1967-07-10 Regular MeetingI~ MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL AND CON~7ISSIONERS July 10, 1967 4:00 P.M. At a~oint meeting between the Board of Commissioners and the City Council there were present the following: Chairman Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, and County N~nager J. E. N~rshall. From the City, Mayor O. O. Allsbrook, Mayor Pro Tem Charles Harrington Councilmen Alex Fonville, John Symmes, City Attorney Cicero Yow, and City Manager E. C. Brandon, Jr. From the Committee of 100, Mr. Hugh Branch and Mr. Mike Brown. The meeting was called to order and the stated purpose of the meeting was to discuss the establishment of a Water Authority for all of New Hanover County. Mr. Yow explained that he and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery had been in conference about this matter and that they had been in contact with Mr. Easterling of the Local Government Commission and he had suggested that a meeting be held with the Bond Attorney from New York, City and County representatives and himself to further explore the legal aspects of the question. Following a brief discussion of this matter, Mr. Symmes moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Mayor and Chairman be authorized to appoint or act as a committee to meet with Mr. Easterling, the attorneys, and the Bond Attorney in Raleigh to further discuss this problem. Motion was carried. By common consent it was agreed that a~oint meeting be set for Tuesday, July 11, 1967 at ~:00 P.M. for the purpose of.budget discussions. - There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harr3ngton, that the meeting be ad3ourned. Motion was carried. , . J. E. Marshall, County Manager ~- BUDGET P~IINUTES BEGIN ON PAGE 1S5 Minutes of the Meeting - July 17, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr.; M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. :'farshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden was out of town. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order, and in the absence of the scheduled minister, the Chairman asked the County Manager to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the meeting of July 3, 1967 under the Paragraph Civil Service it should be corrected to read as follows: "By common consent the County Manager was asked to investigate the Civil Service as it exists and make recommendations on problems that may have occurred or might be incurred and further, to check by letter with the Aoricultural and Economics Department relative to an agreement with them and the county as to the hiring of personnel in accordance with the County Personnel Plan." Under the item headed Redevelopment Pro~ject the word "school" should be inserted just after the ~•sord '~the" and before the word "population". Under the heading Statement From Brown Herring Truck & Tractor Company the last sentence should have added to it following the word "Board" "to the effect the County must be protected by a repurchase provision." Followinc~ the above corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hali, that the minutes be approved as corrected. ~ For the minutes of the Joint Meeting of July 10, 1967 with the City Council, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. Motion was carried. COUNTY AUDITOR~S REQUEST - Requests were presented from the County Auditor relative to the closing out of t'he books for the fiscal year 1967 in order to make each department's budget balance. A11 were inter- departmental transfers with the exception of the Tax Listing Department. The transfers are as follows: To the Airport Lights and Power $506.09, Janitor~s Supplies $2.11}, Labor from Farm $87.00; from Runway Evaluation and Gas and Oil Resale $595.23. To the Auditor~s Office Bonds $58.00, Stationary and Supplies $215.26; from Repairs and N'raintenance of Equipment $27l}.26.~ To Building Inspector Telephone $38.51, Salaries $5l}.08, Travel $108.1}6; from Salary E1•ectrical Inspector $201.05. To Clerk of Superior Court Binders and Record Books $138.50. Fees Insane $10.00, Repairs and Naintenance $73.00, Telephone $l}5.71, Capital Outlay $32.75; from Salaries ~299•96. To Commissionerst Advertising $99.53~ Stationary and Supplies $127.57, Telephone ~78.59, Travel $202.1}7; from Salaries County Manager $330.OIE.and Salaries County Commissioners $178.12. To County Aid, National,Rivers and Harbors $21.31, Community Services Consultant Telephone $29.11; from Bookmobile $50.42. To Drainage Salaries $69.92; from Clothing and Boots $69.92. To County Farm Lights and Power $1$0.75, Fuel $96.84, Groceries $(}23.28, Medicine $51.78, Repairs and Maintenance $231.58; from Repairs and Replacement of Buildings $954•23• To Court House Ice $7.10, Janitorial Supplies $283.48, Salaries $50.00; from Fuel $340.58. To Jail Bedding and Linen $11.84, Janitorial Supplies $41.1~9, Repairs to Building Equipment $0.33, Telephone $10.6$, Salaries $132.53; from Groceries $100.61, Laundry $31.92, Stationary and Supplies $6.41, Cras $10.65, Clothing $11.84, Medical $35.41. To Hugh h9acRae Park Lights $96.11, Salaries $O.OI~.; from Repairs Maintenance and Equipment $96.15. To Museum Stationary and Supplies $16.28, Capital Outlay $9.82; from Travel $7.60, Telephone $10.93, Exhibit Rental $0.76, Janitorial Supplies $1.80, Salaries $0.20, Unanticipated Revenues $4.81. To Recorders Court Repairs and ~