1967-06-19 Regular Meeting'"~ d Minutes of the Nieeting - June 19, 1967 ASS~Nffi1:Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was heid on the above date at 8:30 A.N. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Lanrence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. Marshall, and Covnty Avdltor Perry 5hepard. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order ttie Vice-Chairman requested Rev. .l. Ray Butler, Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church, to give the invocation. • After the invocation Chairman Dr. Jos, W. Hooper joined the meeting and assumed the chair. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes covering the meeting of June 5, 1967, under the heading of Request From Filtors, Inc., it should be changed to read as follows: "After reviewing the maps and plats, Mr. Vavghan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that approximately one-half acre be made available to Filtors, Inc," Under the paragraph headed Request From Brown Herring Truck Company it should reflect that Mr. Vaughan abstained from voting. After making the above corrections, I~7r. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion was carried. TRANSFER OF FUNDS, ELECTRICAL IPISPECTOR - • County Manager N~rshall presented to the Board a request for the transfer of $60.00 from _ Stationary and Supplies in the Building Inspector~s Office to cover travel for the Electrical Inspector to attend the meeting of County and City Electrical Inspectors to be held in Greens- boro on .lune 22, 1967. The purpose of the meeting is to discass mutual problems but primarily mobile homes. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this transfer be made and that the Electrical Inspector be instructed to make a ~aritten report covering the meeting upon his return. Motion was carried. . , COUNTY AUDITOR~S REQUEST, TRANSFER OF FUP1D5 County Auditor Perry Shepard presented to the Board several•transfers to be made. The first item presented was the Jail Water and Sewerage Bill in the amount of $1,126.12. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that the bili be paid and the County Nanager was in- structed to investigate and make a report on the water consumption in the Jail and in the Court House generally, with the idea in mind of reducing the water bill, if possible. Also, that funds for this amount to come one-half from the General Emergency Fund and one-half from Unanticipated Revenues. Motion uras carried. • Fund transfers uJithin each department were presented by County Auditor Shepard and they are as follows: From Museum Farm Labor $I11.00 to: Nuseum Travel $40.00, Telephone $!}0.00 and Capital Outi2y ~31.G0. From Superior Court Special Court Reporter to Superior Court Evidence $258.00. From Court House Repairs to Euilding to Court House Janitorial Supplies $50.00. From Jail Sedding and Linen to Jail Clothing $20.00. From Community Hospital Surplus to Community Hospital Appropriation $11,000.00. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that these transfers be made. Motion rras carried unanimousiy. RCAD PETITION, MASTERS LATIE A petition for addition to State Maintained Secondary Roads was presented to the Board for N,asters Lane. After a brief. review and discussion of this, Mr. Vavghan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this be referred to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion was carried. ABC PERMITS - Two ABC Permits were presented to the Board. They were from English Texaco Station on Highway 420 South and the Carolina Yacht Club. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Ha12, that these be referred to the Sheriff for his investisation. Motion was carried unanimously. HOMEOWTdERS ASSOCIATION Mr. C. B. McCandiess, Mr. N. C. Neil, and Nir. H. G. Voleges appeared before the Eoard rela~tive to the County Building Code, Mr. McCandless first spoke to the point of the one-mi2e ~ area. Several Commissioners spoke and expressed their opinion relative to the above and generally stated that the County had requested the City to consider relinquishing the Building and Electrical inspections and permits in the one-mile area but it would not be practical in view of the zoning enforcement provisions. • , Dr. Hooper questioned Mr. McCandless about further reIaxing the Code, and Mr. NcCandless replied that it is the opinion of a number of their members that they t•~ould like to have the Code completely abolished. Mr. Vaughan stated that he felt like the questions being raised ' to the Commissioners should probably be carried to the City Council relative to the one- mile area rather than to ,the County Commissioners. Mr. McCandless replied that he had not thought to carry it to the City Council. This appeared to shed a different light on the matter. With this the discussion ended. At this ~juncture of the meeting 240 jurors were drawn. ~` Minutes of the Meeting - June 19, 1967 (Continued) MOBILE HOME REQUEST - Mr. H. M. Waters presented a request to the Board relative to locating a mobile home on an individual lot. He stated that he had recently retire@ from the U. S. Air Force and had chosen this area to make a permanent residence. Several other items were pointed out that Nr. Waters had followed relative to establishing his mobile home on Oakley Circle in the Castie Hayne area. Nr. Metts moved, seconded by ~~. Hali, for discussion purposes, that the Board of Commissioners interpret this particular case as coming under the Grandfather Clause and further.to have a letter from Mr. Water.s that he will only use this trailer for his personal occupancy and only on this location and that this letter must be received before he will be ailowed to locate his trailer or. Lhe side. Question was cailed on the motion and it was • carried by a vote four for and one against. Mr. Bowden voted in the negative. COMMUNITY SERVICE CONSULTANT Mr. Asa Blount, Community Services Consultant, appeared before the Board to discuss the program for the aged. He spoke to the pointabout the Governor~s Coordinating Council on Aging and stated that an application had been made to them for funds for the program. He also spoke about the group that he is presently working with and their.3esire to form a Corporation and that he has three requests. They are: (1) request the Board to provide.$20.00 Incorporation Fee, (2) explore the possibility of several items of office furniture from Community Hospital c2osing, and (3) services of the County Attorney to check Articles of Incorporation before being submitted to the State for approval. He then withdrew this third request. Mr. Hali moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that $20.00 be appropriated from Advertising and Industriai Development to pay the Incorporat3on Fee and if furniture is available from Community Hospital some may be made available for their use. The motion died because of a vote of two to two. Dr. Hooper then moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this matter be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion that this matter be tabled until the appropriate time. Substitute motion died for the lack of a second and question was called on original motion and it i•~as ca'rried. MINUTES OF JOINT NiEETING BETWEEN COUNTY COMMISSIOPJERS AND HOSPITAL BQARD OF TRUSTEES - Mr. Vaughan stated that the minutes of the meeting of June 7, 1967 betr~een the Commissioners and Board of Trustees should be corrected by striking out the second sentence in the last paragraph on Page i stating that "Mr. Marshail said if Mr. Vaughan would g#ve him a list of facts needing clarification he k~ouid try to answer them." Also, that the following be in- serted: "Clarification of disposition of accounts receivable, in the event the lease would be terminated would be made by addendum to lease agreement ~rith the County as soon as possible." After making these corrections, I~'s. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. , WAIVER OF NON-LISTING TAX PENALTY The Tax Penalty for Mr. N. F. Rouse in the amount of $23.73 was presented to the Board. PSr. Rouse~s letter to the Tax Supervisor requested that he be refunded the tax penalty because it was an oversight with no intent not to list his~taxes. After discussinc~ this request, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan,.that his request be denied. Motion was carried unanimously. ~ Another tax penaity from ~r. W. H. Banck for Bertha L. Banck for 1967 was presented. The amount of it was $6.85, After a brief discussion, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Uaughan, that this request be denied. Notion k~as carried vnanimously. TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE - Tax Supervisor Houck had received a request from C. E. foreclosed lots in the Wilmington Beach area, They are Lot 16. He stated that Lot 6 was appraised at $500.00 and that he felt that the above tt~~o values would be the present fair cussion of this Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr.•Metts, that described property at the appraised values indicated. .Moti PF.OGRAM FOR KIWANIS CLUB MEETING--- Richardson for the.purchase of t4J0 6 in Block 20 and Lot 5 in B1ock Lot 5 was appraised at $800.00 and market value. After a brief dis- the sale be ma@e on the above on was carried. , It was decided by the.Board•that they will review at the next meeting what each will speak on for four minutes at the July 12 Meeting of the Wilmir~5ton Kii+ranis Ciub in the Friendly Cafeteria. • • • . LETTER FRO1~! COLUMBUS COUNTY I~NTAL HEALTH CLINIC - • ~ A letter from Dr. John R. Black, Chairman of the Columbus County Nental Health Advisory Board, was read which stated that•the Columbus County Nental Health Associatior. will discontinue their participation with New Hanover County in the Mental Health Program effective July 1, 1967. LETTER FROM REAR ADMIRP.L R. B. ELLIS - ~ •• • A letter from Admiral.Ellis was presented to the Board which was a request that t}~e•County ,participate in a welcome•party to the ex-crewmen of the U.S.S. North Carolina. He stated in his letter that the City ~aill participate and that the cost will be approximately $1.50 per head.. Further, that there.will be between 350 and 400 people which includes families. After a-brief discussion of this matter, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that we participate - .in this particular pregram to the extent that the City.will participate. Further, that funds come from.Unanticipated Revenues. Question was called on the motion and it was•a tie vote, two for and two against. Mr. Vaughan did not vote. Motion died because of a tie vote. Chairman Dr. Hooper will write a letter to Admira•i. Eliis relative to this matter. LETTER FROM ATTORNEY OF BROWN-HERRING TRUCK 8 TRACTOR COMPANY - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board a?ette* ho had received from Mr. Addison He~~alett, Jr., Attorr.ey for Brown-Herring Truck 8 Tractor Company, relative to their proposal •to purchase some county owned property in the area of War.et Sausage Company and the County Earm. It was stated to the Board that a check had been made with Mr. W. M. HPwlett relative to his appraisal that he made in Augvst of 19h6 of this property and he stated that, it was his opinion that the appraisai had not substantially changed since that time. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that in view of the appraiser~s opinion, the property required by Brown-Herring Truck & Tractor Company be sold at a price of $2,500.00 per acre and further, that a reverter clause be included in tne deed. !=urther, that a statement be obtained from Bro~~.~n-Herrir_g Truck 8 Tr?.ctor Company as to iti~hat they 4ii11 use the property for and hok~ "long it wi11. be before it is uti).ized. Motion r:as carried, WATER AUTHOR3'TY Chairman Dr. Hooper reported on a lette ,that he had re,ceived from the Committee of 100 relative to a Water Authority Committee being established. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, thzt the County Attorney engage in p:eliminary conversations on this matter. P"otion was carried. r r~ z Ninutes of the Meeting - June 1~, 1967 (Continued) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FUNDS - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for purposes of discussion, that~the Chairman be authorized to write a letter to the Chamber of Commerce and request them to obtain an equal amount for their budget from the City as obtained from the Cnunty. Motion was carried. BILL, PAVIPdG AROLTJD SCHOOLS - County N9anager Marshall and Chairman Dr. Hooper presented a bill which required an additional appropriation from the County of $3,470.23 for the paving around the different schools. It was reported that the amount of $2,0l~1.29 is the balance that is in this account to date. Afier discussing this matter, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the bill be paid vp to the amount that is presently provided in the budget and that County Attorney Tillery check the contract as to further obligations on the part of the County. Motion was carried. BUDGET PRESENTATIODI - County Auditor Perry Shepard presented the budget for the fiscal year 1967-68 u~ith fiis letter of transmittai and requested that an interim budget be provided until the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1967-68 is adopted. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the following resolution be adopted: • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE IIOARD OF P1EW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIORrERS Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1, 1967 to date of adoption of the 1967-68 fiudget Resolution, appropriations are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness ard the usual ordinary expense of the Count~r and its subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 19b6-67 Fiscal Budget Year: Section 2- This Resolution shall of the 1967-68 Budget Resolution resolution shall be chargeable to priations. :.. ' Notion for adoption was carried. cease to be effective frem and after the adoption and all disburseme.^.ts made in accordance with this appropriations made in the 1967-68 Budget Appro- BUDGET DISCUSSIOIV SESSIOAtS - . The follo~aing dates and time tiaere set aside to discuss the budget: Tuesday, June 20, 5:00 P.M. Thursday, June 22, 5:00 P.M. Monday, June 26, 5:00 P.M. Wednesday, ~une 28, 5:00 P.M. Friday, June 30, 5:00 P.M. It was further agreed that the Sheriff~s Budget will be discussed at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, June 20, Tax Supervisor will be discussed at 5:00 P.M., County Auditor~s Budget at 8:30 P.M. and Commissioners~ Budget at 9:00 P.M. PETIT .JURY - . The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning August 7 and 14, 1967 - Criminal; August 21 and 28, 1967 - Civil: Jurors For the Week BeGinninq Auqust 7, 1967 - Criminal: Avstin,Claude L., ~09 Brightwood Rd. Holman,Jean Smith, Balance,Leon S., 158 Wintergreen Rd. . Horne,Tancil A., Batson,Thomas C., 1}905 Oleander Dr. Hutchens,Robt.F., Becker,Nrs.Margaret C., 919 Live Oak Pkwy. King,Edward Z., Bellamy,W.Clark, 132$ 5. Live Oak Pkwy.. Kirby,Elton F., Boon,Thomas, 1011 Castle St. Lewis,F.L., Bright,Archie, Rt. 2,W11. Lewis,Nolan, Burke,N,rs.Maude C., 1606 Ann St. Lewis,td.J., Burnett,Walter L.,Jr„ Rt.2,Box 21}2,Wi1. A9a11ard,A.K.,Jr., Carmen,Charles D., 110 Bryan Ave. McKeithan,Hatie May, Chambers,Julia V., 307 N. 9th St. Moore,Jack G., Davis,John K., 0 Seauregrd Dr. Moore,Walter C., Dudley,5am 08 S. 12th St. Nylen,Lona Irene, Earst,Andre43 Js., 1108 McRae St. Oliver,Henry, Edwards,Robt. A., 120 S, lOth St. Pace,R.H., E111s,Louis O.,Jr.,Mrs., 2220 Metts Ave. Ray,J.Tommie, Forbes,James A., 1}g28 Park Ave. Raynor,J.H.,Nrs. Fox,J.H., 726 Princeton Dr. Register,E.B., . Foy,J.H.,.'_ RFD 1,Box 311,i~Ji1. Rose,Clarence L., Franks,Rosa Brooks, RFD 3,Seagate,Bx.301,1~Ji1. Saffo,Avgerinos V., Franks,Wm.A., 705 S: Kerr Ave. Shepard,Frank A., Freeman,June G., 14 Barnard Dr. Skipper,Pearl E., Friday,Pearl A., 2312 Princess St. Rd. Smith,L.C.,Jr., Fries,James R., 2929 Market St. Smith,P.R., Frink,Milton D., 2!}16 Chestnut St. Stone,Pearl R., George,Franklin D., Rt.3,Box 86,Wi1. , Telfair,Reginaid E., Green,Stephen E., 1112 Park Ave. Toliver,Juston, Gregg,R.C., 1013 Queen St. Willett,Lottie Bradly, Hobbs,Janie, 4904 Park Ave. Wilson, Marion B., Hobbs,Tracy .1., 1!}2 Mercer Ave. P.O.Box 6l}1,Wi1. 3830 Gillette Dr. 108 Hawthorne Dr, 305 s. i7th st. Rt. 2,Box 361A.,W31. 3610 S. Front St. 1611} Dock St. 201f~ Metts Ave. 203 Audubon Blvd. 224 N. z5tn st. Rt. 3,sox.389,wt1. RFD 1,Box 78, Wil. 513 5. 2nd St. 310 Bladen St. 412 Sunset Ave. 207 Francis Marion Dr. Car. Beach 327 Castle Hayne Rd. Box 185,Car.Bch, 2 N. Front St. , 4945 Pine st. 216 Castle St. 4502 Peachtree St. 415 Forest Hills Dr. 50t}0~ Wr i . Ave . 707 S. ll~th St. 808 N. 6th St. 53 Woodlawn Ave. 1606 Chestnut St. ~ ~3 Minutes of the Meeting - June 19, 1967 (Continued) Jurors For the Week Be, Arledge,James Curtis, Barkas,Jerry P., Begor,Les-lie G., . Blomme,Carlyle W.Jr., Boykin,Calvin, Briggs,Nathan, Campbell,Louzella Evan Canady,Roy, Carter,Jessie Lee, Creech,Wm.Ernest, Davis,Dorothy C., Everett,C.S., Fraser,John E., Harper,Doward, Hartley,Oswald M., Hi11,W.H.~ Hiller,l.ouis H., Hines,Luke T., Holmes,Mollie L., Hunter,Clayton, Inman,C.H., - Johnson,Ed. L., King,Robt.Emmett, Lewis,Urs.Francis, Merritt,Herndon L.,Jr., Mi11er,Alma L., Miller,Calvin, M,illiken,G.L.,Jr., Moore,Alfred P., Noore,Y~~illie J., qinninq Auqust 1~, 1967 317 Wallace P.ve. ll}03 Chestnut St. 129 Colonial Cir. Rt. 2,Bx.361BA,Wi1.- 913 Grace St.,Wil. 308 Hanover St. s,1003 Miller St. 2219 Wri.Ave. Rt.2,Box 185,wt1. P.O.Box 21}9,Car.Bch. 2711 Mimosa PI. 3 Colonial Dr. 81K Forest Hill Dr. 807 Marstella St. 221 Dixie Ave. 721 S. 7th St. 230 Long Leaf Acres Dr P.O.Box l}33.,Y1ri.Bch. 907 Red Cross St. 1011 N. 9th St. 215 Oak Crest Dr. Rt.z, sox 15,wi1. Rt.1,Box 307FA,Wi1. 101 E.Tenn.Ave. 617 N. Kerr Ave. 5206 Pine St. RFD 1,Box 149,Wi1. 3o5 Central Blvd. 1}16 MacRae St. RFD 1,Box 39,Wi1. Criminal: Morgan,Douglas Jennings, Newkirk,Sherman, Newkirk,5ophie W., ~ Pelland,Ed. C.,Sr., Peterson,k~.W., Pompey,Johnnie, Pugh,Frank M., Randolph,C.~S., Rippy,James Fred,Jr., Roberts,R.L., Scofield,Ear1 E., Sessoms,E.4J., Shaw,l~1. L. , . Simpkins,J,Gordon, Smith,J.A., Smith,Katie J., ~ Smith,Raymond A., Spe11,J.G., Stanley,Elisha M., Stanley,Ralph, Taylor,John, Thomas,George G., Titus,Grant, Upchurch,Charles D., Wagner,Ernest Gentry, Watson,T.W., Weyers,Emerson, .Whitehead,James D., Whitfieid,Anna B., Wilson,A,E., 23 Ivey Cir. 21q MacRae St. 517 Surry St. •Rt:1,Bx.133,Castle Hayne 32 Live Oak Ave. 1010 Wooster St. RFD 3,Box 296,U1i1. c/o ABP,Car.Beach 217 N. 18th St. Z01~. Causeway Dr. 1216 Cypress Dr. Box 713,Car,Bch. 518 Red Cross St. P.O.Bx.718,Wri.Bch. P.O.Box 37L~,h'i 1. 1l~.09 Wooster St. 3511 Worth Dr. 2508 Harrison St. RFD 1,Bx.201,Castle Hayne 3821} Halifax Rd. 5129 Market St. Rd. 2l}6 Forest Hills Dr. 822 Grace St. 306 s. 18tn st. 215 Parkwy Blvd. 91~ S. 2nd St. 527 Bonham Ave. l.~.122~ Lake Ave. 6ii wooa st. Rt. 2,Box 205-B Jurors For the Week Beqinninp Auqust 21, 1967 Beckham,Elbert, 512 Central Blvd. Brock,Wm. Amos, .16 Lane St. Brown,I.B., 4709 Long Leaf Hills Dr. Browning,John L., 35l}8 Oleander Dr. Byrd,Robt. A., 3802 Park Ave. Cailoway,James L., 1}26 Larchmont Dr. Campfield,Mary Evelyn, -119 Mercer Ave. Capps,Edward S., 2231 Oleander Dr. Cavenaugh,O.Rian, 401 Larchmont Dr. Davis,James H., 121 Vance St. Evans,A.Harris, 231 Oakcrest Dr. Evans,Edith Thomas, . 513 S. 8th St. Farrar,W.P., P.O.Box tF18,Wi1. Fowler, Buddie L., !}111~ Peachtree Ave, Green,C.F.,Jr., 135 Renovah Cir. Haines,Annie A., 5008 Oleander Dr. Hale,Lester Porter, Rt.3,Box 13L~B,Wi1. Horne,Ziipha L., 415 l~Jalnut St. Jones,Willie, H., 2511 Harrison St. Jordan,Wm. P., 514 Devon Court Hinser,Ralph E.,Jr., 433 Jennings Dr. Lewfs,Eugene, 1012 N. 8th St. Lewis,Lillie Hill, 708 Oak 5t. Lockfaw,John I., 1918 Nun St. Ludlum,H.B., 321 Pine Grove Dr. Lytle,Waiter E., 2531 Burnett Blvd. Mason,ln'm.H.,Jr., 444 Silver Lake Rd. McDonald,Harriet, 1608 Chestnut St. McKeown,J.L., 2542 Burnett Dlvd. Meloe,Morten, 318 Red Cross St. Jurors For the Week Beqinning Auqust 28, 196? Anderson,John A.,Jr., 50t} Channel Dr. Best,James Sidney, Rt.3,Box 532,Wi1. Blackman,James R., 121 Dupree Dr. Bordeaux,N.D.,Mrs. 36z7 S. Front St. Bost,Fred E., Car. Beach Bryant,Mrs. Emma H., 2102 Lake Shore Dr. Bryant,Nanning R., Rt. 2,Box 232,Wi1. IIutler,W.H., 2201 Plaza Dr. Caviness,A.C., 1306 Queen St. Collins,A.B., 705 5. 11~th St. Darden,W.H., RFD 1,Box 268,Wi1. De Angelus,Alfred R., 626 Pine Vaileya Dr. Dittmer,Gerald F., 209 S. 41 St. Dixon,H.W., 1215 Grace St. Duclos,John E., 246 T~~o Chopt Rd. Farr ior,Dan W. , 7.11} N. 8th St. Fouritain,W.L., 2111 Princess P1. Futrelle,Pansy Graetz, RFD 3,Box 190,W11. Gibson,A.F.,Jr., 605 Kenwood Ave. Godwin,Lewis Everett, 5319 Wri. Ave. Grady,James C., 216 S. 7th St. Graham,Alice, 7~7 Orange St. Graham,Fred B., 4lachovia Bk.BTr.Co. Harris,Howard E., Rt.2,Box 229,YJi1. Hines,L.Frank, Rt. 2,Box 117,UJi1. Hobbs,J. Dewey, Z911} Chestnut St. Hoilis,Garfield, 807 Wooster St. Ho11is,J.R., Rt. 2,Box 118A,Wi1. Howe,Lee Fun, 3306 Wri. Ave. Howze,J..l.,Jr., 70!} Queen St. Civil: Moore,Nyda E., l~.103 Oleander Dr. Morgan,J.W., 2328 Shirley Rd. Nixon,John, • 106 S, llth•St. O1sen,Bob G., Rt.1,Box 261,Wi1. Orrell,John A.,Jr., 5030 Heide Dr. Parsons,Ruth P., Box 299,Car. Beach Penny,Harvey Franklin, 404 rr. Kerr Ave. Phipps,Geo.L., 702 Geo. Trask Dr. Price,Thos. A.,Jr., 2701 Mimosa P1. Simmons,Walter Washington,124 Chadwick Ave. Smith,Cliff H.,Jr., P.O.Box•105,Car.Bch, Smith,Eiza E., 3819 Sylvan Dr. Smith,Harry L.,Jr., 505 Orchard Ave. Smithson,Mrs.Piarion S., ill N. 5th St. Stanford,Jonathan D., 290$ Market St. Taylor,A.V., 3525 Car. Bch. Rd. Taylor,Walker Jr., 915 Country Club Rd. Thomas,Harry F., 203 Francis•Marion Dr. Thompson,Hirby Rt. 2,Wi1. Tisinger,Royce, Rt. 1,Box 288,Castle Hayne Trundle,Albert S.,Jr., 206 Forest Hills Dr. Walker,Julia Harts, 102 5. 4th St. Ward,Ed. Earl, P,O.Box 415,Wi1. Wardenfelt,Earry S., 6$1 Castle Hayne Weeks,Martha, 806 N. 4th St. ~rlhite,B.J., Rt.1,Box 292,Wi1. Wright,Ed, B., 572 Castle Hayne Rd. Young,Isabelle McK., Car. Beach • Ctvil: Hughes,Lenvil, 220 Rutledge Dr. Jackson,Mary H., 918 S. 5th SL. Johnson,Robt. E., 612 Dawson St. Hlander,Robt. K., 239 Spruce Dr. Ni11s,H.E.,Sr., P.O. Box 187(},Wil. Morton,Herman H., 1106 Youpon Dr. Newton,C.V., 2002 Creasy Ave. Newton,James M., 15• P inecrest Ter. NeVrton,Manley C., 125 idhitman Dr, Nixon,C.W., 2113 Chestnut St. Noffsinger,Hugh G.,Jr., 1152 Country Civb Rd. Odum,James Daniel, Rt.2,Box 317D,1n~i1. Orrell,James D.,Jr., RFD 2,Box 123,1di1. Price,James A.,Jr., 1217 Azalea Dr. Sanders,Elizabeth D., Rt.2,Box 87,W11. Schwarz,Josef, Rt.1,Box 130,Castle, Sellers,Esteile P., 3912 Cherry Ave. Shaw,W.F., RFD 1,Box lOi,Castle Shepard,H.E., Rt.3,Box 550A,W31. Sims,Arville F., Rt.1,Box 215A,Castle Smith,P"rs.Madeline Cra.ig ,RFD 2,Box 136,Wi1. Smith,R.M., 4933 Oleander Dr. Stanley,Robt. D., Rt.1,Box 201,Castie Sternberger,J.E., P.O.Box 1+OS,Wi1. Thomas,Nellie Whitehead, 1~103 Wri. Ave, Thorpe,Daniel, 125 Colonial Cir. Whitaker„lennie, 1l~.20 Nun St. Williams,Robt. Earl, Rt. 1,Box LEJ.t3, Wil. Yarborough,Aubre,y F., Rt. 1,Box 129DB,Wi1. ADJOURNN~ENT - • There being no further business, N;r. Hali moved, seconded by Nr. Bo~,~den, that the meeting be ad,journed. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Ntanager Hayne Hayne Hayne Hayne