1967-05-15 Regular Meeting~ 60 Minutes of the Meeting - May 15, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was he2d on the above date at 8:30 A.M, in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr, was out of town. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order, the Chairman requested Rev..C. J. Andrews,.Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes covering the meeting of May 1, 1967 under the Paragraph headed "Request, Community Services Consultant", at the end of the paragraph the following words should be inserted: "In the negative". . Under the Paragraph headed "Residents From River Road, Trash Along Side of Highway", the last sentence of the paragraph should read as follows: "It is the feeling aiso that too much time has elapsed since the original request ~~as made August 1, 1966 by the Board of Commissioners. Motion was carried". For the minutes of the Recessed Meeting held on May 5, 1967 the paragraph ,just following the one relative to the Volunteer Fire Departments should be corrected to read as foll•ows: "By common consent the County N~nager was requested to check on credit rating of the County with the idea of improving the present rating". • After making the above corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes for both the May 1, 1967 meeting and the recessed meeting held on N~ay 5, 1967 be approved. l~otion was carried. . COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - . County Auditor Perry 5hepard suggested that in view of the closing of Community Hospital and auditing of the records the present bookkeeper, Mrs. Berry, be retained to assist in closing out the records and making them available for the audit. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Butler, along with Mrs. Berry be retained at Community Hospital until such time as, in the opinion of the Commissioners, the hospital is secured. Motion was carried. Mr. Metts then moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that an andit of such nature as felt necessary in the opinion of the County Auditor be performed at Community Hospital on the records. Also, that the firm of Cherry, Bekaert and Holland be retained to perform thls audit and funds to come from Unanticipated Revenues. Motion was carried. . Dr. Hooper then moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Butler be authorized to only transfer to the New Hospital equipment that is needed or desired. Any help he has should be used in the securing of Community Hospital. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan then reported on the meeting held with Mr. W. Gordon Poole, Mr. H. A. Marks, Mr. John Oxenfeld, Mr. John Van B. Metts, Miss Lela Moore Hall, and County Manager .1. E. Marshail relative to the Community Hospital being converted to a boarding and nursing home. Mr. Vaughan then moved that this Commission recognizes the urgency in the problem of a bcaarding and nursing home and that the architect be authorized to proceed rrith the completion of the plans for the conversion of Community Hospital to a boarding and nursing home. Motion died for lack of a second. MENTAL HEALTH - Mrs, Alice Sisson of the Mental Health Advisory Council appeared before the Board relative to Dr. David Knight being confirmed as the Director rather than the Acting Director of the Mental Health Center. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Dr. Knight be confirmed as the Director of the Mental Health Center. Motion carried by a vote of three for and one against. Dr. Hooper voted "No". SALARY OF DR. DAVID KNIGH+T Mrs. Sisson then discussed the proposal for the s Center for the remaining six weeks of the fiscai year. the Advisory Board was that Dr. xnight~s salary be set seconded by Mr. Bowclen, that the recommendation of the and funds for this to come from Unexpended Salaries in effective May 15, 1967. Motion was carried. 31ary of Dr. Knight as Director of the She stated that the recommendation of at $1!},328.00 annually. Mr. Metts moved, Mental Health Advisory Board be accepted the Mental Health Clinic Budget, to be SALARY FOR DR. ROLF FISSCHER ON A PART TIME BASIS - Mrs. Sisson then discussed with the Board of Commissioners the recommendation of the Advisory Board and stated that it was their recommendation that Dr, Fisscherts salary be set at $11,500.00 per year which was to cover two full days per week servfces. Mr. Vaughan then moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for the purpose of discussion, that Dr. Rolf Fisscher be employed at !}0 percent of the former salary for two days per week with fringe benefits. Dr. Hooper then made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Dr. Fisscher be offered a salary of $9,000.00 per year, pius fringe benefits, for two full days work per week. Also, that he be advised that his services can be terminated by two weeks notice as soon as a fuli time person is employed. Motion was carried by a vote of threefor and one against. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION, TAX LISTING DEPARTN~NT Tax Supervisor YJ. G. Houck appeared before the Board relative to an additional appropriation for the Tax Listing Department of $275,00 for Repairs, Mafntenance and Equipment. He stated that this overage had been caused by a service contract on the Accounting Machine used in the Tax Listing Department for preparing the tax scrolls, etc. Mr, Metts then moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the amount of $275.00 be appropriated from Unanticipated Revenues to Repairs, Maintenance and Equipment in the Tax Listing Department. Motion was carried. SECURITY AT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - A report from the Sheriff and County Manager relative to the Security at both James Walker and Community Hospitals was discussed. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Job of security at Community Hospital be turned over to the Sheriff~s Department in accordance with the recommendations of Sheriff and County Nanager. Also, that the amount of $1,323.00 be appropriated from Unanticipated Revenues to cover this expense, but the job be done as economically as possible. Motion a~as carried., - 6~ Minutes of the Meeting - May 15, 1967 {Continued) ~ At this point (9~55 A.M.) the meeting was recessed for five minutes. . Meeting reconvened at 10:00 A.M. COUNTY AUDITOR~S RECOMMENDATION, CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE FUND - .. County Auditor Perry Shepard pointed out to the Board that it was necessary that the amount of $50,000.00 be transferred from Unanticipated Revenues for the Cape Fear Technical Institute tio Cape Fear Technical Institute Building Appropriation. Upon the recommendation of the Auditor, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this.transfer be made. Motion was carried. A.B.C. PERMITS - Four applications were presented to the Board for A.B.C. Permits. Mr. Metts moved, . seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that these be referred to the Sheriff for his investigation. ELECTRICAL WIRING AND WATER SERVICE, FOOD STAMP BUILDING, COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - By common consent the County Manager was to check on the minimum rate f.or water and lights for the Food Stamp Building and also at Community Hospital as a vacant building. RIVERS AND HARBORS CONFERENCE - Chairman Dr. Hooper reported on the Rivers and Harbors Conference that is to be held May 31, June 1 and 2, 1967 and stated that Col. Gillette will be holding a meeting shortly relative to attendance at this annual meeting. By common consent the County Manager was instructed to contact Mr. Peter Braak and determine if funds are available to cover his expenses covering this meeting from the State. At this ,juncture, sixty ,jurors were drawn. ROAD PETITION - A road petition for Lansdowne Road, Yorkshire Lane and Cromwell Circle was presented. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this petition be referred to the Highway Depart- ment. Motion was carried. PRESENTATION OF PROJECTIONS, MiSS LELA MOORE HALL~.DIRECT.OR OF PUBLIC WELFARE - Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Welfar.e, appeared before the Board and stated that she was investigating the possibility of Hiil-Burton Funds being available for the renovation work necessary at Community Hospital to convert it to a boarding and nursing home. She stated further that she had not received the information but was expecting it in the mail at anytime. • Miss Hall further stated that she would like to obtain several.wheel chairs, hospital beds, and an ice box from Community Hospital.' By comr.~on consent the County Nanager was in- structed to work with Mr. Butler and Miss Hall to pro~ide several old wheel chairs, some hospitai beds, and an ice box for use by the l~Jelfare Department for indigent patients. It is understood that this action does not retract the motion that was passed ear2fer in this meeting. Miss Hall stated that a Child Welfare Worker needed to be hired to fill an existing vacancy in the Welfare Department. By common consent it was agreed that a Chi1d Welfare Worker be hired at an annual salary of $7,296.00 to fill an existing vacancy in the Department, Miss Hali then made a presentation of pro,jections of expanded pr6grams in the Welfare Department for the future. ~ She stated that adult welfare programs; namely, Aid to Permanent and Totally Disabled and Old Age Assistance should be combined. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County endorse the proposal of Miss Hall in combining the Welfare programs and that a letter be written to the Association.of County Commissioners and the State Legislators advising them of the Board of County Commissioners~ endorsement of this proposai. Miss Hall then discussed further the expanded programs proposed. • Dr. Hooper reported on the dinner honoring the retirement of Admiral 0. C. Rhonke.• The City has agreed to bear one-half of the cost for this dinner. ' Dr. Hooper reported on the public hearing for the Local•Option Sales Tax and•suggested that should any Commission members be available they should attend this hearing and lend their support. Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 1967 at 2 P.M. in the Legislative Building in Raleigh. RESOLUTION, E. M. BUTLER - At this juncture in•the meeting a resoluLion was.presented to Mr. E. M. Butler recognizing his ser.vice as the Administrator of Gommunity Hospital and the fine ,job he has per-formed. Follo~aing is the resolution: WHEREAS, E. M. Butler did serve as Administrator of Community Hospital from October 1, 1964 to June 1, 1967 and, WHEREAS, the present Board of County Commissioners are grateful to Mr. Butler for his untiring and faithful service. '• NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: ' 1. That the Board of County Commiss.ioners extends to E. M. Butler its best wishes in all that he may undertake in the years that lie ahead. 2. That a copy of this resolution be delivered. to Mr. Butler and that a copy •be inserted in the Official minutes of the meeting of May 15, 1967. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY Signed - Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman ATTEST: (S) J. E. Marshall C1erk of the Board ~~z Minutes of the Meeting - May 15, 1967 (Continued) Dr. Hooper reported on a bus leaving from City Hall Friday, May.19, 1967 at 1:00 P.M, to car:y officials to Southport for a return trip up the river on a destroyer. He stated that the Commission members were invited to go along for this trip. ~ ~ REGISTER OF DEEDS., H.B. 51}1 and TINiE RECORDER- ' Mr. Paul_Blanchard, Register of Deeds, appeared before'the Board to discuss H.B. 5!}1 relative to the uniform fee system for his office. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this Board endorse the bill mentioned above and so advise the Association of Counties of this Board~s action. The motion was car.ried unanimously. . - . TIME RECORDER, REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE - . . Mr. Blanchard discussed with the Board the requirements of the Uniform Commercial Code and that a.time recorder for the validating or recording of instrvments in his office would be necessary. Dr. Hooper pointed out to Mr. Blanchard that such an instrument may be available following the closing of James Walker Hospital. An answer should be forthcoming on_this following a teiepl7o~e call Dr, Hooper made to the Administrator of James Walker Hospital. Mr, Blanchard then agreed with a statement that was made that his office had been modernized more in the lasL three years than in the past 100 years. JURY COMMISSION Mr. Blanchard mentioned State, to his understanding, be appointed by the Board of Commissioners present at.the the.Board of Commissioners f of this. to the Board that the bill establishing the Jury Commfssion in the had been ratified and that it was necessary that a Commission member County Commissioners. By common consent it was agreed that the next meeting a slate of names of people that may be appointed by or the Jury Commission. Further, that the Judge and Clerk be advised By common consent the County Manager was instructed to advise the State Legislators and the County Commissioners Association that consideration be given to the State replacing the Federal Revenue Stamps for documents by a State Revenue Stamp with the revenue coming back to the County. A letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Wilmington-New Hanover Museum was presented which requested that Nfrs. E. M. McEachern be appointed to the membership of the Board of Trustees for the term 1967-71. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the above named person be appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Museum. Motion was carried. RETIREMENT SYSTEM - Mr. Vaughan moved that this Board go on record as requiring an audit to determine the eligibility of every one on retirement under the Old Retirement System from the County. Motion died for a lack of a second. By common consent the County N,anager was instructed to contact Mr. H. Gray Hutchison and advise him of the Board~s feeling relative to the sbove matter. INSURANCE ADUISORY COMMITTEE County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reported on the meeting that he and the County Manager attended with the City Manager relative to the Joint City-County Insurance Advisory Committee. The three points of disagreement that were discussed with the City Manager were reviewed with. the Commissioners. Following the report, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that we proceed on the basis presented by Mr. Tillery-for the Insurance Advisory Committee, but we further explore the possibility, and that the Chairman be directed to write the N~ayor and each Councilman, that, we are desirous of eliminating the perpetuation of inembership on the committee. Motion ~as carried. COURT ROOM REMODELING - Prior to a discussion on the Court Room renovation, Dr. Hooper, moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Chairman.be authori2ed to obtain the cost of options of the three pieces of property adjacent to the present Court House property for 120 days with the understanding that this action will be sub,ject to the approval of the Board. Motion was carried. ~ Dr. Hooper and County Attorney Tillery then reported on the renovation for the Court Rooms in the Court House. Following a discussion on this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr.,John Oxenfeld of Oxenfeld and Newkirk be contacted and he be advised that the County is interested in determing the cost of the work that needs to be accomplished and that the amount of $200.00 be appropriated from Unanticipated Revenues to cover any cost that may be'incurred at this point. Motion was carried. By common consent the Chairman and County Attorney are to contact the architect on this problem. BUILDING PERMIT FEE WAIVER, CASTLE HAYNE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - A letter from the Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department requesting a waiver for the bui2ding permit fee for a new addition they are planning to add to their existing fire station was pre- sented. Mr. Bowden moved,. seconded by Mr. Netts, that the Building Permit Fee be waived, but a permit must be obtained from the County Building Inspector~s office. Motion was carried. By common consent the Coanty Manager was instructed to investigate the County collecting Building Permit Fees and dbing the necessary inspection r~ork fn the one mi2e perimeter beyond the Corporate Limits of the City of Wilmington and with the idea in mind Lhat zoning wili remain as is until the County has a Zoning drdinance, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that if an official request has not beensub- mitted to the State Legislators relative to the Connty Auditor~s position being appointive, that one be submitted by the Chairman forthwith. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Vaughan then stated that, in his opinion, the above action was unanimously agreed upon at a recent meeting which he recalled to be within the past two weeks. . BUDGET REQiIEST - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Chairman be authorized to write all department heads and reqvest that all budget requests for the 1967-68 fiscal year be submitted to the County Auditor~s office not later than May 25, 1967 in order that the budget may be presented to the Commissioners as soon as possible. F•7otion was carried. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in Superior Court for the week beginning June 5, 1967 - Criminal: ~ 63 Minutes of the Meeting - Nay 15, 1967 (Continued) Jurors For the Week Beqinninq June 5, 1967 - Criminal: Bell, Hiram E., 254 Spruce Dr, Little,Robt. A., 175 Colonial Dr. Bostic,Marie, P.O.Box 1536,Wi1: Modlin,Harold L., 706 Timber Lane Brumble,Ma~jor L., i4 r!. 31st St. Moore,Betsy, RFD 2,Box 352, Wil. C1ark,Edward M., 711 5. 15th St. Newton,Eddie,. . Rt. 1,.Box 410, Wil. . Clemmons,Joseph A., 7 E. Tenn. Ave. . Oldham,J.A., 230 N. 27th St. . Compos,Helen, Kure Beach, IV.C. Page,Alma B., 215 N. 27th St. Cook,Una G., 1505 S. !}th St. Payton,Sudie B., 1301 S. 6th St, Davis,Guy J., P.O.Box 31~,Wi1. Peace,Vernon D., 615 Dock St. Davis,Thomas F., Gen.Del.,Car.Bch. Pearce,Albert P., 606 Wright St. Dlugin,Eva, 10 S. Front St. Pearce,Edkrerd M.,- ' 222 Bonham Ave. Du1s,Miss Johanna E. ,12 N. Blvd. Pearce,Rowena, !}11 S. 13th 5t. Edelstein,Leonard, 1909 S. College Rd. Pearson,N.C., 324 S. 5th St. (c/o R.E.Higgins) Pearson,M.E., 313 Ann St., Wil.. Gilbert,Eva, 607 S. 13th St. Peterson,H.E., 1908 Castle St. Goodall,Clifford E., 220 Jeb Stuart Dr. Pistolis,John G., 208 N. 22nd St. Grace,Bishop C.M., 908 S. 9th St. Pridgen,John, 1003 N. 5th St. Harrelson,Bobby, 2720 Van Buren St. Pridgen,Wm. H., 515 S. 3rd St. Harriss,Margaret, 918 S. 8th St. Printz,Jul3a W., ill N. 8th St. Harvey,Arthur, 1204 Wright St. Rivenbark,R.T.,- 1}811 Wri. Ave. ~ Ikner;T.E., 43~9 Lake St. Smith,A.W., t}916 Oleander Dr, Ingram,A.C., 2258 Camelia Dr. Schwarz,Conrad B., 1521 Market St. Ingram,Grace, 1732 Orange St. Walker,Ernest, Rt. 3,Bx. 548A, 1~Ji1. Ingram,Wm. M., 1}22 S. 18th St. Wi113ams,Manly D., Box 717, Wil. Innis,J.C., 2021 S. College Rd. Williams,R.M.,, 1801 Grace St. Irving,Georgia, 402 Dawson St. Williams,Wm. L., 215 N. 22nd St. Johnson,Otis H., 150 Winter Green Rd. Wi11is,Louise R., 2112 Market St. • Lamb,Estelle Bishop, 823 5. Herr Ave. Wi11is,Mollie J., c/o Weaver Realty Co.,Wil. Lamb,James, 714 S. 13th St. Wi11is,5.H „ 713 Church St. Lanier,Luther J., 2615 Lake Shore Dr. Winberry,Wm. Manley, Rt.. 2, Box 184-A, Wil. Leslie,Clyde R., 1506 Nun St. Lewis,R.E., . 1(}O1 Chestnut St. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. . J. E. Marshall, County Manager STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of: ) ) ' Jury Summonsed to Serve=:.at ) May 15, 1967, Criminal . ) Session of Said Court. ) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 0 R D E R ~ , , , , IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that the ,jurors that reported for ,jury duty this date were insufficient in number to properly operate the criminal court for the week; THEREUPON, IT IS ORDERED that the jury box be brought into Court, and that the names of fifteen ,jurors be drawn therefrom by a child under ten, and that these jurors be duly summonsed for ,jury duty for 9~30 a.m., Tuesday, May 15, 1967. This the 15th day of May, 1967. {s) J. William Copeland Judge Presiding Jurors For Mav 1.5. 1967 - Criminal: Edna Pierce, 602 Wright St. Clinton H. Kemp, 119 Renovah Cir. W, J, Robinson, Rt. 1,Box 292 5teve C. Strickland,Rt. 1,Box 96, Cas.Hyne. Isham B. Blake, 5003 Peachtree St. Frederick Robinson, 611 Kenwood Ave. Claude B. Jones, 720 Colwell Ave. Vanness Pearson, 710 So, llth St. Willie D. Milis, Mabel H. Wessell, .Nesfield Wright, Gertrude Robinson Bennie Jordan, Irene H. Patrick, Wm. Ray Coleman, 2ii so. 47tn st. 116 So. 16th St. ql$ So. lOth St. ,']11 So, llth St. 3703 Car. Bch. Rd. 3811 Car. Bch. Rd. 3909 Car. Bch. Rd.