1967-06-05 Regular Meeting~6 4 Minutes of the Meeting - June 5, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting,of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A,M. fn the Commissionerst Room with the.following members pre- sent: Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Vfce-Chairman Laurence 0. Bor~den, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. Marshall and County Auditor Perry Shepard. . INVOCATION - • Aftercalling the meeting to order the Chairman requested Rev. F..E. Toothe, Pastor of Fourth Street Advent Christian Church, to give the invocation. . APPROVAL OF.MINUTES-. • - For the minutes covering the meet~ing of May 15, 1967 under the heading Security at Community Hospital,.following the word recommendations should be inserted "Of the Sheriff and•County Manager". Under Lhe item headed Presentation of Pro,jections, P7iss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public YJeifare, the last sentence in the second paragraph shou2d be changed to "It is understood that this action does not.retract the motion that was passed earlier in this meeting". In the f:ifth paragraph under this.heading it should be corrected to read: "She stated that adult welfare programs; namely,.Aid to Permanently and Totally Disabled and Oid Age Assistance should be combined". . . . . Under the heading Jury Commission, in the second paragraph the following words shovld be added at the end of the sentence: "With the revenue coming back to the County". •• Under the ftem Court Room Remodeling, it should be corrected to read as follows: "That Mr. John Oxenfeld, of Oxenfeld and Nei,rkirk, be contacted and he be advised that the County is interested in determining the cost of the work that needs to be accomplished and that the amount of $200.00 be appropriated from Unanticipated Revenues to cover any cost that may be incurred at this point", • • After making the above corrections, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion was carried. TRANSFER OF FUNDS, AIRPORT, PURCHASE OF TRACTOR AND NOWER - - A proposal Uras presented to the Board that the amount of $575.00 be transferred from salaries at the Airport in order that we may be abie to purchase from the State Highway Commission a surplus tractor with side cutter moUrer and bush hog for use at the Airport. Also, that the amount of $15.00 be transferred from salaries to Airport Nanagers Annuai dues was requested. N~r. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. I~etts, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried. COUNTY AUDITOR~S REQUEST - ' County Auditor Perry Shepard presented to the Board a proposai of transferrfng $200.00 from the Coroner~s Jury fees to Autopsies. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried, Mr. Shepard then presented to the Board several tran- fers to be made from the General Emergency Fund to the fol2owing items: Employees Bonds in the County Auditor~s Office -$200.00, Building Inspector~s Auto Allowance -$325.87, Building Inspector~s Telephone -$47.SO,.Cler.k of Superior Court Fees for Insane -$56.25, Clerk of Superior Court Repairs and Maintenance of Equipment -$49.11~, Clerk of Superior Court Telephone - $6.90, Commissioners~ Advertising -$10.q2, Commissioners~ Repairs and Maintenance and Equip- ment $58.7$, County A3d Dues -$.10, County Aid and National Rivers and`Harbors Congress - $77.60, County Aid Public Audit -$928.37, County Prison Lights -$135.16, Prison Farm Fvei - $2.86, Prison Farm Nedical -$20.53, County Drainage Insurance $.33, Courthouse Electrical Supplies $32.06, Courthouse Repairs and Maintenance and Equipment $48.50, Courthouse Janitorial Supplies ~283.73, Jail Clothing $7.4.3, Recorders Court Stationary and Supplies $36.80, Recorders Court Repairs, Maintenance and Equipment $3.1$, Register of Deeds Repairs, Maintenance and Equipment $1.60, Sheriff~s Bonds $15l~.00, Conveying Prisoners$12.98 Agricultura2 and Economics Labor from Prison Farm $$37.00. Total of these transfers -$3,037.~83. Fo23owing the recommendation of the County Auditor, Mr. Bor~den moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the above mentfoned transfers from the General Emergency Fund be made. Motion was carried. COUNTY AUDITOR'S RECOMINENDATION, CON~NNITY HOSPITAL - County Auditor Perry 5hepard recommended to the Soard that the amount of $15,000.00 be transferred from Unanticip~ted Revenues at Community Hospital to Community Hospital Accounts. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the above transfer be made. Motion was carried. TRANSFER OF EUA~DS, MENTAL HEALTH - Pursuant to a request from Mrs. Alice Sisson, Chairman of the Advisory Board at the Mental Health Center, the following amounts were recommended to be transferred from the Contingency Fund at the Mental Health Center to Supplies and Postage $60,00, Telephone $270.00 and Equip- ment and Maintenance $60.00. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried. . • A-DITIOI~AL APPROPRIATION, REGISTER OF DEEDS - . For the purchase of a time recording mechanism to be used in the Register of Deeds office an additional appropriation of $240.00 is needed. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the amount of $240.00 be appropriated from the Unanticipated Revenues in the Register of Deeds office for the purpose of purchasing a time recording mechanism. Motion was carr3ed. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION, COMPLETION OF RETIREMENT FORMS - County Mar.ager Marshall pointed out to the Board that it iaould take approximately two more weeks to complete the work on the retirement forms. He suggested that the amount of $120.00 be appropriated for this. Mr. Hall move@, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the above appropriation be made from the General Emergency Fund. Motion ~oas carried. BILLS, LAND APPRAISAL, AIRPORT - ` Two bills, one from Weaver Rea2ty Company and one from Murdoch M. Dvnn Realty Company, were presented to the Board for appraising the land be2onging to New Hanover County and for a possible trade between Electric Bottling Company. Nr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan that these t~.~o bills be approved and that funds for this to come from Unanticipated Revenues in the budget at the Airport. Motion was carried. AIRPORT PARKING LOT ENGINEER - By common consent the County Manager was instructed to confer with Highway Department officials relative to the possibility of them doing survey work for a proposed parking lot on the west side of the Terminal Building. Also, that the County Manager and Airport Manager obtain information on paid parking lots at the different airports. 6` Minutes of the Meeting - June 5, 1967 (Continued) . ~ AGREEMENT, TAXICABS, INC. - The renewa2 for providing ground transportation from Taxicabs, Inc. (Yellow Cab) was presented to the Board, furnished to the members of the Airport Committee. After Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Chairman be N's. Metts refrained from voting for reasons of not having to this meeting. Motion was carried. the airport between the County and 'revious to this, copies had been a brief discussion of this, Mr. authorized to sign the agreement. a copy made available to him prior AGREEMENT, AVIS AND HERT2 REnT A CAR - A new agreement between the County and Avis and Hertz Rent A Car with facilities in the Airport Terminal Building was presented. This had previously been considered and reviewed by the Airport Committee. After a brief discussion of this, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that the chairman be authorized to sign this agreement. ~otion was carried. REPORT, BOOKMOBILE COMMITTEE - ~ ~ Dr. Stuart Benson, Chairman of the Library Board, and Miss Katherine Howell appearecl be- fore the Board and made a report on their investig2tion of a new bookmobile for the county ad pointed out the advantages of a custom made body by the company specializing in this type of vehicle and the converting of a conventional type stock panel van truck. The bid from Thomas Noroney Company, Inc., including chassis to be purchased locally was $15,417.00, including delivery. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, for purpose of discussion, that the Commissioners accept thereport from Dr. Benson and the committee and that an advertisement be made for bids as soon as possible. It will be necessary to obtain bids on the body and separate bids on the chassis. Notion was carried. GASOLENE AND OIL BIDS - Pursuant to an advertisement placed in the local newspaper and also notices being mailed to the several different oil distributors in our area bids r~ere received and opened for the svpplying of gasolene and oil for the county. Three bids were received and opened. After compar3son of the bids by County Attorney Tillery and County Manager Marshall it was suggested to the Board thai Cities Services Oil Company was the low bidder. Bids 4~ere received from Sinclair Refining Company and also Fountiain Bros. 031 Company. Mr. Uaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the recommendations of the County Attorney and County Manager on the low b,tdder be accepted. N~otion was carried. DRAGLINE - By common consent it was agreed that the purchase of a dragline be discussed during budget discussions. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO SQARD OF TRUSTEES, CAPE FEAR TECHN.I6AL INSTITUTE - A letter had been received from Nr. W. T. Emmart, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Cape Fear Technicai Institute stating to the Board that by resolution passed by the Board of Trustees it was snggested that Mr. Fred J. Galehouse be reappointed as a member of'.that Board. Mr, Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Galehouse be reappointed to the Board of Trustees at Cape Fear Technical Institute. Motion was carried unanimously. REQUEST FROM FILTORS, INC. - Mr. Ronald Ro~ae, Attorney for Filtors, Inc.,•Mr. Buford Jamison and Nr: Robert Lark, Repre- sentatives of Filtors, Inc., appeared before the Board relative to a strip of land adjacent to the lands of Electric Bottling Company and stated that they would like to purchase this property in order that Filtors, Inc, may have road frontage for'their proposed plant site, said strip being approximately 100 feet deep and 200 feeti wide. After reviewing the maps and plats, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that approximately one-half acre be made available to Filtors, Inc., said land fronting on State Road 1311, the same being approximately 100 feet bounded on the south by County•property and on the west by one acre of ground propdsed to be sold to Filtors, Inc. by Electric Bottiing Company. The land proposed to be sold to Filtors, Inc. by the County is to be at a price of approximately'$6,666.67 per acre, sale being con- tingent on the.negotiations between Filtors, Inc. and Electric Bottling Company being con- summated. Also, being a part of a tract shown on a map prepared by Mr. Howard Loughlin and bearing the legend "Hutaff and New Hanover County", dated December, and bearing'the legend "Hutaff and New Hanover County", dated December, 1966. This action is sub,ject to the official approval by FAA. Question was called on the motion and it was carried by a vote of four to zero. Dr. Hooper abstained from voting. APPOINTMENT TO THE BQARD OF ZONING EQUFlLIZATION - A letter was presented to the Chairman from Mr. N. L. Foy requesting that an alternate from the one-mile perimeter in the County adjacent to the City Corporate Limits be appointed to the Board of 2oning Equaliiation. Mr. Foy had suggested the name of Mr. George Sloan, Jr. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that Mr. George Sloan, Jr. be appointed to the above mentioned Board. Motion was carried unanimously. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Chairman Dr. Hooper reported to Lhe Board on the incorporation of New Hanover Memorial ` Hospital and that certain actions will be required by the Board of Commissioners. It was'stated that a lease should be draum and the necessary resolution prepared to lease the hospital to the private corporation by the County. By common consent the County Attorney was instructed to draw the necessary lease and resolution and that a speciai meeting be scheduled on Wednesday, June'7, 1967 at 5:00 P.M. at the i~ew Hanover Memorial Hospital Board Room for the action to be taken by the Board of Commissioners., Motion was carried. • BOILER INSURANCE, NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - County P9anager Marshall presented a letter from Glasgow Hicks Company relative to the boiler insurance for the IVew Hanover Memorial Hospital and stated that the•premium would be $1,~$0.00 annually. After considering this matter, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hali, that the County pay the boiler insurance on a pro rata basis through July 1 and that funds for this come from the General Emergency Fund. Also, that the hospitai be advised that this would not be paid for in the future by the County, and that this ~,riil be an expense that must be borne by the Hospitai Corporation. Notion was carried.~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - ' ' The a,uestion of New Hanover County becoming involved in the Economic Development Commission was discussed by the Board. Mr. Vaaghan made several observations relative to this. Mr. Hall then moved, seconded by Mr. Uaughan, that a letter be written to the State Planning Task Force who is the P.dministrating Agent for the Economic Development Commission and advise them that this Board is not interested in becoming a member of the said Commission because of the apparent duplication of services presently being carried on in New Hanover County. Motion was carried. ~ ~ 66 Minutes of the Neeting - June 5, 1967 (Continued) RECOMMENDATION, 4JILMINGTON STANDARD NiETROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREA PLANNING REQUIREMENT - A communication was received by Chairman Dr. Hooper from the Department of Housing and Urban Development relative to the above mentioned title. After a brief discussion of this, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this be referred to the City-County Planning Commission. Motion was carried. RAILROAD LOCONOTIVE - Pir. VauShan suggested that.the County investigate the possibility of a railroad steam locomotive to be located at the Airport or some other county area, By common consent it ~•~as agreed that Mr. Vaughan discuss this possibility with Mr. Champion NcDowell Davis, MOBILE HONi'E PA.t2K ORDINANCE - Chairman Dr. Hooper stated to the Eoard that on several occasions he and Mr. Tillery had been contacted relative to a problem arising from the new Nobile Home Park Ordinanee. A rather lengthy discussion followed. Dr. Hooper was advised that he should inform a P9r. Jones that he could not place his mobile home on the land .he talked with Dr. Hooper about. It is the opinion of the Board that this is a good ordinance and they tiaill stand behind it. SCHOOL DESIGN AND COST - Mr, Vaughan moved that the Board of Education be advised that the Board of Commissioners is interested in a price of $11.50 per square foot being established for school,construction. Motion died for a lack of a second. Dr. Hooper then moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the School Board advise the Board of Commissioners what progress has been made at the State level relative to modular construction. Nlotion was carried. . VACF!NT SCHOOL .ROOMS - Mr. Vaughan stated that it was his understanding that there are several vacant rooms at Forest Hills School and that the school at College Park is becoming rather crowded. By common consent the County Manager was instructed to contact the School Superintendent about this. RECOMMENDATION, PLANNING COMMISSION A letter from Planning Director George Reif was presented to the Board relative to the Sec~.ion Titled Jurisdiction in the County Sub-Division Ordinance. County Attorney Tillery stated that, in his opinion, no action is necessary by the Board of Commissioners on this particular item at this time and that the Planning Commission should be so advised to enforce the ordinance as it is.written. By common consent the County Mar.ager was instructed to convey the County Attorney~s thoughts to the Planning Director, George Reif. REQUEST FROM P9R. E. M. MEYLAND - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board a request from Mr. E. Ni. P~eyland that he be granted release from a lien presently held on a piece of property o~rned by his sister who is on Welfare since the property in question has been condemned by the Ninimum Housing Code. Mr. Y.all moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that Nr. P4eyland be adv;sed that the Commissioners have no ob~ection to Mr. Meyland removing the house. , PROPOSED BILL, LEGISLATURE A letter with an attached proposed bill relative to the tax on.the sale of spirituous liquors was presented from Representative J. F. Mohn, After reviewing the proposed bill and the possibility of the County receiving additionai revenue from this in the opinion of County Attorney Tillery, Mr: Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that shouid the County Attorney~s interpretation of the proposed bi21 be correct, that is additional,revenue would be coming to the County, this Board go on record as supporting the proposal. Motion was carried. HOUSE BILL 1116 AND SENATE BILL 532 - The above two mentioned bills were discussed by the Board. A letter was received from Mr. John Morissey, General Counsel for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, stating that these were bad bills. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that this Board go on record as opposing the above said bills. Notion was carried unanimously. ABC PERMITS - Two ABC Permits, one at 900 N, lOth Street, T/A Ponderosa and one at St. Joseph Street, T/A Snows Cut Marina were presented, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that these be referred to the Sheriff for his investigation. ", REQUEST FROM BROWN HERRING TRUCK COMPAI~lY - A proposal from Brown Herring Truck & Tractor Company was presented to the Board which pertains to the purchase of a piece of County owned property approximately 1~.l~.5 feet by 300 feet deep fronting on the road to Wanetrs Sausage Company. The offer from Brown Herring was $6,700.00 for this propertty. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden,.that the current appraisal be checked on this property and that should it be higher than the $6,700.00 offer made by Brown Herring, the County offer the property to the said company for the new appraised value. If not, the offer of $6,700.00 be accepted as the sale price. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the funds obtained from this sale be set aside for the purchase of small sites in the county. Motion died for the lack of a second. ' TRANSFER OF FUNDS, TAX LISTING DEPARTNIEAIT - A request from-the Tax Department was presented for the transfer of $300.00 from the Tax Listing Department Travel to Repairs of Equipment. Mr. Metts moved,_seconded by Mr. Hali, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION, NEW BUILDING HUGH MF~CRAE PARK - This item was deferred until the budget discussion and will be included in the ~.967-68 fiscal year budget. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIOPI, R$CORDERS COURT OFFICE-- A request was presented from the Recorders Court office that the amount of $300.00 be appropriated to Account 11.705 Recorders Court Funds. It was stated that it was necessary this request be made in order that State War,rants may be ordered,from the printer, h7r. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that this transfer be made and that funds for this come from Unanticipated Revenues. Motion was carried. 6~ Minutes of the Meeting~- June 5, 1967 (Continued) LETTER FROM HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION - A letter received from the above organi2ation was presented to the Board by Chairman Dr. Hooper. After a discussion on this, it was agreed that Dr. Hooper should answer the letter and state to the writer of the letter, Mr. Bennie F. Herring, that the Board would be happy to have their group attend any regular meet~ng but they would not be agreeable to scheduling a special meeting for this particular organization. ' , By common consent,the County Manager was instructed to confer with the City Manager relative to the City relinquishing the.Building and Electrical Permits but,retain the Zoning.enforcement in the one-mile perimeter beyond~the corporate limits of the city. . INVITATION, WILMINGTON KI1dANIS CLUB - Chairman Dr. Hooper presented an invitation to the Board for all the County Commission members to attend the meeting of the Kiwanis Club on Ju2y 12, 1967 at 1:00 P.M. in the Friendly Cafeteria to present a program as a group on County government. By common consent the invitation was accepted and the Board agreed to appear as a panel to discuss County government on the above date. • BILL FROM BOUCAN ROOM MEETING_ON BOARDING AND NURSING HON~E - A bill in the amount of $13,1FJ~ was presented to the Board to cover a lunch meeting for . County officials with Mr. Gordon Poole to discuss the possibilities of Community Hospital being converted to a Boarding and Nursing Home. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden that the bill be paid. Funds for this to come from Commis'sioners~ Travel. Motion was carried. BILL FROM AERONAUTICS, INC. - . A bill in the amount of $45,00 was presented for the travel of Chairman Dr. Hooper and Commissioner Metts to Raleigh to apgear at the Sales Tax Hearing. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this bill be authori2ed paid and fuads for this to come from Commissioners~ Travel. ~ . LETTERS OF COMMENDATION TO COL. GEORGE GILLETTE, CONGRESSMAN ALTON A, LENNON AND CITY COUNCILMAN LUTHER CROMARTIE - By common consent the Chairman was instructed to write letters of commendation_to Col., Giilette, Congressman Lennon and Mr. Cromartie for their presentations made at the recent National Rivers and Harbors Congress. CITY-COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - By common consent it LJas agreed that Chairman Dr. Hooper will arrange a~joint meeting between the City and County to resolve any questions on the operation of the joint City-County Planning Commission. , , OPTION ON TWO LOTS, THIRD STREET - Chairman Dr. Hooper presented to the Board the. possibility of obtaining an option on the two lots adjacent to the YN~CA and fronting on Third Street. After a discussfon on this, Chairman Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be empowered to obtain a 90-day option on the two lots adjacent to the old YMCA at a price not to exceed $85,000 and the cost of the option not to exceed $600.00, sub,ject to the County Attorney~s approval. Also, that should the option be obtained the amount of $600.00 is to come from Unanticipated~Revenues. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Netts, that a study be made of the existing properties owned by the County relative to future expansion and growth. Question was ca2led on the substitute motion and it was defeated by a vote of two for and three against. Quest£on was then called on the original motion and it carried by a vote of three for and two against. Mr. Vaughan stated that he felt that this is an extravagant expenditure of funds and was ill considered. ' . CABLE TELEVISION - A report having previously been presented to the Board relative to the Cable Television operations in other cities in the State was discussed by the different members of the Board. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for the purposes of discussion, that the Board request the legislators to enact a law to enable the County to impos~ a tax on the Cable Television Company operating in the County. Question was then called on the motion and it was defeated by a vote of one for and four against. . HOIJSE B I LL 699 - ~ House Bill 699 was discussed by the Board relative to the State Highway Commission par- ti'cipating with the Counties in the operation of landfills. By common consent the entire Board agreed that this bill shoald receive their support. BILLS FOR MEN:AT.TEI~3DING..THE_NATIONAL.RIVERS-ADID HARBDRS GONGRESS - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the b411s for the different men attending the National Rivers and Harbors Congress meeting representing the County Commissioners be approved for payment if they are in order after reviek~ by the County Auditor. Funds to come from County Commissioners* Travel. Motion was carried. . VOTING MACHINES By common consent it was agreed that the, State Legisiators be contacted relative to voting machines being approved for the State other than the two present machines that are approved. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. ,T. E. Marshall, County Manager.