River Road Section, appeared before the Board with Lwo other ladies relative to trash being disposed of along the above road. She mentioned an article that appeared in the Star-l~ws Newspaper April 17, 1967. After a brief discussion of this matter,_ Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Hali, that the Highway Department be advised along with the Highway Patrol that this Board is not satisfied with the control of trash dis- posal along the highway in our County. Relative to the trash disposal problem in the County Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Health Department be advised that this Board is not satisfied with the trash disposal situation and would like for the Health Department to present specific proposals and a report on the problem. It is the feeling also that too much time has elapsed since the orioinal request was made Aug~st 1, 1966 by the Board of Commissioners. Motion was carried. By common consent the County Manager was instructed to contact the City Manager of Wil- mington relative to County garba~e disposal.