1967-05-05 Regular Meeting, J ~D Minutes of the Meeting - May 1, 1967 (Continued) Jurors for the Week Bailey,James E., Bass,Wm. E., Bende.r,Robt., Bennett,Arthur, Bordeaux,E.A., Branch,Burton James, Brewington,Karon D., Bridges,Carrie B., Britt,Geneva W., Britt,Willie Eugene, Broadfoot,Liz2ie W., Brock,Donald G., Brock,James E.,. Burns,Harry L.,- C1ark,Lucy Norris, Clewis,Carson, Cooper,S.E., Covil,Lewis A., Dowling,A.F., Edge,N9rs.Bertha- S., Elkins,Marshall, Everett,Thelma M., Fogleman,Francis K., Grady,Sallie, Herring,A.G., Herring,E.G., Horne,Wm.,Jr., Jame.s,Robt.W., Jarman,Hampton H., Jervay,Thomas C., Beqinninq June 26, 1967 xt.z,sx.3i,wti. 232 Peiffer Ave. 221 Ros.e Ave. Rt.3,sx.54o,wti. Box 237,Car,Beach 2023 Klein Rd, 202 Evans St. 1308 Queen St. 2739 Harrison St. 2712 Monroe St. lf}8 Colonial Dr. 253o Van Buren St. 434 Rosemont Ave. 1208 S. Kerr Ave. 1804 Ann St. 221 Montgomery Ave. P.o. Box 163i,wii. Rt. 1, Bx. 319,Wi1. 3101 Market St. 117 s, lbth St. L}07 Haynes Alley 1315 Chestnut St. 231 Forest Rd. 110 Rogers Ave. 2109 Pine St. 1807 Princess St. 421 Decator Dr. Rt.3,sox 456,wi1. 2823 Washington St. 4i2 s. 7th st. - Civil• Lambert,Mary Louise, L}11 Willard St. Larkins,L., 5901 Park Ave.' Manor,Burwell J., At. 2,Box 361AG,W11. Matthews,Mabel, 80~ N. 6th St. Mazur,Jacob T., 515 S. 2nd St. McC1e11and,G.J., P,O,Box 253,Wri.Bch. McDaniel,Charles Franklin, 3917 Car.Bch.Rd.,Wil. A7cKoy,Mary, 208~ Gores Alley McIntire,G:C., ~ 4815 Wri.Ave. Mi11er,Henry Contractor Murphy,James E., 708 S. 6th St. Murray,G.W., 101 Southern Blvd. Naul,Doris, 2211 Maple St. Orrell,Bessie S „ ~ P.O.Box 1003,Wi1. Patrick,Eunice H., 617 Castle Hayne Rd. Pittman,Clarence, 1203 King St. Player,J.D., 1!} Sheridan Dr. Pulliam,Stone C., 212 N. 16th St. Naylor,M,oody, 201 Midland Dr. Spencer,Miss Louise, Box 562,Castle Hayne Rd.,Wil. Starnes,Lorraine K., 3635 Wri. Ave. Sto.ne,Daisy K., 51(} S. Front St. Stone,R.H., Box 28,Wi1. Taylor,Wm. M., 3838 Hoggard Dr. Tripp,Guy O„• 2603 S. Front St. Troth,H. Ross, 2823 Chestnut St. YJhitlock,Nrs. Ethel H. 2!} N. Front St. Woodcock,F.E., P.O. Box 113,Car.Bch. Yopp,Nrs. W. R., P.O.Box 357, Wil. J. E. Marshall, County Manager RECESSED MEETING ~"~Y 5, 1967 9:30 A. M. ASSEMBLY- The Board Meeting of May 1, 1967 was reconvened at 9:30 A. M., Friday, May 5, 1967, with the following present: Chairma.n Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Vice=Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall Jr,., John Van B. Metts, Jr.,M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L.~ Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. N~arshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. MOBILE HOME ORDiNANCE - • Dr. Hooper reported to the Board that the Board of Health had agc~ed to be the enforcing agent for the. proposed new Mobile Home Park Ordinance. Mr. Metts move.d, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Section 1}, Sub Paragraph 2, be set at l},500 square feet with a minimum of 50 feet front footage and that a recreation area be pro- vid~d in each park. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the minimum square footage for each space be set at 6,000 square feet. After a discussion on this, question was called on the substitute motion and it was defeat~d by a vote of two for and three against. Question was.called on the original motion and it passed by a vote of four for and one against. Mr.. Bowden thett moved, seconded by Nr. Metts, that the ordinance be put in effect as soon as legally practical. Motion was carr.ied. TIME FOR REGULAR MEETINGS OF BOARD OF CONIl~IISSIONERS - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the scheduled time for holding the:regular meetings for the Board of Commissioners be changed from 8 A.M. to 9 A.M. After discussion on this,~Mr. Hall withdrew his second and Mr. Metts withdrew his motion. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the meetings be held at 5:00 P.M. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting time be set at 8:30 A.M. Dr. Hooper made a substitute motion tha.t the meeting time be established at 8:00 A.M. Question was called on substitute motion and it was defeated by two for and three against. Question was then called on the original motion and it carried by a vote of three for and two against. COURT ROOM RENOVATION REPORT - . • Dr. Hooper discussed the Court Room Renovation Report that had been received from the Committee. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper that this matter be deferred until the next meeting. Motion was carried. By common consent the County Attorney and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners will report on this at the next meeting. LETTER FROM COUNTY AUDITOR, ADDITIONAL HELP Dr. Hooper discussed the letter received from County Auditor Perry Shepard relative to a request for an additional employee in his office. Mr. Shepard stated that Mrs. Darby had resigned from his office effective May 18, 1967 and that a replaceme.nt employee had been hired but it would be necessary that the replacement be trained. Also, that Mrs. Darby would not take dir~ctions or assume responsibility. Mr. Hall stated that he could not ~justify this additional help on the basis that chang~s had been made or could be made in Lhe office and some of the work presently being carried on and some would be removed; namely, New Hanover Memorial Hospital when it opens, Cape Fear Technical Institute when it opens and also Community Hospital when it closes. Mr. Shepard stated that an addition would be refiected in the Retire- ment System and that the Cape Fear Technical Institute operating budget would not be removed. Dr. Hooper stated that he felt Mr. Hall was approaching this in the wrong manner in view of the fact that other departments are having increased work loads and, therefore, are having to put on additional personnel. Mr. Shepard stated he was understaffed and unabl.e to perform the necessary internal audits. J ~, Minutes of Recessed Meeting - May 5, 1967 (Continued) LETTER FROM COUNTY AlIDITOR, ADDITIONAL HELP -(Continued) Mr.. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that ~r. Shepard be permitted to take on the additional man requested with a report being made to the Board at the December 1, 1967 meeting as to whether this addition to the staff is needed on a permanent basis. Salary. to be set at $4,800.00 annualiy and to come~from Unanticipated Revenues. Mr. Metts made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Shepard be permitted to hire one additional person in his office at the salary of $L},800 annually and that the funds for this to come from Unanticipated Revenues and that it be on an eight months trial basis. Question was called on the substitute motion and it carried by a vote of three for and two against. - VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS - County Attorney Tiilery, Commissioner Metts and Mr. Shepard reported on the payments being made to the Volunteer Fire Departments in the County. It was stated that the present manner in which they are paid, they feel, is improper. Mr. Vaughan moved,.seconded by Mr. Metts, that such action be taken by this Board to legalize the proper manner in which payments are to be made to the several fire departments in the County. Motion was carried. By common consent the County Manager was requested to check on credit rating of the County with the idea of improving the present rating. ' - ~By common consent the Chairman was requested to wri.te to the several CPA firms in our area to find out who is qualified to handle data processing, etc. . By common consent the County Auditor was requested to present the budget for the fiscal year 1967-68 by June 15, 1967, if possible. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. MINUTES OF THE MEETING BOARD OF EQlIALIZATION AND REVIEW P~y 1, 1967 RECONVENTION - . . Pursuant to the recessed~meeting :of April 27, 1967 the following members of the Board of Equalization and Review met to resume hearings on formal complaints of valuations; Chair- man'Jos: W.:;~Iooper:;•~Vice=Ch2drman Laurence O. Bowden, Jas. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., and M. H. Vaughan with William Jerry Nelson, Raymond E. Blake, Jr., Wi.lliam G. Houck. The following hearings were held. ~ J. R. Hobbs, (Live Oak Motel), 493o Market Street. 2.9L1- Acres (Including Lots 1/2/3/4 Peezolt Div) Pt Lot 1 Poezolt. Assessment $17,875, L$9,45~, B$8,1}25. Owner compiained land priced high on account of Holiday Inn. Buiidings not worth the appraisal. Wild sell complete for $50,000. After reinspection by Appraiser Board allowed additional depreciation resulting in Assessment $15,4~5, L$9,45~, B$5,975• No further changes approved. Pt. Lot 2 Poe2olt, Assessment $16,600, L$9,450, B$7,150. Owner says Garaae Apt. is charged to this lot when it is actually on Lot 3, although it is h2ated from his home on Lot 3. He requests it be changed. After making the ad,justment along with an additional depreciation approved by the Board the Assessment is $13,350, L$9,LI-50, B$3,900. No more changes. ' Pt. Lot 3 Poezolt. l~ssessment $7,950, L$2,600, B$5,350. After.transfer of the Garaoe Apt from Lot 2 to Lot 3 and allou~ing the additional depreciation the assessments are $9,450, L$2,60G, B$6,850. No further change approved. . Henry U, Ward, 1524 Echo Lane. Block 6, Lot 5, Sec. 2, Glen Meade. Assessment $1~.,500, L $2,500, B $12,000: No change. Helen J. Buqq (E. B. Bugg), 1217 South Live Oak Pk~,ry., Block 204, Pt Lots 1& 2. Assessed $9,800, L$3,t550, Paving $5,950. Owner says no change in the concrete paving since last revaluation. Clerical error corrected. Resulted in Assessment~of $4,~.50, L$3,850, P$600. Owner sa£isfied. No further change., Luther T. Strickland., "Off" 5828 Oleander Drive, Block 4, Lot 5, Uictory Gdns. Assess- ment $4,~25, 1- $525, B$3,900 (Address indicates frontage on Oleander but property located on dirt street off Oleander.) House unfinished. ,After a recheck by Appraiser the folloUiing assessment approved $3,825, L $200, B $3,625. Nrs. N. B. Murohy; 207 Keaton Ave., Lot 20, Brookwood. Assessment $5,92$• L$85~, B$5,075. Presented by Tax Supervisor at request of Owner. Old house, poor condition, needs ne~,r floor furnace. Heating System included in original appraisal. After refigurinc the corrections the Assessment was approved as follows $5,600, L$850, B$4,750. No further changes approved. Colin F. Churchill, 2230 Camillia'Drive, Block "D", Lot: 22, Wrightsville Beach. 15 East Charlotte St. Assessment ~5,975, L$1,q75, B$4,000. No change. Presented by Tax Supervisor in absence of Otianer. Small lot. Cheap house. ~ Duvall M. Williams, P. 0. Box 1056 (917 IVorth 7th Street), B1ock 295.E End Lot 2, Assess- ment $1~.,125, L$375., B$1,750. Presented by Tax Supervisor at the request of the Owner. No change in buiidings for last 50 years except school is now negro i.nstead of white. Fair value $3,300. No change approved. New Hanover Housin~ Corporation (Frederick 4J,illetts, Jr.,), Oleander Courts. • 5.7 Acres Ad~jOining Oleander D'euelopment. Assessment $260,150, L$41,!}00, B$218 750. Owner presented several approaches to valuation and contended not worth more than $171,~00. After giving consideration to the new facts developed that were not available at the time of the original appraisal the following Assessments were approved $228,900, L$33,175, B$195•725• •• I I 58 Minutes of the Board of Equalization and Review Meeting - May 1, 1967 (Continued) James A. Applewhite, 102 Channel Drive, Block 22, Lot 17, Carolina Place. 1911}l~lolcott Ave. Assessment $2,500, L$350, B$2,150. No change. Owner says he paid $2,000 and spent $600. Rents for $50 per mo. Block 26, Lot 8, Carolina Place, 1909 Wolcott Ave. Assessment $2,725, L$350, B$2,375. Owner-says he paid $2,000 and spent $800. Rental $60 monthly. Insurance $3,000. Old hovse, poor condition. No change approved. Block 501, Pt Lot E~ 5, 312 South 17th St. Assessment $3,950, L$600, B$3,350. Oianer says paid $5,000. Old house, poor condition. Rental $600 Year. No change approved. Robert N. Barefoot, L~.15 Summer Rest Road, (1414 Dock St,) Block 491 EM Pt Lot 2. Assess- ment $2,725, L$300, B$2,425. Oianer estimates fair market value at $3,500. Offered for sale but no takers. No change. Pauline C. Kinq, (Frank R. King) 2308 Market St. 1 Lot Brookwood. Assessment $11,325, L$1,925~ B$9,400. Owner questions vaLue placed on Garage Apt. Appraiser to recheck after which Assessment is $10,700, L$1,925, B$8,775. No further change approved. Bessie 8 John & Wm. G. Kina, Block 166, Pt EI~1 Lot 1, 226 Princess St. Assessment $11,825, L$6,675, B$y,150. Owner ques'tions per front foot value. This is building occupied by Harold W, l~Jells & Son. Rechecked with no change. Annie Lee Blount, (A. W. Blount) 2826 Columbia Ave., Block B, Lot 113A & Pt 114 Forest Hills. Assessment $14,100, L$3,675, B$10,!}25. O~aner does not question land value but thinks house over-valued. No change approveri. Stella B. Moblev, 2843 South Front St. (Delmar R. Mobley), Pt Lots 1/2 Pinecrest Terrace. Assessment $2,925, L$525, B$2,1}00. Owner says house poorly constructed 8 foundation rotted out. After reinvestigation the following values were approved. Assessment $2,600, L$525, B $2,075. No further change. • S.A. & J.B. Nathan,~}10 Pittsboro St., Chapel Hill, Block B, Lot 13, 5eaforth. Assessment $950. Presented by Tax Supervisor at request of Owner who says that the lot is on unpaved, dead-en:3 street, conveniences unavailable so it is undesirable. Vacant lot. No changes approved. S. A. Nathant Sr., 410 Pittsboro St., Chapel Hill, Block H, Lots 16/20 Seaforth. Assess- ment $1,9~5• Presented by Tax 5upervisor at request of Owner who says Lot 16 is at end of dead-end street with 30~ square hole several feet deep in center where it was used as a borrow pit. After re-investigation Lot 16 was re-appraised. The new Assessment is $1,72$ approved by the Board. Hattie Mae Nathan, (Dr. S. A. Nathan, Sr.) 1}10 Pittsboro St., Chapel Hill, Block "O", Lot 2, Seaforth. Assessment $'6,775, L$1,700, B$5,075. Owner claims lot si2e SO~x55T and not $O~x72.7~ and house poorly constructed. No change. Cecil D. Ward. 717 Colwell Ave., Block '~A" Lot 3 Bronx. Assessment $2,950, L$2$0, B$2,700. Owner reports originally two-story frame but top taken off. After re-investioation by Appraiser the Board approved the following additional depreciation which resulted in the Assessment of $2,650, L $250, B $2,(}00. L. B. Cottle~ Jr., 304 College Street, (212 Castle Street) Block 7L} WM Pt Lots 1%2. Assss- ment $2,275, L~375, B$1,q00. Owner reports house condemned, unable to get permits to remodel. House undergoing slow repair. After re-lnvestigation Board approved the follovaing assessment $1,325, L$375, B$95o• No further change. Jack S. Cre4rs, La Grange, Block 33, Lots 2/3/4/6/7/8/14/15/18/19/20 Wilmington Beach, Federal Point.Township. Assessment $4,200, Presented by Tax Supervisor in absence of Owner; who claims lots are 5 blocks from ocean, poor drainage, undeveloped and appraised greatly in excess of current value, No change approved. • Doris E. Hunter, (John W. Hunter) 4912 Oleander Drive (1110 Grace Street) Block 201 EM Lot 1& Pt Lot 2. Rssessment $3,800, L$350, B$3,450. Found in line with surrounding property. No change approved, although location near James Walker Memorial Hospital which will be closed in June. It will cause a depressed area. John irl. Hvnter, 1}912 Oleander Drive (1108 Grace St.) Block 201 W, Lot 1 and Pt. Lot 2. Assessment $2,7~5, L$425, B$2,350. Location near James Walker Nemorial Hospital which will be a depressed area 4ahen it moves to the New Hanover Memorial Hospital in near future. After re-checking with all facts in mind no change was approved. East Coast Hotel Companv, (Wallace C. Nn~rchison) At the request of Wallace C. Murchison who represents the Blockade Ftunner Notor Hotel the Board heard the additional factual infor- mation developed by the independent appraiser. He first pointed out that they were not - challenging the land values but did feel like the buildino values were in error. He introduced Mr. Robert C. Cantwell who complimented Mr. Nelson for the fine over-all job he had done for the County but realized he did not have time to go into it in depth. He does not intend to disparage Mr. Nelsonts ability as ar~ Appraiser. He presented three different value approaches to.the valuation. He has taken into consideration physical depreciation based on 2.5% functional obsolescence related to the ratio of public space to rentable space. They have taken 10% economic obsolescence related to occupancy rate of 59.7% as !}0~ and estimated the depreciation of personal property and come up with a total of $952,531 based on cost to which he added the land value of $97,300 making a total assessed value of $1,049,831. The Appraiser refigured the valuations with the additional facts in mind and the Board approved $1,225,000. Putt Putt Golf Course.of Carolina Beach, Inc., P. O. Box 3081, Fayetteville, N. C. Lots 5/6/ti/g/10 Efird Div., Carolina Beach Board Walk. Assessment $9,125, L$7,500, B$1,625. Presented by Tax Supervisor at request of Agent. Owner estimates fair market value at $15,000. No change approved. Mamie N. Bear, Et AL, 1~10 Pittsboro St., Chapel Hill (Dr. S. A. Nathan}, Lots i/2 East Bear llivislon. /assessment $9,750. A~o change. RECESS By common consent the Chairman declared the Board recessed until Friday, May 5, 1967 at 8:00 A.N. at which time they will hear the reports of the Apptaiser after his re-checking and recommendations on those parceis where there was a question, and to conclude the business of the Board of Equalization and Review. The Tax Supervisor ~,ras instructed not to accept any further complaints W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor. 59~ NINUTES OF THE MEETING BQARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEIr! 'May 5, 1967 RECONVENTION - . . • • • Pursuant to the recess at the meeting on .May 1, 1967 the foll•owing.members of the Board of Equalization and Review met at 8:00 A. M. today to hear reports from the Appraiser and conclude the business for the year thereby giving effect to the assessments approved on the tax records; Chairman Jos.- W. Hooper, V.ice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Jas. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan with Appraiser William Jerry Nelson, Raymond E. Blake, Jr., William G. Houck. Each of the formal complaints as to the valuation of property was reviewed which seemed to have been open to question at the orioinal hearings and a report made by Lhe Appraiser after re-inspection. The following were the only changes approved by the Board: Elbert T. Townsend. Correct error in house from $8,375 to $$,3~5• Cecil D. Ward. Additional depreciation from $2,950 to $2,650. Michael C. Brown. Re-inspection resulted in change from $9,200 to $2,500. Luther T. Strickland. Re-inspection developed a change from $4,!}25 to $3,825. J. R. Hobbs. Additional depreciation from $8,425 to $5,975 on old buildings. ~ Elias Assousa. Additi.onal depreciation on buildings from $3,700 to $3,200. Stella B. Moblev. Additional depreciation house from $2,925 to $2,600. L: B. Cottle, Jr. Additional depreciation from $2,275 to $1,325. S. A. Nathan, Sr. Adjust Lot 16, Blk. H, Seaforth from $1,925 to $1,725. Eunice B. Leeuwenburq. Adjustment in 151.6 N Narris tract from $22,475 to $20,425• •. Adjustment in 185.1} A Elm Grove Fms tract from $30,55~ to $23,725 incorrect road frontaoe, Adjustment 10.62 A Gore land from $2,675 to $5~325• • New Hanover Housinq Corporation. Refigured after add•itional new information developed adjusted , from ~260,1$0 to $228,900. Obsolescence consideration. Pauline C. Kinca. Ad~justed after correction from $11,325 to $10,700~. East Coast Hotel Company. Adjusted.after additional facts developed from $726,400 to $612,~00. H. L. Prevatte. Developers Consideration adjusted from $24,200 to $15,725• APPRECIATION AND COPM~NDATION LETTERS - • By.unanimous common consent of the Board the Tax Supervisor vaas instructed to t,~rite a letter of commendation about Mr. William Jerry Nelson to the Southern Appraisal Company and a letter of appreciation to Mr. Nelson for conductino a very satisfactory Revalvation in the County and his equanimity durino the hearings. ~ ADJOURNN~ENT - There being no further business to come before the Board of Equa~i2ation and Review, Mr. Metts offered a motion for adjournment and the approval of the Ninutes, copies of which had been furnished each member of the Board, which gives effect to the decisions of the Board as outlined therein. it was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted by the Board: Signed: Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Vice-Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. J. Van B: Metts, Jr. M. H. Vaughan W. G. Houck, Tax~.~Supervisor ~ ~