1967-07-03 Regular Meeting~~ 4 SE~ PAGE 1~~ - SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 22, 1967 Minutes of the Meeting - July 3, 1967 ASSENiBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A,M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the foilowing members present: Chairman -r. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0, Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County~Manager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. . iNVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order the Chairman requested Rev. R. C. Joyner, Pastor, Myrtle Grove Advent Christian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - . . . . , Under the Paragraph Homeowners Association the last paragraph relative to this should have the following sentence included: "Mr. McCandless replied that he had not thought to carry it to the City Council. This appeared to shed a different light on the matter." Under the Paragraph Program For 3{iwanis Club Meeting it should be corrected from two minutes to four minutes. , . . . , . Under the Paragraph Budget Presentation, Secti.on 2, "Motion for adoption was carried" should be included. , After making the above corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion was carried. . .. OFFICE~SPACE FOR DEPUTIES,WRITING WARRANTS - . . Judge Rudolph Mintz and Clerk of Superior Court James McHeithan appeared before the Board relative to space needed for warrant writing for the deputies in the Clerk of Superior Court~s office. There seemed to be some. question as to the Military Police office being relocated presently in the basement of the Court House. The Board advised Judge Mintz that it would investigate this problem and try to resolve it.as soon as possible. TRANSFER OF FUNDS, TAX DEPARTMENT - County Manager Marshall presented a request for the transfer of $300.00 from Capital Outlay in the Tax Listing Department to Travel. He stated this was a reimbursement item and would be an inter-departmental transfer.. ,Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried. . •. TRANSFER OF FUNDS, AIRPORT - . . . . County Manager Marshall presenLed a request for.transfer of funds at the Airport from the Gas and 031 Resale to Lights and Power at the County Airport. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried. . COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Mrs. J. F. Smith and three other ladies from the River Road Community Center appeared before the Board requesting certain items from Community Hospital. Dr. Hooper explained several points relative to the final disposition of the remaining property and that their request would be considered. Mrs. Smith will be advised as to the progress that is made and her list of items was tnrned over to the County Manager by common consent. . CONIMITTEE FOR DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY, JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - Dr. Hooper pointed out to the Board that it was necessary in accordance with correspondence from Attorney Alan Marshall that some person representing the County be appo3nted to a committee to work on the final disposifion of property at James Walker Hospital. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden,•for purposes of discussion, that the County Manager be appointed to the Committee to work on the disposition of the equipmenL at James Walker Hospital. After a brief discussion on this, the motion was withdrawn. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, for purposes of discussion, that County Manager...;_ Marshail.be appointed to the committee for disposal of the property at James Walker Hospital. ' Mr. Uaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for purposes of discusslon, that the County Manager be appointed to a committee to advise the Commission of the re- commendations of the committee for final action by the Board of County Commissioners. Question was cailed on the substitute motion and it was defeated by a vote of four against and one for. Question was then called on the original motion and it carried by a uote .of four for arid one against. , . PARK BENCHES, HUGH MacRAE PARK - . . . iNr. Duval appeared before the Board relative to several picnic tables at Hugh MacRae Park turning over at a recent outing by the Baptist Church and members of the Battleship Commission. He stated several people could have been hurt by the accident but to his knowledge no one was seriously in,jured. The Board advised Mr. Duval this would be investigated and corr.ec•ted as soon as possible. . APPOINTMENT OF TAX SUPERVISOR - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that W. G. Houck be appointed Tax Supervisor for New Hanover County for the next two years. Motion was carried. . PAVIPIG AROUND CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - This item wi.ll be considered in the budget when it is finalized. CIVIL SERVICE By:.common consent the County.Manager was asked to.investigate the Civil Service as it ex'ists and to make recommendations on problems that may have occurred, or might b¢ incurred, and further to check by letter with the Agricultural and Economics Department relative to an agreement with them and the County as to the hiring of personnel in accordance with th¢ County Personnel Plan. JURY COMMISSION - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery made a repor.t to the Board relative to the Jury Commission. By common consent the Clerk of 5uperior Court, James McHeithan, was asked to work up a relative cost as to what it will cost to put into operation the new Jury Commission. :IOINT PLANNING - . . k County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery made a report to the Board on a resolution pertaining to the Joint Planning Commission. ~` Minutes of the Meeting - July 3, 1967 (Continued) REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT - Mr. Vaughan discussed with the Board the school in the Brooklyn area relative to population and stated that the Board had receiyed information that the school populatlon will drop to sixty percent very shortly. By common consent it was agreed this matter will be discussed at the August meeting. HOSPITAL BILL, RICHARD E. PARHER - . Mr. Richard E. Parker appeared before the Board relative to a bill he had received from New Hanover Memorial Hospital for X-Rays he had had made recently. Dr. Hooper advised Mr~ Parker that the Board has no control over the setting of charges at the new hospital and further, that it is his understanding that due to several complaints from patients.as well as physicians the rates had been scaled down recently. He was advised to take this matter up with the Hospital ~ Administration. At this point a ten minute recess was declared by the Chairman. Meeting was reconvened. SCHOOL IMSPECTION Mr. M. H. Vaughan stated that this Board, approximately one year ago, asked the Board of Education to investigate lower building costs of schools. A general discussion on this sub,ject folloiaed, by the other Commissioners. By common consent it was agreed that the matter be discussed at the next meeting in July. RQAD PETITION - % A road petition for a portion of Hood, Greenhowe and Chalmers Drives in the Pine Valley sub-division was presented. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that it be.forwarded to the Highway Commission for their consideration. ABC PERMIT - . One ABC Permit for the Fishermen's Steel Pier at Caro.lina Beach was presented. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that it be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for investigation. Notion was carried. TAX LISTING FORN'i5 Tax Supervisor W. G. Houck presented to the Board a proposal for the tax listing forms for the coming year. Also, a letter of instructions was discussed. Several suggestions were offered as amendments to the forms and the letter by the Commissioners and it was agreed they would be incorporated in the final analysis. PROGRAM, HIWANIS CLUB - By common consent it was agreed that each Commissioner would be cailed prior to the Hiwanis Club Meeting on July 12, 1967. COMMUNITY SERVICES CONSULTANT - The general discussion relative to the Community Services Consvltant was led by Mr. Vaughan. Following the discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, for the purposes of dis- cussion, that the Board of Commissioners advise Mr. Blount~s superior in Raleigh that the County agreed to have this man to come into the community but it is desirous of having the Raleigh official appear before the Board and explain what the responsibility or responsibilities of this particular individual is in the community. Motion was carried. STATEMENT FROM BROWN, HERRING TRUCK 8 TRACTOR COMPANY - County N~nager N~rshall presented a letter which contained Truck d Tractor Company relative to the property they propose t the o2d County Home. In connection with this matter, by common the County Attorney is to advise the Attorney for Brown Herring the feelings of the Board to the effect that the County must be provision. a statement from Brown Herring ~ purchase from the County near consent, it was agreed that Truck 8 Tractor Company of protected by a repurchase PAPERS FOR ASSESSMENT APPEAL - County Manager N~arshall brought to the attention of the Board papers he had received relative to an appeai to the State Board of Assessment from Mr. John H. Burnett and also from Mrs. Pavline B. Pridgen. VACATION PAY, FORMER EMPLOYEE COUNTY AUDITOR~S OFFICE - Mr. Hall mentioned to the Board that he had been contacted by Mrs. Jessie Reaves, a former employee in the County Auditor~s office requesting that she be paid for two weeks vacation she had earned, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that if the records indicate Mrs. Reaves is entitied to this,the County Avditor be authorized to make such payment. Motion was carried. RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - By common consent the Chairman agreed to work out a report on the Recreation Advfsory Corrunittee~s work. WATER AUTHORITY MEETING - Dr. Hooper stated to the Board that the ,joint meeting with the City Council on discussing the Water Authority had been set for. Monday, July 10, 1967. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this meeting be also a,joint meeting on budgeting, if possible. Motion was carried. ~ ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting be ad~ourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marsha2l, County Manager ~ ri •~_~a JOINT MEETIVG NEW HANOVER COUNTY-CITY OF WILMINGTON BUDGET DISCUSSTON.MEETING July 11, 1967 4:00 P.M. Present from the City was Councilman C. M. Harrington, City Attorney Cicero Yow, Mayor O. O. Allsbrook, Councilman Alex Fonville, Councilman John Symmes, City Manager E. C, Brandon, Jr. The County representatives were Chairman Dr. ~oseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., Mr. M. H. Vaughan, County Manager J. E. Marshall and County Auditor Perry Shepard. The first item for discussion was the City-County joint operation of the Civil Defense. It was stated to the Group by City Manager Brandon that the City had not provided any salary adjustments in their budget for the fiscal year 1967-68. Following a rather thorough dis- cussion of this, it was agreed that the County wouid match the City budget for the Civil Defense for the ensuing fiscal year. The total budget requested by the Civil Defense was $22,009.00. County Auditor Shepard recommended that the amount of $21,208.08 be appropriated. The final budget as approved by both the City and the County was $19,208.00 with the City's share being $1},802.00 and the County~s share being $4,802.00 and the Federal share being ~9,604.00. PLANNING AND ZONING BUDGET - It was agreed by the City and the County that the Planning and Zonino Budget for the fiscal year 1967-68 would be $34,802. The County~s share would be $17,f}01.00 with the City's share being the same as the County's. PUBLIC LIBRARY BUDGET - The Public Library Budget was discussed as a part of the joint Cit -County operations. It was stated that the Libraries had requested an appropriation of $33,~82•91. County Auditor Shepard had recommended that an amount of $29,842.00 be appropriated. Due to salary adjust- ments and other items it was agreed that County Auditor Shepard work with City Manager E. C. Brandon to develop what the final budget for the Library should be. Followino this discussion with the City Manager, County Auditor Shepard determined that the final figure would be $29,934•00 and further it was agreed that all salaries in the Library would be included which covers the Bookmobile operators too. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Nr. Vaughan, that the meeting of the County Commissioners be recessed until July 17, 1967. J. E. Marshall, County Manager BUDGET DISCUSSION N~ETING Ju1y 17, 1'9b7 The meeting was reconvened at 12:00 Noon on the above date with the foliowing members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr „ .1. M. Hall, .lr.; County Manager J. E. ,Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard, This meeting followed the adjourned meeting of the County Commissioners held on July 17, 1967. The salaries in general of several different departments covered by the Merit System was discussed at this time. No decision was reached on any particular salaries and at 12:45 P.M. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be recessed for lunch. Motion was carried. Meeting was reconvened at 1:1}5 P.M. with the following present: Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Auditor Shepard; and County Manager J. E. Marshall. Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. discussed the Jury Commission members~ salaries and he felt that the amount should be $12.50 per day per man and it is estimated that the job will run three and one-half weeks, possibly longer but this is an estimate at this time. The budget for advertising and industrial development, the County Aid Budget and other items were discussed pertaininc to the Clerk of Superior Court office. This concluded the discussion on this phase of the budget. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meetina be recessed until Thursday, July 20, 1967, at 5:00 P.M. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 20, 1967 The following were present: Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Netts, Jr.; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and County Nanager J. E. Marshall. A continuation of Clerk of Superior Covrt~s salaries were held and Mr. McKeithan explained to the Board several of his ideas relating to salaries. Dr. Hooper joined the meeting. The County drainage program budget was discussed. The total requested budget for the County drainage was $1},281} and the same amount had been re- commended by County Auditor Shepard. The final budget was set by the Board at $4,221~.. The bonded debt budoet was then reviewed by the Board but this being a fixed item it was set as recommended by the County Auditor. By common consent the meeting was recessed at 7:30 P.M. for dinner. ~